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Show Kecepttov Committee. Tho Jap-nno-i1 refption cumniit'oo .ire requested to rtifct this inorninc at Koom iso. ly City JJiill, at A punctual attcnil.incfi is requeued. f 1). II. Wki.ij, C'hniniiHii. Piiukxoloot. Prof. Fowler's Publications Publi-cations for sale at Uwyer's Bookstore. ft. Wanted n (iirl to do general Housework. House-work. Enquire at jMr. Tims. Taylor's 1-Jth Ward. f;;, Fino Furnishing Goods at Sirgel Bro's oil) Tub "Great Unknown" is exquisitely exquis-itely perfumed and contains nothing injurious. in-jurious. Try it ladies. j;i Fashionable Hats at Siogel Bro's. olO Two HiJNiir.K.n TEAMS wanted. Apply to DukanyA Ci'TTixu. t,arKost sUvk of clothing at SiegiM li"'- oil) Uknts A.TTKXTIOX. K-t. Harris st i tho Litti.s CnjAR Stork "round the ; corner,'' keops tlio bol imported Jinv- : ana tul Domp.-uc Ckar.s, Tobacco and Notions. Come and judge tor vour-eeives. vour-eeives. Three dwrs p.iit of Post Ouice. : Ft: asm re. Just reeeivod.at Henry ; nit.tvoo.lcy-, POO CAN K SKATKD. CHAiH'i. To be sold very cheap tor cash. jl7 Go to tlti Crytnl Palace, 78 Main! street, for Furniture, Jiedding; Crock-, ery, Chin si, Glass, Silverware and household house-hold goods generallv. dlT I Largo stock of line and heavy boot? at Siegel Bro's. o'i-1 Choice Missouri APPLES nt wholosalo. Inquire of C. K. Bnrratt, 7S Main street. jU (Juttino & Co's Cutirornin Canned Fruits and Jellies are tho nest in the market. Ask your grocer for them. OvcrcouLs, at cost, atiSicgol Bro's. olO Dkikb Peaches. We shall givo the highest price for clean, well dried !ruit, at our Provision Deuartment, it Jno.li. Clawson's, west of Theatre. Hug4 Ji. B. (Jlawson, JSupt- i OGDEN DIRECTORY. " First-class Business Houses, MERCHANTS. Wallcer Brollicrs, ZLon's Co-op. MercniUlle Institution, JmueB Ilarrocki, C. Woo.lmnnttc, P. Auerbacli Ai tiro. HOTEL. Ogden House, Jobn Million, Proprietor. LIVEKY STABLE. D. G. Xclion, Prtrietor. nlO NOTICE. T'lIE law partnership hcrcto'ore ositine between Thomas FiLcli uiul ri. A. Mann is this itay diasolvoJ. FITCB & MANN. Salt Lnka City. February 2d, 1ST 2. ft Gov'r Voods VETOED THE CONVENTION ACT! But still allows J. UnynesA Co. to sell PI A1TOS, ORGANS, SEWING MACHINES, AND Everything in their Line AT J HE A PER RATES THAN EVER BEFORE OFFERED IN UTAH. Any ono buying the WILSON tJew-ng tJew-ng iMacliino of them can savo Twonty-vo Twonty-vo Dollars, and if not suited with the largain can return it within ono month nd havo their money refunded. Closiog out ViTClIESAXD JEWELRY BELOW COST, To m&ko room for another olma of goods. OALL AND SEE US. 1. D-lYiNES & Co., , Two doori enit of Pott Office, SALT LAKE CITY. Patronize Home Mnstry ! XT TAH DICKER FACTORY IHE undercipned are now prerarcd to furni-b thu trade and the public with icsh Crukeri DAILY. Sultrr Cimkem, Plculcx. Soda rmcktrr, s Uosloi) Cracker, tilngcr Snapi. MORTON A CO.. ut aide Main street, near 3rd South 1 NOTICE, "Dcici-et Alining Company." The detiii'inent jhsrehoMen are hereby lof.Sed to iny up the'r remaiDioc ajiies-noaU ajiies-noaU nj lo Jn. hth. on or bct'frc the nth of t'obruiirr, ls7i, ani gavo forfeiture i l'C-r contract. OCicc at Pr. W. H. H Sharp's, Doatit, one ioor ea.-t of "Dvoret Evcnine 'nv " N. P. STtVEN.-UN.V. P. k Q. S. Salt Lake CiU, Jim. th, 1S72. CRUSHER FOR SALE. A No. 3, Double Action, Galea 'rnsher, Tor hale cheap. Apply ! MORRIS EVAS?, J4 P. 0. Sox, 21, Salt Uke (rity, The Potvder Mill Explosion In Ohio. . Cincinnati, O.-A special to the Chroni-' says: The names of the killed by " the explosion were Nero Ballard and L Robinson "White, and Oonley, colored, ii Oe 'caa blowa ialQ fxagnaeoLs, noLhifig could be found of him but a part of the I head. The shack was felt distinctly at ; Dayton, Urbana and iliamL llun-Idreds llun-Idreds of citizens are hurrying to the scene of the disaster and rendered all possible aid. Duncan, colored, is so terribly ter-ribly lacerated, that death is nionienta- , rily expected. A search is being made among the ruins for more workmen some of whom are missing. The bodies of the dead are shockingly mu:ilated and burned. Tho mills are situated some distance apart, but the concussion was so great as to produce an explosion of 'all the resL A brick house standing j more than a mile distant, ha J tho win- , ; dows blown out and was otherwise dam '. agod. i Froze to Death Man Killed. Helena, ALT., 5. An unknown man, while drunk, froze to death on Satur-, Satur-, day night, about a mile from town. In a row at Fort Benton, yesterday , morniiig, a man named Dennis Pinches was shot and killed. I "Weather clear and cold. Wliolcinle Prortnce DIarlcet. Silt Laki Herald Ornci, January '27, 1872. Flour, flcwl .... 8 3 10 3 75 Whc.it, " facked 2 25 B.irloy, " " 2 35 Oats, " " 2 i"i Potatoes, bu ;io Onione, ' 1 (XI Corn. cob. " b SO Corn, shcll'd, ? cwt 2 : Corn ileal, " 2 75 3 00 Brao, " 1 75 Shorts. . 1 ,b 2 00 ! Boans. H lb 5 Cutter, " frosh 40 Cheese, " lt Hams, ' 16 Bacoo, " 13 Beef, " 10 Pork. " -. 10 Mutton." 15 EskS. f dos 35 Chickens, each - 40 50 Hay, ton 25 00 Coal, " 8 00!0 BO Wood. ? cord 10 00 Tides. eoh 3 50 4 00 Ducks, " tiG Uccsc " 2 00 2 50 rurkoys," 2 00 2 50 Wild Duok?, por pair 50 RabbiU 30 . . The Place to Buy YOUR GLAZED SAiillj BLINDS, AND " PANEL DOORS, For Quality and Price, Imported or Home-made, IS AT LATIMER, TAYLOR &, CO'S PLANING MILL, ash mill Door Fiielory, One Meek west of Tabernacle dl? on nnn Zu.UUUlROfi AND STEEL At V. II. Kassclt's. -S s CO o j 2C S 'I U ao - bUO & 1 " . I i ' z a pq ; I o.. e Zi I . . n -r ( 3 l MISCELLANEOUS. ' AUCTION SALE or I Unclaimed Packages;. . I The " follow in c nno'aii-.icl rh i refusrH facknsc-5 on hni in : he ui.-c o: iho I imp cific Kailror.J Comjan 's Kxi're.. .i! ; 0,rJcn. t'sah. will be ,i'd at the .u--ivn House of Lincoln A Steven. Second r'nu;h Street, Salt L-ke City. coi::i:icai-;iij; 10o 'clock a. m., Wednc.-Jay. Veb.-uary ;ii. J.BTICLK. AIRSSS. DMTIXATIOX. 1 rkg R D Johnson Cvden 1 box T Link evad. M T . 1 roll P J Loafen s.i!cih. Orc;on :1 bix M Lauimlein Silver Oity. M T 1 pkc P Leonard Virsiuta, t.iia ;1 bdi castings cas-tings J Mrers OeJen 1 box K Mo:e Haioiiion. I T llpkc S M Monran l"p.erXou-het.WT j 1 bdl M M.nicn Scrlir.?. M T lbox Parpe ,t Bcl Crdcn 1 box C W Penrose Ojden , 1 b-x M Peno (V-den ,ilrkK A Sliiveley KeKoa. I T 1 box r.mi.y Sheriff S.ili Liikr ' 1 trunk ChussheUon Prove, L' 1" 1 ltd I CBi- i tings R W Sbolrs Salt I.nk 1 box J M X.bor Auft-o, Nom'h '1 box J Anderson Wa ho. NovmJ.i 1 writing I disk A Banniter Connno 1 .kK pa- Pits Oil B.-nor New San Dicco.Cal 1 box C Bird ORdtn 1 pke pa- peri E tfrtib.iner San Franci-co lbox W bugrrt Ocdcn I 1 trunk K W i.enn Slmolhou'eStr, Cal lbox W Edward Port an J. Vn c n 1 trunk J Frck S.mi Francisco 'lbox J A Freeman Monie, i'.iI II box J Fcrrell W.illa Walla. W T 1 1 blk bagC tirier Wasatch. U T ! 1 pks paper pa-per Mtiiibcrt Mill Citv. Ncv I 1 box W C LUydon Frrmontory 1 trunk R Hutchinson Jackson, Oregon , 1 c box Lizzie- Harris Hamdion, Sev . lpku W llocan Prooioniiiry 1 pkK JlrsJ Uinos Santa Clar., Cul jl box OLWes;enhoisrOakliind. Oretoo I 1 bix S B Weaver Va L'uy M 1 1 pks Horace Wacct Ofidcn I 1 blk bag Jac b Walther Ocdon jlbox 11 Wol.'ord tlirion Vallev.Ntv J. M. SKIBEKT, A cont j ! U. P. K. li. CVs lixpra. Ogden, Utah, January 1st, 1S72. jii j AUCTION SALE or Unclaimed Packages. Tho followinji nnclainicd pnoknje.-', ro- uinining on hnnd in t ti uHiec of Well., Far to ! I it Co., at Ottdcn, Utah, will bo sold at mo, Auction House of Lincoln .1 Steven;, r-c.'imd ' South Streol. Salt Lako Cit. coinm n'eniRl at IU o'clock a. in., Wcdntsdar, February 2Stb, 1871 AST1CLS- AD!RE?S. DKSTIN AT10N. lbox AMUxpresi Omaha, Keb 1 coat k 1 biiskot M W Aunrick Off'on 1 iik Gile. Kdwarda Alabama lbox PPlarity Promontory 1 casting cas-ting J P Gibson Odcn lbox AXlookor Sturbrilge Sl.wa 1 pkir casting cas-ting AIT Logan 'Ogden 1 pkp ores Sam Lancaster Opdcn 1 pick R i'uxtnn Odo i l.pks A J Itans Mo-nello, Nevada 1 bdl J R Stoevo Onden 1 pel J W Striker Ocdun 1 pkx DPR K Co's F.xUBdun 1 Pkg U P R RCo'a ICxOudcn 1 box U P R R Co's ExOKdcu 1 box Mrs W Woolso- Ocdun 1 box R C Wilson Ogden J. M.SlilUKRT, Affcml "Wells, i-'urfio A Co's Express. Ogden. Utah. January 1st, 1S7J. jii !SELLIN(x OFF IV ow 11 I Iks 'i inie lo gc( liurgaiiis ! O ir ri-ma'n'o stocV of LADIES' vinsi Will bo bold rogarllei;s ol'co.-(. FANCY I'KliSS GOODS, LINSEYS, FI.ANNKJ.S, JEANS. WOOLEN GOODS, HOODS, NUBIAS, SCAIU'S, HOSIERY, ETC. Together with n ;i?nK'I mioi Imeut of LAUIKW flUTER HATS and BONNETS AND MILLINERY GOODS, Of all kinds which will hi soi at cost to make r(xm for a lartio htr-rk oi Spring and SuQior 'iwls. W. B. WILKINSON S, No. f0 Kiel Tcmplo St,cc(. .2.1 PAGE, ItliO.iV CO., Iripr(-Tnd Doa!"i-i Id LEATKLR AND FINDINGS',' 33 and 3 7 So nth Canal ilrttl, W. W. putt, Eoaton. III GRAND HOTEL On Jtfirket, New Mirfomery nd (ooond Utreeu, PRAWCIS C7 CAXj. JOUNRON i Co., rROPRiEToas. ! SAM FPtAN CiSCO TRADE. tobim, ! OAYiSSON : &. co., t 1MTORTKRS OP J AJIKUICAS, K.C;L1SH, FKKSCH ' A.l UEK.11A. FANCY GOODS, Sm.iU iWirc, Pocket Cutlery, I lrfumay, YtuiJirt Xotions, Stn-ionrrj, Dress Trimmings, Whit Goils, Millinery Gooilt, ! Hosiery, Luxn fTdkcXf, Gents' Ftiriiiskmg GiXxU, Ftc J Cor, Stiller and ?auome Sts., S SAN FRANCItCO. ! A. C. DIETZ & CO. 1MF01TKR8 OF .-PA-HSTTS, OILS, Vanishes and Lamps, I No. FROST STREET. I LfilARTiNdtCO. Wolesale Lipr Dealers, iit Front Strref, Sn PrancUco I Proiriotors of j PtlLLSK'S KITHA OLD BOIKBOS And sole usenLs for I. F. CUTTtR'S EXTRA OLD B3UHB0N WHISKIES Con tantly on han.l. a full usortment of tUl the Standard Br&nili of Whltklel, Fln Brandlti b'orrlfcn and Doineatlc Wlnea, mft Utitrrt, Cordials. Ac. THE BANK of CALIFORNIA SAN KUASC1SCO, D. O. M I1.LS, PRKSIDKNT W. G. HALsTON. - CA&lllkK. ;npllnl Paid t, . tS, OOO, OOO. 3 RAW DIRECT AND ISSUE LETTERS 1 Crvditon all the jnucipal oiti of lha S orM. J.C.JIKUStlS.I. Vtt o, JOMiVtii.&lON MERCHANTS a04 atid aoo California St., San Frauvlaco, - - California. Particular atlontion vii to tho fillin ol racrd lor avtry desonpiion oi morahandiae. p'i3 SM of Ori, A-c, A. 1. J. HIFl iTII, Bou Id gtgj M kld.ot PICttMD .ft. NMOKTITJ SALMON Art'D HERRINGS, 1S3 Waahlnf(on Straat. All kinds of Dried, Sowkod and Pioklad FUh ooDiiAutij-on hand. 3. L. Stunl. y, John Snruanoe, 0.0. Chapman Spruance, Stanley & Co., rnccostora to Il.Wflxti -r A Co. and J. & J. S-roanco lui por ton aud Wlioleeale bnalen In m$ m liquors, ,i 410 FROST STIIKKT, THE GREAT 6LG0D PURIFIER. r : Ui '1 es rrr-r, :'. i v;;: V I ";"v 5 ' ins GREAT CALIFORNIA VEGETABLE BLOOD PURIFIER. 1 I'M! IN' TUK S1KHHA K K VA DA I.S ImUUI:l-j(i. ii, trio H-iiinJerfitl State 1 : iii.i. Kro. an hnh luu knr. 11 1.. ihc V'lDDt Hf .V ft,-ol'! 'u'-'' i"i lUlKUMA-riM. lUlKUMA-riM. (HJUr. luiHlALtiJA. i.nil nil d if -5 -r ,,1 .iny wnr iri v.u ins 1 mm in, ,u rlliri il Ihc blood. n- :! In,. :n U-n.Mli lirniiklil lihl iln virtue. :it I , t'; it -.-cnt ) r rt i i. comiiomi-iu t 1 Ul: li S X I A, n prci-a--ilioii for tkc l'LHM A N KN f Cl.KK ul Scrofula, gait llltaum, and all Krup. live aud Culnnaoua Ulacaaaa. VOTim11!"'"' ,n-,1',V,'rmwn,,nt r""'' in Jlbl'J-.l'MA. .ja.MPKLV.s. Kin, Worm. I-..M IJ..dF. Ulror nni vorca; ernd iciin-a in-in the prelim all tracea niorouriul dbuiMn, IT IS PUHLY VLGLTAfiLE. :t if thcrpr-.rc i-c-nPnrly fuiulil-i for uon ,w Lit'LJ'iiEi'Aijr uu"'u PUKi- MOT II KI18 Aho wish to a m.lirlnj rcroliarlT i i;tri U. Ihciureo II liM'ill.i and hHUl' ll'io in tlioir "'ill find a xalfl r.d corornrom HvKHa SANTA, boreal iv cry hero. lEDLKUTOK, IIOSTKTTIOII at, C ARauta, H'49 and Bill Market 81 Han Kranvlaao. REDIIiGTOij, HOSTETTER & CO. luirorierrf and Jotiij'r of KOHKIOJi AM) DOIMKSTIC MUM J.D niE.HICJLS Fine KMrnllnl Oils, Uutui, Hoot a, fd't Flowtrii Npuncei, Nkltia, Pomndii, ate, Ind all othor Ptajlcg cnneclsd with tti Wholeaala and H-;tall Lru UuiinMi. 'ondantlT in receii-', by direct Importation, ol l-uroinnu BDd Aflatio rrodnoU. Lxclu3ive Agents for Quicksilver, 3r.F-lrtcr( UiMrf. Woli'. Um ("hnsn-F. I'll 'e Pulmocarj tor rap, i.ni &11 the lenfmir Pf-rrintarr ModioinM both AniCricn and European. Order Promptly and Carefully Exeouted.- Voa. T,'i9 and 531 JHarkct Btraat, weec Tint and Socond, San Francisco, California. ny 1 1 |