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Show raffled for on the 24.h of th.. ,: .h at J. P.- Clw-Kn' taloon A tt aire tickeu for sale. dv ffAvTKD-A girl todofreneralhousa-; todofreneralhousa-; Hat nnuerstand cooking, WHsti-2r.i WHsti-2r.i ironing Apply at M.T. Whit-I Whit-I tb. -Vmth Ward. ady I IS Tows. We had the pleasure jterday of meeting llou. 0. Hyde in r'm Sanpete- The gentleman is in rtallent health, and will remain in torn a day or two longer. To Stip Bktw.i.v Diiia iso his pEir U good work, and whoever ln-a ln-a ..,-tj'ihe Tictiia of Scrofula, or any ,-Vr dui of the blood, to use IKB A iSAi TA" has begun a good I Tbeecio be no question tu lo I t e ruult of ibis medicinj, if persevered ! -r it will etf-iciivaly cure RdECUA- I 'lisM, GOL'l', fi CR ALbl A,- etc. For (tie by all Druggists. Keddisg-v,t Keddisg-v,t Ho!TTTta S Co. aient5, .No. i 'il Market sueet,ban i'rancibco. adv IIbghka.v's Gexui" Cod Liter Oil For Consumption, Scrofula, dec. Our Cod Lirer Oil is warranted pure NEWFOUNDLAND OIL. JUhasstood liie test of over twenty years' experience, exper-ience, and can be relied on in every particular, par-ticular, anufactured by Hkgkmas ,fc Co, Chemists and Druggists, New Vork, and sold by all Druggisu. j SiTrKR got up for parties on reason- iMc uotice, at J. It. Clawson's. advjl3 Situ Again. The high court of in-i in-i lUiiion sita again this morning, for tie purpose of showing that if a man docs not vote as some fellow wants li'uu in the shape of opposition he ha: Into "terrorized" into something or o'.lier. General George II. is a huge mature. lie is bouud to get iu somewhere, some-where, probably to one of the waiting moms next door to the House ol ll'.prescntatives, lie doesn't believe in unity, only whon ho urges it on hit-on hit-on side ! How about Ogden, General? (f it m jNoTtcic. lii' eonsequenco of llm ru-h of buainoss at Carter a Photo-Kriyib Photo-Kriyib Gallery, it will bo well, to save uippuinlinmit, furp-utioa wanting portraits por-traits to notify tho day and hour wiion thejr will alUnd. . adv I AM9 1U SURHKSDKRED, but Go- --ruly and Harris will novor surrender tiivir claim to making tho finest bread, "fc-kurs, cakes, pic's and pastry, and iiismitHctiiring iho choicest and purest candies. Paris bas Capitulated, but Carl C. Asmusaen still continues to sell his-fino his-fino stock of jewelry, watches, clocks and other articles at liis splendid storc on Main street. adv For A good meal go to J. B. Claw-son's. Claw-son's. advjl3 "HKr Smoki"-I'0 nd sre that mammoth Ciirar at K.l Harris', three .1 .., P.uf lltHcn anfi i'oI ,m of his "alt Lako Lieautlos;" they nre doll cious. Best of chewing tobaccos, pipes, cards canes, collars, knives, nod other fancy notions. Cigars cheap at wholesale. whole-sale. Be sure you go and see him. adv Foa A good oyster stew go to John R. Clawson's - advjl.l l. 'res Frish Honev in Vie c.vr.. dinwious nd cheap, at H. Wallace s. a.', v lr you wANTK ,,, 1 s,u;- go to M. su-l, Second S.,uih St. suV DitiEi PtACHKs. Cash paid lot dried poaches by John W. Sne'J. Sec advertise nicnt. For a stylish pair of Pants go and see il. Earl,Groesbeck's Buildings, aecond tjoutli St. . adv FiVervthintr in candies nnd confectioneries confection-eries for the holidays, at Wallace's, adv NEW ADVERTISEMENTS I U C A SH! The Illctien Price in Cn.-h raid for DKIEI rJCVCHIiS, At the IDAHO STORK, Revere Udu.'o Cn.nei. J. W. 5XELL. CAUTION. 1 tNi.lt Lake Ciu, Feb. L. 171. In th Snlt Lake HBin is certain pm-portv pm-portv adverti! lo be fold by the I . S. M rhat,"iu purjuaDce ot a riocrce of th ititr tA't urt. in av.d lor the Tbir! Judiciai ri t of l':ah Te-riiory.-Ithi I to .aiiti"n th inhnitTiT? rt tni; Trmiorr not buypropny by Xtt U S Mrnh;U, in purunn of a decree '.nr ar.-r'rc. inoi the Thud Lhrrct Con rt. in a 'id tT the 1 rT try nf t'th, be i nM tho t'lhi-er ot the court. mi nnt ei a 1,,'g.l li le to pr- p-ny th if -olii. A I r I e, istuinv from th U it ru t Ourr f t tV.r ronurv ot I th. fhrttiM be -lir-vrd t-. Q'l i;ui.t in ttio hn.i- of the Territor"! Mr-h Mr-h . .r i- lUpium?. Iee C 1 1 i-eJ pe-Vf pe-Vf ivT0 h -ho L't ih Lsii-'-iiure, under whK-h rnr or.'urtj re n- w p:af 1'int. JOHV D. T. Mc.U.LlSTER. TfrTTiTririal Mrh!. I AND MENAGERIE. Uxf i "'I rf FrwWCTt 1 "' ' i j Ke-.ince. 'jOUX V. VOl 'Mi, - Prop. .Unit,. Hli, Blrrt, nd Reptile W.;v-.r.. -. F'. V :r.u.a Ir. W;'.4 Cal'. jr- Ixi r:s-i or '.;o:ion of N M.nrl: ' Ai1iiii-iiu, 1,0 C'liilttrcn, 1" t Ores eTery 1. ex-rr: s.. r. :lt. '.r.'a: . , s .ai. w 5 i-.r-'- , Feeili"? Time, 3 p. iu. I J.L. B1KFOOT, , WiLUA'1 CLAYTC1. NOTARY PUBLIC. n:tes .nd z'.ini f?.:teste3. ( olliMlnm n. f ' 'f .HI- f" - IcfFirit at 7 r t I, i.tir. ' KHUKIt . Z. C M. I. Clothing Departm't FRESH ARRIVALS Of New G-?is in Fali it:i WINTER SUITS ! OVERCOATS, CAPES, TALMAS Military Clothiu?, c. Alfo t Fall Variety rf GENT'S FURNISHING GOODS BOOTS d: SHOES Gonfe" Toutlis and Bj' II AT nml ( APS TRUNKS in all stylos iui quaUtio-. ' V.aijsES and Cartet Sacks, Carpets. Matting. Floor Cloths Wall Paper and Perorations. Always on hand umi fr by the yard, a , Ur:e eiock of j Frcirh and Kngltatt Cttilmfrfi, DofkWtKi, Beavers. Military Clotha, ,r: - Horn Mad Twfrd C SUITS MADE TO ORDER ! QitemTi CtMhinc. ot Mi'imry Suit, made to order in the -w.-t Style "i F:itii- n on ihe Fh.irte't nc-t'ee. t tst cUa! I it Hud WoTlmarili OuriintcoJ. MILITm TRIMMINGS IN Oil EAT VAR1KTV. I nil II. H. CLAW.-ON, SiTT. ZU.UUUlHONANa STEtL At HiiSftt X llofl'mitn'ti. OppctHlte hall Lake Jlou. STOGKTON, ' 03P3E3ZXIFIL . . ANU East Canon. IaLJ..V w h'fiVll-nnnsF. C'l.i'H i;s I VlliV VA Y 'A''Mf .-I ,v 70 SALT L.IKi: '1TY. To inret ttie trfiwlroj trTl will r' n DOUBLE LINE OF STAGES F v ""t ' t rrn 1 1 e dHj. runniiir the rin!r I, raw Kill Lak Hnnar, Mall Itj I'lnorfr lloicl, Opt.tr , JUDD & CO. AVEEILL Chemical PAINT COrtrPANTS PAINTS! K-n-.r T.r t v - T ' I'V I I'. V. I ' I'll' 1 U.KN I' Stl.M'. r i.:.r. I i n ,p in't 1 .n'-t K'-'i"'i u I r 'i-i r-.'i. r-.'i. i'0 o X 'if i i-t r r' ivi' l arjJ int at t ! Drug Dep't,1 IS. O. IVE. I- " i -- " -- r ... I - , 1 1 . ) ' ' 'I 1 .' 1 ' i ' ; 1 ' : . !' ' ' ' ' ' t r. - b i j i i , . i - ! I- ; m . I r . t, . . 1.4 m ' ' : ( i - r. -" : - . . :.. " " 1 ; ; i - . . i :. :. -.. i.:- i ...' , m r r , t, ... . ! if'- -, n jig.. l: i e i ' -1 ' ' 1 1 ' i" ri j. it . '!. a? Ihi -.H.in. ;.: . l I Wl lata. Ik.IIi. -I .lid i l-t LIQUORS A' I ' ' 1 ':'..; l.y.r ::.m.I.. 7..'.' M.I. ' II. It. I.AM.'II, .apt. v. i.il.-f-i-. J. M. yc-;re. F. A. HOFFM." CO. REAL ESTATE MLMXG BROKEH, s:?As:i ic;:s :;:. V.Ci-5. Office Gpdtf' BuM(!tm, ofr the Fo. Otbrt-. REAL ESTATE BC'JGHT AND SOLD. II. rsr;e; o.u.r.s :r.s.l; . LOAX! SKGltn.IT KP A D Mcney Advanced. All LiUkintn in Ihr X . L.nJ Cllb. aitrmttd l o. T.:'cs of Tv, ! KsiAie f :ui-,.id 1-A :arx of'..v a. -re ir. tirUbt.-a "?ifu-:.-t . A. t MAS A CO. S Pr-'-peny wan r-i !.-r buv. ,f ru i m on M ic irre-i- i:.iuire i iLt .w. F. A. lur TY AN Jt vV- 4 : iTrt ar.d d eVi r. w ,r. : od t . r ; r. I . Inquire at , F A. IU r'VV AN A iM BATHS. BATHS! Warm Spring tva(h ! Irlar amt P 1 1. r . Tilrvr ,'fli-l -utts'. t'.:. kr- mrli I. Um- U.-la mi bl It If- H"rJ IC -U :H.rlr lb,-n, I. n;'ni-li.1 flutter ttRll. r i , ..ml I TXstlit-tl ftt-ir D.' .-t-U. It. A K nlT UTAH CENTRAL v. S4-ai wxl"u X J7"1"S P10KEER LIME CF UTAH. On tad tkCirr I t. mi , lrr . I, 1 M l . Leave Suit .xv Citv ui h in n.nt 2 i . r. Ainw hi Oa.u-i. 7 h. in, mid 4 . m. ,vh e 1 'n-i' n ni n .i . ,. m . Arrive at 4U Lake i ity 10 a.ui u.1 i ,i p. in. Far from Salt L. a L r 1" 1 1 y in Wood's Cro- $ ."i O.'iniTv ill J ifc' K HT 111 L r.vF I Ll K..PII,W 1 " L tJl-U -:. ' Krc fimi 4Httrii In KsTcville fl :v) l'.irm U.I..U .. (.VllUfVllIC - l ui'itV . S hII Lkt Ony .. I n iilihii n tu ilip al" AN ACCOMMODATION T!4!M W ill run paii.y, simuvs iici,ri'Kn. Leu Tim OKtt-n m - a in. Hud lt 1.nW tit) ai 4' ,. m . ")n wh it'll full (nre will c;n i'e i!n- i-tji- li-fi "1 a 1 1 k ti to i ! iu ii on it,.. . , inr .i . ii, i r till 1 1 re. m f, 1 wili .i l i r i . i , k 1 1 li lie routine fr ni hii) ml -n ir.c nueie take oti i it I t-l oH n?.-. r-,mrnrri 111 il-ar Iia llitlr Mi krii at Hit IMIiir.. Fifty Out additional will h.'h.;fee-i ..hn. the Idle in..uvia in t'.t- u hid, For all In for in, it - -n r.itw-.r n hik I r u U t or !.- e. Mi i-ij n L). . fALDKH, I k.t h m K.emlil A' h-'t I.hVb Oil). . VOl ii Nupl. COMPETITION Lett l3L.hiacl ! IIOL1DA I 'A ki;s, cimisTMAN : ui;i, ( ''A1; r. xrnrv, ,.n. Pin up! I i t t r c fl r i ti 1 1 , I- a in i Li in i l I'mmt i , I I-. t-'...-, !. M.ntM) . Tli'1 ( lti-n " M mi ti'Vt n, ;tt 1 Jlrn WAIM) Co-ojcr:itiv Storo ii..i.,. i-Dry i-Dry Goods, Croccrits, Hardwarr, 6 t, II 1 d I'r ti , A il A . t li n1 tl1 Hniii, l.ili, immy ri l II. DIN WO ODE Y.' FURNI TUiiL DcALLii A i -l i ru oi,n n;i:i it. IMPOKILD PUHKIl URE 1.1. -m lo.,. I, fc , HAST TIIMI'IJ. ST. " I ..- H0lf.E-IiU3L FLii-MTUnE ' " ll'l"l iol r n . " J K " 1 1 "I j! : '.' 1. i. ' ' . i I f V cornus, 1 P I, I and )U A i I. 1 ! A;ai ju Si- k. |