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Show G W T ! Clothing Departm't FRESH ARRIVALS' i Of New Goods in Fall and j WINTER SUITS ! OVERCOATS, ! CAPES, TALMAS I i Military Clothing, &..-- j Al.-o :i Full Variety 01 GENT'S FURNISHING GOODS (Jems', Ladies' and Boys' BOOTS & SHOES Gents' 1'ouths' and JBoys' 1 3 ATS and CAPS. TRUNKS in all styles and qualities. Valises and Carpet Sacks. Carpets,Matting,FIoor Cloths Wall Paper and Decorations Always ua hand and fur sale by the yard, a lare stock of Pfrneh and English Cnsimeres, Doeskins, Heavers, Military Cloths, Home Made T.wccds, fcc. S'JITS MADE. TO ORDER! :ntleuien's Clothing, or Military .Suit?. in;ide to order in tho fewest Style oi Fuhion nn the sh'irte-t notice. Fir.-t-chi.-: i it Knd Workuianshiu Guarantee-"!. MILITARY TEiMMINGS IN GREAT VARIETY. II. B. CLAWSOX, Supt. MORE LIGHT ! SEW LISHT ! Cheaper, more Cleanly, and perfectly free from the danger of Explosion. THE DAAFOKTII SOX-EIPLOSIVB PETROLEUM FLUID 1,000 GrIIous Just Received, Only 73 Cents Per Gallon! E. HEESE fc CO., Sole agents for Utah Territory. lei)ot at corner south of Walker Bro3 TRUNKS, VALISES, &C.,&C. Manufactured by - rJB. H. On hand in variety at the Olotliiny Doxai"tiieiit Also, EGG BOXES, APPLE BOXES, And General Packing Cases, Mndt to order at the Trunk F;ictory at the loweit prices. H. B. CLATVSON, SUPT. of the celebrated ARRIVED. -iiitji.t-,iiin' heavy aul liiit FARM AMD KftJiYCN VAGQN3 'Jlo: Fiivofile XJ 5 SX'L O W D m,. .,H-r LIGHT SPRING VVAG3NS. Vry ilt-nl i n htc Tor l'"n nil I y unr. I'll., .-I. !.! . ,y,.r :.;. n- nil in. mill i- Inn 'I mil '.I lli -ry l-- m.iii ri.iN l,y Hm, nm . t mn jl- I" n I "'- - m try, n.,-1 up- W.IHHAM F.I) KIHST, I, AIM. H.K SAI.B.NT IJIIKJW II.VIK-I. .JOHN T. AIM., AW.., Suit I ,lc 1 1 -! lI Ollir-. THEODOi.E LUBBE, Manufacturer of LAOIF.S's FANCY FURS Enat Ttmiile Street, At Florence 8eiv- 'Lichinc Salesroom, Opposite Suit Lake House, Has on hand and for sale a fine assortment of HOME-MADE LADIES' FUHS Such as Utah and Alaska Mink, Ermine, Clliiic tit 11 as, K nsslaiL Squirrel, Aslrnkan, Ptrslan JLainl, I'krancr, ICi-l inner, Russian and French Coney, L'tak and Eatitern Muskrats, &c.,&c. Which I offer at exceedingly low price?. All ponds warranted represented or money returned. Ladies' Furs of any description made to order in a workmanlike manner FOH SALE ! A few hiuidrod "Feet' in lhc "Left Lower io the Furr-ka."- ' , The "Tintie Lode" i dispose. T uf, hut Joe will sell n few feet in the celebrated "Eureka'' instead. E.iMuirooi" " JOE SIM.UO.VS, . Omaha if on so Basement. HAINES' TREATISE, Just Published, by E.'B. MYERS. Chicago, a NEW EDITIOX OF ' HAINES' TREATISE. Revised nnd Enlarged. An Indispensible Book for Justices of the Peace, l'ol tee Magistrates, County-Judges, Coroners, Constables, and public ollieers generally. gen-erally. A valuable Look of Reference for every Lawyer, and useful for every Business Ma a. By ELIJAH If. HAIXJ2S, Counselor Coun-selor at Laio. Fifth Edition. Revised and improved, contaiuing the laws and decisions down to the present time. Complete in one elegant octavo volume of over H')-) pages- Bound in betlaw sheep. Price $7.50. AINES' O? H. 33 A. 'X1 X S IE is a book weil known to every justice of the peace, practicing lawyer and public officer in Illinois and the Northwestern States and Territories, us the most useful and complete work of the kind extant. It has lately been revised by the author, and materially improved by the addition of much important matter. giviDg all the late laws and published decisions down to lSod This book has, up to the present time, reached reach-ed a larger sale than any other work of the kind in this country. This fact may bemen-tioutd bemen-tioutd ad evidence of its superior merit. Its excellence consists both in the matter embraced, em-braced, and the arrangement or cla;5ilic.i-tiou cla;5ilic.i-tiou of subjects. In the collection of matter contained in the wu.k it is intended to give all the statute law and the general principles of the common com-mon law in connection therewith, which a justice of the peace, polic ' magistrate, con-etableor con-etableor coroner will require in discharging tueir duties, or that a practicing L wyer will reed tor reference in ordinary cases, or thit may be required for the information of everv business n.an. This will entirely euperstdL tbenecesitj for reference to taevolumeaol the statutes. iha arrangement of the work is methodical, methodi-cal, and f tue essence ot its value, prtaeut-iiijr prtaeut-iiijr eich subject in its urder an 1 in i;s proper relation with others. The plan o the arrangement js entirely original with the auihor, being the result oi study and practical experience. It has long been a subject of general remark that tbe author has, in this work, presented the law with a clearness ana simplicity of sts le wnich renders ren-ders the whole aii-e plain to the common understanding as to the more auwinoed lawyer. law-yer. The just r:e of the peace, police magistrate, const icle, and coroner will nnd in this book all the necessary forms and ia; true lions in regard to every branch ot his duty. I lhc practicing lawyer will find in it, col-i col-i lected aad arrange i in convenient foroi, all i tue statute law and decit ion j, wit h retV-rcDCC ' to adjuaieated Cjseo apjdicublc in ordinary pracuce. Tne busines? man will find in it a com plot e collection oi forms required in the transaction transac-tion of busine-s. Students of the law will likewise find this a very valuable work for perusal and reference, refer-ence, as containiug the general principles of the common law. clea: ly stated, in connection connec-tion with the ordinary branches of jurU prudence. pru-dence. The following brief reference to the ton-tents ton-tents oi this work will afford in -ome d- grec an idea ot ita peculiar merit?. The book is divided in live parts, the saojet ,f each being be-ing methodically arranged in chapter? or appropriate ap-propriate subdivision.3, is follows : Part 1. Of Justices of the Tcace, election and qunliliciition, and proceeding proceed-ing before them in civil cae. Comprised in thirteen chapters, t renin.; : 1 Of the office of jtiMie of th1 penre. 2 Ot tUejunlictiuQ of jontic oi the p?a. 1 ?, Of the tliffreDt form- of action. 4 Of the commencement of duih, and the -t-rri- c nnd leturn oi procp-j. ." Ol Ute Qji-arauce oi lhc part ion. 6 OI pifrtrfiuiT-j. 7 Oi witirf---, comrlli!.c rhe at' ri'l m etli-r.T, taking dej-ili..iw, aad of odlh-tan't iiitirm.i-tiom. iiitirm.i-tiom. , S Of the trial, and infidfnM tlierrtu. 9 Ofevifiencc. V) Oi the docket, and f -nni uf-W ket . nti if 11 Oi jii'ijfiuent, co-i-, anl tllin- trn-rrip I. 12 Of apptilrt and wiit ol cert to ari. 13 Olexecutioaand tamipiuucnt. Part 2. Of proceeding before Justices Jus-tices of the Peace in criminal case.s. ComprL-tcd in eleven chapter-), treating 1 Of the powers ofjnticee of the p'-am rclatlrf to the eulorc'jinent of ihrr law-, lor ihi- prevention and puai-huiftit of otldii-e-, and prit-rttion and coservuncc of tin; praufr. L 2 Of p-jron.i c.tpahle oi committing trimen, of ac-ce-Hone, and who may be wnuis-es in criiiii-iial criiiii-iial ca-ea. 3 JJ-.Uiiiiious and jiunishment ofcrime-t au-1 offt Q-, Q-, aa pre-.enheti by th criiuiaal cohi i Oi proceeding-) where a ennud giPja-e lus been comiQJttH. ' Vorun ol ritiitciueutH of ofl?ne io warrants. 6 Oi iro:eeliii'-, in rt-latiou to t hi ui-er au e and hiu-ity ol tha pt-e an-l yojd behavior. 7 Ol nigiiive-i Ip'Ui jn-sli':-. y Ot -Mrch warrant-. J 01" proceeding and poualtk- iu rtl.itiou t Ojo mi. -lemeaaori ol iMbl.atb-breukujy, owi ilii-turbine ilii-turbine worthij'ing ai-cinhli..--. 10 Of proeeedid'-' iu cuo of a-ault and Lattery. aii'l atJ'i a . 11 Of do ket eu'ii in rriniiiwl aud fnmiuary pro-cwiiiiii, pro-cwiiiiii, aad jiistictj's tea in crimjn.il ea-t-a. ParLG. Of tho powers and duties of Justices of the Peace under particular tutuLt. " Comprised iu twehc ehuplera, treatin;,' 1 Of thts a-jknowled-ujcnt and proof of deed and other initiunjtnit. 2 Oi atU4euuj)utti beloru jtiit icci of the pence. Z 01 bastardy, an' proccj'liuy iu ta-fs tlicicol. 4 Of cout'.-ujit ol court. 5 Of conte-ing ey;ioB-. 6 Of coroner. 7 Ol (tiaMj. 8 Of loM-ihle untry and d"tniii 'J Ol UK-Io-u-cs and ft" r.-t. V) Of lnudlord and tcn.tnt, and pro.d litgi j dj-ttie-t lor ruut. 1 1 01 m.in jaj.-' :-t. VI 01 trial ol the riirht of property. Part 1. Of Uio Constable, his election elec-tion and qualilicatiuii. and the powers and duties of Coiirttuules in both civil and criminal cases. Comprising Iiv.j ( Impli-r, trcuinm 1 Otlli'i ofliot of conitahlfi. 'J Po' i f tuid 'I'ltJ'-i uf ("tiMnM'"' ill pr l4. V, III Mm iiit.iMryf.)'i'.ininli- jifi'l HHi'lic-i. Of I In- p"';ri and 1 u t i 'ijiitiil-i'-i in crtiui- ll.'ll ;,-.--.. : 01 l. tM nnd "nip''4p.itlnn allowrd to coimhibleft in both .i il and ' i uu'ii'i ca I'ai-.t r. (.'"tiiuiuii fonriK C'ir th(! tntricitcLioii ot bu-iini'-i. I Apjiri'ijlirr-, H (Vp.irl nfi 'J A) I'll i ulioii and iuvu -Ulu Coin i y mn A " . nim i-. 1 1 i,m r-r. I A"'''-'i".vial a;-,rfml I'J .i'n, A -i'-nm-ul-'. .i ..,,irHli.ihon. , ItilNol Y,x Imii;-" ;iid II :,v. ..th r.l ut I m-y. J l ulllH-oi ri"li- . I i I!i U-H' r,., 7 Hill - ul ti MjII . N. In on) l;ii:i vdnnii-, Hl pu;j'! , law liindiii, v. ill bn F'nt any ndMr' H on riTi:i it 7. 'l u il 1 1 I In? or. I it. Add.. - i:. I5. MYKKS, PuMi Ih i , n liiin'loii Slrnof, C)ii. fir,0. NOISELESS FAMILY SMG MACHINE IS THE Standard Machine of in 3 World ! ... j Tlie Special Committee appoint ctl to examine nnd report on Sewing ; Machines nt 1lc Nortli Carolina Stale Fair, held at Ititli'lli Inst ; week, awarded a Oold Medal to t c j Florence Sei iiS ii at- h i ne for t lie . ease and qnlct ncss of It s move in en l s, perfection niidlnvjfe varirtyof work, j and i(8 valuable new features, making ma-king it 1 1 e m o t valuable Sewing Machine for family iisp. - Parties contemplating the purchase pur-chase of Sewing Machines are requested re-quested to read the following from the New York "Tribune" of Oct. 19th, 1S70: SKWIXG 3IACIIIM:s. "We have recently h;tJ occasion to uuiko some iiuiuiries into the proi--rcs$ uf improvement improve-ment in the mechanism of sewins maeiiine?, and were not a little surprised to learn th.it the centr.il idea in the first invention the shuttle still hold? up place, though many sttempts have been made to supercede it. The shuttle, in corubinntion with the needie, is still the '.jeans used to 0nn the stitch, in the leading machines, and we find that the prowth of trade is chielly with the shuttle-using shuttle-using machines. The improvements that are taking firm hold in practical use are. therefore, necessarily necessa-rily iu connection with tho ,-hiutle, either iu the detail of the shuttle ii-'lf. or in other pnrts of the Machine cnnce'ed with it. to cause t ne who'o to o pera e more perfectly aud uniformly, and to siujjdi;y it -use. Miny important gnins in thi direetion, made since the first great invent ion, are undoubtedly un-doubtedly cinHod.cd in ti:e "I'i.-ri "ne." n:;t-chide: n:;t-chide: and we rr-Mmmend our rta-ier-' to careful'y inspect the "r'l'.renee" bei'TO ma-kintr ma-kintr a choice. The points peculia- to thl nir.'hnte are: An unu.-ual amount ! mmiry i- s. eu in maKing the "Florence. (liT-by rccuring the bvsl material 'steel. fT i!itance. wh-re others usn c.isi-ir' n . and the . net tiii;,-h ut important parts 'the hurt!c. fr example, bein? rigidly rejected if it v;. ri-s from the standard l- Muh of an iiifh '. It i.-cn- tru ted on the .-imi r -.;h ti :.c ju i n-.-i i l entirely dip-ti'iner with the c tr-. au-l e-nn-. and link- wowa so olteo -el pervcr-cy n t of ord'--r aii'l sorely pL-rplex every ui.v l.ai the prnctired innchir.i-t by t(i'-;r ui;."j uun'-able uun'-able fre.iki. ihe "FlorL-nnj" i- so e'.-ily managed, ;ind its u-e is mi rc.olily l.-;.rnc l. that nn ordinary girl of ton li.t pn-e and muscle enough to run it j ericetly. T.ielock stitch, ari made by tiie "I lorui.-e" v .-ry re-ularani perfect, very strong and el a-1 if, and ii drawn into ths I.iorio euniy, grad ualh , e.vaeily. without jcrkn g. and wiuj.-ut causing the .-tain to pu--ki r, or stiainmg the thread m to endangur its breaking; n.n-ecd.uently, n.n-ecd.uently, veiy hue tlir-:id- and i i : : t ubnes chii be u-cd. Bc-id'-s tin-, the ' Fl'Tt n- e" (in all bar the cheapen 1 y 1 ) nl-o m.ihts three additional stiu-ne- a double t K, a einele knot and a d'-ub'e ki,o; n'ni ;ire atron-er nd more ela-ttf than any ot'i.r stitch, and which are made by no other iua-"hine. iua-"hine. liie "Florence" t.- the only m.i.-u ne that h i a i-evcrMnle ced, wiiereby the direction di-rection of the Fewing can bo in - ta ntiy changed without eif-dng tho work, thus enxb ing the operator to iiuilt or embroider with unanuul tHcihty, f ew barkwar l and easily strengthen a ceaui wherever di -iri-d, and, finallv. by a few rrpeattd Ftitche-i, to fasten end? in the qui kj-t and ?tropgc-t way. It id tho only mn'-hino that has i t,.if. a.Jjutmg shuttle-thread teuton, wliih work." o perfe -tly that the operator r.m run acro?j the eaviest amm nnd sew the flm-'i linen and the thickest brondfloth in imme-diute imme-diute PiH'-j.sion withont bre.ikint, thcthrrad and wii houi ehnnsinn the needl-, tih h or tension. The "Florence" draws th thread into thecloth wnh urn--iialcd .rcisim nnd certain! , by tne.in - J ,in mgcniou! aiuo-matic aiuo-matic "take-up" wheel, which, di-po-r of tho flank thread left alter t ho st it.-h wj t h an accarato promptncR that prevent.- ad Mi.trl-ing Mi.trl-ing or dropping of uicln,.;, und allow-" the operator to few backward, r to run otl'th f lorh and on ngain, with perfect impunity. It hjw an improved elastic heininrr. flxeiu-Bively flxeiu-Bively its own, which i- managed with ct-e, and will make a hMn of any width on any material. It not only miiko a perfect gatlirr and sew it to a band at uno oj, oration, but it hems, and bind, nnd fcl ,4, nnd ipnl'J, and cords, and tuckn, and gather-, nnd braid without batting. ISuch f ju-t ial pmvi.-i .n in male against injurious wear that tho "Florence" "Flor-ence" is claimed uud guanintfcd by ihet'oin-pany ihet'oin-pany to la-l twice a.n long without reiiniraj any other fhuttlo machine in the market, without the fdigh'cst ditli:ulty. fcvery purl Ol tho "Florenro" i.- ,-n pcrfc tly and peniia-nently peniia-nently adju-ted, and it hax no few joints nnd pointa of Iriction, that ii runs with tho ut tiiOnt eitfio. Tho ii red I u in M-t nnd threaded, and tho tLit h is I en it i liom-d, shortened, or revr - : with the utmost ut-most cane. In uinir Mio "Fb rcuce" ncirin r tho work nor 'ho o,irat .r' drc-s id liable to bo soiled, ihe "t-iorcn.Mj" with all thr:g claims to superiority, .-'IN nt tli" Jamc prn t nn other tirrit-clad machine. Theno itdvun tag en ; Libornlify in m:inuta"ture; Sim jd i city of con - trucl ion; I'licilily ol liiaiiiihrctii'jut: Variety of St it--lje.-; Kovorsibln lecd; bell-udjuntiiw tension; Automatic Lake-up; Improydl benuner; I'rovirtion iiKainsi. wear: Perfect and p riiuuienl ndj u j hi eni : Ka-iy rcKumtion ot nuedle and flitch; f'lcanliiiefn an I chea' m ; Tho beauty nnd high linidi of the machine Make tho "h loreucc." moderately r-i" lilting, lilt-ing, a machine which to ho valued, uecdn but to bo tried. fan. ily can alTord to be without, a Mewing Mew-ing machine, and wc hope that bcb.rc lour one may Icj lound wherever "llio Tribuno in welcome. TO THE LADS EC Of Suit l'nltc(lty, and f luiMigli-ii luiMigli-ii ut Hie 'I ti il oi oT I t ah, Jdalio, illoiilMiin mid WyomlnKt "VVe uxt'-ixl u e 'nihil invitarioi, lj tull lit our olli i', nnd rvjiiiiiii.j tlm M'-itiic,, i-'dtnily tScwimj .M :i-h i ri, wlicih.r siKniiik' imnu'iliaU purrlmm t ik.; i is our bu-iiii'-'s and lili-m u t n to ,solnu clc.su (jxiiiiiinat.inu un 1 com pjiri-on. , imvo on itxliihilioii, in order llm nimv easily to ftxjtluin p"inli of dlllcrr-nri', in wliirli wrj chum f n .crioi it y, t bo inn-idi inn-idi inert of vnrioii.s tn m lv ph, inrludi m 1 1 . GroviTiSc Jhiker, Siitj'.fi- ami Whoi'lr: A; WiUoii. In mukiiiir mk Ii : in j n t i-hoii, i-hoii, no tiuliiir tol iiMtiic;.) will be Lnkcn of rivul iiiiicliiiic ( 1ml. on llmconl rut y Lhcy will bn kepL by h v 'in pidetit nit cliiniL in Llt! b'v-L of rmniiiij' onlor. (flOlllO of lo'lll I'l'lpl Ml' n , ir JIM f'W'l- H'-or ii1 ii lorf mni i -i. ) MAS. G. II AM MLR, .'.- Ill . n I A Uf III . SA I .'I' 1 1 A K I'l MTV, I IT1 I I COMPETITION , Left Behind! HOLIDAY ( WICKS, ( ' 1 1 1 I s I'M AS TUKi;s, i'CRE CAXVIf.S, uf ,dl kimh, Plnr A p1r, I iti port rd Fruit , Kniirv (.rorci Un, i'mni ry, I'lrn, Provision, Con fee t loiiery, The cheapest in town, nt 1 1 K X K V V A I. L A CK'S. NORTHWESTERN Mutual Life Insurance Co. .I'lllN II. VU' IiVKR. Pr.-i l.-m. HKIIKR -Ml I . - tec- Pro-hl-nl. At Ii. I..U Lull. Si-oruury. Hontn OHIcr, Hr.inrt n-ny. cor. of WL-co.i.lii WL-co.i.lii m., .Hllnauker, 1.. Dr S. H. W.M.I.TIMV. ilcnorM .U-cnt K'jcky Mountain I) i.uri -t ( '..Oirmlu. N yiiiiiiiu-. 1'iali nnl Suw M.-ik-o. PETER G. FERCUSON, Agent tor fuh. OfHre til Hooper, Kldrcdtfc Ai. n.'n it nn k. TRAVELER'S INSURANCE COMPANY, OK 11 I II 11 lilt I), t N Kl'Tlt t r. Insure ngaill-L Areulents causing Death ut totally Di-ahlnig Injury, PETER G. FERGUSON, AOHNT. iiiI'mi- id ll.jopcr, i;i.lrndgu & Co.'a li.lllk. G. THIKKHILL, I'ltAC'lCAL ,Hi-li:i nf 'I'ailor, l llts'i' sill' in is'IHRKT, A frw ilnnm l-'.ni.( of lf...t IXIlrr. A I 11. 1. STiM k Ol I'KI'iNCll, KNfJM.SlI AND CALI-I'XHINI.V CALI-I'XHINI.V CASS1.MKJU0S, W I N T K K u ) ) 1) K, 10 T C. (Inn I " irUiii,iri-.li u ini'l l'.'rt.H'l Sill ishirl ion liitiiniiil I. DIEBOLD &. KIENZLE, S .'r. 1 1 1 1II..I...M, n.ilininun A Co., CKI.KIiKATKII CINCINNATI ii it k ami r. i m j i, a i; riinoi-- f ". A Br W S , Ami Sana-iii' M;iifni-tii. anil Aiil'iinulii' ll.mW i m.JZ B4k. I'll ATT A, CiiVKKT, (lencTiil AK-'iil l:i'i Wll I - i 1 1 ; ' I . , , , SI., Cllieilg". 111. II. I I. A h), i.,,l, ,, C. Ill, l ' AKriM lor I i,h T. rrll.iry. . 1 Truckee t . . r. ' ; SALT LAKE LUMBER YARD. II;iI1-1Mo lv South V, V. lh pot. I l. W. I'AltKIICHSI', 1',-op. AT TH1-: MAMMOTH SHOE AND HaT STORE A JLsirs-e -Sloclc ol" AVintci' In Every Style ! And at Every Price ! CHEAP! CHEAP! CHEAP ! Now is your time! Come on and get yourself a nice warm CAP! Don't stand Freezing, but come on! They arc on Sale at IIH.III.IMMIWI II I I Ullll iil BENEDICT, HALL' S CO., MANFl-ACTUBERS AND WHOLESALE DJiALEl'.S IX Boots and Shoes, HAVE REMOVED TO Vos. 18-1- siMl 13 GItAM STREET, Corner Crosby, "'. WW' VOPTT One Block East of Broadway, j L i Hi M IUUiV. 2ion5sGoosoerative .... - iL Mercantile Institution TO CITV AM) COUMllY CO-OPERATIVE STORES Ajs1 the Tr.Klc sreiierjilly. WHOLESATFDRY GOODS! EAGLE EMPORIUM, WIWTER1""" GOODS! Lonir iiaw!, tibiae, iosiefy, injrlc liawls JJoods, uloves, C'liiltlreii, Shawl, Scarfs, I'iaiinel, Ulankcs Con ate rjiaiiON. .1 lis, i'asijucfe. liinst'vs. DOMESTIC G30D3 H FULL SUPPLY AS USUAL. IJoMts v. . hoes, II ubber? & Arctics Men's. SJoys and Chiltlren's Hats. H. B. Clawson, Supt( Zion's Co-operative Mercantile Inst'n WHOLESALE AITD RETAIL GROCERY AND HARDWARE DEPARTMENT, r.i.imi:i)(;K 1 soy iu'iu)iM;s. Veil can !iml at this Department of '.. C. M. 1. a bolter stivk pt LAMPS, CROCKERY. HARDWARE, STOVE?, MINI Ni; TOOLS, HLASTlN(i TOWIH.K, Maple and Fancy Groceries, l'tc. Aii.l van Get More for your Money and Orders than you can ?t any other House in Utah. II. It. 1. WM) . MII'l. THE AVERILL CHEMICAL PAINT COMPANY'S PAINTS l-auWaomit ovor A HCNnUKll PUTKKKNT Slt.PKS. propvl f. inuiu'iliatc application ati'l rx-ipiiriiii; no niixmc, just rxwivovl anl lor silo nt lhc DRUG DEPARTKE'NT z. c. m. i. The inurciliciUs of these 1 'aim s are simple ami iu.lostmot :1m'. 1 h' lies with wbi.-h they iwouiuicml tluuiiu'lvei lire : t 'In'.ipnoss, ,iur:i'iaiy. -V;I,? rioiity nl' color, an unusually smoo:!i an.l nlovsy Hpp.irainv. l.- l.i'v'i r,-l'f' in layiiu;. no trouble of iiiixhi.c. "ill si.-m 1 liiv or r.im. a-ul .bvs not oraek or .vl oil ' willi aliiiospln-rio changes, nor chalk oil' hv liiciion. They U"1' ,1,p Im'sI. cIii'miicsI, most iliinihlc iin.l most popuhu- I' lluis ui nv Tli.. AVl'.KU.I. WUll'K I'.VIM' is a '.INt' PAINT, ,-n::unii-c i"1 cail, iitul is of i-ipial siipenoiily anil popularity. HHINli A 1 .0 M i VOrU PAINT CANS (U'K.N ANO l'l Kill ASK liY Till'. C Al.l.ON. A full line of Foreign, Doinestic and t'ac liiuu At lhc lhni; IVpatlnicnl, '.. C. M. 1. II. It. CIj.IWNOA. miiI. |