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Show Gksts Attkntio.v. Ki. ilnrris, nt tlio Litti-K Cui.vr Htore "round tho corner," kocps Ibo best imported ilnv-iiiiftiiiid ilnv-iiiiftiiiid Domestic Uififirs, T.ibncco nnd li lions. Unifl and jiuIro lor yourselves. your-selves. Tlireo doors oust oi PuatOtlieo. 1 A Okkat Tonic. II KG JO MAX'S COKMAL ELiXIli OF CALLS A Y A JJAIiK. A pleiisant cordial which Ptrengilioris una improves Digestion, 1111 excellent preventive- of Fevers, Fever nn d Ague, etc. , and it grout Konovntor and Tonic fur invalids and deoilitiitod persons. per-sons. Heqkmas & Co., Xow York. Solo Altinutaeturers. Sold by all DruggUta. i'li't Cuttino iSs Co'a California Canned FruiU and Jellies are- the best in tho juiirket. Ask your grocer for thom. si) Have you seen tho Stratford collar? Derby has thorn, Alain-st., near cor. of 1st Suulh-st, s2; Oysters. California transplanted and shell oysters received fresh daily at the Grand Hestaurant. Booth's fresh oysters in ovory style. Open day and nieht. s--2 Persons wno ark Bald, or who are troubled with thin hair, should see mo at Calder Bro's Book Store. s!2 C. W. Staynkb, Agent. Lioiit Sprixo Waooss, saitablo for grocors and provision doalors; just the thing for running around town delivering deliver-ing goods. udv iOxrRKSS "Wagons for palo nt the ' Council llouso yard. Warranted a 1 first-class nrlicJo. Timber and work-( work-( manship guaranteed. adv Furniture, Crockery, Class and JMk-orwiiro, etc. Tho largost stock west ot CniciiRout tlio Crym.ul I'aluco. nilgl.J liAKKATT A; Co. rCAcTTir0:wn-nra prepared to purchase pur-chase any quality 01 dried PKACHES, for which wo will puy in cash tho highest price paid in this market. To those who have from 500 to 1,000 lbs., wo can oiler special inducements induce-ments through our Colorado and Nebraska Ne-braska connections. Kiaas, Lkcutenuero & Co., s!3 Alain Street. K.iitE Business Cuaxce. For sale, tho California Store, Mum street, with lot twcnty-livo front, a hundred and sixty-live loot deep. Apply to Ji. li, yiioobridge, on the premises, or at tho IIehald ollice. sJl Diamond .Simiinu Wagons, tintahlc for l.iTiiily cjirriiigei. good timber, wW ironed nnd lir-chi.-s workmanship, FOR SALE CHEAP, at tho Council HoiioG yard. adv I I SrirnmiAKKii SPIUNil WAGONS ! Timber ivnl wrkin v. -i-iiio war:-:i:iU-d , tor sal.' eheap a', th.; l'.,im. il Ilou-o ! yard. :uh- I Dried Peaches. "Wo respectful I ly call attention to the advantages of drying tho surplus stock of PJS AGH ES. Wo shall give- tho highest prico for clean, well dried fruit, at our Provision Department, back of .Emporium .Empo-rium Buildings. aug-1 Jt. B. CLAWsoy, Supt. Prospectors should examine tho STUJJEBAKElt SPKING WAGONS, j at tho Council JL uso Yard, beforo purchasing pur-chasing elsewhere; they nro just what they want. ftUV The Cheapest and Bost House to buy Furniture- is at Brunton's furniture Warehouse, 3d South street. Spring ilattrasses a specialty." - aug'2 Tiieiie is a message at the Western Union telegraph office for Joseph Miller. Proclamation to tub Public I do hereby issue this, my Proclamation, to tho traveling public : Parties visiting Suit Laka City and going east on the U.P.R.K., will' lind it to their advantage to leave Salt Lako City on the evening train and remain over at Ogdon at night, thoreby having hav-ing a good night's rest, and so bo fresh for travel at 8 o'clock ft.m., when the daily express train leaves this dopot. At the Ogdcn House wo offer as good accommodations ac-commodations as ur.y house west of Ouifihu. Pree busses at every train to nnrl from tho do pot. adv Joux ALauox, Proprietor. Tiie ('lieaiM'si ami Rest S TOVES In tlio City, nt W. HARRISON'S eitt il.iia-st., ojiiioditc Bp. Hunfcar's. General Pliiliii Koiilliejer OPHNS TO-DAY Stalls 14 a 15 Meat Market, And will ,cll the clioiocJt meat :it pricci TO r E V Y (lOMPKTITIO . . Don't fornt tou!l m DITCH I'JIIL lit hi, Vf-A.sn;N,.r,)N 1-,I,L 0) l.k4'-?.Prv .:- ...... -fi-IlOl J Vi . num.l J. . . -prise.-!, y s h) to 15 c-ji C. Aaaiu. . . - THEATRE. Triumphant Success or mi: 13lti(lngiilied Trnijlw Ar;istc, MF.W.LAnuFR (MISS JEAN DAVENPORT.) To add n iditionul Htronttlh to tho :m-nrt of ttiisnrmtp. Mil. . 2icK'&;i':.5ri3 . Has liccn ciisagcl tn njiiioir in conjunction Vi'i'.li Ibo FULL DRAMATIC COMPANY. TSiiS EVENIWC Will Iio iirofentett mi udu ;tnt ion from Gi.v couiolti'n i'nigfity, in five nets by Miss Torrj- llee-J. entitled, ELIZABETH Queen England. COAL ! COAL! Having purchased (h Spriggs Coal Mine Wo aro prtpnrcd to supply UiH' justly celebrated iSBE6l COAL by cut lond or retnll. llepot nt XI. C. It. H. Yard, unicet Kxclinugc and lie ud I nS Uooium. BATEEViAN & BUEL. aupS W. H. UlltU.Ageiit. Attention Miners ! Wanted Immediately three hundred hun-dred tniiu of fcood Alt(;K.. TIFBKOl'S OiVLKNA and COPrfiB OUES at SCHEMER'S SMELTING anil EEMIC WORKS, At Union Fort, Little Cottonwood. Rates for Smelting Oros from S15 to $28 per ton. as icr quality and iiuantity. auK.1 WILSON & CO., IMPORTERS A.VO WHOLESALE DEALERS is Groocries, Foreign .and Domestic Brandies, Bran-dies, Wines and Liquors, Clgni-H, To1nccof Hoots and Shoea, Hardware, &c., EAST TKMPLH STREET. Third fitrc n-i:h uf T7.. cr KMrcJ-e A STAR BAKERY. V.'o hnvc ju?t rr-cvitcl :i IarKc rnn-Jy of Llioico i iuiir, and sni'.iij'.cc AGOOi), SV.'EET LOAF. FUF.SII Ml'TTEIl AND KtJOS, COliX SHOUTS, i:ha:.-, GitAix, G-iGcerics snd p-'-; : ! MISCELLANEOUS. RICHARDS' HALL, Second South street, Salt Lako City. OPEN THIS EVENING, At half-past Seven o'clock. A-lml.-Mnn. .... 2ScL. Use of Skates, ... ;5cra. CALiroBnsnA GHOP HOUSE AND OYSTER SALOON, BERNARD!.? STEVENS, Jro;)'rS, fAiT temple street, Three doora below Second South Pt., SALT LJKE OITT. OPCiY DAY AND NIGHT. LAMES' EMPORIUM OF FASHION FIRST SOUTH ST., SALT LAKE CITV. A largo iiad ohoico 'asaortmoDt of FALL GOODS, Consisting of HATS, MOXXETS, FSATHERS, VELVET FLOWERS, LACES, GLOVES, LINEN COLLARS, CUFFS, HANDKERCHIEFS, Perfumery, Notions, &c. Ladies', Misses' and Children's Suits, Underclothing, &c, in great variety. Millinery anil Dressmalini In all its branclioa. MRS. ST12NMOTJSE llsis removed horo.iUliii,liiiiont to tho building forniiTly occuj.ici by tlio "Daily TelegrHiib." Mr, y. retiiriiH tlutiki for formor patronage and reipecU'iilly eolkitu u coil tin uaaes of llio sfiie, S S . 1 J - W m A N - j R . N g if J N o ! A CHOICE j;OT 01' STATES FLOUR FOR SALE BY II. WALLACE. HO FOR THE LADY-OF THE LAKE! . Uutil further notice tho Steamer "liSMSy orilel;iItc" Will mlto PLEASUBE TIFS, MVEUY DAY, (Sundays excoptod,) At 10 n. m. nnd 2 p. m,, running down to Putlit'-s, reuininim; tliero about ono hour, aud return at 1 p, in. and 5 j, in, Fare for the Round Trip,$l.50. Including Carriage Fare. lilbcrnl DlacQiuit to Fanillltn. CnrriiiRCJ will call daily at tho principal hot.ols tu take passengers to and I'rom the Steamer. Piirlies contemplntintt an oxoursionshotild make arninKomcnls the day provioiiH and i procuro tickets at the ollico of J. W, Xoung. Refi culimcuts can be oh!aincd on Uour.J. aug2l rr N o ra : 4 i HARDWARE. Buy the Best THE BEST THE CIIEArEST! ST O "V 3! S HARDWARE I T I UST W J II 1Z ! Closing out Cheap To make room for FALL STOCK! SEHSENEYMQ Opposite W. F. & Co'j Office, SALT LAKE CITY Till, Copper and Sheet Iron Work Bono - ! to Order. Agents for tho patent Nickel-Plated Revolving SMOOTIIDG lKO. ' SOMETHING NEW. LOOK OUT FOR TIIK Grand Opening OF Til 13 LAMP STOBIi ON MONDAY, OCT. 2nd. NEW STORE! NEW GOODS! HaLf-a-Mock West of the Eagje Emporium. Wo take this opportunity to return thanks Lu our many patrons lor their liberal patronngo in tho past, trusting by Elrict attention and economy in business to warrant a continuation of the Fnmo. AVo havo at a grant expenpo erected a building adapted for tho business, and havo bemi Rppmntud by tho manufacturers manufactu-rers SOLE AGENTS for this Territory for the Non-Explosive Fluid, I - Best Quality of Gasoline, And all the most Improved Patents In Light Oil and Ci.ul Oil Goods. Otircomploto nrrarjp omenta with tho ro-uncrs ro-uncrs of Coul Oil. dealing with tho manufacturers manufac-turers in every instance, shii'innd in bulk nt tho lu west rates ami roakitjft a r jjccialty of this bueincp?, warrant us in bcinj; sancuinc that wo can sujijfly tho pcojilo of this Xorri-tory Xorri-tory with BETTER QUALITY OF LAMPS AND LIGHT AT LOWER RATES Than ever offered in this market before Wo havo a largo and couijilelo stock of all styles ot Chandelier, I'tmLnniN, Ilnll LlghtM, UrackcU, Stand Lamjii,-Ilnnd Lamjii,-Ilnnd Lninjig, Street Lnmpji, Hfflccturit, LaiKcriu, Knllrond L.niilcritH, Gns Generating Burners, FreiBiirc UtirnerM, Copttun Ilurners, LJglit OU BurueiB, Col Oil IJtinitih, Argund Burners, i All styles of Chimneys, Porcelain Shades, . Glass Glohes, Paper Shades, Pieflectors. VAPOR GA.S. STOVES, Jlf.L stvlkb. ' I Call find o.:iti)itie mir .'to''k and jiricc-s. ' WHOLESALE AKD RETAIL, - C,,.,.- -leiivcr.-l to y -.a- orshcoltv freo.f e!i:irt-o. u.niri. n: ;.ltcJ will, i-,n.J ir ml ;it t h i r .'.ou. c.., rci.-iil.Lrly. hy 1 1 ;i v i n thc;r ad Jrcs-. E. RESE & CO., l II b If-M-lilock went of Knglc Km- j potltiut. bij WOOD WORKING. ! I hi i sun L-t.tuer. W. H. Fnlram, t iJaorsc II. Xuylor, UoorEO Komnej ' LATIMER, TAYLOR & CO. i CHEAP and GOOD i Wisconsin Pine i BLINDS, i Wc have secured the .A G E N C Y FOR TQE Largest Ssh tni Door Factory iu the World, Located in the great Pineries of Wisconsin, Wis-consin, where tho best of lunjber is from one to two cents per foot. i j . ! i F:si Consignment open to-thv. 1,000 Doors blFFERENT SIZES, 2, 35 4 and G Panel. 1,000 S SASH, from 7x9 to lOilS. 500 PAIRS Rolling Blinds, At Prices that Defy Competition! OUR FACTORY 18 IT WITH TIIE .TIMES In all home work in our lino. Sash Doors, Odd Sash, or ,, ISow Windows, Frames, Doors oiw .uc. Etc., Etc. A FULL LIKE OF MouldingS Planing & Sawing WITH DISPATCH. MEiVimOR & CO, l"9 Oa.BloakwmtoflkbMnMl. i SAM AHCISCO TRADL THE GRrTi-T BLOOD PURIFIER. . i fc$ r ... . . TUB : GREAT CALIF :INIA VEGETAL i BLOOD PUR llr jjinn in Tiiic rvr Inilmns .-ts nn n i.-oluie cure r ""- 1: i l'V M J TlN.M, liUT, .Nt.l KVl.iilA .,11 J ca. ia sny w.iy rini;iru- lr m :ui..unl'r Of tho blood. Sci IK'l' ll4Ji W. I ,nui(' to hBhi its virtue, ntui oi" th r- . h:if com iiu nili I V V. H f. S N 1 , ,,. ration lor the l'Ell.MAXKNT Cl'KE uf Scrofula, SMI lltieum, aiwl all Krtiji- live mill f ulKiirnui, l)lrnac. Oiv imniC'liito ami 1'prmnnct, r-lirf in uvhisiA. ;; k v 1 1 k i , s v , Tumors. Itoiln, tfe.l.i Head. 1 . r ,,,.,1 fcorif: cnHi-jiies Innu ths sjsttm i i.-joes oi mercurial disviuc IT IS PURELY V ijfcTAflL t . It iK tlicrcfro rccul'arlj jirb!,:,. , fciiiKlcs ati't i-hil.ir.n a HL"0'J YV-. t-Fll-IK and KKNuVA i'OR. MUTHKKS Who wish to fiini ii oic.I c'-n io-u -'v odincd to tboouron: HU.UOli:- i rl' i" TIUXS in their children) ,l .( . and sure euro in YKkJja SAN 1'A ' ,. . ovurywherc. REDISGTOS, 1IOSTET1 a i tj. Agcnta, .10 and 531 lr . . yi., Sun Ki i i, lit .,, REDINGTON, HOSTETTEl: CC Importers and Jobbo ( FOREIGN AND DO.llKiTIC DRUGS 1D C ill: It U.S. Fine Ksseittlnl Oils, Giiuk, f . oota, Seed, Plon cra, Spt t. - Skins, I'omnatv, .v v., And a1! othor Ptaii'ea oonncotd with ihi Wholesale aiid Retail Drug UuRine5.i. Constantly in recoii-t. byriirec.t IiDiortation. of Buropcn iti t A.-i nic rrudarts. Exclusive Agents for Quicksilver, Hoste'ter's Bitiern, Drake's I'lnniiitiiMi Bit if re Wolf'Sf hoid -in S.'ni:ii,. Ncwt'li I'ulniiiiiarj-riyrup. And all tho Iwi'tjv " ; .Ve.tioinoi uitlcm i'rv.uiDtiy and C.l cf.illy ' .uo ' ' 1 . " ' -V;tiktt Mtrrrf, j5f;n Pr: ., Cifornia. Ebt Bi.irnED in 18R2, ARMES '3ALLAM, Iropo.-torB, Jobbers and M.VNUFACTlIRliKS OF WoodiWiiiowWare : BROOM!, I'AILS.TWIW, t'lil'liN? MKt'M i.s, iw.sKKrs. twisks unlv(jr MA1-H1-;S, STATION KUV l'APi-K iiAOS, L LO'l'll lr. WlIINOKliS t.ATlUJ( IH.'STKKS K"H-l.U K"H-l.U T.lCM,K, Tr'N PINS AM) iiali.i. AND (JEN I'.HAl, - Mouse rurnisliin Goods. DIItRCT IMI01tTMHi.f AlK KV-i KltltM LEADINll OKltMA.N M) IKKNCU MAMlfACTi: UK us, AGKNT8 FOR THE BALI OK F Vr-nro. Ma-eli Craj.tijrV Matcliw. ; Aiiicrio.in A ot n iid. L iiiuCniiiiin) VTwiuoF. 1 iiuMiin ! mx Mills 1 win .s, i J. C. Coiirni- ii Cu.' Ki.-dnuii Tnoklp ! lIoninK.-wonli A W hn n-; 'f I'm .it lt.i(ta, bherm ,n I m jiru vnd ;iur rir-cus, O. Iv Uriswold A- (Jo 'n l'"o;Ulicr DusUtb. t. MuLauRliiin's Urusliu, ,Our Block is Hid hrce t on tho Pnrific Lo:u-it, ;i:-il our l.ieilitiud lor u.itnufaeturing mid lHii'iirtmi; eu,i')lo ua to sill at lowcwt market i'neo. SEND FOR CATALOLUEC. No. 315 J4I7 Snoramcnio Street, SAN FKAACISCO. CHACViBERS'S ENCYCLOPEDIA, A DWTIONARY UF UNIVERSAL KNOWLEDGE For the riolr. Revised KJition. lt.--is-. in of IS70-7I, withMiipH, I'lales an-! Knraviii. To bo eoiniiloti-il in S 1 J'jrlF, unluug 1(J Vo:s. of i imHt'c uiudi. Illmtratod with ab.iut I'nur Th.iuund En-eravinsa En-eravinsa and r'urly ,M;.)a. PUICK rr Purl, I lie I ml i u-j ill,,,,, and lllual nil Ioiik, UO LenlH. TKLCK VKR VOLU.MK: ' - Extra Cloth, hoveled boiir.lK , Ft) Library Seeoji. marhiutl udttts , i. ux--r" Half I'm Uy Mon.eec '.. trrfi M;Vr. II. H.KI'.ys ,v Cd. nro 'be Acent, for thiimlor' K"e cIojhi a in r ()C Piieilic O'Kih!. and nid iitiliiMlirrs nnd importer im-porter of oilier Amcri-sii ;i0,i liiKillh nun-dnrd nun-dnrd und illubtniteJ work.-. CASSICL'A SKW POI'lLAH. KDUCATOH, New Ji.liiinn, Universal Pronoun-in;; !i e!ion:iry of lti-' lti-' OKrihv and My luuloiiy. by J. i'hdiiiiis, A-ii., A-ii., L. D. National I'orlrniL (lallcry of Eminent Americans, &j (mrlfi ;t .'( cents c.iuh. II. II. KKV &. CO., ,r.i:i Clny Kt-.J-kuFrani-loivi. Mr. H. May ia now in Utah uth! will visit the different, ducts to dolicii fur Iho lirm. 1'arllct eubfi.TibiiiK fur uny of their wnrk may rely upon btiim faitlilaliy served every inuutli. Oodlic Oelngou Iloime, (7 SALT LAKE CITV. C. H. BASSETT, HARDWARE STORE All kinds ol HEAVY HARDWARE, Iron nnd KtceJ, Stoves and fm -Ware ' IILACILSniTIl TOOLS, grlculLurnl uienf a And jtiialngTooli, At Loweit Katci. OPI'OSITK SALT L.KIC IIOUSK Tilf, EXGELSSOR COALSOMP'r, ROCK SPRINGS. WYOMING TER, I 1 1 1 1 1 ' , liro. ,V Co., Pniju 'w, juy |