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Show MEDICAL. J. D. THOMPSON, M. D.f PHYSICIAN AND SUKGEOX, Offer? hi? profr?-ion:il services to the people of Salt Lake City, Ke-:idence at Bolivar Huberts' brick house. oiipo;iie St. ilark'a Church. jut G. C. 0RM2BY, M. D. fHYblCIAN, SUKGROJt AND UKUGGlriT, UttlGHAH CITY. UTAH. J. M. & F. D. BENEDICT, SURGEONS AND PHYSICIANS, UrTioe OverCalderBro'g Musio Emporium. si W. F. ANDERSON, M.D. H. 1. RICHARDS, M.D, Surgeons and Physicians, Offices, for the present, at their respective residences in the Lllh andlTth Wards; :c6 DR. GROVES, Onicc and south St., Salt Liki City. Three doors Went of Re vera House, half a block East of the Elephant Store. ovnea boors from a a.m. to 5p.ii. ml BATHS; BATES I Warm Spring JSullis ! Prlrata and Plunge. ThM celebntml bathi are open to tlii public at nil ww-jni. Thi'ir nctliclnml properties nre so widely known tbat il Is LDcdltvta to enumoralo thorn. Besides Itie Print BMlti, tha Inro anj handsomely handsome-ly fnrnlnhed Plunsi Baths for Ladles and UrDtlrm-o .re uow opt). il. AftSOLD, iEW MEDICAL WORK! "THE PHILOSOPHY OF MARRIAGE." For the Debilitated Nervous System. nil. TOR DAN. of the Anatomical Museum. 3 Iti Montgomery strcot (near California). Califor-nia). S:tn i'raneisco, California, has pub- i lishud four of Ilia most important and instructive in-structive Lecture.' in n neat volume for those who cannot attend the Lectures at tho Museum. Mu-seum. Every Unmarried and Married mun , should read and study these important Lectures for tho good of himself and ofl- e'lly addressfuK the Secretary of tho Ana- , tomical Museum, Sun truncisco, and enclosing enclos-ing Twonty-Five Cents in Postage Stamps to pay postage, tho Book will bo forwarded J to any part of tho Statos or Torrtt orics. i Dr. Jordan can bo consulted by letter. Hit HOTELS, ETC, TO WNSEND HOUSE, SALT LAKE CITY. ., T 11 E LEADING 110TEL OP UTAH. JAMES TOWNSEND PROPRIETOR. This House is centrally and pleasantly lo- , oatod, well furnished, and has acoommoda- i tiona for 15U guests. THE PROPRIETOR is now preparing to build largo additions to his Hotel, wniah j when finished, will ronJ.er it tho Most Complete Establishment In the ' KOf'KY MOUNTAIN REGION ! mil AMERICAN HOTEL, A Select and First-Class House. OSB BLOCK EAST OF THEATRE, SALT LAKK CITY, TeriusSJ.OO per Any. Board witli- out rooms 813.00 per week. Uatln 1 free loguciti. J.C.Li rTLK, iun24 Proprietor. TAYLOR'S HOTEL, AVeit Bide EAST TEMPLE STREET, ROOMS 11 y the single niuiit, tvkekly oil i monthly, ; TAYLOll & CTJTLEli, Proprietors. 1 Wo have rented on RESTAURANT Lo Messrs. UL&UE GOOUMAN. Washington House X'liU-cl HoiilU ftitroct, LAJvIfi CITY llonrtl and Lotlgliiff, Vtr Week $ 60 I'ny Donnl " 5 00 ' Km. (-It Spring Beds 11 - S 00 It els, pr Nlgltt - - fiO JtlttiU - ar, jl4 Taylor's Hotel Restaurant, ON tln Kuropon Plan, is n'? oron and is sun hod with every delicacy of the M'.nnti. Moats at all hours. Ovslers in cii-ry titylc. 5u L'or Parties supplied on Tcnns to suit tlio lluii'i. ULAUE & UOOD.U VV. J Proprietors. New Coiimicrcial U(ii Rooms. 1'oiniHdflnl Sired, UppuriU' lli-'niuin Itukoiy, bU Luke City C. W.TAPPAN. Proprietor. t N A J . I . N I (1 11 T. .Sihi(; lIrlM. .ID n. prr Mfihl, nml il.r.U lu.i.liil uv.tk. Sinirte Koniua, 7,Vr. per Mfllit, and SJ.rU l.M.r0 per Week, til) XTrlWII HOTICJL;. Main Street, OGDK.V. 7V. unly firiLcta,, H0je ;n the Ciiy. Omnlbn. to .nj tr,inj EUDEY & WILLIAMS, ' ' l'ri'pt letori. CENTRAL HOUSE, mrLE corroxwooo, T. F. Fuller, Proprietor. To tho Public This hou'e it nw refitted and opon lor travelir at reduced rTitc iloard and Ldgine. by week, ii'j.08- LEGAL. C. B. IIA.X3Y. tC, K. GILCH B19T- I1AAJDV Ac GILCHRIST, ' ATTORXEYS-AT-LAW, And Solicitors in Chancery, Office Main Street, Salt Lake City. U, T. nlo L) . OOOJ?ER; ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR, UIHgc Exchange and Reading Room, up-sialri. ju2S SALT Lin CITr. CASH FOR MINES! En'iuire of , SETH 31. JiLAlIt, Attorney-at-Laia and Alining Agent, offics : Over 97 Kiml-nlKa Ulock, with C. M. Hawlcy. P. 0. Box 14ti. dlO WJI. Y. LOVRLL; II. A. RBSD. LOVELL & REED, A TTOR NE Tii - 1 T- LA W, Salt Lake CKy, Utah, Will practice in all the courts in tho Territory. Ter-ritory. Office, front room, Taylor's hotel. JIT P. L. WILLUH3, I.E GRASB YOVXG WILLIAMS & YOUNG, ATTOENEl'S-AI-LAW, Salt Lialie CJity. jl2 , GEORGE C. BATES, ATTORNEY -AT-LAW. C. MYRON IIAWLEY, Attorney -at-Law, Clerk of tha Supremo Court and ferritorial Librarian. J. W. IIASltlNS. Office in Kimball's block, near U.S. Mar-jll Mar-jll shal's office. WW!. P. APPLEBY, AlLoruey-Lit-Luw, n AVISO provided himself with suitable JJlanks, is preparod to draw up Declaratory Statements of Applicant Appli-cant it for Deeds to City Lot. Office East Temple Street, first door north of Commerce Building. dia JOHN 13. MILNER, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Prove City, Utah. Collections mado in tho 1st and 2nd Judical Judi-cal .Districts. (Special attention given to Mining- coso3. Ollicc at ruii'icneo, Coalrc St. i'rovo City, j5 ft'ainor Earll, F. M. Smith. KARI.L & S31IT1I, 4.TTOUXEYS AT LAW, SALT LAKE CITY. East Templo Street, one door south fll ujj Oodbo'a Storo DANIEL. S. DANA, ATTORN EY-AT-LAW, Salt Lake City, Utah. Hfiico west side of East Templo Street. Eipecial attention given to Mining litigation. liti-gation. d27 Win. HAYDON, (Lute JuJgo of Jth District Court, Nevada, " ATT 0 R N E Y-A T-L AW, Room So.l.Trowbridgo Building. East Temple Tem-ple St real, opposite tho Salt LftKo House, 111. TaX. liAKNUM, A T X 0 R JX E Y - A T - L A W , Ouico, Kimball's Block, S, L. City. Special attention given to Titles, Negolia-,ion.j, Negolia-,ion.j, Sales or Lititftions in Mining Ciaiu.s ind lioal Kstato. Collections mado or business done iq any mrt of tno United Statei by Assojiaiion of eliablo Attortieys dl" 3. U. Ueuipstoad, M. iiirkjiatrick HEMPSTEAD & WRKPATRICK, Attorueya-at-Eaw3 Main Street, opposite Wells, lfargo & Co., SALT LAKE CITY, f S. SNOW. S D. HOOK. SNOW & llOUK, attorneys and Connaelora at Law Salt Lake City, Utah. Ofllcout 8now"a cornor. lit Kast Street. ju6 JONATHAN C. ROYLE, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Salt Lake City, Utah. Office Over First National Bank. Resi-ienco Resi-ienco on id East street, botween South and .at South streets. KOTARIES PUBLIC. A. S. GOULD & SON, CONVEYANCERS, 3" Mining Usods, Agroomonts and Bonds forDceda. MorUages, Powers of Attornoy. Leases, Contracts and othor instrumoats of nritiug drawn with, acouraoy and dispatoh. .j-Mining Companlea Incorporated Incorpora-ted under the Law of Utah. A. S. COULD, ITJ3IjIO and COMMISSIONER 1 DEEDS for New York, Massachusetts, PcQusylva-nia,Ohio, PcQusylva-nia,Ohio, LUiuois, Iowa, Nebraska, Wyoming, Moutaoa, Nevada, California, and othor States and Ter-ritorisa. Ter-ritorisa. East Temple. St. near Wtlk, Fargo i& 'o.i bait Lake City. mil . Wm. Ci-atton. S. J. Josarsox, Kolary Public, Conveyancer. CLAYTON & JONASSON 1)i.Y strict attention to tho collection of moncj in n11 parta of tho yorld. They a'so draw or ncknowlodk-o all kinds of instruments in writing. Special attention civen to tho ilrawint of VH1 and Ti-.laiiiciitoiy Docu- WC1WI. Loans negotiatoi. Minof, nouses and ltoal lislato of all kinds bought, tiold or IomoJ. I urn i pm at Ion nml rnrnitrtlilp Puprra of every tie-ri pt i-n dr;nvn in alilcL nctoiiluiitc with tho laws ol Utah- OFI'K'K-Koin-th door sontli f Oodljc'i Corner. n2S 'l'l I ( fS. UAVIES, United States Mineral Surveyor and Civil Engineer, Oils -o No. IS T.iylor's Hotel, Salt Lake City JJ6 1LOKACK rOTTKR, REAL ESTATE AGENT. Oonvevnnce rnrfnlty drawn tip for lh pule mil L'.i'iai 1f U'i-.' Uil-v Stores, O ill cat anl 1..HI'!-. Lui." n';-Mi.nl. 0'l'ICB-N'V T, Tjl.'r PTiiHinr, cpppUe 6a1i Lki Uoiue. t-nU Lke Cny. di Private Hospital, i:itli AVnrd, Salt Lnkc CKy, W.F. AXDKRSOS, M.D. - Proprietor Ier;n. inTarinbly in n-U-anoo, for Board, Medkino and Modieal attond:ince, jli $JU to $25 per week BANKERS. Thoa. R. Jones, - ,. A. W. Wait BANKING IlOtJSE or A. W. WHITE dc. CO., EAST TEMPLE STItEET, a30 Bait Lake City. FlfiSTIATMAI BilK OF IM, (Succnor to Uiuscy, Dahlcr . Co.) WiEHEJrHtlFSKY. 0. L. Dahlkr, President. Vico PreeL Asthosy QoDflx, Cashier. Suit Lake City, Utah ; Also connecting offices at Ogden andCorinno, Utah, and Virginia and Helena. Montana. Dealers in Gold DLst, Coin and Currency, Draw Exchange on New York. Chicago, St. Louis, Omaha, Denver. San i'ranoisoo, and all par La ot Europe. Collection! Promptly Attended To. mil . Robert Anderson. Thos. P. Akors ROBERT ANDERSON & CO., Jl-LyKHltS, 58, EAST TEMPLE STKEET, Salt Lako City. j'13 Bank of Deseret, Successor to - i HOOPER, ELDREDGE & Go., Oorner East Temple and first Booth Streets, SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH. PAID UP CAPITAL, - 9100,000. mtlGHAM YOUNG. President, 1 H. S. ELDltEDGE, VicoPres. WM. H. HOOPKK, WM.JENN1NGS. ' 1 ' 1 Directors. JOHN SHAltP, FEKAMUltZ LITTLE, L. S. HILLS, Cashier, J Deal in GOLD DUST, COIN, EXCHANGE, LAND WARRANTS, COLLEGE COL-LEGE SCRIP, Ac. CoUectiooa made and promptly remitted, re-mitted, FOREIGN EXCHANGE FOR SALE. sia WELLS, FARGO & CO., Express Forwarders, Cankers, DEALERS IN EXCHANGE. Drafts on Jburove, and all the principal prin-cipal cities of the United States. EUROPEAN COLLECTIONS Promptly attended to. Eait Temple SL., Salt Lake City. T1IE0. F. TRACY, AgenL mil SEWING MACHINES. 825 SAVED By Iluying' THE WILSON Lock Stitch Shuttle SEWING MACHINE AT J. DayjNes & Co.'s Two doors east of Post Office, SALT LAKE CITY. Warranted for Five Years ! CAH 4NP S$E THEM. SEWING MACHINES For Family and Manufacturing Purposes, Embody all that is now and novel in Sowing Machine?. They are tho latest improved anl lightest runninc shuttle machine.- in tho world. Beautiful ani compact iu m"del and unexcelled in material and tinish. They sen evcrythiHK- from lace to beaver cloth in the mot perfect manner. Kvery varlet y of He mm Felling, q.tillUna-, Cording, Ruffling, Piping, Tubing, Fringing, Hem Stitching etc., easily peiforraed. Straight Needle. No Cog-wheels, NO VIBRATING SPRINGS. Every Machine Warranted as Represented. Salesroom on First South Street Salt Lake City, opposite the New 31 eat JTlarkct. IRA PFOUTZ, jujlS Agent. lime De HEUDON DANCODHT, Teacher of Music and Pianist Speakj English, German and Frenoh. AddrcsB through P.O. Salt Lake City GLORIOUS XEWS For the Ladies ! MRS. C0LEBK00K Is now SELLING OFF At her New Store, A CIIOICS ASSORTMENT OF HATS AND BONNETS To make room for Spring fashions. dI5 CO . a i I i 3 is O I . . s lis ; SS Sot h , - 5 I 5 :a HI 1 EC ) i S 'l I - i2 i i 1 ' a . - a i - S " es -1 1 - 11 111 I hlo : 112 4 sz s CO I ; "3 NOW IS YOUR CHANCE TOR STOVES ! NOW IS YOUR CHANCE FOK STOVES Over One Hundred Different Kinds and Styles tc Select from, Including th Old Frnvorltea, Charter Oak, New Era, Monitor, Inland Empire Superior, Etc., Those as well as other varieties will be SOLD CHEAPER at ma Hardware Dep'nt OF z. o. i. THAN LV ANY OTHER HOUSE IN THIS TERRITORY. H. B. CLAWSOR, ,17 Suriat&dt&t. ; HARDWARE. Furnacemen Attention ! A 1 Fire" Brick ; SCOTT, DUNHAM & CO. 1 A EE AGETTS TOE THE GOLDES CITY FIRE BRICK, f Which are equal if not superior to th best English. S tjppci.il ratca given by the car load, octl i H. BASSETT. ': HARDWARE STORE AM kinds of HEAVY HARDWARE, Iron anil Klccl, Stoves and Tin Ware BLACKSMITH TOOLS, Agricultural Implements And ffllnlng Toola, At Lowtit Ratal. opposite; salt lake house nl6 LEGISLATIVE Proceedings! WHEREAS Wc are to be deprived of our regular regu-lar allowance of Penknives ; therefore, there-fore, RESOLVED That Senscncy & Co. arc selliog Stoves Cheapor than any other House in the oity, for the reason they are Closing Out. Xo. 8 Crescent Coal Stove, S32 50 " 8 A'ational do. 35 00 " 8 States do. 42 50 " 0 Wood Stoves of several kinds 35 00 Stove l'ipe, per joint, 30 All kinds of TIN AND HARDWARE In Proportion. Now is your Chance for Bargains SENSENEY&CO CfppoiiU W. F. & Co'i Office, . SALT LAKE CITY 11. A. KE YES, Agent SCOTT, DUiWMI & CO,, Wholesale and Retail Dealers IRON AND STEEL WRIGHT'S PICKS, RON BARROWS AND ALL KINDS OF MINfNG TOOLS. Wrought Tuyers, Pipe and all kinds of Fittings for Furnaces and Mills. HARDWARE, BKLLOWS, ANVILS, AND OTHER BLACKSMITH TOOLS, IRON PIPE, PIPE FITTINGS. BRASS GOODS, RUBBER PACKING. AGENTS FOR Hooker Pumps, Fairbanks' Scales, Fireproof Safes, G. S. Lubricating Oil, Portable Forges, i ALL LOW FOR CASH. 1 123 WINES AND LIQUORS, (uTboukofsky, I VVliolt'Mile DchW'i-s : WINES, LIQUORS, CIGARS AND TOBACCO, Second South Street, HALT LAKE CITY, Throo doors west of WaJkor Ero'... BAY. Allen & Co., -17 Broadway, New York. BRANCH HOUSE, Under Post-0 ffi ce, S. L. City; Agents for the CcU-brnlt it COLD SEAL WHISKY I Y. S, FOSTER, Agent. CITY LIQUOR STORE, Keep constantly on hand. Wholesale anil Retail, Choice Imported LIQUORS AND WINES, At Lowest Rates. QROESBICCK'S DU1LDIXOI, nlT Y.nwi Tnipl Ntraat. WATCHMAKERS, CAUL C. ASMUSSEX, IMPORTER AND DEALER IN Jewelry, Watche?, AND DIAMONDS . Elgin Watches AT FACTORY PRICES. Just rocoivod a laruo. additional slock of INTEW GOODS In grodt variety and atylo- The public are rer nodfuNy invilcJ to cull &nd Lusvool Uicm at CARL C. ASIYIUSSEN'S, East Temple Street, Ilftlf . block nortli of Hie KhrIc Emporium. J.J WATCHES &JVLR ! O. L. ELIASON, 1 BOS to inform the r&iidentx of Salt Lake Citr and Ticinitr, that he not only guarantees u properly Kiilr, Clean kiiU Adjnal W telle kuJ Clirouomelcrii but he will m.k them or any part of them, to order, and warrant tho work. A nkw Burn.T of KLUIN and SWISS WATUllKS just rucnivwd, which ho will fr;iarruily hh reliable Um-koopor&. l'ricut- lo defy couipoLiUun Remember th adilre"n. Two tloora of tlic Uf.rrH llnnk. I TIME TABLE. BURLLNGrON ROUTE. TO UU. NCRTri AND SOUTHiASI. Ho. 1. BTATIONS. jtlraaX! MAI I,. Loaxe OMAHA - ! l:lo(..n. j;;jOa w. Arrive BURL7NGTf 'N 1 3:.vu iu.1 !':r,j..m. Wendota - - 1 a.m. a.m. " Chkago'C.II.ii 3:tji.m. "!:? n.m. " J'ooria - - - l).y.a.m. l;J"a.io. " Iod'iilii'I.B.A-W.' C.J'iimu. l'l.mu.m, " Cincinnati - - ' J ,; p.m. ' i.wp.m. " Logant""t i Oii p.m , H.'a.in. I. P'iWj 1 ' fri'nmbnii 2 f. a in . r, y i m . rfThrouch Carr fnin Ii-ouri River to Chicato, Indunai-'ilu, CinciLnali, L'jiuai-(Ortand L'jiuai-(Ortand ColuLubu.'.! CcnLociioni at tbc.e point with Unci Iradicgto thn East. WJ, and S-mth Thi i ibi But. Nhnrltn, (iiilckeat ml Chfp"i Iloute. li" rj''t lie derciffd, but r.l.tnin Ti"k"t. via the Burlington k Mtsaouri I'.ivtr Railroad. AET'?.7' C" E- PERKINS! Hen 1 Ticket Agont. (ltn' Bnp't. MISCELLANEOUS. THROUGH THE BLOCKADE ! Teasdel & Co. Are now TOMiini to imm.n,. Iqu.ntitT of Sl'LKNlHD Winter Dress Goods, Dry Goods, Ribbons, Furs and Notions, ALSO CHRISTMAS GROCERIES, STAPLE AND FANCY Confectionery, Fruits anil Note. THE BLEES SEMXI. MACHLXE SALESROOMS Are no open and roplc with a full ag-sort ag-sort umt in all stylos, aofcoowlcdk-od by all to bo ouo ol tho best Macbinea of the day. Call and ccamme b fore purduuing Teasdel & Cos QEISTTS' FURNISHING DEP'f I. now opon one door south-of the Eul. Houee. Clothing, Hats, Caps, Boo's & Shoes, Carpets, Oil Cloths & Matting. Ladio. will do well U) ex.mioe our etoek o SHOES, BOOTTEliS, SLU'r'KKS, Teasdel & Co., EAGLE HOUSE (w, 07 nml (M Km Tomplo St., Wont ldo. Jnyla RAILROAD SH0P3. -A.- HOPPER Second South Street, Half Illock JCaat UTra llonaa, SALT LAKE CITY. WAGON AHD CARRIAGE WOHK, Of all Descriptions. BLACKSMITHING In all its Rntnclics. Agents for the Fish Bros., Wagons, of Racine, Wiscon. lOHII PJIXTIXC AND CARRIAGE PAINTING A SPECIALTY. OOACII AND CABRLAOI TEULULKQ. Horse Shoeing! I la 1 Style to suit .IL |