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Show DAILY HERALD. A Live Paper i Live People.; i Til K SALT LAKE j DAILY HERALD THE KKL'UiAU AND COMMERCIAL NEWSrAl'KH OF SALT LAKE CITY. The People's Paper! FREE AND INDEPENDENT. TheCheapest Paper PUBLISHED IN The UocIy Mountains! 10 MEN OF ENTERPRISE! Tho rocont discovery mid mind devourment devour-ment oftho minos of Utuh havo givon, nnd will continue to give, an impetus to trudo of every kind, which should com in and Iho at' tcntion of all business men who desiroto shnro in its) profit. Heavy shipments of ores for months pnst have boon brintrins won! tli into thoTorritory; :i lar.ro immigration has commenced ; agricultural agri-cultural and other products nro Gndini; ready sales ; and uiorehants bojrin to fool the steady flow of money Ihrounh tho variod channels of commerce. To business men at a distance who seok to participate in tho lively trado which must attend such a rapid growth of interests, as well as to tho local public, a live, energetic newspaper is a necessity, by which o bo made fully acquainted with tho true condition condi-tion of matters as thoy exist, and t hrough which to present their business and facilities fur lurnishing so promising a market. THE SALT LAKE HERALD fully meets this necessity in Utah. Ki being Hie organ of any pcnoii, sect or jmrty, uor devoted alone to any nlngle interest, it has grown upon publio favor and attained an unprecedented circulation circula-tion in tho time which has elapsed sinoo it was established, by boins in tho strictest sense a Free, Independent, Live antl TKoi-ougUJy Frogi esslve NEWSPAPER ITS MINING NEWS Collated with tho greatest core and from tho most reliable sources, makes it valuable to all interested in the minos of Utah ; its AGRICULTURAL AND GENERAL TERRITORIAL INTELLIGENCE Cau be dually roliod on ; and its bntbrprisk placed it in tho FKOXT ItAXK OF THE 110(KY MOUNTAIN JOlltNALS, THE 8 ALT LAKE HERALD Circulates largely and is widely road in every Mining Camp, and throughout tho Cities, Towns and Sultlouionts of tho Territory; Terri-tory; is found in tho otijeo of ovory enterprising enterpris-ing business man in Utah; circulates on the i:uion Pacific, Central Pacific and Utah Central Cen-tral Railroad:; has a largo mail subscription list cast, west, north nndeouth:and is The Best Advertising Medium IiOao Rocky Mountain ronton. Where to Advertise! Where it will be Seen! Where it will be Read! In the Peoples Paperl t 1 1 1-: MLT LIKE I1EUALD DO YOU WANT K.MPLOI.MENT, 1 11 UK D HL'Lr, MECHANICS, LABORERS, LOTS TO KE.N'T, HOUSES TO KENT, OFFICES TO RENT, STORES TO RENT, MAKK YOUR WANTS KNOWN 1 T II K Salt Lake Herald, SAN FRANCISCO TRADE j A. C, DIETZ & CO. I lUfdKTEIia QW PAINTS, OILS, ! Varnishesand Lamps, No. 221 FRONT STREET, ' SuciuiiK'iit-, A CautvruA, Saii FrancliEO r.7 BHUTAN, HCLSnOOK & CO I Importers nnd Dealers in Stoves c Ranges, SHEET IROH&TlfJ PLATE, Copper, Zinc, Sheet Lead, Wire, PUMPS, ! Iioad nci Iron HPIido. I i TISr.LSW GOODH, ! Tools and Machinery and General HOUSE FURNiSHINQ HARDWARE, Kmbraoing Plain, Japanned, Planished and ijiaiupod Ware, Sou. 111. 113 California ami Ni)i. 17 . IV Uavli Streets. vv:Lr-i:p,Di:i3 a. kellcgg, Importers and Jobber! of Wines and Liquors, 2H & 216 FRONT STK.EET, i SAN FRANCISCO. G11ANI3 SIOTJtlL On Market, New Montgomery and Hecond Btreots, fcVIV FRANCiaCO, OAX-. JOHNSON & Co., Proprietors. TOBIM, DAVISSOW &. CO., IMI'ORTXRS OF AM Will O AN, ENGLISH, FRENCH AND GUUMAK FANCY GOODS, Small Wares, Packet Cutlery, Perfumery ', Yankee Notions, Stationery, Dress Trimmings, White Goods, Millinery Goods, Hosiery, Linen H'dkchft, Gents' Furnishing Goods, Etc ('or. Sutter and Sausome StSt, j,ia ES AN FRANCISCO. JNO. G. HODGE & CO., IMPOltTERS Wholesale Stationers, lioitp lliu lnryt'St Ktouk of Stationery, Ulnnlt Books, SoHool llookt, Plnylni- Cards, Wrapping Wrap-ping papers, Twines, Pocket Cutlery, etc., ic, On llio Purine Const, which thoy are prepared (oboH oilluT Tor Uold or Currcucy at pricos Unit will offer bijuciiiiputs lor buyers auywhure west tf the Rocky Mountains. 329 & 331 SANSOMJii STREET, mil San Francisco. LOCKE & MONTAGIE, IMPORTERS OVl STOVES . METALS, MAXiryACitritEns ok AND DEALEE3 IX House Furnishing Hardware AND Tinner's Tools and Machines; AGENTS FOR Agricultural Steam Boilers, 113 and 114 Battery Street, ju7 SAN FRANCISCO. James Spruance, John Spr nance, C. 0. Chapmen. J. Sl J. SPRUANCE, Importers and Wholesale Dealer! la WINES km LIQUORS, Jl 413 FROST STREET. EINSTEIN BROS. & CO., Importers and Manufacturers of BOOTS AND SHOES OF EVERY STYLE AND KIND. 113, US, .lid 117 Pill. Street, SAN FRANCISCO. Our Home-made Goods are unequaled ly any. Samples at Mr. Goodliiud's Office, oS SALT LAKE CITY. MURPHY, GRANT & GO. Importers of American and European Staple ami Fancy DRY GOODS, HAN JTiiAJNOIWCO, CALIFORNIA, Call the attention of tho Trado to their large and com plots stock of ! FALL AND WINTER DRESS GOODS, Which they are edit receivinn direct from European Manufacturers, comprising in part French Merinos, Wool Satlnes, Wool Plaids, Fi ftith ami Ueniuu, Irlnli unil French Poplins, 111 pre as Clotlis, Tmie, block uuJ tuluu'J, Velveteens, Alpacas, Hat L and colore J, SILKS, VELVETS, RIBBONS, ALSO GLOVES, Kid. Buck, Berlin (Ludies', MitioV. GenU') i Gents' Underwear And all kinds of Gents' Furnishing Goods. I Hiilcry,ci rsr'": tn j11 its bntlit While Goods. ; Ilnu.lkciclilrf, SlilrlliiR lilncns, UutltM, wlnto uiid colored," ' JJniunk, ItvwqIouui and MrAThed, I Tinvels, liuck, Uiaftr, Turkish. Anpklna anil Doylies, jl Ktc, Ktc., Etc. I(Handl06 FRONT STREET. ' SAW FRAHCISCO, CA1. O'f'rr the finest and most compltte stocJc on the Pacific coast. Kefer to H. B. CLAWSON, Sup't of C.W. STAYNER'S COLUMN, I M PORTA ht' j Discovery! I HEREBY tender my tincerc and heartfelt, heart-felt, thanka to the resident of alt Lake ; City nnd tlie settlements from north to south i of Utah Territory, for ilicir j i LIBERAL PATRONAGE Extended to mo wb.il o I have been acting ns Agent for tho Great Unknown's HAIR RESTORER And for the kind'inannor in which lh-y havo universally Expressed their Satisfaction in its use, When I presented this Preparation for salo I was perfectly convinced of ita efficacy, but I hnd no idea it would so soon meet with PUBLIC FAVOR, And its presont popularity . is a proof .not only of tho Intrinsic Value I Of tho article itaolf. but of tho iiupnrtiol trial which many patrons havo bestowed upon it. It is now pronounced AN INFALLIBLE CUBE FOR BALDNESS, An Elegant Hair Dressing, A Speedy Remedy for Dandruff, A reliable Preventive for falling off of the Hair. In this connection I wish to say that in some cases the beneficial otfects of this preparation pre-paration would be more spoodily realized if the blood was in a moro healthy condition, and having consulted some of our host medical med-ical men, I tako pleasure in offering to tho public, in connection with tho Hair Restorer, Resto-rer, tho EPIGM .. BLOOD PURIFIER' An articlo to bo taken internally, containing contain-ing nono but tho most reliable ingredients for purifying tho blood and building up the system, causing tho action oftho liie-civind Quid to be moro invigorating on tho bulba of tho hair and in many instances tho Causes of Baldness entirely; t1 s onabling tho'llair ltcflorcr to do its work I'ocdily und permanently. Fur sale, in connection ivitu the Great Unknown's IJair Hester cr, a CALDEIt'BIiO'S. L'riec, - and 5Uc. pcrbox C. W. STAYNER, Gentral Aytnt for Utah, Xevada, Idaho and Arizona. 1 ;tksti.hoxial. i I ".'his is to eertily that I have a perfect i fcr"nl?dKe of tho component p-irb of tho : ig'-un Blood l'unfior, and thin it contain? n .bin ft but what is an excellent Tunic and bl iou ri'RiriER of tho in.,ui:sr. oijdkh, und ' mi -t bt conducive of eoud results wherever Bt d' J. M. BENEDICT. M.D.! ! I SJt Lake City, Tov. 2J. IsTl. , MISCELLANEOUS. ! NOTICE TO STOCKHOLDERS. Oitick or Tn k Et'aKKA Mi si so Coup as v or I.' rin, Silt Lake City. Tiah. Dec. 2d. is?. The urn annual nic-tin;; r.r the ,-torkUi.ld-er of ihn company will lie hidd at the ollico of tho Cfiiapany in thi.' I'iiy, on Tuesday, January 'Mh. 1S7J, at li n'clo.'i, a.m., fur the eleoiion of .Jtvcn T riMee. to Fcrve for tho onMiiiiK year, and tho Iran -ai'tion of citi'h other bu-int?:: a.- may eoine bel.iro the meet-inj. meet-inj. WM. U. WOOD. di Secretary nnd Treasurer. -CHAMBERS'S ENCYCLO PEDIA, a dictionahy ok UNIVERSAL KNOWLEDGE Tor the I'copU. Kcvi.scd Kdition. ' Kc-ivte ol" J.S7U-7J, with Maprt, Plates :u:J Kng ravines. To ho completed in SO Paris. making li) Vole, of S-'J patics each. Illustratod with about Fimr Thousand En-eravitit'3 En-eravitit'3 and F.irly Maps. P1UCIC per Part, lucludln maps nutt lllustrntloHH, UU CciiIm. 1'lltCK l'Kll VOLUMK: Extra Cloth, beveled b(nrd3 j-'i 50 Library Kcccp. marbled edges "li (0 llu.lt' Turkey Morocco H ft Mef'rs. II. II. KEVfl ,fe CO. arc Hio Aconts for Clmmbcra'a Lncyclopicilla for tho PaciGo C'in.st, and are publishers and im- Sortors of other American and English stun-ard stun-ard and illustrated works. CASSEh'S KW POPULAR KDlCATUll, Now Edition, Universal Prononnoins Dictionary of Bi-orahj Bi-orahj and Mythology, by J. Thomas, A. I National Portrait Out lory of Eminent j Americans, 50 iiarl at bi) coats each- ! II. II. KEV A CO., 513 Clay St., Stin Francisco. Mr. R, Mat is now in Utah ana will visit tho difToront places to solicitfor tbo firm. Parties subscribing for any of thoir works may roly upon being faithfully sorvod ovory month. DR.. Goilbe Oclngon Ilousr, Bl SALT X-A1CK CITY. Furnacemen Attention ! A 1 Fire Brick. SGOTT, DUNHAM & CO. ARE iCKSTS FOR THE GOLD UN CITY FlllE UU1CK, Which aro cgual if not superior to tho best English. Spcciiil rates Kiven by l.ho car load, oct.12 WATCHES &JEWELRY ! ! O. L. ELIASON, 1 EGS to inform tho residents of Salt Lake City and vioinity. that ho not only guarantees fo properly Kepalr, Clean and Ailjunt Watcliea and Cliroitomelera, but ho will malie thorn or any part of thorn, to order, and warrant tho work. A nt.w supply of ELGIN and SWIbS YVA.TUHES just rocoivod, which ho will puarantoo as roliablo tiruo-koopci's. Prices to defy competition Remember tbo nddro?s, Two doors cait of tlie UcseieL Hank. Ayer's Cathartic Pills. fj&r For tho rolicf k' and euro of all jrjkZ deraniroments 'JX. - o's 'They ore ;T i i." n ml'" aporient ; ftD excel-T;1-; . , lent purgative. friliriliL,-., .,' liting purely ': , vegetable they Sj; '. contain no merely' mer-ely' 4 enry or mineral whatever. Much serious sickness and suffering suf-fering is prevented by thoir timely use; and every family should havo them on hand for thoir protection and relief, when roauired. Lonft experience has proved them to Ijo tho safest, surest, and best of all tho.'" with whiah the market abounds. By their ocea-sional ocea-sional use, the blood is purified, the corruptions corrup-tions oftho system oxpollcd, obstruct ions removed, and tho whole machinery oi lite restored to its healthy activity. Intornal organs which become clocked and sluggish are cleansed by JL'jov's J'ills, and stimulated stimula-ted into action. Thus incipient uiaeaso is ohangod into health, tho valuo ot which, chauso, when reckoned on tho vast niulti-ludoa niulti-ludoa who enjoy it, can hardly bo computed. Their suear-coating makes them pleasant to tako, and preserves their virtues unimpaired for any length of time, so that they aro ever-fresh, ever-fresh, and perfectly reliable. Although searching, they aro mild, and operate without with-out disturbance to tho constitution, or diet, or occupation. Full directions aro given on tho wrapper to each box. how to use them eb a Family i Physio, nnd for tho following complaints, which these Pillx rapidly care: For UyitpcpMla or Indigestion, JJst-leHHiiess, JJst-leHHiiess, Languor and Loua or Appetite, Appe-tite, they should bo taken moderately to stimulate thosfomaeh,and restore its healthy tone and action. For Liver Complaint and its ynrious ! flymptomn, Billons Ileadoclie, Sltk 1 Ilenduclie, Jaundice or f roen 81c U-nmn, U-nmn, Bilious Colic and Bilious Fevers, Fe-vers, they should be judiciously takon for each case, to correct tho diseased action or remove tho obstniotionfl which cause it. For lyetei-y or Wlarrhueu, but 0110 mild dose is eonorally rctiuirod. I'or It lieu in at I Mn, Gonl, t. ravel, Palpllnllonj of ll)e Until, Pulnln tlie Side, Uncle, and LoIum, they should bo continually taken, as required, to cbanno tho diseased action of the system, With suoli obango thosa complaints disnppenr. ForUropsy and Uropulcul Mtvelllngti, they should bo taken in largo and frcguont doses to produce thdclToct oi'adrastic purge. lor Siipprcsblon, a largo dose should bo takon, as it produces the desired effect by sympathy. As i iiHHc I'M, lake ono or two J'HIn to promote digestion, and relievo tho stomach. stom-ach. . An occasional doso stimulates tho stomach stom-ach and bowels, restores tho appetite, and invigoratoa the system. Hence it it is of ten advantageous where no serious derangement exists. One who k'cli tolerably well, ofton finds that a dose of theso I'illa makes him fuel decidedly better, from their cleansing and renovating oiltct on tho digestive apparatus. ap-paratus. l'llliPAUKD UV Ur. J.C. AY Ell & Co., Practical Che uilatn, I.UlIULf., MASS., V. 8. A. 1'On SALE HY ALL DRIHitilSTS EVEIIYWIIKRE For sale at Z. V. M, I. Drug Dept. " A Ileposltory or Faaliion, Pleasure, ami Instruction.'' Harper's Bazar. Xulicts vf the I'SLSS. It i.i really the only illustrated chronicler of fashion in tho country, lt.s supplements alono aro worth tho subscription prioo of the paper. While fully maintaining' its position po-sition as a mirror of fashiou, it also contains con-tains stories, pocm-i, brilliant essays, besides guueial and personal i;os-ip. "Uo3ton iiat-urjay iiat-urjay Evening (iaieltc." There never was any paper published that so delighted tho heart of woman. Never mind if it does cost you a new bonnet; it will save you ten tiiuea tho price in the household economy it leaches. "Providence Journal." The young lady who buys a single number num-ber of 11a tu'Kii'a IIazai: is made a subscriber . for life. ".New York Evening Po.-t." Tbo Hawaii L-excellent. Like all the peri- ' odieals which tho Harper's publish, ilia al- i most ideally well edited, and tho class of readers for whom it is intended tho mothers mo-thers and daujihtiTJ in averaso families-can families-can not hut prulit by its iuod sense and good ta;te. which, wo havo no doubt, aro to-d.iy making very many homes happier than , they may have been hetore tho women be-c.iutiiking be-c.iutiiking lt.-cons in nronal and household house-hold and social management I'mm thii good-uaturcd good-uaturcd mentor. "The Nation, N. Y." SLIiSUUIPIION.S. 1B7 i-Tirui: i-Tirui: IlAKPER'a BAZAR, ono year 1 An Extra Copy M'either the MAGAZINE, WLhlvLt, or IIAAli will ho Mipplied gi iti.-for every Club of FIVE IjlJUiiUJtlll' E LS at rl iW each, in ono remittance; or, Sii Copied fur U0, without extra copy. Subscriptions Lo HARPER'S MAGAZINE, MVEhKLY. anil UA.AIt. to uoo address inr olc year, S lJ ijip; or. two uf Harper' Poriod- ici Is, to "tie uddress fur ono yoar, ?T tAJ. iJack Numbers cm bo 6Upplied at any , time. The four voiding of HAUVEH'S LAZAK. for the year.' Jki S, ',g, 71, cloKantb bo and in greeu morcccu cloth, will bo sent , by express, Height prraid, tor :7 t)0 each. 1 The Po: tag-con HAMPER';) UAZAH i "JO ! ccnt-i a year, which muot bo jiaid ut tho cub-i cub-i hcribi-r'j post-othce. I Addrc.-s UAKPEU it BR'JTII KR:j, Nw Yuri. ail RAILROAD shops" Jl. ihioififieir, I Second South Street, Half Block Kat Revere House, SALT LAKE CITY. WAGON CARRIAGE WOKM, Of all Descriptions. EU0K8FI!THIN0 Iu all its Branches. Agents for the Fish Bros., Wagons, of Racine, Wiscon. COACH PALMING AND CARRIAGE PAINTING A SPECIALTY. COACH AND CAMUAUJT TBIMMlO. Horse Shoeing ! In . Slyl lo .-uil all. 18 CHICAGO TRADE. M. D. WELLS & CO., Manufacturers of and Wholesale Dealers in Boots and Shoes, C18 W&lniili Ave, Chicago. M. D. Wells, 11. J. Macfarland, R. Benedict, w-l S. P. Mclntyre. Lake Shore Oil Works. MAXWEU, WHEELEil & CO., Manufacturers of UnRluc, SlKnnlf Tallovr, L.ar4 anil WOOL UIJLS. Doalars in Headlight Carbon, Whale .Ulopbant, JStml and Sperm Oils, Agcutd for the sale of IMUTl'S ASTllah OIL. . Agputa of thuWcat Virgin Oil ami Oil Lniiil MourACToaius or EXCtLSIUft CAR, RDOF AHJ IRON PAIHT I'ui- Tiu utid tdiiuglo lluot, UriJjo Timber, Ac. Factory, CHICAGO. Office, U'Jli J: 6-.i 1 Hiuois t.. llliw Indiana Jo- DIEBOLD & KIENZLE, Buccciuor to DioliolJ, Ualiuinuu It Co., U HI j K li li ATM U 0 1 NCIN N ATI FIKE AND BUKULAtt PKOOF SAFES, And Sargent's Magnetic und Automatic Bank ffi a a BZ4k. xs i XJJtATT& UOVEKT, Uonoral Agonta 80 Washington Kt., Chicago. II. II. CLAWSON, Sunt. Z. C. Id. 1. Agent fur Utah Territory. n30 BKIGGS ISOUS12 Woolworlh.Wontworlh & Co,, Proprietors. Kandoluli StreelH, CHICAGO, i This liouso is centrally locatod, woll fur- I niahed, and contains 260 Rooms. d'iu I SLIGHTLY SCORCHED I VAN SCHAACK, STEVENSON & REID, V IIOLESALE DRUGGISTS (Late of 90, Mand IU Lnko siroct, Cor. .Dearborn street,) HAVE REMOVED On account of the intense heat, To the Baptist Church Building, H17, 8-10 ifc 851 "W tibial! Ave.,; LiS IS. EBL.-Sa. Where we have a large stock of Drugs, Chemicals, Paints, Oils, Glass and (ilasswaro, Druggists' Sundries, Sun-dries, Pntcnt Humbugs, liic, lite. CALL AND CHEEK US. (Wa only pay 100 cents on tho Dollar.) F AGE, 1IKO. & CO., Xm porters and Dealers in : LEATHER AND FINDINGS', 35 nnd 37 South Canal street, CfflCAGfl. ILL 026 HEATH & MILLIGAN, ! MANUVACTDUERS" OF WHITE LEAD, Zinc and Colors, 103 Randolph street, CHICAGO. HERALD Job Printing OFFICE, CIRCULARS, LETTER HEADS, BILL HEADS, STATEMENTS, CAEDS. IB O O IK S, OliDliK HOOKS, KKCHH'T JiOOKS, BLANK BOOKS, CHECK BOOKS. HANDBILLS, POSTERS, DODGERS, SHOWCAKDS. CKUTJFICATES RECOKUKKS' BLANKS, LEGAL BLANKS, CHECKS, ETC ALL KINDS OF JOB WORK Done in first-dots style. Z. C. M, I. COLUMN. Wholesale DRY GOODS DEP'T Up Stairs, Emporium Buddings, A full, first-class stook oi STAPLE DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, BOOTS and SHOES, AT LiUAV rill CHS. Wholesale buyers and C'o-operativo Dealers please inspect. GROCERYsHARDWARE1!. i DEPARTMENT, CONSTITUTION BUILDINOS, Purohiuera can Uoro find An Immense Stock AND IN EACH 8BANCH A GREAT VARIETY . i IMPLEMENTS, TOOLS AND MACHINERY ALL ON THK PREMISES. Miners Supplies a Specialty jf FIRST-CLASS FITTERS AND WORKUEN TO FILL ALL ORDERS PROMPTLY. j I : i CLOTHING DEP'T. "HOME-MADE AND IMPORTED MANUFACTURED FROM HOMK-MADE, FRENCH, GERMAN. ENGLISH ml AMERICAN! FABRICS Fine Cassimeres, and Cloths Trimmings On hand, for Gentlemen ordering their own. Retail Departm'nt, EMPORIUM BUILDINGS, THE FINEST DISPLAY AND ASSORTMENT OF GOODS. WE CUT IN ANY LENGTHS AT A SMALL ADVANCE ON WHOLESALE. This is the Department for Families. DRUG DEP T. Fancy and Staple Drugs. PATENT MEDIC'JiS'ESj j LIQUORS IS GREAT VARIETY j : KNGL1SU ALK AKJJ POUTICU, ' AVER1LL PAIST j VI1IT1 LEAD, j OILS, COLORS GLASS, KTC. I I 'eecripliona from Physician "-,77 j have special atteiti" i. It. IS. (,VM, su,,l. MISCELLANEOUS. STOVES AT COST. HARDWARE! COST. TINWARE JlT cost. For Thirty Days We will oiler I Ouk Entire Stock .A.T COST. Now is your Chance for Bargains ! JJ'aT All persons indebttd to us are requested to call and settle immediately immedi-ately and save costs. SENSENEY&CO Oj'posit W. F. it Go's Office, SALT LAKE CITY li. A. KEYES, Agent SUSTAIN HOME MANUFACTURE Tt.c Bet aitl tt,c Cltcopcsl 1 Have You Trl.il TUeinl AWTI-UYSFEPTIC, OE COMPOUND BOFiESET PILLS. Ltome-Laado and purely vcgoUble, They relievo Jmindico, Drspopaia, Indiaefl-tion. Indiaefl-tion. Liver Complaint, Headache, Loss of Appelito and Foul Stomach, will bronk up Coldfl. Fevers, Cousha.and Purify tho Blood. Thoy will Cleanse tho Stomach, Renovate tho SyEtom, and difiol Disease Are good in all cases where- Physio is needed. Try a box. You will like them, and never wunt any other sort, Thoy aro Tonic, Cathartic and Expoo-i Expoo-i to rant. . Twonty-flrecents per box Twcnly-CToPilk. Warranted to give satisfaction. j OPTIIALMIC JIALSAM, Or Kye.Dnlnt. Valuable in most Disoasos of tho Kyes. Removes Re-moves Inflammation, SlrencthonB tho Sight, and Weak or Drooping Lias, and ia uonoral j I healing and strengthening to tho flight, but I causes no pain. It is also good for Totter, ! Ringworm and bad Soros. ! Only Twenty-five Cents porRux. A valuablo remedy for Cuts.Bruiscs, Wounds, Sores, Bums, Scalds, and for Weak or Lime Back, Sido or Breast, and for many other usoo. Theso and other home-made family modi-cinca modi-cinca aro prepared by J. E. JOHNSON, St. George, Utah NEW YORK TRADE. ROBERTS, READ & CO. Manufuclurera and Jobbers of IBHB. A rJC 9 1371 BROADWAY, NEW YORK. Jnrio L. m. BATES & CO., 451 - 453 lliontHvsy, SEW VORI1, I1IP0RIERH iXD JOBBERS IN Fancy Dry Goods, HOSIKBY, WHITE UOUDti, WOOLENS, (SHAWLS, YANKEE NOTIONS, Ac. J. II. UULCEU. Jul. FELIX CAMPBELL, 79 John St, New York, Manufacturer ofandDcalor in Wrought, Cnt nitd Galvnnlxcd Aud every variety of fillings for the same, mil G. A. Lonestreet. Juhn Bodgwiek. LONGSTREET & SEDGWICK Manufacturer! of and Wholesale Dealers in KEN'S Si BOYS' CLOTHING. 46ft Jl 40H Ilrondwny, New York. &2l HENDERSON, JUSTICE & Co bucceior Ut Uriflon, Henderson it Co., lUrORTERfl AXD JOBBERS 01 FAMY (iOODS, l0TI0AS, j-ioor ja t iy, FURNISHING GOODS. . KIO.. 4U8 4l SUO UKOAUWAV, Opi'OsiloSt. Nicholas Hotel. n New York. J. BAUM & CO., liuporlor' nnd .Maoul't.L'lurerB of iriF.,i'S &. GOY'5 CLOTHING I )t'4'A Smtionie St.. Sn Kraiicleoo 4ft Mutry bl., Ktv Vrk. SAN FRANCISCO TRADE. THE GREAT BLOOD PURIFIER. a j - t n u GREAT CALIFORNIA VEGETABLE BLOOD PURIFIER. HHIU IN TUK fSIUHKA NKVAbA Mountains, in the wonderful State o California, grows an herb long known to the Indians as an absolute euro for HI1KUMA-TISM, HI1KUMA-TISM, (JOUT. NKUHAUHA, nnd all diseases dis-eases in any way uprinuint: from impurlliei of tho blouJ. Soitnco has at length brought to light its vlrtutH, ami of llils potont herb baficoinpuundoJ Y V, l li A SANTA, n preparation prepa-ration lor tbo PHKMAXtiNT CUHK ill Scrofula, Salt Itlietini, mid all ICrup. live mil Citlniteoua llieae, tJivefl itntuodnite aii'l permanent reliof in DYbr'EPtilA. tKYSl I'KlAS. King Worm, Tumors, Uoili Scald Heads, Ulcors ana Son-s; eniilicatcu from tbo syslom all traoei of inerourial di.noiuo. IT IS PURELY VL-GITABLE, It is tboreforo i.eculiarly suitable for use by fo mules and children ns a BLOOD PUKf-F1KH PUKf-F1KH and RENOVATOR. .1IOTIIKRS Who wish to find a medicine peculiarly adapted to the euro of HUMORS and ERUPTIONS ERUP-TIONS in tboir children, will find a saf find sure euro in VERBA SANTA, Foriale everywhere. RUDINOTON, HOSTKTTKU l CO. Agouti, 540 and B31 Market St., Sait Pranclioo. REDINGTON, HOSTETTER & CO. Importordland Jobbers of POHE1GN AND DOUKST1C DRUG'S 1KB CHEMICALS, Fine Eiientlal Oils, Gumi,Itootat Seeds, Flowers, Sponges, Skins, Pomades, dtc, And all other Staples connected wits thi Wholesale and Retail Drug Business. Constantly in receipt, by direct Importation, of European and Asiatic products. Exclusive Agents for Quicksilver, Boa tetter's Bitten, Drake's Plantation Bitters, Wolfs Sc ho id am Schnapps. Nowell's Pulmonary fay rap, And all the leading Proprietary Medicine both American and European. Orders Promptly and Carefully Executed, Nos. 5!i0 aud 031 Market Street, Botwoen First and Second, San Francisco, Califortwt: : my ill FALLMP0RTATI0N.1871 ROSENBAUM Sc FRIEDMANN, 22 and 24 Battery Street, San Franoisbo KEG LEAVE TO CALL TUB AT tcntion of tboTRADK to tbeir splendid splen-did STOCK, comprising in part COMPLETE LINES of Broclie film is, VelveteeuB, Alexander's Kid Gloves, Curtain Nets, Liiieii Hlkf. A liite goods, Tnrlataus, Bareges, Guipure aud T-iiicn Laces, Coitou Laces, Lace goods, made up, Hamburg Embroideries, Silk and Velvet Ribbous, bl'k and col'd, Corsets, sewed and woven, Hosiery and Cloves, aiik, cotton and wool, Merino Underwear for ladies and children, Fringes, Gimps and Ornaments. Orna-ments. Ladies' aud Cliildren'b Heady Alade Suits: Which, together with their U6UAL FULL Slock of FurciKii nnd Uome-'tic SMALLWAKK8 and Fancy Goods, thoy oiler at licilucod l'ricos. l'ti rchaing all 0r poods t tlioir various va-rious places of production nil ovor the world wo aro enabled to soil tho phiho at prices to compKi-o favornbl v with thoie of the leading houses in ow York or London. Established I if 12. ARMES & DALLAM, Impoitots, Jobbers and MANUFACTURERS OF WoodlWillowWare BHnOMS. PAlI.S.Trn?, CHC11N? niif fB ES. HASKF.TS, TWlS'KS. LXJKDAOE. HATCH E8. STATKJN'KUV l'A 't-K DACiS, currnF.s wkinokhs l- F.ATH llli nUSTF.KS, KiH-1NO KiH-1NO TACK I.K.TBN PIN? AND BALLS FTCJ ANUOE.vraiAL House Furnishing Goods. DIRUCT IMPORTKBS.mASKETSFRpM LKADlNil U I'-li.M A N AM) l ULNCU MAMil'At;TUKI-:itii. AOEM3 I'O, Till 841.1 Ot 8 1'. Percuf.-ionMat.-h CominnyV UK-h". At.icrio.ia NuUitid. rmoCjuiitiny t lwm,i. ll.-ton Klnx Milu' T"ina. J.C. Conrou ,t O). , t iihini T.ckl.. llolllncsworlh Viiliioy'l'fr B.. Shonuun'i ImimivoJ J-lollios W n.im U K UriKwold A Ho.'. 1-calh.r Dull."- i UcL..uuuliD' Bru.hcj. Out Hock Is Hi. Urncl on the PmiSc C.iait'iind onrr.clliliM.fur ui.uuuc urir.1 an.l imrortiuK on.lilo 111 to .1 lo"' uiarliot rri--. . ;M HIK OAIALOOUE. j No.. ia HIT S.ur.iu.nto trce' |