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Show Fi.nb Frehh Hojtet in the comb, J delisioiw aad eheap, at H. Wallace's. adv A New Stock Of the finest brands of cigars, tobaccos, pipes, pipe--tems. walking eanes and notions generally for gentlemen, bought personally per-sonally in San Franeisxso. and for sale by Ed. Harris. , adv Winter Is C'oiiiNrt on'. As that is the season of festivity you should buy your watches, jewelry, clocks and toys, at Call 0. Asmussen's new jewelry jew-elry and toy store, East Temple street adr Matches. The Great Western matches, manufactured by Paul Lech-tenburg Lech-tenburg are equal to any imported and warranted to keep in any climate. Try them and be satisfied. Sold at the 10th ward co-operative store. adv. Paris ls starving, the Prussians say. Golightly k Harris, though, keep the Globe well supplied with the finest bread, crackers, cakes, pies and pastry; and manufacture the ehoicest quality of pure candies. Try them. adv Important ! Don't forget that Joe Simmons' Saloon and Restaurant, hotel ho-tel basement, 2d South Street, is still well supplied with Oysters, Pigs' Feet, Calves' Tongues, Sardines, Lager Beer, Tennant'a XXX Porter, Bar-olay Bar-olay k Perkins' London Stout, Shep-ton Shep-ton Mallet Pale Ale, Brewer, Bemas k Co.'s Omaha Ale, J. C. Partridge's Golden Crown Cigars and Fine Cut Tobacco. Great speciality at this Saloon is Fresh Oysters, large, fat and luscious, served up in every style. A Bupply tust received. This is the place to get a substantial Lunch any hour of the day, and at very cheap rates. adv. Proclamation to the Tublic. I do hereby issue this, my Proclamation, Proclama-tion, lo the traveling public : Parties visiting Salt Lake City and going ea-t on tho U.P.R.R., will find it to their advantage to leave Salt Lake City on the evening train and remain over at Ogden that night, thereby having hav-ing a g.xvl night's rest, aiid so be fresh for travel at S o'clock a.m., when tho daily express train leaves this depot. de-pot. At the Oeden House we offer as good accommodations as any house west of Omaha. Free bussos at every train to and from the depot, adv John Mahon, Proprietor. I A Fresh Supply of genuine English Eng-lish Ale, Golden Crown Cigars. Pigs' feet. Lambs' tongues, ic, kc, at Phil. Margetts,' 2nd South Street, adv Go for Him. George Chandler, determined to continue to please the public as he has done heretofore, will keep the choicest meats of every kind, with accommodating salesmen to wait on customers. Try him. Srall No. 2, right hand, entrance of Meat Market, Mar-ket, adv. DIEBOLD & KIENZLE, SuciiMsors t Diel-o Id, Huh man n k Co.. CELEBR TED CINCINNATI FIRE AND BURGLAR PROOF And Sartfent"? M:ieneli- anl Automatic . Bunk SL. Z ., . PKATTei COVEKT. Goneral Agents, fj Washington .St., Chicago. H. B. CLAWSOS, Supt. Z. C. M. I., Agent for t'tab Territory. TONSOKIAL! If you want Fashionable and Skillful a n. 33 e n i ixr o 60 T6 UNCLE BOB RUSSELL'S Whn hut HFt-oeinted with him Mr. Jl'LIVS sa.VGER) at theold stand on Second Snath Street. H.iir D res.-in?. Shaving, Pbampoo-ing. Pbampoo-ing. and all kinds of Hair Work, from a triz to a wir. done in a manner warranted ti sive satisfaction. B ATHSJB ATHS ! Warm Spring' Baths ! Private and Plunge. Thr"- CflobrntM haOi r open to tin- puMic at all WHwim. Thir medicinal I'rnpoi I irn are v wi1Hv known that it is neKllw lo enumerate th-m. rWidoa the PriTatf Bath. Th lri;p mi-i hfunUnni-ly hfunUnni-ly fnrni-h.'d Flange Baths t..r ,jHif and Oditifmfn are now Of. II ARNOLD, PIASO RAFFL.E. Only 300 Chincti, at One Dollar Each. A eeven and a half o-uve Pin. c-pt $42.. Examine the instrument and buy yuur tickets :or the Rafce al MBS. COLEBROOK'S. 1 VOi SALE! A lew hundred "fr;'' in the "liniic" cd "Lafayi:e"' Ldc, Tin i c M;nin? District. E.nu,re of JOE MM MOSS, i Oniah Hruf? Ea-'ment. I , TELEGRAPHIC! I Heref:er th DESERET TELEGRAPH CO,, On ttf-i;- (f T.E ;.:1- fcr i-.., bete,E Salt lake city asd ogdex I ! And Two CHS IS f.r tA.h td:tisl w.ri A . MII.TOS MrsFR, S-M, HEW ADVERTISEMENTS. D. DAY. O. F. CULMER. DAY & CULMER, Wholwale si It-tail I'ecrs ia DRYiGDODS, GROCERIES, HARDWARE, QUEENSWARE, GLASSWARE, BOOTS, SHOES, HATS, BLANKETS, OILS, NUTS, &C..&C .WE MAKE BEST TEAS Purchaser? will nni ii to their advantage advan-tage to give us a call before buying eUe where. First loor Sntuh of Town dock Su ie. THEATRE CHANGE OF TIME. L'yir ojen at 7; Perf rr.an-o to cou-meiice at 7:. . RENEWED ATTRACTION ! Wednesday Ev'g, Dec. 7,70, Will be iiresentM the beautiful Dome-tic 1 1 num., entiili-1 THE ROAD OF LIFE! ACT I. Tlie Village-. Labor aud lis Lesson. ACT II. The Metropolis. Wealth and it Temptations. ACT III. The Heath. Want aud its Coi.se-1 Coi.se-1 uences. To cnulude with the Laughablo i'urcu entitled The Artful Dodger In active preparation, the pi-eat Nautical and bensational Drama, entitled TILE LO.-iT WHIP. Will shortly appear, Mr. aud Mtws Couldock, supported by t he Lanrlshe Uranvr c Company. S A T. U J-' " ' ' EXCIIAXGG AND RE VOING R001 Tkmpouary Office. Gould A WoiHiwar-i's, Kast Temple St The Seerotarr ivill be in attendance Dail to explain the Objecii of the Institution, tht Rule? and Reiriilation?: enter the names o! appiieantj- l'ur Membership, and receive Kn-trance Kn-trance Fees. WAKHt.N UUSKV, COAL ! COAL ! COAL in any de-ired quantity, tr alo at the U. C. Dpot. or delivered in any part of tiie it y. I Orders can be left Ht the Co-operative Drug ; tore. or at R. Kirkwiod's, oji..iie Salt Lake Uou-e. GEORGE CItISM . 3 HOTELCDOKIKG STOVES o. 1Z Complete, For 6alo at Hal't llofliuaii'-, Opposite Salt Lake House, Main St. TO PRE-EMPTORS. W e rv n-iw pr pari t to turni-h A ricuUural Lund Script F'T ibe loea'ion of (Ji.v.-rniBent Land at JNi per quart r .section. HOOPER, ELDKEUGE CO. Salt Lake City, Nov. r0, 7t. ;UTAH CENTRAL RA1L.KOAI). j ri-""T Nil iniivr (PIONEER LINE OF UTAH j On and after Thursday, Dec. I, 1570, Oaily Trains Leave Sal: Lske Ci;y a; ? a-::; r.sc Arrive a: Oirier. 7 a. le. ar.i 4 p. m. Leave i. p ien at 5 a. m. sua 5--x p. in . Arrive a: SaI; Like City I-1 ani 7:30 v.ia. Fare from Salt Lake City to Wow"? Cross ? .0 CenTrevi'.le 5 .? FarrsiLgtor: I.i5 K-iysville I.- Cjic-n - -.S Fare from Ogden to Ksy?vi"e ?".3' Farmirjton '.- Cen.revi.le -..s5 M"o."d' Crv? - - frjilt Lake City . In aua:ti-n ;c the aV.n e AN ACCOMMaDATiQN TRAI Will ran DAILY. SUNDAYS KXCK1TK1. Leaving 0,rden at 5 a- m. and Sa.; LakoCi'.j i.1 4:4-j p. in.. On which full f.ire wiil en: i'c the purc:.ae o: a ;ieket to rt-turn on the f.in:e uay ;,rd train ire?, and wiil i.'p by arrnUCiUi: w.'.h the (.-otid .cu-r at any p-tint uii t .c Wv.e tc take on or let off ...-?vi:cor-. Pasenifers ill pU osr Pnrrlias their Ttckrts xt the- Other, :he tare . eri.e.--i .-u 'u- For all infuruiaiioii e.-M.-vrr.iv.g freight .: p.. Ai-e, ap!-'... D. O. C ALDER, Tiekel k:.d Fn-ijiht Sa'.t Luke City. JKA.VOl.1(i Hupi. 3F" C X LIVERPOOL & Q'JEEKSTGWX. IN Is! AN LINE Of Uoyal Mall Steamers, Sailing from New York Every Saturday, AND 'Alternate Tuesday. j Cabin Passage, to LiTerpool, (pUI) $75.00 ( Sste t i nge " nv.j 30.06 Passage from Liverpool to New York j Cabin, - (ieUl. (75.00 jSteeiage, - - vCuiiiiny oI.OO 1 Round Trip Tickets U?ued at very Im? r ite?. JOIIV G.DALK, A nt. I i Broadway. New ork. , Or WILLIAM 0AL1O-.H, Aent. Sail Luke City, I't ih. I A NEV SU?PLY of the eelcl-ratf-d f studs: i? v si. i:m iWAGOWS ARRIVED. I Kmbmcini; ln-ary and li hi FARM AND The Favorite 3D 1 A IV i. c XNT T ud oilier LIGHT SPRING WAGONS, Y'ery desirable for Family ne, .JOIIV T. C.M.M-, Aernl, : Suit Lake IIcimIJ Om.c T. a W. TAYLOR U E JL ST KKCKIVKD A LXWGK U )T ( iK COOKING AND PARLOR STOVES! Cheaper than ever Sold in the Territory. CALL AMI ,Ki; THKII; Splendid Assortment of New Goods! ' HW ft id i. U" '", 1177 i -'7f"r 1 V SAMPLES ARRIVED and CA.v i;k rrsii r TEASDEL & t'CD':. Wlio A l-.E AM.M? i'o; i ; j: i. i i.i.i.i;;; i f : BLEES RJACHSE i L;:.k M :.. L.-k 'i: ... .;....rr.i V- ! b- ! v " ;.. ; , .Lin .. ; :. 1 J. w. r,. ioi!K M(Hi.ri to akrhi: in : im. Our Dry Coods. Grocery, Boot. Shoe, Hardware and j Crockery Departments r u v: FLOUEXCE XOISELESS FAMILY SEWING MACHINE ; Standard Machine cf the World ! Til" Special Committee- appointed o evamme aiktl rrport on Sew intj Machines Al i tie North Carolina State Kalr. held at Kalelfh l.t -fk.idid a Gold ledal tot r Klorrnrr rinc XarlOttr for the i fi'f aid k n n-1 it of 1 1 mm r m e nt iei iVrii.iii nnd la rs;e nri-t of oi k. and 1 1 s a 1 uu ble urw ft-at n rr nt-Winsj nt-Winsj it the mot alnablo Seeing M arhlne for fnmlTv uvr, Parties coutem)lattii tle )tnr-rhie )tnr-rhie of Sewing Machine are r-inetted r-inetted to read ihf follow tug f om the .w York. "Tribune" of Oct. I 9th, 1 0 : SHVlMi M.VCI11M. We Iiiito re.-i-nt'y liti oCJ-sion m ninU .v.c ir.jmno.-. into the -;. ,.f in. .Ki t in tlie ineohani-ui ol" sewing tniu-liiiit'-nl w..-e nt.t a l-.tt',- urrri. ,1 t, U-.-.m hH' he fi-ntrril mm im tho tii-si iuv.n in tin -;int;.e-?i,U huh!.- i- pit.--. . thouu iranj '.-..nits ti:!, Io-.mi ip.t t.t ui.orcevl.- u. be shuttle, in c min-.tti- n wth th.- nee. ho. ssnii the - o:n. u-e.i to form thfU'to .in he n..-' ui .-iii.i fin.l thai tho .t. wth ot tia.iu is ehmly with itie-hiUiU 'Ihp iinproveiiient-! th it nr t:tVinp linn hold iu irotie:il um- re, tlien-r'nr--. nece-Fa--ily mi e.iiine.-tion wiih the huitle, eith.-r n the il-t:nl ut' thu -hutil.- its It. ..r ; in other puis of tho i.itiohme c-nn.-M,, ith u. t ivniM1 tho who1'.- to opw,-t'e in'ij piTk-ctly hipI uniioiuily, ami to finiphty ii-i uc iNny import int tains in t'-i 'liivM'on, m.iJe ,-ineo tin-lii.-l cre:i( invrntion, ire un- 1 l.Mihtcily einVo.ii.l in 1 1-.- --l".,,r. n.'- " nut -ohhic: c r. .-oni in . our rt-micr! to .i viii'h m.-pect i 1k "I io.-onH befnrc un-k un-k .fie : choi,-o. The point peulifl- to thip n'nhire t-r : An unu.-um rtinonnt I money en' in I'-.iK'iip the "Kl.-r-noe," ilierehy seonriii ; he het tu.iteriiil ' -fori . f-r in-t n,e, wlif r o oiho; um- e ;-i-ir. n , in i I t 'u- m-M in, (, ,, i in port ;i n t p;i i I s 'tin- fitntlo. t r a n. pi., i-niir riiri.il r.-i.,tct if t Viiri- iroin ihe tiu.diini l-ilouh ot an inch 1) It if em tru, 'leil on the r 1 1 1 1 1 -1 ' -1 so l oil 1 1 ii e n imoii-U-, .'.tirelv iivP. iiMnj w th i he . -. hioI o . in, .n it link wiuni 'o oli in ifol pot vorso y mil l.jilrrun.u.ir.ly i'orpi,x ev.v y cue hui l; i r'i.-li o-l i,,;i.'hiiii-i l,y thoir u ii i oiur- tl'le Iro.iks. I no "J lon-n. V i na (iHiiifrel, itiol ii-uo i m ro.div lo.rm-i hat an ..iiiuiiuy km"1 uf ton h.it vwi .,n.i iuu-ele enoLU-li t i u n il prrlooi iy. i' e look --titeh, nt iiiaup hy ti.o flDrenoe" U .rv e uhir..iii portoot. iry - tiuiy ;m I rhi-iu-. Ilil i.- ilrawil llto (MOIlIv. r,r..l- uiil I , f.Xi.i- ly. wm hoUt .lorkinir, n n.t without ausirt; tiie -earn to i n . k - r, or rt i ai u uu in-' in-' h roa.i o a o , mlatik'.T i'.s hi e j k inji ; o.'it- oiueiHi, voiy niio iiu.a.l- mot t ...hr. - h,- u o.l. i(o,iil.-p t h is tho F t-reiic.'" in nl! hu ihe ,-huij.e-t m;1, al-o maKi", line h I,Ih;,.t,;iI hiiKhft. n ,,.tihio I,,, k. H -innle kio.i ,,,(, o kno nhi h o -liojutir . ''' moro ola-tto man Hhv olh.-i iti-l, hn.i wtiion an- niM.lr l.y no uiiioruwt-'i uiiioruwt-'i i in'. 1 (i o " h i o i on cc " i ho ii v imiii-Ii ii r 1ih t h i ;i fo oi 1 1 oi o 'oei. nh oifuy l ho i i -'"lion . t t .,o , ow.iu' o .1) l.o 1 1 . 1 ti 1 1 1 1 y iiiu.tr'-' wii l,oiit p. i . . i i iK i l.o n.nk, 1 1, ii i it mp tl rei a .-t to .uili .r i ui I ' i I 1 villi unu-nal t '-i l, n- Im-k rt -,r-l ' nti.i o.lsii v m entfi I, on H ruin wloiovr tli-cio.) ml. ti- i.l lv. l-y h ! r. -. utitohe. to la-IOIl .-ImI-. ill till' .,110'Im-I hthI H tni..- wa. It i- tho only m.i mho thai has . m-II vi ni-i ijil- shut t le -1 h r e- ! tn -ion. whi. li work- so por J. vi ly that mo ofj.-i ainr nun i n n IOIM-, I n- M-I-IIIS i,, th'- IIM'-I hnon mot tho tliirlc-'i hi ...ol.-ioi h i imiuo-'liato imiuo-'liato sU'-O' -i-ioii withon loo kit-K ihlini -il iHI'l I,,. OH ,o 4n,L. ,ho ,i -,. , MH' h (IF ten-Min. lin " t In. -i.-i.' .Ii:i,il.. ih,,. ,( Tilo Uioelotli wiil) unoiuali-l prooi-ioii mi l '-ori a mi . ly in. 'in. I hii I'n-etiK' m hukj-Tiuitio hukj-Tiuitio "tako ii) " wlLi-t, Whn b 4r,. f ,' il.eUfk il.ioa-t h i. iior iho-m.h'w th mm M,,'u,i"" i-ioMi) tl,i .i-vonis .i I miH'l- inir or nr.-i-p-ny t -m, l( ;, ,.,w- ,. ' i"'! '"' 11 "r t . nu, u 'l.o I'M ti ah't on h a ii n h .-f -.ot imp i,, It ha - ai, I t,p.,y 1 . i... ). h Oiu. h; . o-la' I f'l Will 111 . h a tl-lll i Htl l.jtll ol ,y ill a t on. I It not .,p v rn . - h o i (i ,- KNi M j .llol M W II I" tt I) ltl(l 1.1. ullO l,'tMHMo, I. lit it lr u.,, aiol l.in.u. :.i. i l-l-., ,uii mhiIi-. 'ol it i j 1 tin k ,i , . f ,,,,(., --"'I' i "' 1 ' 1 111 " - ... ir.-.'h at a u .1 .i.urni' ( ( t.,r. 1 1 t"11 " 1 ' f-ia..,ii(, .-, l.y iu t' .in- P uy i , y .tio. i-.uk wi-ti.i.i ri-PH ,-,. o, ,,..;;,''(; i-.l'iu" Vr.'rV'p-.V l""11'- "' ''' i' I Uial ii. i,- m ,th tho ill -t H'" I'M lo i- ,.t ,! 'i. fl'l tint llt h 1- I.TWlhoiK' I. -hoit . 1 1 , ,,r nn-i-ol xilli tlx-- nl-)'P-t ' '-r l., .;,,, ,,,. . r, ,. r i no work ii-. r I h o,..r;ii r'- 'I . - i- hu-,,. i., l- oiK'.J. J Im "r u.roii-i " wnn oil th'-u '' a I 'i, - to ii 1 1 j 1 1 . i , i , , i, t ih-- mint if i' a ' h-l lir-( ol-... ih hli.o-. I,. . .fv ,,-1 ,,-1 -i I i r l ir. I . i 1. 1 ' ii- t I U' t (i i ii; I .. .'. :iihi . 1 1 1 1 t.l. '.-v. F.iloo .1 ' ' i'mo-"''.' l",K," ',' : -.-v.,,.,,'...,, '' afjj . j iii.ii,. i.l ;i '.iu'Ih,. i.i, J -i y Mi'u kMiu oi ((r (. n J, ' Mill I, : I M -. 1 '.' ..'i-v I,., ', f,oh I Ih. h,,,r. V " :: ' ) m , . I. r..i. h i V , n::.- tKt.i w !., ,t ; I', iim J, . ..4 ., ' tIIO-1. ' .. i w .i n 1! "i I I ii without ii w in- jo - I,. i,. . an J . f i- - ... 1 i. .,-.(. n f? li,..;, Jo u U I It I fcf ' i ho I , l,y iji ' TO THE LADJFiS Of ?Ml ',.k. ( H. (irntiVh. ! hill 111 llllllmlit of I I Hit, 1 1 ! tt Int 1 o ii i m ii m lad cut I ii k , ' I ' J-:I t nt ! .i. , 1 ' :'. . ii' ! ..m; t!,.- Flm.-t,-I J v : j " '-i;o I. v.:,.-t,. r .Jo. I - i'tiiM- ili.tl.oi, ;,.. ,, ,., ,,r i,,,! ; ,L . ! i - .- ! . a m- l-t m.ii. il ..;. r ; '. -. 1 , .:,,.,,....,. Wo I J- - ' " 'ii . 1 1 1 i r i . r ho ni'.ro -1 '' ' J i 1 " 'U.X "t M ti- r"tf V, Hi i v :. ' i 1 1 , ...,! y , : ii" in it - ' -f . ,: .u . u. H .. r J. I ; i ,i''.i,y t ' i " i', J! .... :. ; i.-.-J Wfi. i-.. r ' V ..- I;. i.- .- :o h , .-iiM,M- -it. It't i, . ki : i ; ; inl Fi;y w- fx- to. k u t I' i - ;.l n :i , ' f h L "il ' :!.; ! y j r.i t:. ' : : r-.i:ii!if. ..r.. r, I - !:' :;j r .i : h- ir .f, ri ( T j 1 - CKA8. S. HAMMER, t-.nirnl Afiil, iKAI. I J.AKK CITY, r j'AU |