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Show THEATRE CHRISTMAS HOLIDAYS! LAST XIGHT BUT TWO OY Mr. ami ?Hs CouldocK Thursday Evening, Dec. 29, "Will be presented, for tbe first time in this City, the beautiful Domestic .Drama, entitled Uriels Li:k s ua?in? j Dick Dolland AU. C Vi, Couidock Altiry Jielton Mi4?? Couidock I '' ' I Te canolude with tbe Laughalje Farce, 1 ; -- entitod THE OMrVIBU.S. MUSEUM AND MENAGERIE. Half a block west of President Young's , . Residence. JOHN W. YOUNG, Esq., Prop. Native Beast, Birds anil Reutilug Wolverines, Bears, Foxes, Mountain Doer, Lynx, Wild Cats, fcc- Important collection of Nativo Minerals; Admission, . SO cts. Children, lO " Open every day except Sunday, from i 9 a.m. to 5 p.m Feeding Time, 3 i. m. , J.L. BAR. FOOT, Manager. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. A RAFFLE For a Family Serving Machine, a Suit of CIotheH, nud other Valuable Articles, Will enrae r-ff on January 2nd. ISM. at the Bru.h Factory, half-a-biock east of tbo l'ost Office. CHANCES ONE DOLLAR EACH. BlUCiCS not m:, B-H. Skinner, Proprietor. Corner Wells and p I T ( l pA Randolph Streets, j j A VJV. Thi Hou is cntrnlly located, well furnished, fur-nished, and contains -V) Koom-. HARMAN, IVORY & CO., :si i :n" i x g AND J Real Estate Agency, SALT LAKi: CITY. CMtnrle'e copies of Mining Record era' Books and Abstract of TranifWs fr.iml'ouD-ty fr.iml'ouD-ty Recorders throughout tne Territory to be found in our ouVu. Alining Property and heal Estaf b 'U(ht and fo'd. Houc rented and Col.eti ns made. Money loan rd. Particular attention given to Couve) ancint. "VV A JET ED Two good .Mlneo yielding yield-ing Smelting Ore, for which Cant! will be paid. 1 HARM AX, IVORY k Co. I WWWMl IDYELTY MIS, Jordan Street, 13tliYard, Half-a-blotk we-tt of Lb. 9 Tabernacle, SALT LAKE CITY, Having the latent improved Mabinery f-T working in Iron, "Wood & Brass, Can manufacture all kindi of Machinist' Tools, Turning Lathe, Fan Blower, Gear Cutting and Bolt Screwing Machines, tJhccae Vats, Cntloii, Woolen and GrUt Machinery, 10 tc, Ktc, Kte. OUR FOUNDRY Hax, at prt?ent, bern the Moat Succcttjul in tlit Territory t And we can turn out 'laMingu from tbo thinness thin-ness of a Stove Plate up to ma-ive ones for Smelting and Crimhlng W or 1m, at Low t igiiren.' We have an A No I Model Maker, And order in Unit lin cuaranteed to be flatiaffM.tory . All kinds of Old Iron Bought. A few more Shares of tin Ciipitul Stock can be had on application to WILLIAM FULLEK, e.rrctnry. TONSORIAL! It'yn want Fanhinnahlo and .Skillful b AnnBinwa 0 TO UNCLE BOB RUSSELL'S Who hnm iiNHooin tod with him Mr. JCMl'R BANOKK, at tho old hi and on Kecnd Hnmb Hlreet,. H nir DrrnninK. Stinvitig, HbnrnjioM-inif, HbnrnjioM-inif, and all kinds of llnir Wo'lt, from a frit to a witr, done in a m sinner wnt runtc-l to f nalufaction. TO PRE-EMPTORS. Wuiuiiow iiiimr''l lt liirni.1i AialnUtnnil Linul Script For tho I.,,.,,.'""' i4J'.'V';""'-nt I.nmJ ul $1", n r ,jmirUr Koction. uoori'.ii, lunimim ,v o. Sill T,i,J,,. Cuv, N'.v. -in, J ',,n. THE SALT LAKE SALT LAKE SALT LAKE SEMI-WEEKLY HERALD SEMI-WEEKLY HERALD SEMI-WEEKLY HERALD SEMI-WEEKLY HERALD THE LARGEST THE LARGEST THE LARGEST THE LARGEST THE BEST AND CHEAPEST BEST AND CHEAPEST BEST AND CHEAPEST BEST ANTD CHEAPEST FAMILY PAPER FAMILY PAPER FAMILY PAPER FAMILY PAPER . PUBLISHED IN TOE ROCKY MOUNTAINS ROCKY MOUNTAINS . ROCKY MOUNTAINS THE LARGEST AMOUNT THE LARGEST AMOUNT THE LARGEST AMOUNT . OF CHOICEST READING ' . CHOICEST READING CHOICEST READING CHOICEST READING CHOICEST READING CHOICEST READING ON ALL TOPICS OF - INTER EST AND A GKEAT VAIUETV OF SELECTED MATTER, SELECTED MATTER, MAKING THE MOST DESIRABLE THE MOST DESIRABLE FAMILY JOURNAL FAMILY JOURNAL AND AUTHENTIC RECORD AUTHENTIC RECORD OF CURRENT HISTORY. CURRENT HISTORY. . CLUB RATES : 1 copy, one year -1 00 1 copy, six months 2 U0 1 copy, three month' 1 00 llj copies, one year 3(i M 10 copies, ,-ix months Is oo 10 copies, three months 'J Oo SUSTAIN HOVE MANUFACTURE The Bent and the Chr.pr.t ! Have Vou Tried Tbtml ANTI-UYNPKPT I O, oi COMPOUND BDNESET PILL . Hoaje-mado and purely vegetable. Twenty-ft re rent p-r bo r Twenty five Pill ?. Warranted to five catiauetion. They relieve Jaundice. Dypep'tn, Indigestion. Indiges-tion. Livtr Complaint, Jlcadahe, Lom of Appctito and Foul StoniR-h. will br-ak np Culds, Fever. Couich. and Purity the liiond. Tny will Cicaco the Stomach, Kcnovut the System, and dipel Di-eie Aro irond in all crp where Phytic is n fed in). Try a bnx. You will like thrm. and never wunt any other sort. They are Tome, Cithartic and Expectorant. Expec-torant. orriiALMu; iialnaiu, Or Kye Ilnlm. Vnlii.iMo in most bisnaapn of tho FytM. Jio-movc Jio-movc Intl. mi in.ition, Mrcng'honi the Siht, and Weak or Drooping 1jWs. and if K'ncr.t I ly hoalinu and tronifihinnn to the c-Rht. but f.ufn do piiin. It i alu-j (food for letter. Ringworm and badSnrc. Only I wcniy-live Conu por Hoi. COMvI.IA SALVi:. A valuable remedy for Cu t?. Bruise", Wonndfi, Sora, Purm. Jjiild-i, and fT 'ok or I.hiiio Hark, tsido or iirtN.ft. and lor many other U.-' iS. Theno and othor limne-wado family medi-cinca medi-cinca aro prrp.irod by J. K. JOHNSON, St. (.tore, I'tnh, And Fold at ion' Co-operative Stort and by other aifont.H tliroutcliout tho Territory. Also cold at whot'fnlo or lurni-hrd on nmu mindion to refni ble nifenU. UlIumo m il-i'limv il-i'limv arc not ki'i't at your Moron. ak your axTchant to ordur thcui at onco. BATHS, BATHS! Warm Spring Hutlis ! Prlvnte mid PHiitpc. T) celflirwlor) hulli ro opn to tlir public ul nil wiuwBfl. lliolr fi'O'lirinnl pioportifa (Wi no wniilj known thai it U n"il'i to t'unniraU tlti'iu. Boiriilpp lh Pi ivnt IWUn, Dm Ui nti h:ttil'nu-1 h:ttil'nu-1 v fiirruxliixl l"l ti ik c Hat h n f,,r l.tnlt.-- ami Qorrtltfineii rt now nva. II. AKNOLP. H.DINWOODEY, FURNITURE DEALER And All klnd nt IMPORTED FURNITURE llon(nty on hand at tho S.iU'frooin, EAST TMMl'LE ST. K.'cry d.V''ripti(n '!' HOME-MADE FURNITURE At tho FiK'tory mid fU-Hmom, I at Sooth Slroot, fcUH Lake City COFFINS. PI, AIM OH N A M KMT A l D. DAY. F. CULSIER. 1 O Q day r QyLe,onrlstmao . Whulesjlo and Kouiil Dealers in H 0 L .D A. Y S DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, GEO. W. DAVIS Ijo-i t nnnounce lhatlio bus Ju t RwtTfit t UJ nnWIlRI " Splimdiii Slock for th UoliJajV P,?4i(U I,i4-, CUji-.tiDgOl QUEESVARE, Choice Gunpowder Teas, pi flpcvj abc -Extra fine Natural Leaf do. bLA.rthcj; Rjo andJava CoffeeSj BOOTS, SHOES, Raisins and Currants, HATS, BLANKETS, . Peel and Spice, OILS, NUTS, &c..&c .! Prime Oregon Bacon, WE MAltK ! New York Cheese, BEST TEAS ZtZ r-i Candy Toys in . SPKCIALLTY. ! Endless Variety, I(liCKn T;n' i 'chm the Cheapest House in Tov:n AFISEL0T OF DRY 83C0S. .....tD.,..- Cnll and See thein. . OPPOSITE SAIT LAKE HOISK, First Poor South of Town Clock Store. Aa Two DooKorthof Kimb.u CHRiSTiAS AMD NEW YEAR WO. ISM. The Cheapest and Best Place in Salt Lake City to Buy all kinds of FRUITS, GROCERIES, I C AX DIES, &c, CIIRT.HAS PRESENTS ' XD GIFTS 1 FOU THE: HOL1DAVS Main Street, where a ;itra- quantitv can bo found at prices that will i OUAKANTEE PUKCHASES. - , A -MEUKY CIIIlISTilAS AD A UAPPY NEW A'EAi:. j AXOTHEIt AKR1VAL of Hie celebrated BLECS SEWING JIACUIXE.j T. E W. TAYLOR Have receiv. ,i a Mij.piy oI'DUY GOODS, ccnsistiujr of SHEET.'f.G, DLrAC'iiFD, CAL'CO, !;!CK3RY, FLANNELS, liriSEYS, SHAWLS, ETC., ETC WlirCil T1IIA' ir.VYE MAUKT.I) CIlE-VrEll THA.N EYF.R. A'.-o c-Mi-tantA' arriving. (irot'eriew, HaiiUviiiT Crocker.v, ESoots and Allocs. ( ooliiny stoves, Etc. lie.-idf.- their ( i-ln iiiur ,f the l!.-t futility, they a-sure their friend they will be umlerolJ by uoite. CALL AND KXA.MINK Km; Y H'llSELYTS. " WKST tlDK KAM THAI l'L K STREET. moi.li:k's hod - t.MF.i: oil. " .vm. 1 It- . ir.i h. Kll.! I'ur, III I, III, ! -U ,!!. 1',- L.'Ik1"H 1 f.l ii :,t inurtl K!iil'i-tion. K!iil'i-tion. lH'j ilnrp'n l'.hili;i-,n ,'t' l'i-h,'iir-: Gold Alodnl i.f K,,v., Soi'ie!y ,r tl:o woltitro ,t" N,,rvv:iv. " (irc:it K T liibitiiin nt Si.H'klK'lm. IN',7 1'iiri. Inl,,ii,,!i:,l J.li,L,iti,,n. At vlii-l, ,t t. .k In -t ',,: I.M,ry- PV-lil romi.it..rH. It n i-r.-i.nuii.Mvt-- ! I v m ,', !! ri,t in. .1), ,U a, ill,,, r,r in t: ii i,, ,:.,... I , ,)i, Mr,,, S, ,, N) ,,, ,( ,. ;., k'., ,., Norllinnil-n l.ni l iiii.l pin I, ,in. !r. (,. A. S.,v,.v it ,.il(. ,.,t' l'iw i. li" only flip l.v i,ln. li I vxl ,-r Oil .1,'Mll-l br l...l,,;' Or. .1. M.in. n Urn, : "t 1,,,,. ,,,.. , II itl,i,,. l;,lly. ,,,! !,T,v,ry rrav.u ( ..rl.., ilv rtli.llr, ,1 Ij It. ' . FiTH,:,, 1'V Ullli.VI-l 1U1.1 CI, run. .. W.ll. Krhlcllrliu &. t o.. . Vol V. S,'l .j;.nt lor thr li. ail t'.um.I i. ' C. II. BAtTt. tl. K. II ,'i t m v. BASSETT& HOFFMAN: HARDWARE STORE . All kin.U i,l HEAVY HARDVARE,j Iron anil St !, j Stoves and Tin Ware) III. At Ks.ll I I'll 1(1111. s, ! A H rlr ii 1 1 tin, 1 I m lt iti r n I I Ami Mining TuoIn, .tl I. itwot Km,,. I I Ol'I'ICt TK NAI.r I.AKK1 IIIIIM,;, LIVERPOOL AND I LONDON ASO GLCBcl run: isi kmt, (oucaxv. ; Assclls - - . sis, (l(), 000,00. .1. . .IIOIIUI , ,(l"l, I'. O. Hull, II, iv, I f I.nlir Illy 1 A. IIOFFMAX A. CO. HEAL ESTATE Ilol:l:Is AND GENt'AL C0rrl,MISSI3N MERCHANTS. OlUrn Kli-Mt South Strrtt. Kt"il door nl of Kim bull 6l. l,n rrnct. Lnkr CHy, Mull. JmmI Ft..tc liouclit sni.l. 1lou5c? ! rcn'r l. Cclltvtio.i ms.io. Men hundif and iUut ptr.MUiI property bouclit .tud ?oid hy private i-.ilo i' r iuii-u.'u. Mciioy dv:mord cn propi-rt to le told. l,o;iu.- negotiated. Convc;. rtucmit done. j 1 A i .i r m of 100 acres in liriK-hloo listriet for s;tlo. ''.lif U ni ip entirely Kneed. In-1 tjuuo at tho Ileal FMnto Ac. mi.' v. ; V. A. HOFFMAN A CO. -'-Halt n l,ot in R loo SI. pint .. onlv h1 Moek troui I ho 1titli Ceutr.U Jxailroad do-p.t do-p.t lor mIo. K. A. Ui'KFM AN ,t CO. lieal btlale Aeni. o-Prop,i (y wHii'rd for luiinps purpojo? on .Alain troot. luqoirv nt I ho eJlI ttato Acenev, K. A. HOFFMAN OS 4-storo5 inul Jwollinns wanted to rmt. 'n-iuiro at F. A- HOFFMAN A Cf. -K.-al Fstnto for Pale in Hlock TX Piatt C. and in lilook l'lt It. lnmrr at F. A. UOFiMAN A CO. PSACTiCAL WATCHMAKERS. so" ELIA3UN &. HAUEF.3ACH, rl lnr K.nsl of io I4rrnli, ,.l 1 l, hut mk hm-Iim t ,,u, 111 nuy ,liil,,l y. r nv , ,,,, iM'tii ii i ivt r Mini. m lo .n oiiIh. Vt,.i. Woi U k .rniifil rl r,1 r vn T,,,,,,. READ THIS! THE SEWING ?HE Is 3. Handsome, Appropriate and Vsfu! Present to make a lady at CHRISTMAS OR NEW YEAR, Al our newly-fitted up S.leroom Second Doer South of the EagleEm' porium, between the Drug and CI thing Department, of Z. CM. I., will be found a Full Assortment of thee Admirable Sewing Machines At Prices to Suit Everybody. THE SINGER SEWING MACHINE SEEDS m PUFFING to commend It to the public, at lh, following A. TZ Tg- je, show: In 1S50 tbe.e now celebrated Machina vere fir?t obered to the pablic and in the four year? euccee-Jing I.C'J were eoM Io day over that numoer are weesiy ircd f.nt fr'm the factory, aad yer thii imiaen-e eap-ply eap-ply is no' tquni to the demand. At the end , o ihe year lo', upward of rSj fjj Machine 1 wereto.d. and in ihe then flowing years' from'' to'0, the number had beta LDcrea?wi to upward cf 500,000 MACHINES SOLD, One third of which were disposed of witliin the preceding , twelve months. rrotn the f-.reL.-uin? it will be ;eo thai dor in? the l,wt three year;, the sale have oeen upward of fit'.v p-r c-nt tcore thaa darm? ; the whole of ihe seventeen preyiouj year; THE PEOPLE'S VERDICT, j after a score of years thorough trial is that the SEWING MACHINE is adapted to all kinds of F'rk, sewing m readily toe thk'ke-t aad most stn'corn ei-tenal ei-tenal a- the nt ind most delicate ta -r.a: with a einch, that for erness, perfecuia acd durab.iity i; unequalled. Accotr p.in in-each Machine are rrintei ir.stractivns. fO plaiu and ey cumpre sion thj-. aiLhoUsTQ we re-'-ommend ca:c-er- to take at iei?t one lesson ir. m the up erator.ii is Scl ioai d ne purcr aer? se-izj at a glanee the imrlicity of the Ms.-ine and completeness oi the construci.iijn. bene oi the" ADVANTAGES OP THE SINGER MACHINES ARK iv.inpiu'i.y of construction tuerei'ore ls liaLiUty to got out oi repair. f hort. st-iipV nredle les liable to beai break or kip ihe stitch. Theihut:le i c.irried: friction, wear aid the necessity of greAing the race are thai avidod. Ke-Winrs,- with which lae mot iaipr-itnct.u iaipr-itnct.u cn aLu;. tie tension ofue uire4- Freodom from weir. A ter twenty yean eonsiAut service rhvr'e inchins hve never b?cn known to wNtr ..ut. They are noiseless, rapid ani e5j in til their move in on;. All our rn.'ichint's are ai.'urted ard pat it th-rourh ruuniUtc o. Jer.by con t-e;eot hsi'. betorc ucavtry. Purchasers tderciore t no troutne, but cm fuccc?stulij opera;iii tiiem at ouce. TH 1 NEW B JTTON-HaLE 2kl A C II INKS arc thoroufMy practieil and will perform ail that wccUum lor tjcui. The Improvnl ftU.aFACTURI.ia MACHINES for bcavy work, are tvo we'l known tonerJ c uiuiont. W o aJ.-o keep in s.xk the Anc Medium Xoitrli M AMJFAC I U.-ilNG MACHINES Our ftock of the Mincer Sfnjr Mic is Try cxien.iv, mbracuip every vanc:v of finish. Irom the pism Machine, ascustw on bick walnut tsble, oi'od. to tbe e.iN' ately pearled Ala.iiiie, wu.. cabinet csa-f'ld-.ntc rr in motllcd MacK ws.r.tit, rOf-wo. rOf-wo. d, or mah'uy highly poli"hsi. F ery ) rtcui.. U" lu , nifhed w ;;h tie b Oniplote luruiture. mclud.n tbe nephew uiei uvmi ail m aib.il a.ud feller d br dor. AVe (iimraiitre our ,M tlrm ml n, nil Idt ln KelUnjii Hi lllcUiiit.1 llrnldlnm .Mm).Ic Hnffllnin Kmbiolilrrlnat viio chalu ittth. ;t tn .iig and !rwlog on n ttmr.wlt li r without a bd. oa nl(fr or In the crutrri In.i tntlllni Ir I mmlnai MIJIf II wUllh. and kind., rle.. '" WE -UELIVER MACHINES H'iVA,.t! A,U;:, ia! Chart TO Al.l. lVVH l s OF THIS "lTV W- All kin.U of i.Mitv; M.t.-hiM thl'I'MUyJlly !i-p;iV.l I"'"' .-..Minl'lc Tonus, lvcmoiiibcr tho Mminuoilt '". mil affim MiMiK I'Oi Inm. H. B. CLAWSON. Supt |