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Show lr LAKE HERALD Hl'IT(D t't I'llBLISHIU 11 JU T. (JAINS, E. L. M.OAN, W. O. Dl.'NflAR. Ti;kmav iluitNi.N'i, Feu. 0, liTJ. MUNICIPALELECTICN, PEOPLE'S TICKET. For Mayort DANIEL II. WELLS. For ililrrnicui lilW.nl - SAAUGKOO, -iid " - AIIKKLIUS MINER, :irtl " - NATHANIEL II. KELT, lili " - - JETER ( I.I.N 'I I IN, iih "... JOHN VAN't.'OTT. For Cuiiucllaru LEWIS S. HII.I.S, ROBERT T. liUKTON, JOHN K. WINDER, ALEXANDER MAJOK.S, A. C. l'VI'Klt, JOS. V. .SMITH, JOHN (,'LAIiK, Til HO. M KEAN, IIKNKV GltoW. For M.r.li.li JOHN II. T. MCALLISTER. For Treaaurrrt PAUL, A. SOIIETTLER. For Recorder! KOIiKRT CAMl'IiKLL. A orders for Cjl left it A., ij. Gouid A 5'--n's office, onslite. will be rronptlj i ittendedto. Price 5 per ton, deUverd ia I nin par; of the city. S- P. WOODS, ' Ajent Rock; Monnta;n Coal aai iron CoA tllKAP ADVERTISING. A'ivetiisemenLs under this headinj not exceeding five tines, filly cents Joi each and everj' insertion. Kach additional ad-ditional line ten cents. FOOD. On east temple stkeet, Monday morning. -th int.. a tild Kmc. Ttii "wner i'jio !uc i( bj aiit'iHE to Johni'. Smith. City Hall. fev FOIl RENT. r E K Y DESIRABLE ROOMS. EN Sl'ITE V (..rsfiinlo. in tho two H'iu:h huii'fs ol ihe e!-Km new i.K.L'k Clift How, Kan Trm .le;trte;. lo FOR SALE. 'IMiE Ll'NCU STAND IN THE OMAHA I Uecr s.t!on. (Ljd i.ir.i's Iluildini;. Main atri'eU Iii'iuire in the Saloon. tJ THEATRE. THIS EVENING, Engiisomeut of thu pojiutir j-oiinc Trak'udian, E. T. STETSON - - m-B u g gg - o: m K" ler' irmiion-'ely ; n c,riil NECK AW NECK! Reeeinly ncrrorinod in New Yoik to ovcrlluwitiK liousei!. and since in the lriuciial ci i ie." of l lie Union, and pronounced pro-nounced hy tho Press and I'.iblic the Ureal est Sensation of the Day. It abounds witli Sensational Kllectf, includiiig u 1'ubhc Execution on the Scaffold ! The most StRi-lling Scene Evr Presented on I lie Stage I Tbo Urand Portraiture of an Express Traiu about to be Shattered to Atoms In tbo Quarry, when it is preserved by a miracle. Those with n ma ere us other Thrilling Situation.", Sit-uation.", render this the must intensely interesting in-teresting Drum a over offered to the public. Saturday Afternoon, Fh. 10, Granc Neck ami Neck Matinee. In active preparation an entirely new nm Illusion, or the Drama of Life! TIIOS. FITCH, ATTOHNE Y-AT-LAW, Office First South street, Furtb door cast of tho Bank of Dcscret. PHOF. PRiTFSLECTURE, )R01' 0. PRATT, SEN. WILL LEC-I LEC-I turo in the Old Tabernao'e on Wednesday Wednes-day evening, tho 7th inst. Boors open al half-past six. Lsctaro to commence at a quarter pastscvon. SUBJECT: The Bible and Book of Mormon Mor-mon Evidences Compared. TICKETS 25cts. May bad at tho conoral Co-operative Store, Walker Hro'3. Caldor Jjro's. J. UWy-or UWy-or s Book Store, and Townsond House. Prof. Pratt will acain Leoturo ou Thursday Thurs-day cvonins, tho Sth inst. Fclnnary 1st, I8T3. SAN FRANCISCO AND SACRAMENTO. LKAVE j LC.WB ! ! ARRIVE ' ARRIVE' 'JiuH.ni 7 Wan 8an Fran..; 8.30pm t2 20i'in 4 " 7 35 " ..Oakland .. 8.00 " i 1 r0 i M " 7 6 " ..Si Joao.. 8.30 " 2 10 " 6 M " ; 8 G5 "i Kilos 1 7 05 " 12 45 S4S ' III Si) " ..Stockton.. 4.07 " y 07 " ii)4j l 45pin,.Sacniuioiito. U 2) pm 715am ARRIVE ARRIVE j j LEAVE LEAVE SACRAMENTO, COLFAX, RENO AND OGDEN. LEA V E 1 lAMlIVE '1 IX) pm .Sacrnniento, - 5 15 " ...Uolfax... 1020am t J 46 am!., .Rono 2 10 " BIO " fflunpmucco 416pm 13(H) m jUatileMoont I 35 " 4 40pm ..Mko...J 8 45am JSOaiu ....Ogdea-.. 6 2uPn: AURIVBI I.KAVB- Explanation. For trainn running "from" San Francisco, tako the left hand columns and read down-Hards, down-Hards, or '"Eastward." For trains running "towards" San Francisco, Fran-cisco, take the rieht hand columns and read upwards or "Westward." ''Sundays excepted. t Sundays only. A. Si. TOWISK, v. n. aonnMAN, Gon, g'apt San. ra..'eT n Tlokot Art. liDDIPJGTON'S Two Blocks BoutliortheU.CIl.lt. Depot, and next to Wm. Jcn-nlng' Jcn-nlng' Tanner)-. Tho yard is kept consunlly supplied by several saw-mil la with A Full Assortment of Native Lumber. W. E. solicits the patrotiaRo of his old friends, and by punctuality and diligence in business hopes to merit a share ef public support. mF?K 1 l--'b Ward, one! block and a half west of tho U. C. li. K a small oou-e and half l-t. with nne orchard, i cor parucuJira enquire of WM. EDDISQTON. LUMBmTARD.! Al! Kinds of Lumber i DOOHS. WINDOWS, BLI.VDS, 3IOULDLVGS, 5HLNGLKS, LATHS. CRAIN AT WHOLESALE. r. R. JOKES, i" HjJX-hlock tonth of U. C. Depot. I C.W. STAYNER'S COLUMN. CITY LOTS! Harry up and File 3'our Statements for City Lots. C. W. Stayner Attends to if . At Caldcr liro's every day next work. o i ! f ' - M Figures Don't Lie' 1,500 Ladies tindGcntlcraen would not testify that this INGENIOUS PKEPA11A-T10N PKEPA11A-T10N had preserved tho . Hair from Falling Oil ! HAD J Beautified the Hair by Making it i Smooth and Glossy ! j Hnd removed all DANDRUFF FROM THE HEAD ! Baldhcadcd persons WOULD NOT DECLARE that tho DOUBLE STRENGTH hal produced from ono to three inches of : Hair on a Smooth and Shiny Surface ! If it were not the cise. , Lndies, as you vnluo your Doautiral Hair, censo to uso OILS and DYKS which destroy tho hair and injure tho health, but ask for tho GREAT UNKNOWN! AND Taltc no Oilier! For sale at Cnlder Bro's, Z. C. 31. I. Drug Stoic, And most all Druggists, Price for Toilet, - . $1.00. Best for Ladies' use. Double strength, - - J-i'-i.OO. For Baldness. If You Don't Feel Well TAKE OISTE BOTTLE OF THE All unite in saying this is AN EXCELLENT AND VALUABLE VALUA-BLE MEDICINE FOIl USE IN A FAMILY. IT IS ALIKE GOOD FOR TUB CHILD OR THE PARENT. It cures Catarrh, Dyspepsia, it PUItlFIES THE BLOOD and Builds Up the Whole System, For sale at Calder Bro'i, and at Oudtn Co-op. Insl'n. fricc, - 50c. and $1 per bottle. C. W. STAYNER, . General Agent. Eun theBlqckade ! GREAT REDUCTION L TJIp PRICE OF LIGHT! Good News for those tluit likp 11 Hrilliunt, C'lciir ...... Sale Lig hi ! "" Large amval of PETROLEUM FLUID at The Pioneer Lamp Store, ONLY 2.50 FOR FIVE GALLONS. For llroso that like COAL OIL, we have recoived a Lnrtro Slock, of 11 qualities, and at Reduced Prices. The Kartrest A-srtmom oi' LAMP GOODS in the Territory. w IE. EEESB Sc GO Solo Agonts for Tim Oanfortti I'rlialriiiii Fluid 80 1st South Street, half block West of l'ost Otbeo. FLOUR! FLOtJHT! Fnniilics, linkers, .Miners Ami nil Olhcis WANTING SHOULD BUY Wm.Jennings'XXX Flour TO BE HAD AT The Flour Warehouse on First South Street, between East and West Temple Streets, S-A-IjT lake' city. No Flour genuine unices the mouth of tho sack is scaled by label "Wm. Jennings." j,-, WALKER BHO?S. Z. il! JOHN TAYLOR S BRO., Merciiaiit Tailors, COMIMKROIAL. STREET, KEEP constantly on hnnd a ch"ic aEsort-ment aEsort-ment of frkncii, f.nglisii aid I AMERICAN Cloths, Cassimeres, Vestings, Etc., Of tho finest qualities and latest styles, which we make up to ordor in tho most fashionable and approved manner. PATBONAGB solicited- aae23 COALKOAL! Having purchased the Spriggs Coal Mine We are prepared to supply thli Justly celebrated WEBER COAL by car load or retail. Depot at U. V. H. II. Yanl. Ofllcei Kictt&uge aad Reading Rooms. BATE MAN & BUEL. Bt . W. II. BIRD, ARnt. Coal Oil and Naptha Depot BAY & CUOIM, S9 Fast Ttrsplo Street, C3-ElrTS FOR FOREST CITY VARNISH AND OIL COMPANIES j Gasoline 85 for Gas Machines, Do. 74 for Lamps. OCCIDENTAL BURSLVG FLUID, The Best and Cheapest Light Ever Offered to the Public. This I"!uid is ol' much HEAVIER GRAVITY tlian any other lumio-F!ui4 ever offered io the market, approximating closely to that o! the be.-! qualinf of COAL OIL, but yet posting DOUBLE the ILLUMINATING l or- It burns CLEAN WITHOUT SMOKE and does not char the wick, "a will not require attention oftener than once a week. This Fiuid needs but one trial to convince any j erson ol its Eupcrior advantages. advan-tages. "WHOLESALE EETAIL tdj-t ib cxji,Tvrn:x.'S Who want AGENTS io ejcrj settlement of tl Temtory. jlT |