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Show niKlHTOKV, v s 1 1 f:p m .v i i- s iu kk'KUS kou i: r All : 5K'ivti) - ilisM j;o A. UU"k, I'IaIi. C:ii Juu-0. B. MKu, Now Yoik. Avwi Jii'iu'w O. K. SnukUmt, Xluh., and 0. XI. UWv. III. U,,:v.U-l. 1. ru u-V. N.i A,k.. li. S. aiui ! 0. It. UoimxMvl, OaI. lanryr-Uouon. 0. 0. Cloitiouis, Wl. Rvivx-r it" liMw Ltni J. U. Overtoil, Fa. (i.UT of L-uid Oih tlooro K. Ma&wollt U. S. Collssrior 0. J. Uolhslcr, 01. TKKtillOUlAL 0KV1CKK5: tVlopAlf to Cousiv Yiu. 11. Hooper. Attorney -tieuond ZrubNlHl Snow. Mrsh..l J. V. T. M.AtUster. A iuIi tor Wm. CUtou. Treasurer J .vinos Jaok. Superintendent of Common Schools Uolwt L. CiiupKdl. SALT I.AKK COL' NT Y OVKtOKKS: Probu Judo, Klia Siunu. Selectmen, Kenlvn Miller, Isaac M. Stewart, B.-tvid Bnutoa. CVtrouor, U.'S. Itivttie. Sheriff, K. T. Burum. P rose-; u tins Attorney, Z. Slkwv. Aor and Collector, R. J. Goldiug. TnM.-'urer, Theodore McKean. O-'uuty Clerk, K. W. East. Ooauty Recorder. Edwin D. Woolley. School SuperiuteuJeu Robert L. Campbell. CITY OF KIOSKS : Mayor. Daniel U. Wells. AlDKEJCEN. 1st Municipal Ward, Isaac Groo. icd " " Samuel W. Richards. Srd " . " A, II. lUleigh. 4ln " ' Jeter Clinton. th " " A. C. Pyper. COUNCILORS. R, T. Burton, Theodore ileKean, Thomas Jenkins, Jen-kins, Ueber P. Kimball, Henry Grow, John Clark, Thomas McLelland, John R. Winder, Lowii S. Hills. Recorder Robert Campbell. Treasurer Paul A. Schettler. Uirshil John D. T. McAllister. Andiior of Public Accounts Robert Campbell. Assessor and Collector John R. Winder. Supervisor of Streets Isaac Groo. Surrey or Jesse W. Fox. IUani of School Inspectors Professor J. R. Pwk. Robert L. Campbell, Henry I. Doremus. Saler of Weights and Measures Nathan Davis. Captain of Police Andrew Burt. Water Master1 Isaac Groo. Inspector of Buildings A. H. Raleigh. " Wood and Lumber H. Dinwoodey. " " Liquors Robert Campbell. " " Provisions Jesse C. Little. Quarantine Physician Jeter Clinton. Chief Engineer Fire, Department John D. T. McAllister. Board of Examining Physicians Doctors P. Anderson, J. S. Ormsby, Jeter Clinton. City Market Master Andrew Burt. u Sexton Joseph E. Taylor. M Stock Inspector H. J. Faust. Superintendent Insane Asylum and Hospital Theodore McKean. Physician Insane Asylum and Hospiul Jeter Clinton. TXSCS YISWEB3. 1st Municipal Ward Levi Riter. 2nd " " Samnel Tumbow. 3rd " " Gideon H. C. Gibbs. 4th " " Millen Atwood. 6th " " W. C. A. Smoot. |