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Show EMMA HILL TUNNEL AND MINING COMPANY. '"pHE STOCK BOOKS of tho Einina Hill J. Tnnnol and Mining Company aro now upon in Hcid'fl BaildiaK. and a limited number num-ber of unassessable shares for sale. i The Emuia Hill Tunnol and Mining Company Com-pany was looatod April 1870, incorporated August 11, 1S71. and has tho moat flattering pmspects of any mine in Little Cotton woo d. For particulars inquire of W. S. WOODilULL, Vice Pres.. Roid's Building, I Or JAS. A. MURPHY. Secretary. aug31 Koid'a Building. j States Corn i 2 Gts. per lb. OATS, BARLEY, FLOUR, LTC, hV PROPORTION, At GEO. II. IkNOWL DEN'S. 75. Sacks Calhoun XXX, Grand I Island and other States Brands of Xj O "CJL 1 ' For Sale. I any!) ;A NoJ f ire Brick. ; SCOTT, DUNHAM & CO. 1 A ItE rccciviup by tho car-load an extra ' I , quulitrof Tiro JJrk-k, which will be sola in small or lnrt;o quanlitics-Xhoy quanlitics-Xhoy luivo boon used in Colorado and else-i else-i i where for veari ami nre cqu'il in every ro-! ro-! 'j arcui l. iho b. Luy ish briok. JIDEEP "WELL NEVER ko13 out of order, and is cheaper than uny oilier Grst-olass pump of equal cupncitj-. Invaluablo for sprinkling i . grounds, streets and for lire purposes. j HOSE from :i to VA inch. SCOTT, DUNHAM & CO., 1 i"ylS AGENTS ; Dried Fruit! ; Wc are desirous of jmr- i chasing all or (lie Dried Fruit Crop of this Teiri-tory. Teiri-tory. We V WILL Fill IN CASH ! The Highest Prii-.p " ? """ CHEAP ADVERTISING. AJvcrLiscuionts uodcr lliia Iieading not cxcccJing five linos, fifty cents for each and every insertion. I'Vh additional ad-ditional lino ton cents. rOlt KENT. ROOMS SUITAHLE FOit OTITCKS AND Slon'inft Knoins. in Taylor'.- JJuildincs, opposite Walt Lake House. IIVETOTKN ROOMS. WITH MODKkN juMirovciiionl.i, inoludiiik' ukfcts, water pipo, Ac; nlno .cidlarn and ice bon.o. in a now. woll-finisln-'d homo.situatud in a jilcas-antlooation. jilcas-antlooation. Apply lu S. .1. .loniion. cmi-Tuyancor. cmi-Tuyancor. lias I Tomi.lo street, nuiirly 0no-sito 0no-sito Iboiiiink of UeHuret. -'j riHEUPrKR STORY OF TIIK CALJI'OKNTA X Saloon. Couimoroial Street, juj-'.i FOl'XD. 'I'HE KEY OK A SA V B. THE OWSKR , I can havo it by ui-plyuiK at trtc lli;a i.u OQico. f-- I TO LEASE. ' ONE OF THE BEST JH'SIXFSS LOTS in thia city lor a lorui ol yoiira. Imiuiro at this (Jflice. uuk-Ij WASTED. rpo RENT. A HOUSE CONTAIXTNG X from four to six room, nut niro than six blocks from Main Struct. Apply at the ilKiui.u Otlico. s'Ja AOIIIL TO DO (iENERATi IIQUSE-work, IIQUSE-work, or to take care ol f-bildrea. Inquire In-quire at the rcflidonoo of C. I;'. Smith, oppo-aito oppo-aito tho Townaend House. e2J To the Ladies ! Mrs. WILKINSON East Temple Street, Wishes to-inform hor friends and patrons (hut she will open1 ON SATURDAY, the !43rd lust., A BptcndiJ stock of MILLINERY AND DRESS GOODS, ConMHtinn ot Ladies' ami .Hisses' Hals, Turbans, Feathers, Flower, Hibljona, Snllns, Velvets, Empress and Sedan Cloths, PLAID MOHAIRS, Japauese Silks and Parisieimts. MERIN3S, ALPACAS, ETC., EXPRESSLY SELECTED TO SUPPLY THIS MARKET. s23 ANOTHER ADVANCE In the Trice of DRIED PEACHES ! Bring them g TEASDEL&CO'S 1 O SEWIMG ICIII1S, T llie BEST . " Vrim . RIGGS, LECHtSberg & IT ' . . WHOl.KSALK AND 1U0TA,,, bmjKm N GROCERIES, WINES, W DRY ;00DS. MINERS' OUTFITTINo GOODS! ' dn3i,''",i; 1Urcliaso wi" lo to inspect our Mock ki,K i complete in every department 'tb " 1 OfJE DOOR SOUTH OF SAVMSE & DTTINGER'S, i Large Arrival of New Goods. Our Full aiHMVmtcr SUn-'-i ,r BOOTS, SHOES AND HATS Arc now opened aud on sale. AVe linw tlm . i i .!,ovc eve,- offc STdn f.iW SMk "r " Goods Frrnh and Fashionabb! Al! tho Latest Styles of Hats-Si k, toft and H ff ! Hoois and Shoes in Endless Qavtmtiw aod ?tv'e ! "GOODS G HI E A IP! . Who!, ,!u3,,, ,m f, us a cal. Ww m. WHOLESALE DEPARTMsST IS COMPLETE JAMES HAGUE, Jn. J. U. I1AUUE. 0E01W1B Uaqcj Big G-izn Store ! HAGUE "BROTHERS LATE J A M K S H A G U K , ' Importers mci Doalora in guis, .Nrcim etc W W h E(c. Baddies, Harness AND WHIPS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. REPAIRS NEA1LY EXECUTED. 2 East Temple Street. Salt Lake City. MEATS! MEATS!! MEATS!!! ALL SIZES ; Jennings & Paul, Iron, Cast Steel, I Stall No. 7, Toe stee,springstee,, NEW I BELLOYfS, ANTTLS, - MAKKET,1vicos and other Blacksmith Tools, Keep tho choitest supply of AXLES, SPRINGS, Carrlnge and Machine Bolti, iBEMUTTON, BUILDEHS' HARDWARE) t veal, Carpenter's Tools, ic, PORK. AT i And cverytbiug in their line which the SCOTT, 1111 & tfl'S mirkctaOurj!. Main trt, Wert ildc, Order mid delivery wagons will I deliver meal, free I.. a,,y par. of .Uc eXt llOOr tO White K0US8. . city. Order riven ot nnr timo durine market f.rTSW FOS? S"!S! hours will be promptly lillcd when desired. iif Vtt fl? J JrliSLit r.Tls J&- HI-. "JS-"' KSL.I!tO DffOUSJEe j 1CAST TEMPLE STREET, SALT LAKE CITY. A. F. TILIIKX, ) Ijit-or5n Francisco, I PROPRIETORS-J. PROPRIETORS-J. C. LAWKEXCK, f jnylj Late of Sew York, ) 229 j Wiio ! j Grain Department! (J;is leaiporarily IJEMOVCI) to John R. Clawsoirs, east of Herulil Ofllce, Where our patrons can be supplied with Corn ideal, Wheat, Barley, Oats, Flour, Bran, Shorts, States Corn, Etc., Etc. All kinds of Grain bought and sold. i;s II. II. CLAWSON, Supcrinteaj'- 'C ALDER EROTHEBS Do.iK.rs ii. ..very vari.dy id' "AX IHSTRUMENTS j L ACKNTS IV.r rti.h ot" tho 'o-jipuny, Sfi iuiViiy Ni Sons, Cliicl.-( Cliicl.-( Dei'licr & lliiriu s nml (t in & Fuller's " v-,.. "3 MM 1 a en ! 1 1 |