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Show it; still we want the "weary and heavy laden" to have fat pickings and stop "hollering." We know there is something in this "hollering business;" people always al-ways "holler," when they wish to draw attention somewhere el;e; for when tho attention is directed another way, the time has appropriately arrived, ar-rived, to move o'f with the baggage. So if these missionaries who come here, it seems, to hold office and preach, will stop "hollering" on subjects sub-jects they have not been educated to deal with, let the Latter-day Saints alone, and consider that other men aud women have a right to live and breathe under the constitution of the United States as well as themselves, then there would be very little trouble in factj none at all! Thus far they have failed aud most signally failed in every i agressivc step thoy have attempted;) and if the courts would recollect they j are not to make the law and administer adminis-ter it too, there would be pc:u-e in our very quiet family. j Again, a servant i not a master; when the tower of this land is actually i whittled down to a point, it will be; fully established that there is but one master a happy and a uuiuU people-' The law and all the lackeys in Christendom, Chris-tendom, cannot take away the sovereignty sover-eignty of the People! And the people will never pais laws to crush Utah. It is full time somebody was going to school to Uarn a lesion or two; they cannot uajli "the poor, ignorant ig-norant Mormons!" FOl'XD. 'THE KEY OF A SAFE. THE 0 WSER I can bave ii by applying at tne IIebalu Uffioe. LOST. ON MONDAY. A LADV 3 GOLD VIN. SUP-po;ed SUP-po;ed to be on M:iin utreeC. The finder will be liberally Towarded by leaving it at tbe onice of I. C. Bateman Co. sl9 TO LEASL ONE OF Tilfi 'BEST lU'SISESS LOTS in this city for a term oi years. Inquire at this Office. FOR BEST. f-pUKLTPER STORVOP THE CALIFORNIA 1 Salcon. Commercial Slroet, -juy29 WATED. a GIRL TO DO OENERMj HOl'SE-J HOl'SE-J work, or to tulto care of children. Inquire In-quire at the residence of C. F. Smith, OTPO-sito OTPO-sito the TowiiBend House. eZi A PRACTICAL POWER-LOOM BOSS Weaver. Address B. J. lie bald Ollicc. KSTItAYS. CAME into m? lot. fxx East bench, on Friday Fri-day last. Sept. 20th. two bay chesnut boracfl. marked with white on the heel, 0 on tho left shoulder and 0 U on loft thigh. Theownercan havo thera bp applying to Jamos Fcnnioiore, at C. R. Savage's Photographic Photo-graphic Gallery, and paying espouses. CONVEYANCER. Deeds, Mortgages, Couti-aeta nd all klndi of Legal Instruments Instru-ments drawn. MIMXG AND OTHER COMPANIES COM-PANIES iitairiiomletl male,- the LAW'S OF VTA II. Oflioe, E;i8L Teuiulo Street, over U. W. Davis' fitoro !-1 ST. MARK SCHOOLS. ST. MARK'S GRAMMAR SCHOOL For Girls and Boyf, 3d South St., near Kaat Temple St. ST. MARK'S SCHOOL For Girle. St. MARK'S CHU11CH, 1st Souta Stf HO FOR THE LADY OF THE LAKE!' Uutil further notice the Steamer "lady of ilieljatee" Will make PLEASES TR5FS, EVERY DAY, (Sundays oxooptod.) At 10 a. in. and 2 p. m,. running down lo Pettit'9, remaining tbcro nbout one hour, and return at 1 p. m. and o p. m. Fare for the Round Trip.Sf .50. Including Carriage Fare, Liberal Discount lo Families. Carriages will coll daily at tho principal hotels to take passengers to apd from toe Steamor. Parties contemplating an escursionshould make arransemonta the day previous and , procure tiekct3 at tho office of J. W, loanR. ' Refreshments can be obtained on Board. aug 27 MEATS! MEATS!! MEATS!!! j Jennings & Paul, ; Stall No. 7, NEW ill EAT MARKET, Koeptlio choicest supply of BEEF, MUTTON, VEAL, PORK, And overytbing in ineir line which the market affords. Order and delivery wagon will; deliver meats free In any part of the j city. Orders itiven at any time duriux market hpura will bo promptly filled whon desired. A No. 1Fire Brick. SCOTT, DUNHAM & CO. A RE receiving by the ear-load an extra J. quality of Fire Brick, which will be sola in small or large quantities- They havo boen used in Colorado and olse-whero olse-whero for years and are eiiual in every re-speot re-speot tg the best English briok. EIOO?EU'SI DEEP WELL IP TT1VI3P "TEVER gota out of order, and is cheaper . XN than any otbur lirst-oladfl pump of enual c,iciiy. Invaluable for sprinkling grounds, strut is and xor we purposes. IJOSE from to Hi inciu SCOTT, DUNHAM & CO., c:15 AGESTS A CHOICE EOT STATES FLOUR IOE SALE EY II. WALLACE. MISCELLANEOUS. EWMUIILL TUNNEL AND MINING COMPANY. 'TBF STOCK BOOKS of the Emma Hill 1 Tnnoel and Mining Company re now opea in Reid'i Building, and a limited nttm-berof nttm-berof unaiBeasable shares for ?a!e. 1 Tie Emma Hill Tonne! and Mininf Com-ipaaywaJ Com-ipaaywaJ located April I7. incorporated Auiujt 14. 1S1. and has the mo flittering pnpeeis of any mine in Little Cotton woo a. Yor nartieuUrs inquire of W S. WOODHULL. Vtci Pars.. Raid's Building, Or JAS. A. MURPHY. Pitca kt a rt , augJl Reid'i Building. C0AL!COAL! Having purchased tile Springs Coal Mine We are prepa-rt to aupuly thlf Jtikilj celebrated WEBER COAL by cir load or retail. Depot at U. C. K. ti. Ym d. Ofllcci Exchange and Heading llooma. BATEMAN & BUEL. augS W. II. U1RD, Agent. MUSICALTUITION. Professor John TullldRe, formerly one ol the conductors of tho York Philharmonic Philhar-monic Sooiety's ConcorU, and the formalor ofeoviral similar institutions in hnc land, hiivinf decided to make his future reaidenco in ali Lane City, is desirous of teaching the following branches of musical education : Private Vocal Reading Lea- em, 3 In the Quarter 3- OrKRii, ' " " " " l5,u0 Votcc Training and FinUh- lug Lci.oni, 9 In the Hr. 91. 00 Ilnrmoiiy, Counterpoint, llli y tli m aud Comuonltlnn Let on a, 94 ln.the Quarter. 30.00 Onf half to bo paid in advance. Enveloped appli-ations. sont to bux No. 270, Post Ofheo. and at this Uffico, will receive immediate attention. at-tention. UK"' Attention Miners! Wanted immediately three hundred hun-dred tons of good AUGKK-TIFEKOUS AUGKK-TIFEKOUS GALENA and COPPKIl OltKS at SCHEMES SMELTING ani MMfi WORKS, At Union Fort, Little Cottonwood. Rstes fur Smelting Ores frein $15 to $28 per ton, as ior o.u.ilily and quantity. DR. HARRIS, DB1TTIST, OFFICE ! Over Davis' Grocery Store, j MAIN STBEBX. u29 HEATIT & M1LLIGAN, MANUFACTURERS OP WHITE LEAD, Zinc and Colors, 170 &. 172 Randolph street, - ' CHICAGO. CITY LIQUOR STORE, Keep constantly on hand. Wholesale and Retail, Choiee Imported LIQUORS AND WINES, At Lowest Rates. GKOKSBECK'S BUILDINGS, 1,17 Em) Tempi Street. WATCES & JEWELRY ! O. L. ELIASON, BEGS to inform tho rcsidonta of Salt Lake City and vioinity, that ho not only guarantees to properly Re pair, Clean and Adjust Watches and Chronometers, but he will make theui or any part of thou, to order, and warrant tho work. A new supply of ELGIN and SWISS WATCHES ju3t received, which he will guarantee as reliable time-keepers. Prjces to defy competition I Remember tho address. Two doors east of the Ueseret Bank. Dried Fruit! We are desirous of jur-fluisins jur-fluisins all of the Dried Fruit Crop of this Territory, Terri-tory, We WILL PAY IN CASH The Highest Price Paid in the Market for APRICOTS, PEACHES, ! i We are desirous of employing AGENTS IN EVERY ; SETTLEMENT, i To whom a liberal commission will be 1 allowed. jRIGGS, LECHTENBER& & Co. I aiaiu Street, S. L. Cil)'. 1 Joal3 MISCELLANEOUS. ANOTHER ADVANCE Iii the Trice of I DID PEACHES! Bring them along TO TEASDEL&COS Z3 J.GG&9 SEWING MCIIIIS, THE BEST IN TUB WORLD, AT TEASDEL & CO. Eagle House, East Temple Street EXCELSI0& COAL GOMP'Y, ROCK SPRINGS, WYOMING UR. Blair, Bro. & Co., Propr's. juy ALL KINDS MiningTools Wright's Picks, Shovels, IroBi Barrows, Etc., Etc. POWDER AND FUSE, iK,onsr pipe, PIPE FITTINGS, Brass Goods, AT SCOTT, DUNHAM & CO S, Main Street. West side, Next door to White House, LOW FOR CASH. mylS rH I MS- IS d 1 H 6 ! j ft H J j O Z o 3 H E S 3 I I Eh es & i 1 cil ! Pq Id I C5 SI RIGGS, LECHTENBERG & CO, WHOLESALE AND EKTAil. I'l'-ALKUS IN GROCERIES, WINES, Liquors, Tobacco, Segars, AND STAPLE DRY GOODS. MINERS' OUTFITTING GOODS ! Parties dobiriog to purcbass tti'.l do well lo inspect our stoci, which is oomplote in overy department. ONE DOOR SOUTH OF SAVAGE & OTTINGER'S. DUMFORB' i SOWS' Large Arrival of New Goods. Our Fall aud AViuter Stock of BOOTS, SHOES AND HATS Arc now opened and on sale. We havo tho largest and best stock of tho abovo ever oD'ered to the people ot Utah. Goods Fresh r.ni Fashiunablo ! All the Latest Styles of Hats--Si k- Soft a-.u Kt ff I Hoo'.s end 7hoes in Endless Quantities and lyle- I "GOODS OSIEF!" Wholesale Bujcia will consult their interests to give us a call before purchasing pur-chasing elsewhere, as our WHOLESALE DEPARTMENT IS COMPLETE I C ALDER BROTHERS Dealers in erory variety of MTJSIGAL IHSTRUMENTS SPECIAL AGENTS for Utah of tho Ariou Pianoforte Conipnny, Steinwny & Sons, Chick-cring Chick-cring & Sons, Decker & Uiirnes anil Grovesteiu & Fuller's WORLD-RENOWNED CABIITET ORGAUS Read what our Professors of Musio and Leading Citizens of tho Torritory . say about them in our new Circular. Books, Stationery AND SCHOOL FURNISHINGS. EAST TEMPLE STBEET. SALT LAKE CITY. m.-- i i 'j. ''n i - '. - -i' . . . is A. F. TILDES, ) Late ol" Pan Francieco, I tn OPH.1"ETOH.8. J. C. LAWKESCE, f l""E"u Juyl6 Lftle of Now York, IAYLOE Mrs Have on hand the Largest and Most Complete Stock in the City OF WAGON TIMBER AND IRON OF ALL SIZES, Which they offer VERY LOW PEICES, FIRST EAST STREET, HALE-A-BLOCK SOUTD OF THEATRE m25 Z. . . M. I. G-rain Department! Has temporarily REMOVED to Joliu It. Clawson's, east of Herald Office, Where our patrons can bo supplied with Corn Meal, Wheat, Barley, Oats, Flour, Bran, Shorts, States Corn, Etc., Etc. All kinds of Grain bought and sold. tl3 I. U. CLAWSON", Superintendent. H. DINWOODEY'S New Furniture Store ON EAST TEMPLE STREET, ISJ NOW OPEN. flat on hnud a very Large Atioiimtut of ALL KINDS OF FURNITURE ! Fine Parlor sots -.I"1 !'J J Bedroom seta tr0'n '5 10 -0- Alsoathis Stand West of Meat Market, First South St |