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Show MEDICAL. r i, . u iVrs i : i i i ' , SURGEON AND PHYSICIAN. ,t RMidenc rear of Strtntia Ilall. ff.F. AMJEItSO-V, 31. ., S'JRGEON AND PHYSICIAN, .... ,t RU. iu lhe Tuirteelh rd- -JiiT 0. C. ORMSBY, .arsicux, surgeon and DRUGGIST, .. BIC'IM CITY. UTAH. LEGAL 7m- s-A-Mann ilBKPATRICK & MANN, Attorneys"" t-Ltiw, Office Fibst South St., p-rthdoor ea.t of Hooper, iildredge & Z. SS0V7. D- U0GE- SNOW & IIOGE, Att4rJ18y and Counselors at Law Salt Lake City, Utah. Office at Snow's enmfir. 1st East St, I - HOTELS. Townsend. House, SALT LAKE CITT. THE LEADING HOTEL IN TIT AH. JA.UES TOWNSEND, Proprietor. Salt JLsike House, EAST TEMPLE STREET, SALT LAKK CITY. TILDES 4. LAWKESCE, Prop'rs. n REVERE HOUSE, Lute Oniuka House,) Will hereafter bo conducted as A FIRST-CLASS HOUSE, la all its appointments. It will be renovated and rc-fumi bed, and jt management attended to in a manner to inturc s;iti-fa -ti-.n as to Fiire and Prices. Tiio H-m-e rll he oouducted etriotl? on The K m ope an Plan. The ReajiU rant wit for meals at any time during t:ie day. B. F. WHIT I'K.lIOllE, Prop. TOOELE HOUSE, VI. MdlENDKIC, Proprietor. Corner of Main and Vine Streets, TOOELE CITY. ('ALL AND BE ACCOMMODATED IX TUE BEST STYLE. Bta, Board and Attention of the best GOOD BAIl ATTENDANTS. " riOiJ 1-1 HOTEL EAST CANON, UTAH, JOHJi DTjliE, Proprietor. twot ccoiiini.latioD; a wel l-f.praj.il table; and tar ati&cbffd. Pric,s reasonable. jlS GRAND HOTEL On Markot. Now Montgomery and iioconJ Streou, saw m AJfCISCO, C-A-Xj. JOHNSON & Co., Proprietors. (5 ' BANKERS. Fl It ST NATIONAL HANK Salt Lako City, Utah Ter. W. II. Ilxij,-r, II. (j. EMrcdip, L. S. Hills Hooper, EIti-elge & Co., BANKERS. East Temple St., Salt Lake City, Dealer. In UolJ Dust, Coin, Exchange, Land Warrants, Etc Collection, tnndo and promptly remitted. COUHESPO.-VOK.XTS t Rik-r. t V, N Yorfc ; n ,nk of California, San J. 3. Morgan a Co., London. j5 ! THE BANK of CALIFORNIA N Fll.V.NCISCO. .. , . r. l0N' casiiibk. ".I Paldlp, . S5)o0,000. DRAW DIRECT AND ISSUE LETTERS ot Ued.t on Hth, prin(,ipal citi f h W orld. WILLIAM TTCALTON, EK'0, WELL.l)l.ER. one "ool L wo"1 ""J " south of lltti Ward a nest niu.0 aoJ m sUefa(.U)ry 8l.( TAFT &. SMEETQN, NO CENERAL MININC ACENTS OITIIR CITY, HAST CAN O.N, UTAH. ICE! ICE! ICE! SAL.T LAKE UK COMPANY, Established Jhik 1, lSifl IceilcliTerrddiilrinnll part? ofthooi'T in anj quantity, at rate to suit the iiui,.": K" CLAWSO.V, AGKAT. DEPOT AT CUwion's lct3 Cream Saloon, CHICAGO TRADE, page, mto.& CO., Importers and Dealers in LEATHER AND FINDINGS 50 Lake Street, - CHI. Ill Lake Shore Oil Works. MAXWELL, WhFeLER & C3., Mannfacturera of . Engine, Signal, Tallow, Lard and WOOL, OILS. Dealers in Headlight Carbon, TVhale Elephant, Seal and Sperm Oils, ' Agenu for the sale of PRATT'S ASTRAL, OIL,. Agents of the West Virginia Oil and Oil Land MANUFACTURERS OF EX-EISICR CAR, ROD? AN) IRON PAINT For Tin and Shiugle Roofs, Bridge Tiaibera, ic. Factory CHICAGO. Office 393 Ji 3a9 Illinois at., l'js a. TTater otr-et, dl 4 VAU" SCHAACK, STEVENSON & REID DRUGGISTS Dealers in PAINTS, VARNISHES, OILS, DYE STUFFS, BRUSHHS, Window Glass, Glassware Patent Medicines, &c &o. 90. 93 & 91 Lake St., cor. Dearborn With a laree experience in the Territorial trade, wo t'el sure of triving satisfaction in quality, prices ami packing. dS MARKLEY, ALLING & CO., Importers and Jobbers iu Hardware Cutlery 51 Litke Street, CHICAGO, .... IIjIi dS DIEBOLD &. KIENZLE, Snccesaors to Diebold, Bahmann 4 Co., n T? T T,"" T)T) V Tittit-v nTVPlXTV ATI FIRE AND BURGLAR PROOF A F SJ S, And Sarjjent's Magnetic and Automatic Bank JSLi !33 ToT-Sk-. f5 PRATT & COVERT, General Agents 86 Washington St., Chicago. II. B. CL,AWSO", Snpt. X. C. M. I., Agent for litah Territory. 8 n30 KEITH BROTHERS, . Manufacturers and Jobbers of HATS, CAPS AND FURS Millinery and Straw Goods, 68 ot 70 Wabash Ave., PTTTfl A fl f 34 Dearborn Place, tlXXLtiAllTU HOUSE B- H. Skinner, Proprietor. - Corner Wells and . p TT fl A fl A liaudolple Streets, JlllVjn.U V. This Houbo is centrally looated, well furnished, fur-nished, ana contains 260 Rooms. oliu CHASE, HANFORD & CO., 51 South Water St., CHICAGO, Headquarters for Oils, Paints, Glass, &c, Manufacturers of the celebrated WILSON OIL TANK. NEW YORK TRADE. Pool, Nazro, Kimball & Co,, WHOLESALE GROCERS 33 Warren St., cor. Church, J. H. BULGER. New York. d-Jo HOLLER'S COD - LIVER OIL. Koeired the First Priro at each or the following Exlutiition. : 18ti2 London International Exhibition. Exhibi-tion. . 1 Borson Exhibition of I isheries: Gold ilctbil of Koyal Society tor the welfare of Norway. 3Tk3 Groat Exhibition atSiockholm. I(i7 Paris Intornatiinal Exhibition. At u-liu-h it t.'k the tlri priz among tw.'nty-eipht tw.'nty-eipht romortitore. It le reconinien.ll by tnunT eminent me.il. 1 mittiontiw? id Kurv); l.o by tbe Medical S.K-iel ol .Norway and Medical SotletJ of Noi thumlerUnd and liurliam. Dr. L. A. Sayrk of New Yoik.ays: ' Moller'. proce-s is 'lie only one by winch Cod Liver Oil thonld be made." Ur Marion Pini vvs : "I hATe pre.cnbe-1 it lm.l daily, and niiTeewry reason to be perlectlj sati.li.Hl with it." For sale by DniggiMs and Chemists. W.II. SchlerTelln A Co, Sew York, 023 Sole Ag- nu lor the 0. 8. and Canada. C A. Lonirstroet. John Sedgwick. LOKGSTREET & SEDSWiCK Slanut'otarpnt of nnd Wholcyale i " Dealers iu MEN'S &3QYS' CLOTHING, 4G0 A 8 Broadway, New York. d2i SELECTED. I t TUB AVEHLLL Chemical FAINT COMPANTS PAINTS! Embracing over A HUNDRED DIFFERENT DIF-FERENT SHAD US,' prepared tor immediate application and requiring requir-ing no mixing, just received and for sale at the Drug Bep'fr, The ingredients of thc?o Paints are simple and indestructible. The qualities with which they recommend themse.ves are : Cheapness, durability, superiority of color, an unusually smooth and gios;y appearance, lew labor required in laying., no trouble of mixing, will stand fire or rain, and does not crack or peel off with atmoypheric changes, nor chalk off by friction. 1 hey are the best, eheapest, mot durable and most popular Paints in use. The AVEUILL WHITE FAINT is a tfINC PAINT, containing no lead, and is of eijnal superiority and popularity. Brine: nlong your Pnlnt Cnns open a nil pincliase by the Gallon. A PULL LI'E OF Foreign, Domestic and Case LIQUORS At the Drug Department, Z.G.M. I. II. B. CLAW SON, Snpt. 500 MEN Ought to be employed in building houses. Parties before purchasing purcha-sing should call at F. LITTLE'S. LUMBER YARD One Block fast orThealre, And examine th. Fine Stack of Building Lumfcer. Common Lumber, S3 p-r hundred f c: jh?, - SOc. per hundred. Other Price, proportional.. KEN BY T. HELM30LD'S : compound fluid; Extract Catawba i GRAPE PILLS. i Loti.pC'iit'nt Paris F':.iJ E-irzci R:.:i- bcri ar.J F itij Extract Cc.t.ncyi (: :; e . .:-'. FOR LIVER COMPLAINTS. JACXDICK. i HLI'Jl AFFE TLuNS. SICK UR X KR-VOt'S KR-VOt'S HE'DACHE CUsTlVKKts Err. PURELY VEGETABLE. CONTAINING NO .ViEKCl'RY. MINERALS UK LELE- These Pills are the most delightfully pleasant pleas-ant purgative, suerseoing castor ll. slis, i magnesia, etc. Tatrre is nothing: more ac;t-pt- ibid to me st 'inae. Tney give t ne. ud c-.ue neither nausea nor griping l ains. : Lhey are composed ot' the FixtiST im;hk-dlexys. im;hk-dlexys. Alter a few days' use of ihein, such I jd mvigoration ilth enure sysiein litres place as to ai pear rmraouh'US to the e;ii and enervated, whether ariirg from i'japru- I dence or a,sese. H. X. Heimbold-! Com- j pound I'luid Extrac: Ca. awbi tirade Pii.s are not sugar-coated, irom the tact tht siig.ir-coatea Pills do not dissolve, but p isd j carough tne siouuch wilLiuut dissolving, consequent' v do not prouoe the dt-?ire-i el-lec:. el-lec:. iliE CATAWBA GRAPE PILLS, being be-ing pleasant in taste an i oaor, do not neccs-it neccs-it te their b'inL: sncir-coaied. P jC FLElV CE.xTS PEK BlA. "FTg Highly Concentrated Compound Fluid Extract Sarsaparilla, Will radically exterminate from the system Scrofula, syphilis. Fever Sores, Uk-ers, Sore Eyes, Sore Legs, Sore Mouih. Sore Head, Bronchitis, Sriq Diseases. Salt Rheum. Cancers, Can-cers, Runnings fr m tbe Ear. White Swellings, Swell-ings, Tumors, Cancerous A Auctions, odes, Rickeis, Giandu'ar irdlii gs. N Uai Sweats. Ra-h, let er. Humors of ah kind?, bronio Kheutnati?m, L'yspepaia. and all diseases that have been established in the system for years, - Being prepirei expressly for the aboTe couipiAints, its bljod-puniying p.oporties are greaier than any other preparation o Sarsaparilla, Ii gives the complexion a clear and healthy color and restores the patient to a state of health aui purity. For puriiying the blood, removing chronic constitutional diseases arising from an iinpurestate ot iqq blu-'d, a.nu tho only reliable and effectual known remedy for the cure of pains and swelling of the throat, and less, blot. -he? , pimple- on the face, erysipelas and all scaly eruptions of the skin, and beauiityine the coiupiexaou. rnitLj si ou i lu dui x HESRY'T. HfcLMBOLD-'j CO"CE'TBATD ' FLUID EXTRACT Bb'CKU, The GreRt Diuretic, ha? cured every case of Diaoetcs in which it has been given. Irritati n ol the neci o. the Bladder and Infiammaiion of trie Kidneys, Ulceration of ihe Kline. s and Bladder, Retention Re-tention of L rine. Uiseas-s ui the Prostiate Gland, Stone in the li adder. Calculus, Gravel, Bri'-kdust deposit, and Mucous or Milky uischar.(es, and for enfeebled aud Delicate Del-icate Constitutions of both sexes, alteuaed wah the following symptoms : Indisposition to hxertion, Los? ol fower, Lo?s of .Memory. Uillicu.iy ot Breathing. Weak Nerves, Iiem-bling. Iiem-bling. Horror of Urease, Watieiulness, Dimness Dim-ness of Vision, Pain iu tae Back, HotHauus, Flushing ot the B .dy, Dryness of he okia. Eruption on trie ra e. Failia Countenance, I niversal Lassitude of tue M uscmar system, Used by persons from the at:e of eighteen to twenty-uve. and irom thirty-live to Jiity-hve Jiity-hve or in tho deel ne or change ol life; a. ter o ufinement or laoor pains; bed-wetting in IPs Helmbold's Extract Buchu is Diuretic and Bl od purilj ing, and cures all o iseiSes arising aris-ing iroin Habits of ins-ipation, and Exccfss aud Imprudences in lafc, Impurities o. iho Blood, etc., su- erseding Copaiba in a eetious fur Inch it is u-ed, and Sypo.litio Allectnus in thes dise ses used in connection with Helmbold's Hose Wash. LADIES. In many affections peculiar to Ladies, the Extract iiuatiu us unequalled uy any otuer remedy as iu Chlorous .r Retention, irreg-Uiarity, irreg-Uiarity, Paimulnesi or Supprceiu of Customary Cus-tomary Evacuations, Ulcerated or schirrus state ol the Uterus, LeueurrhuM or Hues, tor.liLy, abd lor all Gxinplatuia incident to tbe sex, wheiher arising Irom luuUcieiiua ur Habits uf Dissipation, . o H. T. HELMBOLD'S EXTRACT JJUCHU CUKEri DISEASES AKI-fciMi AKI-fciMi FKUaI I -VI FKUDEXt E,s, HABITS UJF Diai&If A110.N'. 1 ETC., in all their stages, at little expense, ltitle or no change in uie , ro iucnveuieucc, hiij po txpo.-uio. It causes a Irequutii ue-.ire, and giVes streh-tu to Urinate, thereby reurn nib' Obstructions, Preventing and curing -Sirie-tures of ibo Urelha, Allaying Pain aud inflammation. in-flammation. SO IT- quent ill trilS Ciii ol Uls- edSt-s, and expelling all Foitnous tuatter. Thousands who have been the victims of incompetent, persons, and who have p.ud heavy lees to bt cured in a short Uujt h.ivc iound lhey have b en deceived, and that tho "Foison" has, ny tue use of ' powor u i a-ti in-gent," in-gent," beeu dru-a up in Uie .-ytteiu, to break jut in a more aggravated form, and poihps alter Marriage. Use HKLMBuLD'd Extract Brnif for all A tie t'.on aud Di-'ea.-es ot the L unary Organs, Or-gans, wiiettier existing in Male orremale. irom whatever cau-e originating, aud no mini er of how long stundiw. Phir, U h 1'ULLAK A.D kltLX Ci.NlS PtU BUTTLE. BUT-TLE. 1TENHY T. HELMBOLD'S IMPKOVED KOSE WAS 11 cannot be surpa-sed as a PACK VAII. and will be Iound ine only f pec i tic rmf iy in eve.7 specie-" 01 Cmne m AtTt .n. It sp-eiilv f.dicMt;s '1PL.. .'"l. TV uUR VImN.-s ot tho O'TA.NE'U MEM-BH MEM-BH A NE. .-C'.tliBUiiC DHV.Ni.-, et , 1 1--im KtDNEs and in ipicnt 1 M LAM - JiS, IHVES r-A.-M, M'jftl 1'Aii 11 hS, L- K V S E V F SC A L I' ' K KI N . I K f bl 1 E-v and all p'jrpjrff f r wm h LV1 or Ol N 1 M t.N I kra u-l . hut h' w?vt vnlue-i as a rem t-T ex i-tin? o c t ne skin. 11. I. He mho Id s Rose V a.-n h Li.g S'lftained iu prmcil'it c.aim l' un oyur.'le l patrMDaee, by p 'je-i,c r 'in 1 : i- w n va rcr.der K a i"lLEl A : i'L. DA' i. 'I t'.e Din.i -ni'Thme and e r,i I ;,;ira;itf, PfalCE U E D'jELA K I'Lu i-1 'XI i.L , x 1 Fu'l Bri4 explicit dirc.-t i'lQi arc'-irripany the n;cd r.nes. Evid-sne ot ihe inot re1 pn . b d 1 r' li the c:,Ar-'"r ; u rrj i n a t- t . . r j , wittl b u nd rrif "f ; h u a nd- i v , r i w i n'i ar.d upw4'd ..;..'' i u . 1 1 j 5 !' - m P" iu " r. T. l l 'J .c f :-. ;r. a l t ft1-, ;"ae t r '77; ine U i , ' U r ' .L u-i u-i in cm i cent P Ly.-ic.aiar, C it;? lutn ;a' e xe. , e c HENRY T. HELM30LDS GENUINE PREPARATIONS. I'c'.ivtrcd U' any ai tf. t-ur':,'-,m (,"- "LjiALLTS-IE: '-f-I' Oi "7 V). 1 1 YKr.- .- :l if iT ....: t.'- r,T. A i ire-' 1'' ' " : r : : . -. - ' ,.R-(. -n li l.'l T. h L 'ii. 1T.J..-..-1 Itl fi- -I- n-'r i,. ,. .,. 1! . T. Hf-V, .. ,- - s Jr. ,r ,ni ' -i' ,i, a, W -,rf b I. -' . ' i ..V..:i. Tr, 11. i i.l.:.' :i -i.I l"r .u i v ;-.uti It.-.. a 1 ...... i r. . 1 t.h -VAF.E OP crNlE? r.lT. A f-r HrNr-Y i. h i.11 a . LJ 2 1 iAku N'j CENTRAL PACIFIC RAILR'D. P -rr T-, C)C) tx; I''.w SuncaT! TTiin U did. lUi T-.b j excprjj IiAily i 1S71. i Idy i,-:rd 4'.''P3i 5 X' a 5aa Krau'ix Jrs liai 4 -i2 j S0 " i..Oilcd..! SI- " I T S ..Sn Jose., i " I " i; v pm sv-kion. 1 s s ss ' i 35 2 10 " .v-raiTierto. U 1. Mn ' ;.' I I 4 10 " ..Mr-rsviiij fl'-1 - j ! " ... JN?-aia, .. , 4 " j j 2 ' rm .Stu-rm?mo. 11 4am ' I X j - ...Coiiax ... i So - I I 115am' .Krno ... 1 " 9 lo - W;r.rrr:uv-cs' 4 a I :12 iX m BatirfMum. 1 25 pa x C, , Sl"pni ...Carha....lo 15 " , , 1 1 S5 am .... Kr.l!...,ill'l ' " ! : 6 10 ..Oa.ufti.. 1 5'-'pm' A. X. TOW A K, T. H. GOODMAN, i-n. Sapt, C P. i. K Gen. Pa.-'gr ai.d Tit kt Agt, O LIVERPOOL & Q'JEEmGW Ji. S.-. .;yrtT& - rs IN MAN LINE Of Royal Mall Steamers, Sailing from .tw York Every Saturday, AND Alternate Tuestlay. Cabin Passage, to Liverpool, (pold) $73-00 Steerage " " icur.) 30.00 Passage from Liverpool to ew York Cabin, ... (rioU) J73.00 Steerage, . - (CuTeucy) 3-1.00 Round Trip Tickets issued at very low rate JOHN G. DALE, Av-cnt. 15 Broa.tw;o", Kew York, Or WTJ.LIAM CALDRR, Ajrat. 027 Salt Lakr City. Utah. UTAH CENTRAL UA1LUOAI). PIONEER LIME OF UTAH, On and after Thursday, Dec. 1, 1870. lai!y Trains Leave Salt Lake Cityatoa-m and 2:45 p.m. Arrivo it Ogden 7 a, in. and 4:lo p. m. Leave UgJcu at 8 a. ni. ana S.W p. ai . Arrive at Salt Lake City 10 a.ui. and 7:30 p.m Fare from Salt Lake City to Wood's Cro.-S S .70 Centreville t .! Farniiugton SI. 5 KaysTille l.'r Cgdcn - 2.5o Fare from Ogdcn to Kaysville 51.) Fanningtoo Centreville .Uo Wood'sOross bait Lake City In addition to tho above At. ACCGMMODATION TRAIN Will run DAILY, SUNDAYS KXCKITED. Leaving Ogdcn at 5 a. m. and Salt Lake Cit at -Lid p. in., On which full fare will entitle the purchaser of a ticket to return on llio Fame day and train free, and will stop by arranging wub the conductor at R'iy point on ine line to take on or let off passengers. PasscugrrH will plcnae Purchaac tticir Tickets at tlic Unices. Fifty Cents alditional will bo charged wboD the faro i& culiucied on tUe tram. For all information concerning freight or Passat;, apply to D. O. CALDER, Ticket and Freight Ag' Salt Lake City. JOS. i. VOt'Xi, Miipt. H. DIN WO ODE Y, FURNITURE DEALER And AllkinJsor IMPORTED FURNITURE OonfUntly oh bnlat the iaiwroom, EAST trmplk ST. Every dftriptinn of ! Home-made furniture ! At t;ic Ka"t ry att'l S;.l ' r'M.-m, ! FIRST SOUTH STKK HT, a. L. CITY I 1 COFPINS. !PLAI. anil OU A M i:TAI, 1 A :wa r in . ' l!)rn WARD Co-operative Store ! Il-ai.T! .1 Dry Gocds, GroccnES. Hardware, uc. j I'' Pb.., aj.i.lr., .t., bought antl .old. Ho.r, Orals, Hr.n and 1 abort. .). o. band. PRACTICAL YATCHMAKIRS. ELIASON Sl HAUER3AC!,j xt Door Kast of the Herald, Are workmen who cot or.'y repa-r Watch e and CKvii, but will mae a.i. tie to oruer in any desirisi s' le. or any pn f f h-ui. from a pivot or piiiion to an entire W ati-h. Work Kxernted ou Moderate Term. CITY LIQUOR STORE, Keep constantly on hand, AVholrsalc ami tit-tail, Choice Imported LIQUORS AND WINES, At Lowest Ka:es. GUOESBKCK'S Bill, lU.Vt.S, DlT Kl Temple Sirrrl. BASSETT & NEW HARDWARE STORE All kinds of HEAVY HARDWARE, Iron nud Met I, Stovss and Tin Ware BLACKS M 1 Til TOOLS, Agricultural Implement. And .Itlnluir Tool., At I.oM.t Kales. OPPOSITE SALT LAliK llOlSli 015 .1 r.FFEIils' rrRAKD GIFT AMI MUSICAL JUBILEE! $106,750.00 voimi OF Real Estate. I'itsoiuI rroptrly anil .Monry, Divided into 3,138 03 TO UK Distributed a'notii; tlto Tifki't-lmlilrr. PRICE OF ADMISSION, 3i. A'ckfts limit'l to lilt'.,l."i! I, m i l aj 'ng one Gift to even th:rtu-fur Tickrfs is,stei. C AID Jubilee to heli .-Id in Cuim-il lllnHn, O Ihwb, F'.'bruary 2-d. 17 1, mi w n n li urc-linnMeveral urc-linnMeveral ot trie iii-ipI d i-1 1 m; nr b ol Ar-lift Ar-lift es in the I' n i.e. I Si, hp. tui ji-iH. I tin prokTaniiiMi will hiri-u '1 ir Li nn m nc.. (hiring the KntT Hiiiiient th- -mlnw ng Wif'.s will be '.iM ril'UH' l. n o.-r ;t c ' ovn err: S(f full description f (iift.s i,i Cirrulurn ""' V"N T, - i ( I,- fJ . , -l f.'.'t, ', I ' !. : jjV;,,;' . First (irand Gi i. Him i. idi-nrr, F irnimre. mi 1 tirniui'l ot 1. J ell'Tis. vahi- il at if jV"H.ili Senunl (iiiinu tiill. a K "Milcnfc and Irimin Vltlll.'l M Nl.lMI Third t .ft, nne hiiMi.ift Jl'iUrp und Vr-u nlr. vnhii-1 h( LMm 110 Foil i lb Uili.onr- lUidp.i?.Hi Mii"k- i t i kr l . r n Mreut, oi'upn-d y A. .. WinK'-n"-- Fifth tiilt. I'" Arri'i ol first jualiy Kami Lan I. vain- 2."','l 1 Ciiil ui one p. .it ol Liu'-k Moignti M :ir. S h:i n ;ui I l.infty "I 1 iiit (i I x ui.igiii 'I'-ent I'm- no, value oui 1 (ii t ui Shi- Warp, vIu ,' i 14 (iitt ot ( ity Lot and gr'.innl-, v n 1 ui ' 11 i' h lll,'".oj 76 (iiftd of ity Lots Ai,-i (Jr-.und'. v.ilne gt . i .".l.J'.ixt 1 Oift I- tl." poor '( C nn-il lilMfl-, 1" In- ili-liihutt"l hy Lt"Klil-ri nf II i Ii. I ,(-r riTil. tli h.tl' rf J ioUM-, 'iiountH.e l i.""."" IGift tn Ui" 'iMfun.n hj'iiort .,r r i n r-n g ,nfn. y fi-lhnr in-n-t '1 ii he-. Inr u,e J uln iw i'i.n() 1 Gift ! tlif J'i-P '' :llip:Hiy n l,rg the iM'-.t 1 i' k ) iH 1 (Mt to 111- pn.pini of ti, K. Ii (''.. M !4ti o lift ii r i fg Co.. or Wrk ;i k .M "ii I uiun, fpiling rr-'f I I'"" f ri i. To tl.c holy at ij .-nifn.an k Ini.g It,- ,.,0-t J i- , ii h... . i, i,i; ,f n- U il ,r pio tj ti .i r ), of J- i t Li-n'f .'.i.'F, Tll'J 1' I KT fHAM) I'iUK itl fi'l (M-r; will b-j wi'lidrawri. A -t' in i 'i in of F i f T nn'lf'4 1 1 '.':- will i ;i 'I I .r t lie t 1 i n " ! .- i i . ti-r f,f UU-, or . hi. i I h.i;,.i. v,f . ', no w il i ,T,t 'lot rut Hi J . '. ! I in i n y r ' i v j . 1 1 i i k m w ! .1 . p'.I-l Hi ITU t ' Uti: I. U 'i I kil- b t T f 1 h 1 li ' u I ' 1 1 r - ..i tl.- t.-r.-.'!!.-!, t who lii" f.. '-0i.g );,!. j, bunt" "I L "i ir 1 1 Li--;,-. i.. i i )( . t i. i ai :, k. f- J.a.i. iiM J; hI( jU -er A I' in y. iidi.Ki-'". t rrhi.'y It- t- .-.r 1 - u . I',. ( J,. , W II ! d .in I wit ti 1 (I Cnll, ui it If.; uu il t,r ''U i' ti v ,.t t t rf-t li. wt,---r g ft ar. Ww,.i-- I. m r iv l " '-'op ,.U ml ,.r... .-:, o; lin n i ,' fct t i'. Hit r j u.: u r l -i, ..r.r l.n t i t.l.i r V '; II '' ' '' ' ' - i- i.. IL-.. J .i.n Jbi-re'li m. A'Mrp", T IIOM A R JKK KKflP, 7I.nNKr. 1'rum .r ... Hi "'.' ii ii.a:... I.,wu. tjltr. No. 4'. l!"-, ;ar. 1 MOr), i j..,i i..',m. r.'f r hv ;.. Miu.ir.i, to I :r.t ,.., , I,-,... y,. r.- -,;,. k; (. . ' : H-' ' r a f it -. . i - i . r j V, . I'-.xi r. .', -iv'it oi ' ..,j J;. , r;-, r. '. 1 I''. i if ' . '. in. it ( rxl it . I i.r .. i ' I ; J u . I, ., i-t,, r, y I r-Jt- u" r. 7 1'. JrL r. I' u . m. i, n.- ,,. n J. ,. t - -i '. J ',i ... r- . J Itl l.t,H, (I, t , .) ..J . . If , . ii l h ,. t ; t -... A- I.,., r -'t A h .-a - A .5..:, .(. " i t, 1 .'. ' i t. : ; . ( ; ,f,. - t 1 ' J 1 ' I 1 , . i , , . t'.fs .. i, t.l.'U J,.o;,s. HI 'i IJ- i,i(it, fl" I i a I-t i , ,. . , v i v 1 wi i,,u :. , . , , .., , j j ,;( tn tyr ol Uut'.., .u..-. ! K. A Jt( t.Sl.1,1,, All. Dt Lana Cirj |