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Show TRAVEL. GILMER I SALISBURY'S DAILY STAGE LINES THROUGH Utah, South -east fticvnda & fllon-tana, fllon-tana, Laalnf Salt Lake City Dally, run-nlng run-nlng boutli to Tintio, American Fork, Mount Ncbo, Sevier, St. GcorRe, Utah ; and Pioche, Nevada ; Failing through Provo, Springvillo, Spanish Fork, Pay-son, Pay-son, Salt Crook, Chicken Creok, Hound Valley, Filimoro.Corn (Jroek, Beavor, Miners-villa, Miners-villa, and Jill lie Jr(((,iiifc mww uiu. iiirntny camps in southern Utah and south-east Nevada. A loo ltav Corlnnt, Utah, daily, running north to Virginia City, Holena, Fort BontoD, Deer Lodge, Codar Creek mines, and pausing through all the pnnoipal towns and mining min-ing camps in M oo-i oo-i tana. PRINCIPAIi OFFJCK, Wells, Fvgo & Co. Building Sun Salt Lake City Len Wines, fl. P. Kimball. salt lake( opiiir And Tintic Stage and Express i LINE, '. '. HUNsma DMLr fhoh kali f LAKE CITY, via LAKJC TOWN, -. TOUELE CITY, STOCKTON J AX D OPIIIR TO TINTIC. - The route boa been restocked with anion - did Concord Coaches, fine Stock, cat eful and attentive Drivers, and every attention is raid (o the comfort an i oonvonionoo of paascn- gcrs. Good accommodations on the road. THROUGH BY DAYLIGHT. Cheap Fare and Quick Time. UOUa at Walla, Fargo Co.'a, Bait Lake City, WINES & KIMBALL, Proprietors. UTAH SOUTHERN RAILROAD. Uu and alter January 31at, 73 MIXED TRAINS WILL RUIT DA ILY. Leaving the Utah Central R.R. Depot, Salt Lake City, at 7.10a.m,; Draper 5.45 p.m., and Sandy Station, (nearest ' point to Little Cottonwood Canon,) at 6.20 p.m. r An extra train will Hun on Sundays i Leaving Draper at 8.40 a.m., Sandy ''. aty.10a.rn., Salt Lake City at 4.10 j p.m. 1 1 j FARES : j Salt Lake to Bin Cottonwood Station, 50oU i " " Little " " lOcts i " " Sandy " 11.00 j " Draper " 1J5 j Twenty-five cents additional will be charged when the tare U ooUeoied on the train. 1 . O. CALDKR, , Gen. Freight and Ticket Agent. 1VKRAHORZ L1TTL lb SEP HUNT HND ViT. UTAH CENTRAL itAlLIUAI. j V V W V. f t i PIOSEES LIKE CF UTAH. ! UttandaJiex Nondy, July 17, 1871 1 ! ia(!jr Trwiiis ; l.fur aIi L.vt.c Cm mSi-u an-t it) p.m- Vrtve at O.icn 7 a. ui. and 4:1'' r- tD. I,i-,iv K.icr fit a. oi. and il p. m. Arrive a. fait Lie City JU a.st. aad TJ0 p. a I Is addition to taa aho Win ma DAILY, fcUA'DAYS KSCKFTED Laaviof Salt Like City at 5.30 r-.m., and Ocdea at 5a.m. P ciMngiri will pleaae Pnrehace their Ticket! at the Offices. fifty Cents additional will beebvred whei , the lare is csllected en the uain. '. - i'or all iaforajsMo concerning freight or t passage, apply to D. O. CALDKR. General JraU at and Tioket Agt JOHN SPJLBP, eTJTaaUniNIIaRT I SAN FRANCISCO TRADE. CEO. W. CLARK, IMPORTERS OF PAPER HANGINGS, WINDOW SHADES, ETC., 333 Pine Street, SAN FRANCISCO. ' 3 ttTMIISI, SIMON c CO., Importers and Dealers In TAILiOnS' GOODS Cloth. Cnssimcrps & Trim-iuin-K, lirt.di.-H' Jlo.ilr.inH, ..Milliard C'lotliM, Jtc, 032 & 634 (Sacramento Btrrnt, SANIPBANCISCO. ISi, Uuiuie Sf.-rl, S Iluadu I'hLiui. r. , aLO KUW YORK. 1 AB I i. A. B. ELFELT. & CO., niPOKTEItS A XO JOBBERS OP Clothing and Furnishing Goods, 108&;li0 8ansomc Street, SAW FRANCISCO. EI.FULT, LEVI 4 CO. 132 Oiinrcli St., N. Y. all LEWIS BROTHERS, CIGAR MANUFACTURERS, 213, 215 & 217 Battery St., SAN FRAXCISC0, C VL. Cert' fill and prompt attention paid t 1 cm! era utrusted toour care. a!2 BIXICHT X1T1.0'S fc CO. BOOTS, SIIOKS & LEATHER 104 tC 106 SnnaomeSt.t Sim 1-Ytincisco, And 0 k 12 Pearl Street, Bos Ion. BUCKiyGIIAJl tC 1IECUT, Manttfiicturora of tlio "EITRA QUAtin" CALIFORNIA BOOTS AND SHOES. all JACOB UNDERII1LL, CO., IMPORTERS OF HARDWARE, Sole Agents far Ennilersan Bro's J; Co'a OAST STEEIi Files, filoiise Hole Anvlli, Collins tt Co'a C. S. Sledges, Picks, Axes, Jtc. 118 WO Battery Street, Smi 1'ranci.teo. all 1AMII A. fOLQIfi. O.SCHOEMANN. J. A. FOLCER &CO'S PI0NEEK STEAM COFFEE AND SPICE MILL 8, No. !40 front Street, Botwoon California and Sacramonto, B13 SAN FRANCISCO. SAMUEL W. ROSEHSTOCL MARION t EVEN TB ITT. S. W.ROSENSTOCK&CO. Maniifacttirora and Importers cf BOOTS AND SHOES, S. K. Corner offinnxoiuc tfc Uusli Streetu, San rauctsco. Solo AgonU for tho National Guaranteed Rubber Boots; for Howard, French & Oo'h Celebrated 11 1 n-DorB n-DorB auJ Faniiere' liuoU; for Meeker A Tendleton's llaad Bowed lloota. aS J. BAUM & CO., Importers acd Monufnctnrcra of MEN'S & BOYS' CLOTHING, 333 San.omc St., gnu Francisco. - No 18 Warren St., New York. f9 Harness, Saddlery, Leather. J. C. JOHNSONS; CO., 104 106 Front Street, SAN FRAXCIHCO. Jiefi-r bij permission to Mr. Jl. Jl Clate-sot', Clate-sot', Hmci-ltueniUi)U of the Z. CM. I. al3 JOHN G. HODGE & Co., Importers, Manufacturers wholesale" "stationers, P27, 320 and 331, Sansomo Stroot, SAN yUANCISCO. IS John St., HEW YOKK. "With the facilities wo possess wo can con-Bdontly con-Bdontly say that wo can supply everything in tho Paper and Stationery lino, of superior supe-rior qualities, at lower prices than can bo obtained elsewhere. BEND FUH. SAMPLES. aLd A. L. BANCROFT & CO., HjVN FRANCISCO. BOOKS, STATIOWEBY, LITHOGKAPIIING, And everything in this connection WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. Letters of Inquiry receive prompt attention. all) THJB IMPROVED FRENCH RANGE. The most complete Cooking Apparatus in use The (Eureka Rauge, Stands uarivallol by any othor Portable Kango. Guaranteed to Rive entire satisfaction. satisfac-tion. Locks & Montague, 112 &1H Battery St.. alO San Fjuscisco. IMtticr, ruller & Co., Importori and Dealers in PAINTS, OILS A5D 1VI5DOW Sole Agents for French & Belgian Plate Glass Go's, (21 and 23 FRONT STREET, a5 Snn Francisco. RICHARDS & HARRISON, Importers of MALT LIQLOllS A.SD OILMAN STORES,! 314 Jt. 316 Battery St., San Franclito Agents ;for Crosse j- BlackwclCs English Groceries, 0. J. COLMAN'S MUSTARD, Huntley & Palmer's Reading Biscuits J. S, FRY & SON'S CHOCOLATE & COCOA. ARDBEG ISLAY J3C0TCH WHISKEY, JOULE'S TBAOI 9 MARK. MALT LIQUORS, JOULE'S STONE ALE. TennenO Scoteh Ale, Blood's Ind;a Pole Ale, Bais Jt Co'i Barton Ale. En' Chanji-ifrne Ale. Blood's XXX Dublin Dub-lin bio ut, Gainneas Bublia Stout, Drs' Ln.l..a Porter. Ten-aoQt's Ten-aoQt's XXX Stout. Bridge 't London Purier. Foralfa Liquors In Caita. &5 HARDWARE. cTh. bassett, . HARDWARE STORE ' All kind! of ' HEAVY HARDWARE, Iron aud Steel, E Stoves and Tin Ware j BLACKSMITH TOOLS, Agricultural Implement I And Mining Toola, , At Lowiit Kattl. OPPOS1TB SALT LAKB IIOU8K HENDRIEBRO'S 33 MAIN STRKET, SALT LAKE CITY, Mitnufttoiure' California and Eastern STAMP MILLS. Contracts taken for the erection ol STAMP MILLS AND SMELTING SMELT-ING FURNACES COMPLETE COM-PLETE in any of the Mining Districts. Wc manufaoturo tho Vnrncy & "Wheeler Pans. Patent Prcssrd Shoes and Dlea, PntrntSlcm Gulden, and the Machinery complete for ST-A-UVEIP 3SIIX,XiS REDUCTION WORKS. of which wo make a rooinlty nnd guarantee satisfaction in alleges. Manufncturo Bolthoff's Ball Pulverizer, FOR DRY CRUSHING, Willdothework ofl5Stamps. Price, S1500. Manufacturers' Agonts for the Sale of Stiirtcvnnt & Root Blowers, Enrlc &, Cameron bleam rumps, Iloistiiig, Portaule and Stationary Wire llotstlnff Rope, (Flat and Round,) Tunnel It all Iron, 10, 12 and lo lbs. to the Iron" Pipe Tor Gas and Water, Dodge &, Blake Ore Crushers, Bl inlng Cars and Iron tluvkeK. ArRllla Fire Ilrlclc, and Mi 111 lag Supplies. ESTIMATES and DRAWINGS furnished FOR ALL OUR WORK. alO SCOTT, DUNHAM & CO, Wholesale and Retail Dealers IRON AND STEEL WEIGHT'S PICKS, IRON BARROWS Arn at.t. frTMna nv MINING TOOLS. Wrought Tuyers, Pipo and all kinds of Fittings for Furnaces and Mills. HARDWARE, BELLOWS, ANVILS, AND OTHER BLACKSMITH TOOLS, IRON PIPE, PIPE FITTINGS. BRASS GOODS, RUBBER PACKING. AQENTS FOIL Hooker Pumps, Fairbanks' Scales, Fireproof Safes, G. S. Lubricating Oil, Portable Forges, ALL LOW FOR CASH. .UiUUUlRQfi AND STEEL At C. II. Gassett's. Opposlta Salt Lak Hons. nlfi aSa t .a g - s 5 . , g I 15 "If P tz a tc j,3 o tt g-S I X t Z Z s S S i' " 1 c? S 2 Msi 5 ij lis S 1 3 a Hi i It 1 s e3o is ;is sol -: -1 ! i if a s O -3 " g 0) o . J4 3 o 1 g Furnacemen Attention ! A 1 Fire Brick. SCOTT, DUNHAM & CO. Aftl 1GEKT3 rOB THB CULDU.V CITY FIHS UUICK, Wbii?h ars eqaal if sot eaperior to the beet English, fireciai rates giron by the car load. octLS JAS. A. STBOMBEEG, 3Ierchaut Tailor, East Side Commercial St., Next door loath of J. M. Cay &. Co. Clolb, Ca&iinfres, &c, on baud. ALL WORK GUARANIEEU. Clothes Clenned and Repnlrrd equal to new at low ratca. Patronage Rwpectfollj Eolicit:. LUMBER YARDS. T. LATIMER. W. II. FOLSOM. G. TAYLOR. ' O. R0JINK.". LATIMER, TAYLOR & CO. AS0T1IER EXTENSION. Wo have added to our other business a LUMBERYARD, Where we intend kcepiDg a complete stock of TRUCKEE LUMBER, clear and common, SUGAR PINE, REDWOOD, RUSTIC, SIDING, CEILING, FLOORING, rough & dressed, SHINGLES, LATH. FIVE CAR LOADS just arrived of WISCONSIN DOORS, SASH & BLINDS. MOULDINGS in groat variety. Ripping, Planing and Job Work at LATIMER, TAYLOR&XO'S TARD AND FACTORY, One block west of Taliernaole. A large assortment can he found at MIDGLEY'S PAINT STORE, Three doors west of Bain Street, opposite Walker lira's. LUMBERYARD. All Kinds of Lumber BOOKS, WINDOWS, BLINDS, MOULDINGS, SHINGLES, LATHS, T. R. JOKES, i7 Half-block south ofU. C. DopoL GREAT WESTEROTEL OX THE EL HO PK AS PLA!. Situated in buines part of tho oily, with accommodation for iJ gueelE. FIRST-CLAi accomm Jila: ioa for Faiilic! und Travelers. Rooms, 50c, 73c , SI. 00 and SI. 5 0 per day. Dining Hall and Rctanrant under the man.iKement of AI. II. Beardsley. late of the Morrison llou.-"!. Quit ha, and Ik-hnor Uoo'e. Linculn. Neb. Board per week, 87j Jleals, 30c. Stares leuve daily for the mine;. Laundry connected with tho hotel-S-tllTH & BIGAZE, myl" Proprietors. CITY LIQUOR STORE, Keep ooasUntlr on hand, AVliolesale ami Retail. Choice Imported LIQUORS AND WINES, At Lowest Rates. aROESBKCK'S BU1L.D1MGI, tiT JCait Tempi lxtU SEWING MACHINES. THE WILSON SEWING MACHINE -FOR- ; $49.00 THE WILSOH SEWING MACHINE WILL SEW THE FINEST TEXTURES. THE WILSON' SEWING MACHINE WILL SEW THESTOUTEST LEATHER. THE WILSON SEWING MACHINE WARRANTED FOR FIVE YEARS. FOR SALE BY CALDER & SEARS, 37 East Temple Street. mis THEWEED SEWING MACHINES For Family and Manufacturing Purposes, Embody all thrtt is now and novel in Sewinf Machines. The? are tho latest improvec inl lightest running shuttle machines in th world. Beautiful ana compact iu model &nc unexcelled in material and finish. They son everything from lace to beaver cloth in th most perfect manner. Every variety of Hemming, Felling, dull ting, Cording, Ruffling, Piping, Tubing, Fringing, Hem Stitching etc., -easily performed. Straight Iveedle. No Cog-wJiecls. HO VIBRATING SPRINGS. Every Machine Warranted aa Represented. Salesroom on First South Street Salt Lake City, opposite the New Ueat Market, IRA PFOUTZ, jayl8 Agent. THE CELEBRATED Elgin Watches AT FACTORY PRICES. LU SaVtCU-l NEW STOCK ;of Genuine Jewelry. The Pubiir cordially invited to call and examine. Z. C HVL- I. EAST TKHFLK STREET, Haifa, block north of the En: U Emporium MISCELLANEOUS. HAY Ml', Fancy Straw Hats and Wreaths, at astonishingly low prices, just the thing for PIC-NICS -AND- EXCURSION PARTIES, z. a. 1. Retail Dry Ms Department II. B. CLAWSON, Supt. t O III I B S .8 0. g -a S r" P g m , a - s I s 1 1. n J P 3 S - 5 s 3 i 0 J s 00 S S S Is D 2 :S I s & I J I I $ O 1 j 0 5 M b !p md I 1 MaJ ? ssa Pgg HIV - H p sag? HI 5 JO OORDOS. HK5HT B. 110 BRAT. Gordon & Murray, StSuocojson to ELY, DUNOAS X Co..) FORWARDING AXD Commission Merchants Warehonses, half-a-block aonthofK. R. Dopot, Salt Lake City, Sandy Station, and end of Track of Utah Southern Railroad, Utah. Merchandise, Machinery, &o., Forwarded For-warded with promptness and dispatch, dis-patch, at Lowest Rates, to all points in Middle aud Southern Utah and Southern Nevada, MAKK PACKAGES care G. &, M. Salt Lake City. tjenl hiprinK Receipts to their Post Office Box 77li, salt L.iko Cuy, Utah, with each CfQMKniuoru of Goods. Mr lMIU'.KR.orilio Is!.- linu, will a- t - a?cot bt Pimbo f T all LuaiuoM id tliat ru'iultT noil Hiiuiili wliom c"iiirci can lie msJo anJ lull inlormati'jQ obuuowt. Special Addition given to the Handling Hand-ling and Tram-SMi-mcnt 0 Bullion und Ora. Advance Charges payalileou receipt of shipping bills hy Conslgucci. Hithcst Price paid for WOOL AND HIDES. Grain, liny, &c, for Sale. 1 llavirir a larpe and commodious ware-houne. ware-houne. we aro p-e pared to restive and etor all kind4 Of BOOdi. ml. DEPARTMENT, z. o. . x. Having niitils extensive Altcriitions and Iinprovc-nients Iinprovc-nients in one premises, we lire now prepm-cil to offer every facility in currying on our rapidly increasing in-creasing business in tlie sale of GENTLEMEN'S, YOUTHS' AND BOYS' Ready-made Clothing. HATS OF THE iEVIT STYLES ARK1V1XO EVERY FEW DAYS. Will compriso tho most extonsivo and varied Slock of Sails of every size and style, I Ranging from "Men's" oi' 2 years to thoac of tho largest proportions; while the quality cannot fail to establish still further the ropuuiriou which have already earned. " The Gents Furnishing Goods Departm't FOUND COMPLETE, And will offer new inJucemrntj to our numerous customers. DUR MERCHANT TAILORING DEPARTMENT Is in the hands of qualified Artists, who will bestow tho care and attontion so necessary in successfully carrying on this important branch, so that Gentlemen can rely on having their tastes suited iu every particular. We aro daily recoivioc , - Our Spring Purchases of Piece Goods Comprising the most faaliiooable stylos of now goods, in Fronch, English and American SUITLNQS, COATINGS and CASS1ME5E3, To wMch we invito epeoial attention. I - mljr ATiO Will Ond our stook of Cloths and m 1 TT AT) fl lAlLUKo Tri unzt edhithertoin lALLUKo NEWEST STYLES in WALL PAPERS and DECORATIONS Constantly arriving-. TKUJVKS TO SUIT ALL . TASTES, 01 our own manufacture. m29 : II. B. CLAWSON, Superintendent. a o , o o o Singer Seivissg1 Machines were Sold within the past year. Scientific American, June 10th, 1871. THE S H NCER Manufacturing Company, A.T TEE WOLHD'S FAIB Constituted by tho homes of tho people Received the Great Award of the Highest Sales And have left all rivals far behind them, FOR HEY Sold m 18702833 Machines I Sewing Machine Sales for 1870. "The mafrnitudo to which tho manufacture ofsewinE machines has attained is ihown by tho "worn" returns (to which any ono on have access) of tho manufacturers for tho year 1870 to tho owners of tho leading p&touLS, on which they pay a royalty. According Ac-cording to those returns tho number of machines sold by each manuiaoturor in 1870 ll as follows: The Singer - 137,633 Florence . - . nm Wheeler i Wilson - S-i.iS GddModal - . - 8.9U Howe - - - 75.156 .oitnn b,iH Qrover Jt Baker - 57.4i2 Empiro .... 3,6, Weed - SV-2 Finklo k Lyon - 2.U0 WUcox & Qibbs - Parham L' AmericanButtonhole 4 OvorscaminK 11.573 Wilson .... (0) And several other companies who sold a few maohines. It will bo seen by this tab lo that tho popularity of tho Singer machines fr exceeds ex-ceeds that of all othci-B, their ealo boing one-half greater than even thkt of the famous "Wheeler & Wilson" maohine. This is owing to the fact that the Singer Company have lately commenced making, besides their old and well-establiihe4 manufacturing maohine, what is known as their "Mew Family Machine," which la aclllng at the rate of nine to one better than their old atyle. Their total to-tal sales for 1569 were 86,781 machines against the 127,833 of 1870, ihowlns; an Increase of one-half in the latter year." "Jew York Sun." One-Half of our Gigantic Sales, HOW USABLY THREE-QUARTERS OF A MILLION HVT5,oliin.o3 Sold, IIBT JL- Jt A. J rJC M. U Jf. -hj JK Were made wltnin the pnit tliree yesn. But the Greatest In'reaje of onr Halca over all Ulhcr Alnclilnea, Bcluer Within the Paat Year. TDJi la Incomeatlble Proof that Our Mao bin oe Are the in the World. THE JVEW FAMILY S1KGER SEWIIVG MACHINE With attachments f0r all kinds of worA, Difoft winning fcurrcme favor in the household, m shown by the rapidly Incrtuia salw, over all other itiiu"hinc5. This nr Family machine it now capable of a runs e and Tariety of work such was only recently thouRht impossible to perform by machinery. Wo claim unl fB show that it is the cheapest, most beautiful, delicately arranged, nicely adjusted, ewiJ operated, spocdr. and smoothly running of all the Fain Ut Se wins Machines. It isreroir' able not only fur the ran;o and variety of its sowing, but also for the rarietr and Ji'" feront kinds of texture which it will sew with equal facility and perfectim, a.'"" silk twist, linen or cutton ihrcaJ, lino or ooarso, making the lnterocUcil-elalc" atltcb, alike on both cries ol the fubric sewn; the only stitch which is untverUr approved, or in nt all adiptcd f.r (Irit-clum work. Thus, beavor cloth, or leather may bt sewn with croat mcnuth and uniformity of ititcb. and. in a moment, lb" willing and never-wearying iD-.lruniont may be adjusted for one work on game or ff-mer ff-mer ti-suc, or the tucking of tarlatan, or ruining, or almost any other work even "7 , child which delicate linger have been known lo perform. Kven lha cartlfii and thoughllcsa have Utile or no trouble on this machine. &nd for Descriptive and Juries CircuGiri, We ruADulncturoour on needle, silk and twift; furnish linen and cotton thr"' oilall ol Mi.criT nu.iliiv -but which cm be relied on only when obtained throne our triccipal orUranch UlSce-. or Ajnooio. OTHER SEWIN3 MACHINES REPAIRED OH REASONABLE TERMS. We Cuarantee every Machine we sell to give entire satisfaction. MACHINES DELIVERED FREE THROUGHOUT TH CITY. TERMS TO SUIT ALL. '""i:',. ,..h,-.y 1,1 1- - .....nts,... ia.trac.oa A.U naclilnct j.crfettly adjusted bt.oio ilcllvery at t SINGER SEWING MACHINE DEP'T, Z. C. E L GENERAL AGENTS, Two doors south of F.rlo Euiponam, Halt J.nlio Clt.v, Utah- 01. B. CLAW60K. SpUita4Ml' |