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Show MtDICAL. I 1). UEISEDIC T, SURGEON AND PH Y-. I'JIAN. OJ-ice ut ltcsi.louct:, rear of Seventies Hall. W. I AM)i;jiS)., M. I)., SURGEON AND PHYSICIAN, 0m at lU-id.-nco, In the Thirteenth Ward. DR. 0. C. 0 RMS BY, PHYSICIAN, SL'IKJKUX AND DRUGGIST, HltlUIIA.il CITV, UTAH. Dr. HIGGINS DAVIS J OK about tliiny ycjirn Metiicul I'ructi-tionur I'ructi-tionur i n KMK'liind, ttindur.H bid irui'es-Mional irui'es-Mional aid to all who may require ttio sutne. flw hn had mwh experience in every lirnnch of hit rdc; ion. and oil or 8 advice on try reaiuiablo torinn to tho puor lHhabi-t lHhabi-t ii ii If nf th in city, eery mnrninir t'roin 8 until n. Miawitery from upward.-. ! Oftioo Nu. 1 Morris' Lcrraoo, I'.'Ah Ward. LEGAL M, Kirkputriek. S. A. Mann KIKKPATP.ICK & MANN, j.t torno vis-'i t-I.i"-, Offick First .South St., Pourth door eit of Mowpur, Eklrede A Ci.'h Kank. Z. HNOW. E. 1). I100E. SOAV & IIOC.F,, Attoruoya and Couusolora at Law ISalt Lake City, Utali. Ollico at Snow's eonier, 1st East St. HOTELS. Suit Ir.iKv louxo, KAST TKMI'LK STHK.F.T, SALT LAK lj UITV. T1Ij1F.N Si. LAWHlCSiCK, Pwi)'r. BANKERS. " I'M It ST iVATIOXAl, II.VSK Ol I'TA I I. .'-.ill ,.iki! C'ily, I'tali Tor. Win. IL Hooper, II. S. KUrede, J,. S. Hills. Hooper, l-Milredc A- Co., BANKERS. Ivvtir Tk.mim.k Sr., Salt Lakk (.'itv, Ml Oust, t'oin, Krlian;o, l.ainl Warrants, K.io, Coliootious made and moui ptly rr-milicd- CORRESPONDENTS: Uil;i;s Co.. N,-w Vork, Hank of California. San Kranoisixi, 1'irst National Hank, Oliioa.co, Kxoliancc Hank. St. i.oui., First National Hank. Omaha. 1. S. Morgan & Co.. London. VELx, 3 JIG. GrlTXTC. WILLIAM F. CALTON, J.v.n i ititn.i, , COMMISSION MERCHANTS iOi Hii.l Oil l nlllovnla st Fr ucl.co, . . CBUforiil.. Particular intention rii.l t0 t!l(. ,mi , ,.l,.. tor every dnPiion of nlo of l)v,f, k,. CALIFORNIA TRADE. Jamai OtLs. W. A. Macondray. F. W. Macondray. MACONDRAY & Co., mmu & C0MMISSID5 MERCHANTS, IMPORTERS OF CHINA N0 JAPAN TEAS Aiid all descriptions of EAST INDIA PRODUCE, SAX FRASCISCO, - . CAL. A. J. GlilFFITII, til kin da of riCKiji;r smoked SALMnN AMD HERRINGS. 123 W'aBhington Street, BlowrTi3. SAN FRANCISCO. All kinds of Dried, Smoked and Pickled Fiah Constantly oo hand. CHENERY, SOUTHER & CO,, Importers and Jobbers nf all the varieties of FOREIGN ASD DOMESTIC WINES AND LIQUORS, Wb'.ch we offer for sale to the t ade in Utah, at low rate? inpxohanfire for national currency 'V-a-h d'iwn" or approved credit. 311 Clay Street, Sail Frauclnco, - - California WILMER0IN3 & KELLOGG, Importer? and Jobbers of Wines and Liquors, 214 & 216 FRONT STREET, SAN FRANCISCO. Jamea Spmanco, John Suruance, C. C. Chapman. J. & J. SPRUANCE, Iuiporterx and Wholesale Dealers in WINES MID LIQUORS, 413 Front Street, SANER AN CISCO, CALIFORNIA. EISSTi. BOSTETTER Si CO, Importers and Jebbers of FOREIGN AAD DOMESTIC DRUGS & CHEMICALS Fine Essentlnl Oils, Gums, Roots, Seeds, Flowers, Kpmigea, Hklns, Pomades, &,c., And all other Staples connected with the Wholesale and Keiail Drug Business. Conatantly in receint, by direct Importatioo, of rJuroitean and Asiatic products. Exclusive Agents for Quicksilver. HoEtetter's Bitter?, Drake's Plantation Bitters, Wolf's ."ehuidam Schnapps, Newell's Pulmonary Syrup, And all the leading Proprietary Medicines both American and European. Orders Promptly and Carefully Executed. Nos. 529 and 531 Market Street, Between First and Second, SAX FRANCISCO, CALTFORXIA. EINSTEIN BROS, & CO., Importers and Manufacturers of BOOTS AD SHOES 113, 113, and 117 Pine Street, SAX FRANCISCO. We would especially call the attention ef the Trade to our CALIFORNIA MADE GOODS I Which in point of style, fit and durability aro equul to the be?t custom mado poods. Leather and Saddlery Warehouse. MAIN & WINCHESTER, 214 & 21tl BATTERY STREET, SAN FRANCISCO, Oiler to the tr.ulo of Suit I.nko and vicinity I.KAl'tlKIt, of nil klntU, HAKX KSS. CM.lFtUM IUDLES, t'OI.tAltS, WHIPS, AuJ a gonenU af.ortuiont of SADDLERY GOOD AT N!W YORK PRICES. end for C;ttalo?m?s and Price;. WHITTIER, FULLER & CO. Sl'ClMISSORS TO I Cauiorou. Whit tier Co. and Full or A Heat her lMrORTKKg ANP UKALISB IX PAINTS, OILS, AND WINDOW GLASS, SOLE AGENTS FOR FR'NCH AND BELGIAN PUTE GUSS COS L'l .fc I'H FRONT STREET, Cor. Pine Street. SASf FRANCISCO. C. AOOLPHE LOW & CO,, SAW FRANCISCO. C.VIj.. Iraporter? of TEAS, COFFEES Ni"o, and all EAST INDIA MOM-CE Of whieh they keep st-k e-n-tin 1 1 y on hand Mr j.tie to tho .r it i3 i rv cr rr x adk. ALSO A(iENTS FOR t.a VIikIa de X Harmony, ofCaalt, SIIKRKIESi Bartlett WHITE LEAD CO.MP.WV, of York. A.D f H AT T'S JiOX.KXPLOSIVK ASTRAL, Oil,, EASTERN TRADE. BENEDICT, HALL & CO., BOOTS AND SHOES, Nos. 279 mid 281 BiomUvHV. - - MEW YORK. PAGE, UUO.A: CO., Importers and Dealer! iu LEATHER AND FINDINGS, 5 it Lake Street, sm mem ill I. II. S31LTCKJEI8, MKKCJIANT TAILOK. 517 Olive direct, ST. LUl'lS, 5-end? Cloiiiiuc all over Lbe We.-t and eivc? entire .-alulae lion, i No. 1 e-ubl isn men t. TIio XalionaLScrios TEXTJBOOKS. JTJ- Ihi Id-ir;--, C--"rjphi.", t.ince an- (in nuD Cocke ot th. v hv tn ad-pted i -r trtn-U: d uuii'Tin'ty m Liah. the other- .uc trivornHy rrr-Mved by lh r-wt rdu-'at'-'rw. " ft PARKER 4 WATSON'S SERIES A Primer, and K ders in Ki . n iint r. S pe 11 lug liookf, in I v. o grade--. D IVIES' MATHEMATICS, TrtfN.itiT.jl MiL u:d.3d oniy c. c.jd't, .. u-!-;-!:; sjLd t;;..; rij uii- h -d in ecry L.-.i.ii. t i;,-t i;,-t :;t :l; ;ci hf :- r f'-h rrade m A rllhnirllc. A 1 jrr hra. ltfo-tlry, (ale ulna. Mirvt) liitc. Pcrpcrtlir. Kit'. M3NTEITH S G03SAPHY. -.--d - ::i ;h,-M b --L.-1. Kir -t Le-oii-. 4. .Manul. .i. "lf lly." W ' - ;, : u : - l f all .Map. ! ClARK'SCIAG-AM GRAM VAR j f",r-.i LrM)ii. in Kiiftli-ri f.rainmar. Tiic t.rml Knjtlii-li lrammar. STEELE'S NATURAL SCIENCES i inrl P h il noph y . A-tronom. , (. Ik im-f ry . Ocoloi. WORMAM'S GERWAN SERIES A Hr artr r, Kf h . c: l- r. r- ' - ! - k F r - r-r ;r..'.-t .;i .-:.. tl- t , X BArlUsl f 0 HELMBOLD'S GEXriXE PREPARATIONS Highly Concentrated" COMPOCXD FLUD EXTRACT B U C IS TTJ , -V positive an-i ?pet-;.r.c remedy fr disease nf the B adder. K dney. lrjvel and Drepsu-al Sweilizg?. This medi 'ine iccrease? the power? of di-Fe:ioa. di-Fe:ioa. and excite "be abs--rben;s into healthy allien, by which the mater of cal-car.-ou; depositi'-n. ar.d all unnatural en-a-cement are reiLced, a. weii as rain ard inhamm -tion, and i; (rood for men, vmcn and children. H HELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BtCHl For weakness ari-inr from excesie.-. habi: of dissipation, early indiscretion, avtt-ndea wi;h ;he following symptoms: IndispositioT' to Exertion. L.iss -f Purer. Limculty of BreathiiiC. . -L is of Memory. Horr-'T of Disease. "Wakefu'ne-.. Dimnes-" ot 'isinn. P un in the Back, Flushing of the B-idv, Hot Hands. Erup-ions of the Face. Weak .S" rve--. Dryness of the -kin, Tremb'inir. Pa lid Countenance, Lassitude, Of the .Muscular System. These symptoms, if allowed to go on. w ti ich t hi- mcd icine in variat-ly remove soon follow Fatuity, Ki-ileptic Fits, Ac , in one of Thica the p.-tient m;iy exp:re. Who can say they are not f-equenily followed fol-lowed oy th-isc "direful diseases." Iusauity and Consnmplloti! Many areawareofthccauecof theirsufl'er-ing, theirsufl'er-ing, but none will conl' ss. The records of the insane asylums and the m lancholy deaths by consumption bear ample witness to the truth of tiie assertion. The Constitution, once a'jocted by organic weakness, requires the aid of medicine to strengthen and invigorate the ?vteni. which IIELUBULD'S EX TH CT UF BLCUU in variab y does. A trial will couvinco the most sceptical. In many anVctions peculiar to Females.the EXTRACT JJL'CJIU is un equaled by any ether remedy, ati'1 for all complaint; inciden t to the sex, or iu the DECLl.XE OR tHAXGE OF LIFE, ! rLE bYMTTOMS A1JOVL. No Faruilv should be without it. T-ike no Balsau., Mercury, or unpleasant medicine fur unpleasant and dangerous dis-sases. dis-sases. HELMBOLU'S EXTRACT Bltlll IMPROVED 'rOS1: V.'ASH Cures Secret Di-enscs in at little expense, lit i le or n-j ji diet, no inconvenience, and no cxpoaro. m UseHelmtiold'sExtractBuchu For all affecion an J di-cn-es nf thef orentis whether txlsi intf in ,lile or Keinnlr, from whatever causa oritdnatini?, nnd no matte- h--wlong standing. Disea es of thee organs require tho aid o. a diuretic. HELMBOLD'S EXTRACT lllCHl' IS THE GREAT DIURETIC. And it is certain to have the de-ired effect in air diseases fnr whicli it is rec jmineuded. R LSSair BLOOD! BLOOD! ULOODI -J ELMBOLD' "3 Highly Concentrated Compound Fluid Extract Sarsaparilla, For purifyinjr the Blood, removing .ll chronic chro-nic constitutional diseases arisint,' lr-m an impure state of the Blnnd. and trie only reliable Jind-effectual known remedy for die cure oi isrroiuln. "cald Head, f-ult Klieuin, JViin? and Swtllinps of the B ih1, I" I c-rations of rhe fbroiit nnd Less, Bi"t-"hc-, Pimple-on the Face, Tetter, Erysipelas, and all scaly Eruptions of the Skin, And Beautifying (lie Complexion, Two tablerpoonsful of the Extract of ;ir-SHpnrilla ;ir-SHpnrilla added to :i imit ot w:i!er j- -qir:i to the Lisbon Diet Drink, nnd one bottleful is full v equal to a g illnn ol t he Syrup of Sar-n -pariila, or the dee-'Ction as UaUiiHy uiade. O HELMBOLD'S ROSE WASH, An ixcellent Lotion (or disea-es ari-inu from hii oits of tl is-, p. it i n, u-el in connection connec-tion with the hx tracts Bueliu and ;irv:ii,(. i' Ha. in such di"-;ise.- as rec ui men del. K i-Jl-ik e ol i he oio-t re-ponsililL- a.'i i r-' ii ide -haiacier will a-'-'' - in -a v the ;..'dirh;r-". Also e. pi irit tlirect ior.s l-ir u.-c, iv 1 1 h m - i : -1 - ur TH'H -.v n na living iitii..-ej, and upward.- of -in mi uti-oliein- i cert Li." -i' - Mini recointncn-hitory If tt-r. iiihiiv of whi- h inr 1'oui lit iitiic-t .-ouri'P. inciti'iinc euilU"nt l'h -icMii-, Clfi c ui. n St.ie-mei-. V--. Tiic Pro'n t-T has never re-'jrte 1 I - th- ir pu'-.i-'atiun m (lit 1 1 -r - ,i j pr.- ; li do--? not -I-this, 'roiu die fact ili.it his aru Its rank a Standard Prt:p.ii aii"ii-. and ) not in e 1 i o be pr"i'i"-d ii -I bv ,f rt i tia u --. be ci-nee id Mcdiciu'. lihe the Dorie Colli till). .-Li'-ul J - land sill, j'li'. pure. LL.a;v- I -, h-tvuiif Fa-d tor i-- h-i-. I "id tift ",u i--r n-piilar. n-piilar. an-1 I ruth al'-nc l'-r iu- Capit a 1. My tV- . ' - ;. ; - V-i'- I '-,n- L . : my L ' ra ; l . .. u i- n, l ui f.i . :t t. J w . I ,r ; a .!. in .-. L ;:i art; i r i r -i -n j nr"Iy -.:) prin-.o pie ; u a u n i-d -i f fc t h e m--,-1 a-:i i "t LLe.i-u o- ot e,;jt-r tt. n cn '-e u-a te. A a iy ah I c-;,'.o.',vt.' ; -; : r - h :l r iri-'xi iri-'xi 'd ' 0";r j.rcpp -t ;r- w; : tl t h'' e ' I -r U m . ij e !o! 'wimc wirK.-. rf I'r :r--"'-r 1 -' v;il; w -rk- li 'U t'rt.-ia-k; 'n."d .f rv 1 1 e :..tt i L'r, i PMY V. r'L.U. ... I. '-"V::e,a r.'. ' r t.'l P:-. . .:!'".', V : '.' : I o: ; :. t K wi i . --t r- 4 .-. J . : r, i, ir,d t j - . i :u : f I: . i. i i. - t . E ; a-i W letti ? J' urn -1 i;..'oi.-,'i.-1;..w ol ' :. i. 1 D A - irr - ;( f. jt . r. ji ... a ' . l , ii. c r. '. -H. T. HILMBOLD. j f. .. - H'lnibalrl Dnif Ai.d (t.itnl-i.1 A wrf Iioii-i. r . 1 - Hi '1 w my . . V. i'i "O i IP hMl-r,.f. MfHir.l Pi pol. 10 1. -on lit T.ntli -I - I h 1 In d 1 j.h i a . Beware ot Counterfeit ! J ASK FOK 1IKLMBOLI) s; j r a u l. no i u i-.r: CALIFORNIA TRADE, B8TABLZ8HED 1850. CASTLE BROTHER?. IMPORTERS WHOLESAU: GROCERS. 313 aud 315 Front Street, San Francisco. - - California. MURPHY.GRANT : CO. A.s FKAM'l.-CO CAL1PORXI 1. Coil sttt-Ltion 10 th. :r 1;.: rii . i s.t .: Dress Goods FRENCH PLAID PCPLINS, Empress Cloths, Titinise Cloths, In ill Colors. FRENCH AND ENGLISH MER1N0ES. ETC. 35JTO. ETC. Also, lull lm,.. v: n o s i e i; y, White (iooils, LiiH-iis, TABLE DAMASKS, fiAFKKiS, Tovelins, -S.C., All of which they oft.-rM tin- lowt-t tuai kM 2sl. KELLEU, Proprietor of the Hi hip Sun nn.l 1.. A n-U-s V :ih-yards. :ih-yards. Depot for the Mile o! !n NATIVE WINES AND BRANDIES M. KELLER &. CO., Corner of nattery and Wa.-hiut:toii Stivct-. San Francisco, - - - Cnllfoi-iila. Angelica Wine, Eldormlo W Inr, WUlle " MHilHrn Port "Wine Bitti-i-, Sherry Ornpf B i-a n tl y . AH our Wined au 1 Urin.iy (funmutn'-i -i net l -.mr, Hiirl ovprthre- yeiirs . M. -Salt Lake City Corp--rut i. -u -u'- C.---.-.i"ativf Mercantile in-tniitioti G-.l i-e A; C-.. ai 1 1, ,k.-Ci I . D. II. IVci'V. and li-.ln. A d . ' '-n k- y --ni wines for!e. RICHARD LHH HII I M), A tent. -S;(li Lake Cit . WEIL &. CO. IMrnP.TF.li' ill' Cigars and Tobacco Froprietorsof the II A V A N CUM It Vi A N I" F A CT H V , 41, 423 and 443 Kroiu M., Southwest - orncr h runt A Sacrauieuto S's., V " 1" V C T "-.". .1. ;vs:sssixu v o., COMMISSION Mil.CHA.US 4 K Clj- Nl., San Ki hiicIhco, DEAl ERS IS OKK.n I'liODI ( K. Are eon-lHiilly in n--eiil .-t ilie.m Hhio-. Itac-.n, Lai -I, s-.iliii.-n, a - . Start li, ol our un mi-l La-tern ii.unitn. t m nlwHy-t on liHiel. BRITTAN. K0LBR00K &C3 Iuipurtert and I'ralers in Stoves &; Ranges, SHEET IRON &TI Ptfttr, Copper, Zlur, Slirrl l.rtiil. Ir.-, ri'Mi's, Ijoad and lion Pipo. TI.VMIIS' 4.4OI-i, Tool! anil Machinery m-.i Ui-n-Tal HOUSE FURNISH INC H P"OWAF, Euibriiciiifc f'hiiii. Jai-anto J. I'I in - h ( 1 and Mam p. -1 W -re. Son. 1 1 I & 111 (nllf.iriiln nnd io. 17 eV 1 'J lavU iMh, SAN F KANC ls( '(, CAL. S. P. llol-leu. .), . Moorhmd S. P. HOLDEN 8i U'J., FOREIGN iJliv GOODS, linens, Dresi Good. Hosiery, iti. 'J- A v'i N-')VK T.. y n ic ii. ' L- ti 1. u ; L. rd - I . Y .r TOBIiii, DIXOT- l DAVISSO.'J,! I m prl . r (,f 1 K N f. I, Is If, Fit V. t II A. (. I- It M A Fnnr'i r,V,...',. .1 ,,r,, ; , ';.. X; ;., WI,.:' " 7W ,.,;. ,. '.,.. -7. 1; . i.r :' :.: I !:,. . .. , . S.ll ,1 M. I. (IV. fl.-t. Mh v, Vlllh I in i.r.. . , . . . i . ill i Kim Mm i i mi i ..ii n i i i To ill N, Xfi .t i. .. ... .f .i i UTAH CENTRAL RAILROAD. PIONEER LINE OF UTAH. On and a ft tr Thursday. Pec, 1 , 187 0, IailaV Tra ns Leave S.-'t Like City a; 5- a - rn and i6 .r. Arrive a: Oc.it- T a - . and 4 p. m. L---ve iv i- n i S i n.. h:i i , p ua. Arrvca; t L.-ike''i;y i' a. n una 7:.J -,ni, Fktc from Salt Lake City to j W .- fr-j ? tn:revi!le .V j C-rdcn .? ;i,Ct j Fare from Ojc dtn to j :... - :'.'e ; .,.' F i-:n-:--:,in S'--' L-ike'eV-T"!!."..?1 j In addition to the aKve AN ACCOMMJOiTUN TRMN Will rna PA1LV. Sl'NPAYS KXCElTKn. Leaviuj: Otrden .it f- a m. and Salt L&k City Mt 4,-k1 p. iu., On which full Mre wiil em tie th rarch.-rr o: a i:rki-t to r-:urii on th name dT tnei tr.i ntrc . and wil -top by HT.tug.ng with t.-e eond -et-T -it a'n p -nu on ttie line lo t..Ke n er lit oil p.i-enser. P n." is i ill pirate Purrhn I lie ir Tic Wet t at the O dices. Filly Cents additional will be 'harped whi. the fare seolieeted on the ram. For all information onoerninp freight or pas-s-;es apply to O. O. CALUKR, Tickrt and Freuht Ap't. Silt Lake City. JK - Vol AN hupl. LiVtKPOiH l Q'JEENiTCWM. - s, -ST -'' . -mX;',.-? :" '-' J' ' - '1 : "V .,is'l?vlr''':' "-J "- . - -s .r-v;?. IK MAN LINE Of lloyal Mall -ii rnmiTii SalliuH from .New 1 oik Every Saturday, AMI Allci-ii-if 'riK-!.-!. Cn htn Pk-mihc . I.iv.m i Ml $7 fV.OO Siet'i-ajie (.'")!. 30. Oft nkn-ir from Li ei oil to New York Cnhln, ... m), l-h S7.VUO Mt-i'i Hfcje, - - (Ciiii.-u. y) 3 4.00 Hound Trip T;ckei- is vied ;it very low ralef. JOH i. I) A LE, AK, Mil, lO lit i) ill W;i) , No V OI li, Or WILLIAM CALI' K. Apcnt, Suit LhL City. Uuh. PL'NEER SHORT ROUTE EA8T. CHICAGO & NORTHWEST'N 1 V j. w ' rji r "trWe' " RAILWAY S lifi t ut a 11 'I ti I- k ft lUini ftnm tut h if k it a nd I It Kilt. J: - i ' I 1 !-.. '..,M.a H..i!r ' '' ., ,(,.. 1 , ,, r I , .,, V... .1.. t,. j- hi.o,., l ( A 1 ' m 'I -1 -. i, l, l I,... .,! I'nlJ.nnn I' m 1 v -. IM ifiPl,,K UMllli " ' ' It I r tr., I Mi.i-Hi.y. '"' ' v " ' v ' "'" ' ' '' " '" '' ' 1 i, or. ,,v iriMa '"' " '' ' ' '" ''' 1 1 I it-t mtiii :.',", " v - i ot !'' 1 : '' lM.Ml ,, n.r. I,. ,H ' " ' ' 1 ,- F , , , , -(!, ( nml.,,1 Bn( mmf,ty. ' ' '''' " " 'Til t-. f I .on. ,hM ke I, : i .1,;.; ',:;,:;.:.;.,:.:. '-"' .. i i.,, 1 r, : - ,,. I I.,' ..r. , . I'.h,i , , , ,.. i, , ,..:. , ,4 ' " I'-' l-.i v , ..j,,,. .it,, o. b ' : ' ' "' ' " ' 1 ' ' ' 'l ; II. Y" ' JI IX.H I R H".. tl 1.mt.l. M., ') " I""""1'"" " I ' r-.isl.l.ai.,.,, u HARRY ROGERS, Vu.iu P. r w.i rrt..-.aL (I. P. r U'.'-p f,.Tl 1 1 ' i. i A t ii t , ' Ji j' '' -' 1. M LAP, - i ll ,-, W. It. )TH'.!.f f.-t.vrr.l A i. t.t, iniml,, ti 1 |