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Show v TiriN,.i:io L'olcbronk's Piano ?0te f"r on U,i? pfth,! ;; h i J- R- CUw-on's saloon A r-.-nhin in onndips nd confection-the confection-the hulnly.J. at -U.ace 8. adv PiBi'His Capitulated, but Car ,, j.lm.wn still co.ltinuuj to sell his '-f iwck of jewelry, watches, clocks "-dotber articles at his splendid store ! M.mstrwt. adv Persons wishing to remove spots from their fact, c!Mr their skin, and beautify thpir complexion, will find YEKBA SA.XTA peculiarly adapted to this pur-ijo-e, ai it removes all impurities and Lumors I'rom the blood through the se-f-re'.ions of the skin and kidneys, there i- rendering tho whole system healthy, the coumeaanco fresh and youthful. youth-ful. r'oraleby all Druggists. Eeddiso-roy. Eeddiso-roy. Hostettkk & Co. agents, iN'o. i-jl Market strcetan Francisco, adv Ifp.GF.M.VS'S: CrKNUt.VB UD LlYKK ''IL. V'or t'onsuniption, Scrofula, &c. Our Liver Oil is warrantee1 pure NEWFOUNDLAND OIL. It h& stood '.he lost of over twonty years' experience, exper-ience, and can be relied on in every par-lieular. par-lieular. anufaetured by Hkqema.v 4 (Jo, Chemists and Druggists, New York, and 6old by all Druggists. For A GOOD meal go to J. R. Claw-ions. Claw-ions. advj!3 'HtAr Smoki." (fo and see that mammoth Ciar at Ed. Harris', three lUrs east uf Pot OiHee, and get ono of Im'alt Lake Beauties;" thoy are deli emus, liest of chewing tobaccos, pipes, cards, canes, collars, knives, and other luicy notions. Cigars cheap at whole-le. whole-le. tie snro you go and seo him. adv Givu Notick. In consequence of the rush of business at Carter s Photograph Photo-graph Gallery, it will be well, to save disappointment, for parties wanting portraits por-traits to notify the day and hour when they will attend. adv For a stylish pair of Fants go and see VT. Earl, Groesbeek's Buildings, Second South St. adv Fink Frfsh Honkt m the comb, delicious and cheap, at H. Wallace's. adv For Sat.k. on verv reasonable terms, a few hundred "fei't'1 of verv rich mining mi-ning ores, in the "Tintic," "Lafayette " Anthony Wayne" and "Eureka Lodes, Tintic Mining District. Shafts havo been sunk in all of these cla-ma, therefore tho purchaser can inform himself him-self and know what he is buying. For particulars inquire of J. M. Pimmovs, At his residonoe, opposite City Hall, advjo For a good oyster stew go to John R. Clawson's. advjl3 If Ton tv akt a No. 1 Suit, go to II. Earl, Second South St. adv Supper got up for parties on reasonable reason-able notice, at J. K. Clawson's. advj!3 SPECIALjiOTICE. rplIE UNDERSIGNED wants to purchase i. three or four span of GOOD HORSES thnt re poor, that ho cn fat up and sell for a couple of hundred dol.ara a spun more th.nhoBv.lbrj.hents TOWNSEXD. Notice ofTJissoliition. TDK COPARTNERSHIP heretofore ex-i.tinR ex-i.tinR between Christian Kchmke and .lohn liir.l, un.'.er ths Stui cartle ot C. RiiKMKK t i;a.ttnis 4J dMolred by mutual consent. The business yill be eon tinned bv Jon Bird, who i. authorized to settle tho accounts of the late n.'1(MKE Feb 14. 1S71. JOUN BLKo.' William clayton, NOTARYPUBLIC. Sliuing Deeds and other L-cal ln!ru- NOTES AND DRAFTS PROTESTED. Collecttona mae It. all parts of fr-nrop. Bu'ine;! attended to w:-h rromptnejj and dispatch. OFFICE! AT 7. C. M V, MPOail.H. I U CASH! T.e iiiir.e-t K-i' its U'a j1 I't ; ii.ii;i rjuciiLVs 1 Altnijia'J ;I if.L, titm H-uta Comer. J. v. ELI. A. E. Culn.cr, J-D.Armet, O. T- Luff CULMER, AHMET & CO CARPENTERS ," ' - " AND BUILDERS, Are prepared to tlo 11 kinds of work lit tlielr line of business wllh NEATNESS AND DISPATCH, Apply at tlietr Work Shop In the Alley, rear of Wells, Fargo & Cos Bank. Rntmnce from 1st und Slid Sonfh Streets. jnlH Marshal's bale. T X rrTRcrAK OF A DFf,TlT7rc of (ho IHi'rict Court in and tor the Third Ju-diciiil Ju-diciiil LM-fict. of Ijiah T'.-rniurv, 10 ruO'Jr-rtvte'i, ruO'Jr-rtvte'i, 1 will expn eat Public Sale to the higliL-M bi-iJer. at the Tliir i Judicial Ourt In. use Fttp. iu Salt Lf-li" ''ity. on ih1 h day or.Uardi. A. it, IS? 1, at 10 n'CM.- k. A. M , tho !ul owine depi'ril'C i i"l or pan el ot linid. tn w t: 1'art nj hit ono 'I', b oek fifty-cit-ht iftRt, V at A. jfaU Lik City Mur y-y. 1 cinniiig hi r p'liiU unt o wrt jile of Ent T'-mp e -ireel, eifeht rn is Fouih il the Drth-ca-t corner of f id hit. an) runniii tlienoe trt t en rodn. th-iv o sou h twi ro p. tiiti.ce eal five ro , thf-ce inirtli tourte-n foet six i"C;i' s. then-'e e-t live r-d- t'i hal teiupU tilrceu thence nt-rrh emhlccn (cot lix inche" to the p a-e uf L-emu i.k. c .ntiiiii-inE .ntiiiii-inE fi teon rj u.rc rod nd one h u ud e m.d ixij l .urf'Ur8 itcL ot pround. u-KClbcr wi li ihe r trill. jri vil t-c.-s and ai'iin.-io-nahrc 'hereuni' boloriKiti, situ t, lyi s rni hein? in pja't Liiu City, Ciiit Lake C U'ltv aod ir ito-y t I'tau, ''.. he -..Id ih-i pr'.j.o ty of Job cmith. on f rr a force) iu r of .vl nnn. h f "ti " "t John M. Unibiel vj. Job Moiili and James Linfortli. M. T. PATItICK, , U. a. M.'jU I Hall T.aku C tY Th. . 1 371 . 1 11 2fl nnnpoUN'D!3 UfUUUlR0FIAN3 STEtL At lavH t X, I IfiiTm.'ur.. Opposite Pnlt Lake llnn. r 1 h Trees ! Trees ! ! Fruit Trees, Shade Trees, Urnamsntal Trees, OfrferrrW, Sb r n Itlirr J , Cirrant-, Ortrnhnmc Jla-plX rrl( I'linl, Ktc, Kir., Kir. F.le. j o 1 1 rv -. n a u i of P o. Km r.s HALT LKKZ ("ITY. U. T MORE LIGHT! it Sh'-nri J,,f AH ! THE DANFu.lTH FLUID t v Lii l.t ( ir th. I'f l' . Only (. per i,T THE YlVI. '.M.l..-.-. THE b.l-JKT BI I tl, A :r o-Ji . r .i, y. j. 1'r,- 1 r, r. TIIF. PA( K LA 1 P- l.'- tr. on j f rf' 1 1 t . a' in m A -A TK A LkS 1-LT.S. A hL H-..i LF iV.-i, U'.n-'o M L'JD. i:, hli.m: l to.. 1 F. A. Eezia3. J. II. Mocrt. j F. A. HOFFMAN & CO. REAL ESTATE ! MIXIXG BROKERS, i ; iL,!l;.: agents ad c:eya:ess. : Offite Godot's Bu'UHnc over th 1 Pol Oitice."" REAL ESTATE EQUGKT AND SOLD. Houses reeled. Collections msio. LOl.N'S XKGOT1ATED A.D Money Advanced. All Business in the V. S. Land OrtU-e attended lo. Titles of K?sl Eta:o pxamind and Abirc:s fLirr.ihtd. CVn eyncinj done with dipa;oh. dt 1 A farm of ItV crw in Brighton Pistrict for sale. Tee U m $ entirely teced. 1l-Quire 1l-Quire at the KejJ Kiaie Ac. u,-y. 1 A. UoKFMAN i CO. 3 PrpertT wan e-J for bai'ie puTosw on Main Street, Inquires: the Keal h;ata Agency. F. A. HOFFMAN 1 CO- 4 4tore ac.i dwellicc w.mxl to rent. Inauire at F. A- UOFFV AN A W m S - o A o 3 2 3 j rtsS. Si 5 u pi f P3 A d 3 ' 2 - 2 h z. c. m. i. BOOT AND SHOE Dcpurlim-iil, At tho Sign of tho "BIG BOOT" Call and Exatnino our choice IStock HOME-MADE Ami Imported BOOTS AHD SII3ES LADIES AfvQ GENTLE VILN'S SLIPPERS. ISoots :md Sliof- ltr lnlii1, I('n'lc-ni'n I('n'lc-ni'n andCliilJn-ri .M !K TO UliDKU satisliietiuii gUfiianlucd. RrjHiiriuy iftt'y and Pmmpihi (ittrmlt ( to. We havo .lunl Kotvfl n Hiltri(i. t ii-i-fl y .( Lenllirr, I nr 1 n H I n u Krmrli ntnl i-r-inmi ( nlf klii, IImI nrnrro, n fcrrnt vwrlrlj of " iil xkln-i, nnl mII ktitHa if I' J- r. olr nml II n mean l.mthrr i ' iiiiciii'I anil Slnite Home ( nllitr. Al Full Stock cf Shoe Findings. i nir:M i tr itc; i it. Cailand M-e your M frlnnu Cfii'i'iou S'an(fil Jmnif'lttitfhf, a jirxt -da mm S'V'inrj M'H'hin Ofurnlnr, fo ntrk m IstdifM and (j'rntx ',ff find ,S7i'-ft. R. 13. CLAWoON f:..p'. HAR'rlAN, IVORY & CCf., .M L X I N (I Real Estate Agency, 2J F-.u'h fl., ori Walk.r I: r o . . S.I.T I.AKi; ( ITY. C'iinrl i- '-f V r. r -t f. ' h .1 r.'i A --rt- '.f I m i . . I- rD . u !; l'H'lrH'r 11(1.' I rr it r t i 9 f-iijT.'J tn ' ur ' " V, ir. n. 'r'i-". hr,i TTi ! Ht- i '''.I ' I -tl II .1 J - V '. ti i V I ,1.1,. -iw I'.. I' u i t m ' I tit I t n - Ti t'i ( -j . M '' , i If M'YT. fro -Yi r-J.y t. , 1. tt UK- t01I() IHM) ,MI0 UltTKCT't inb i,v,-ir.rt, ,.. iti -.fir rial r"' i t. .MOI' t A I , U A K K FM1I Kt( , ),;.), r,. .lW e-tel. IiAKMAN. JVOF'.Y V . WAX! V,t-TO H K t-A If "u-i w-ib t h rt f or f' u r fi'imi r j i ' t '.''. a mj m 1 m -i y. in an ' " n. jJ fi V. VI AN. I V j,y en, COAL ! COAL! (1 Ml, TT. .f T 'I" " '1 VH.Ti1.ty. f..r iitr ki 1 1. I 1 . ! !, 4,: a j . -,s r-'i in uny (.-M t.f ill . ;r) r f kit i t f K ' r--1, i : ' i Lt"'jk - '.rt-, i f at K. . if K o"'J . ojf j t e S ;jt L ii 'u, bKOkkK I HI KM OA. |