OCR Text |
Show Arrival aud Closing of Mails. ARRIVAL?. i'alr, Tudy, Tburlj ami -,Idiio, MoDiioA, Oregon and Wah-N Wah-N mTrr.i,r,,dail,r, iTi J Darn and i" Elder 0O"ntl". l'.r.3u a.si. ooonty, Monday and Ibors. -Hid, counlf. Tburadajr, -,,1, Fillmore, and all Inurmediate office,, (Lome aod Aruoua, Tuesday, Tuura EVaodiatardaJ, lliuopji. Saipew eomity, Tnwday and Sattir- Jii'rHeld and Cedar Valley, TridayAl: P-m. CW)8IN0. .V-Tnroogh mall, daily, P-"-Ixai-WdD- Moriran county, Echo City and ttaaatch, dally, 9 Summit and Wasatch coanliw, Thursday, Thurs-day, - 9 (fat-California and Nerada, Through mail, daily, . l:J0 lcal Wet Jordan and Hemman, Taorlay, b'-M a.m. Tooele, fltockton and Orantarille, Monday, Mon-day, edotooday and Friday, 6:30 M - sonh Idaho, Montana, Washington and Orenon, daily, p.m. LcajlMTi and Weber conntlea, daily, " Klderconnty, daily, 1:30 Cacixe county, Wednesday and Saturday, Satur-day, 1:30 " Kici county, Wednesday, 1:30 " eootn Fillmore, and all intermediate office!, dally, except Sunday, "iM a.m. 8t.iieor k and AnaooajMonday, Wednesday Wednes-day aud .rlday, 7:J " Sanpete coouly, Monday i Friday, 7:3U Fairheldand Cedar Vy.Wedneeday, 7:3U OFFICE HOURS. General DeliTery open from 8 ajn. to 6 p.m. iouday, 12 to 1 p.m. Money Order and Eegfitry Department open rom II ajn. to 4 F-m. Oatelde door open from 0 a.m. to 9 p.m. J. M. MOORE, Fufltmaater. Feat Office, Salt Lake City, Uteh. ""medical. I '. I. UKNEUICT, SURGEON AND PHYSICIAN. OIlicB at Residence, rear of Seventies Hall. 1 V. F. ANDERSON, 31. D., SURGEON AND PHYSICIAN, Ulhce at IteKidence, In the Thirteenth Ward. DR. 0. C. ORMSBY, 1'llYtiIClAN, SUUGKUN AND DKUOUIST, II UUIUIIAH CITY, UTAH. LEGAL. M . Kirk Patrick. 8. A. Mann KIRKPATRICK &, MANN, Attoruoys-iit-Law, Ones First South St., Fourth door eiut of Uooper, Eldredge & uib Co.'. llauk. ,. HNOW. B. D- UOQE. SNOW A. IIOGE, Attorney, and Coanselor at Law Salt Lako City, Utah. Offioo at 8now'a oornor, 1st East St. HOTELS. Townsciid House, SALT LAKE CITY. THE LEADING IIOTELIN UTAH. JAMBS TOWNSBND, jll Proprietor. Salt JLakc House, BAST TEMFLB STREET, SALT LAKK O I T Y. TILDEN A. LAWIIENCE, Prop'rs. .It BANKERS. P I It ST IV ATI OX Ah 11 AX K OK1 UTAH. fait Lako City, Utah Ter. ju.'t W. II. H.wpor, II. S. EMrvdgv, L. S. Hills lltMtper, Eldi-edge aV Co., BANKERS. t'ast Tk-mplb Sr., Salt Lake City, Dealer, in bold Dust, Coin, Exchango, Land WaiTHius, Etc Cvlleitloo. tuatle and promptly remitted. tORHESPODKTS I Kn.i C.. New T.-rk : l).tuk o California, fin tr.uci.eo; rim National ijAuk, Cliic(M ; Ex-a.u Ex-a.u Bjuk. .t. u.uih; lirrt National l"nk. 'Jmalia ; J. is. Morgno A d,., London. julo TAFT It, SMEETON, Assaj-crs, NO CENtML MININC ACE NTS, ONIIK CITY, HAST CANON, UTAH. EAST CANON, ITTAn. JOHN DIKE, P.oprletor. tioo! aovomaiUtiop; a ell-..prad taM. an.l larattached. Tl low coaKaablf . ' ji XV l-IT.T. X3IO-OIJXC3K, WILLIAM F. CALTON, VSPKBIENCKD WELL-DIiHlKR, on la block wa-t and two south of Uih Ward school-hou.-e, will dig Welif to order oa th h'jrtMt notice and In eatltiactcry tyl. CALIFORNIA TRADE. Co-Partnership Notice. Mr. John Dixon having retired from the firm of Tobm. ILxon it Davi-soD. tbc r maiQiDg member!!, with .Visr:- hlduI Pomroy. Job a t-rriffin and Robert DiXvn.will continue iLe business at ihe old si and, under the name of "Tobin, I)avi-eon i Co." TOBIN', DIXON k DAVIS30K. San Francisco. Jao. 2, IsTL. In calling attention to the above, we be&Ieave to thank uur friends for the liberal patronage oeiowtd on the Id firm for the pa-'t twenty one year-, and hope to be favored fa-vored witb an increased thare 01 their biui-nes? biui-nes? for the future As heretofore we Fh all continue to get our eto-k irotn the Maouiactorerj in EuropeaLid in the Eacten marKerj?, and w.th increased facilities wiii be preparrd at all timea to show a large and attractive line of new and desirable tjoods at the lowest rates. TOBI, DAVISSOX t CO., Corner of ."su'ter and Sansome Ste, TOBlfJ, DAVISSON & CO., IMPORTERS OF AMERICAN", ENGLISH, FRENCH AND CER.UAX FANCY GOODS, Small Wares, Pocket Cutlery, Perfumery, Yankee Amotions, Stationery, Dress Trimmings, White Goods, Millinery Goods, Hosiery, Linen U'dkchfs, GenU' Furnishing Goods, Etc. Cor. Sutttr and Sansoiue Sts., SAN FRANCISCO. J James Otis. W. A. Macondray. F- W. Macondray. MACONDRAY & Co., SHIFPI5& Si COMMISSI!!! MERCHANTS, IMPORTERS OF LHiNA AND JAPAN TEAS And all descriptions of EAST INDIA PRODUCE, SAN FRANCISCO, - - CAL. A. J. GRIFFITH, Dealer in all kinds of IICKIj l-;ID db r-3VI It f"'TZ SALMON AND HERRINGS, 143 "WasliliiKton Street, Below Dt1s. SAN FR&NGISCO. All kiudi of Dried, Smoked and Pickled Fisb ooiiaUiutly ou baud. CHENEEY, SOUTHER & CO,, Importers and Jobbers of all the varieties of FOItKlCiN ASO DOMESTIC WINES AND LIQUORS, Wh'.oh we offer for pale to the t atle iu I'tnh, nt Inw nue- in exchange for SATIONAL ClHttEXCY "ciu-'h down" or approved credit, 311 Clay Street, gan KrancUoo, - - Califoruift WILMERDINQ & KELLOGS, Importers and Jobbers of Wines and Liquors, 214 & 216 FKONT STREET, SAN FRANCISCO. Janie. Siruaiice, John Spruance, 0. C. Chapman. J. & J. SPRUANCE, Importers and Wholesale Dealer In WINES AND LIQUORS, 415 Front Street, SAN FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA. MM, HOSTETTER Si 11 Importers and Jobbers of FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC DRUGS & CHEMICALS Fine Kenll Oil., Oum, Uoot., Sceil", Klowera, SponHe., Skin., t'omadel, &.C., And all other Staples connected with the Wholesale and Retail Druj Business. Constantly in rcooii't, by direct Importation, of kurorean aud Asiatio products. ExoKisivo Agents for Quicksilver. Hostotter's Bitter?, Drake's Plantation But TS. Wolf? Schoidnro Sohnapp?. 'owell's Pulmonary yrup, And all tho lea.iina Prnprietary Medicines both American and Kuropoan. Orders Promptly and Carefully tieculoj. No.. aat ml 931 .n.rltet Street, Between First and Second. SAN FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA. 8U A. E. Culm or. J-D. .rmct. . T- Lull CULMER, ARMET&CO CARPENTERS A X 1 BUILDERS, Are prepared to do U klnda of work In their line of rmslnos wit h NEATNESS AND DISPATCH. Apply t thctr Work Shop In A Ucy, rcr ot I Wells, Fargo &, Cos Bank. Fmrai.ce from 1 , anil and Snnth Street.. in ; CACTIOX. T HEREBY CAUTION the public against X negotiating or purcba.-infa he deeds given to thu following turned u-tsuiib fur U.M feci tach iu the Et-AiUX LUDK. euuated in Bit ghiim Ciinuu. West Muuutuiu liuiug Disiriet-as suid Deeds were obtained thruuuu fraud and mUrepre,-en'atiou, I reeemu.; uo Ctimpen?atiuu for ihe same, f oe deed were made iu favor ul M.W. Clupin -'V fect.H. C. Thuinas JiAJ feet and J. W. i-jtainburne JO feet. JOH.M McCASEY. NORTHWESTERN Mutual Life Insurance Co. JOHN U. VANDYKE. President. ilEBER .-MI 111. - Vice-President. ACti.tiAYL.UK, - tiecreiary. Home Office, Broadway, cor. of Wisconsin Wis-consin St., Milwaukee, Wis. Dr. S. iS. WALLIUAN, General Ajtent Rocky Mountain TDistri t Colorado, Wyoming. Utah and iSew Mexico. PETER G. FERGUSON, Agent for Utah. Office In Hooper, Kldredge & Co.'i tank. J. JONASSOIN, Agent for fcalt Lake City, TRAVELER'S INSURANCE COMPANY, OP HARTFORD, CONNECTICUT. Insure against Accidents causing Duath or totally Disabling Injury, PETER G.FERGUSON, Ai.S.NT, Office at Hooper, Kldredge & Co.'s Bank. d'-M 500 MEN 1 Ou?tat to bo employed in building houses. Parties bofore purchasing purcha-sing should cnll at F. LITTLE'S LUMBER YARD One Work tn-t ofTh.nlre, Fine Stcck cf Building Lumber. Com -ai n LumVr. VI r- : Unir 1 t J Laths. - 6"- Pr hundn.-d. Other Prtc proportional.. GUY LIQUOR STORE, Enrr-:':"r':iit: Vholeal- and Kttail, C-. fii-r-i ; LIQUORS AND WINES, j A; L . F.i'.-j. IPROt'BtfK'' BUILDING!, ;j Ka.l T.".pla nr..t. H. T. HELMBOLD'S (tEXUTXE PREPARATIONS Higlil- Concentrated COMPOUND FLUID EXTRACT BUCHU, 1 pj::ive ai specie reeiy furi:sesM c! ihe B.hJaer. K.oneys. tiravel Dropsical Sweiimg. Thi; :edi ie increases the po"er vi di-ges'-u-n., and exciies the ai jrben il:c healthy a'.n n. Dy which the matier ol ei-car-ou uep'.'-i;:. 2, and ail unnatural enlargements en-largements are red urea. aJ we &s pain and inaamm-ition, and n guwd lor mtn, wmeo aai chLlrea. H H. T.H LV3D'S tXTRACT 5'JCHU For weakness armnt: from eice?, habit? of diss i pat ion. early in a isc ret ion, a'.lendea with :he foiiowins symptoms ; Iz iisposition to Exertion. L?s of Power. lificur.y o! Breathing. L -s$ of Memory , Horror ot Disease, W aiefuine-. Itimneis o; Vuion. Pain in tne ii;Uk.. Flusnmp of the Boiy. li-'t Hacjf. Eruptions of tne Face, Weak .Serves, Dryness of tbe Skin. Tremblinp. Pallid (X'ULitenance, Lasuiiae, Uf the Muscular System. The;e symptoms, if allowed to gj on. (wnich tin? medicine invariatdy removes, soon follow Fatuity, Epileptic Fit. Ac, in one of woicti tne p.tient may expire. Who can say they are not frequently followed fol-lowed oy thuse "direful diseases," Insanity and Consumption! E Many areaware of tbecause of their suffering, suffer-ing, but none will conl-as. Ibe records of the insane asylums aoid tbe melancholy deaths by conMiuiption bear ample mine to the truth ol tie aoeeriion. Ihe Constitution, t-nce aiected hy organic weakness, requires tbe aid of medicine to sirpnethen ;tnd invigorate ibe system, which ii.T. il ELM BoED'a KXXKACI uF BL'CliL' invariably doe. A trial will oonvuice the moat sceptical. In many adections peculiar to Females, the EXTRACT BLCnU is unegualed by any Giber remedy, anc1 fur all complaint? iucident io tbe sex, or iu the DECL1NK OR CHANGE OF LIKE, L No Familv should be without it. Take no llnlsam. Mercury, or unpleasant njeJieiue for unpleasant and dangerous dis- sa.-es. H. T. Ilelmbold's Extract of Buthu AND IMPROVED ROSE WASH Cures Secret Disense? in ill their eugw at little expen.-e. iinle or no ciiaite ot diet, no inconvenience, and no exposure. m Use Helmbold's Extract Buchu Fur all affor-'ion- ami .ti-n:it-' of t h p orv H T)t whether eiUiIng tit Male or Fcmnte, from whatever cause originating, ami no matter how long siamling. Dicea-es of these organs require ibe aid o a diuretic. H. T. Helinbeld'a Extract of Biithn 19 THE GREAT DIURETIC. And it is certain to have tbe desired effect in all diseases for which it is recommended. B BLOOD! BLOOD! BLOOD I t . 1 . HliLMBOLD'a Highly Concentrated Compound Fluid Extract Sarsaparilla, Fnr purifying the Blnod, removing ill chronic chro-nic constitutional dinpa.se arising from an impure stHte of the Blood, and the only rlirl nnd effectual known remedy for the cure ol iScroiula. .-raid Head, iSalt Rheum, P.iins and fiwcllingri of the B ne, Ulcerations Ulcera-tions of the Throat and Letf. lilot'-hefl. i'ira-plet) i'ira-plet) on the Fare, Tetter, Erynipela, and all scaly Eruptions of the Skin, And Beautifying the Complexion. Two tJb'eppofn(ful of the Extract f Sarsaparilla Sar-saparilla ad led to h pint ol water is e-ju'd to the Lisbon Diet Drink, and one bottleful i fully e'jual to a gallon ol the Syrup ol hnr-parills hnr-parills or tbe decoction ae usually utade. O i H. T. HELMBOLD'S ROSE WASH, An e xofllent Lotion for di'ea arising ir'-m hamts "f disf. pat i"ti, Ur-e-1 in connes-ti"D connes-ti"D with the Extract Buhu and Sr.kj,a-r Sr.kj,a-r 1 1 a. in pii"h di-af h rtc m men I'd. , t ridcn -eof ; he ino.i re- tHtnHiole an-i fniow character will c-mpariy trie tultiri. Aiso x illicit dirfw-tioDd for ooe. Wiiu nrr lRiS i'K TH'TMi'H living WnfP", an J upwards of -i.'i unol irite-i certiU-tl and rocomnii'iidal-iry letter. mnr.y "f whi- b are truiii be liik-n"it r"urre, iri"iuding emiiiut Piisirmtiit, I'lergymsD. Stil-mn. Trie Pr"prietor never reeoried to their pnbii-.'Hlion pnbii-.'Hlion in tne tJ-iM'l erp ; be d it n"t do this, tr-'tu the fact tfjal bin art )') rank a Mandard Preparation, and do Hot need to be propped up hy cprtifiOHiee. The Sr,rj.-e .f Meiicme. liKe the Doric C'liumn, -ii'Mild 'land pie. pure, uia, - tie. having F 't :-r I hi-. I l i n 1 1 . o P.rn ( piaiar. and Irutb aJ'ne P-r it Capital. L My Fi'r."t .-r-h i -rilla ie a l'.io..d Vuri-I'-r . u. Li;r ; L . i- a D; urni', aid w , ; ! in . a- u iq .J "fv L-ifj a-e p-epred o po-ely p- ien'-: hr pr.ur 1 ptr n ik uu at 1 are it e it on tf-.tit e e cf f.iLer tt.i rnn o ule A r-.lj .id C"ii-.o'.v !'! w I t.e a i n:wi-I n:wi-I d M 'ft-.' rrr.po-: i will Li.' fl f-rU. .L ir. t-'il' w.li orKfc. S Ii .pf-Li-ai.ry .f in- Vn;!d rui l f'-rr.'.r iirriu' a.uaF.e w-.ra t-h IB' Pr-ire of J'L;-.i. vp,, Tf... iLi.it j the c;!-r'-i Dr F'v- r . t t. a. -:L-ki W I" L't:fc " r' w t .. a - r --'0 '.'':.:. -r, Vti,'. ' v K 1 '' " " - ' r. . I ri-i. r, 1 j j r. , ii ef ) l ' t trail' Li i.n- ' l K r.l g ..:. J' .-7.. -S4-. V -.-..-.- r, rii-t kr,w put :w r. d ' ' : tt'-i tte la: r.'J-d w.ra cl V. e., .Lft. D .s L L,'i. y.-.! t . ' -. w .-1. A ; :r- ,'- f-.r :t'- r-i. t, ir. r.fc- M T. HKLABOLD. 0.:II.lt- ' . y 1. II. 1 . HdliMbold 1 Drti a ad ( fa mlt aJ II.T. H'lni rxl1 1 d It r. I I m . 10 4. olh Itaih l , f'blJavd lfk.lau Bvxra of Co-aBterfeltA ! AtK FOR II. T- MLLHIOLD'lt TAKK NO OTHKR ! Truckee 1 1 SALT LAKE LUMBER YARD. Hnir-niock Koutli U. C. Depot. D. W. PARKH'JF.ST, CALIFORNIA TRADE, J. t n F. K It 1 1. L A COMMISSION MERCHANTS 104. and -a 06 California M.. I fravn Fr - acltr. - - California. I Parurti.aj attretion pa;d to thf a..u order lor every dtorp:;. 2 a: er.-b -:-... ;m I Sal of Ore c, A.c. The AT.srican Smsrgsd XT 3VdI IP is Thi j IN 1 hi v; T, . Reins crmpo.-rvi of but ' pa-:s. " 1 are ixera.. luc.'-d : u i-f.-, 'V:- T;ua!':e. a? r;rn n. t 11 u'er., fr ri-mam? ri-mam? in the pu-e. rit d.v m. a i'oc ;; t-ei .v.f. Order ad Ires-ed t.- the Pacific Pump Manjfact'g Co., 31S Pine St., San Franc lco, t'al. MMi FOR A 1' 1 K 1' I lAK. 1. KKLLKR, rr''oec.ar.'vf ihe Riwo?: S in :.l 1- Ai.iv'f .in-varvis. .in-varvis. lVpi ui ik.Maie ol in NATIVE WINES AND BRANDIES M. KKM.KK & CO., CVrnor of Pury and .!.. i.a:t.ii M rs i. Kin Franclcco, - - - CaUtoi nla. Angelica Wine, Ft.lorw.lo Ine, llllt ' Mt u Port " U.r Itl1l-ra, Sherry t;ra UtaiMl. AM ont w ine B--i-l cnii.ir-sl ti-i-i; pi.iv, lrl , tt il. r.- .1 r-SJi la Ot v; vmii,iii. i.n' a-,-p-i-i m MrrcMUoe In.tiuin.-i, li.si: A v1-- . -.il kr' m, S, P. HoUlen. Jw. M- orhead. S. P. HOLDEN & CO., FORERAN COODS, Llnena, Dress Goods, Hosiery, Ac A 30 S.VNSOM K .s 1"., SIN Kit AM IM l. London; 27 LewJenbHl1 St.. K 0 Leather and Saddlery Warehouse. MAIN & WINCHESTER, 214 & '211) BATTKKY STKKKT, SAN FRANCISCO, 08er to Ihe traJi-ol S:.ll !. an.l vh iu Ir LKAT1IKH, of all kind., II A H Ks. I (I.IHIHMI a. lll a, . 1 l.LI.A li h, WIII I'M, AnJ a iPiirrKl aworlnipnt ( IaDDURT GOODS T N1W Tom PRICI S. ofl Sond f.T Ch i j 1 " g ti an.l Pii. -. WEIL & CO., Cigars and Tobacco ProprirtnTP of I ht I1AVAN CltiAK VAM KA'nhV. KMl, X4J and 44ft K f., SuUlh l t oiner I rout A hm-iaiiie'ito Hi., Art ' It MM t l ttC O. 6 EINSTEIN BRLb & CJ., luiportrr and M it iiut.o-l ut ? -il BOOTci AND SHOES 113, 115, an.l IM I'll., Hi,. I, SAN 1 UAM'I.M'O. We w.uld fpfiMil call the a i it iii ol th Trade lo our CALIFORNIA MADE GOJDil W'bi'-k in pmii f.i iu, i .IhihMMv ar e'jual l" the Pf-I u -1 in u.i' p .1. 1:1 i.iinix. v ., COMMISSION MR3.1A.irS N t M( . fc n V i a I UKALKHM in OMIOr p((HU t fc.. &re e'tlfily hi r -i' 1 ' t-n -o II -m ,. r-IIJ. Ii Ularrh, ..f ...ir P.H-1..11, ii.h. .1,. a. oil- .-t.-J BHUTAN, H0LBR00K&C3 I in p'-rt rt aii'l I'enlfm in Stoves &Z, Ilaiii;:s, SHEET IRON A. TIN PLATE, Cer. V.ln ( Ll, W I , P' VI'-. Inm 1 t 1 i it J I . TIM US' (,OOI, 7 --IP a- d V a- l.it,..r i. l HOUM f UfNIOHIMO H'fM'W, fcu.l.ra- il-l P.. n. J i 1. P I, .-I ai. l ' tH.,.,.. j a r,... . I M a M ir..)nU r. 17 A IV !'.(. ...., : AN y ii A .' ' J ' 'i, L CASTLE BROTHERS. 1 1YI X" O i IT Jil IIH wiioLi.sAli. M;o(.i;i;y, d l J i mm !! '. - - lll..p 1.1a. 151th WAIII) Co-operative Si oi o 1.,.;.-. n Dry Goods, Groceries. HarJrvarc, dc. Irl.4 I'.a, b,., Al ., Xi ., l,..vKl,t 4 ald. I lonr, liiln, Ht.n tuj rt. ilw.ri kaB4. |