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Show Z. 0..M. I. RETAIL GROCERIES VERY CHEAP ! Eldredgsfi. Clawson's Bldg's SALT LAKE CITY. II. B. CLAWSON, Sltt. OMAHA HOUSE, Second South Street, SALT LAKH CITY, ITAH TEK, The above named House is now open for the reception of transient guests and regular boarders. The house has been thoroughly renovated and furnished second to none in gait Lake City, and has been leased for a term of years by a thorough Eastern Hotel Man, And the jniMie can rest assured that they will receive that treatment expectedat a hrst Class house. JAJIES SITPHEX, Prop., "iV. L, SnoLES, Clerk. WILLIAM SmKES Wholesale anrt F.ctnil Dealer in every description of Foreign and Domestic Fruits, Vegetables, Butter, Eu-jrs, Poultry, &e., &C., ie. Orders from a distance promptly attended to One door South of Gilder Bros. tut Temple St, Sail Lake Ci'.i. jiCE ICI? JCE ! -SALT LAKE ICE GOPAliY, Established Jan. 1, ISvJ. dclivirrea daily in ail parts -T tn ei'y, in any qiiAnv.ty ar.il at rat." to uit tti liiiioj. - .r. A toiijt.iiit s'i ply UArautced. 3 J. 11. CLAAVSO.N, - - Agent. - Dt r, at CIuwoq'o Ice Crcum Saloon, T!: -1 5 -i th -t., w l;ra ti. r i- ilmva a e;-' ' o l-l f-r.-.v!- rri ;n. r Onr.'r-i . V .1: .1 aai C-uKi the L-:t ou-.iuv at the lowest mtea E, LITTLE, Proprietor. I; open f.'r the reception of racta. (OOD ACtOJIJ10DTIO.il MuseuM A.ND MENAGERIE. ' 1 k - " - - " . : ... . -... .J). :;.. ! - .. ;-k;:i,s .fVlll. IVM' A i J-iJ-i.j Wolverines, 1 5 ears', Foxes, Mountain Deer, Lynx, Vill Cats, &.C., Important coIlLCtion of TV ;i live 31 i it anil I Our rninr.J a ih';y rp':.-.i for t !jjf.-c:irc. Onr .Nntlvn AV onr, Wool, Stlb, Cot-lfyyai Cot-lfyyai U J i Olilf; I it )i M f C; t II r; i I THE MAMMOTH! 'Z'i r j Happy Fa,niily, IV. ISO i: AM A ! Vlv. of f-nll l.ukr ( l(y, I.ihiiIim,, i'e.ji.i, lliiliu. , t- vv lurU, .S, In I i. , A.r. .A 1 '. I !!, i"0 H. C'luMi i .1, M) " '.V i.r !.. '.':' i.t. .!..; , !i ' .. 1 :i. i vi. V) p. tii. . ...i . .. T i , : . ji, m . ii i;. i , EETAIL DRY GOODS DEPAETMENT. S. C ML I. 1 We have juat recoived a fiue and very choice selection of this season's Winter DRESS Goods! In the most approved t'LALPS, REITS, MOHAIRS, MERINOS, DELAINES, CASHMERES AND DRESS FLANNELS. We arc the sole agonta for the consolidated Pacific k Mission "Woolen Manufactures Consisting of BLANKETS, TWEEDS, RUGS and FLANNELS, offered at prices unequaled in this city. KID GLOVES The largest and finest stock ever offered in this city. LADIES' II ATS Just a few of the newest styles. PARIS PRINTS Made expressly for us in latest designs. II. 15. CLAWSON, Supt. PIONEER STEAM WOOD WORKING COMPANY. W. H. Folsom, Tries. Latimer. Geo. Rocnet, G II. Tati.or. FOLSOLI, ROMEY & CO., (South Temple Street, one block west of the Tabernacle,) LTaving added to their already extensive stock of Machinery, are now prepared to furnish all articles iu their line, a first class article, at greatly reduced rates, from the best lumber produced in our own mountain home. We have a complete set of Sash and Door Machinery, by which we can fill large or small orders with great dispatch. We publih a list of sizes of Doors and Windows which are always kept on hand. Lip or cheek rail sash and all kinds and sizes of doors made to order: Sash Sizes. Door Sizes. SxlO windows, 2 ft 4 in'x 3 ft ?l in 2 ft 6 in by f ft f, in 10x12 " 2 10t 1 4 6 2 S ' 6 S 10x14 " 2 101 xf. 2 2 1 " 6 10 10x16 " 2 10 x.". M 3 feet " 7 f. .t. ill i ml, Fmiairs ami lUouIdin:;. Rolling and Stationary Slat Blinds made to oi Jer to till all kinds of open-in open-in Door and Window Frames, plain and panneled. lla ing one of l'ay'i-splendid l'ay'i-splendid No-1 moulding machines we can furnish every variety of Mouldings. WOOD TXT I IX G. We have a No. 1 Turning Lathe, and have enparr j Fred I'hi-tcr, tlie best turner in the Territory, and will fui ni.-h turning of all decr:piion, including inclu-ding wheel beads, chairs, bedsteads, and all kinds ol d turning at low rates. L.iTLST IMPIiOVKJ) M AC IIL LIl V. Our machinery is the vety bct that cuuM be purchased in the KaM, Consisting Con-sisting of a No. 1 J'laner and Matcher, lor burfacing lumber and n-nguinir and crouvTn? flooring; a lauicls l'lancr, tor planing luml or out of ir.d ; a 'iVnon vis. Machine; a heavy power Morticing Machine; maeliines lor rabbiting, plowing, making pasli, doors, blinds and mouldings As a great variety of work can to dune on the.-c machines, it giws us a creat advantage in contracting and building. "V. II. FOLSOM attends to the buildin? department, an 1 b ir.g n ex; erleneed archttccl, and having on hand all tlie latot arebiteetinnl woii.-, i" prepared to make da n, .pecificatioris, details, ami contract f"r building-' id all kin Is. The old firm of LA TIMER f- TA TL OR have charge of tne machine department and in connection with the above machinery run a ft of circular saws, and are prepared to rip boards, plank, pickets, fence rails, .strips i.e., Lz. All who intend to beautily, improve and build up, and want cheap .Tiid good work, call on s ?. o. Box oG6. Folsom, Romnoy fc Co. PRODUCE, PRODUCE Z. C. M. I. In order to meet tho dern.mdi of our numerous customers wc will deliver to purchasers all kindu of produce Flour, by tho pack or hundred svk, Wheat, isUrlcr and Oats; Iiutter, put up in all hhnpc and in any quantity; Eggs, by the dozen r hundred dozen. Como on and get supplicl. Tiiipoi'iiiiit UuiIIiii, AVil IikI. Entiancc froi First South Slrccl. H. B Clawson. Sunt. HOME MANUFACTURED As co(iii!eti un hi Horlmcnl. iih i-iin bo fi.nnd in tlir Tci iilory ; in addition Id wliicli VV(! Iinve every variety of I n. ported Miinnl'acl tin! to romplctiiciiii' slocL. We have al io added to I ho ubovo branch of biinincHH, a gener.il nsoi t ineiil n' DDry Goods, Groceries, 'i hi'li vo Will ,i'ii;ii:iiileii nt prices llinl, will eive m:iI Ii I'.ii'i ion. Minei. I'.n-in'-M aid I'.i inilies li 11 be 101 1 . Jiei I wilh ml vn ill .i lo I lieiie.cKe:i. C'PC'llTF. SALT LAXt iiC'Jir, m ' " -" ' CO. JOM ?. SWELL Manufacturer and Qoneral Dealer la puke viivegab:, Fine and Coarse Salt, POTTERY, WILLOW-WARE, MOLASSHS, Etc, Etc. Idaho Store, Revere Houue Corner. 50,000 Shinelm, 30,000 I.nlh, 8,000 ft I, nmhrr, viOO Cedar Full, WOOD A5D COAL FOR 8ALK. Will take anjthinn in exchange that I think ft percontnge can bo realizi-d on, fluch a. oecond bund Wagons. Chaina, (iuna. KeroUers, &nd produota of the larin and lactorie.. Also for aale. Three Warom, 150". .W Jfc 60V1 draught. Fire Acre. Land, inTirightnn Ward. Ilalft Ity Lot, in Twcntioth Ward. 100 Hod City Lot, in Mixteontb. Ward, half pluntcd with aaaortcd fruit. Small Iloune and piece of city lot, Second Ward. 35 Aciea Cram Land, in Franklin, Cache Valley. Address JOH.V W.S.VEU,, Idaho Store. HARNESS Made from States Lrothtr, FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE i For any kind of home 1 stock, from a suck, iiit; call Lp. Second South Street, Salt I.a'xc City. The Amrilrau Tract Socirty Kits apimlM t ItllKIl KUO. in i.-Tin I r ti. -. nl i!; U'-l .m l rlio ijw.t llonki, arl, Kr ard, t.lfl, i.c, V.c, I r u hba t ll School, ai I F'aiiilllr. inr i l.'ere i in tli.i nirw-l. tail .ml i-xui i- '':i!:i, anJ ,,rirm. yKKlO.KIC t'.. ."II KAUI.lt. l'.,ln. I .vciclari. Wm. li. Iloop-.r. II. S. Kllrcdge, I,. . Hills. Ilooncr, r.hlKil.- S Co., DANKEES. Kasi Tkmh r. Sr., S.u.t Lakk C'nv, D T. .3 Gull Du-t. Coin, Fvh iin,i V:i:::i::(-. I'.'.'. Co'ilc'-tioii, made at. i ;r::ii; ily remitted- CORRESPONDENTS: PJcl-s ' Co., New York, B:ttik of Calif rein, S-.n Frnet.-ci, Firt National Hunk, Chicago, Kxelnni-e l'.aiik. St. 1mi', I'ir-t National Hank, Omaha. J. is. Moreau A Co., Lmi I hi. GRASS CAriOM COAL CO. Tn;f jrerartJ to furnifl. Crtlrr ( al at fhraprr Rales Tin i i';f oi'nr niinri i i th country. for ilo nt tho I'.f.n.tt. .lr.,,ut. in thi Apply to S. UAVI.1. at theilrrM. a)()IL)MI A. V()l'X. uorst:, Mala Streot, Ocdon, T7tli. fWl IS (ixT.irilr. Itrtu-. W J ! ro.v(T reno-oi reno-oi Ttc1, ttrff rurnnlif.t I hr. iu:i(..n I witli patent ppring lU.t-Jhft pi.piinlir (! mutl l-nl tiin nil! ft' rndia ti"l- 1 t 1 T li.'iii itii, f'nrnlli n.t Iha tttli2 raimini 1 1 ? . t rr-.nftlln rr-.nftlln pn. 'I k mpnlfii Immii tv.lh ( 'nlifnrnik mmi lim nii Wot-. A li.vW will run to Kivl frmn i t i rr 'i'iKfii t 1 ho titi fn n f rWti x KtUiUnt to Uip U"ino i n Hnn lr ami IhiIi JOHN MAI10N, ST. (M.AIU iioti:Im Cr. Tliinl an.l MiiVpI .Xli.i-I., ST. lot IS, MO TERMS $; PER DAY. M"inr lie in.h.'.l mill Mie I. -flint t-i-t . Il.ui'n e..o t , i 1 1 v 1 1 'i ii I," I. I'.'H. I.T nil ItAin.. riiMiioil II. It .unci SI. mill'. nl li.W'l "111. r In I lie ll. iii.iv J. CIIEbEEY, Propr. llou'l I'ollin-. Itll ml : ii lilra. Till' 'lie ll i' el I M ll ie I i ri e I ! I c I V ll ll' lid ll ll - 1.. in i. I n-iv I i' 1 1 1 1' I I I i ' , I' hi ' l 111' ' C HI 1 1 in I hill I In' -.tumm-li el in in i nil i in i h i i i cull vl I ri in on in I I in i''l i. 'ill ei' ' I I. in M ll ll iH.Vf I llll ill "I. ' .I'" '"III ll'U 'I'l H'"l ll in,, tin. I I iilnoe 'l li.ii'll. i'l .. llo" i 1 1 t i ' 1 1 1 o ' 1 1 no no ii I in ih. aire ii nii'l I. eh u ' , i,i,i,.i.inN I . I. , lillnl I hi. Hie l. I II I 111' I III' III' i I II I I' Ml il H N I I I I I I II I ' 'I Willi In. Ilt il II '. . . I ". iohI el ill 'i. ilii.n.i in inn I i I ii . ii. . .1 I ii ii lei Ii 1 1 1 ii in . , lie II , r',1 I I i i i. I 'i. I s I I 1. 1 .- i: liTiiimr III op T.-.l I'll'"' N IOHI l' I l.'l r . . Il'l'l "I' .. I .,''l 111' lllH ill llll II i' ll ,.., . I.I' Mll'-V I.. oiMiiiii I'l. I Ii ,.,..,1.1, Hi .1; ) Sold by nil liiii.'i'i .. .. , I Pioneer I.irio of Utah. As. ai', 7 )M0--' : -: -cr7T tA ' !.. . f ti.n h'i'. J 1. J lyr : - , r.. ( . ' ''. ! ' ! '.'- '. " ') ' ' Train leave Salt Like City daily at 5 a. in. and 2:4.3 p arrive at Ogden 7 a. m. and 4:45 p.m.; leave Oedcn city,, 8 a. in. and 5:30 p. m.; airiv at Salt Lake city It) a. m. and 7:30 p. m. In addition to the atove, an ACCOMODATION TEA!; WILL RUN Daily, Sundays Excep Leaving Of;den city Oa in, and Salt Lake city 4:40 p m, on i full fare Tvill entitle the purchaser of a ticket to return on the day and train free, andvrill .stop hy arranging with the cond: at any point on tho lino to take on or let off pa-.-eng':rs: Pas.;-n?;rs. will p.easo purchise their ticket? at the ofEc. Fifty -; ditiunal w ill be charged when the fare is collected on the train, for all information concerning Freight or Pa.s.-ae, apply to 3. O. CALDEPv, Ticket and Freight Agent. Jos. A. IToTins:, Sud liFAD! HEAD! lil Zion's Co-op sr ati v( Mercantile Inst' Groceries, Hardware ' AT RETAIL! This ncpsttment i :t; plied with an immense J-"uvk . i Sta-jjle 6c Fancy Groceries, Hare 7,k1j, Ajrutltaml Imp!' mi nit, QumifH-on, (.Hasricarr, j Stwvs, Rryirtr. Mou n t, Hone mi. 5n'.',y Ral;rs, And Other Machinery. Our avort mcnt includes a lurce rariety of artiflo not tenerv-'-store, hence wo are induced to nflcr them at retail tvi meet ptu. :; which has been horeiofiiro unfilled. We hall continuo to supply il:i,:-trade il:i,:-trade at our usual low prices, and an inspection of our .took c" satisfy the closest wholesale or retail buyer lliat it will be to their ' make their pun-hases at the Onuvry 1 Vparttnont, '.. C. M. 1." II. U. CI.AWS() THE AVERILL CHEMCAL PAINT COMPANY'S FAI Kml.r.'iein,; over A IlCNPUF.n P1FFKKF1NT pver' - immediate application and iv.pi niu; no m mii;:. ;u.-t t"ieJ and for a'e at tlie DRUG- DEPARTM'V L sa n b B W a n r.irrii imnedieuls of I hoc Faints are simple and i. lies wilh v bieh I bey recommend tlicm-eivo are : t 1 ' riu, ity of Color, an unu'-ually ,sinoo;!i and e.. o---y : ' 'i 1 ill l:yiiu;, iu livable of nuins;. . Lu. Im. peel oil wilh iilmo plierie eli.in e ', nor cb.i ' In". I, cheapol. mo-'l ilur.ll'1.' Mi) 1 le.o I t'.'pul : 'I'lie AVb'.KIU, 111 I'll l'IM' i " cad, and i.s of e.pial Mipei 101 iiy :m.l p I'.kim; ai.omj von; fin v 1 - FY Till i S'orrin, Ios5i Ai lie- ' - s. |