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Show Cain tne rcla. Salt Lake City, Suit. 'j. Gold liuyine, 110; seiiinjj, 112. Look Oct fur tho Isrpo of New end t; eco n 1 b a n d FL" tt X IT L" K K , at K. J a const' .Nkw Auaio.v ilochi:, Ut South litroet, tivo doors tasc of I'u.-i Otiice. Sale commences at 10 a.m. thie morning, Sept. ti, t'j Ik P.. h. Jones will call at this office, ho will hear of something to hi3 advantage. advan-tage. - 67 A large stock of PIANOS at the JJew Store of Calder Bros. The Cheapest and Uest Uou?e to buy Furnituro a at UmnLon's Furniture I Warehouse, 3d South street. Spring I Mattraaso a specially. aug A New Fikm. Tullidge A; Co., nainter?, strengthened by Kusseli, the Mgn writer, and White, tho best orna-niuntni orna-niuntni and fresco painter in iho west. ,'Jommercml street. Liqiit Si'hinq Wagons, suiiablo for p-rocors and provision dealers; just the iiiiug for running around town delivering deliver-ing goods. adv .Furniture, Crockery, Glass and Silrii.rware, etc. Tne largest stock west of Chicago at tho Crystal Palace. auglO Bahratt & (jo. Ask your Grocer for Cutting tfc Co's California Canned Fruits and Jellioa far superior to all others. For sale everywhere. si Prospectors should exumino tho STUDhliAKKK SPUING WaGUNS, at tho Council liousoyard, beforo pur-clinsing pur-clinsing clauwlioro ; they aro just what they want. adv -yy Ai;"TED. A Goat giving milk. A p. jly at Uk1 Ukkald OUice. aiiR'-M Studebaker SPUING WAGONS, timber and workmanship warranted, for sale cheap at the Council Houso yard. adv Wanted 5,000 pounds of DKLKD APJIICOTS, for which CASE will bo paid. juyUG KlOuS, i-Rt-riTKNUEKQ & Co. j Exphess Wagons for sa!o at tho Council Ilotiso yard. Warranted a tlrst-cltiss article-. Timber and workmanship work-manship guaranteed. adv JuT Pcni.ieiiKD. Mnenificent Views in AMKKICAX FOllK And LITTLE COTTON WOOD CANONS, taken by C It Savage, and for sale at I tho Pioneer Art Gallery. Come and $c 1 them. Bot Wantbd. Wanted, a boy to feed a printing machine. Ii'ight worts. Apply at the IIseald Office. s.5 I Dried "Apricots." Wo respectfully respectful-ly call uttention to tho advantnis of drying the surplus stock of APK1COTS. Wo sh:ill give tlio hizliest price for clean, well dried fruit, at our Provision Department, back of Emporium Buildings. Build-ings. II. B. Clawson, aug-1 fcupt. J Diamosd Sprixo Wagons, suitable I for t'.-imily eiirrmes, good timber, well I ironed and lirst - class workmanship, POUSALE CHEAP, at tho Council Houso yard. adv Proclamation to tuk Public I do hereby i;;uo this, my Proem million, to the travelling public : PartioB visiting Suit Littko City and going ti&sl on tha U.P.K.K., will lind it to their advantage to leave Salt Luke City on tho evening train and remain over at Ogden that night, thereby hav-ing hav-ing a good night's rest, and so bo fresh for travel at b o'clock a.m., when the daily express train leaves this depot. At the Ogden House we oiler as good accommodations ac-commodations as any house wost ol Omaha. J?'roe bussea at every train to and from the depot, adv John Mahon, Proprietor. HO FOR THE Lady ofjhe Lake Until further notice the ilcamer "LADY OF THE LAKE." WILL 11AKK PLEASURE TRIPS, EVERY DAY (SUNDAYS EXCEPTED, ) lAt lOn.m. and 2 p.m.. rnoninn down to Peuits', rcmAtnins tlie.-o about ono hour, iia,d return at 1pm. anJ - l.m Fare for the round trip SI.50. ' Including Carriage Fare. -o Liberal discount to fatnilici. S4 Cnrriapcc wilt call dsilr at the rrincirsl hotels to take paiicngcr la acd from ihc steamer- ' Partie contemrlatiman excursion fhcniU xake arr.irucwer.t. the r l'"!';?-' nJ prcouro tiKeu at tao ocico of J. n . 1 ouog. Kcfrekbrneuia cbii 1s obtalnrd on 1 board. aug:7 i ij Mosilanifs E. Ran linffsiiC Tester PI.AIX ASD FANCY DRESSMAKERS, ! On the moat rea.sona.hle term. CUTTING AND BASTING DONE. Oc"U..-kE"rrh of ?-c7ivj?c'i ProfoMf-r ; I ncciior"; "-oracr, h'ta ard. iUit A. LWAT S O W HJV TB 3D A FISE ASSORTMENT OF 1st dies and Children's Hats and Turbans At SIRS. M'lLKlXSOWS, juS M IN' ST! IK FT. AttentionJVliners ! T ruined Immediately three htm-I V drrd tons of good AlUiEX-' AlUiEX-' TiPEKOlS GHLE.XA and COl'FKIi : OHES at r SCHEMER'S SMELTING an! , BEFDHH& WORKS, At Union Fort, Little Cottonwood. Rates for Smelting Ores from SIS to SS por ton, as por iuntiLy and ininntitr. nuKS I, ..I, , STAH J1AKERY. AXTE HAVE just received a large supply VV of Choice r'lour, und suaninico A GOOD, SWEET LOAF. FRESH PUTTER AND EGGS, CORN MEAL, SHORTS, BRA.V, GR.HN, O- iR-OOIEIRIIES PROVISIONS. ; Fresh Ureud Every Day, 1 WhlcIr and Retail, nmiiiej up-plied. up-plied. Hum, Cako, Oinnnr Mjapi, ,tc, nliTaj'B otj hiinJ. Five Doors East of Post Office. 3 WOODS 4 K EATON. Sewing Machines For Family and Manufacturing Purposes, EmU'idy nil thnt is new nnd novel in Pir!nc Mrliinr. They a.-o tho l;.tct improve! an 1 1 itih teat ruun insr phallic machine id the worlif. liefiutiful (W'l coinjtnrl ib moitpl Rnl unexcelled in material and iioish. They ck cv-crythir.K from lauo to benvor cloth in the most per ft o I manner. Bvtry variety ofHfmraln(r, Fclllnjf, Q,tilltlng, Cording, Rnfllinff, Pl-plnjT. Pl-plnjT. Tnhlng, Fr'Ugliig, Hem Stitching etc., raally performed. Straight Needle. No Cog-wheels. No Vibrating Springs. Every machine warranted ftJ represented. 8lcirtom on Flrat South street, Salt Lake City, opposite tha Theatre. IRA PFOUTZ, JuvlS Aarent Jno. Taylor &Bro. MERCHANT TAILORS, COMMERCIAL. STREET KEEP eonft.ir.ilv on hint a 'V.i- v.tX' meni of "K K-M'll, KMiLISH and l A.llfe.RlCA.N Xloths, Cassimeres, j Vestings, Etc. , Of the ent qualities ari Iatet ftvlc w:. i-h we n-.ahe up ;n f.r if r in the wit tatiioiiAblH and approved manner. PATRONAGE bOLlClTKDUr fcjf23 EDUCATIONAL. MUSICAL TU&TION. Pro.tMur Juha TiiliiJe, :", -,r cretb.--:. of v-c rk i t-ir- Private Voral Readlns; Lt,oiut, -41 la tilt tluai icr - S 1 .'..00 Ori;au - - Vi ict I rat nine and Fln- ljliliic Lcou', -i4 in i tic Quarter - - Si 4.00 lin.riu.ony, C o tin if rjKt m , Hliylliio am) Com post 1 1 on Lc.on., - I in tin Hunrlcr - SO-00 aia a: :hu L'ii.-e, will rcsuve iecj:i:i a- Salt LakeSeminary REV-TEEDKraCK S.STJ:iX,AM . Principal. SIRS; FRANCES E. STEIX. Prcccpuw. ROOMSThe ses.'iocs of the Soaiiaary wili. lor the creieu be add in ice rooms iv.-ceriy o.c-Ji'.ei by i. Murk's i'hojl. tu b.ocks u-;a ul i'.U. on ila.n Time I no fall torm w.ll coqujcc on XiPhJaj. Sel l. 4. j L'oiiiiiia I.'j: moLliis, Cioriac i he i ndr re:' e Can tin a?. Regular Uc-pa r 1 111 e ut a. iaere v ill be four reuUr av.rime.ita of iiuiructii.u, vii: ftiuiiry, luterajeamle, Grj-n.tur mid Academic. Special Evening Courses. There will be, in addition to the regular deiuriDicm above, thjuld there be a ucmiuil for tne tame, special courji-s. lor evening session?. dc:iguta tj henclitthose who can no: attend duri&E tne day, viz : fi'eoiil Gcruiin, to learn le read auJ -ie..k me same; alio commercial com-mercial Arithmetic, liv iiag. iluraaur, Ac. Department ol" Music Iheris n.ll he instruction afloracl in vocal music; alo, on organ, piano ili! tael"Jeo:i. Urnauicntnl Department. Instruction Instruc-tion in oil I'iintiufi. era. on and jienciliuv will oe offered those who desire it- Letiurci. Dr. Ua.duourne, formerly President of uconsin Liuivvrfity. lis apreed to give & courfO of lectures during the coming term, on the Ecology and mineralogy mine-ralogy ot L tah, lor the nentht of the school. Terms. l'limarv becartment, fl per month. Inttrmediate Department, i-I per month. Grammir Department, to per month. Acadomio Dupariiiieni, aneiudiug higher matnemaUJ, uaiurul sciences, ana ancient and modern language?, $1 per month, i'ay-mcn'.s i'ay-mcn'.s monthly in advance. lufomiBilQU r,r any needed information, inform-ation, apply in person or by litter, to Ihe Principal, or to the under: igued. U. PEIRCE. Salt Lake City, Aug. la. Ia71. aunld ORGANS I ORGANS'! DAYNES & CO., For Una Xe.-ritory, for iho t.ila of the ci.i.i.in.Ai r. j AMERICAN 0AB1MET OROAS ! Resin-ctfully invite the nuajhers of the Mu.-ieal unos-. on ;id1 ihe l'aoiie f.,olraliy to call at iheir ,M uic Koonis, Two doors titsi of Post OJi-o. Salt Lake I City, and i-samuiu their spiuiuid etoeit m Organs, utid io.iru i l.u uu preeaen teal v LU V I lKlUh3 at rthieh tuey ller ilieiu lurs.le.l Ibe prices lieinif tnim twenty lo mlrlv puv cent. Ion r mm, ty ClU1 uQ boiiiu ! in uny oilier h iBic in I i ,h. L'ajnw A to.1 do not tiler thu SMli'il UlliJA nt Uipm- low ngutej Ijecuiio ili.' u;e, j: tumo would! hiive it Ijtii-ved. a puvrly ma:, jiucureu i;:nl 1 consciiuuuily elic.ip it-sttmnent: lor. lores-1 CL'llcnec -i worliuianthip. they Lave no .-;ij e- I nor;, while in streu.ih. pu it an.i mm-,;. I tiers ol' lone, tncy cimilciiyt tlic piu-lcision piu-lcision i prod iioe any instrument eo.uul i .o them. Tne enure of their i LOW RATES j Is easily cspluiucd: Ihcy have no local agents whom Iney PAY lu A'tJ." their wares; iiud hesnles tl.is thuy hai e remlvcd to ploeu the;0 bi-autiliil mtti uinei. is , i tlnu the reach ot imJ will so hv domg whai no other liuii-u in Utah pri-u-uus Ui du, mimely, sharing null their patrons uieconi- i uiiEMon atlowuJ uy ihu in.uiuiactur m. Acting Act-ing on tins jiriucijuo they ller ihiir instru-tueuls instru-tueuls in twenty per etii;. ic:S than c.is;ltii retail hgure.-, Divide paying ihe lreigut to the rami u j letuiii.us in tuis city, gu.irautoo- i ing every itis.rumi'iit o.d .und und In-o of damage. 1 h1 y wall mj 1 1 a l'.i; lur i i,"0';in, wii h eiiRinit Blai' Uiimut Ccie, five mop-Treruuio mop-Treruuio una Kcee .-ivtll, f.r ;l.o, the eastern east-ern retail pneu be:ug S I To. An instrument I lor n school or niveiing liouso, with puwor . sumeieut lor 1 il'iy iiui,-i rs, wall seven jitopi. . iub-U.iiii, Ui'tuve Coupler, I'remulo i.ud 1 Kneu-swell, lor Sl.-U, theeasiern prico lur the ! sumo in:t.niineui bi-ing $-'S. I la prouf ib n iho Americnn Organ is all ; they represent, they m.er iiurchoaer to iho following well-known gei.l.iinen 0 Siu- Isolue, L). L. Davis, A. .Miner. John Sharp, o. . fceurs aiil li . S. Uoab-.', mso .Mrs S Kimball, ail ol' ihto city: G. Henriod, of Salt I Cicek, Ju;-h cunij'; X. Suyner, Utden; iho i'lSbuurn Choir, Urigtnm Ui;y. Daynt-s Ji Co. will also sell every other dcicripuon vf hrsl-oloss Musical Merchandise, Merchan-dise, from a Piimotorto lo a Violin Strinu. al tho saino ratio; and to nroo thai tlm pro-cedir.f pro-cedir.f statements contain not a particle oi exaggeration, ihey invite all Alusioiau and the pubiio-to onl and prove their truth by porsoual osnmiuation and investigation. Ketnomber J. DAYNES & CO., Dealers in Musical Instrument?, Two Deors Kant of Post Ofllca, SALT LAKi: CITY. Ascnts for tho Celebrated Grpver & Bater Sewinc fflacMne. CANDIES! I would tall the attention of the country and oily trade to my large stock of Pure Home Made Candies. I n in selling very low at Wholesale H. WALLACE, CONFECTIONER, Knitt TeniK St., Snlt I.akt Clly. , , ZS2 t P 'S I j Ph o IS" n r-( j s J ft 0 3 3 H - ! V a - I ft A -8 ; & - SAN FRANCISCO TRADE. BATTERY STREET, fci'VTC" PHAKCI8CO l3por:ri kni Manu'.':re.-; Asenli of Fancy Dry Goods, I XOTIOXS, ETC. folU'wmc gocd cckitaaily on hVnil and' j.Xovcliies Daily Received ! Froa Europe and New York in ! White Goods, ItObicry and Glove, i Larri and Kmbrolderles, Silk and Velvet Rtliboni. . L.adlr' and Children's I'nderwear, j I Keady-made Kobe and Dru.r, , Dress and Cloak Trluimlngs Lace and Broche Shawls, Sewed and Woven Corseta, Eiig'n and A m"n Sewing Cottons, Silks, Etc.. j Wooltn Yirni, Etc., Klc, ! Superior brand ofKtd Gloves. Ptircliasintr all our ijoods st their various va-rious plnces of production nil over the world wo are enabled lo fell llie same at prices to compare favorably with those of tlio leading houses in .New York or London. atiRll THE GREAT BLOOD PURIFIER. 1 es r I THE GREAT CALIFORNIA VEGETABLE BLOOD PURIFIER!!' I j nn;ii is thi: situka niv.M'a;, Moiintsin?. in tho wndrrful ?l:ue of1, LVi!"omi;i, slows an herb lonu ki 'n tn the , luilijins us :m ah.-oiute eure 1,.: KHKfMA-T1SM, KHKfMA-T1SM, UOfT. NKl UAlAllA. and nil .lis- , on -cj in any way priiiKiii iroiu impurities ' ol' tho bloij 1. Seiobt:.' has a' Iohr h brou lit , to Uu ht its virtue., and of this p.'tont hfb ha- compounde.l VKRIlA SANTA, u i-repur-alion tor the l1 Kit MAN LINT CUltK of Scrofula, Salt Rtienin, and all Krnp-tlve Krnp-tlve and Cntaneous Diseases. t):e imitiedinle and pcniiiincnt relief in DVSI'KI'SIA. i:iiVSUM;i.AS, lilnn orui, Tumors, Boils. S uld llciid, tlocru mid Sores; er.tdiealos from tho fyslaiii ail trace of mercurial disease. IT IS FUR ELY VtiE TAGLL I Tt is therefore poeullnrly suitable for uco by ' females and children, as a ULUOD m itl- VI lilt and HK.NOVTOK. 1 BIOTHKUS, Who wish to find a medicine peculinrly adapted, to tho cure of HUMUliS and KHl'T-T1UNS KHl'T-T1UNS in their children, will kudu, cute , and sure cure in 1KKBA BaKTA. Jforeale overyt horo. ttKUDl.NGTO'.IlOSIKTTK.R. CO. Agents, 839 and 131 Market St., San Francisco. REDINGTON ! HOSTETTER X CO.. ; 1UPOKTUEB ASD J0BBKB3 OF ' FOREIGN AND DOBIKSTIC ' DRUG'S AND CHEMICALS, Fine Essential Oils, Git ml, Roots, Seeds, Flowers, Sponges, Skins, Pomades, Ate., j And all other Staples connected witii th j Wholesale and Hetail Drug Iluiinesi. : Constantly in receipt, by direct Importation, of Kuropoan and Aaiatio product). Exclusive Agents for Quicksilver, UoBtcttcr's Dittcrf. brake'? I'lant.iti'in Hitler", WoiTh S.-h '-id ii m S'hnappPt Newcll'd I'ultuouary Syrup, And all the lending Prnprirlnry Medtcinei buth American and Kuropoan, Orders Promptly anrl Carefully Hiecutod. Nos. O'iV and 531 Market Street, Betwocn First and Second San Francisco, California. mySl UT-lhl.l'IIBD ik lH.r2. ARMES & DALLAM, Importers, Jobbers and JlAMFACTtHKKS OF ( WoodiWillowWare M'Of IMS T-XTT,?. TITtM. OirilV- r:i(T'SH l.S. H SK LIS. TT'i;.- ( Hiili MAT" MI.S. SrATHiNiitV I'Al'LU li..;s. ( t ', H i s w K'(, l.j.s KI.ATif I K t'l'STI l I I - 1 1 . I ING TAt h 1.1 . 'I l.S 1M MS I AM) l!AU, I'T'C, ' j AND OK.SKHAL House Funsishlng Goods. DIKl'tT IMPOI;TF!!4 (IF H!KI'TS I'FtoM LliAi'iN'i j I"i : '! A N AMi r'Kl.NC'il MAN L'p'AtJTl ' RiJtS. OETB P'lX THI BALI OF S. . PefUF'ir.n M;.;rh Compniiy's Mnt'-hw. A in f-n i- iiti Net iiii.l 1 :ur Con.pi 'i i'w i ne. U.M..n Kim !.;:-, 'J m.cs. J. C. C'-nr-.y C-. m r, P.'liins Ti'l-le, II'.lliijK-w.rtli A V hi"jrT Cnj-rr ;;Nr(. .-herm-n.'f Jmj.rove'J (.:;..! he. W nnu.f. C. K. iirief.lt A ( - fu .-ipy' Feather UuBtrs K. McLaughlin's lirmbe, Our t'-k is ths Unrest or, tbf Pic! Tie C'liL and our Isj-ilitins ffr inanulaturirn i.d iini.t.rtini anshlo ui to tli al lowasi market price, VBKKD FOB CATALOO t'E. 2l5&.2l7Sacramentr St, San Fran ICEI 1CE1 ICE1 SALT LAKE ICR COM PAST, Etiattithed Jn, 1, 1600, Ice rUlirereH dailr In si! psrtt If the eitr, Ib dj 'juniility, at raiM to (a) ht Limes. J. R. CLAtVKON, AGENT. DIT AT Ortvnov'i lot Crtim 8ai9ii , SEWING MACHINES ;RAD THIS! T H K SEWING MACHINE In all Iho tiHtitiful variotis nm ee m bi eyerysy ContomiiiHtinjc the purchase tf a Maobine for family or other us. At our ntwiy-nttrd np Salesroom, Second Door Konlhof th Knf;lr Km. portum, btween Ihe Priif: and t'lo thlnf: Departmenis of 7,. C. , t., 111 be found a Full Aniimtni of i)iec Admirablo Sewing Machine? At Vriecs hi Sun K.tervlKMlv. THE LINGER fK" 1.N0 MM'!!!M. NEK DS Nu ri'VTlNfi n I'oitimeiid It to the nli!le, as t lie roiiuM inf( a. 2. - SK M In lv! li'i'e no iv ee'.e'-r.i t i-,l M.nVmis -ire firr1. uli.ed ... tin- it.Mi,' mi l mi l.c ourri.-- -n.v..irt l"M vv,-r 1.- ijj tt- ihn- i unit-... L-e h.tK.v 'ume.I . i:t r. :u be '.i ii.-v. !..! n.iiinT,.-,- , i. , lv is 11. K etU:il t . li.e .ir nr.). Ml i ' )'l!u-y.:.i i..;. i.r.rd o- M ,-!, . .- .'. in "7u. i be nuuiU r I. iid liien ii: ei . ai 1 in lpvrard of 500,000 MACHINES SOLD. One tlilrd of t lil,-h i err dUoscd Ot 1 1 It I II (III- irr r ill Hf From the furefiink- ii will In- uti. ih itu-np itu-np the thri'oyrur. the .-iile tunc (..'. n ipwnnl ol tiln ier cut mure limn .--.ihk .ho whole ol .lie r-oveuicuu vrenuup yer . THE PEOPLE'S VlF.fJiCT, kfler a scure r rears I hnrouali trial I tliat the w mr wl ; adapted to all klsds oTwork. nealntc u reHililj-ibr tbleuert and iuol miibti.n w notorial no-torial .v the ruirm mid iuuM doliLiite l;n.i with a utitek. ibat I'nr uluch, period ion and durnbiltiy lx uneuunlled. AeeouipHUj in eaeh Murhino sre j: i n i il intrurtiuns, in plain anil eiwy ui odiupri heti-lion heti-lion thi, ailbtiuiib we n-r-uuitnrnj w i ,i . (rg to LaLo al lo;it one loeuu ir-iu tliv ..). trator, It it oldouj dune pureluiM r- m ch k U a gl-inoe the (imrlieiiy ol tlic Mai-hiue and oonipleteaesi ol the conttruotivn. Some ofths A23 VAK T.A C i 1 C OK TDK SINGER MACHINES ABB Simplicity of o.iintruiir.0 theet.ire Ions liability to gut out "f repuir. Hbf.rt. Btrsifrb' m rdle lee HaM t. br-i.n break or kip the utilrli. Theshuit'e I enrrfed; friefion, nor wnrt the ncoMiity u( greuing the, rsoa aielbgi svoidod. Rnndtnops with wMh the mnet lr.exier-leneod lr.exier-leneod on iuIjuH the teni inn ul tho tl.rv-d. Freedi.u. Irum woi r, A 'irr twenty j i'rw Oontnt crrnee i b' re much innt bm t. noi r been known lo nfr ';ui. They srn nnFelei, rspid and aay it s)l tbeir Uioveineuu. All oar insebiiie arr UfV.tii)ifd ( j,i (n no I rouble, bul cau succeimlullj itperHlu lib Lb em st once. THI NEW BUTT3W-HCLE 2i A. C 1J I X J.; s srethoroufMy pm-Miml w.n ,.,7f,,rin k;f thai weelunu fr (rivr. Tfu Imj'nvfd MASUFACTURIkfi fcUSJiiiM? fr hfnvy wi.-k. iirr i-.r. ,-u i. . , 1o n,.r, OTinuiont. W e n l-v k i j i, gi ' i.l, i Jm MAKUrACrU.i.iiiSMAoHlliilS Otir ftr.-k f hpKiM-.T r;,(. y. ,-;.., -f r.M'ti. if. , ii.- r.h,,f, : ,v i,n hU'k wh,.r t.,1.1... .,,!,,. lVe ,.!;, r. i!ij pmrli'il M ii.-l.ir-, , j ,, .. t . ''.ldii.it "--vit in ircttlf-l I. i, Wi l-,,lL" H' . .....I, ;r ii.i.h..l-..nj ,..!, ,, ,, Kvori MMi.n. - (.,.,, .tll ,) ' f.n...t (uriMiorr ii. .-,u-l in 1 h n ),.,-n.er ),.,-n.er dewing all wriifcLj ai.i diior snd him. ler. We fiiiaraiilr our M n i h Inrs f lo llrmmltisi.iill vIII)ibi Krlllnai linn. Illtlilns;t llraldlitm ID(lr H.iflllnK, Kinlirnlilrrlni (no chain nlii k t ithrring attfl Hrwll) in at sain ilm(,wll h or r It liOHi bmi.l,ini 1 1, ed( or In Itie a1ri oritlnci'l iif k- HuiUliiKl Trttnmlntii HIikI1iiK all widths and hln.U, etc., etc., etc. Two doert south of tbe Ki(l Km- WE DELIVER MACHINES Withmt AdditimaX Charge TO ALL P AltTS UK Till CI'IV - All kindfl of Scwidk Mtwhines thorouRriJj' Ilei'aircd on Ilem-aoDablc Ilem-aoDablc Ternis. ol IL fit CLAWBON, Bupt |