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Show IU vK3'uu seen t!i" St rat Fn r collar? Derby has ibem, Aliun-st., near corof Is: douih-6- s' Or-TERS- California Iran-planted and shell oysters received fn?h daily at the "Grand Kestnurnnt. Booth's fresh . ovteri in every style. Open dny and rizrit, 6" Karie Business Chance. For sale, the California Store, Main street, with lot twenty-five- front, a hundred and (iity-flve feet deep. Apply to K. li. Saoebridge. on tho premises, or at tho Herald oitico. e'-l Light Spring Wagons, suiLiblo for (rrocers and provision doiilers; just tho thinfr for running around town delivering deliver-ing goods. adv Cl'ttix(. Ni Cjj's CMifornri Canned i'ruiu and .lollies nro tho be.-t in tlio .iriricut. A -It vo.ir Ljmcer for tliom. Express Wagons for 5nlo at the I'jjneil House- yard. Warranted a ti.-at-class article. Timber and workmanship work-manship guaranteed, adv Furniture, Crockery, Glass and Silrrnraro, vtc. Tlio Inrtfust block WUSt of CImchro tit the Crystal Pnhice. auglo BA.RR ATT CO Co. Persons who are Bald, or who are troubled with tiii.v iiair, should see mo at Culdor Bro's Book Store. B12 C. W. Stayner, Agent. The Cheapest and Best House to buy Furniture is tit Brunton'u furniture Warehouse, 3d South street. Spring1 Mat traces a specialty. aug2 Diamond Spbinq "Wagons, suitable for Ismily carriages, good timber, well ironed and fir.-t-cla-3 workmanship, FOB SALE CHEAP, at the Council House yard. adv Peaches. We aro prepared to purchase pur-chase any quality of woll dried PKACHtS, for which wo will pay in cash tho highest price paid in this market. To those who have from 500 to 1 UOO lb?., wo can oiler special inducement induce-ment through our Colorado and Nebraska Ne-braska connections. Kiaos, Lkchtenberq &, Co., si-" Alain Street. Prospectors should examine the STUUEBAKEUSi'lUNG WAGONS. :it tho Council liouso Yard, boforo purchasing pur-chasing elsewhere; they aro just what they w.int. adv Studebaker SPRING WAGONS. Timber and workmanship warranted. For salo cheap at tho Council House yard. adv There are messages at the Deseret telegraph office for Samuel Cooney and Geo. A Sattarleo. Dried Peaches. We respectful ly call attention to the advantage! of drying the surplus stock of PEACH ES. We shall give tho highest prico for clean, well dried fruit, at our Provision Department, back of Emporium Empo-rium Buildings. aug4 J. B. CLAW50N, SupL Proclamation to tue Public. 1 do heroby issue this, ray Proclamation, I to tho traveling publ ie : Purtte3 viaitiiis Salt Lake City and .going oast on the U.P.K.lt., will rind it to their advantage to leave Salt Lako City on the ovoning train and remain over at Ogdon at night, thereby having hav-ing a good night's rest, and so he fresh for travel at b o'clock a.m., when the daily express train loavos this depot. At tho Ogdun House- wo otlor as good accommodations ac-commodations as any house wost of Omaha. Freo busses at every train to and from tho depot, adv JoilN AIaiion, Proprietor. THEATRE. Change of Time. Commeneinft with tho engagement of Mrs. Lautlor, the doore will thereafter bo opoa at 7 o'clock and performance per-formance will begin at 7..1J. SIXTH NIG H T OF TUB FALL AUD f INTER SEASON. Tho Favorite Songstress, MRS. E. F. THOMAS. Friday Evening, Sept. 23, 71, Performance will commonco with tho Great Drama, in i Acts, entitled NEVER TOO LATE TO JkL END! Bonnie Bessie r.ee." Mrs. Ei F. THOMAS, To oonclndo with thd laughable farce entitled, LARRLXS' LOVE LETTERS Monday, Sep. 85, first appearance In thli city of the distinguished tra-glo tra-glo artist, Mrs. F. W. LASDBK, (Je.in Davenport). FAUST'S HALL! Second South St. THE GREAT CARROLL FAMILY ENTERTAINMENT. Opening Night, Friday, Sep. 22, With a Projromra of unusual ability. Mr. R. CARROLL, The Irih. Dutch and Seero Comedian of the profession, and the' soooest Dncor in tho countir, Whose Father Kould Charcoal.' littlTTdtok, THE JLVEML.E WOSUKR1 Singer, Dancer and Dialect Actor. MASTEOEiVME, The roungcat Character Siajer extant. maste.r"eddie, The Original Iojin Rubber Jack. ORCHESTRA Under the fnperxision of C1IARLKS W. I-ILL.Y. Amission, - - - 50c. Reserved Seats, - - l.OO. Doors orcn at 7 o'clock; performance to Commence at a quarter to S. Seats eured 3t Salt Lake Hone.Colnrdo Uouco aLd At Daynei A Cos Mumc store. CARROLL F Ami MATINEE 0 n S AT T T R T V Y . f -1 2T, at 2 p.m.. for Laa:s ati children. rUno u-eJ ' -t entertainment frvrnDATfiW ii Co s Music Store j NEW ADVERTISEMENTS, j To the Ladies ! Mrs. WILKINSON East Temple Street, Wlshea to Inform ber friends and patron that she will open' os Saturday, the S3rd lnsi A splendid stock of MILLINERY DRESS GOODS, Consisting of Ladies' and Misses' Hats, Turbans, Feathers, Flowers, Ribbons, Satins, Vel-rcts, Empress and Sedan Cloths, PLAID MOHAIRS, Japanese Silks aud Parisiennes, MERINOS, ALPACAS, ' ETC., EXPRESSLY SELECTED TO SUPPLY THIS MARKET. s23 States Corn 2 Cts. per lb. OATS, BARLEY, FLOUR, ETC., IX PROPORTION, At GEO. H. KNOWLDt'.N'S. 75 Sacks Calhoun XXX, Grand Island and other States Brands of PDOUR For Sale. ugq Administrators' Notice, NOTICE is heroby given by ths nnder-signed, nnder-signed, du'y appointed Administrators on the 63 late of Will mm Salisbury, deceased, to all persons having Claim! against said estate, to make the same known without delay; aud all persons knowing taeuisclroi 10 be indebted to said estate are hereby notified no-tified to come forward and settle the same immediately. F. A. MITCTIELL, J. U. MAlIiEitf, Administrators on the estate ( f William Salisbury, dtcaisai. Sopt. 21st, 1STI. s23 HO! FOli CONFERENCE! TAYLOR & CUTLER Have just ro;oivod a new Choice poivder ja Cheaper than ever sold in this Territory. Coffee, Sugar, Lye, Etc. DRESS GOODS, DRESS FLANNELS, SHAWLS, MERINOS, DELAINES, Etc, HATS, CAPS, BOOTS, SHOES. A largo variety of o Xi o c k: s To be sold cheaper than the cheapest. Store Opposite Salt Lake House. UTAH CENTRAL - It VILIlO Ai). PIONEER LINE OF UTAH. On and after Monday, July 17, 1871. lally Trains Leave Salt Lake City at 5 a.m. and 2:45 p.m. Arrive at Ogdon 7 a. m. and 4: p. m. Leave Ogdan at 8 a. m. and 5:30 p. m. Arrive at Salt Lake City 10 a.m. and i:30 p,m In addition to the aboto Will ran DAILY, SUNDAYS EXCEPTED Leaving Salt Lake City at 5.30 p.m., and Ogden at 5 a.m. Fare from Salt Lake City to Paw'ger Mixed - " - ' g ! P.-fnineton - 1 0 ' K?ril"i - - Hi 0,1 - - " 2W li0 Fare from Ogden to S;t ----- 15 2S S?r."!l. - - - 5g Woods Crops - ; Salt Lake City - - 2 1 M Paisenfers will pleaae Purcha-i thlr Ticket at U Offlcca. Fifty CwitJ additional win be charred wbei the fare is ooliecled on U) tram, Ftr all infennatba ooncernin freirht 01 pauace, apply to D. O. CALDKR, General Treigat and Ticket A'L i JOHN SHARP, SUPERINTENDENT. BUILDING LOT FOR SALE, WfJi fenced, rlantwl Hh choice fruit, enn tair.ir.a- cc hundred rods, and wv.bin ikorl dliur.ee of the baiae pan of tneeitj. AH.lI fct Uo"iiarfctd ' office U Z. C. M. I. COLUMN. Z. C. M. I. Wholesale i ;DRY GOODS DEP'T Up Stairs, Emporium Building A fnlL. first -class eteck ot STAPLE DRY GOODS, AOTIOAS, BOOTS and SHOES AT LOW PRICES. Wholesale buyers and Co-operative Dealers please inspect. GROCERY-HARDWARE DEPARTMENT, CONSTITUTION BUILDINGS, Purohmera oaa here God An Immense Stock AND IN EACH BMNCH AGREATVARIEIV. IMPLEMENTS, TOOLS AND ftiaCHINERY ALL ON THE PREMISES. Miners Supplies a Specially W" FIRST-CLASS FITTERS AND WORKMF.S TO FII,L ALL ORDERS PROMPTLY, CLOTHING DEP'T. HOM,i-MADE AND IMPORTED .MANUFACTURED V'ROM HOME-MADE, FRENCH, GKRMAS, ENGLISH and AMERICAN! FABRICS Fine Cassimeres, and Cloths Trimmings On hand, for Gentlemen ordering their own. Retail Departm'nt, EMPORIUM BUILDINGS, THE FINEST DISPLAY AND ASSORTMENT OF GOODS. WE CUT IN ANY LENGTHS AT A SMALL ADVANCE ON WHOLESALE. This ia the Dopartment for Families. DRUG DEP'T. Fancy and Staple Drugs, PATEST MEDICINES, LIQUORS IN GREAT VARIETY ENGLISH ALE ASD PORTER, AVERILL PAI3T WRITE LEAD, OIL", COLORS GL ASA. ETC. PrivcrrptinnM from Phtic'tni will hnv ijeinl aflniin. II. B. t'LAWtiO., Hnpt. . HARDWARE. BuytlieBest! i Ithe best ABE THE CHEAPEST! STOVES HARDWARE ! TIXAEE! Closing out Cheap To make room for FALL STOCK! SENSENET& CO Opposlis W. F. & Ca's Office, SALT LAKE CITY Tin, Copper and Shoot Iron Work Done to Order. Agents for the patent Nickel-Plated Revolving ' SMOOTHING IltOX SOMETHING NEW. LOOK OUT FOR TUB Grand Opening OF THE Lamp stord i j ON MONDAY, OCT. 2nd NEW STORE! NEW GOODS Half-a-block West of the Eagle Emporium. We take this opportunity to return) thanks to our many iiiitrona lor tiieir liberal patronftRe in tlio past, truHinp; by strict attention and economy in business to warrant a continuation of tho tamo. Wo havo Eit ft groat expense erected b building adapted for tbo business, and have bcon appointed by the manufacturers manufactu-rers SOLE AGENTS for this Territory for the Non-Explosive Fluid, Best Quality ot Gasoline, And alt (he most Improved Patents In Light OU and Cnnl OU Goods. 0r com )let arranireni'inl nilli tlio refiner.' re-finer.' cf Cn Uil, dosliiiR wuli Hie huuiulHC furors in every in mice, ship inn in ii'i Ik l 1 he l weft ruled and miikiiiK ti Sn.-ciiilty n! this bupin'FF. wnrrunt us id Ik-ins Faiif'i'EO t kul nn can sui'ly the ieui)o ol Luis itrri-lory itrri-lory with BETTER DUALITY OF LAMPS AND LIGHT AT LOWER RATES Than ever offered in thin luurkil before We bnve a large snl oouii'lete stock of all BtjlM Of Chandelleri, Pendants, Hall LI glit, UraeketK, Stand Lamps, Hand Lamps, Street Lamp, Reflector) Lanterns, Railroad Lanterns, Gn Generating llu rners, P result re Itnrnert, Cop) I ii n Itnrnrri, " Light Oil Burners, Cos) Oil Ilnrncrk, Argand Burners. All nrlei of Chimneys, Porcelain Shades. Glas3 Globes, Paper Shades, Reflectors. ! VAPOR CAS STOVES,1 ALL ST 7 1. IS. Call and examine our stock aid prices. WHOLESALE ANO RETAIL. j Or-l Jelirere-1 V sll rr" f :h eltr ' free ol rbsree. ffctr.ilte r tj ri . ied wild fluid 1 r,r r.il ir houfrs. lajruUrlj. Itfcn&K their sd'lres'. E. REESE & CO., Hair.a-Mloek trest 'of Kagl Kns-I Kns-I perms. SAN FRANCISCO TRADER THE GREAT BLOOD PURIFIER. W'v M -' ' V 13 THE I GREAT CaXIFORNIA j VEGETABLE BLOOD PURIFIER. nlC.U IN TllK S1KKRA N1-VA.DA Mouniains. iu tt e won.ierful Slatf ( I' .htvinus, crow. an herb K'lif knon li"1 ihp In.iinnsss bi sl-.vute .Mir,- lor KKKI M A-t A-t L M . tikVr, -NK( KU.vilA. and m11 tint- o t" i'i e' b lo J. '.v-i ' ii o ' h ' t"l e If ; ' "hrVii la . to l'ch: us i irt'Ji", H-.'.,i o:' th:-i'.;eiii hcrh hn. c--.uih-.yi;iJ.- I :'!v!U VMA, a ire.-rition ire.-rition lor I'KKMAN KNT CL KU of I Scrofula, Salt Khtum, and all Krnp. live and Ciitaitcoun Diseases. liivc imiv.r.iiiiip sn.i rpr:n.iuent reliof in PPr.l'.lA. Klt.-.lPi:i..AS. Uuik Worm. Tunu.rf. Hoi:-. S.-U HeaJs. I :.-er? and Sori.-; oraii irotu iho selcai a l iriTi of oiorcurial direiu-e. IT IS PURLY VrGETABLt, Tt is lliercftTf re;ul'arly suiishle for ue by fom.iK-j nrA chil.iien s a BLUJU 1'l'KU FIEK and Kli.NoVAl'OK. .MOTHERS Who wish to fni.l a wp.lv'ind rvulir'y n.isp:.,i to thf ourcc: Ul Mt'LS an.l hlil'l-T1UNS hlil'l-T1UNS id their cl.iiren. wll fin.i k fl sniurc c-urein VLKUa SAMA. l'orsle everywhere. RKDINCTON, 1LOSTETTKR . CO. Agents, 549 and sal Market St., San Francisco. REDINGTON, KOSTETTER & CO. I m porters and Jobber of FOHK1GN ANO HOMKST1C DRIKS A.D CHEMICALS, Fine i:sen(l il OIU, Cuius, ltouts, Keedii, h'loiviTS, Spoilgn, SMin, l'oiuadfH, &c, And all other PtnT'los conneclej with lb Wholesale and Hi? tail Drue Iljinne-'i. Constantly in reoeij't. by liircot Inn'orlstion. of Kuropoun aud A.-t:uio i rodneta. Exclusive Agents for Quicksilver, Uofle'tcr'e Hitler, Drukr's l'lnuition VlitUr.s Wulf - Schi-i.l-nn S -hinrps, Nfiv.h b I'almotiury jrup. And all tho le.iJind Proprieiry Meilioinei both AiuurU'-m und Kuroi'can. Orders Promptlr and Carofally Exoouu J. Noh. 5'iO nud 531 Market Street, lMwecn First andSeo.ind, San Francisco, California. my .-1 ' KrtTABLlHHKD IK Si2, ARMES & I' ALL AM, Imfo-lors, Juhberj nnd (lAMTACTt'UKUS OP . WoodlWillowWare BltWMS, PAt I.P.Trns. CIM-HN-i. HIUKH LS, li K l ; i TWINKS I uun ni: MA'ltlJIKS, STA TUiNI'ltV I'AI'I li rsAiiS, ciAi'm i' k i Mi i us Kl'.ATUCK lH'STI'liS v-n-1NO 1'AL'K 1.1,, TI N PINS AND llAI.I.", AND Q i;N Kit A Li House Furnisl.ir.!? (oods. DlUKcr lMPnKTfr.s1,riiASKi:'ix vho.m LHA LIN 1 ) UI'.ltMAN AM KKKNCJl MAM' F.CH'Ki;ilS. ; AO USTB VOK TItK 0AI.R OP IS. V. Prrciif.il.) Miili-fi dminuivV MnleheP, A in er ion n , ft and, Twine Liiiluj 'f '1 w nif", iHi..-tnii Khu M ill.s' Ininin. I .I.C. Conroy X r,. Ki-liii,K Tickle, I HollillCviirlh A Wlillnry'c Unfit, Sliorm ni'f 1 in tT.i ved Clnlli"N t iiicm. U. Jv t)riivuld X i-u.'f Kcntbor Duslurn. ! F. AIcLiiushliu's liruxhfs, Our tlofV 1 thf lnrKet on tlio PHeifie i Cowl, nnd our fnnlilii-s llir iiwiimfaeturinn ' and imiKiriintc eurttlu us to eiU ul lowcL markul price, M-BKND FOR CATALOOUB. Not, !el3 . 41? Kcrnmcis Mtreet, HAN FHANCISCO. IRON WORKS, CHICAGO, ILL., Mimuli.1 lutcrl of PORTABLE & STATIONARY Engines, B:LoYi;t:.-:. And M'tchinrry fur Smelting Furnaces Contrarits vtk'lc for building I'urna-ecu I'urna-ecu ol' Utah Fire Stone. Including MiitLintry, kc.t h;1 up in coinplftB running otiJt. flererencesKareka Mlnln(c o rn -puny, Malt Lakp -Hyi I'lah Kmelt-Ins; Kmelt-Ins; Comnri Ttntlc. Addr'A J. C. Jtirh'irds, nqr, BATIISB ATIIS ! AVurm S'rinur JIalh ! Prlvai and Pint- ; TvrW -1 1 l1 r .-j- t. t- - l.nl.llr Bl ul? I ktwu lbl II u uwlw U- -u-.rt 0,..m. i B t. M'i' " ' li'-'",- ily frrr,..l4 Bill.i - l-:4 ittsi.t.M.M s AHPiOLU. I SIT |