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Show Commercial. Salt Lake Citt, Dec. 2-. ioLU Buying, 108; filing, 111. Cnnivr-MAS Tree?. Henry Wallace ha- gol a couple of beauiie-s for sale; ju-l the tbing for ladies getting up -chool panic. Call and tee them. adv. WoVKKKFCI. ExniBITION OK FAITH uv a Child Tnp.tK Yiars ok Aoe! Faith ' is a "bio Thing," bdt Cou-mov Cou-mov Sense is Stii.i. "Biootf!' This certifies that my little son, threa years it 'aire, ha-t been paralyzed in left .-g since August Ttk of the present year. " Hd was unabie to stand alone until he rook two weeks' treatment from Dr. Konp.T3 bv animal magnetism and th Swedit-n Movement Cure, at his office in the Omaha House, this city. I am hap-to hap-to 6y that ha has been perfect y rts- ,rcJ, and m w can walk as .veil as e?er. I reside in tno 11th Ward. (Signed,; Chaelf.s Morris. S:t Lake CitT, Utah, December 21th, 170. Dr. Koberta will heal the sick at the Omaha liouse until February 1st, or lunger. lv. Agreeable Change. The change in the weather for thi past few days has been agreeable. The nights have not been so intensely cold, and warm sunshine during the days has made it pleasant out of door.s. Chapped Hands and Face, Sore Ln", Dryness of the Skin, &c, &c, Cured at once by UEUE ilAX'S CAil-I'UOK CAil-I'UOK ICE WITH GLVCEKINE. It keeps tbe hands soft in all weather. See t at you get II EGE MAX'S. Sold by all Druggist", only 25 cents. Manufac-I'lictiired Manufac-I'lictiired only by Hegemak fc Co., ChemMs and Druggi&ts, is'ew York. dv Fire! Firs!! abated, and oysters arrived at P. MsrgetU' Kefreshnient Kooms, 2d Sopth Street, where they can he had by tho can or in any style. Tue lovers of a glass of Genuine English Eng-lish Ale can be accommodated by the pint, quart, or gallon. Oyster stows and lunches served up vn short notice. "Golden Crown'1 cigars and bot lager beer constantly on hand. adv. A Fresh Sltplt of I'igs' Feet, jiiat received from Chicngo superior quality. qual-ity. Joe Simmons, adv Hotel Basement, 2d Smith St. Go to 11. AVallncc s fur your Christmas Christ-mas cukes. ndv Lost Between Warm Springs and iho I'ost Oilice in this city, on Monday evening, a cameo ear-ring. The Under will bo rewarded by leaving it at tins oilice. adv m s. W. (. Wii.kix'ON, Main Street, on-poito on-poito Salt Lake House, has all the holiday holi-day lumrirs, consisting of groceries, li iiitj, spices, t.'.vs, and a large stock of dry goods, boots and bops, and general I'lerclmndisu, which ho will soli at reasonable rea-sonable rates. adv TrRRF.ya, tho finest and fattest, goesf, ducks, chickens, fruit, and other desirables desir-ables for New Vwar'i dinners, t'or salo by M. Chadd, poulterer and pioneer green-siocor. green-siocor. adv For a stylish pair of Tanls go and see M. F.irl, G roes bee ks Buildings. Second S.iviih St, adv Mines Washd. Uarruau, Ivory A '.'u. want two uiiues yielding 'melting eie. See raid clsfwhoro. - Removed. The 1-Jih Ward Female Keliet Society have removed the ward Co-oporative Store to their new building, build-ing, west of tho Assembly Kooms. where they have opened with a choice stock of goods and provisions of all kinds. Call and patronize tnein. adv Try Ed. Harris' choice Havana ci-I gars and tobaccos. A large stock of gents fancy notions just received. adv ! Paris is starving, the Prussians say Goligutly & Harris, though, keep the Globe well supplied with the finest bread, crackers, cakes, pies and pastry; and manufacture the choicest quality of pure candies. Try them. adv A Fine Cu anck. Carl C. Asmussen has received, for the Holidays, a splon-did splon-did assortment of Toys, Je-velry, and o.hor goods in his line, suitable for the season. Call at his Jewelry, Watch, Clock and Toy Store, Main street, adv - I Go kor Him. George Chandler, determined de-termined to continue to please the public pub-lic as ho has done heretofore, will keep tho choicest meats of every kind, with accommodating salesmen to wait on customers. Try him. Stall No. 2, right hand, entrance of Meat Market. adv Fink Kkimi Honey in the comb, delicious and cheap, at II. Wallace's. adv Go A n r See the Christina' Trees at! Ueury Wallace s. adv Fm ! Ft'RS !! A. Anderson, sign of the Big Glove. 24 stout h street, so. ;$ ail kinds of furs, manufactures iauios and gentd' fancv gloves, robe. Ac. Fir;t-cisss jjoods ana moderate prices. adv Do Tot," want to make a present to a gentlemen? What's bolter than a box of choice rears' Get them at Ei. Harris' Har-ris' Cigar S tore. adv j Important ! Don't lorget that Joe Simu-iorjs' Saloon and Restaurant, notei basement, 2nd South street, is still weii supplied wita Oysters, Pigs' Feet, Calves' Tongues, Sardines, Lager Ber Tennant'a iiS Porter, Barclay fe Perkins' Per-kins' London Stout, Shepton Mallei Pale Ale, Brewer, Bemas & Co.'s Omaha Ale, J. C Partridge's Golden Crown Cigars and Pine Cut Tobacco. Great specialty at this Saloon is Fre.-h Oysters, large, fat and luscious, served up in every style. A supply just received. re-ceived. Tuis is the place to get a substantial Lunch any Uour of the day, and at verv cheap rates. adv If yoc want a No. 1 Suit, go to M. Earl, second South St. - adv W'hite House S. Bamberger ct Bro. Proprietors; first-class tamily hotel and restaurant, reconstructed under new management, Main street, Salt Lake City, Utah. Large and well furnishea rooms and all ihedelicaciesof the season at reasonable charges. A ladies' dining room alt iched to the spacious refrosh moot saloon. Board and lodgirg $2 tJ per day; by the week, 512,00; day board ScOo per week. Fresh oysters just received re-ceived and served up in every style night or day. Free conveyance to meet all trains. S. Bamberger Bao., atlv Proprietors. A fix it Christmas Present. The latest novelty, Muical Albums, at Ed. Harris' Cigar Store. adv Grist to the Mill. Bring on your grain to the B. Y. lower mill, which is now fitted up and turns out a .No. 1 article ar-ticle of dour giving the largest yield to the bushel. 1 am alsopreparea to grind buck wheat. adv Charles Wilkins. Matches. The Great Western Matches, manufactured by Paul Lei h tenburg are equal to any imported uno warranted to kevp in any climate. Try them and be satistWd. Sold at the K'ti) Ward Co-operative store. adv Proclamation to the Public.! do hereby issue t h is my Proclamation, to the travelling public: Parties visiting Salt Lake City and going east on the L. P. R. K., wi II end il to tneir advantage to leave Salt Laiit-City Laiit-City on the evening train and remain over at Ogden that night, thereby liav. ing a good night s re-l. and so be fresh for travel at ft o'clock a.m., when tlu-dailv tlu-dailv eiprcss train leave? this depot. Al ttie Ogden House- we otiVr as g-x'd accommodations ac-commodations as ary hou-e west cl Omaha. Free basse? at every train to and from the depot, adv John Mahon. Proprietor. Kafkle. See notice of a Kae, published elsewhere, to come off on the Cd proximo. We have cons d. r-ablc r-ablc to say about rafie? and letter. e-, but have not time this morni: g. hutkl akkivals. Deccn b.T 2s. SALT LAKE HOUeE. S 1! K "ss. A G Boa,:, bir.rharn ; Pat O -Neil and wi:e. Con ine: L J H -:.,. tV-den: H Lloyd; city:' L C Niek-s. Li: lie tttonwood. M Houston, Hous-ton, Wm t'.aycs. B.ngham: .1 D Hayes, Terrace: Z A I'linmncLam, l.;::ie t'ot-t t'ot-t nw.i i: Geo H wr.i. lvi- .a:;: L U: Coib th. S -uth P.uv: W II Wo.-dLu 1. ! city: M;ss J Car'.iu. I townsend U'"'iy .) M Her. Sai Francisco. T W Cooke. Ch eapo: II K-owiw-n. I n ha; N A' uis. rot'.g: C I. ;n5-er. ':.. n Livtr. S T I.c. t. San Franc;c. OMAHA HOUeE. Po-.v-i W .-r c;--t. Fret i - ; :;iai ' B or".i. Dct- i. SOUTHEKX MAIL& EXPRESsTlNE Carrying the V. S. JIail. imd Wtll, Fargo A Cm, Kiprf. Tie B.cder7i-ii i? cow runcinr a Pitily lire c: S'.f e lo PROVO &. FILLMORE. Or Ma tf T will Meadow Valley, Star District and St. Ceorge. C;?iie"ion mie with tse for Tlntlc and SrrUr Mlnrt, tnpt and Arisona. j Mea.! ard asfroinodftviDs -.11 ioir i tho Time to 6t -r:6 aad .Mdw ; Vl,er Mice. Sdara, 10 hour. HIGH WHITE, Prp, ffis-et ' ei.i. tarsJt Co-C. Co-C. . 8MITH, Gpu..-J Accu C. S. I. WILLISTON'S CELEBRATED COMBED SEA ISLAND SIX COllI) SPOOL COTTON. Just Arriicd, Aid lor tale, wUoIojshIb and retail, t Z. C. M. I. TWD SPOOLS G1YEN AWAY For every one nut entirely tautfaoiory Wi. C. M. I. BOOT AND SHOE Department, At the Kign of the, "BIG BOOT" Call and Kiamlne our choice Stuk of HOME-MADE And Imported BOOTS AND SHOES Ladies' and Gentlemen's Slippers in (treat variety, nuitaole tor Holiday Prcicnt. Bo 't and Sliot'fi-r T.'lics. (Jen-lr-m n and Children MAUK l'O OlU'Llt satislactiun uatanu-e-1. Rrpaisincj j'r 'i ami frumjitly attriiJttt ro. W hk, Jq,I P..-lr.J s(H.,ig..i u , . , , j , ,.r L.Bthfr, tntlndlni K-nirfa an.l (..r. MiM.i Imif hkli,,, tt.Bt t,iu, r, ftrriit ,rI,i, f ,.,,,( mii4 -11 kind. ..r l ..r,. nrf ll.rtt... Lrnli.r i .1,. n Inll t fr k nlkli,,. I- I l I K ., ,n. cuid kn,l lae liui.r oil., nii)! ioi::;n r. Ca 1 an 1 .s. .oir o 1 I r ic ( 'pooptorj S-'ir-tl ri ii ''if anrl ' .!--. ,-,., ... j H. h. OLAWr.O.V 'riT . I SiXDiYiCH ISLAND SU.AR.' J-'" r-'.T.--; l-.r,. J,, . f kr,: Raw Sugar, ' :. h r " r. i r '" f . j t I, : r. n.r ... nt i , CO-OPERATIVE STORE.1 i.KO. MillllKLIt. CHICAGO TRADE. CHASE, HANF.RD & CO,, "1 south Water (t., CHICAGO, Oils, Paints, Giass, &c.f ilftu"::urirs c: i:.t ceU-r rsrei WILSON OIL TANK PAGE, JJKO.A: CO., LEATHER AND FIND1N3S, 50 Lakt Sirert, EVP. iii Lake Sno-e Oil Work?. MiXWLL, Wrull-? & C, M aitirs-'nrsi.- of Cngikr. Slc-al. Tllov. l.krd M OO L. i II. . Oen'.e- in HrHC.h Csrlvn. Wt.s'e K.epa.r.v, Sei and Sjrui 0..s. Aptu ..- u, P R A T 1" ASTRAL OIL. AiTcc:. , . ..I V rj.s... oil .u.i C.. Ljo,.i C. il ELS'CR CR R o an I? N P lT lor T.o aJ R.x,;v g;.,. Tjitx A.-. Fa: ,-T. CH1CAUO. , ( Ssss 1 1: inois t.. 5i Wiriril, VAN SCHAiCK, STEVENSON & RID, WHOLKKAl-i: DRUGGISTS Uraln In PAINTS, VARK SHIS, GILS. DYE STUFFS, BKUSH5S. Window Glass, Glassware, Tatent Mediolnu, &o.. tc. SO, HI A. vt l..k, M., cor. Ilrn boi u, a a aiom6is iih a l.o K.- ,- p.-ro nr- in I h ,- 1, rro - hi cr,l... I ,. .,-, f E .aliMa.1,,,11 JU.,1U JMlCl-SUIiJ piH'kOlft-. MA; KL. Y. AILING & CO,, 1 in i".oi (,.!( ni:.l .1, t.b.-r. in Hardware Cutlei y 5 1 LiU- Mitel, nucAiio. - - - ni NEW Y r; TRALE. Pool, Nawo, Kimball & Co., WHOLKSALE (IIU)CKKS W iriru M., ,,. liHirh, J. II. lR LiitR. N,. York, C. A. LyiigMlot'l. ,l,,lin Wciwiel,, LUNGSTRIET Si SEDSVMCr, MHiiularturorn ol .nd V Unlet al. MEN'S & 30YS' CLOTHINT, z. cm. i. A VOICE From thg Arctic Regions. DTKINU THK " - .. -m, Wo will tlo. out our flm. ,, .,( FURS! FURS! AT A VEKY LOW l'HICll. loo ,.ur .1.,. k l SCARF PAISLEY SHAWLS, BEDOU N VRAPS. (n . t i- I CASHMER'. ROit Ot CHAMUhf. During thy Holio'ayi r. hiii t i i. Conotanty Kucivriij Aiuijn.n TO orr CHRISTMAS BAZAR In i;.U P" ' f'l "i .,. ( -j. h:i) lriniii'V ;i'i l Y,iVu j. t. it l t nn ii nt , i, y m tm H I'- LA W MN. y , ri cur mm s'ure, W hoji n h- mid lit t.iil, LIQ U" I iV'M) VI 4KS, A t !.r,w. 1 l n'i v ft I, k U I- K II 1 I I t I on nnn rcxjisr'Dfc ZU.UulJiaOHAN'iJaEhL At lia-Kftt Ac JloflinaiCk. |