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Show .Uy W L . T..:t.'rai a., A KIC II M OIt 1 . Clil -ae , 'I'i...- T,-::-u...'t U'a-h- A i-rt !!! Ita ... j l i- - v. i. I. j- j'lst a-nv, d b- r-, trla'i s a ca-e ( tibarp pra-;!,,; perpellatcd ill tiiat Territory wbicii in iioVc.ty c-e- abt-ad uf anything any-thing that has come to sight f t a long tune. A certain laxvycr uf that 1-x-al-i'.y, taking umbia-'L- at s-jime fancied iii-iiit put upon Lain by the court over which tbi- judce presided, e-neeived ibe id-a of writin.' a loiter of n ,-igna-tion to the President and forgine' the signature of this judical oih.vr. This was received tj the President, and was couched in such forcible, not to say in-iilting, language as to load the Chief iix-cuuve to nominate hi- suc-ce.-.sor at unce. The hrst that the judge learned of this proceeding was upon the arrival of his suce-.-.-or. who proceeded pro-ceeded to enter upon the duties of his office without recard to the protest of our judoa1, who justly indignant, came on here and was apprised of the facts as stated above, lie will await the return re-turn of the President to see what further steps will be taken in the matter. |