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Show SAN FRANCISCO TRADE. BniTTAH, HQLBROOK&CO luiporten and Deal era in Stoves & Hanges, SHEETIIiO.N &T!Jj PLATE, Copper, Zluc, Sheet Lend, Wire, PC31 i'H, Load and Iron Fipo. Toola anl Machinery and tiencral HOUSE FURNISHING HARDWAKE, Embracing Plain, Jaianned, Planished and bi-imiicd Ware, Hoi. 1M4 1 1 3 Call for it la and Kui. 17 A. 1'J Davis Streets. MURPHY.GRANT&CO. Importers of American and European Staple and Fancy DBY GOODS, KAN JFitA.INCJt.SC'O, CALIFOUMA, Call the attention of tho Tnulo tn their large Ulld ColiiJ'lulu alucit of FALL AND WINTER IDHESS GOODS, Wliii-h thoy aro now receiving direct from Europuuu -Maiiulucturcrij, comj. rising in part French Mcrluos, Wuol Sallm:, Wool 1'luliU, Knimh un.l (it.rtnttii, lrUli and Freut-h Poplins, KiuprHH Clotlm, Tn mine, black and colons!. Velveteen, Alpacas, black and colored, SILKS, VELVETS, RIBBONS, ALSO a-L O "V E s , KiJ.Buok, Borlin (Ladies', Misses', Gonta') Gents' Underwear And all kinds of Gents' Furnishing Goods. " i IIn.tery,comj.lfito in all it brancliei, While UooiIh, Hand keruh left, Slilrlliig Lslnciia, 0,ullt4, wlutu mul coloroil, llumauku, bniwu loom and blrarhed, Towels, lim it, Diainr, Turkiab. Niiiiklus and Doylies, )l JSic, Klc, Ktc. THE BANK of CALIFORNIA SAN FRANCISCO. D 0. MILLS, - PRKSIDENT. W.O. RALSTON, - OASllIKR. Capital Paid Up, - 93,000,000. DRAW DIRECT AND ISSUE LETTERS of Credit on all the principal cities of there the-re World. WILMERDINa & KEUQ8G, Importers and Jobhors of ! Wines and Liquors, 214 4 216 FRONT STKEET, SAN FRANCISCO. UllANW IIOTISLi On Market, New Montgomery and Soeond Stroeu, SAW PRAIffCISCO, CV I JOHNSON & Co., Proprietors. TOBIfj, & CO., IMPORTERS OF AMERICAN, ENGLISH, FRENCH AND GKRIHAN . FANCY GOODS, Small Wares, Pocket Cutlery, Perfumery, Yankee Notions, Stationery, Dress Trimmings, White Goods, Millinery Goods, Hosiery, Linen H'dkchfs, Gents' Furnishing Goods, Ptc Cor. Sutter ami Sansoiue Sts., Jilfl SAN FRANCISCO. JXO. G. HODGE & CO., IMPORTERS Wholesale Stationers, Keep tho largest stock of Stationery, Blank BookH, School Hooks, Playing Cards, Wrap-plug Wrap-plug Papers, Twine, Pocket Cutlery, d-c, dec, On the Pacific Coojt.whlch thoyar prepared to sell either for Gold or Currency at prices that wdl offer itiJncetneat for buyer anywhere west f the Rocky Slouutattu. 327, 329 &331 SAiNSOME STREET, ralt San Francisco: WEIL & WOODLEAF, 113 Battery St.. Snn Francisco, Importers of YANKEE NOTIONS, FOKEIGX AND DOMESTIC, Cutlery. Plaving Cards. Stationary, and in particular, a fine assortment oi Mcorshaum and cheaper pipes, which wo import direct from fcuropo. my 31 locke & aromcuB, IMPORTERS OF STOVES METALS, H1SUPACTCEEI13 OF TIISTWAKE AXD DEALERS IS House Furnishing Hardware AXD Tinner's Tools and Machines; ' AUEXTS KOR Agricultural Steam BoilerSj 114 and 114 Battery Street, SAX KKAN'CISCO. James Bprtianc, John Spruaucw, C. U. Chapman. J. & J.' SPRUANCE, Importers sad Wholesale Dealers in WINES AND LIQUORS, 413 FRONT STRKET. jZ. C.M.I. CLOTHING DEPT. ! O 3Fi -A. 1ST 13 clothing AND FURNISHING DEPARTMENT, Zl. O. TLfll- I. WE ARE JUST OPENING A FULL AND MAGNIFICENT STOCK OF FRENCH, ENGLISH AND AMERICAN CassimereS SUITABLE FOR FALL JLD WLYFER USE, Which wo 6hall sell in suit or other lengths on a very Ismail margin. Gentlemen wishing to be dressed in the most fashionable fash-ionable and substantial manner, can have their selection manufactured on short notice by our omi workmen, of large experience, expe-rience, and good lit guaranteed. In addition to the above we have OPENED mi IMMENSE STOCK Of suiublo and seasonable READY-MADE CLOTHING In every variety of fabric and style. The Latest lashions in HATS MO GAPS Negligee, Dress and Under Shirts, DRAWERS, SUSPENDERS, NECK-TIES AND BOWS, HANDKERCHIEFS, Boots and Shoes, WALKING CANES, UMBRELLAS, ETC. House Furnishings, BLANKETS, Floor & Oil Cloths, MATS AND RUGS.-- WALL PAPER AND DECORATIONS.. With coin re tent workmen to attend to purchasers. pur-chasers. &2fTie Largest, Jlosi Desirable aud Comphti Stock in Utah. H. B. CLAWSOS, 1" SUPT. SEWING MACHINES. READ THIS! T 1-1 K SINGER SEWING HAGHINE Id all tba beautiful varioties SHOULD 61 m EVEEYBQDY (Jonlomplalint; tho purchase of h. Machine for family or other uao. I . At our ncwip-fltlctl up Salctroom, Second Door South of the KagleKni-porlum, KagleKni-porlum, between the lJrug an (1 Clothing Clo-thing Departments, or Z. O. M. I., will be found a Full Assortment oftlieso Admirable Sewing Machines At Pricoa to Suit Everybody. THE SINGEE SEWLNG MACHINE NEEDS NO PUFFING to commend It to the public. th following Bt 5eV. ra.-' ffES how : In 1850 these now oolobrated Machines wore first offered to tho public and in the fouryeara sucoeediDg 1,000 were sold. To-diiy To-diiy ovor that number aro wookly turned out from tho faccory, and yet this immonse gup-ply gup-ply is not citual to the demand. At the end of the year 1867, upward of 200.001 Machines were Bold, and in tho following yours, from '68 to '70, tho number had been increased to i upward of 500,000 MACHINES SOLD, One third of which were disposed of within the preceding twelve months. From tho foroRoinB itwill be soon that during dur-ing the lost threo years, tho sales have boon upward of fifty per cent more than during tho wholo of tho soventoon preyioua yours, THE PEOPLE'S VERDICT, after a score of years thorough trial Is that the; SEWING MACHINE is adaptod to all kinds of work, sowing as readily tho thickost and most stubborn material ma-terial as tho finest and most deLicato fabrics-W1r",a fabrics-W1r",a s,tltCD- that for ovonosa, perfection ana durability is unequalled. Accompanying each Machine aro printed instructions, so plain and oasy of comprehension comprehen-sion that, although we recommend customers custom-ers to take at loost one lesson from tho Operator, Op-erator, it is seldom done parch as ors seeing at a glance tho simplicity of tho Maahino and completeness of tho construction. Some of the ADVANTAGES OF THE SLIER MACHINES ABE Simplicity of oonstruoti on therefore less liability to get out of repair. Short, straight needle less liable to bend, break or skip tho stitch. Tho shuttle is carried; friotion, wear and the necessity of groaeing the raoe aro thus avoided. ! Readiness with which tho most inoxper-: inoxper-: ienced con adjust the tension of tho thread. Freedom from wear. After twonty years constant sorvico these machines have never been known to wear out. They 'are noiseless, rapid and easy in all their movement. All onr machines are adjusted and put in thorough running ordor.by competent nand. before dolivery. Purohascrs therefore haTe no trouble, but can successfully oporatowitn them at once. THE NEW BUTTON-HOLE MACHINE S aro thoroughly practioal and will perform all that we claim for them. The Improved MAfiUFACTURINa MACHINES for heavy work, aro too well known to need comment. Wo also keep in stook the uYeio Medium Noiseless MAMUFACTU3!KG MACHINES Our stock of tho Singer Sowing Machines is very es tensive, embracing every variety of finish, from tho plain Machine, mounted en black walnut table, oiled, to the elaborately elabor-ately pearled Machine, with cabinet caaoand folding cover in mottled black walnut, rose, wood, or mahogany highly polished. Every Machine is furnished with the same , completo furnituro, including tho new hammer ham-mer (sowing ii! widths) and feller and braider. brai-der. IVe guarantee our Machines to do Hemming, all widths Felling) Hemstitching, Hem-stitching, Braiding) Magic Ituffllngj Embroidering (no chain stltchj Gathering and Sewing on at same time, with or without a band, on the edge or in the center) CordlngjTuck-ingt CordlngjTuck-ingt Q.u tiling) Trimming) Binding all widths aud kinds, etc., etc., etc. Two dooys south of the Kagie Km-port Km-port um. WE DELIVER MACHINES Without Additional Charge j TO A LiLf PAKTS OK THIS CITY Ail LiinJj of Sewing Machines thoroughly Repaired on Reasonable Rea-sonable Terms. ol3 a B, CLAWSON, Supt FIRE INSURANCE. PEOPLE'S INSURANCE COMPANY OF CALIFORNIA. Cash Capital over $300,000, GOIjZJ COIN". B. W. E. JENNENS, Ageut for Salt Lake Cily Si Ogdcu. OlUce Willi Tensdelfe Co., Main St., ill2 SALT LAKE CITY Merchants' Exchange Building. Fire and Marine Insurance. CAPITAL, . $030,000. JOHN H. REDDINGTON, - Presidont. CHARLES H. STORY, . - . Secret.?;. GEO. H. HOWARD, - - Vice-President N. B. EDDY. . - - Marine Secretary. H.H. BIGELOW. . General Xmw,. H. R. MANN, Agent Tor Utah Territory, Office, under the Reading Rooms, ja26 Salt Lake City SALT LAKE BRANCH OP THE Great Western INSURANCE CO'Y, OF CHICAGO. TIIEO. P. TRACY, President C. H. B S5ETT, ) HK-VRV W. LAWRENCE). Directors CUAS, L. HAULER, j MARSHALL . CARTER, Al torueys. It. R. MASS, Mnnager. OFFICE : Under Salt Lake Reading Rooms. A Branch of this SOUND and RELIABLE RELI-ABLE $5,000,000 COMPANY Having been organized in our city, we are now ready lor business and earnestly earn-estly solicit publio patronage, guaranteeing guaran-teeing that all fire risks will bo carried at a fair rate. H. R. MANN, ail Manager. MISCELLANEOUS. " Wi. IIS, COMMISSION MERCHANT, AND GENERAL DEALER IK Utah, California aud Foreign FRUITS, AND PRODUCE, FANCY GROCERIES, C-A-ISTDIES, VEGETABLES, POULTRY, And all kinds of SEEDS. A fine supply of CANNED FRUITS. Orders from the Mines and Country Towns solicited, whioh will receive prompt attention. EAST TEMPLE STREET, 1 Opposite Bishop HuntePs7 SALT LAKE CITY. s30 RAILROAD SHOPS. A. HOPPER & CO., Second South Street, Half Block East Revere House, SALT LAKE CITY. WACOM CARRIAGE WORK, Of all Descriptions. BLAGKSMITHING In all its Branches. COACH PALWIXG AND CARRIAGE PAINTING A SPECIALTY. COACH AND CARRIAGE TRIMMING. Horse Shoeing ! Iu a Style to suit all. A. HOPPER. I. B. ZABRIfirlll. ft I SAW FRANCISCO TRADE, LAZARD FRERES, Importers and Jobbers of i'orcirn and lo-iiK'iuc lo-iiK'iuc fancy and St:ijle DRY GOODS. Depot of Goods Manufactured at the Mission and Pacific Mills, Consolidated. 535 fc 337 Market St., San Fran. J"?' Paris: 2S Rue Pe L'Kchi q u i e r. EINSTEIN BROS. & CO., Importers and Manufacturer? of BOOTS AUD SHOES OF EVERY STYLE AND KIND. 113, IIS, and 117 Plna Street, PAN FRANCISCO. Our Home-made Goods are umqualed by any, Samples at Mr. Goodiiiud's Olfice, oA S-lLT LAKE CITY. E. MARTIN & CO. Wholesale Lipr Dealers, 08 Front Street, San FruutUco. Proprietors of MILLER'S EXTRA OLD BOURUOX And solo nconts for J. F. CUTTER'S EXTR OLD 83UH80N WHISKIES Con. tantly on hand, a Tull assortment of i all tho ! Standard Brands of WUUkleti, Kino Ui-andics,' Foreign and Domeullc Win?, mS UlKtri, Cordials, . WEIL Si CO.. IMrOKTKKR ny Cigars and Tobacco Proprietor of tho HAVANA CIQAR MANUFACTORY aai, 333 and 335- Front St., Southwest corner Front & Sftoniiuooto Sta.. J. E VEHBIXtsr A: CO., COMMISSION MERCHANTS 4H Clay St., San Francisco, DKALKUS IM UltEGOiV PRODUCE. At constantly in reoipt of Orogoii Hams, Bncoo LnrO, Salmon, Ac. Starch, of onr owu and K.isiaru lunnattwturo always on hand. S. P. Holden. j. Moorhead. S. P. HOLDEN & CO.. IS PORTERS OP F0KE1GN DRY GOODS, l inens, Dross Goods, Hosiery, S o. 28 & 30 13 AN SO ME ST. London ; 27 Lcndcnhall St., E.C o5 HEAD QUARTERS FOB BOOTS & SHOES, HOBART, WOOD & CO., 15 Sansome St., San Francisco. JOHNSON, WOOD & RUST. S7 Pearl St., Doston, Mass,, MANUFACTURERS AND WHOLESALEDEALEBS. ORDEKS PROMPTLY FILLED. nug! A. J. GRIFFITH, Dealer in ggSS all kinds of SALMON AND HERRINGS, la3 W.hl,.Mi p ft,.,,. All klmlfl of DrLud, Suiukud mid i'lL Iwl I'iaL constantly on hand. jj J. C. MEBBILH it T" COMMISSION MERCHANTS 30 and 306 California St., San Francisco, - - California, Particular attontion paid to tho fi Ulna; of orders for every description ol merchandise, p23 Sale of Orgs, .r., &.. CHENESY, SOUTHER & CO,, Importers and Jobbers of FOREIGN AXD DOMESTIC BRANDiES, WINES, AND LiaUOIlS, j"1 C'"y Str"t' Sfln Fi-.nclsco. A. C. DIETZ & CO. IMPORTERS OF PAINTS, OILS, Vamishesand Lamps, No. 224 FRONT STKEET, BeLSacrainoutoiClifumia, San FrancUco Michael Kase. t. N. Wiid. WAND, KANE & CO., (Successors toll uiitcr, Wniid A Co.) Importers and Wholesale Dealers in HES 1D LIOUORS. Proprietors of Iluntcr's California Wheat "VTliijsitoy. Also Asonts for Joseph S. Finch's celebrated Pennsylvania RYE WHISKEY. B07 nml 003 Front St., near Jackson, 3i SAN FRAAXISCO. . C. 30WUSO &CO., 104 and 106 FRONT STREET, SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. Offer tlte finest and most complete stock on tlie Pacific coast. Kefer to II. B. CLAWSON, Sup't of H. SHRIKR. 6an FrancUco. a- i1 J. BAUM & CO., Importers and Manufacturers of MEN'S & BOY'S CLOTHING 333 Sansome St., San Francisco. 5 Murray St., New York. re MENAGERIE. Oi'po.-ite the eotrance to the Tabernacle. JOHN W. YOUiVG, - Prop. AdiiiiHsiou, 50 cts. Chiltlieu, 10 " Open from U a. hi. to 0 p.m. Native Minerals, Petrllactlons, Cou-crcilena Cou-crcilena and Cryatallxntlons. Home Prwlucts, .Y.ifica ttnd I'orel'jn Curiosities, Cu-riosities, A c. Couijiound Klcctro-MaUL'tic Apparatus, Appa-ratus, A;c. Prof. J. L. BARFOOT, manager. n- Schools and Families by private ar-raniemenu ar-raniemenu admitted at reduced rales. ' JAMES HAGUE, Jun. J. H. HAGUE. GEO fin . " . "AURGK HAGUE. Big G-un Store; HAGUE "BROTHERS L.ATK JAMKS HAGUE, ' Importora nurl Donloris in GUIS, PISTOLS, Saddles, Harness AND WHIPS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. REPAIRS NEATLY EXECUTED. East Temple Street, Salt Lake City, Z. C. 1. 1. BOOT AND SHOE Depui-tmeut, nt tlio sin ol SaiE BIC3r BOOT " Every style and rjualitr of Boots and Shoes WAlli TO OllDElt, satislac-don satislac-don guaranteed. ! ALWAYS ON HAND A LABGE AND CHOICE STOCK OP HOME-MADE imported BOOTS AID SHOES A FULL ASSORTMENT OF Shoe Findings,- Horse Collars and all kinds ol Leather H. R. ULAWSON, Sdpkriktkndknt, HEW YORK TRACE. ROBERTS, READ & CO., Munufuotarerfl and Jobbers of 371 BROADWAY, NEW YORK. Juj-m C. A. Longatreet. JohB Sedgwick. tQMSSTREET & SEDGWICK Manufacturer! of and Wholesale Dealers in EVEN'S & BOYS' CLOTHING. 466 . 468 Broadway, New York. &2A HENDERSON, JUSTICE & Co Successors to Griffon, Henderson k Co., Ill PORTS KS AND JOBBERS OP FURNISHING GOODS. ETC., U8 A 5U0 BROADWAY, Opposite St. Nicholas Hotel, H Now York. L. Ni. BATES & CO., 451 ifc 453 Broadway, NEW YORK, IMPORTERS AND JOBBERS 1.1 Fancy Dry Goods, HOSIERY, WHITE GOODS, WOOLENS, SHAWLS, YANKEE NOTIONS, &e. J. H. BULGER. Jul! FELIX CAMPBELL, 79 John St, New York, Manufacturer of and Dealer in "Wrought, Cast and Galvanized ajBi.reaT jk a b sg Aud every variety of fittings for the same. ml7 The Great Equivalent Tho world may bo salely challenged to produce o perfect per-fect a simulation of anything in nature as Tarrant's Seltzer Aperient Ib of its original, the Soltier Spring of Ger-tnany. Ger-tnany. Tho Aperient, based on a correct analysis ot tho Seltzer Water. 'is even superior supe-rior to the manufacture of Nature herself, because it contains all tho active medicinal I'roperticB of tho spring, unalloyed by any of tho inert and uselefs particles found in all mineral fountains. The tOLuino article beinn secured, you have tho Soltier Water ol Luropo, pun6cd and perfected, and probably prob-ably tho best, the most genial cathartic and antibillious preparation on the face of the earth. Sold by all Druggists. CHICAGO TRADE. page, mco. & CO., Importers and Dealers Id LEATHER AND FINDINGS SO Lake Street, 3gffi- fill M. D. WELLS &, CO,, Manufacturers of and Wholesale Dealer, in Boots and Shoes, 114 ar, 110 Wabash Ave, Chicago. M. D. Wells, H. J. Maefarland, R. Benedict, m21 S, P. Molntjrt. DIEBOLD & KIENZLE, Successors to Die bo 14, Bahmann k Oon CKLEBEATED CINCINNATI FIRE AND BURGLAR PROOF And Sargent's Magnetic and Automatie Bank: JH. mZ BV aa . PRATT & COVERT, General Agantt 86 Washington St., Chicago. U. B. CLAWSON, Supt. Z. C. M. I. Agent for Utah Territory. BKIGG8 HOUSE B. II, Skinner. Proprietor. Corner Wells and rjj 11 i i a Randolph Streets, l-rllGAGU. This House is centrally located, well fur alBhed. and contains 2ou Rooms. d2S CHASE, HANFCRD & CO,, 51 South Water St., CHICAGO, m Headquarters for Oils, Paints, Glass, 4c, Manufacturers of tho celobrated WILSON OIL, TANK. dis VAN SOEAACK, STEVENSON & REID, WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS Dealers In PAIST3, VARNISHES, GILS, DYE STUFFS, BRUSHES, Window Glass, Glassware Patent Medioinoa, &o., &c 00, 03 A. 04 Lake St., cor. Dear be r With a large experience in the Territoril trade, we feel sure of giving satisfaction io quality, prioes and packing. w Lake Shore Oil Works. MAXWELL, WHEELER & CO., Manufacturers of Knglne, Signal, Tallow, Lard sad WOOL OILS. Dealers in Headlight Carbon, "While Elephant, Seal and Sperm Oil. A genu for the sate of PRATT'S ASTRAL OIL. Agents of lbs Watt Virginia Oil and Oil UtA HUXC7ACTCTUM OF EXCELSIOR CAR, ROOF AND IRON PAW For Tin and Eblugle Boob, Bridge Tiaiben, c- Faetory, CHICAGO. Offltt. 383 k Sti Illinois St.. 108 S. Water Sutil BENEDICT, HALL & CO., MANL'FACTUKEBS AND WHOLESALE DEALERS IN Boots and Shoes, HAVE REMOVED TO JVos. 134 and 136 filtAJD STltEtl One Block Eaat'ol Broadway, t ) NEW YORK. |