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Show rriral and ( losius of Mails. ARRIVALS. fcrt-TurJi:;,!! tt.nl, diily. '- P1"- Local Ogden, H-'n City, Wasatch ami u Mor-m oounly. daily, gamiiiil aDd Waaalea conutiw, Knd, at ,;J0 --t-ruro?h mail, daily, , . Ijcal Weal Jordan led Hernmaii, Jf'.'l'uiity, Towdav, Tharaday iLf i,v 7:00 p.m. Su.ie, 8-wrdy, V-n-K,rth-Mh. Uo. Oregon ai.d W-b- iBKtoo Territory, daily, jr.5ua.ra. Local Karia d Box BldcrwontiM, dSr lo.aj a.n. Cache Mitj, Monday nd Toon. j ; Bjchcoulirr. liiuraUay, Smth-FiiUoore, and all mwracdimw .CJ. ot. Geor,re ad Anlona, Toeaday , I"" day .ad iatorday, " ilaup.u. county, Tueeday ud fainr- p JarrS-ld and (Mir Valley, Frld.y,ll:00 p.m. CLO8IN0. gut-Tir.ugl. mil, diuly, 9 P"- U-iiii- Morga. eouiilj, tcho Citr and Waatcu, dally, Buianut aid W azalea comuej, TDoxe- day, " WMt Cajikrui and Nera-la, Thronyb mail, dally, . L-ical Woat Jcrdan and HerT-jnan, Tuurad.,, :3u Tooele, Stockton and GranlrrtJle, Mon-: Mon-: -day, Wedneaday and ndy, yort Idano, MontAOA, Waabington and Oregon, daily, 1;J0 t m- 1,1 Karia and WeUr cc-anti., dJiy, Boi Elder county, daily, l:eO Cache county, Wedue.day and Saturday, Satur-day, 1:30 " Kicu county, Wednesday, 1-30 " th ruimore, and all mtermodiale office, daily, exx.piinday, 7:30 a.m. 8t.ijeor.ri: and Anzona,Monday Wednea- day and Friday, 7:30 Sanpete county, Monday 4 Friday, 7:30 , FalrDoldaod Codar V'y, Wednesday, 7:30 1 ' ' OFFICB HOURS. General Deli.ery open from 8 aJu. to 6 pji. Sunday, Vi to 1 p.m. Mousy Order and Registry Department open rom it a.m. to 4 p.m. Unhide door open from 6 a.m. to 9 p.m. J. M. MOORK, toatuuuiter. p,t Office, S:Jt Lako City. Clli. MEDICAL. t l). UKNKUIC T, SUHGEON AND PHYSICIAN. lllTi:o at Residence, rear of Serenlies Hall. V. I AJVIJEIts)., M. I)., SURGEON AND PHYSICIAN, MiVi at JUiidmice, in tlio Tliirieeutli Wird. OR. 0. C. 0 E1MSB Y, 1'IIVSICIAN, SURGEON AND DKUGGIST, 11R1GIIAM CITY, UTAH. LEGAL 1. Kirkputriek. S. A. Mann KIKKPATRICK & MANN, A.t tonic.yiei-Ji t-Law, OfICE FlRHT BOUTH St., Fourth door eait of Hooper, KldrodK &. Co. 'a Bank. . KNOW. E. D. II0OE. ssow iiogi:, Attorneys and Counsolora at Law Salt Lake City, Utah. Oflioo at Snow's orner, 1st Kant St. HOTELS. Salt Lake House, BAHT TEMTLE HTtlKP.T, SALT LAKH (U T V. T1LUKN LAWKKSiCK, Prop'ra. BANKERS. F I It ST IN AT I()1VA L 11 AN K OF UTAH. Suit Luko City, Utah Tor. W. H. lneowr. II. P. Kld.edi,,. I,. !. Hill" ll(Hver, KMrt'.life Co., BANKERS. Kast Tf.mvlr St., Salt Lake Crrv, Iaiar9 in i.iU Dust, Coin, JL'iohsnge, Land Warrants, tc . 'il.vtioni! midp and pvvmpi ly ra)ittel. CORRESPONDENTS: ll'iir. & Co.. New Yoik ; lt.ink of California, San Vi.uvi.v; Film iNuucnAl litik, Chu-ato : r,- li.tua LUuk, Si. Loin-; Fin-t NaliouM Pjna. nni.,li; J. tf. Mvlu 4 Co., Loudou. mA.I1- I. All w i:ni.Ma-: m ui:vm(. rooms F.ntit Tcmplf Strrrl, near Thlri out li btrvct. Ihi' K.bj n now on lvr tlw ot lvm1r ill iliir FiifivN, sii'l ib gtvi-(niy will l m fr"-" Rod Suiwrifiions. M.VUKKN nt".S?FV. l'rw;U-ol. l.i.JlUtlUrL A 4 AK COMMISSION MERCHANTS 104 anil ton Cull fornix St., Kranctaco, . C'ntifornln. IVirliouUr attrnlion ai,l to thenlliPBol rders lor vrT dejonmion ot rucrvhand I5e, Sil of ttrr,, Ac. Jtc. WILLIAM F. CALTON, .XPMUKN-CKP WKI.I.-PIUHFR, or,e I i i.look w-t and two with of 11th Ward . 'Iionl. house, wul dm H to order on the ,li rtiH noliee and in ."aliMm'torv tvle COAL ! COAL ! C'OAL in any iIomtM quantity, fr alo at (he 1". r. Drot, or iolivorNl in my rrt ot' the ciiv. , Onlcn can be left M thc"o-opcrativc Drug Pt'Tc. or at li. Kirk wood's civile tali Lake ll.iiiiii, okorof. ruis.no . CALIFORNU TR5DE. G. ACOLPHE LOW & C3., SAIs FRAN'CISCO, CAL. , Iinportera of TEAS, COFFEES Hpite, and all EAST LXDIA PRODUCE Of which they keep ptockj consiantly on hand for t-ale to the jr o B b iiv g- rr x a. de. AL60 AGENTS FOR La Viuda de X Harmony's, ef Caalz, SHERRIES, Bartlett WHITE LEAD COMPANY, of Xew York, AND PRAT T'8 XON-EXPLOSIVE ASTRAL OIL. James Otis. r W. A. Macondray. F- W. Macondray. MACONDRAY & Co., SSIFPISG k COMMISSIOM MERCHANTS, IMPORTERS OF UHiNA aN'J JAPAN TEAS And all deacriptions of EAST INDIA PRODUCE, SAX FRAJT6ISCO, - - CAL. A. J. GRIFFITH, Dealer in a11 kiuda of SALMON AND HERRINGS, 123 Washington Street, Below DaTii. gAH FRANCISCO. All kindd of Diit-d, Smoked and i'icklcd Fish CoIlaUDtly on lutud. CHENERY, SOUTHER & CO., Importers and Jobbers of all the varieties of FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC WINES AND LIQUORS, Which we ofl'cr for pale to the t in T"t;ih. at low r:iTe. in exchange fur NATIONAL CURRENCY "cuh down" or approved credit. j 311 Clay Street, gan Fraiiciaco, - - California WILMERDINS & KELLGG3, Importers and Jobbers of Wines and Liquors, 214 & 216 FKONT STliEET, SAV FRANCISCO. Jnm Priliilicti, John 5prm,nce, C. C. Cliapmau. J. &l J. SPRUANCE, Importcra and Wholesale Dealers in WINES AND LIQUORS, 4IS Front Strte, SAN I'KANCISCO, CAL1FOKNIA. Rll&ffl, EOSTETTER & CD, Importers and Jobbers of FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC DRUGS & CHEMICALS Fine Easenttal Oils, (iums. Hoots, SeeitM, Flowers, Sponge, Sk.Li.8, Pomades, tfce,, And all other Staples connected with the Wholesale and Kotnil Drug Business. Constantly in reoeiut, by direct Imiortation, of Europoan and Asiatic products. Exclusive Agents for Quicksilver. HoPtetter'g Bittern, Drake e Fiuntation Bitt rp. Wolf's tfheidum Sohni.jM'. Newell's Fulmonaiy Syrup, And all the leading Proprietary Medicines both American and European. Ordors Promptly and Carefully Executed. Va 54U and 531 Market Street, Between First and Second, SAN FRANCISCO. CALIFORNIA. Leather and Saddlery Warehouse. MAIN & WINCHESTER, V14 & 21 BATTER V STREET, SAN FRANCISCO, Oft to the trado of S.iH Luke nriil vicinity M5ATIIF.K, r all klnils, HAKNESS. CLl('OHM IBIII.r, COI.LAUS, 111(S. And a Kencral a.iortinent ot' SADDLERY COCD"! AT NiW YORK PRICES. ?cnd for Ciitlocu,1.- and rri c.'. EINSTEIN 3R33, & CO,, lr?porteri and Manu;';u'turers rl BOOTS AND SHOES 113, 115. and 117 Pine Strrei, SAN FUANCISCO. Wc would especially cU the attention of the Tr.U t-i our CALIFORNIA MADE GOODS 1 Which in point ot nyUt, S: nd d;.b;Wy are equl to the bet cuMom taiae ttous. WHITTIER, FULLER & CO. srec ksRS "O Cameron. Whittier A Co.ni Ful'. or A Heather IMPCBTKB3 AND PKAl.HR IX PAINTS, OILS, AND WINDOW GLASS. SOLK AtiKNIS FOR FRENCH AND BELGIAN PLATE SIA5S COS il & 23 FRONT STREET, Or. Pino 8trKit, san FnA.NCi-.co. CHRISTMAS MEATS ! I5EEF, ;MTJT TOM And Pork, lOUSij. JA1, aricr ANT) riMim, Tcmrtins ti P'i:. ni. 1 T7.vi-;r.z to l,urcha1er7. o. r l by ,j iiiiiii' A: r.i ni, STALL No. J. MK VP MA 11 WE I'. Hoi... Iho Y , I ll j ,-., Market. t.re.i .i. i t I i . V. ,,... si I Lt u:v. J. lli.'.f. .tiM ',,a-.d ,ie tl.eai. Lonk out for Ihe . 1 1, 1 1 1 1 w ll I ll 11 J by f.nry ( hlne.f lanlrn.an,l vatly decorated. JENNINGS k PAUL. ISIIAVIN'. iiAll'.-l M . IN'. SALOON. JOHN SQUIRES & SONS, KAST TE.MTLK T R K V. T . 7irt ddr h :b ' P ; . '. t . . r. r . Iri vji to 1 'oin i For Cu:t:ic ir. i 1 -. - ' ir. i C ":. .-MAM .-MAM F A Tl KF.n 11 UR. crier. A i, i:.' ? ' -i t- r-r Ornanrni-i H(r W orh. Liie; ' r. 1 ii.-j- : - - - h r. jr j. T'Tft.'.cit, K :.f. N "" A - , 3. T. HELMBQLD'S 'Higlilj- Concentrated COMPOCAD FLUID EXTRACT BUGHU, K pos;:ire and Freciic remedy for disease o: the B sider. K.dcey, liravel ana lropKai 5we.lu.es. This medi ice increape? the power? cf di-e-iion. a-.'d eiciies the aburien:? into aealmy aotion.b which ihe ma:ier of rai-t'an rai-t'an ou iiepo;iiin-. and ail unnatural n-la'-gemena a.re reduced, as well as pam and msamax tion. and is guod iur men, women nd cnudren. H H. T. H LN"3 lD'S iXRACT BJfHU For weakness ari-ir.p from excesses, habitp of dissipation, early inai?cretion,a'tt.naea wnh the loi lowing iympioins : indipo?itio t Exertion. Lsp of Pwer. JitScmty of Breaihmc, L-;ss of Memory. 1 Horr-r o' Diicae, W aKefu utti, Iiin:.ess c Virion. P .in in tne iiacfc, . Fiush.ng of the B.iy, Hot Hands. Krup iotir of tht: Face, eafe -S rvM, Dryness of tne kin, Treuibung, I Fa hd L Couiitenaiice, Lassitude. Uf the Muscu'ar y-tem. These symptoms, if allowed to go on.! (woich tai- nu-dieine invari.iuly reuiorevf soon follow Fa, uity, inU.'tic Fit.-, Arc,1 in one of tqicq Hie p.-tient may expire.! Who can say they re nut I . e- jont b followed fol-lowed oy th-'Se "direful airwioe.-." ln&aniiy find (ousumpiloii! p h. Many are aware oi tnecau-"e of their ntier- ' inc. but "ne will c .lit Xae rovords of i be in-ane asylums the m lanehoij- dtiiihs oy ei'Uuuij.;io.. Oeaj aiuple witness tu the truth oi tne iir.-eri ion. Tne Ci-uatitu: ion, once iiUccte l hy orp-ii.ic we;ik lies?, i t.qui'e- ( he aid ol medicine to rciicthen an i invigorate he s ste u, which H. X. iti'.L viij.iLi) FX IK aCTuF BI Cill mvariablv d-e. A trial will conviuee the Uj'et sceptical. In many ahi-'-tioiit p culi.ir to Fu-uj;' les. t tie FXTivALf ULlUU i. uneiuaiel by any i.t li - t rcu-C-iy , a li'' tor al i Coinpiai ni; ii.cuicn I o tiic S'-.v. or in the UElLliiiOU CUV.XC-E OF LIKE, SHE SYMPTOMS ABuVL No Faruilv should be without it. Take no Balsatu. Mercury, or unpleasant medicine fur uaplcaiaut aiid daugeroua dis-s dis-s a es . II. T. Helmbolda Kxtraci ,f Buihu IMPROVED ROSS WASH Cure? Secret Disease? in a.l V-ir stages at luue expense. Iiulo or no cnajge of aiet. no inconvenience, and no exposure. m Use Helmbold's Extract Buchu For all affecions anil dio:ise? of thes orpans whether extsliug lit Mule or Female, from whatever cause orit,' inuti ng, and no matter h.-w long landing. Lisea c of these organs require the aid o. a diuretic. H. T. Helmbold's Extract of Bnclm IS THE GREAT UHRETIC. And it i? certain to have the desired effect in all diseases lor which it is rec jmmeuded. BLOOD! BLOOD! BLOODI H. '. HKLMBOLD'S Highly Concentrated Compound Fluid Extract Sarsaparilla, For purifying the Blood, remoring ill chronic chro-nic constitutional die- asep arising from an impure etate of the Blood, and tne only reliable and effectual known remedy for ihe cur oi Sroiula. cald Head, Halt Rheum, P. iins and Swellings of the 13 m-s, Ul'-era-tim? of t be 1 hroat and Leps, Blntche, Fini-ple? Fini-ple? on the Face. Tetter, Frysipolaa, and all scaly Eruptions of the Skin, And Beautifying tlie Complexion. Two tablespnonsful of the Extract f ar-snpftrilla ar-snpftrilla added (o a pint I water if tqail to t.ie Lisbon Diet Drink, and one boitlwful ip fully equal to a gallon of t he Syru p of 8a r a-parill, a-parill, or the decoction a Ueua.ly made, O H. T. HELMBOLD'S ROSE WASH, An ixcellnt 1. o.j'm i'-T diseases ari - in from iMbits. (if di--. .ition. u-ed m rcnnec-tinn rcnnec-tinn wi;h the hxtrurt? Buchu Hnd arfxps-r arfxps-r Ha, in cuch diyfvj.e a rec inmendcu. K nience oi t he ifl-t repbnxi bin ui-'l i m J c n a ac ter will acC1 iu pa i.y i n e in rd c-i nc. Also explicit directions f'ir u-r, with Ht -i.KIW UF T!PL".-UVi'8 living lliMf. and upward? of .i i.i i1 ' u n e 1 i ifi U' 1 cort tic 1 1 f n d recommendatory lei!-r. m my f "hi h nre from he hixftie-t h-iurcp-, me.udmg eminent Fh sician-, Lie) k-ytuen M-tP-tneti. Vr 'Ihe Fr""riel"r U,w never rewted t their pubii-Mtbin pubii-Mtbin in ih- nc-M it? ; b" dn-t n-n do 1 1 1 ; , T"iU t 'ie f."M I bat hi- a r i u I i-s th nk a .andard F re pa r a T 1 r -. aiid d D"t nee'l to be pT'tpl el up (.;, C"itiL!-a . L :,-e -f .Hue'".'1 li'.e the r - -i T ,,iiiiri. -', . I f'.m I -in.p " rum t, t Ijm, ,i , i.g r P- ii- i-.-i.. l-.'iur'ii'in br u? pniar, and irufa al-.ne ;or IU Unpaal. L .My TV-" v.-,, (r..H . a P.l"-1 I'tfi- fi ; !i . L ' r'i ' Ml 1" B 1 ' . ur- ' r, t ltd :, , ., ,u ., in Ml v.--. liitti rp i r-'i'irc I '.r, puf'.y i n ' i fi p- - r, p' : i, v .i no n r. I a t ! r u, f IL---.-H c r, .i.t fft' fi-i t' ilia ! r- al) a 1 -'," il-iw t .-- ' w 1 4 i i !:)'-- !:)'-- .:, ' r,. i i - ; w ,r : r: a it. p..y - -l I . " j V ' ! ,t .; i'r . .. r . vi - i .. r ' ,- . . 1 !r- - , . .. K ' " ; - r w ; J 1 ! l i - t i. , . ; . ; r -'k' r.r. 'Z ,P.. ..... j A1 .r-. f - : r. n r !. I H. T. HIIKIBOLD. I H . 7 . 1 1 lailiild'. llrnn and f liimlr.l r. I.i.i, -r. '.,1. Ilri,.il.),.l. I H.T. M.lmhAld'i M.dt.al Or pot. Oii.j on 111 I . i I t M . r' It 1 1 a tl . I j, 1. 1 a. Beirare fcf ConBt-Arff ita ASK FOR H. T. HELMBOLD'S! TAiCK NO OTllKIi ! ' CALIFORNIA TRADE, J.EVERIHXi V CO.. COMMISSION MERCHANTS i Clay St. Sua Francisco, DEALERS IX OREGON PRODUCE. Are cccsi&aUy in rre:p : of Orrca Hniis Baron. StJLrch, of w-n an.1 Fs:ra m--'V-r'- a.w,y oc hAud. BRITTAN. HOLBROOK & CO Importer? and le!erf in Stoves 6c Ranges, SHIETIRQN LJH PLATP, Coppr, Zinc. Shrrl Lead, Wire, POTPS, Ijo cl and Iron Xlloo. TIHKV JIOI', Tooli and Maehinery and General HOUE FURNISHINC H'DWF, Embracing Plain. Japanned. Planished and tm ped W are, Nob. Ill A 113 CaJtrornta and o. 17 A. 19 Davis streets, SAN FRANCISCO. CAL. S. P. Holden. Ju. Moorhed. S. P. HOLDEN & UuM Imponer of FOREIGN UKV GOODS, L inens, Dress Goods. Hosiery, Ac. 28 A SO SAN SOME ST., SAN FRANCISCO. London : 27 LeaJenhall St., K.C TOBIsN, DIXOM 6l DAVJSSOfi, Importers of ENGLISH, FRENCH 4kv GERMAN Fancy Goo-U, Mi'Unny (iooth, Yankee Xon'on W'h te Gcoils, Pocket Cutlery, Isiny, Perfumery, Llnm IIikchf. HuTing ifki.lrnt Punnorn m Kui'i'pi. itMif in iim--l ri'inmimioati'Mi wiili t hi- in mi; luct urn , we are enabled to e.vecuie orde, mid Sell at as Low Rlr as New York lmporit-rtt, c lU'Uf Ihe Mtteiiti ti -l BUYERS FOR UTAH TERRITORY To onr ?t"-k. whirh is the . -t ;md n.t ti ifj on the Pacific Coat. TO BIN, DIXON & HAVISSON, lan FranrH-rn, Cul. EST A IjIN W J U 1QSO. CASTLE BROTHERS, impo t t t nns WHOLESALK GROCERS, 13 Front Street, San Francisco, California. MURPHY.6RANT&C0. JijVIS FICAINCIMCO CALIFORNIA. Call attention to their Utro hdi, wpII avtort Iik a et Dress Goods CotnpririDQ FRENCH PLAID POPLINS, EnipresH Cloth, 'I'tunl Clotli, In 411 olora, FRENCH AND ENGLISH MERINQES. ETO, I1TO. UTO. a Ian, full linM II 0 S I E I! V, White. (cmmh, I.liK ii-, TABLE DAMASKS, NAPKIKS, To -1 i ii gK. A.f A i '-f t.'- t it,, ii in- ii. t j m . k i-: i j Ta i : i - ; I - ' t' . , r i..." h. M. - A 1 '-I ' I r ' .NATIVE WINES ND2fUKDiE8 T. K F t. I f- K A: f O., r '.' -t fti -I -.- r. Sun Fran. -x-n. - - - C - 1 1 f ti t . A ii ' lira V Iik, I M n r m .1 n W I . frt ! HHtr-. !hhrr- (.(!- Htt). A . W h- M'.--- - r -.-y :..' .;,- , , ., , r-- ' ' -I- y ' r, ' - ' i w k ' : , I. H I -t , k- k ' u . . .. r I .-.-, II I ( II A tf O MMMMIIM), j V E I L & CO. j ; v r i ' i. ' i jCigar3 and Tobacco I'r- p'i-t'.r ,.e HAVANA Mi.'.p. VANfFAH'diy, j ..I, and HT Front M., j ? ,n:t.wl r'.me.r Fr'-M A- Mrauitrr.to I Alt F X A it c i a c o. UTAH CENTRAL HA1LKOAI). PIONEER LINE OF UTAH, On and aft er Thur.diy, rec. 1, 1 S7 0. ltlj Trams ! Lmt Salt Lake iit at 5 i m and p.r". 1 Arrive a: Ofder; 7 a. m. as.i 4 p. m. Leave 1 'p.ien S , m. and A1 p. ui. Arr rest SaJt Lake i it- ,-n and 7:oi p.ai. F.r from Salt Lake City to Wood's Orov? .7,1 Oenireviiie $ ,?V Faran .g;on Kjtiuf I. Csden ..V Fare from Or den to Kaysville $. .V FM.vrC:o:i io Om revuie - Wvi'i'fi . :ait Lake City- - k1 In addition to the iho e AN ACCOMMODATION TSA N Vi:i run DAILY, SUNDAYS KXOKPTKP. Leaving Ofdea at . re. and Sal, Lake Oity at 4 0 p m.. On which full fare will rnt tle the pnr.h:ir of a tu-kel to return on h s.nm-.i .y ,i.d ;ra n fro", and will stop by a-r-ns i,h the cond cior al an p uu on i.ie lino to take on or lei off p ..eiue . PassengerH will plrar Purchnne luctr Tlckel at iHe Oltlcr. Fifty Cents additional will he cl-.a-fod when the fare s coWo-oted on the iiiun. For all information eomvrnunf trviK-'.i or p.i.- ace, appi to D. O. CALlKR, Tick, t and Freight At. Sa t Luke C;ty. JOV A. VOl i !Mip. UV.R?CiH & QJED,iTi.V;N. r'-vk - : "V-. V - .-'..i, ... .v ... , in ii an l 1 1, Of Royal 'Mt.tl l -imn., iI1Im fro m N v w o r k Every Saturday, AMI Allcrii.tli' I iu . c a til ii i'...iiK,, to i.i , . , .,,.a. ( a i i-, ft .no biiiiagf , i.i.i ilu.un Pai.Afir from Ll, rl-Mol ,o rw 1 til k Cnbln, ... iii,,!, ;..,MI Menage, - - (I'm i , n. ) ill. ml Ronnd Trip Tirkotii i.eiir,l nt very Inw rale .11)11 i. II a 1, 1 . A,, hi 1.. lli,,.,,lv, .y. N ew oi k, Or WILLIAM CA 1.1 1 U. At.ml, Hull Lake I'll)'. Vi,),, PIJNEER SHORT ROUTE EAST. CHICAGO & NOSTHWEST'N I'fcwlniW' i4 its' ' RAILWAY Khortrit and ((ulrket Route from Omaha to 1 hlc-ago antl i he kM. Tb baatnrn Klpras. VHvtri Oinxha dnlly In cm in eel mu w 1 1 ki tr i tin on t lie l ii rnl iid Linon Paeifie rai 1 1 oadn. h d 1 m r r i ia ibClil-?$u ibClil-?$u in ad i a ues .f all nt h- r inuiti, A new and gplemliil line of Pullman I'alare Holt I anil f1i epliig ( oarhes Ha rereutly been 1'Uilt li-r llii- Ci.inpanr. The ("hiiaan ttnif N t h - 1 i n la I ! Pi-.i.f HmloM laniwtMii l tuiatho atnl 'I, i. IH , l.,, rmiii.lH -.ti.e I IIHKk k A he Aid). which lime, Ihe Mmum.-' !. i t iiila.t pnms D'tr el-fnBli) ilfilin a ,.IIm- R)rft tia-aaml eMinppiii it with m.IPi. t- a ..t it, mni iH'xterit ire ii u(nii.n m. ito. k-i )' tl, f' I u! ill n( Id h h m I ( In,-., ,.). .. 1,, i ! Tr)iii Pul iK tui Kaaivru n.m n i. . hh I .,r filbert, ( o an fort antl aalriy. Il.,i:i..erbwlii UiLiiirh t H (. ta .-t atiil rha-K. t,,r Hhh.i.i wi OiukI.M'.I I l,i.a!J U faiuum Uolilxiai thniili iir hela H UTf Hll aifa If,, I I ' Ii 1 I IM f ill. t " Ml'll Norl h-"UTii Kmlwt w,u a mu U ,ih,i .-I 1 all I he j.i in ipl rU w . v mi-l ale II i. , t, Ihe ( rvt-t Hl-i ni. l .t m '.M. I .-.., ... I ( i.fll.e al (A l.hKH llltif. ft-.r.-, ',.!.,.,. e., Kail Uk t it, for any inhrn.ti'ii in ii(mil n In i .-Li ni ') t HARRY ROClRS, V lalll IJ I -l-'l I i I at , ' I II. IV p'ANW'I -. A I- t.Y.-i I. I'l ' I 1 I "I ' " i W M KTVi IV ni A af.-..l " I |