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Show MEDICAL J, D. THOMPSON, M. D., PHYSICIAN AND SUF.GEON, Offers his r-rofcMlmal services to the people of Halt L..kc City, Ueiuicnco ai 11'iivnr Ko)i:rt3' brick house, opoito St. Mark's Church. JV 0. C. 0 RMS BY, M.D. PHYSICIAN, SUKGKON AND D.KUGGLST, BiilGHAJI CITY, I'TAII. J. M. & F. D. BENEDICT, "SURGEONS AND PHYSICIANS, OGce OvcrCalderBro's Music Emporium. al W. F, ANDERSON, M.D. HJ, RICHARDS, M.D. Surgeons ami Physicians, Offices, for the proiont. at thoir rcsiiootiye residences in tho LJtn andlTth Wards. t rr, DR. GROVES, CCridJ Demist, Ofllc A ml Sout i St., Salt Lake City. Throo doors West of Rovoro Uouso, half s block Enjt of the Elephant Sloro. OFPICS H00R3 EOK St A.M. TO 5 P.M. ml BATHS? BATHS! Warm Spring Baths ! Prlvata aud PlmiRe. rhoecclel'mted hn'ha are 0n to (lie public nt nil ownous. TWir inf-dlctntU properties nro so widely km.wu ttmt it id n-lloM to onntnfriito them. BmI'Im tbo Private Hslbs, ihe Lurge and tmndwiu li fnruislitsd Pluitr Uatlta for Livllos niid Oeatlcuieo re now qiu. H. AHNltLK. KEW MEDICAL WORK ! "THE PHILOSOPHY OF MARRIAGE." For the Debilitated Nervous System. DU- JORDAX.of the Anatomical Museum, ilcinlijouiory street noar California). Califor-nia). Sun Francisco, California, hits published pub-lished lour of his most important an i instructive in-structive Lo?turo in a neat volume- for thojo who caunut attend tho Lectures at tho AIu-ieum. AIu-ieum. Kvcry Urjiuarried and Married man shuuld read and study those important Lectures for tho good of himself and off- B'ty addressing tho Secretary of tho Anatomical Ana-tomical Museum, San Francisco, and enclosing enclos-ing Twenty-!:' ivo Cents in Postage Stain p3 to pay postage, tho Book will bo forwarded to any part oT tho States or 'I crrit ories. Dr. Jordan can bo consulted by loiter. d9 hotels, etc. TQWNSEND HOUSE, SALT LAKE CITS'. . THE LEADISG HOTEL OP OTAII. JAMES TOWN8END PROPRIETOR. This IIouso is centrally and ploaaantly located, lo-cated, woll furnished, and .has accommodations accommoda-tions for 150 cue5tp. THE PROPRIETOR is now preparing to build lama addition! to his Hotel, whiah when finished, will ronJ-or it tho Moat Complete Establishment in tho ROCKY MOUNTAIN REGION ! mil AMERICAN HOTEL, A Solect and First-Class House. OS E BLOCK EAST OF THEATUE, SALT l-AKE CITY. Terms S3. 00 per day. Board wll limit li-mit room 1:4,00 )tr wiet. Until free to sucata. J.CLirTLK, iun.il Proprietor. TAYLOR'S HOTEL, West 8 1 do K AST TEMPLE STREET, ROOMS UY THE SINGLE NIGHT, WEEKLY OR MONTHLY, TAYLOli & (JUTLEli, Proprietors. Wo havo rontod our UK8TAUUAM to Mcrs. GLALE . GUOUMAH. nit Washington House -i- li ittl SontU street, SAL T JL,J.1.1 CITY Boanl and Lodging, ,er Week SO SO lny Unnrd " 5 00 Fn in h Spring Beds " 3 00 lit d k , per Kl;ht 50 nimu - a. jll Taylor's Hotel Restaurant, ON tho European Plan, b now otcn nr.d i. sun lied with every dolic;uv of the .-i-.i.i.m. Mc.iln at all hours. Oyters in rvi'ry jtyle. ijupper P.irtici supplied OD s-hi'il uiilitfo. To inn to ml t the (Inu'f), IJL.AUE &. (iOUD.M , Proprietors. Hw Commercial Loipj Booms, Coin mere In t Si reel, Oi'lK'Mto (.ion. mil Uttki'vy, !S:iU L;i1io City C. W.TAPPAN. Proprietor. O 1 K N A I, . N Ui 11T, .iIhk Itnl-. .".li ct. per MplH, ami M .."iO id J.t'0 per WcvK. tni;le U, to mi. -;(-. yrr ,Mi;lil, mul UJ.jO t,.4l.:,U per Week; UTAH IIOTIl: M;iii Struct, o(,ii;., VV.c 11:' Jirtt-ci.iss House in be City OiffinbiH to tnl from Ml tr.iin'. EUDEY & WILLIAMS, LEGAL C, . BiMLY. C. E. GH.CIIEIST. IIAMjY Si. GILCHRIST, ATTORXEYS-AT-LAW, And Solicitors in Chancery, OffK-o Main Street, Salt Lake City, TJ, T. e15 U . OOOPER, ATTORNEY" AUD COUNSELLOR, Onice Eicliange itud neadlng Kooiiiti, iip-Htalm. tali SALT Ull CITT. GASH FOR MINES! ' Ennuire of SKTH ?X. XJLVIIi, j i Attorney -at-Law and Mining Agent, orrtCK : Over 97 Kimball's lfkck, with C. M. Hawlev. P. 0. Box 1&6. , dll3 Til, Y, LOVV.LL; II. A. BEKD. LOVELL &. REED, ATTORNEYS-AT-LA W, Salt Lake City, Utah, Will practice in all the courW in tho Territory. Ter-ritory. OQice, front room, Taylor's hotel- Jl" P. L. W1LLIAH3, LB GRASB YOtTSO WILLIAMS & YOUNG, ATTORNEY S-AT-LAY, Sn.lt Lnlio City. jl2 GEOHGE C. BATES, A TTORNEY-AT-LA IF. ' C. M IRON IIAWLEY, Atlorney-at-Law, Clerk of tho aupromo j Court and Territorial Librarian. J. W. II AS KISS. Office inLKimball's blocte, near U.S. M ar-jU ar-jU ahal's oflico. WM. P. APPLEBY, Allorney-at-Law, UAVINQ provided himself with suitable Blanks, is prepared to draw up Declarntory Statements of Applicant Appli-cant lor Deeds to CUy Lot. Offico East Templo Stroot, first door north of Couiuiorco Building. dW JOHN B. MILNEK, ATTOliNEY-AT-LAW, Provo City, Utali. CoMectiona made in tho 1st nud 2nd Judicial Judi-cial District. . . . Special attention given to Mining eases. Olhco at roiidonco, Uolro bt. Provo City, ja Waruor Karll, F. M. Smith. EAHLL & SMITH, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, SALT LAKB CITY. East Tomplo Street, one door south ot a3) Godho's Store DANIEL S. DANA, ATTORN M-A T -L A W, Salt Lake City, Utali. Oflieo west side of East Tcniplo Street. ' Eaiiecial attention given to Jllnlng lili- sation. . dil I V in. HAYDON, j (Lato Judge of 1th District Court, No Tad ft, ATTORNEY -A T-L A W, Room No.l.TrowbridKO Duilding, East Tom-iilo Tom-iilo otrcet, ujipusilo the Salt LaKo JJouo. nl A T T O H N K Y - A T - L A AV , Ollice, Kimball's Block, S, L. City. Sicci:il attontion given to Titles, Negotiation?, Negotia-tion?, Sales or Litigations in Mining OUib.b and Koal tstato. . Uollcctions maJo or business dviio in any part of tho United States by Association ol roliablo Atturncya. d!7 ! 3. ii.Llcmpstcad, Ai. Kirkpatriok 1 HEMPSTEAD & KIRKPATR1CK, Attorneys-at-Law, Main Street, opposite Wolls, IfargO It Co., SALT LAKE CITY, z. KNOW. K. D. HOOB. I SNOW & HOUE, Attorn oy and Counaoior ftt X-aw Sidt Lako Cily, Utali. Ofllcoat tiuow's corner, lit East Slreot. Jo6 JONATHAN C. ROYLE, A T T O li N 11 Y - A T L A W , Salt Lalt City, Utali. Office Over First National Bank. Residence Resi-dence on 3d Knst Eiroet, botwoou South and 1st Sou;h struets. KOTmSSES PUBLIC, A. S. GOULD & SON, C0!4VEYANCERS, 4J- Minion Doods, AKroomonU and Bonds for Dcois, MortKQBes, Powers of Attornoy, Loascs. Contrr.ct3 and other instruments of writing drawn with accuraoy and dLS patch. f Itlliilng Companies Incorporated Incorpora-ted under tlie Law of Utali. A. S. GOULD, and COMMliSdLONER OF DEEDS for New York, W:i.sacliU30(.ts, PcoDsylva-nia.Oliio, PcoDsylva-nia.Oliio, iiiiaow, Iowa, Nebraska, Wyoming, Moutam, Nevada, Caliloruia, and othor States and Ter-ritori.a. Ter-ritori.a. Eatt Temple near Wells, Fargo X t'o.j Salt Lake City. mil WM. Cr.ATT.iS. S. J. Josasso. Kotary Public, Convoyancor. CLAYTON & JONASSON "MAY strict attention to tho collection oi X money in "ll parts of tho world. They a'sn draw or acknowledge a11 kinds of instruments in writing. irclnl at tent Ion (riven to the drtiwitic of Will and Tolaintuiury Uoeu-incnti. Uoeu-incnti. Loans nc.rotiated. Mine, Houses and Ue.il L;Ulo 01 all kinds boucht, sold oi lecJ. I lneoiporaUon and Part lie rslitp Pnprm nl every de--Tipt-ou drawn in inct aviiiriiuiice wuh tho laws ot Utah. O V FIT K-Kouri l door sontli ol Uodbe'a (.ovuci. ni) THOS. U) .-VV 1 ICS?, , Uuitctl States Mineral Surveyor , anil Civil Engineer, OiVi.-c No. la Taylor'.i Hotel. Salt Lako Cit; - j-y . . , llvIiACli POTTER. REAL ESTATE AGENT CiauM 'Hid rsnf,'iHy drwn up f-T t!i .l Mi l L-.i-uic -I" H 'u--- ::! LjI, Store, Ointe 0KK1''-N". 7 Ti!i'fj HiiiMius, o'I'it Salt Like U.ut, Nil i L-tka Cilj. 1J t Private Hospital IJtU Ward, Salt Lake City, d W. F. ANDliRSOX, M.D. Proprieto Term. invuriViIy in ndvnncc. f'ir Biftrd, 3. Medicine and "Mcdi;al attendance, jli) S-AJ w per wee BAHKEP.S. Thofl. B. Jones. A. W. Whit BANKING HOTTSK or A. W. WHITE - CO. EAST TEMPLE STREET, a30 ' Bait Lake City. FIflST MTiGIiL BAIK OE ETAH. (Successors to Ilusscy, Dah.ler Co.) Washes LTcsSey, C. L. Dablrb. PrcsidoLL. Vice PresU Anthony Godbb, Cashier. Suit Luke City, Utah ; Also connecting oEeea at Opden andCorinno, Utah, and Virginiaand ilolona, Montana. Uoalers in Gold Dust, Coin and Currency, Draw Exchange on New York, Chicago, St- Louis, Omaha, Denver, San crane isco, and all parts of Europe. Collections Promptly Attended To. mil Robert Anderson, Thos. P. Akcrs ROBERT ANDERSON & CO., JtAXKKIlfi, o3, EAST TEMPLE STREET, Salt Lako Cit7. jl3 Bank of Deseret, Successor to HOOPER, ELDREOGE & Co., Corner aat Tetuiile and First EoutU Streets, SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH. PAID UP CAPITAL, - S100,000. BRIG HAM YOTTNG, President," H. S. ELDUEDGE, ViooPrea, WM. H. HOUPEH, WM. JENNINGS, Directors. JOHN SHARP. FERAM0K2 LITTLE, L.S.HJLLS, Cashier. J Doal in GOLD DUST, COIN, KXCIl ANGK, LAND WAKUANT8, COL-LECK COL-LECK SCll IP, Ac. Collections made and promptly remitted, re-mitted, FOREIGN EXCHANGE FOR SALE. WELLS, FARGO & CO., Express Forwarders, Bankers, and DEALERS IN EXCHANGE. Drafts on JZurope, and all theprm-cipal theprm-cipal cities of the United States. EUROPEAN COLLECTIONS I Promptly attended to. Eait Temple St., Salt Lake City, THEO. F. TRACY, Agent, mil SEWING MACHINES For Family and Manufacturing Purposes, Embody all that is new and novel in Sewing Machines. They are tho latest improved and lightest running shuttle machines in tho world. Beautiful arm compact iu model and unexcollod in material and finish. They sew everything from laco to beaver cloth in tho most perfect manner. Uvtry vnrlety of Hemming, Felling, Quitting, Cording, Uiiflllng, Piping, Tubing, Fringing, Hem Stltcblng etc., easily pci formed. Straight Needle. No Cog-wheels, NO VIBRATING SPRINGS. Every Machine Warranted as Represented. Salesroom on First SoutU Street Salt Lake City, opposite the New ftlcat Blnrkei. IRA PFOUTZ, new goods! Out of the Blockade ! z. a. M- i-CLOTHING i-CLOTHING DEPARTMENT l.-ig received I. FINIS LOT OF CtlSbilUC l't-, liiNXulrlolli, Ilocskins. A si'loii'liil aasortmout of CARUIAGK KL'US anJ HOnSli BLANKETS. A great variety of ' CLOTHIHG, BOOTS AND SHOES, TINE beaver suits; And UNDER CLOTHING. ' A lot of . VERY CHEAP BLANKETS e A larcr, heavy r, i fi 4 Blanket fur Cswe CALL AND EXAMINE THEM. , COLLEGE SCRIP1 pKEEMFrOJIS will eave $16 od X each quarter section hy buying r Agriculiural College Scrip. Apply to TUB BANK OK DESERET, k 15 Saccesjor to Hooper, Eldredee A Co As a si'EmiRN of the way acmbcrs of the Now York assembly were manipulated man-ipulated to get th'-rn to vote for Smith, ConkiiTig's candidate for speaker, the following is told: Albert h. Hayes, ol the fourth district of Oneida county, bad expressed his intention before leaving home of voting tor Alvord. Oc his way to Albany he was stopped al L'tica and taken to senator ConkliDg's house where ho was detained until the train left for Albany. When next h( started he was accompanied by twe United States internal revenue officers, who kept him constantly under then eye; to much so that a neighbor, t whom he had expreaed his preference for Alvord belore leaving home, founc it impossible to (ret an opportunity u i speak to hioa. H. M. MORGAi, Commissioner for Utah Territory. 40S CALIFORNIA STREET, BAN FRANCISCO. fe3 52 - I -ii 2 1 g es -i s s, g Ol .E s s;.s s t .-t 'l! f a ! is t ; s a So o 8 as s S 111 t S O ' h 2 -"..5 - " ! t N nil I J O J! I s d ; SJ 0 .e e s NOW IS YOUR CHANCE FOR STOVES ! JSOW IS YOUR CHANCE FOK S T O Y E S Over One Hundred Different Kinds and Styles tc Select from, Including tn Old Favorite., Charter Oak, . New Era, Monitor, Inland Empire Superior, Etc., These as well as other varieties will be SOLD CHEAPER AT TU8 Hardware Dep'nt 07 : z. c. :m:. 1. ; THAN IN ANY OTHER HOUSE J IN THIS TERRITORY. 1 3 n. B. CL&WSO!!, IT SaperintendaaU HARDWARE. Furnacemen Attention! A 1 Fire Brick. SCOTT, DUNHAM & CO. ARE AOKSTS FOB TDI GOLDEN CITY FIRE BRICK, Which are equal if not superior to the best Enjrlifh. Special rates given by the car load. oct!2 C. H. BASSETT, us -to- HARDWARE STOHE All kinds of HEAVY HARDWARE, Iron and Steel, Stovas and Tin Ware BLACKSMITH TOOLS, Agricultural Implements And mining Tools, At Lowttt Rtei. OPPOSITE SALT LAKE UOl'SE aU LEGISLATIVE Proceedings ! WHEREAS We are to be deprived of our rcRU-lar rcRU-lar allowance ol" Penknives ; therefore, there-fore, RESOLVED That Sensency & Co. are selling Stoves Cheaper than any other House in the city, for the reason they are Closing Out. io. 8 Crescent Coal Stove, $32 50 " 8 National do. 35 00 " 8 States do. 42 50 " 9 Wood Stoves of several kinds 35 00 Stove Pipe, per joint, 30 All kinds of TIN AND HARDWARE In Proportion. Now is your Chance for Bargain s SERSENEY& CO Opposite W. F. & Co'i Office, SALT LAKE CITY R. A. KEV ES, Agent SCOTT, DUXMM & CO,, Wholesale and Retail Dealers IRON AND STEEL WRIGHT'S PICKS, IKON BARROWS AND ALL KINDS OF MINING TOOLS. Wrought Tuyers, Pipo and all kinds of KitiioRS for Furnaces and Mills. HARDWARE, BELLOWS, ANVILS, AND OTHER BLACKSMITH TOOLS, IRON PIPE, PIPE FITTINGS. BRASS GOODS, RUBBER PACKING. AGENTS FOR Hooker Pumps, Fairbanks' Scales, Fireproof Safes, G. S. Lubricating Oil, Portable Forges, ALL LOW FOR CASH. ia WINES AND LIQUOR!?.' nT&l'booIofsky, Wholesale Dealers IN WINES, LIQUORS, CIGARS AND TOBACCO, Second South Street, HALT LAISE CITY, Throo door, west of Wulkor Lro's. dS B.W. Allex & Co., 471 Uroadwfty, New "Vorli. BRANCH HOUSE, Under Post-Office, S. L. City. Agent! for (he Celebrated COLD SEAL WHISKY ! IV. S. FOSTER, A5011I. CITY LIQUOR STOi; Keep constantly on hnnd, Wholesale and Uefailj Choioe Imported LIQUORS AND WINES, At Lowest Ratoa. OBOKSBICK'S BUILDINGS, nVT Eul Tanipla Klraat. WATCHMAKER?, CARL C. AS5IUSSES, IMPORTER AND DEALER )N Jewelry, "Watches, AND DIAMONDS, Elgin Watches AT FACTORY PRICES. Just received a !;.rso. additional stock Of 1STE-W" GOODS In grodt variety and stylo- Tho public are respectfully invitod to call and inspect Uicin at CARL C. ASMUSSEN'8, East Temple Street, Half a block north of I lie Knlc lLiiiiorlum. ii. .U WITCHES &JEWELRY ! O. L. ELIASON, BEGS to inform the recidonU of Salt Lak City and Ticinity, that bo not arjlj (roar an teen to properly Iiepalr,t:ieai and Adjuut Walcliet iiul Chronometer, but ho will make them or any part ol them, to or dor, and warrant the work. 'A fkw Purn.Y of ELGIN and SWISiS WATCH KS juht roeoivnj, which ho will jfimrnnt'ia km rolinli!c limv-koepurs, fncue lo di:fy coiiijmLitiun Remember tho addrM, Two door ml of the Derl llnnk. TIJVEE TABLE. BURLING TON il()l'E. TO TH: LAST. NLRFrl AND SOUIHLASI. rvo. 1. STATIONS. ;i!l''KEM.i MAIL. Lcato OMAHA - ' LI'p j..,,,. OWa dl Arrive BtlKLiSGTON j 5:0'in.tu. ki:.p.m. " Mend'da - - 11 -I'la-iD.' Tr-'.ft m. " Chkano'C.IJ.ACi V 3:-'Jp.m. 7:;.m. " I'eoria - - I o.Via.m.' I:"-" b-hi- " Ind'i-lif'I.B.AW. G:n j-.w. K'",i.m. " Cincinnati - - ll.ytp.m. 4;2"p.m. " litBnirt ' ji.m '.'.J'a.m. T P iff. " C'l'.nmhtii .': l'i a m . f::'!i 111 rT-Thrurb Carp frr-ia M-.-'-url Riv-jr tc Cbkdfo, I n dtnnnipohs, Cincinnati, Ldk.idi-jiort Ldk.idi-jiort and C'duiubus-.l Cnr.nections at thf'i pointu ivith linct Iradmcio in-. Kast. N'-rth ai, 1 ',uth. Thi-1 "!. Shorie.t, 4'itcket and Cheapeat Kouie. V" not Ijo (lecpircl. Inn oLtnin Ti'-kcLj via the BurliLtton & ilnsouri hiver Railroad. A-E. TOT'ZALIN, C. E. PFl'.K IXf. Uen'l Ticket AgcnU Ocn'l S n 't. J-'J MISCELLANEOUS. ITlROUGiTTnE" BLOCKADE ! Teasdel & Co. Are now receiving m immense 'quantity of Sl'LENDID Winter Dress Goods, Dry Goods, llibbons, Furs and Notions, ALSO CHRISTMAS GROCERIES, STAPLE AND FANCY onfectionery, Frnits aifl Nuts. THE BLEES SE1IGM.1CHLE SALESROOMS Aro now open and replete with a full hb-gortaicnt hb-gortaicnt lq allstylw. aok noulodnod by all to bo ouc ol tho best Machines of the day. Call and examine before pwchisiag Teasdel & Co.'s GENTS' FURNISHING DEFT Is non oion one door south of the lS.tle House, Clothing, Hats, Caps, Boots & Shoes Carpets, Oil Cloths & Matting. Ladies will do woll to examine our slock o SHOES, BOOTTELiS, SLll'I'KRS, to Teasdel & Co., EAGLE HOUSE Co, 07 rvti.l OJ (iwt TDmple Ht.,Wnl .Me. Jy RAILROAD SHOPS. Jl. HOPPER Second South Street, Half Block UMt llevara lloua. SALT LAKE CITY. WAGON 18 D CARRIAGE UOltK, Of all Descriptions. BLACKSMITHING In all its Branches. Agents for the Fish Bros., Wagons, of Racine, Wiscon. C0.1CII PAINTING AND CARRIAGE PAINTING A SPEC1ALTT. COACH AKD OAURIAOI TUIMMINO. . Horse Shoeing t In Stjlc to suit all |