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Show Horse Gaining. FROFESSOBV. E.WALLACE W-U: ie TWO EXHIBITIONS tils Tr;ei. ce cn IHcESaOA- sarr.:o2 a: e. o'click. -i c:e o- sa.i'PJAi arrarri-on a; i clc-ik. in the TITilXiVCS- 'g- A HP, at T-hi-h the "i-i:n res rs c-Ir OXH He will crerare cn sce of the -s-lldes: ---5.-5 r- -;h: '- "c- .he GEXESiL drive this wee's, which will fire ererrj :e-:r J-vpro-uziT: seeing h-w eii-r be aiihe doolie ai ocedieii " NEW ADVERTISEFriENTg, TO 3IOEBS! For Sale or Lease. 600 feet Placer ground in BINGHAM CANON. Apply to WM. GARDNER, ?-2 Ai J. B. Header's Assay Office. A GOOD COOK, A WOMAN" PREFERRED. Apply at Tht DESERET BOARDING HOUSE aeaj A few doors east of Post Office. A LAUGE STORE IFO-R, SALE, On Commercial Street. Two stories ; four rooms in the second story. Enquire of H. ft. 3IJELROSE, a30 Eui.der. FOR SALE A SMALL. HOUSE, WITH GROCXD 40 i llo feet, Half-a-block from Walker Bro'a store. acO Inquire of R. R. MELROSE. LOST, A GOLD WATCH A Tor near the Po.n Oa-e. The Snder will A Se -ibeailv rewarded by ieaviarr it at the Post On;e 2sews stand, and confer a great laTor on the iauy who has iost it. 3oU NOTICE I . "J'HE PUBLIC is hereby ntine-i not to 1 purchase a certain lot of ground situated situa-ted ia Central City, Littie CoU'.nwood ilinirg District, and described as foiiow;, to wit beiug the r:t lot adjoinin? the properly pro-perly of Ciasoy i Kead. on toe west si if, and ;.s fot.y-two and one-halx feet front and one , nunc red a- d nrty feet aeep, as j have i'X-atei and impr-jved the same according to title customary usages of mining towns, ar.d wul noi.a La-? sanie. al AUGUST TOXRIPPE.NH1CS. m i mm jkjgj Xew Rock Baildin?, Orposite thecal: Lake tli:h.ire. ofers to watches' and'Iewelry At prices :hat defy competition. f r"? THE ftfWl Whitewater Tr VVACON. .rraz;:e-5 the Best 'Vrijcn ia the Market. foe sals et GEO. B. S P E X C E R , ai iAii lake. 25 REVrARD. CISiTEI. tie Ci2f;T2i C- O c-e 5-: -1 HORSE, rs-o iDna MULES, ore B:can.E ani oze Strrei MULE, brszied G oz iefi hir.. lie above reura will be raid for thei- NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. J Wednesday,; MAV 3rd, Retail Department; i i WILL TUIR CARPET i J Having received a new invoice of R. j Beattie & Son's celebrated i j Three-ply Carpets Direct from the manufactory, we are prepared to sell at the SMALLEST MARGIN. i EXGLISH (CEOSSLETS) I TAPESTRY, i BRUSSELS, i ! DRUGGET, Hearth Rugs, Crumb Cloths, Chinese Mattings AND ; Door Mats, J ROOMS MEASURED, CARPETS MADE A.D LAID TO ORDER. Those desiring a fine style of ORNAMENTAL jPAPER HANGINGS i Should examine oar ! 1 lUAIQUE STYLES. I i i WALL PAPERING ! Doce in first-class style by Artistes' especially engaged for the purpose. i i Orders filled cn short notice.! -HTB. CXAAVSOX, Snpt. j; MINING OFFICES. WM. GARDNER, MIXES AND OJ1ES, SALT LAKE CITY. Office luJ. U. MoJtr'l A. Ollicc. ii,.' A !vr . . MARYSVILLE FOUNDRY, CAL. To Minci-s & Capitalists. ' HV1 Vii hi e'u-:sen year' ex irien-.-e in .V:-T.aLJ ii.A buuJirs :i Call- vrai mil .Nevu. hi i h.inii tn-c-n o-ii-Krr'.ci Kir irQ i'.Q tae M iUtT' i ouu rv, 5 -B K ah -IM.-0, 1 u w i "irriL.v ?erv u e-.,- eia'xme ::a ri---rt tn Mii:e. to !u'n-L !! :. r h. 1'uiiaii- ar.a li-.i-'n W ori. i ii tr r t he in.: m-l r-'"' -t i a s- If .s;.a ! lo t,. tie - i'i:trjv-ij. !or Mii-iuucry d a.l kiu.i. ! is i Ili."D1?q l' Al.'bv it Ui'tK'i1 3uJ tD r ;t-OU-I abif !.te--. All CoLl;li:u--lC-vlK'LiS l:swerei I u'c in Keid'i Bji'Jlnir. up suiirs. I .A.:ire.-i, AV. 11. HOW LAM). j n,v .!t Like lit'. lT. j MISCELLANEOUS. KsTAiai-HUD IS lN'. ARMES & DALLAM, I Importers, Jobbers and .H AM FACTIKKBS OP WoodiWillowWare lllilVM. rAH.S.TI'1'S. CIII'KX-. UK I SI 1 h i. -.-n i .s twims u'lai.iGi:, iv iili-.s ? r. 1 1. N t i;v PAl'i.l; UU1S. I'l.inllhS UKIMIIKS, FKATHMf l"l'.TI'l:S KlH-TACK1.K. KlH-TACK1.K. Tl N I'1N AND KALI.. VIV., ANL) G K-N F.HAL House Furnishing Goods. DLRFCT IMFOHTEHS OF n.?KTTS FliOM 1 K ATilN.; OKHMAN AND FKL-NCLi MAA LTFACIVliLaiS. AGISTS FOR THI 8AL Ol' S. F. Percussion Match Company's Matches. American S'ct and J'wiue Conij 's Twines, Boston Flax .Mills. Twines. J. C. Conroy A: Company's Fishinfr Tackl e, Hollingsworth A H nilney's Faper LIhrs. Sherman's Improved Cioihes W ringers. C. K. llriswokl A; Company's Feather ilusters F. McLaughlin's Brushes, Onr stock is the largest on the Pacific Coast, and our facilities tor manufacturing and imporling enable us 10 sell at lovrjst market price. K3.SEXD FOR CATALOGUE. 2I5&2I7 Sacramento St, San Fran. nil y E5 I ( 25 " iron mm. EICHAEDS Iron Works, Nos. 47, 49, 51, 53 and 55, SOUTH JEFFERSON ST. CHICAGO, ILL., Manufacturers of I'oiiTiiii.r.i.vi.iiiiiMia ENGINES, From 2 to 500 Horse-Power, Steam Pumps, Eotary Pumps, ' Pumping Engines, Water-Works Machinery, IMPROVED PORTABLE Smelting Furnaces FOR PveduciDg Gralena and Silver Ores, ROOT'S ROTARY BLOWERS, STURTEVANT'S BLOWERS, Ore and Quartz Crusliers. STEAM BATTERIES AND STAMP MILLS, WERE EOI-'E, HOISTING MACHINES, i'lAMOXDDr.ILLS, PORTABLE SAW-'IILLS, SH1-V- GLE-MILLS axd wood-work- rNG SACHI5ERT, RIcnAJSTJi-PORTABLE RIcnAJSTJi-PORTABLE GRIST X1LLS A5D BOLTI5G-CHE5TS, Shafting, Pulleys, Belting and Elevatcr Machinery BUILT rO ORDER. S? Mr. Eicharii can be consulted for a few days at die Townsend House. all THOMAS TAYLOR. ,10(!N p TAYLOR & CUTLER successors to r. .0 ir. taylor ' DRY aOODS, GROCERIES, r.-.-st I'-iiiiJs Facl.T.v, riint.-. Sui;.lrs, CollV,-., Bioon. Clic'c.c llii-korv, Denims, aL. tVo., at rodln-ed J.r'ii L-s ' STOVES, TINWARE J list :-.r.-':ve.l cheApcsi ia i.'v:i. HarJwnro, VkwhUt, Fuse, Etc ' fROfKERY llllllVIM; l. ORIGINAL P.UK.KiES, L:si Fashion aJ Finest Quality. All of whk'h e olWr V ry Cheap nt our 'ow stoics opposite Salt Lake House. J ME.; HAiU'E. Jan. J. 11. HAiiVE. CKOUliE IIAGIK. Hi' C3r"0.n Store 2 HAGUE BROTHERS, 1, A T K .1 A M 1'. S 1 1 A t H K , Iiuportoi-s ttucl Donlors iu Ml WS, IPILMTIM. ffniC W MI ,a,. S'N) Clr. Saddles, Harness, AXD WHITS 0V EVERY DESCRiri'IOX. REPAIRS XEATLY EXECUTED. a2 East Temple Street, Salt Lake City, . 1 A. S. Gould, Notary Public and Commissioner, 3 P t sf Wooclhull Bro's, Assayers and Dealers in Ores ! i? a a. a q3 iv aav 5' o. l m 7 o SJaMOJasiuaDvBinuiLy'oquinJiJopuexaiv 0 5 o bJ o E. lJ 'ojq jo sjaduiiis s-iaqsiua '0Q'5puLM0H-M"S i' Nqw Music Store! DAYPJES & CO., VIOLINS, ps'.yi ACCORDIONS, GUITARS, TTff;"' CONCERTINAS, BAWJ03, s ,jjjLj: :4 BAN00NI0N3, STRIN81, -pii FLUTES, AC. Instruction Books fur all instruments A:.-o a larc stock of tlio new AMERICAN' OKUAN, pronounced l.y all wh j liavo tried it far superior to and cheaper than any other. References : Signor A. Fariui, Prof. O. Pratt, and others. Good PIANOS, from S250 upwards. A full stock of S1IKKT M USIC on hand, which the purchaser ca'i have tried by a musician on the premises. TWO IHHHt EAST OF TJIK l'OST OI Fil l:. EAST TEMPLE STREET, THE ONLY HOUSE IN' UTAH THAT DEALS EXCLUSIVELY IN Boots, Shoes and Hats. Who can Sell Cheaper and give Better Inducements to customers. JUST ARRIVED A large stock of New Goods of L ADIES', MISSES' and CHILDREN'S FINE SPRING and SUMMER SHOES in latest Fashions; also MEN'S and BOYS' FRENCH CALF and Heavy MINING BOOTS. Constantly receiving poods from East and West Ya keep always a targe and fashionable Stock of .Examine our Goods ami Price9 ! Have on hand the largest and Lest Stoc. : IN THE TERRITORY. Just Received, Two car loads of Chicago Wagons, of all sizes, with California Breaks. BLACKSMITHING IN ALL ITS BRANCHES, Horse Shoeing- ii Specialty. FIRST EAST STREET, HALF-A-BLOCK SOUTH OF THEATRE m2" Z. C. M. I BOOT AMD SHOE Department, Eit the misrn of x3: "BIG BOOTV; Even-style and quality of Boots and Shoes MADE TO ORDER, satisfaction satisfac-tion guaranteed. ALWAYS OS HAXD A LARGE AND CILOICE STOCK OF HOME-MADEmBOOTS AND SHOES A FLTLL AS50RIMEXI L'F Slice Findings, Horse Collars and all kinds of Leather' HIDES WANTED. H. B, CLAAYSON, Suferistkjcdsst. |