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Show h.dinwoodeyJ FURNITURE DEALER And uiuogsT hick it. All kinds of IMPORTED FURNITURE U distantly on hand at the Salesroom, K AST TEMPLE ST. ilvery description of HOME-MADE FURNITURE At the Factory and Salesroom, -KIKST SOUTH STREET, S. L. CITY' COFPINS, PI,AIiV aud ORNAMENTAL si Always in Stock. . Z. C. M. I. Clothing Departm't FRESH ARRIVALS Of New Goods in Fall and WINTER SUITS ! OVERCOATS, CAPES, TALMAS Military Clothing, &c. Alflo a Full Variety of GENT'S FURNISHING GOODS Gents', Ladies' and Boys' BOOTS & SHOES Gents' Youths' and Boys' HATS and CAPS. TRUNKS in all styles and qualities. Valibes and Carpet Sacks. Carpets,Matting,Floor Cloths Wall Paper aud Decorations. Always on hand and for sale by the yard, a large a lock o French and English Casalmare Doeskins, Beavers, Military Cloths, Home Made Tweeds, Ac. SUITS MADE TO ORDER ! Gentlemen's Clothing, or Military Suita, made to order in the ewe? t Style of Fhion on the Bhorten notice. First-clasa Fit and Workmanship Guaranteed. MILITARY TRIMMINGS IN GREAT VARIETY. nil H. B. CLAWSON, Scpt. of the celebrated STUD Ell AK Eli WACONS II7V JU8T ARKIVED. V.mbrn'.iwf htavy arid lilit FARM AND KANYON WAQ0N3 The Favorite D I A 3VX O N D ti)'J oti.ir LIGHT SPRING WAGONS. Very rlelrnbl for Family ui. 'I hi Ht'i'l'ilrttkcr Wnx'nt ri niafnifV.Hirn', out 'it Him v-ry l,"t iriAlnritili hy Of tii'nt f'jnitt'jnl iti'y.littiiK.f f, tbi country, nud arn WAHHATK I KIKHTCI, Ah, Kilt r.M.K AT t'.WY.KV KATKH. .JOHN T. r.WM:, yUent, .Salt Luke II:rnld Ofliw. UTAH CENTRAL RAILROAD. f wM.-"""'"'! fJ T&iiii i line PIONEER LINE OF ' UTAH, On and after Thursday, Dec. 1, 1870, Dally Trains Leave Salt Lake City at5a-m and 2:45 p.m-Arrive p.m-Arrive at Ogden 7 a, in. and 4:4o p. m.-Leave m.-Leave Ogden at 8 a. m. and 5:30 p. in . Arrive at Salt Lake City 10 a.m. and 7:30 p.m. Fare from Salt Lake City to Wood's Cross 8 .70 Centreville .... 3 .90 Farmioston 1.5 Kaysrille l.5 Fare from Ogden to Kaysville SI. 3ft Farmington S1.65 Centreville -.03 Wood's Cro;3 2 25 Salt Lake City.. 2.50 In addition to the ahovo AN ACCOMMODATION ' ' Will run DAILY, SUNDAYS EXCEPTED. Leaving Ogden at 5 a. m. and Salt Lake City - at 4:40 p. m., On which full fare will entitle the purchaser of a ticket to return on the same day and train free, and will stop by arranging with the conductor at any point on the line to take on or let off passengers. Passengers will please Purchase their Tickets at the Oijicc. Fifty Cents additional will be charged when the fare ia collected on the train. For all information concerning freight or parage, apply to D. O. C ALDER, Ticket and Freight Ag' v Salt Lake City. k JOS. A. l'OUGj Wupt. ! mm i O K ! LIVERPOOL & QUEENSTCWN. INMAN L INE Of Royal Mail Steamers, Sailing from New York Every Saturday, AND Alternate Tuesday. Cabin Passage, to Liverpool. fcjM) j Steerage (cur.) 3U.00 1 Passage from Liverpool to ew York j Cabin, - (G-.M) $7j.00 ! Steerage, - - (Curreocj) J4.U0 Round Trip Tickets indued at very low rate I JOHN O.DALK, A-nt, 15 Broadway, i"ew 1'ork, ! Or WILLIAM CALDKR. Agent. ' o-7 Salt Lake City, Utah. PIONEER SHORT ROUTE EAST. CHICAGO & NORTHWEST'N RAILWAY Shortest and Unlrkeat lloiifo from Omaha to Chicago and the Kut. The Eastern Expre leaves Orniha daily in connect ijd wirh trains on the Central and Union Pacific railroad, and arrives in Chicago Chi-cago in advance of all other routes. A now and splendid line of Pullman Palace Hotel and Sleeping Coaches Has recently been built for thLa Company. The Chicago ani NorLh-wMUrn U the Pi'iwT Railway titwMtri Onuili.- anrl Cliirrift, Imviri lfo compllM aomo TH KKH YKAKd AUO; Pinr whicb time, the MinaeT )iato .arcl O'-itlmi painn nor ei ni in pmrf-tin(( (t r"ifl-l'l and track and nipplnv U with rolling t'.-)t of th moa i modern improTfmn(n; tlii, ti(r5tlir with th tact of iu tend ltM Mhorteat lin, nfim fo tl,r 1 Traveling Public m tiem rout nnjnAJkd i-.r Speed, Comfort and Safety. Baggago checked tbroogb to all point K-wt DOexira charge for transfer at iuaJia or Uncage to parties taoldiog tbroiKfa tlrkeU. b aur and ak for Ti-keui via Chlmo North-wwiUirn R-ulway, which can h obuir.M all Uie priof rpal raiJwjr nd ntanitt ofli tins UuiUJ iftti-i, ufi f,r Vm. Cl'lr, f i. kt K"i't, 'ifllce at CA MjLR UHOB.' btt.re. Kwit T- ini-ld Ht Bait Lake City. for any InfmiatloD lu regard toFrelM,ppl7to HARRY ROGERS, WentrD I'aM'r and Kr't tnt, II. P. 8TANWOOD, Onn.Tkkot Annul, Clilr.ijo OKO. f,. UUNI.AI', (Inr.nrnl Hn.U W. B. HTKINd Uenoml A..nl, mli. NU. MORE LIGHT! It Xhuirs f,r AU! THE DANFORTH FLUID lit tho JiitflH l'or tlio I'uoiilo. Only CJOc. per dial. ill J1LZ i'lVli UALLO.N.S. THK CtAN-IKT IHIH.M'.K, W ithout. nhimo,.vt, if th-) tiling T1IK PACK l-A,ll'M Arc Lite only i'orfwtly en-e l-i njpp, AH HAKB A f'AMJ.Kf.. A NEW ARRIVAL OF LAMPS, LANTERNS AND FLUID, i:. iti;i.Ni; &, o., 'I Conior bouiIj of Walker JJron'. sticayi;i I.M'iM III... k lt..rk. Hi'1. W'.ili. l(irk I llrowu MARK, l,rn-h'l V on l.,(t Ikp OUIM'OfC;'! hiti'i'int i;i( yniirj old, Any yrr-.n ic t v i n we InT'inn iti'm ltrr whirii''.nt. or lintiKiiiK lnjr (, J(lM. A, YOUNU'b otal.ln-. will hn nuilalily levfutdfl CHICAGO TRADE. MARKLEY, ALLSNG & 00, ( . Importers and Jobbera iu Hardware S Cutlery , 51 Lake Street, I CHICAGO, - - - ILL. us ; DIEBOLD & KIENZLE, , SxiccosHors to Dk-liold.'KiiUinaDn & Co., ( CELEBRATED CINCINNATI I'IRE AND BURULAR PROOF And Sargent's Ma?netio and Automatic Bank EJ J i. PKATT & COVEKT, General Agents 86 Washington St., Chicago. H. B. CLAWSON, Siipt. Z. C. M. I., Agent for Utah Territory. uM KEITH BROTHERS, Manufacturers and Jobbers of HATS, CAPS AND FURS JJilliiiery and Straw Goods, 68 &. 70 Wabaali Ave., PtTTP A P (1 3 m. i Uearboru Place, UliiUAUU - - jl BUIGGS HOUSE B- H. Skinner, Proprietor. Corner Wells and OXJ 1 P P (l Randolph Streets, Ulliuilu U Tbis House is centrally located, well furnished, fur-nished, and contains 250 Rooms. !-- CHASE, HANFORD & CO., 51 South Water St., CHICAGO, IlDadfiuarter3 for Oils, Paints, Glass, &c, ilanufacturers of the celebrated . WILSON Oil. TANK PAGE, BKO.& CO., Importers and Dealers in LEATHER AND FINDINGS 30 Lake Street, CHICABO. 1 Lake Shore Oil Works. MAXWELL, WhTeLER & CJ., Manufacturers "of Engine, Slpnnl, Tallow, Lard and Wool oils. Deult-rs in" Headlight Ciirbon, Whiilo Elejihant, beiil and tiperui Oil, A;,-nUj fur tLe sale of P It A T T S ASTRAL OIL. Ag'.-QU of the Wo"t Virginia U:l anJ Uil Uia l MiMrACTLKlBJ Or EXCELSIOR CAR, RJQF ANJ IRON PAINT i'or Tin and Shinglo Kvo&, Bridge TimU-rs, Ac. Factory. CHICAGO. Office. 3yJ Jl oj Illinois bt., l1 6. Water btr-vt, Hi VAN SCHAACK, STEVENSOM & REID MIIOLLSALi: DKUGG1STS Oealc ra In PAIMTS, VARNISHES, CILS, DYE STUFFS, BRUSHES, Window Glass, Glassware Patont Modioinoa, Sccu OU, 04 dc 9t Lake Mt., cor. Dearborn 3: a m, With a I.iTrfe cxiri' n-' in tho Territorial trad-), we el jure of ivuis nati-Urtion ia uuluy, prices an 1 pak ing. NEW YORK TRADE. C. A. Loog.urcct. John Hdtwick. LONGSTREET & SEDGWICK Manufrictur"r of n.l Whor.ilo !-.lrr!i in MtN'S & SOYS' CLOTHING, 400 . inn nmn,ly, rr lorlt. .1.1 Moi.i.i:ii's (on - i.ivi:r Oil.. r'' v '''''''''i'i It. . . Hi. Ku.t 1'fi.. nl r.i. h ..f II. r.l..nin2 Kihill.,n. lb'i" L'Hulon InLoriuvLi.tiinl I'ixhihi-tiuii. I'ixhihi-tiuii. lX'w nriii Kxhibilion ,f Kihrri"-: (told .M.:il:il liuyal ,S.iU,,.ty lor llio wollnn, of Norway. )hM (ir..nt Kxliihitioli HlNuM-liholni. 1'iirm Iritnrnntioniil K. x hilnl ion. At wbld. u II, n llt.t ,ro.n BiiinnK tw.'iilv n.jlil c..ij,i.ti.,r.. It I. r niniii'l.-l t.y limiiv .ii.iuui m.H. .1 ,itL..rltlr in h.i,.. nl-.. ,y l,. Mlirl h.-,.ly o h,wy , ,M,,,,',i H".ny Nortbuailrliiiiil mui! Imh Iiaui. Ur. I,. A. Ciyr,.. or Nnw V.irk. .,. ; Mll,-. prc.., i. tho oi,y oim l.y wh. li ( ,n..r Oil Ijould l)o inmlo." llr. J. M:wii,ii SIiiij . i "I !,.,, . mI.o'I It inot.!ily, ,mI lmyov, ry ,u i., l. i. MtlKlicJ witb it." I'or milo by DruK(;l"l. .n'l CI,ml.K. W.ll. Hehlenlln A, ;0,, Ncw v,(ru, ili'l d.,o Air nl. f.,r tlio U. rj. uml Cwl, Pool, Nazro, Kimball & Co,, WJIOLKSAI.K (JRUCERS :i1 Wurrtii l.,rcir.l liin. li, J. II. Ui;L(ll;ll. Now York. BATHS, BATHS! Warm Spring It.dlis! I'llvnle mill I'Iiiuk.. Tli""'' I. ),.,,)...! I.tl,. , o.. i, to II," l-iil'llo nl nil ."iiH'.n.. 'I li.l r n "I" 0...I n '..t ii.-h i,t. ... wl.l.'ly ii'iviii llnit II Ix no. li'.i I.. iiiiiuiimli lio n,. Ilol.l... II,., l-i Iv if,. Ilnkli.. Dm Ini ,n kii.I l,i,,l...m,.-Ir l,i,,l...m,.-Ir tin iililixl I'liiHK" llHf. I"r l.it-ll.'. nnij 0iiil,,i,,..n um now .o...,,. II. Alt.OI,l. ' 1,17 F K 0 r L E " S I X S I IM t E 1 0 . 01' SAN FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA. C. i'. MacKKKMnT. II. i. It'.'UN lilt. TrcM-jiiil. ;-;cr.;.,..ry A. II. (it.V lMIS, f'li.t-Ul Age ill. x. . 11. t xj 3 x. ax rxr, Onicr.l AKtol fur Lt.b. Office t 6. W. Hon 1. i A rVn, .Mum birccl. .jlt L..kc L'r.y. B. W. E. JENNENS, L.or.1 A If nit, Office t Tra.ilrl fc. n'., M.lu M., J.l hll Lake C It). Cheap Blankets! I will C'Iimu Out tho renmiiidor of llie-o IIKAVTIHL CALIFORNIA unwn AT COST ! (AM. AMI KKK. Til KM AT GEO. W. DAVIS' 4Poiit HmII I.nkxO llmnr. .It PRACTICAL WATCHMAKERS. ELIASON & HAUERBACH, NrllPnor ).Mt Of tin Hrall. Am wi.rlunmi who n"t oulv rri-nir Wiiti-hon nI Cln.'kn. but mil innko W. chfn (o onlcr ill nny Josirnl nlvlo, r ftliy 'i,rt oftlinn. frotu a imvoI or 1'iniou to u culira Wnt.-h. Work tCinnl4l on Mo-lr( Trrm. COMPETITION Left Behind I 1IOMDAV CAKi:s, ciiuisr.M.vs Tur.r.s, Villi K CANDIES, f .ill kimU, I'lim A pplr., I i..M,i-t .'! I''rnil., I'n.l( y (iimn l.. I'nM r r, I'll ", I'l , v IhIiiii fnllldl't loitt'l )-, I It" elii'iipimi, in town, nl iv i in. mi v WAi.i.Arr.'n. READ THIS! SI'NCER SEWING MACHINE In all tho beautiful varieties, SHOULD BE SEES RY IVERYBOBY ConteinplaLing ' tho purchiuio uf u Miichine for family or , other use. At otxr newly-fitted up Salesroom) Second Door South of tlie Eagle Emporium, Em-porium, between ilie Drug and Clothing Clo-thing Departments of Z. C. M. I., will be found & Full Assortment of these Admirable Sewing Machines At Prices to Suit Everybody. THE SINGER SEWING MACHINE iEEDS NO PUFFING to commend It to the public, as the following n-r ym rjz Sl lllOWl In lS-V) theco now celebrated Machines wcro fir?t offered to the public and in the four years succeeding 4.0a) were told. Today To-day over that number are weekly turned -ut from the factory, and yet this immense supply sup-ply i doi equ;tl to the demand. At the end O' tbo year lv.7, upward of ').CJ Machines worerold. and in ihe then following years, from V tn 'Tn, the number had been increased to upward of 500,000 MACHINES SOLI), One third of which were dlpotf-d of 1 1 h 1 11 l he jiret edi ii twelve moinhs. Vrmn the f"rc2"inff it will be .- - en t!i at dur-ior dur-ior the Li.-t tbrue ytar. th'j t.iivi have i en upward ot titty p .T c nt u:tr-; th.n during tuo hole of ; he -evciit'jcu pn iou.- y.Mrs THE PEOPLl'3 VERDICT, after a icorc of yearn f lioron trial U Ihal Ihe - A Cm 2i-J BC SEWING MACHINE a lnptcl t'i nil kinJ.s ol w -rk. Vt-wmtt readily tne lbicfcc-l and iuut nubourn txil-tt-ri.il a-- the Lufft iD 1 twl dc iieate l;i"ric: with titoh, tht ttr tv neai, pericctiuc a lid dun Oil it v i u n i u -ill"-!. Accoiop.in ms vi--r M .--moe nre printed in - true tivu.-, ?u pliiJ i c a.-j- of c an pro:.'B-sii'Q pro:.'B-sii'Q th.n. iith'fj!i wtc ri'-'oir.inciiii cut-iiu-en tj l-ike t io u-; one lu.-"n tr iu the Up-crater, Up-crater, it is .. i'ii'in ti ne j urc ;i.-rr- oi-iii at ft k.Hi0 tac iiai licity ! the Mj-uih and c uip.ctctic'a vl ihe Cuctruo. u n. b'-ait ol tho ADVAN T.VC.dS of mi; SINGER MACHINES a n r. Siiupliritjr of r- n-tm -ti n thercf' r la.-, liabiltt) U id vut x-I repair. Short, -traii;!." ti' c 11 o lc.-. li.thl to bend, brck or ?Kip i:ie tu. n. Thchuttlo i crrirl; fri rt iv-n . wear ind thr nrvf'iiy of srr.tii -. t:ic r''c arc thui a oidcd. Ko-idinc.-f mith whih th tiiot innp'r-ienced innp'r-ienced cn BiU't Ui iooU'Q ol tue thread. Freedom fr-'iu ncir. A'trr twcniy yean constant nrrr th" mohine5 have never been kuown to wear out. They r noirlen. rapid and ray in all their uiovouicniJ. All our ni.t' !unr. .ttc :idjutrd .int put in th'r'Uc b r nun int T.lrr,liy c in or! en t ha ii Ii1. bloro dili v vt -. I'un'h rr t .icrrjiro have no tr.oihlr, hut ran mit.-; I ul . j operate with thein at o.u'e. THE NEY BJTTDN-;.JIE nrrlliinijily it.iMumI and vnil pcrlorm all (h it w i- i in i,.r in. Tlie mpni i t MANUFACTURINS MACHINES I'nr licnvy wo Hi, Brr ln well kin.rn lo need c ) mm cut. 1m keep in clivk the ..Nfiu M'titiim y ih'si (.. MANUFAC I UViNG MACHINES Our t'k o( ihomfr Sctni; Mnobinri' ivriy c.xtvirivo. iuirariin p ory vmiriv ol liiu-li. Irxiu I tic i i.iiu ,1 i.'hitir, inxuntrd on blit.-k w.ilnnl hil'ic, oilr.l. to (ho cl.ilnr-a cl.ilnr-a I ply poarlrd M aoh i no. it -;i hi not o mid PldniK Oi'Vit in iiiottlcd blat k v;huil, roi-o. w." d. or m.ili-w uiy luiihlv p'th'hi'd. r vet V .M ai'huip ijt t u n 1 1 li t ho am e riiliipli lo luiiiUuiP. iio luiliDv the How liom-hut liom-hut iMMvinn all width-) and Uller mid hrai-dor. hrai-dor. W a n ii ar n i t v c ii r ?l l I nra t o d o 1 1 e in in I n K nil v I d I lii l 1 1 1 ii K; 1 1 nt I 14 111 it Ki Itrnlillnm iMiilc ItuflUnfti Kmbi ulilri litH itt li:lii atltcll, (Jat IterliiK and 8c ln mi at anta I liiir.ii 1 1 h or wit limit a Imud, on the edP or In ( Uv trnl rt' Cold I lift iTuc k-I k-I H i ' ' 1 ' I " H I T i' 1 in in 1 1 K I I" ud I it k all i Idtlia ntid kind. rtc.a !., WE DELIVER MACHINES Willi. ml Additional ( 'lun .if TO iM.I. I'AU'l'l 111-' TIIIM CITV All killils nl' Sl'vill. Mllcllilll'M lltMiotiKlily lvi'ii.iitv.l on l!on-soieilile l!on-soieilile 'I'i'illiM. KiMiii'inlu r tln M !imiiiitli Sign, sihge' m mm T d d on i' mm tif ( ln . 1 ', n u 1 r K. m-I m-I " 1 1 ii in. oMi II. II. ('1, WVSON, Siipl. THE AVERILL CHEMICAL PAINT COMPANY'S PAINTS Embracing over A HUNDRED DIFFERENT SHADES, prepared for immediate application and requiring no mixing, just received and for sale at tho DRUG DEPARTM'NT 'Z.G.m.L The ingredients of these Painty are simple and indestructible. The qualities quali-ties with which they recommend themselves are: Cheapness, durability, supe-rioiity supe-rioiity of color, an unusually smooth and glossy appearance, less labor required in laying, no trouble of mixing, will stand fire or rain, and docs not crack or peel off with atmospheric changes, nor chalk off by friction. They are the bedt, cheapest, most durable and most popular Paints in use. The AVEIULL WHITE PAINT is a ZINC PAINT, containing no ead, and is of equal superiority and popularity. BRING ALONG YOUR PAINT CANS OPEN ASD; PURCHASE BY THK GALLON. A full line of ' Foreign, Domestic and Case Liquors. At the Drag Department,. Z. C. M. I. II. IS. i lt.X WSO. Mipt. D.DAY. . '). F. CULMER. DAY -& CULMER, Yholesale and Ketail Dealers in . DRY GOODS, ! GROCERIES, j HARDWARE, QUEENS WARE, j GLASSWARE, BOOTS, SHOES, HATS, BLANKETS, OILS, NUTS, &c..'&c.l WK MAKE BEST TEAS SPECIALITY. JUST KECEIVtP, A FINE LOT OF DRY GOODS. Call ami bee theixi. First Door South of Town Clock Store. do C. II. Bxs-iti. G. t. Ucrimj. BASSETT& HOFFMAN HARDWARE STQRS All kinds ol HEAVY HARDWARE, Iron ami .Steel, Stoves and Tin Ware BLACKSMITH TOOLS, AiirltliltnrKl luiilrinriil Aiifl Mtulng Toota, At Lcwttl Kte. 1 OPPOSITE SALT LAKK HOI SE. a. c. m. i. BOOT AND SHOE Department, i At the Sign of the 4BIGr BOOT'' Gail and Kxamine our choice Stock of HOTfl E-Ffl ADE And Imported BOOTS AND SHOES ' LADIES' AND GENTLEMEN'S SLIPPERS. Boots and Shoe? for Ladies, Gentle-' Gentle-' men and Children MADE TO ORDER , satutactioQ guaranteed. Repairing 2tntly and Promptly attatchd to. ' Wt have Jct Recti vei a 5;4endid supply Leather. Inclndtng French and Ger man Calf kiut, Be&l jorocto, a great variety of Colored ?klm.1J I aud b11 kludt. of Upper. Sole and; J HarntBK Leather; Concord and Mage Horse Collars. Also a Full Stock of Shoe Findings. HIDKS UOUGHX. Ca':l ind see your o! J friend Crompton i'inl:d Immtdiattly, a jirst-clait Suing MiJ.iiie Operator, to icork on Ladi's' and GcnU'JjuoU and Sh'ja. H. B. CLAWSON Snpo. 4 FOR SALE, CHEAP. FIKST-CLASS 1J1LUARD TAI5LE8. I Esquire tbis 0ce. I BENEDICT, HALL & CO., MAM FACTCKKKS AND WHULK'SALK DKALEIxS IN Boots and Shoes, HAVE REMOVED TO Ao. i:M ami VMi (SI! AM) STREET, o: u:ar, ! NEW YORK, an Zion'sCooperative Mercantile Institution TO ( ll'V AD (OI NTUV COffilUmi! STORK And llio Trale iiorall.r. WHOLESAlf DRY GOODS! EAGLE EMPORIUM. (CpSttiiiO WIWTER GOODS! I.ouar Shawls, Aubias, Uoslrry. Millie Mnuvls llotxl;.. Ihs C hihlrruN Miauls M-ni ( on ii t v v pa no, CaliiirrcN. Uhmj. DOMESTIC GOODS IN FULL SUPPLY S USUAL. 15ocIn A- Uovs. i:ublM i A ;lV jln,, i;ovsanl ( liilWit n s II. B. Chiwsoii, bupt. |