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Show T11K NEW GOVEUNOll OK UTAH. The new Governor of Utah, Woods, of Oregon, has entered upon the duties of his ollice. Tho position is not altogether alto-gether free from delicacy and difficulty, hut, having met the new Governor on our lute visit to Salt Lake, we formed an cilimate of his character which has led us to believe that, through his ability, self-reliance and decision of character, the new Governor would be able to master the situation to the satisfaction of all elements and interests. We may have been in error, but it is our opinion, opin-ion, based upon what we saw of the new Governor, that it will not be ea?y for demagogues to use him. Governor Woods is a native of Missouri, and migrated to the Pacific Innd at the early age of sixteen years. He is thus a thoroughly Western man, and this, in our opinion, will be a great advantage to him in the discharge of his public duties in Utah. But the Governor is a politician, ambitious, no doubt, as is his right, and this is his chief danger. We certainly wish him well, and bespeak for him the cordial co-operation of sound men of all per-1 suasions in promoting the true welfare of that people. Great interests are being developed in Utah. Capital, now flowing in there, always sensitive, will exert an influence on the side of conservatism con-servatism aud moderation, and Governor Gover-nor Woods can, as we believe he will, do much to give power and stability to these wholesome tendencies. Omaha Herald. |