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Show Conqres3 has been acting on Utah railroad bills again. Sec our midnight dispatches. - RAILROAD WATCH. . Travelers by Railroad frequently find theii watohes oomplotoly demoralized by tho oon- tinuous jar of tho train. To over oom e thii difficulty hat long boon a problem will watchmakers, and it ia now successfully ao-) ao-) oomplished in tho now gra'Jo made by tho AMERICAN WATOU CO. OF WALTIIAM. This Watch is made in tho moat eubstan' f tial manner, on tho most approved principles, princi-ples, and oombioo3all tho recent improve menU. It has a new micromotrioal regU' lator, by which tho slightost variation ear . be easily corrected. It iJ carefully adjusted - and may bo entirely relied ontorunaccu-" ontorunaccu-" rately, wear woll, and ENDURE Till " HARDEST USAGE, without any derange , mont whatever. We confidently recommeni , this watch to tho trndo and tho publio as th 1 BEST WATCH FOR THE PRICE IN THIE MARKET. t Tho full trade-mark on craved on tbi 5 Plato of oath watch is "AMERICAN WATCH CO-, CRESCENT-8T., WALTHAM : MASS.," and it is distinctively known as thi CRE5CENI-8T. Watch. ; For salo by all leading Jowelors. ' KOBUIXS&APPJLKTON, GENERAL AGENTS, mylo 1 HOND-ST.. N. V ' HEW ADVERTISEMENTS 1 MCCOMBS, KELLER 8c BYRNES, Sucocssors to Adolphas Meier k Oo., HARDWARE JOBBERS, 100 arid 102 North Main street, my 19 SI. LOUIS. HAYDEN, WILSONS & ALLEN, Manufacturers and Dealers in Saddlery Hardware CARRIAGE TRIMMINGS, BENT STOCK, LEATHER, Etc., fto. 513 North Slain street, mylfl ST. LOUIS, MO. FLOUR, FEED GRAIN DEPOT, s "V? t. Salt Lake City, JHOWLDEM ko.p, all kinds of f II A I I7 , FLOUR AND FEED, ON SALE in Larjro or Bmall Quantities, also GRAHAM, RITE AND BUCKWHEAT BUCK-WHEAT FLOUR, BOLTED CORN MEAL, CRACKED CORN, CRACKED WHEAT Fcr Dyspopticr, And all otlier kinds of Chopped Grain to fliilt customer., CARS OF GRAIN Arriving every day, and For Sale Cheaper than the Cheapest. S" Froijthtcrs and Families give him a call beioro purchasing, as ho will SELL. All goods purchased at his store will be DELIVERED FREE to aDj part of the city within reasonable distance. G. H. KJVOWLDEiV, West aide of Itlnln Street, opposite Wells, Fnrgodl Co'i and Deaeret TclcgrapU Office, ais SoO REWARD. LOST, between Fritz Adolrhy's Shooting (Jillery and the Ur.--t Wofiiern Hotel. A Pocket-Hook, contalnlug $303 75 riiU two Lottery Ticket. Tho fio'ler will receive $" 0 Reward by leaving it a; the lit halo Omco. my I'-' ISAAC BARRON. Administrator's Notice. ThederiigceJ. having bn appointed by the Probate Court of iu. County ol Salt Like, Territory ol I tjh. Administrator of tha crime ol Lewis Laaer. ducea.-ci, hereby notifies all rcrsuni having any claims agiiuist sai-J t-.aie to present the mmo wuhm thirty days from the date if thy n!ioe. All per-snnj per-snnj knoirin? themselves inJebtod to t-aid tut o are remedied to como iorward and (Dike set dement imaied lately. mjH il. i. AXBEfts, Adm'r. SPECIAL ADYERTISEMEHS " WASTED. A FIRST-CLASS ALB AND PORTER brewer none but an experienced hand ( who cun give good rrferenco need apply. R. B. MARUETTS, Uuh Brewery. myl6 fait Lake City. A STABLE MAN, TO TAKE CII AR(1F ' of a horse and drive; also a Grst-clas.-1 female cook and a tidy waitress and chamber cham-ber maid. None but person fully competent uecd npply. myl7 Tnoiii.8 Fitch. STRAYED, F'ROM ANDERSON'S COW HERD. A , week ago, a light rod sevon-ycar old Cow. branded A. Musser on left hora. Tho finder shall be suitably rewarded by myiy A. M. Mi'sser. FOR REM. AN OFFICE, ON TBE FIRST FLOOR, in the main business part of Main st. Alio a new, elagant Dwelling Houso, in a retired bat pleasant locality. CLAYTON & JONARSON, Third coor south of Godbo's corner. my!9 AN ELIGIBLE OFFICE, Id THE MAIN business part of Main strool. Alto an olcgant residence in a pleasant location. CLAYTON A JONASSON. Office, three doors south of Qodbe's corner. uiylO TWO FINE BASEMENTS, WELL lighted and dry. Apply to the office of tho Great Western Hotel. my 17 TWO ELKHBLE RESIDENCES, ONE three blocks eist. the other throe blooks west of Main-street. Ediiuiro at this office. my!5 A TWO STORY DWELLING HOUSE, with nino rooms and oollar, and ono and a quarter acres planted with tho choicest iruit; located on Eighth East street, near First South, in tha 11th Ward. Euquiro at A. I.ovonthal's Auction IIouJc. mi ft A FIRST-CLASS FURNISHED BKD-room, BKD-room, suitable for one or two gentlo-men, gentlo-men, ono and a half blooks wtst of the Townsond Houso. Enquire of Mrs. Ferguson Fergu-son on the premises. myS FOR SALE. A PAIR OF LARGE MULKS. ENQUIRE at the residence of L. E- Ritcr, Ninth ward. my 18 FOR SALE CHEAP, THE BEST FAMILY Horse in the city, large size, tan trot a mi'o insido of throo minutes. Perfectly safe for women or children to drive. Apply to William Burroughs, California Stables. myl7 CHEAP FOR CASH. THE BOX ELDER placo ono block east frnm Depot. Land, 5 by 20 rods. Orchard of choicest fruit aged trees- Apply to LoGrand Y'oung, on tho promises, or at tho office of Job. A. Young, o30 r DR. GROVES, j ' frf3 X3ontist, I -jLiLij Office, Second South Street, Three doors west of Revere Houso, halfa block oast of Elephant Store, Salt Lake City. 0D1 Hour rrem ! km. lo 5 p.m. mil TEASDEL & CO., Eagle House, ; 65, 67 & 69. ! STANDARD GOODS, STAPLES! I STAPLES ! ! DRY GOODS DEPART MENTj GROCERY DEPART ME HT, LADIES' BOOT i SHOE DEPARTMENT, MEN'S FURNISHING DEPARTMENT, MEN'S BOOT, SHOE & HAT DEPARTMENT, BLEES' SEWING MACHINE DEPARTMENT, LADIES FURNISHING DEPARTMENT. CHOICEST STOCK OP MERCHANDISE, MER-CHANDISE, UNEQUALLED UNEQUAL-LED WITHOUT EXCEPTION. BepartDieiits have tan lelllei New Goods Arriving Every Day. All Orders Filled With Care. EVERY CLASS OF MERCHANDISE MERCHAN-DISE FOR FAMILY USE ALL . COMBINED IN ONE HOUSE. GREATEST CARE AND ATTENTION ATTEN-TION GIVEN TO LOW PRICES. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. Goods and parcels delivered to any part of the City and Railways TEASDEL & CO., EAGLE HOUSE, No. 05. TEASDEL & CO., EAGLE HOUSE, No. 67. TEASDEL & CO., EAGLE HOUSE, No, (i). LARGE ARRIVAL 01'- MILLINERY -AT- MRS. COLEBROOK'S PiUuce of Fashion. Jii!t orencd the standard fashions in Ladies Hats & Bonnets, Including tho favorite DOLLY VAEDEN. Litest designs in 3? -A. H A S O Ij S very ehca. ALEX. KID GLOVES. GRX)S GREEN RIBBONS LACE COLLARS, TISSUE BLONDS, LACKS, CORSETIS. . , FLOWhRS, And a complete itock ot SOTIOAy. Mourning Goods always on hand. Ladies jn?t arriving here, by calling r n u will hod the largest and nchc-t st.n k of , goods kept ia this city, at moderate pr-coe.N ;mji7 I NEW YORK TRADE. THOS. M. ARGALL & Co., Men's, YouthV Boys' and Children'., CLOT H INQ, AT TYCOLKSALS, 313 31S Brondvrny, New York. , J.B.COVLB3. I BENEDICT, HALL & Co. Manufacturers and Wholesale .Dealers in BOOTS AND SHOES 134 and 130 Grand St., New York, ; Corner Crosby, one blook east of Broad wi J dl4 . L. M. BATES & CO., 4t k. 453 Brotdway, NIC W VOIIK, IKPOK3XM ISD J0BB1M IB Fancy Dry Goods, HOSIEIiY, WHITE GOODS, WOOLENS, SHAWLS, YANKEE NOTIONS, dec J. H. BULOEK. jnl Ayer's Cathartic Pills. jT- Fortho relief jj0&tv do r anRomcms in thotitouinoh, -' "?V liver, and bow- SJ i yL, 'a- They arc Jtjft 'iY""s- a in ild aperient &jj!r fc&u vegetable, they C Si contnin no mer- whatever. Much serious siokness and suffering suf-fering is prevented by their timely use; and ovory family should hnvo thorn on hand for thoir protection and relief, whon required. Long experience has proved them to bo the safest, surest, and best of all tno I'tlla with whioh the markot abounds. By their otca-sicnal otca-sicnal use, tho blood ia purified, tho corruptions corrup-tions ol" tho system expelled, obstructions removed, and tho wholo machinery of life restored to its healthy activity. Internal organs whioh become oloBKod and sluRgish are clomscd by Atjrr'a I'M., and stimulated stimula-ted into action. Thus incipient diaeuso is .changed into health, tho valuo of whioh change, whon reckoned on tho vast multitudes multi-tudes who enjoy it, can hardly bo computed Their sugar-coating makes them pleasant to take, and preserves their virtucsunimpaired for any length of time, so that thoy aro over fresh, and perfectly reliable. Although searching, thoy are mild, and operate without with-out disturbance to the constitution, or diot, or occupation. Full directions are given on tho wrapper to each box, how to uso them as a Family Physio, and for tho following complaints, whioh these I'M rapidly cure: For Dyspepsia or Indigestion, List-leanness, List-leanness, Languor and JjObb of Appetite, Appe-tite, thoy should bo taken moderately to stimulate tho stomach, and restore its healthy tono and action. For Ijivcr Complaint and Its yariouB Bymptoms, Bllloua Ilendaclie. Sick Headache, Jaundice or Green Sickness, Sick-ness, Billons Colic and Bllloua Fever, Fe-ver, they should bo judiciously taken for each oaso, to correct the diseased action or romovo the obstructions which cause it. For Dysentery or Diarrncco, but one milddoso is generally required, For BlieumntUm, Gout, Gravel, Palpitation of the Heart, Pain In the Side, Back, and Loins, ihey should bo continually taken, as required, to change the diseased notion of the system. With such change- those complaints disappear. For Dropsy and Dropsical Swellings, they should bo taken in large and frequent doses to produuo tho effect of a drastic purge. For Suppression, ft largo doso should bo taken, as it produoea tho desired effect by sympathy. As a Dinner nil, take one or two 2S(f to promote digestion, and relieve the stomach. stom-ach. An occasional dose stimulates the stomach stom-ach and bowels, restores tho appetite, and invigorates tho system. Hence it it is of ton advantageous where no serious derangement exists. One who fcols tolerably well, often finds that a dose of these -fills makes him feel decidedly better, from their cleansing and renovating effect on tho digestive apparatus. ap-paratus. PREPARED DY Dr. J. C, AYKIl fc Co., Practical Chemists, XOH'jEZZ, MASS., U. S. A. For talc at Z. C. M. I. Drug Dept, AND ALL DRUGGISTS ET ER Y W HER E . B.W. Allen & Co., 47 Broadway, New York. BRANCH HOUSE, Under Post-Office, S. L. City. Agents for the Celebrated COLD SEAL WHISKY W. S. FOSTER, Agent, CATTLE FOR SALE. HUNDRED HEAD OF FINE UTAH CATTLE, inolndinc fino Milch Cows and Calves. For particulars enquire at this office. mylo TO THK TRADE. For Sale In Store and Wnrchoasei 2,500 barrels J. H. Cutter whisky, JO) barrels Daniel Boone whisky, 450 barrels Eldorado whisky, STfi barrels C. Jc M. Chiokon Cock whisky, 2o0 barrels Old Bourbon whisky, .J75 barrels Marshall whisky, 1,300 barrels othor popular brands Ky. " 5,000 ca?os J. H. Cutter whisky. Also In Store and Bondi 2"tf) M casks assorted brands Frenah brandy 2J0 octavos " " 60 pipes Holland Gin. 150 2i csks Port Wine, assorted brands Loootaves 200 M casks Sborry Wine ' 260 outaves Orders Solicited. A. P. 1IOTAL1NG , CO., 431 Jackson Street. San Francirco. California. Alcsira, CL'.NNINGTON" &. CO., oar Agents for Salt Lake and Utah. &21 JAMES M. SMITH, REAL ESTATE AGENT, Main Street, gait Lake City, (In Reid'fl Building.) City Lou, Stores, Houses, etc., bought, sold and leased, Loans negotiated for parties on reasonable terms. my 15 Taylor & Cutler, MAiN STREET, HAVE STILL ON HAND A BIG STOCK Ot UUUUS. which must be closed oat immediately. GUNPOWDER TEA, A First-rate Atti-le. Japan Teas. A First-rate Article. NNOT HE BEAT. SOAP, 111!! 1-cai iu toWU. R-VISLVS, LARP, KICK, STARCH, YEAST POWDERS, ic, LADIES, call mid aocllmr GOODS EuU titock ot DKI SAN FRANCISCO TRADE. MAXIM GAS COMPANY OF CALIFORNIA. 'IIIE Publio arc CTcc'iaHy invited to ox-J. ox-J. aininu cur mothud ol produoiug UAS for liKhting OITIES, TOWHS AND VILLAGES, Private Residences. 1'ublia Buildings, Factories, Fac-tories, Churches, QUART MILLS ' eto oLc, etc., in city or country. THE MAXIM GAS WORKS ire different in their construction ami operation oper-ation from anything heretofore offered to ihe publio. 'Ihu Works are simple, very ' compact in form, .Life, roli:tble, automatic and produces A Superior Quality of ' Illuminating Gas, at a Very Moderate Cost. Tho Works cun be soon at wa'.Ker tiros mam mom store, SALT LA ICE CITY, or at tho olEco of tho Company, No. i"S MuntKouicry fctrect, San Kranci.-co. This Company bavo alruady lighted five Towns in Culil'-rnia; viz.: Sauta hosa, Santa liarbara Sun l'.afael, Wataonvillo and Hed-wooil Hed-wooil Ciiy. Works aro also bcinE constructed construct-ed for Car? oa City, Nevada, EuroUn, California, Cali-fornia, and Ucaldibuig, California, Wo can nl?o refer to tho followicK pentlo-m pentlo-m en it ho have been using our i)ouies lie Works fur over one year: D- 0. M tu s, Proi't Eanl: of California: Jons 11. ltKDtsnTiix, of RtdinEton, Hosteller Hos-teller k Co., Sn Francisco; Gko. II. IIov hid, I'res'i Home Mu'u '-I Insurance In-surance Co., of California; J. MopA Moss, Vice President San Fran-ciseo Fran-ciseo lids Co.; M. J. O'Cossor, of Conroy ,fc O'Connor, San Francisco; Jambs Hamuli:, Sup't Western Union Tclo graph, can Franci.-eo; Rkv. C. T- Wills, Wills' Seminary, Brooklyn Brook-lyn Cal.; John T. Dotle, San Francisco; H. A. Bloss, Lathrop, Cal ; Talaui-ais Uotil, San Rafael, Cal. THe Company propone In litiikc mi clTorl In litt i-odiii-c (Ills Into nll Luke I Uy at an early day. Those desiring further information, either from business motives or otherwifo, can obtain ob-tain tho same by addressing Thk Maxim Gap Company or California, 1233 Montgomery Street, San Francisco- Ofkicsrf: President, J, 0. Eidridge, of Ncwb.aU & Co., Sao Francisco; Vice President, W. U.Ladd, San Francisco; Treasurer, Chris. Reis, of Rcis Bro'?, San Francisco: Socretary, Robt, Day: Go ii oral Manager, James II. Clark, my 15 MINERS' FOUNDRY AND MACHINE WORKS, Oo-Opei'titive, 335 First Street, San Frnuclsco, Angell, Palmer & Co., a27 MANAGERS, BOOTS AND SHOES, California Manufacture, FOll WHOLESALE TRADE, Weaver & Taylor, 118 Front Strcot, San Franoisoo, California, al2 A. C. DIETZ & CO. Ik POET II RS or PAINTS, OILS, Varnishes and Lamps, No. 22A FRONT STREET. Bet. Sacramento A California, Saa Franc lace m A. J. GRIFFITH, DbaI ' ?3SSS5 ii kind of FICKZjBO db 5MCKBD SALMON A?JD HERRINGS, 193 Wellington Street. All felnds of Dried, Smoked and Pick led Tial oonsUnllyon hand. jj LAZARD FRERES, Importers and Jobbers of Foreign and Do-meilio Do-meilio Fancy and Staple DRY QOODS. Depot of Goods Manufactured at the Mission and Pacific Mills, Consolidated. 535 527 market St., Sun Fra nj-18 Paris : 23 Rue Do L'Echiqu Wesale Lipr Dealers, 408 Front Streett San Francisco Proprietors of KILLER'S EXTRA OLD BOURBOH And sole agents for , r, CUTTEfl'S EXTRA OLD BOURBON WHISKIES Constantly on hand, a full assortment of aU the nrd Brand! ofWhliklti, Fin Brandl Foreign and Domcitlc Wince, tn5 Iltttsra, Oordlala, MISCELLANEOUS, FIRE INSURANCE. HOME INSURANCE CO., Columbus, Ohio. M. A. DAUOHERTY, JACOB PESTRY, President. tjecrctary. Cash Assets - - $871,132,81. By reason of a heavy cnslt capital and largo bnsines", well distribntod. we offer to the public indemnity ibut is second to none. Out Chicago record is a guarantee oi prompt and equitable adjustment and payment pay-ment of losses. H. R. MANN, Agent. Office t Banking House of A. W, White t Co. Poit Office Uoi, No. 551. mylO SEIYIPLE, BIRGE & Co., Manufacturers and A&cnts ICnllTLTlllL GOODS, Hardware Specialties, WUITKH ATKK VAGO.S, QfVico and Sampler: 1J 60 CiU MAIN tTIiKLT, 'U'archnu.-': mylS in, 11.;. 113 ELM MTItKET. 1"o Freighters. ''11IK SOLAIl SALT CO. will Ctn-- tratt lur the FroitaucK el lrum 500 tj I,U0U tuus ol SALT i From their Manh m Snake Vulkv. to Pio.-hc. iu Jut- i.j t-MU an 1 1 nil trm-that III IV C. II. O In till' HI .IT: b Will !,. hl-llt-lltd lo ids iw Piucho aiiliu mlo ui Forty DuiLu-s I'Or Ion. A'!.!r! So:.AR Pu.r Ci. myj fcchtUOyuruo, Nevada, SAN FRANCISCO TRADE, IMPORTANT WORKS ON MINES AND MINING LrRnl THlei to Mining Clnline and Water UIKhis. Ily Oreeorr Yale. 87 Proctiiei of Oolil ana Silver fclx-trnciion, fclx-trnciion, (orGouerkl Llic. By Cluido i Kustet. frt m Sul ilitrete, What tliey are, Ilov ANMnyod, and How Worked I II? W'm. IWetnw. $1 (m. The PlliiiiiR and BlelaUurfry of tiold iul Silver. JJy J.Arthur Phillips Phil-lips JlHMi. The 91tallnrfry of Lead, Inolitdliig UcHllverlintlou, and C ilpcllnl Inu, By Jhn Percy. SIM"). A Manual of Practical Aaaaying. By Jehn Mitchell. V. C. S. 13 (W. Crookc'a and KohrlK' Trentli on Atc(nllirK' In three rail. Vol. 1. Silver ftiiu Lend. Vol. II. rouprr and Iron. Vol. 111. Kteel and Fuel, Kich vol. sold teparnloiy ai ilOtM per to! The Metallurgy and Mining of Cop. Jier. ty A. S. l'iRgot. M U. (ISO. A '1 reitlio on Oro DcpOHltit By Bern-hnrd Bern-hnrd Von Cotta. 4 so. A System of Mineralogy. By James D. Dana, M. A. flu mj. Any of the above works sent by mail on receipt re-ceipt of price in coin, or iu equivalent in ourronop. Wo also havo in addition to tho nbove. a liirce assortment of Scientific, Standard nnd Miscellauoous Books, Blank Books and Sutionory, Cutnlok'uos furnbhod on appli-cation. appli-cation. AiUres a. no ,n a iv &. oo., iiuna.icio, MULKinicin, uiiorier and Slatluticr. No. 11 llon'Komery St., Liok House Block, fcnn I'ranoUco, Californiu, ati K3TABL18UKD 1810. Importers of Teas, East India goods and general groceries, 213 and $15 Front Street, San Francisco. i4 CRAY, JONES & CO. DEPOT o e TUB SANTA CRUZ TANNERY, MAMJFAS'U-ESSQF 0K SOU LEATHER, So, llnitery Street, SAN FRANCISCO. Knmlso Jors, I o n SamuilCOxit J- 8EPO Ilosio.f &,,nla Z- Ban Prancisoo. a nti Established in 1S51. C. VENARD, Mnnufactaror of the Original Chartres Coffee, Aiui all kinds of Spices and California Mustard, G25 and 627 Front Street, between Jackfon and Paoiao. SAN FRA.N CISCO. aS L. A. Eanderson, T. L. Hora. SANDERSON & HORN, Importers and Jobbers of CIGARS AND TOBACCO, (Proprietors if La Bspnnola Oigar Factory,) ! Sole manufacturers of ihe celebrated 'CHAS. DICKENS' CIGAR 413 Front Street. Between Washington and Clay, SAN FRANCISCO. ap4 CALIFORNIA CRACKER CO., MANUFACTURERS OF ALL KINDS 07 Fancy Crackers, Cates &B isciits, 803 Battery St. near Broadway, SAN FRANCISCO. a6 E. A. FAR CO & CO., Importers and Jobbers of Brandies, fines aiifl Lienors, 310 Front St., cor. Commercial; D.B.MTK. m SAN FRANCISCO. j x. chibxoyioh. wixna nooB, n. t. nm 3EJ. CBrBIiOVIOXI ot, CO., I importers and wholesale dealers in FINK WINES fc LIQUORS) so l AoiSTS roa JESSE, MOORE & GO'S FINE OLD BOURBON AND fiYE WHISKIES. DIBIOT FROM LODISTILLE, XT. 601 Front St.. BAN FRANCISCO. H 1 MICHEL, S, FRIICDLi ANDK1L A CO., HFDlflll or Furnishing and Fancy Goods, No. 7 9 Battery St., Oriental Block) San Francisco, California, Solo Mnnnfaoturcrs ofiho IMPBOVKD YOKE AMERICAN SHIRT. a pi J. D WOOSTtE. D. D. SllATTUCK, WOOSTER & SH&TTUCK, COMMISSION MERCHANTS And Wnolaa&le Dc&Icrs In Provitions, Butter, Cheese, Lard, HAMS, BACON, ETC., 317 3 19 Front at., cor. Commercial, SAN FRANCISCO. 4 PARKER, WATTSON & CO., (Successors to Weil k Co.,) Importers and Manufacturers of TOBACCO AND CIGARS, 221, 223 and 225 Front at, cor. Saoramcoto, a5 SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. MURPHY, GRANT & CO. Importers, of AjnericAn and European Staple and Fancy DRY GOODS, FRAIS CISCO, CALIFORNIA, Call tho attention of the Trade to their Utl and oom pie te stock, of FALL AND WINTER DRESS GOODS, , .Which they aro now rcceWinc direct from Eoropoan Manufacturers, oomtrUiof in pari French Merino, Wool Satlnei, Wool Plaid, French and Oennta, lrlab and French Popllnt, Kmprtu Clothe, Ttmlit, black and colored. Velveteens, Alpacas, black and colored, SILKS, VELVETS, RIBBONS, ALSO O-Xi O VE S, Kid, Back. Berlin CLtilf'. M1W, "'' Gents' Underwear Aod 1 UDdj ol Gents' Furnishing Goods. Hotlerjr, coniplf te In all IU braocbM Wtill Cioodi, Ilaudkcrclilefe, tfhlrtlnK Llncni, iiullta, while nd colored.' UiuiMki, brown l.im uii blcb1. Towel., lock, Dii-r,Turkiia. Kopklne and Ooj-lle. kic, Kte.. t'O.VLS COAL.! I GRASS CANYON COAL!!! I n prowed to furnKb ()"" Coal. Id 0117 ..uuiliii. " parO. of tho C.tr. OrJtrs " " I Sod. K ut Icmpli SI., "ill " V aucnUoa. j jg C. J. Hl Agl- |