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Show liEW ACVtfUISEENr?. MUSPHY.GRAHT & CO. Importers ut' American and European Fancy and Staple DRY GOODS, !SA.rsT IT 1VI CISCO, CALIFORNIA, Ber to call tho attention of theTradeto their largo and varied stock, comprising com plot c 'iues oi the following good? : SILKS, Black, Coloietl and Vaucy. VELVETS, Q!?rC6 Pf!'"li? Frcncli.EualUli Pi tOO UUi.-i5, an.l Ucrmuii. HOSIERY, ; ' KID GLOVES, GENTS' FUNISH'O GOODS, C0H5HTS, WHITE GOOD QUILTS, HANDKERCHIEFS, HAVi SKisnma & housekeeping housekeep-ing LINEN. : ftB3PP! O Luce. Broihe, Cnslniirre, n TTTi"' fJ Z Bleat lied and Brown, UJ I lull J, ofallkliik. COTTOMDES, K'Y JEANS, CAS SIM EKES, , FLANNELS,8""'0" ,""u-BLAKKETS, ,""u-BLAKKETS, Which they o.rf'er on Libercd Terms. To tlie Public I SEALED PROPOSALS will be received at tho otlico of the County t'lurk. Court House, fruit lake City, till iu a.m.. February 4th Saturday next tor B I ILDI iV A BKlDiio ACKO -6 iHEJOnUnN KIVKK, near tho residence- of Jamed Winchester, oouth Cottonwood - Preciuct, on the new couniy road from Bis Cottonwood to Bingham Bing-ham Canon. i. do Uriu'o to be built on pile. drove ten feet below tho bed of the river, with pood substantial abutments at each end; ietiRth one hundred and forty fect; width sixteen feet : eight rows of piles, the outer rows cun stituting a part of tho abutments, to have lour, tho others three pnes in each row, drove e(iii-di3iant, with caps to support the itring-picccs live in uuuiucr. Tho bridge 10 bo at least two feet, in the clear, abuve hiebrwatcr mark, with Rood, substantial hand railing, and covered with three-ineh plank well .-piked down ; the plank aud timbers tim-bers to be red pi tie ol soud quality, the struip piece51 and capa uf iare size, and the inles njl ie?s than ten iuehe- in diameter at the ,-nial-lest eud. 'Iho rurt l itt each end. fouie li v or ;U rod; in ihu a-rc,;aU', tu be graded lvcl with the tn ..f the bridge. 1 he entire -true-life, to be rjtiilt in a neat, Mih-tau tial, work-m-jnlike manner, and completed to the n-ceptanee n-ceptanee ot (he. County Court, by the first Jniayiu rcy;ui ber next, when pameoi will be made in ca-h. o bid .itemed extravagant or irresponsible irresponsi-ble will lie euiididere-i, Uy older of th County Court, V. KAST, County Clerk. LIFE' VHAICe'COMPASY. or 'Ev vui;k. - Cure I y .M ut mil. i.'n h 5'le in." , ) All IolU lct .ou-Korfctt blr. jSI??tn' fi'"n f-ii f!'l nr Tfttf I in iriy part "J th' 'ill. Ali tli o Y;tri'jii fw:i cf Life Kndow-rnont. Kndow-rnont. firm nnd .Joint I'dicif- are i-.-ucd by this C"injuiy. lit A SWAItTZ, doncrnl A,L.'i ..t f-r I'tali. Ollk-o, tlin-c Ann nTtii of Kxclnin'o nnd lifadini; H'"'tn, Mr.in .-tret. IC! ICE! ICE! h ALT LARK K K tO.Ml'A.N , Etnmhr.d Jm. 1, , Ice delivered dailj iu all pr' f the city, iu ail; qiuiniily, ut riu tu uit tho time.-. J. K. CLAWSO.V, A(ii:.T. PKl'UT T Clawson't luo Cream Saloon, Thntnu La'itner. V,' . II. Flin. (jkoikh li. iiiyiur, Ueurica Kouiuer tii.M;i: or riit.M. Th'j riutiin .Mill, Sa-di ii lift Ii.r Factory Fac-tory of FOTjWOM, IluMIVIlT(tCo. Vill bercallcr 1 j bii.niir'4 und r the LATIMER, mLOIUU'O. SASH n" "n k,in 1 ;,n 1 mR, i fiaflPQ N.lir. p:.ir. lu'MlI l 'I. H'h UUUflJ ..M,r-. lr., nLro .! .r. utir tliifknr, mo or kind, tnr ni.icd t or-l ur. WINDOW,,, ,. FRAMES '"""u-w- FRAMES ''r;::";;:;;,,""" BLINDS s,'t ""y ""'i r'.uinK dull.. MOULDINGS1 "K i:;r trivca ami cjrni'.o. ci nnRiMn i"i""""i ! imwi . i I UUOill ll U ,,,ii,irn ...Ik., "n linnd uiul wiirkcl t'j urrlrr. L.U III ULn tli i.' kin's., i.n-l ri.i..sl In ,.n v li- ir... ki.i-. Planer an J Circular Saws Kiuiniurf all (lie tii.ie, Mllli; I) I s i lt I C I S Suii)iod on f hurt nut ir. (ive m. uciill, oraddium )iv leltr tu Hn 3''0 LATI.HF.lt, TAYLOR A, !., Oiinblotk weftot In hum tic I ci A I1.MIMSTIIAT0 It'S SALE. IN IMjHSI!AN!K of mm cnlfr l-iic.Hr.nn I the I'rnliiiin C'.iirt ul rtj.lt l,,il, , Cuuul , n, tltn HTi'l'T"'fni d Aliiiiiii"liit..r-i i.t ilic I'.ilHioui Aii'lrnw i u 'i it i ni I n ,, s n l.llkO Cu'-ntV, flo. .i.-r.l. will - II ;. I'ul.l, Sil l-. UH till) llll f l-l hl Hill ,PVl. bn- tui'Mi I Im Iiniir ul M (Hid 1" li. 111. "t iti. .td v, itt Him i.Milli Irnnl .luu r ul' Ml.t Ourl Ih.n.f., Ill hill- l.-i-kr City. !'H MlD 1 1 l f 1 1 I V In I.. 1 1 1. 1 in, lo iiji iii l-.rthiie, run ;j lint: ul 'n ti-T n "I I rm iic l.ni'l 'Muni' nr I'- iilnnii' in I'liil r ;iiMkn Vt uiul :. H. 1,. Ciiv -urvrv, Hi -h H-inurUiifi'lrtnTn in lnvnr ul I '. I i n !. li V hti tin lui ' I'.. .', ilnl'il Nuim.iIhi- '.'ihI. 1 -i, In- it ini: l,u i) -nr (M-ui . i.mi jii'. nth iui '!'' I 'ill lu.t.l. .'. A CI NNMilllAM. '"117 i.'LAIIK. H'i IA.MI 'tlHi:. AMUSEMENTS. ENTERTAINMENTS For the Benefit of the LIBRARY FUND of the SALT LAKE Exchange and Reading Rooms. Lectures, Music, Readings, Recitations, Etc. The fourth of tho sorios will take placo at THE Rooms of the Institution, ON FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 3rd, When the Mombcrs and their friends will oicct lor nn INAUGURATION BALL On thet,pc-nin"l Hie n" estaUlijIiraeiit. TICKETS. EACH. To uiliuii a L,.ily unit Gentleman. I'.m lie nbtninpil of tho Senrelary, Mr- Fnlnan, or at Mesfr.. Uonld i WooUwnrd'.'. THEATRE GREAT ATTRACTION! Iu comnUiiQL-c with the cencrat dc.-iro uf thoso w ho were unnblo to attend lat Saturday Satur-day eveniDK, on account of the inclemency of tho weather, will be repeated fur POSITIVELY THE LAST TIME, OS Saturday Evening, Feb, 4 The great Niimical Drawn, tu tit ltd Tilt LOST SHIP! To coni luilo with tl) Lau-hntloFarci'. emiilid T1IE SPECRE MIDEKROOM!1 Will aoon be produced, the srreat Spectacular irauia, eutitled IIIK ICE Ar I TCH! Or, the 'Frozen Hautl, Which ba-- been iu actiro irejaration over tWO UiOUlb;. Lonely iIan ot the Ocean! M0JSE5JM MENAGERIE. Half a Mock vp.si of Vre?ideut Yuuu' o liedeui e. JOII.V W. Yf)l'.(i, - Prop. .tlvc lieata, Ulrda mint lLetllca S"olvcrines, lio ir. Kuie.-, .Mnunl iin Deer. J.ynx. WiH C.ils ic- miurl.int cllection of N.tivo Miiicral; AllllMHsioil, ."JO ts. ( liilrlrr.i, IO " Oi-on ever iy e ''it .undtiy, (mm : a.m. to j ii oi" Ferdiui; Tiuic. :J p. iu. J.L. HAllKOU T, ManKr. z. c. m. I. CARPETS SPRING FURNISHING! Retail Department Vtj.ail tilN.-iili'iii ti iurcliasor3 llmt wo arc pri'l'arrj to oiler iri-ial iiulur- IJtellU. A line si'livtinn nf Iho lli'ffil Htyl.-c.r TAPESTRY, BRUSSELS, INGRAIN, Al I'.uslrrn IMirrs. hi tch CAiippx !. ivr Ynr.i. TABLE AND WINDOW DAMASK. PltrGCKTS ami I'lU Mil ('LOTUS Sheetings and Quilts. 0l!M( i;s AM) I ItTAIXS. Uiinii.s, l'l'iiiL'i's uiul Cunl... C- It. HHN 11AISSM. in l'n Minlc iiikI Laid u ilh 'n it, II. II. CLAWSON. Si vr. COAL ! CO AL ! ("Uiii v ilo. iri'l iimiliv, Mr p ile nl ' II'" I'.''. II.M.i.1. or .toln.T.'il In nnv 1'iirl ul iy. llnliTH 0,i m l,p li.'l ,it tin, I 'n iipnuilivo 1II(; .Horn, or ul il, KirUwoKil' f 1 1 lOlllll IlllllrO, IIKOIItlK', I Ill'nlilN, n.Hi!i;.i:i; . NOISELESS . FAMILY SEWING 101 IS TUI3 Standard Machine of the Vorld ! Tlie Special Committee appointed to examine and report on Sewing Machines at the North Carolina State Fair, held at KnJelgh Inst week, awarded a Gold Medal to t e Florence Sewing Machine for the eae and quietness of It movement h, perfection and large varlet y of work, and Its valuable new features, making ma-king It the most valuable Hewing Machine for family use. , Parties contemplating the purchase pur-chase of Sewing Machines are requested re-quested to read the following from the New York ('Tribune" of Oct. 19tb, 1870: SEWING MACHINES. We have recently had occasion to make some inquiries into the progreea of improvement improve-ment iu the mechanism of sewing machine, and were not a little surprised to learn tbat the central idea in the 6r?t iuvention the shuttle still holds its place, though man; attempts have been made to supercede it. The shuttle, in combination with the needie, is still the means used to form the stitcu, in the leading machines and we nnd that the growth of trade is chiefly with the shuttle using machines. The improvements that are taking firm hold in practical ue are, therefore. necesa-rily necesa-rily in CJnnc?tion with the shuttle, eiiher in the detail ot the shuttle its ill, oi in othor pirus f-t the mac time connected wit h it, to cau;e trio whole t f operaro more pcrtecily and uaiformly, and to simplify iu .iiiy imi-'-Ttnt cains in t ii; direction, made iMnce the tim treat inveiition, are uu-luubte-ily cini'OU.cd in the "ir lorencc" ma-:hule; ma-:hule; aud wc ri:L'iu:iije(id our rtalera tj cari-tul'y iii-i'ect tlie "r'iyreticc" before ma-kme ma-kme a choice. 1 he p'.iute peeuli ir to ihi.- tuach iue are: A u uuusUiil ii uiuu nt "T ucjiiey i r . t iu maKing the 'Kl"rento," thereby JtcuriuK the bert material tcel, P. r instance, wiicrt othere U:e cu-at-iron . avd t.'.u ut-1 Lu :h o: important pLirLs 'the .-i.utt.e. I- r i-iOiplc. being rittidu r- jfct-jd l it v;iri irom th -lU'lard 1- :u mI au inch!; 1 1 is con tru'jtt-d un the uu 1c t u.-i. 1 1 ;ic pr i d i j -1 entirely diapri-itj with the etc, au-l caLu; n.d link- wuieh ru olieu nvi perverreij uu if uraer aiiJ fur' ly purplci ckery one bu r f i c practi'-ci u:arhini-t by their unaccountable unaccount-able IrtT'ka. lfte "i'lureucu" is to e. tilj :uanaiced. and iu u.;e u- to readily Ic.trntJ. that an ordinary (rirl of ten h.ia (.n-; ana uiuscic enouirh to run il perfectly. I' clo.-t-itiicn, &9 icaae oy tu 'i I'-rtiice" L Vvr regular nn I perk-ct , very .-troii,: un l eia-tic. n-l ia drn into t h r- ltlT:f tveniy. irrtt-uall irrtt-uall v, ex .ic Iy, without .ii i k iti, i.j xiiiuui caUMnjc ttic f tarn to -u ' r. or ptT.untLif iLe tnrtd o u to cndaii hct ii on akin ; cvd-e'jut-ntiy, y tine tan sole una incut labno c-a be u-cl- ll' -idis ti.i.-. the ' Fitrence' (in all but the cncM-eM ftyl-) alo induct llirre aiditn-'nal eLilcue a double locn. a uncle knot and a cubic ki;uL rhi h an 9 1 r o n fc-1 r - n d me re e I 1 1 c t it .1 n any o IL a ptitrh, and whirfa are icauo oy i.o etner n. cniuc- lae "Florence" i.- the omy UivU nt tht hi a revtr.-i.i.e ocJ, xUrcuy tae di-rr-rtion of ine mwiih cn be intantij chanced witbuiu Pto i'ini; ti.e wora, thu. er.tb.ing the i' erat-T to iuiil or rtunroiuei with unuul f lity, t-.- ?r ri-kri ana aliy ftrrnsthoQ A ecain l.f rc rr dtired. ud. Caally, b a u-w rcpe-U'd ftit.ho. lv fa.tcn rnl, in ti.e 'juum'-i and ru'Se'i y. It t the only nno h.i.p tha: h.ts t e 1 f -d,'Uting aut()c-t!irr-oi tin-ion, wfii.-t w.rk io per to t ij that i he oj cr..'.. r can ruo acroM the eavir-t k-:it;i and icw the 6nu. unen and tho thickest i.n aj'-lf'h in imn. dito Kucwuii'ii m it uoni brok ir-n the t arcao and without ch.mwinir (h needle, ttitch vi tvaaion. Tha "Flyrcneo" draw a the thread icu (he eb'tu with uti ij i a lr i i'reciiun ano criQt. b.T iiu'.i:i"l an ir.eiilu9 auto uiaiic -te'-uti" wtieel, which di-p" o: iLe Plack'thrt-H-1 left altrr the Hitch with aa aocuraie iTotnpttic u " Pfcvonu a l enari-iti enari-iti or dropping ol mu'lic, and Allow luf i-erator to ic backward, or to run ofi th rloth and on nuh pertevt impunity. It baj an luipruvcd cl.ac heu.iucr, cxclu ivcl it. onn, which i uian.id'c 1 with e.e, and will uiiko a hem of iny uidth on in) tuatonal It D"t uniy ut' a pcrkvt tathe aud ew it to a b il ! a'. i.e v erati'-o, but it heme, and hind., and id . and o.uilt.. ini foni. anJ iticp. and ta'.nrr. and brtid without tajtn. Mich pcviitl provi5icn u made Ah-it nt injurious wc.tr tlmt the "Hoi nc" u ciaitnr.i and iiuran trii bjr theCotu ltiy to t twice aji Pu.rf with ul rei air aj 4ii y ot her h u u 1p in 'i : n r in t U in ark el without t h 1 1 h : ft d i ifi- nit. Kcry i-ar. ot the "Klorcnco" fo prrlc lly and porma-nrnlly porma-nrnlly a ,i;uted, ao'l it h.i k !" j.'int a;n p'int oi triction. tint it run with tho ut-mot ut-mot e.uio. I n j tu-. . lie i ct am ihroAlcd, and liio ,nu t i Uiik'tlienra hortcucd. or ti'vri.-' i ith Uie ut-no.t ut-no.t r-o. In UMtic tho "f ! renco" ncithvi tho w.irii nor the o i "tai r is iiatde l. he -'i!rd. 1 up h' htcm-c" with all tlifi o iimi to mii'.'ri'Tiiy. at thw p.tme prict aa other lirt d ui-tciimt-. ihoe advaa larm . I,i hpral it y in in mi it I ioM u ' ". .luii'liciiy ot construct tii: K i J 1 1 ol iiiMiiMkCUiciit. Vrici' o Si'tcho.-; ItpvcrKihle fci J: ,sp t-adMl i uu trHMi'ii, A 11 lolllHt ic t .ikp u i', I in T" vtvi htou uirr; l'roifintJ KainL wear; 1'i rto- t aud p' rniaiiriit a Uu,-liucut, Kixr r'ifu Htion ol uc"llr uA titvh; ("1 n 1 hip him clicvii ni'-; TUo i'cnlj inol In iiii ft ii h ol !ip luachine; Make Ihn rl'Tciii c," iii...cratidy Mrak-inif. Mrak-inif. a ii"chin( which U1 bp valued, neini but lo Pe tried. tNi luiuil iMii art"il to be Hiilioiii a pow-int pow-int machine, ami wnhopo ibril het-TP l"iit otiw tn ay ! lound wherever " The I'nbmio ' if welcome. TO THE LADIES Of Hnlt l.nke tty, nnd lliroitfih-iit lliroitfih-iit ! 'I'rri ltin l uf I Inli, ltlnlin. MiiiiIniih aiitl V ttm tit k, Wo oxU'inI h vor-litvl iiivutith'ti tv mil at our olli. o, ii int omuiuiio tlm !'Inroiirj Kuiinly Sowing Miii'luiii', whollnT ilo sitjniiif iuiiuodiuli' jmrrlniio vr nt ; il i our lni"itH..t mil) idofi-uro tn solutl (dorii oxmiiination imu coinpnrinn. e h:ivn on oxlnlutioti, in irdor llio mnr (vimI.V Iu v.NpUiil '"UiN d tlilloioiio in wlm li wii rlniiii tH'tM uil il,v, t h o lua-eliilio! lua-eliilio! ii' viu ii'IIh lH!iUoi, im luditit t)i (ii.-vni HnUi'r, Siiimr nml Whoolrr V. W'il'i'ti. hi intihiii tuioh ounipHri- nn, no unliilr ri1vhh1k will bo lukrn of rival iiun'liiiioF, ItuL on tho ronlrai tlioy will Im kopt by ii I'ompWonl in v. In n it in I l.o I'ot-t of run ii i hk onl nr. I'lno ol' l limn i oiniii t in good nn onRi-ntior onRi-ntior iw n loromoljvo. ) CHAS. S. HAMMER, MM , I i A K (HTY, I IT II. T. S .W.: TAYLOR . . Have Juit Repoived a lot of - - . . y ' Dobbin's Electric AND " - Toilet Soaps ! Re. ffijS Mi BB3 H.-:st IHE2 m. JC . DUI!FORO & SOWS Have Jasc Received a Lare and Varied Stock of - BOOTS AND SHOES! LADIES', MISSES' AM) CHILDREN'S SHOES , In every Stylo and at prices that cannot fail to suit. ALSO A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF Giciit' siiMl Youths IJoot stud Shoes. ATe would also call attention to our Lavire and Fashionable Stock of ESVX" A.3XT3.'OA.IS Men's, Boys' and Children's Wear, all of which we will sell at RAILROAD TIMES PRICES ! j21 Oi-co TJs a. Call. w WELLS, FARGO'S IS NEAR w ? L . si? S o O p xv si ss3Nisna jo 3aiN30 shi CONTINENTAL Life Insurance Comp'y, OF NEAV YORK JUSTUS I. WHENCE. Pi.V-nt. -I Y ROGERS, secretary. M. 15. WY.VKOOP, Vice-Prt.-iJ. nL S. C. CHANDLER, Jr., Actuary. - w - - 3 S S I 1 e - 2 - ;; vv . 3 s : 5) s d s - C-j-Ws ; s g; S I ; i i r 2. o s 5 q I : ?. Z 8 - c J - A voo ca - - VI - I - J'- f r"x O 0 CO 7. Si ? P- Tlie t-iitirf Pi olil- cl' ihe C'ouipanv are distributed annually huiodc the Policy Holder;!, upon the contribution plan. All Polit ics Xnn-forfeitaMe, aeoiirding to the expressed terms contained con-tained in each Policy. No F.xlra l'reniimu for travel or foreign n-idenec. Thirty lay crate alloTed on the payment of premiums, and the policy held g,vd during that time. Polities I ncontcl ibl e for the ciwotuary rv3ou. Economy in Munamcnt. Only one other New York company i-howini: as low a rate of expenses to in.ome. Carelnl selection of its riks, as in Ucaul by the exciedinirly small mortality of its memliers. Policy Holders have a voice iu the Klections and Macsgement of the company. Assets, January 1st, 1871, over Five Millions. NOHTHNVU.STKHN' Pl'.I'A UTM KNT : OIT1CK, o. '.'4, LA SALLE STREET, CHICAGO. .V. T. I.urKWOOLK ... - MAS'AGKR .i. y. ii.ivs. - - srrr. of ahexcies JOHN B . M A i B E fJ , General Ageut for Utah OK KICK AT WOortMANSKK HKO'S. .M.T LAKK CITY, MF1HCAL L-VvMiNEUs : W. 1'. ANDKKSON, M.I. I". 1 . lll'.NElllCi', M. P. i,h''tble Ag'nts lliiufnf ."iroLOi""' thr Territory. Zion's Co-operative Mercantile Inst'n WHOLESALE AND RETAIL GROCERY AND HARDWARE DfcPAKTMENT, rd.imiiDui: x ( i.avm ih ildim;?. Von ,-: tin.) ul tin.- IVpariiuem of .. C. M. 1. a K-Uer suvk ot LAMPS. CROCKERY, HARDWIRE, STOVES, M I M i ; TOOLS. 1?LASTLN' VOWDtK. Mnplc and Tsuicw (irottrIt i:u' And eai Cet More for your Money and Orders than you can pI any other Houso in UUh. II. II. 1 I. V.VSO, "l"' |