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Show SAM FRANCISCO TRADE. ' "Lajl.W.v. ( 10i and Iiji; i'KONT STKKET, HA Si FltAMCISCO, CAL. Ujf'i.r the. JiavU and mast complete ttock on. the. 1'jciic const. Hofwr to II.Lt. CLAWSO.V. KuiAof 3. o. nvr. i. J. IIAHM. U,n ,.:.., M.HUltlKIt, U.MlKlKil.f rrjnci.-.LO. ew VorV ' J, GAUM & CO., i'liKorten and Manufacturers of MEN'S & EOY'S CLGTHIN8 IMll Nmnonie Ml., Nun l'ram:lco. lf 01 tinny ht,, ft t lork. 10 DR1TTAN, H0LBR00K & CO Importers and Dealers in Stoves & Ranges, s;:iETinc?j&T!rj plate, , Copper, VAnc, Slicrl I,enl, Wire, -A"'ftcl ftiaci Iron ripo. 'i'.nilri and .Mncliinory and lienoml IIOUOE FURNISH INC HARDWAHf , , ICm I. racing I'l;iin, Japunned. Planished 1 and Htimij.cd Wuru. Nn. Ill in Ciilirnrnla nnd No. 17 A. til IJwvli nirecli. MURPHY.GRAMJ & GO. j Importers of American nnd Kumpoan j Staple and Futif.y DBY GOODS, WAN FltANCISC'O, CALIFOUNIA, Call tho attention of the Trade to their lartfo and complete atook of FALL AND WINTER 'MESS GOODS, Wliiim they urn now rccoivlnjr direct from I L.uiuiLun .'lamnaoiiirerH, com .rising in part fc'reiicli Mvrlnoa, Wool Sntlnt'H, Wool I'lnlJu, Frmli uuU Uommu, IrlitH and French Popllm, Kmprcfls Clotlm, TninlHe, blackanU colursd, Vol volet im, Alpacas, black uml colored, SILKS, VELVETS, RIBBONS, GLOVES, Kid, Buck, Borlin (Ladies', MhooV.Uants') Gents' Underwear And all kinds of Gents' Furnishing Goods. Ilfihlei-y,c(iiii,!,.o u all id hram li, Wlllln CiiolH, HlllKlkt l'Clllff-l, SlilrlliiK l.liieim, Unlit,,, while nwl t-ulur.'tl, I UkihiihUm, hnnvuhioQiuiiil l.hwhoil, Town U, I uck, Dinpor, Turkish. A'jipltlita mul lJoylica, I 11 Klc, Etr. THE BANK of CALIFORNIA I SAN FRANCISCO. j Capital Pultl Up, - SSrWJOjiLOO. DRAW DIRECT AND ISSUE LETTERS of Creditonall tho principal oilios of tho World. WLMERDSNG & KalLLQGG, Imiiortora and Jobbers of Wines and Liquors, 214 & 216 FRONT STBJSET, ' SAW FRANCISCO. GRAND HOTEL On Market, Now Montgomery and fcJccond Stroeu, FH.AWCIQCO, CAL. ib JOHNSON & Co., Proprietors. TOBIN,' & CO., IMPORTERS OF AMKKICAN, ENGLISH, FRENCH AND GKIIMAN FANCY GOODS, Small Wares, rocket Cutlery, Perfumery, Yankee Notions, Stationery, Dress Trimmings, White Goods, Millinery Goods, Hosiery, Linen H'dkchfs, Gents' Furnishing Goods, Etc, lor. Sutler ami Sausomc Sis., SAN FRANCISCO. Ji0. G. HODGE & CO., IMPORT10RS Wholesale Stationers, Ke'i iho largest stock vl Sttlo,i,rr, Dlak Uook,, School Uook,, PIsj Ihj; Car.U, Wrnn. piiig Paper., Twines, Pocket Cutlery, Ac., d.c, On llio IViHo Coa..l,ich il.o.v.ro frejmrd to -oil .,.r fcrUolJ o, Crrencj ul i.ric.J ,.,!,, U ol M7, 329 &33I 8ANSOME STREET, Pun Francinco. -loike & mmm, HirOIlTKKS OP STOVES METALS, MASlTACTfRKI-s or AM) DKALKUS IX House Furnishing Hardware: Tinner's Tools and Machines; Ai; KXTS FOR Agricultural Steam Boilers, 1 1 J and 114 Uillr-Street, ': SAN 1- UANC1SCO. ' tmtttnn,, JaU bp,Mi,c, c. C. Cl,,a.n. J. Sl j. SPOUANCE, WINES AND LIQUORS,: 413 FROST STRKKT. ! Z.C.M.I. CLOTHING DEPT. a- n A. 1ST 13 CLOTHING AND FURNISHING DEPARTMENT, i. cj. nvr. i. WE AHE .ILtST OPEKINt A i'MJI.L AND MAGNIFIUli.NT STOCK OF FRENCH, ENGLISH ! AND AMERICAN j CassimereSs i i Sl.'lTAHLE FOlt FALL AAD WINTER USE, Which wo shall sell in - suit or other lengths on a very 'small margin. Gentlemen wishing to be dressed in the most fusii-io fusii-io n able mid substantial manlier, can have theij-selection theij-selection manufactured on short notice by our own workmen, of large experience, expe-rience, and good tit guaranteed. guar-anteed. In addition to the ahovc we have OPENED an IMMENSE STOCK orsuitablo and seasonnMo i READY-MADE CLOTHING Iu every variety of fabric and style. The Latest fashions in HATS AND CAPS Uegligce, Dress and Under Shirts, DRAWERS, SUSPENDERS, NECK-TIES AND BOWS, HANDKERCHIEFS, ! Boots and Shoes,! WALKING- CANES, j UMBRELLAS, ETC. I I House Furnishings, BLANKETS, Floor .& Oil Cloths, .MATS AND RUGS. WALL PAPER AND DECORATIONS, ! Willi cotui'etcat workmen to attend to j.ur- ' chasers. t-S-The Larg.st, MmI Dairalkl and ComiJ.lc S.-lc in Ctnh. ' H. B. CLAWSOS, ",J si-pi. ; SEWING MACHINES. READ THIS! 'I' ii ; SINGER SEWING MACHINE In all the beautiful vi.riotios sacm u im By everybody Contemplating tho purchase of a Machine for family or other use. At our ncwiy-ntted up Salesroom, Second Door Son tit of the Uagle Emporium, Em-porium, between the Drug nnd Clo-tlilng Clo-tlilng Department olZ. C. M. I., will be found a PiUl Aiaortmcut of these Admirable Sewing Machines At Prices to Suit Everybody. THE SIHGER SEWING MACHINE NEEDS NO PUFFING to com me nil it to the public, n tli following acz3 rs how : In 1&50 theso now oelobratcd JitachiocB woro first oflorod to tho public and in fho four years eucceodiDK 4.0LK) ivoro sold, To-dity To-dity over that number nro weekly turned out frotn tho factory, and yet this immense supply sup-ply is not oq mil to tho demand. At tho end oftho year 1867, upward of 200.00 Machines wore sold, and in tho folio wine years, from 'OS to 'TO, tho-numbor hud been inoroaaod to upward of 500,000 MACHINES SOLD, One third or which were dlaposed of within the preceding twelve monthi, From tho foroBoing it will bo seen thatdur-nc thatdur-nc tho last throo years, tho salos have boon jpward of fifty per cent more than during .ho whole of tho eoventeon provioua rears. THE PEOPLE'S VERDICT, j after a. score of yean thorough trial Is that the ; j Ib adapted to all kinda of work, Bowing as j readily tho thickest and most stubborn material ma-terial as tho finost and most delioato fabrics-with fabrics-with a Btnch. that for ovenees. perfection . and durability is unequalled. . Accompanying eaohMaohino are printod , instructions, so plain and easy of oomprehon-, oomprehon-, sion iliat. although wo rocommond customers custom-ers to take at least one loaaon from the On. orator, it is seldom dono pure has ors soeing at a glanco tho simplicity of tho Machine andoomplotonoss of tho construction. Some ! ADVANTAGES OF TUB ' SINGER MACHINES ARE MiFiiW'?'" oons'"i"ion-thorofore low Imbihty to got out of rotiair. Bhprt. straight noodle less liablo to bend, break or skip tho stitch. ,k?';h".,e 'r e'k friotion. wear and avoided rlni! 8 "" ai-o tbus . Readiness with which tho most inexperienced inexper-ienced can adjust tho tension of tho throad. Freedom from wear. After twenty years constant sorvioo theso machines have noyei been known to wear out. " They are noisoloss. rapid and easy in all their movements. AU our machines are adjusted and put in k? 3VttnmDg,?rir'b clntnnndi, before delivery. Purchasers therefore have tbeiii a"t onoS" "' "uc00saf"r "Poratewith THt KEW BUTTON-HOLE MACHINE S Tlie Improved MAiiUFACTURINQ MACHINES 'Zll al'soV.0.0Winl'.tSrh.'0 : iVtw Medium Noisdtss 'MANUFACTURING MACHINES Our stock of the Singer Sowing Machines i If f.-ykO3ct0Iiai 0, bracing every variety L from tho plain Machine, mountod ' XUt- to tho elabor- ate y pearled Machine with cabinet casoand folding cover in mottled black walnuL rose , wood, or mahogany highly polished. fcvery AUchino is furniahod with tho same ouuii-letofurnituro. including the new hom-merlsowing hom-merlsowing all widths) .nd feller and brai- We guarantee our machines to do . Hemming, all widths) Fellingj llem-; llem-; stltchlngt Braldlngt Magic Huffllng, i Unibroldcrlug (no chain stltchji ! GalUerlng and Sewing on at same ! time, with or without a band, on the ! edge or In the center) CorUlngiTuclt-Ing) CorUlngiTuclt-Ing) Hulltlng) Trimming, Binding all widths and kinds, etc., etc., etc. Two doors south of the Eagle Emporium. Em-porium. WE CELIVE3 MACHINES Without Additional Chnrge TO ALL PARTS OF Till CITY a- All kinds of Sewing Machines thoroughly Repaired on Reasonable Rea-sonable Terms. ol6 H. B, CLAWSON, Supt MISCELLANEOUS. ioir COMMISSION MERCHANT, AND GENERAL DEALER IN Vlali. California and ForeiRU FRUITS, PRODUCE, FANCY GROCERIES, C-A.3XT3DIES, VEGETABLES, POULTRY. And all kinds of SEEDS. A fine supply of CANNED FRUITS. OrdcrB from the Mines and Country Towns solicited, which will receive prompt attention. EAST TEMPLE STREET, Opposite Bishop Hunter's, SALT LAKE CITY. g3Q RAILROAD SHOPS. fi. HOPPER I CO., Second South Street, Hair Block JBaet Revere Home, SALT LAKE CITY. WACS1 CARRIAGE WORK, Of all Descriptions. BLAGKSfiflTHING Iu aU its Branches. COICH PJLTLG AMD CARRIAGE PAINTING A SPECIALTY. COACH AND CARRLAUE TRLMMINO. Horse Shoeing ! In a Style to suit all. A. HOPPER. K. B. ZABELLSKIE, ft mi INSURANCE. PEOPLE'S INSURANCE COMPANY OF Cash Capital over - - - $300,000, OJ-OI.XJ OOIKT. B. W. E. JENNEfJS, Agent for Salt Lake City AOgdcn. Oillce with Tciisdcldi-Co , Main SI., iu2 SA.VI' LAKE CITY Merchants' Exchango ISii'iktim,'. Fire and marine Insurance. CAPITAL, . . SU50.000. JOHN H. REDDIrfnTfltt - p-n.-i . CHARLES It. STU11Y . President. CEO. H. HOWARD .' V- " ,Tcr?'!T. N. B. EJ1DV. . -,. vi.oo-PrciiUont. H.H.UIOEI.OW. . Sa'fiW. H. R. MAEMN, Ajjoul for Utah Tcmloiy, Ollicc, under the Heading Room, ju28 Suit Ltiko City SALT LAKE BRANCH 01' THE Great Western INSURANCE COT, OF CHICAGO. MARSHALL A. CARTirn w H. K. MANN, Ay- OFFICE : Under Salt Lake Reading Rooms. A Branch ol' this SOUND and REU-A1SI.E REU-A1SI.E $5,000,000 COMPANY Having been organized in our oily wo arc now ready for business and oarn-escby oarn-escby solicit public patrona.,0, guaran-tcclatliatall guaran-tcclatliatall firc rists wi, m at a f airraTo-. H. R. RSA'r!Nf ! SAN F"."?iO!CO TRADE, Jl,cu.m.KASK. T. N. Wand. VAMD, KANE & CO., (Surcesnoi'9 to Hunter, Wnnd A Co.) Iiuiorter8 and Wholejalo Doulcrs in WINES AXD LTOUORS. ProprioLorsof Hun tor's CuUfuriiia X7S7"lioVt Wliisiltoy. Also Aiiftits for Joseph S. Finch's celebriitctl Puausi'lvuuia RYE WHISKEY. 007 and COO Front St., near Jncliaoii, SAN FRANCISCO, myl tmimmi Imi 1 I,,, LAZARD FRERES, Iuiliorters uml Jobbers of Foreign and Domestic Do-mestic Fancy and Stni'lo DRY GOODS. Depot of Gnotls Manufactured at the Mission and Pacific Milts, Consolidated. Glij Jt 57 illniket St., Sn Fran. JnylS Pnria: 2H Rno Dc L'Kchigiiior. EINSTEIN 0.103, S CO., Imiiortora and MuauiVicturora of BOOT?! AID SHOES OF EVr.3V STYLE AMD KIND. I 1 J, .' 1 5, Ril 117 Pli.e Sti'eel, SAN FRANCISCO. Our Jl'ime-mnde Goods are vnequaled hy any, S.nujtics at. Mr. dioodhiiid's Office, 05 J31LT LAKE CITY. E.MAErnrj&co. f liolGsale Lipr Dealers, 108 Front Slixol, Sun Francisco. Proprietors of nilLLEIl'S EXTRA OLD liOUUEJON And solo iiffonts for J, F. CUTTER'S EXTRA OLD BOURBON WHISKIES Constantly on hand, a full assortment of all tho Stnudnrd llrnuds of Wrinkles. Fine' Brandies, Foreign mill Doiitcutlc Wines, mf II I iters, Cord fain, dec. WEIL & CO.. iiifonTniiii or Cigars and Tobacco PropriotorB of tlio HAVANA CIGAft MANUFACTORY find U33 Front St., Southwest cornor Front &. SacramoDto StS.. or. .5. EVE:s?or & co., 48 Clay St., Snn Francisco, DEALERS IN OREGON PRODUCE, Are couBtantly iu receipt of Oroon Hum a, Bacon. Lanl, talnion, Ac. Stareli, of our own aii'! :-::i,lcrn inanufactare iiIwnyM on ijuiitl. S. 1'. HoMon. jus. Moorhoad. S. P. fiOLDES & GO.. liiroiiTEr.a 0? FOREIGN DRY GOODS, 1 inens, Dress Goods, Hosiery, &o, 23 & 30 SANiSOME ST. London ; 27 Lcadonhall St.. E.C- o& HEAD QUARTERS BOOTS & SHOES, HOBART, IVOOD & CO., 15 Sansome St., San Francisco. JOHNSON, WOOD & RUST. S7 rcarl St., Boston, Mass,, MANUFACTURERS AND WHOLE SALE DEALERS. ORDERS P110MPTI.Y FILLED, A. S. GRIFFITH, SALISN m HERRINGS,: 133 Waslil.igton Street. All kimla of Dried, Eoiuked and Pickled Fiab 1 tff. C5. MHizljLillL'&j CO, j COMRHSSISM MERCHANTS 30 and !i06 Cnllfoniln St., San Francisco, - California. Particular nttcntion pnid to tho filling of ordcra lor every doienptiou of morohandiao, -Jg"'c of Ores, 4.c, CIE1ERY, SOUTHER & CO., Importers nad Jobbers of FOllKICN AXD DOMESTIC BRANDlki.'-.. , WINES, AlD Liauons, Jj'!bU C'"v Cnnlm, A. C. DIETZTCO. " IMPOHTRlig OF PAINTB, OILS, i Varnishe.3a,id Lamps, No. 211 FRONT STREET, "WtaimK ta Prancl.co UTAH CENTRAL BS.A I L:H59A;?. PIONEEB mi CF UTAH. On iii.ilnric,. Bloii.luy, Jiy 17i 18J1 Loavo Suit Lnko City at rj im ,.!.,,-Arrive ,.!.,,-Arrive at ObJoo 7 Ml. Loayo Onden at 8 a. m. and V30 n ArnvoatSaltLatoCitSiS.';;,,';,,.,,, In addition to tt10 ,i)Vo Will run ' BALLY, 8U1NOAYS JilXClimj) Leavini: Suit Lake City ut 5 "0 i, , j Fare from St L,nUe C1 Woods Cross - fixed Contrcville - . '" u ;i5 Fiirminctou . . " ' 0 4S Kaysvillo - J 0 !; OKdon . . () bT - fl 1 50 tart nom Or,!.,, tn Kuysvillu - . a. ,. 1'iiruiiiiKton - . S' S(l tT Coutrovillo - ' ' U Hf Voods Cross . r, 1 (fi Salt Lnko City . " 1 15 p",i,"h';';, V" Iiclr Ticket, .it tli. oillce,. ''ii'Kllig-odi.U. ,. ' , ,. Ai.i.tait .! and Ticl1..t.U 'i JOHN KHAJ.il', AND SEIJAGEBIE. U,,,,aotnoct to tho Tabomao,.. JOHJJff.VdllMi ., - lrop. -'!"li ,,mi;, . ( ltil.lre,,, ' "JJcfB. Open from a a.m. lo 0 p , Con.otma KWM. App.. 'U.L.Mf,, I -Sr'hoolj and E,imiiiP. i,,' , Z. C. M. I. COLUMN. 17071 Wholesale DRY GOODS DEP'T Up Stairs, Emporium Buddings, A full. Erst-class fltook ol STAPLE DBY GOODS, NOTIONS, BOOTS and SHOES AT LOW PRICKS. ! Wholesale buyers and Co-operative Dealers please inspect. GROCERYsHARDWARE I DEPARTMENT, i 1 ! CONSTITUTION BUILDINCiE, j : Purchaaera can hero find j An Immense Stock j AND IN EACH B1ANCH AGRliATVARIEfY. i IMPLEMENTS, TOOLS AND MACHINERY ! ALL ON THE PREMISES. Miners Supplies a Specially j - FIRST-CLASS FITTERS AND J VVORKBKN TO FILL ALL ORDERS PROMPTLY. I ! i I i ; I i CLOTHING DEP'T. j ! HOME-MADE ! IMP O R T E D ilANUFACTURED FROM HOME-MADE, FRENCH, GERMAN, ENGLISH and AMERICAN! FADRIC9 Fine Cassimeres, and Cloths Trimmings On hand, for Gentlemen ordering their own. Retail Departm'nt, EMPORIUM BUILDINGS, THE FINEST DISPLAY AND ASSORTMA'T OF GOODS. WE CUT IN ANY LENGTHS AT A SMALL ADVANCE ON WHOLESALE. ! This is the Department for Families. i j DRUG DEP T. i Fancy and Staple Drugs, i PATENT MKI! m:s, LIQUORS IU GREAT VARIETY KNUL1SU A1.B AND POIlTlClt, HVKItlLL PAINT WIIITK LKAU, OII.N, COI.OHS OLASS, KTC. Prescriptions rom rhlsMan, ,(, . j have special attention. H,U,AWSOi,Slll,((l BENEDICT, HILL & CO. WANUKACTUlUUiS AND WUODKSAUI DHALEltS JN Boots and Shoes, HAVE REMOVED TO Now. JIM sind ISii RAK1 STItEEl Utirner Unby, ) vttttt Ono Block East of Urondway, lNjlj 'V Y()R lciirtiiiut, ut tlio 0i fjese "sia boot Every style and quality of Boots and Shoes M ADE TO ORril-jf .. r don guaranteed. OKDjMt, satiafac ALWAYS ON OAND A LARGE AND CHOICE STOCK OP ' ' IIOME-MADEimtortedBOOTSAND shoes i A FULL ASSORTMENT OF Shoe Findings, Horse Collars and all kinds of Leather H. B. OLAWSON, SuP;.,Tgvn.v. NEW YORK TRADE. ROBERTS, READ & CO., Manufacturers and Jobbers cf 371 BROADWAY. NEW FORK. juylO C. A. Longstrcot. John Sedgwick. LOKGSTREET & SEDGWICK Manufacturers of and Wholesale Dealers in MEN'S & GOVS' CLOTHING, 466 at 4G8 Broadway, Ntw York. HENDERSON, JUSTICES Co Sucoesson to Qriffen, IlendcrBon k Co., IMP0ETEE3 AFD JOBBERS OF FANCY GOODS, A'OTMS, JSC O jS I JU HY, FURNISHING GOODS. ETC., iuh lb 500 BROADWAY, Orrosite St. Nicholas Hotel, n New York. L. -M. BATES & CO., 451 tt 453 Broadway, NEW YORK, mt'viiTERS i.VD JODBEBS IS Fancy Sry Goods, HOSIEKY, WHITE GOODS, ' WOOI.E.Vt, SHAWLS, YANKEE NOTIONS, .IV. J. 11. BULGKK. Jolt FELIX CAMPBELL, 79 John dt, New York, Manufacturcrof and Dealer in I Wrought, Cast and Gaivaulxeil And every variety of fittings for 1 ilie same. ml7 Tlie ;"-at KnulvIcnt-Tho world may bo safely challenged to produce so per-luct per-luct a simulation of nnythiiiB in nature as , Tnrrnut'i Seltzer Aperient Is of its original, tho Seltzer Sprinc of Germany. Ger-many. Iho Aperient. la.ed oq a correct ; analyfis ot tho Seltzer Water, is even superior supe-rior to tlio manufacture of Nature herself because it contains :ill tho active medicinal properties of the spring, unalloyed by any of tlio inert and u.ele particles found in all mineral lountains. The Genuine article bei nit secured, you havo tho Solizer Water ol Europe, ruribl mid perfected, and prou- ably the best, tho most geDiul cathartic and anti nllious preparation on the face of tho earth. SoM l,y nil DriigglslM, mMMMS CHICAGO TRADE. PAGE,Ro.& CO., Importerawd Dealers lD " LEATHER AND FINDINGS 50 Laka Street, CHICASD, ILL M. D. WELLS &, CO., Manufiiotareri of and Wholcal. Dialer. Roots and Shoes, 11110 w.b,h Are, Cnlcag.. 'oeaict. s. P. Mclnlrro. DIEBOLD & KIENZLE, nceoMora to Klobold, Bihnmoa k Co CELEBBATED CINCINNATI I FIRE AND BURGLAR PROOF And SarKflEt's Matrnetio and Automatic JJank JSt J C3 JE& PRATT & mVWHT Cauactf Agents . . Washington Ht, Chicago BRIGG HOUSE B- H, Skinner, Proprietor. SSKSSffiS! CHICAGO. ."'sHoa centrally located. weU fur- CHASE, (WORD & CO., 51 South Water St., CHICAGO, lleadqnartera for Oils, Paints, Glass, &c, Manufacturers of the celebrated WILSON OIL T.'.NK- VAN SC3A1CK, STEVENSON & REID, WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS Dealer In PAINTS, VARNISHES, CilS, DYE STUFFS, BRU;HS, Window Glass, Glassware Patent Modi clues, &o &o, 00, 03 A, 04 Lake St., cor. De arbri- W'ith a Inrffo experience in the Territorial trade, wo teel sure of airini eatUfaction is quality, prices and packing. jujJ) Lake Shore Oil Works. MAXWELL, WhTeLER & C3., Manufacturers of Kglue, Slirnal. Tallow, Lard and WOOL OILS. Dealers in Headlight Carbon, "Whala J&eph&nt, Seaf and Sperm Oils, A gout for the rale of PRATT'S ASTRAL OIL. Agent or tho West YirgiuiaOil ami Oil Uwl MAXTjrACTURB3 Or EXCELSIOR CAR, ROOF AHJ tCN PAUT For Tiu and Shingle ltoofii, Briilgo Tuuben, 4e. Factory, CHICAGO. Offite. A oVj Illinois St., In6 5. Water Sut H. DINWOODEYS New Pumiture Store ON KAST TEMI'Ll' STEHET, IS NOW 0 X3 113 3M. I lliis on lunul a very Large Assort meat of ALL KINDS OF FURNITURE ! j I''inc 1'iiHor sot.s Jrotti $100 to $liO. ( licJroom sets IKim $7j to J-'5A Also at his Stand West of Meat Market, First South St Utivc on hand tlio Largest and Most Complete Stock in tlie City WAGON TIMBEE AND IEOH OF ALL SIZES, Which thi'y oll'or -A- T "V 33 HFfX" LOW P K I C E S . .''U!8T KANT ti'JUHICT, llALl'-A-UI.Ot'K SOUTH OF THKATUK |