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Show Treahon 1 Insurrection! Rkhkl-LION'l Rkhkl-LION'l Eic. Just arrived, a fine as-. as-. sortment of Frames of all kinds, at very low prices. Bring along your Pictures and get tbnn framed for Christmas ; and don't forget to have your Pur') taken at the old stand, C. It. Savage, adr S. L. City and Camp Douglas. Lost. A Pocket Lens, double glass, Jinra handle. Please call with it at the ilu-Kum. adr. Wanted A girl to do general housework. Enquire at Ma.j. Hempstead's, Hemp-stead's, 13th Ward, Emigration street, between 2nd and 3rd East streets, adv Fine Fresii Ho.vet in the comb, delicious and cheap, at H. Wallace's. adv Wintko. is Coming on. As that is the soason of festivity you should buy your watches, jewelry, clocks and toys, at Carl C. A.smusspn's new jew-ehy jew-ehy and toy store, East Temple street. adv MATcnr.s. Tho Great Western mutches, manufactured by Paul Lccli-tenburg Lccli-tenburg aro equal to any imported and warranted to keep in any climate. Try them and be satisfied. Sold at the Iflth wnrdco-operativo store. adv. Paris is starving, ihe Prussians Gnlightly ,t Harris, tlioiuth. keep tho Globe well supplied with the Knot bread, crackers, cakes, pies and pastry; and manufacture tho choicest quality of pure candies. Try thcui. a.lv A riuxir Si itly of genuine F.na-. h-h Ale, Golden Crown 'Cigars, Pis' leet. Lamb' tongues, At, &c,'at I'hil, Margetts,' 2nd South Street, adv Wanted Board near the TJ. C, depot, by three gentlemen whose business bus-iness keeps them in that neighborhood. Inquire at this olEce. adv Co rott Hi.u. George Chandler, determined to continue to please the public as he has done heretofore, will keep the choicest meats of every kind, with accommodating salesmen to wait on customers. Try him. Siall Xo. 2, right hand, entrance of Meat Market. Mar-ket. adv. A New Stock Of the finest brands of cigars, tobaccos, pipes, pipe-stems, pipe-stems, walking canes ana notions generally for gentlemen, bought pcr--ona'ly in San FrancL-co, and" for sale :y Ed. Harris. atlv AMUSEMENTS. THEATRE CHAX'GE OF TIME. Boors open at 7 ; Performance to commence at 7:3j. GLORIOUS ATTRACTION! i Saturday Ev'g, Dec. 3, 1870, Will be presented. Falconer's sparkling 3 act Comedy, en utlcd EXTREMES! Or, .Meu of (he Day. Iu conclude with the Laughable I'arce entitled DIDYCU EVER SEND YOUR WiF TO UKE SIDE ? In active preparation, tbe great Nautical and fcenaational Drama, entitled THE LOST SHIP. Will shortly appear, Mr. and Miss Conldock, supported by tlie Langri&Uc Dramatic Com putty. MUSEUM AND MENAGERIE. Half a block west of President Young's Residence. JOHN V. YOUNG, Esq., Prop. Native Beasts, Birds and Reptiles, Wolverines, Bear?, Foxes, Mountain Deer, Lyujf, Wild Cats, ic- Important collection f Native Minerals; Admission, 50 cts. Children, lO u Open every day except Sunday, from j 9 a.m. to 5 p.m Feed ing Time, 3 p. m. 1 J.L.. BARFOOT, Manager. PIANO JIAFFL.E. Only 300 Chances, at One Dollar Each. A seven and a half ocUve Piano, cost $425. Examine tbe in.-trumnt and buy your ticket 'or the Raffle at MRS. COLEBKOOK'S. SALT liAKS V EXCHANGE AXD READING ROOM Tkmporarv Office, Gould Woodward's. East Temple t. The Secretary wilt be in attendance Daily to explain the Objecfs of the Institution, the Rules and Regulation?; enter the name? of applicants for Membership, and receive Entrance En-trance Eees. WAKKKN UUSsEY, President. $20 REWAKI), I WILL PAY the above reward for the apprehension ap-prehension and conviction of the party or rarfies who have been suilty uf displacing the footbridges in different parts of the city. ISAAC (JROO. Supervisor of Streets, 21 nnn Fcxj:iNrijs J.UUUlRON AND STELL At Hussett Ae. Iloflmau's. Opposite Salt Lake Hon, SHAVING t IIAIK-WIESSISG SALOON. JOHN SQUIRES & SONS, BAST TK.MPLE STREET, First donr south nf Dp. hunter's residence. Privnto Kooms For Ccittinu an i D-inc ha lies' nnj Chil-iru'i Chil-iru'i iiir. .MAXVFACTl RF.D H AIR. Kvorr icf.-rii.ti,.n of Hair Wrk mile to orter. A .juaiuity f L.d ; es ' Switches on hand. Ornamental Hatr Work. La.iifi' an.l w rntlemen ' "a;.-h liuaxjs w.i'ie to onier. 3 HOTELCOOKIXG STOVES No. Pi Comiilete. Yt Sale at Bartf &: Iloffiuan's, Opoaiie salt l,,Ve Ilon.e. Iain St. IVT O T I o u : AST VOW 'PI X A- DRl CKKKK. S.ilt I.ik. (Vuiuy. LEI 1 1 .in.! VLKASANT t.HOVE. l iah County. v m. ir-e ,s. J .11. .DIEBOLD & KIENZLE, S-j.-.-ess. r. ;c 1.1- '.i. sUl.;-:-,-r A C - .. ! CELEBK 1 TED CINCINNATI j KIRK ASD DfKyLAK PKOOF ISAPES, ; A-is-csfs as., A;:: .,n;.,.;. i I'.ii-. j Z B. jBka- ; rK ATT A CtVHKT. Gere-s.: Ae-ts-, Washi-gton St.. C:::cgo.a ' II. B. LAWSOV, Snpt. Z. C. M. I.. 1 -A gent for I tah lerrltory. Itoxsorial: I Ifyuu wnt fashicnsible Skill:'.:! ! ao TO ! UNCLE BOB RUSSELL'S t I Hoc!!ito.i wi:h him -Mr. JfLll s I AX6fcR, at theo d s a- d on -rvnd ,.u:h I :re--i li irl'res--rc. b n mc, ri:ur.jH-.-- in? vd all km is of linir ,-k. lYr. riz ; to a wi.;, d.'Ue in a m-tnner arrantt.-d io c; e TELEGRAPHIC! Hereafter the DESERET TELEGRAPH CO,, ":',l tuarne tut TVKT' C ENTai On trc.-srireJ c:" Ton a-ori? or iesii. be'.a-eao SALT LAKE CITY AXD OGDKN Ac i IW j CENTS for eh addition! w.rd A. M1LTO.X 31VSSSR, Sapt. Cotloinvood 3Iines. Lo'.louaot'd Os.n I.. ;h.u j -u r. h.e j 6. C:iij Chi ti oikae Hay Press, Which I hare for sale CHEAP. B. P. KXOWLTOX. laeltfenta rd. OrL. J. HILLS, Hcorcr. Bldre.ice . Ca.'i bank. T. I W. TAYLOR II AYE JUST KECE1YED A EAUC V. LOT OK CODG II PARLOR STOVES! Cheaper than ever Sold in the Territory. CALL AND SEE T11E1K Splendid Assortment cf New Gcods! Cut ::: h Ihv 7::.? Ki:-t SAMPLES ARRIVED AND CAN BE Kul'Nl) AT TEASDEL & C5P'i WHO AllB A UK NTS Full TMK t'K I.K B R V'K 1 BLEES rulACHIWE Lmk .Mono,., Lock Stm t, Straight N... .II,.. , ,,1 ,,..r,.,r, xsith a....UI.M,.y tliu lleavicsl and I.ij;'.t-t V..rk. MORE .Mnili:s TO AURMK IX A IIM I)VVS. Our Dry Goods Grocery, Boot, Shoe, Hardware anj Croi.kery Departments Arc" dully .-epl,i,i,lKd with h full vri,.,y Hnd at prio to .ati.fy nil. TEE AVERILL CHEMICAL PAINT COMPANY;S PAINT S, Embracing over A HUNDRED Dll'FE UK NT SHADES t.retmvd I r miniediato a.,li.tion and n-.,uirinir no mixing, ins, .Uoivld and lor ale at tlin DRUG DEPARTM'NT z. c. m. i. Tin- inrrodir-nts ol' tlicso Puints mv slnmlo .,..,1 I,,,!,., ;i i .... , .jes with whiol, iboy rcoottntiond tlioinsolvo 0 "' I ' , L , V"" ."Oiity of color, an unusually smooil, ,1 l i , " ' i' """V n lavmtr, no tit.til.te of niixinc will sf,.l li,,. 1 L . ' i i ' "''l"lro'1 poel orT 'with ai,o-rl,-i " c an, or ,1 off i 'V!'" trwk nr The A ERILL U II I IK 'A XT i a ZINC l'INT cad. tindi, of cotiaUupcriori.y and popularity A " f' e","'"' M BRING ALONG VOURUNT CANSOfKN AND ImDAfE A lull 111,,, of Foreign, lUmuMU au V:iSi, ij(Ilors. At tlio Dnif Dopar.,,,,,,, y (, N, II. 15. t L AVsi), Supl. Zion's Co-operative Mercantile Inst'n WHOLESALE AND RETAIL GROCERY AND HARDWARE DEPARTMENT, i:i.dri;i)(;i: a. ;i,avso. m ii.dix.s. Von rat, find at t'.i- l. , ,,m,.n,' 'I . ('. M. I. ,,,r LAMPS, CEOCKERY. HARDWARE, STOVES, .MI.MNf. TOOLS, liLS(I.(; I'OWUKH, Ntaplc and jJlluv (, -A (U , i( , l ((. At.d i-jiii Get More f.r your .V.oney and Orders thn you can ?t any othsr House in Utah. |