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Show H.DINWOODEY, FURNITURE DEALER . And i 'rn o ij&T K sir: is. ' All kinds of IMPORTED FURNITURE 'Constantly on hand At the Salesroom, EAST TEMPLE ST. Every description of HOME-MADE FURNITURE At the Factory and Salesroom, tflRST SOUTH STREET, S. L. CITY COFFINS, ' PLAIN aud ORNAMENTAL s-l Always in Stock. " ; Z. C. M. I. Clothing Departm't FRESH ARRIVALS Of New Goods in Fall and WINTER SUITS ! OVERCOATS, CAPES, TALrVIAS Military Clothing, $ce. Also a Full Variety of GINT'S FURNISHING GOODS 'jents', Ladies' and Boys' BOOTS & SHOES Gents' Youths' and BoV ! I AT: and CAPS. TRUNKS in all siyio-? and (judities. Valises and Carpet Sacks. CarpetSjMattingjFloor Cloths Wall Paper aud Decorations. Always on hand and fur fale by the yard, a large stock of French, and English asi.ineres. 4 Doeaking, Beavers, Military Cloths, Home Made Tweeds, fcc. SUITS MADE TO ORDER ! Gentlemen's Clothing, or Military Snite, made to orderin the .NewenStyle of Fashion jn the shortest notice. Firt-claaa Fit and Workmanship Guaranteed.. MILITARY TRIMMINGS IS GREAT VARIETY. - nil H. B. CLAWSON, Scpt. A N EV7 SUPPLY of tLo ctltlrate'l STUDKUAKKK WACONS HAS JITBT ARRIVED. Lwbm'.ii Ij-j.y ""'I I'-'l" FARM AND KANYON WAG0N8 TI19 Frtv ri'c in' - -1 J . - - j LIGHT SPRING VjJGONS. i Very de.lral.le for Knmily u.e. I I in Mu ,..r W m ,n (,rii iii.uiiif turi i out A Ui-i ...ry l,.,t liintnij.iln l.y lli i,,.,.t iiii......t UfMiiiin in lli" iiiinlry, H'nl urn w a it ii. a k t k ii v ii ht clam. ukai.katciii;ai' hvj k-. JOHN I. t. k.m, I :-;ill l.kc II. mid Olti.-c UTAH CENTRAL ."';-RAlLROAO. ; PIONEER LINE OF UTAH. On and after Thursday, Dec. 1. Ib70. Leave Salt Lake City at 5 a-ui aud 2:45 p.m. Arrive at Opden 7 a. ra. and 4:4-5 p. m. . Leave Oedcn at S a. m. audo:3U p,ui. Arrive at Salt Lake City iu a.m. and 7:39 p.m. Fare from Salt Lake City to Wood's Cross S .70 Centreville. S .90 Farmington $1.5 Kaysville l.r5 Cgden 2.50 Fare from Ogden to ' Kaysville $1.30 Farmington Centreville Wood's Cruis 2 25 Salt Lake City 2.ou , . i ' In addition to the aboo ' AN ACCQiVlPluDATiG TR&iN Will ruu DAILY, SUNDAYS EXCEPTED. Leaving Ogden at 5 a. m. and Salt Lake City at 4:40 p. m., On which full fare will entitle the pureliusor of a ticket to return on the saino day and tram free, and wilt stop by arranging with the conductor at any point on tiae line to take on or let off paaaengero". Passengers will please Purchase , their Tickets t the Oltice. Fifty Cents additional will be charged wher the fare is collected on the train. For all information concerning freight or passage, apply to D. O. C ALDER, Ticket and Freight A;;' ; ' Salt Lake City. S j JOS. A. YOU AG, HupU jF o LIVERPOOL &, Q'JEEiSTOWN. IN MAN L INE Of Royal Mail Simmer, Sailing from 'ew York Every Saturday, AND Altcrnsitc Tuesday. Cabin Passage, to Liverj-ool. (?'- ) 875.00 Steerage " " (etir.) JU.UO Passage from Liverpool to New York Cabin, ... (Qo-) 975.no Steerage, - - (Cut.-lv) Jl.UU Round Trip Tickets iisucd at very low rate JOH G.DALE, As-iit. 15 liroadway, New iork, OrWIT.LIAM CALDKR, Azmt, i o-7 Silt LakCity. Yuh. PIONEER S K38T ROUTE EAST. CHICAGO & NORTH W EST'N RAILWAY Shortest and U' kest Route from Omaha to Chicago and the Kail. The Eastern Exir" Icivci Omah.i dily in connection with trains on the Central and Union Kiilic railroads, and arrivci in Cui-ciffo Cui-ciffo in advanceof ail olbi;r routes. A new and splondid line ol Pullman Palare Hotel and Sleeping Conches recently been built for th i . C vmpany. Ttie Cl-cio aiii North-i.c 'th u ti.u Pi'-hmt B-ailWity l;tWiri On ill.t nii-J ( !,. , li .'. Hi- -Tl comi,f,tl some 1 LIU Kb VKAJin A'.i); u,k.m Wliicli tilJift, tilt) Uli;'Tt It IV" p..f.. I, ill,.. I piio Lor e r-n.o in yrU'Anu in roml-t- nip! tra,k nii-i t-pn n.irj it witli cdliriK U , ih moqt uiM'jru iuijirov mwn!; tln, l"'jll.ir wiU. r tact of it tliu Slid i (cut In,.,, it. i t, t,., TrttYtdiiig Public ii i-jvit'jru runt' iiu.' pi 1 ! 1i Speed, Comfort and Surety. linyupgi) clie'.kf-d tliroufi to nil polTiti Kut DOeitra clmri(e for Iran-ltir nt llindit or Clm m to purlin bold lug LLiroiiKh lir;k"ta. LI mre sin! a-.k for 1 ir.koU vi.i CH"i' Nyrtlj-wtUTu iLuJwfty, wimli c0 lo dliin m( all th priii' ipttl rmlwtty nu-1 nt'-.uitO' j; olti' m the t'mll HUI,ii.l (J Wm. CaW'T.TT k-a wri i.t, ofli'.e at (iA LDKit 1;K'..' Hton-, K.tt 'JmpLnit Halt bike Uitv. For any inl'iiumtK-u in rt iuri! to Vi t lit.opplyto HARRY ROGERS, W-!t'-in pMi'r mfl t 1 ,i,,.nt. H. P. .-i AN'" i), i ii. Ti. t A- lit, ( '-J. Ii. li;M,AI',i-iiT;.l H..j,t. W. II. HTkONtt 0L-P!..r.U A nt. Um.liv ,L STJtAVKIJ lKOM Ulii k It'...-1:. lir,-. VJ'-.ih. ono l'n.lt T Jlrown M.MiM, lr:indt;d Y on Itfl hip. .uppoed lo bu abnit tiilit ear oM, ii y iioi nou ki ini i nl'rm-it mu ol li or wln:reiil'Oul ur brim'itu: bf;r u .nH. A. 2s(o fttable, will liu utiituUy lewnrd' 'I MORE LIGHT! ,y,w. fr All! THE DAKF08TH FLUID 1h Ihu JJ.l;1iI i'nr III.: l'cuili'. Only VAh: pt:r ;il, i;v Tut'; tivi; (lALLd.s '1 Ilk; I.AH-.IK. I' III II.M..H, Willi-uil (.liiriirii'V.i. i- tin lliinu '1III-; I'AI U I. AMI'S A I ': t lio II Illy in l ie tly y ifi In in i I. AS f. A I Ii AA I'AM'IIV A MIW AHrllVAl l:F lAIl.'S. IAN If HNS AMU ii.ij:ii. i:. ui;i.si; ,v ! ., ' 1'i.nn.r -...nil ..f Wnll . t )!...'. V .CHICAGO THADE. MARKLEY, ALLING & CO, j : : Importers and Jobbers iu Hardware Cutlery , 51 Lake Street) CHICAGO, . .. - - , ILL., DIEBOLD & KIENZLE, SnccesaorJ to Diebold, BaLimaim & Co., CELEBRATED CINCINNATI FIEB AND BURGLAR PROOF SAFES, And Sargent's Magnetic and Automatic Bunk JSLd S3 fl PRATT & COVERT. General Agents 86 Washington St., Chicago. II. B. CLAWSOX, Sui.t. Z. C. M. I., Agent for l- tttli Territory. .- ... llU KEITH BROTHERS, Manufacturers and Jobbers ui' HATS, CAPS AND FURS Milliurry and Straw Goods, 68 70 'W.iljasli ve., ftlTP 4 P fl 3 t Ueurboru IMi.cc, OlXluilUTU jl MOUSE Ii. H. Skiuner, Proprietor. Corner Wells and p IT i ( C f Kandolpli Strtela, UUjluAuW. I Tbisllouso 3 centmlly located, well fur-j fur-j niahed, and contaiuB Koouis. dU'J CHASE, HANFjRD Sl CO., 51 South W ater St., CHICAGO, . Headquarters for Oils, Paints, Glass, &c, JlanufacturtTo of the celebrated WILSON OIL TANK .113 PAGE, HUO.cV CO., Tmportcro aud Dealers iu LEATHER AND FINDINGS 50 Lnkc Street, prP- CIICiBOL III i - Lake Shore Oil Works. MAXWELL, WHEELER & CO., Manufacturer:? of Engine, Slei.nl. Tnllow, Lard nu WOOl. U1L.S. Deaiyr in Heailliirhl C.irb'jll, Vh:do Elephant, 6-nl und Sperm Oil?, Ai:i.i.tii f.ir the alc ft Pit ATT' 3 A ST HAL. OIL,. Agents tf IU '.t tu.-ibU. ai.J Oil l.m ! i;.o.Li.i.TLi:i:i.i CF EJTEISIOR CAB, RUOF ANJ IRON PAINT l or i in juj V.-luelt Hoof.,, I!ri.l- l.iuWr., Faetory. CIIICAOO. Oflirc. A o.'.i Illinoii ct., l .o S. Waler 3:r .l, VAN SCHAACK, STEVENSON & REID M1IOLKSAI.1: DliUGGISTS Oealcra In PAIKT3, VARr.iSIitS, 01L8, DYt STUFFS, BRUSHES, Window Glass, Glassware Patent Motlicinea, &c. &o. UO, V4 A. Ml Lake St., cor. Dearborn With a l irro e.Tperi"i-c in tbn T. rrit-riil trade, wo t--cl ,'uro - ici.in u Ijumi in 'jualit, prif" a:j'J pacLili. a- f.'EW YORK TRADE. C. A. l,..nv.Trct. .Ii.hn H. Iwwiek. LUNGSTnicT &. SLDGWICK .V unit, i' lur'T! ,l and Wlml'alc Oi il r in MHN'S & 3DYS' CLOTHING, ,M()l.!,i:ifS CO!) . lVM ni. It- - H. .J th.J ril.t l'l ,(( I, ,, lin .. ,, will J x . 1 1 1 i r i 1 1 : - London 1 r i ; : milium.. Khil.i- ti'in. lHi.3- IJ.T'M'M Klli1iili'M (if I'i 1mm j.-;; Oobi -M - flal f ituvnl .S.-rnd y I t Ihr Wulluio o Norw:i v. lKM,(iri.uL KxliiUiLpjii ul Hui. Uhuliii. hi,7l',u , InliTmiLi.. iTnl likliilni-inn. At whi'li it I-.-.U Hi.. irt pi i., n ; Iw.-nty- "i lit L-imimlit-.M. H m .,rin.oi.(. Ljr m.my liiui. nt ii,. .h, i, mitli.iritini in Kiui.i.n. iiU. I.v Mi" M,,,"- lycfAii'V imhI M.Mi,. ui Ho, i.'.tvol N'H thuMilx'i l.tu.l itifl n.n imin. , Dr. I,. A. .y.i, .1 N-w ..il.. - ' , . I,r ' I" I'"' ""'.V l.y , V-l l.mt IM -.Lf'inl'l l'i Himl Hi'.. I. .Maii.niMiiK ..jl ; ' I j r, . i.l.. .1 il .ihi.'. .l.ily, iiii-l i !-,(. , i V p. I., .,.,,.,.ly SHlihtlf'l llli H," y,jv k.iu- i.j i iin 1,1 ., ,tll,i cii.'uiM. V. IJ, rHt.hlrtrclln A, '., Attv .oik, H. I- A nt ! i Hi. i r. H. mul f' iNiHl i. Pool, Nazro. Kimball Si Co., wii()LKs,i,r; (iiiocKiis IJ". Wmii .. St., f h ii n la. J. II. )U:i.'.l-,U. Nw Y.nlt. 1 . V fii ' 'j - - i i m m mm BATHS, BATHS! Vjn:. Nprjn iladis I'rlvittn mid I'ltnike. Til....-, ,(.., ,,(i4 inn .-1- n Pi Him .lllll.: nt nil ...-. IM. 'I In tr i-.ii. in.tt pi..p.'ili."i in m. 1,1'li ly llluiw lull. ifj. 1. 1 J i it-h n i llKIII'Tilto I ll- III . t tl PrU .1.. H..VI.K. tin' l u t-tlDiil li.tti.U..m... y Pniii.,., riiii.Mti Jin Mm ..r 1 -. I mn ' n-w (p. m. II, A II !M,U ft , i PEOPLE'S IWRIUECO! Ol' SAN FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA. ( Vt find M'lritr:, f. V. !a. l)i:i:i'T. 11. (i. Hi'KNKK. l'rt.-i i. nr. tcrrci.iry A. K.l.t VMS(, Sprclal AI "' I. . i. 'i' ii xr li :rv yv rv, frllrral ABCllt for Itah. 0ri.ee i,i S. W. Hr.li,. .1 ,v Co',. JI.,in Sircct. ull L.ikc City. B. W. E. JEN N ENS, l.or.1 Acrtil, Ofllrr l Tin. ill I to.. Mala M ., j.l hlt i.kt ( It). Cheap Blankets ! . I C'iwu Ut.l thu rchirtii.uT t'f tlu-0 KKA t'TI Yl L CALIFORNIA AT COST ! I AM. AM) si:k i iikm at GEO. W. DAVIS1 (iMl I r hull lttkc II on r. PRACTICAL VATCHMAKERS. -vi 5 ELIASON & HAUEREACH, rit lMir I'.nNl nf llir llrrnlil, Arn wtirktitPti ln i"l nlv ri'pir Wuti lnl Mini Clo.'k, Put will p i m k ri U nl.'lirit I ilrr In nny it'.H'i r i 1 c, r nuy p;irt t Ii phi. frinii n pi v ii t or pini'Mt to mi rniiro W'.il. h. Work fctn nlril ou l mlri n( 'I'ri mi. COMPETITION ! Left Behind I HOLIDAY AKl,S. 'i i it in' cm an i i:i:n, iTiaj cjxnri's, !' ".. is, IM.in A lf. I ... ... el 'l I' .' .. I ( N, I' ..... y t-. ... ! I... v, ri, l'l ... I-....,-, I .... t. . , j , 'J III) ulii :ip, , in tow ll, ill I 4 IIIT.IVIIV V AI.I.At K'K. IfLOfflCI ' FAMILY SEWING HACHINF IS TIIK Standard Machine of the World.! The Special Committee appointed to examine and report on Sewing iMacUincf at tlie JNortli Carolina Stale Fair, held at Kaleifrh laxt week, awarded a Gold Aledal tot e Florence Sewing Machine for I lie eatie and q ulet netts'of 1 1 movement , perfection and targe variety of work, and Its valuable new feature, mu khtc It the most valuable Sewing Alachlnc for family use. j Parties contemplating the purchase pur-chase of Sewing Machines are requested, re-quested, to read the fol owing from the Kew York. "Tribune" of Oct. 19tb, 170: j SKVIG MACHINES. Wa hav recentl? bad occasion to make some iu4mrioo .ulu the prugrea uf iuiirve-mciii iuiirve-mciii in me mechanism of dewing machines, : and were not a little surprised to learn that the central idea in the first iuvenuun the shuttle still boldB iu placj, though many attempts have been made to supercede it. luu e but tie, in combination with the needle, is still tl-e means used to form the stit'Mi . io the leading machines, and we find that the growth of trade is chiefly with theehuulfr uuhg machines. I he improvements that are taking firm bold in practical ujie are, therefore, nece.-a-rily in connection with the shuttle, either in tne detail of the shuttle lus-ll, or in other parts of the machine connected with it, to cause tne whole to opera;e more perfectly and uniformly, and to simplify iu U;C Mny important gains in ViU direction, made since the fir?t great invention, are undoubtedly un-doubtedly emLt-jd.ed in the "r'lorenc-" ma-chide:.nd ma-chide:.nd we rccouiijjend our rtkrd to ijarelully inspect the ".Florence" belure making ma-king a choice. i no point peculiar l" this ui;t':hine arc : An unusual ;i:iiuuut r; tnt'riey i? si-cut in m a k i n if the " r 1 " r e iu-c , " t i i : re I y e ec u r i n g the beat material '.steel, for intiUicc, where others Ure CAet-irun and e in -.t tin h ol iui purUitil p;iru 1 the r ii u;: le, 1t r a .im pie. bcuiK rik'idly rejected if il varn f irmu the Mubddrd 1 rj h ol an inch'- li i.-cin-tru'- ti-d n the ;i m i',u-1 ; -u niiLc i rmcipltfj, entirely dirpvti-ing Kith the cl'-, and i-ainr, and links wni:U ro often iset pervcr.-e.y out of order and jrely perjUx every tne bui t lie pra,'! ::vd u. ":hn. i-1 by t in. ir unitcc-'.UDt-ablo lreikf. Ine 'J''l"rcncc" eo e-Mly uiunu'cd. :ind ite u.e ii ?u readily I earned, that iiu urdiuary i rl ui ten h ii ;cn-c nuU aiu-clc noufc-h iu run it i riectiy. 'i he lucn flitch. a- muie by llio " t I'.rencc" i? very reolaraiu perfect. cry strong and el.ifiic, ti I u Jr.m n nil1) t Le l.i .r:c e wn ;y , .-t ull, cvicl)', without jerkirg, and nubout ".lu.ms luc p"m tu i ulk-t, or ptr.uuiLg ttie t lirtJ-J i aj to e:i'l.in k'tT i'; br . n.-; c-jd-iciurntiy, Tei 7 line tti read mil licnt l.i brio c;iu be u-ed. iicJea Ihir. tiie ' r l'Tence" tin al! hut the t-Ce 1 1 --t al-o njM&ts tl.rcc a id;tiu:n.l Hit he a iP-ubie kfc. a licle ku-jt and u U'.'jb e Kiiu, whi hare 1 1 ru n d. n d more e I n. t c t !i a n a n t n er turn, and wnich arc l. dc t'. ii" o;;ier m-cuiue. m-cuiue. 1 no " t M-renct" i the on1yu..vh nf that hi a fcvcr.-i'-lc cel. wherthy tho direction di-rection of the ftwir.c on 0e ini.iiitiy changed without Hi.ppiii-- the work. t!iu cn.tb.iug the operator t.t r cm i wucr with uiiucua! iacility, ti !e nrd nd e:wily ptrrtik''hcn a ."rin whencr direi, r.d. finally, by a few rrpc .;.d ; : : :.'hi-, lo fiMcn end in th fjm--k--i and firoiigcM way. It ii the only u:.n:ninc p.u ha i s c i f -.Ajut i ti c r :nit lie -1 hroa'1 tfi.-i-Mi, n bich worn f perle.'tlv thnt the operator can run acroM the wur'i icmn V- i kw Ihc anoi linen and the tliu-keM Or- ii -oih in tuime-diatc tuime-diatc Ai'-cr.-.i'.a wr.tiont brc.tkink thet:iro4j and w ulu - ci: n t the noodle, ititob or icn-iun. I no "t lureuco" drwn tho thread into t !i e cloth with unt i u-Icj precision and yrrtmnty, by mr.m ol n intcni"u auto-tnalio auto-tnalio "take-up" nhrH. whuh depone of th slack thrr.td 1. It Alter the mtcb with aa xYur.u pn-oipinr th.it pravcQu ,1 rnan-Lt rnan-Lt or droppiiit ol '. 1 1 . h c .-. a iu allow tnt o.ralur lo tern backward, or to run otf the cloto and on c.iin. with perfect impunr.y. It baj an improved elu-tio hemtuer. eiclu-tivoly eiclu-tivoly it own, which i tuaniMfcd with cac. and will make a he in of wny width on any material It not only make a pcMtvt gather and icwi It to a baud at one opcratioa. Put il tiui, and biti.U. and and tjuilt, ana cord, an-1 Iiiom, nnd KJificr-. and braid without batin. .-uoh cpeoial p-uvin .n u mi l' aea.nt injurious wr.ir lh;t the "Flor-n.'o" "Flor-n.'o" ia oljuupil and guaranirrd by ihcCoin-IMtiy ihcCoin-IMtiy t" l:--t lwi,-f h. P-iik without repair any v h or li ull le in v !i i ne in t 'i in ar ll. without tho flu-h:.-; diibrulty. Kvery pari ol tho "Kl-ireio " i o peilev lly ami ppru.a-ncntly ppru.a-ncntly ad;u-lvl. aud it ,as t p w .lmnij an. point ol Inction, (li4t il ruti wiih the ut-ino-i rifp. i he nro iU- i- ,-.n una thr.'udrd, and tlip i-ui. h i Irnklliriu-.i, horti-nrd, or rrvMM. uli ilm ut-ii ut-ii 1 1 " l cit. In U'Uik tlie "1 ! riMu'. " niMthtT the work nor the -pcr;U r .tre- to bo four. I. the " t ioi .mii'v " wi;U ul those o a mi o fun rtoril) . o, :it t .io ,vuno prio m other br;-i:l4ii ui n-lnnw. lhro auvan f.ilxM Oily In ui-.iiul... lu:o. SiiuplKMiy of coii-tru.'lioii; Fucility ol niitiiittfeuuMit , ' Variety ol Sii(ebe.; HovorMblo tmd; roll dHiliiitf ten-ion. A it loin nt ! t.iko- up; 1 tu pro vo'l thein ty or; l'ro 'l"D ;ih';lit ivnir, l' i toot .nol p' rm mom ii iin -; iii i p t . I'.ii'V r--iiu utioii vt noodio 1 (UU'h; Clr.tiiliiio. . iiu i e'.o;; i no !; I ln Itiuit tnd bikli luii-li l the uiaclune: .M.iko Iho vFloron. o." uixdor Holy pp. uk-iiik', uk-iiik', a inaohiiic itIip Ii to.be v.iUiol. noodf bui lo ho tried. No Ptu.ily van albir.1 t,i bo without u ?w-itik' ?w-itik' ui'K'liiuo, mid wo hope ihiit beP-ro long ono may lio louiid wherever 'Tho iribuna in woloomc. TO THE LADIES Of Hi. If Imkr ( lly, pud t b run b linn li-nn I f In Ti n Itoi 1 1 nf I lull, Id n Itoi HI on i una nml y out I ii ii , o cloihl i cMiliul in ii:ui'n U mil Ht. our iillit .', tuul PMitiiino tlin I'lcroiicu l-'iimily .vM'vino; Mncliino, wln'tlier do I ii r initiiovlinH' imtrliiw or not ; if i'- mir Imsiiu' and pIo.-ihiio lo soliril i'Ioho p.vuiiiiimlii'ii nml conipitrion, q lm 'i cii i'lulnl ion, in order llio iuor i'ii 1 1 v lo pxpliiiu i'"iiiW id ilitloronco, in v 1 1 ltdi wo cliuiu Miu'iioril y, t lio iu-rhim iu-rhim ol' iiri.nm uuiUim", ini -1 tilling th (Jn "f V Jlrtlo'f, SuiKor mul VhooIr V Wili'in. Ju innkiior tw rompnri-mmi, rompnri-mmi, no uuliiir d iinlno will bo In Urn '!' ri nl Jinn liin. liuL on llio i-onti at y tlipy w ill bo Kept by n voinpidonl ma-tlunit-t in U.ti Itp-l id' nuiniiiK urJnrt (Homo ol t li oi 1 1 ii'nuiio mm Komi mi onm-iioor onm-iioor us h opinni'h p, ) CHAS. S. HAMMER, I..-. ..I Agr. it. ' .A ir i.aki; ni rv, r: -i- i . J THE AVERILL CHEWICAL PAINT COMPANY'S PAINTS Embracing over A HUNDRED DIFFERENT SHADES, prepared l.,r : immediate application and requiring no mixirjfr, just received . and for sale at tho DRUG DEPARTMENT z. c. m. i. Tho iiiKi'odiouitf of tlieso Paints ore simple and indestructible. The qualities quali-ties with which they recommend themselves are : Cheapness, durability, superiority supe-riority of color, an unusually smooth and glossy appearance, lesn labor required inlaying, no trouble of mixing, will stand fire or ruin, and does not orack or peel off with atmoBpheric changes, nor chalk off by friction. They are the best, cheapest, most durable and most popular Paints in use. The AVERILL WHITE PAINT is a ZLNC PAINT, containing no ead, and is of qual superiority and popularity. BRING ALONG YOUR PAINT CAN'S OPEN AND PURCHASE BIT TIIE GALLON. A full line of Foreign Domestic and Case Liquors. At the Drug Department, Z. C. M. I. ll. 15. CLAVMOi, Supt. ; . . .!...) - D.DAY. . O.r.CLMKR. I DAY a GULL1ER,; Wholesale and Retail Dealere in . w DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, HARDWARE, QUEENSWARE, j GLASSWARE, BOOTS, SHOES, HATS, BLANKETS,. OILS, NUTS.&c.&c.i WK MAKE BEST JEAS SPECIALITY. JUST RECEIVED, , A FINE LOT DF DRY GOODS. Call anil bee tlicui. First iOoor SoutU of'Torwn Clock 6 core. ; do BJSSETU HOFFMAN : HARDWARE STORE All kiD-U 'A HEAVY HARDWARE, Iron and Steel, Stoves and Tin Ware BLACKSMITH TOOLS, Agricultural 111. pi tint n t Ami MlDlug Tool,, At Lou el Rate. OPPOSITE SALT LAKE HOISK nli Z. C. M. I. BOOT AND SHOE Department, , At the Siirn of the "BIG BOOT" - m Call and Examine our choice Stock of HOME-MADE Aud Imported BOOTS AND SHOES LADIES' AND GENTLEMEN'S SLIPPERS. Boot-s and Shoes for Ladies, G-entle-m-in and Children 31 ADE TO ORDER saciafacrioD guaranteed. Repairing XzoOy and Promptly attended to. Vt Uve Jmt Ktcived a Spluciiid bcj ijIj of Leather, Including French and German Ger-man Calf Skius, Best Morocco, a great varlri y f Colored fklni,1j and al k-luUa of Upper. 8ole and'J llurneas Leather; Concord and Mage Hore Collars. Also a Full Stock of Shoe Findings. HIDES BOUGHT. Call and devour eld friend Cronipton Wanted Lnm'diattly, a jinl-chu S-icing 31'icliltit Oj'Cralor, to v.irlta Ladits aud Gents Boots and Shoti. H.B.CLAWSON Snpc 4 FOR SALE, CHEAP. first-class BILLIARD TABLES. Ea i'aire Jt this 05ce. BENEDICT, HALL a CO., MAN 1'FACTL'KKK AND WHOLtS.VLE DKALtKS LN Boots and Shoes, HAVE REMOVED TO Io. 1!M ami l.M STltELT, NEW YORK. a-.. Zion'sCooperative Mercantile Institution TO flTY AM) ( OlMUV Am! tlio Talo cnerallj'.. WHOLESALFdRY GOODS! EAGLE EMPORIUM. (I'p Si.iii-.l WINTER GOODS! Lou: Miauls, .XiiMas, itosicrv. M mile Miaul. llootN. i loves- C lilltlrt nN MtaulK. Si'nri' I laiim U. ItlJinl , (oiiiitripiUH-s JnniH, ( assliiiUTN. LIiim'5" DOMESTIC GOODS IN FULL SUPPLY AS USUAL. Hoots A Mi.k,I:iiIIii T A. Al-fllf. Pirn's. ICvsanl C liililreu' II. B. Clawson. Supt. |