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Show NEW ADVERTISEMENTS Hi'lilE?" TREATISE, Just Published, hj E. li. AIYER3, Chiemo, a NEW EDITION OF HAINES5 TREATISE. Revised aud Enlarged. An Indispensible Book for Justices of the Peace, Poiice M ugh; t rates. County Judged, Curouorc, Coo?tabio-, and public officers generally. gen-erally. A valuable liuok of Reference tor every Lawyer, and useful for erery Business Man. By ELIJAH M. HAINES, Counselor Coun-selor at Law. Fifth Edition. Revised and improved, containing the laws and decision? down to tho present, time. Complete in ono eiegant octavo volume of over fcOJ pages- Bound in beat law sheep, Price S7.50. is a book well known to every justice cf the peace, practicing lawyer and public officer in Illinois and the Northwestern States and Territories, as the most useful and complete wotk of the kind extant. It ha lately been revised by the author, and materially improved by the addition of much import tut matter, giving ail the lato laws and puulUhed decisions down to liio9 Ibis book has, np to the present time, re;ch-ea re;ch-ea a larger e-ile iban any other work of the kind iu this country. This fact may be mentioned men-tioned aa eviueuce of its superior merit, ltd excellence ons.sts both in the mat er embraced, em-braced, and ihe arrangement or classification classifica-tion of mbjects. In the collection of matter containd in the woik it is intended to give all tbe statute la and the geuerul principles ot the common com-mon law in connecuoa therewith, which a j-jBt:ce of the puce, polio magistrate, c n- table or curone. wil. require iu d schrgi ng tneir duties, or that a practicing Uwj ar w.il ued tor reierence iu oaliuary ce?, or th it may be required for t. e information 01 e. ery buoin&.-s man. Ibis will entirely euper-ede the necessity for reierence to tne volumes ol the statutes. ihe arrangement of the work ig methodical. methodi-cal. ani r.f tue essence ot its value, pr-.tt.nt-iHg ech subject in its order and in ks proper relation with o;here. Tbo plkn ot the arrangement is entirely original with the author, being the re-ult ot study and practical experience. It hn long been u iut-ject Of general remark that tbe author has. in this work, presented tbe law wirh a oiearnp$3 ami simplicity of j-Me which render ren-der tbe i hole ali-e plain to the common understanding R t0 lne more advanced lawyer. law-yer. The jnsti-x ot th peace, police muci-trate, coptce. and coroner will find in thin book all thenecc-.-ary forms and in; true -lions in rcg.ird to every brunch of bisduty. iuo practicing lawjerwill find in it. collected col-lected and arrjiijfd in convenient I'-tt, all the PtJiutc l-iw and deci-ion-. with retf-rcaco to adiu'iicmcd c no- applicable in ordinary practKo. Ihe buine-i in:m Will fin I in it a cmnpli-t e collection ot forms re'iuirl iu the iraniiw.- , lion of burin. ' btudent ol' tho liw will lik"-tpe find tbis , a Tery valuable wok fr perusal and rfcr- ' enee, as .int:iinir tbe general principle.- of the c-iDira -n law. clea ly stated, in connec- rion wiili tho ordinary branches of junspru- , dence. The following brief reference totbe.(nn-l tents ol th ie work will ,rd iu -otn d-xree an idea of it peculiar merit-". The book i? divided iu five p-trt?, ( be ub:et ( '- b being be-ing methodically nrranied in chapter or apf : prupriatc .aubdivi-iuns, a follow : 1 Pakt 1. Of JuVJpc.- of tho IVuoe, election mid qiuiliGcfition, and proceed-, proceed-, ings befuro them in civil case-. CjDiprNr-d iu thirteen ch t r". in- iiiiv. : Of lh. r,idr, of.iu-ti of th" rc f 1 Of tlif Jnri-Jft lull of Jr,.(i(.. f,f (h,. v -. Z Of i ho tltiT'-rent f'jrm- of u-tl-.n. J Of ihft conimoiirpiin'tit of nui t , aiit i h- rri. am! rruirn i-f irocf--. 0 Of the appearance ot th pnrtif li Of pl k iliiL-J. 7 Of witncw-. finT-llii, .-iti-i ;it t. ii.uu,. iti.-r- ot, Hiking lpo-ition". nod ol oat hi und Billrn;.i-1 Billrn;.i-1 1 - -1 m . k Of the t ciikl, rd'1 inr idr.l ih r'. OfoTKleiK". 10 Of tbo dtx-krt. and I" 'rein of .lik-t mu ri. -. 11 Ofjtidgiii'-nt, r..-u, fiti'l tiling trnnrrlpt. - Of a j .prl- o ml wi if jf rTtii nri. 18 OOxcii'!oii rind girDi-hmvit. i'ART 2. Of proootdinf; bit'ro Justice Jus-tice of the Paco in criming! cres. Comprised iu eli-ren rhtptt r-. tn-utiii 1 Of I lie powrr-t of Ji!l km of tlif pa-f relal if to llii- i-nforff HKnt of tiii law-, fur h- prevenfion bikI iiQdi-linn'iit of i-lfcti-'-, iui'l prer.itiui rind nb-r tun c if llin 2 Of fwnoin chmI'1 of c'xi.uni t in a criuc-i, of w- re-iorm, tuA v. ho nny witn in cn mi- 3 J)i liaitiou' ati'1 pnninliuirnt ifYritntH u.n-1 ofl -n-mi1 prfi'-nlji'tl iy Die cniFininl uo 'i 4 Of proeo'dmtt Trhre a crtmni.tl oltoii'-f. m iptm committed. 5 Koriii of Htuioni. ril- of olti-ni-. in wnrrinn. 6 Ol prurling- in reUtion to tic? olnrviui- and nrnry of th" p-arc nml (;'! KptniTmr. 7 0' fucUiv fiom j'iiti'--. i Of 'n li warmntp. 0 Of prou'-diiiTa '"id i"nH ! in rrla'i"ti t" tb ; uii-deinf-iiuurrt ot ..ihi-Hth-tirftkin:, tnd (In- I lui ltiii-' worshiping aii-m''lti-.. 10 Of proM-eiling iu of uhuU and lai tary ' Hnd a tf i ay h. i 1J 01 dor ,tot i.nli it- in c-Iuniud and Miinnmry piM-c piM-c cdiii'H, i" ml JuBtica' (o m , rjnnil oiir. Yavt'-i. Of the powers And d utioa of JunlicMof tho I two under jiarticulnr atututts. Corupii-d in tweltj fhnpii-ia, ir,ilin 1 Ol tli: ' knowldin. nt iiBd pioul of.iT'i" iiti'J othtr in-lrum"titi. '2 Ol HttHlinjfQli l-elnru ju-ti'-'.-sul tha pii. 11 Of h-Mtnrdv, and prornwling io fine th"rol. 4 Ofcotitf-inpt ofemrf. 6 Of cnt'tin elo-tiorja. fl Of corontr-. T f a-tri. ft Of forritd.j entry J -Intu'ii. 0 01 iilnui a ao'l fe 10 Of lanHlord and tamnt, nn-1 pp'aadinp hf ditrftB for lent. 1 1 Of mrrhii;-. U Of tr.nl of tha rijlit ol property. Part;. Of tho Constubln, Lis election elec-tion and qurtliticnuorj. t,d tlio pownrs and duties of CVmtHoIuH in holh and criminal ensc-. fWrnprilinj Ur hiiptrrn, trealinf 1 01 tJm office ol Von-tuM... 2 Powaraajid dnn ol f-msfuM' in prof ...dintti. 3 01 tho luhilu v-l run- ..n-Uiiieii. 4 Ol I n i'. .trKao.( .m i K - f ,,,, n crimf. Iml r ., t1. i, Ofl'-iiind '"(npenMHioii allows n ronlNe in hollirml i.nd crrrain.'I cikm, l'Aiir 0. (Joium-Jii fnrini for Ihe trafcnction of hiiMino.. v I Ai.prenliM;.. ii Co.purinaiNliip. 'J, A rhlt i ttt inn nnl irti 0 ( 'j .n r n'"p .'( Aieaini nl. Jl Vut . 4 i iila-nnjitiI areiiM -. Ij I , . A "-Munt'ini L M Nh uraliution 0 bill" oi KKri.kim-Miii'l II pow.i.. oiatttaraay, promj-ifii v fi'ire-, I Unlnr, 7 Uill-, ol 'ilr. Pi Mill-. H Jl.(d.. In out! I;ir:;i) vulunie, Sou pii'. law tindiiiK, will lio srti L tiny tKUlrcsfj on rociipt Ufi wit li tlii' oriliT. Add!- " 7 WHIiinLoli Ml ft .. 'hiCfliiri, SALT LAKE THEATRE FOR THREE HIGHTS CSLV! COMMJSKClNCi Thursday, Dec. 22, '70. PROF. GSCHWANDNER'S CELEBRATED Tyrolean Troupe. PART It 1. Alpine Festival Miirrh, - - - SrxiMt Waen Morning Lighi is BiDiiiin?: - .Sxtett with Schiilxuei'n Warhlo. C. S'-'Bvenir lo Kui, - Ortind Concert Solo onlha Zitbtr: Pr.if. Gsrhwundnor. 4. Cowewhora my Love Lies Dreaming, Quarleil PART lit 1. Tfrolesc Hotel Kcepar in Troublo with Ji is Queits, - - - Cuiuic Sextott 2. The farewell from Strierland, V;ir)ling Solo Brand Opera FanihoHn, on the Zither -and Bo it, - - prof. O-chWiiutlucr. 4. Th Sentinel, . - - Qua rttit. with Krho Solo for Tonnr PART III: 1. The WfdJiug- on tbe Alps. 2. Performance on the Woo onl Straw lu-iiru- mcul, by Prof. OcUwnndt rr. 3. Spring Fa-tival, March. - - Qnartott 4. The Red N'oe, - - - - Comic Sulo r. Tjaolean National Son - - Quintett SEPPL GSCHWASDSER, CHANGE OF BILL NIGHTLY. MUSEUM AND MENAGERIE. Half a block weat of President Young's Kodidence. JOHX W. YOUNG, Esq., Pi oj. Native Beasts, Birds aud Rptilewf Volverines, Bear, Yoxet, Mountuin Deor, Lynx, Wild Cuts, A:c- Importtint colleotion of Native Minerals; Admission, 50 cts. Children, IO u Oppn every day except Sunday, from 9 a.m. to 5 p. in Feeding Time, 3 p. in. J. L. BARPOOT, Manager. ChristmaS HOLIDAYS. GEO. W. DAVIS Ber- to ntirioui)' e tlMt he iin.tn-l HociTrd r bph-iidid SrtKk for the llr-U-Uj cii-i-tiic,- of Choice Gunpowder Teas, Extra fine Natural Leaf do. Rio and Java Coffees, Raisins and Currants, Peel and Spice, Prime Oregon Bacon, New York Cheese, Nuts and Oranges, Candies and Candy Toys in I Endless Variety, Chfojt i (ht Ch"ijfst Jltritst in fun n For Sun i pi o set- the window at Iavi-' OPPOSITE SALT I.AKK HOlSE, Aud Two Donii Kortli of Kimball I. nn reiice'a. z. cm. I. A VOICE From the Arctic Regions. Di"i:iN(; tiik Vio will clo-ti uuL mir luio i.t FURS! FURS! AT A VKHV LOW i'KR'K. Alo our -to- k hi SCARF PAISLEY SHAVLS, EED0U1N WRAPS. W hi'vn in-t rPCon.l few ot tho ci'l... I.rt ril CASHMERE RQBt OE tHAMbRE. Cbildren'.i Vtmry Wuulcii Srtt.-. During the Holidays WK MIAI.I, III: OonstanUy Eoceivin Additions CHRISTMAS BAZAR In Oooilsciiicol (Voin.f Mp;iii, (.'liiiiti, Onniiany mul Km;l:iinl. Oprii Krrl-y Kvt'liliifC until p. lit. II. II. CI.AWSON, Sen. LIVERPOOL AND LONDON AND GLOBE i iiti: im iti( i: (o.nrwv. Asctls . . . sis. 11)0.000.(10. .1. M. .11(1(111 I'"., AkhiI, i: (i. nmiiiiitir, Hnit J.nito iy. SHAVING & IIAIll-DKESSLXG ' SALOON. ! JOHN SQUIRES & SONS, EAST TKiHPLK STREKT, First door south of Bp. iiuncer'ts roidenoo. j Pi'ivate JtCooniN j For Cuttinic and Drc-iriL.' L;ilic.-' .ind Cliil- dren'a Ua.tr. I MAMFACTL'RKU IIAIJt. Every description of Knir '.Vurk made to ' order. A quautity T Ladiea' bwUeliefi on band. Ornamental Hair Work. . Lndie.'' and Gentlemen'. Vntch Uu;irdfi, Bracelets, Kiue:?, -L'ukliicc. Ac, it i rn i c lo ordr:r. GIANT POWDER Proof ol'llf Superiority lor HlaKtiii Purpose. viuLii:s Chariot Mining tuiif-A.N v, 1 Silver City, Idaho, Oct. 18. kSTO. Mc3n. Biindrannn, Nei'pon tt Co , Ajente . Giant PoUer Co., San iraneiteo, L'uJ.: DkaR Sirs: In reply to your late favor, I ! ;ive you the following r suit of my w orking lcre: Tho co.at of drifting, which cojt un- der th old system ot mining here, $40 rer i foot, with the single hand ; teni of wurkiiisj and Giant Powder I havo reduced to a cost of $22 per foot, and when under tiio old system sys-tem but one foot per day was driven, my inuu are easily making one and a half feet. Under tho old syeteui winzing (5 feet square) enpt 'i per loot, fiame now codtiitg me ' S24 75 per fnot with ihe gaiuc difference in , time as shown in drifting. Under the old system, our minf could never i be nuido t' jifkl exceeding 4CrtJ tuns peri month ; with Giant Pnwck-r and single hand drilling. I am now furnishing iiionthly 1,000 j tons at & reduced c-ost of at lea.'-t WA; per ' csnt leys per ton th;m under tbe old system. ; In concluir'n will st'ite that the neighbor- ' ing mine-1, Ida Ijlmnre and Uro Fino, influenced influ-enced by results in the Goldei. Cha,. iot mine, . hav- adopted single hau 1 d'illing and Giant Powdfr, to tho utter exciui'in of doable hand work, large drii is and common blasting p iwder. In corroo'-ratwu ol re-uiis in Gulden Gul-den Chariot mino, I refer- you to the President Presi-dent and lioard of Trustee, resident in your city. Yours, re-p ctl'u'Iy, JOUS F. CAS.SELS, Superintendent G. 0. M. Co, AI thi; Groce-y Department, ; iioh's co-op:rat;v evjehcaktiLE ;hsitu-m. ! ri. 15. "'SON, Suj.L j 300,0001 P()U.MS )P MALI'. j At (lie DA1I" Mui'K. Omr.h i H...c (.'..riiL--. i JOHN W. SNKI.L. C. II. ;r. ... t. I o. bjissett i mnm SSI ", !..' HARDWARE STORE .Ml ki., i: Ml IIKAVY HARDWARE, Stov-1?:. and Tin Ware llt.ACK KM I I l TIHM.s. Afcrlril 1 1 li I I n. 1. 1 hint ii r Awil .lllmi. ij T,u!, UI'I'tlMTIi S.M. I' I.AliK IIUI SK. D j)x O. K. CULMEK. Wholesale nnd Rctuil Dealers in m GOODS, GROCERIES, HARDWARE, QUEENSWARE, GLASSWARE, BOOTS, SHOES, HATS, GLANKETS, OILS, NUTS, &C..&C WE MAKE BEST TEAS 8PECIALITY. A fM tOT OF DRY GOODS. Call and Nee them. Firht Door South of Town Clock Store. T0N80 Trl L . V X. ! Il yu jr'anhiouable mlJ skilltui B A. R 13 n JE X 1ST C3r UNCLE BOB RUSSELL'S Who h;i iLociated with him Mr. JL'LIt'S S A AGiiR, at the oid arad on second South Street. Hir Dref,-iing. Shaving, Shampooing, Shampoo-ing, and all kinds of Hair Work, from a triz to a wig, done in a manner warranted to give satisfaction. TO PRE-EMPTORS. We are now prepared to furnich Agricultural T-uml Script Y-jt the loca'iou of Government Land at ilv) per quarter paction. HOOPER, ELUREUGE t CO. Salt Lake City, Sov. 'v'K IS,-. i MO EE LIGHT! KEW LI5HT! Cheaper, more Cleanly, and perle' tly free from the danger of Lxplu:ion. THE DAFORTH 0.-EPLOSIVE PETROLEUM FLUID l.UUO (.nlluiis Jut Htttivtd, Only 73 Cents Per GkIIoia! S' I!EI-.SK Vr '0.. Sole agent for Utah Territory. Heput at turner S'jttth of Walker Bros'. PRACTICAL WiMiMivlAKER.. ' . ) z. is p ELIASGN & liAJJZRCACii, Nlt Iir Knl ol" the llrrnld. Are wrirkuirn who n-.t ii,ly ro,..i;r S".L. !;c. y ('lu,-k. lull twli ui4 o W ,i; t- utiirr m uny d.-'in-'i l- ur any p.irt . f ij-m. from a pn "t -r ini"n lo :in v:mr W ntch. Work KirciUrtl on 1 mlrrnt r Term . TIIEODOUK LUIiM. Miiiiiittn'iur'T oi LADILS' ; FAHGY FO.iS I'.iim 'I'c hi pi v MrtM'l, At, )'!.. 1.UtM SoMl(T "lil.hitH- S:,,v.V 1, (ipi-t.l.llc S.ll- Ll it ' II. M- ... U(U n liiilid mid for I o ;i lino t-y inoiit ol HOME-MADE LAKES' FU.'S l lll I.. i, I Aju.l.u ,1111,1., ... ,!,.. . IiIiii IiIIImm, It UH-i.in N.,uli i , i, .Vl. ..I. in,, r i l I.Hinl., ' I U i nn.! r, K . In. iir) l Idml,,,! rf i- . . .... 1, ,,.,. 1 .iili mill li.n.i , i i,nki nl-., ,v r..v Wlll.l, I, :, ..v,.,,,,!,,,,,, ,.,,,.,, All B'M'llB W HI I ,,UI ...I , !,.,,..,.!, , r ,v rolYuo.l. l.ii.l,. 1 uij i ,,v .1, p. . ivtion mii.lo (ti oril.-r in :, n.iikiiiiinliK!, luniinrr FO! SALE' A lew hundred "1 ot'' in the "Li ft Ik-wer I i- the Kur. ka.'' J Th' "Tintii? Lode" i- ui-i o.-e i oi. but Joe j u ill m U fi few lVei in i h e i-eU'brat rd " K ur ka" j tn.ie:ul. Ej-iuirc u .IOK MMMOXS. j V.'LUihn Hou-o h;-rmrrt. ! ColloitMood .lliitcs. Ir-i.i" vho dt.ihn feiiii: their li..y i: p j Cottonoot'd CaD.'n. (d.ouij (jrehaie Ur.-i i vi-f Chi(MTO lH;oic ' Hay Press, Which I hao i,.r f.ilc C11KAP. H. K. KSOW LTOX, Niuetecnui Waid, OrL. S. U1U.S, Iio.tr. EMrcU-c Cc.'. B.uik. 2"i nnn roxjirrsi JlUUUjRON AND STEbL At I!acU V I lolt'mau's. liottr LnWc Honor. r. a. nori .m. co. HEAL ESTATE IMK)KKlS C0MKISS3N MERCHANTS, .llir. i Kli .l il, Stri.i l. Klr.t rtoor ' W.I nf MtHliiill l,HiTii.f., MI l.nkr lly, I ml,. H.il r-t.,1,. h.MHht :in,l I1UM. . ''"'- I ll.-.-l I...,.- n,...I... Mer. Iisn.li... u-,1 elliev i..i,.,1 .,.i.,Mi, l,nki,t :,, ,.l, ,v ' "I" m-ti..n. .MII,'V l""M',. V t 1, ,t, !,.,. ',s, ,:L j t ,u ii;. rmciiiK H,.nr l- l':i in, ,,t I.Mn.-r.v in )t,l;l,,,. li,,,ri,.t '"' ''i'.1-1, "'' lil,l. Ii il.-cl. 1 11--niire ut tlio Ke,,l ,t;,ic t, ,.,- I'. A. Iltil- .IAX ,V Cti. "- Hull a l.t ill ltluoV SI. 't , , ,,lv hall lu.i.'R lili ll,e I lal, t'.lltl.ll K.,,11,,,1,1 pot lor A. II "1 KM VN a Ol. ' Jil'.'l i il.ilv Awllt. 't- fr-i'"' lv iin'e.t t r hu-i-io.. tHrt'ors n Minn Nlrmi. I nil n II 0 at t h .' 'oal l,l:ile won,',-. '' A. MAN A O-. . -M..I-.S. .111,1 ,l,ll,n( !,., veil! I ii, i ill I e i! I'. A. lil 1'MA.N , o. '''" '"ri.il.-in Kl. K I'l ,u C. unit in M, It ; .. I'l v; Jl !,,,,,, I'. A. 1IOI I .11 A ,N A I','. FLO RE A C E NOISELESS FAMILY SEWING MACHINE Id THE Standard Machine of the World! Tlio Special Committee aunol... . to examine and report on E?1,ta Machine nt tile Aorlli t, " State Fair, liel.i at II alelh i '" Tt-eek, awarded a (inld JledJ i. ,""1 Florence Scving .Mncliine for th ease and cj ulet i.e of 1 1 movemr,, pci fection andlurRe variety orn.i and it. valuable new feature, k' kliiS it the most valuable Se'v,?,!"" Mac 1,1 lie for family uc. cliae of Sewing Machines are re" qncted to read the fol 'owlug fr0IJ the Sew York "Tribune" of Oct 19th, 1S70: SEWING MACHINES. U'e he recently had occasion to irst-Eoinc irst-Eoinc inquiries into he pro.Tt- of imi,r,"T,e meiit in tnc- me-rjani-uj of iv;iT- TCh''rrl and wee not a Jit tie -urpri-ed io le-rn tV: tnecrrntral.ideii in the Cm in'oa- shuttle-nll hoi., vi ria-.thohn 'y item pis have been male to eaci i'f Tne buttle, in CMiuoiiiHiion with tQe utf.' if stiil tne ern u-eJ to fV.rm i':je j-c , ;,' the lead in? ijj:i:,iDf, snd we find t'sVi gp.wth ofra.ie i chieily with thenuie: uiitg rnncuinei. The improyemenfj tf-: are titZ nt h--!d in praeti'-s! u?-- are, tnereT-r- r.e-a riiy in cir-ce'-uon w -''an'e ei-pr I in '-ne del all ..f the ?iu;;!. i'-'-11"'"", ir. o-her -ri-- cf tl, K.abit:e coLc-rM with it. to Mn.-e T'evho.!e t oj-- v- rr rerit-ctly and uniformly, and to eiuplijyVti 'doubtclly tied ti is ti:- r krei." ma-1 ma-1 chi'ie : and rre Ti :"-n r:i: 1 our Ti. t0 ; eirLiUy inspect the "'i'iortu je'1 be:. -e "rt- i lie pint.- pecu!;ar l-j th:.- tiijhm'- h-t-An ULU,Li;il ;... .-::r.i7 . . f.QT L ; ii.a: t:,e 'Fi I-rtV itcariiz tne best m.itenal '.neoi. mt i:-ari-c 1 others ue c--r-ii--T. . l. t ntrt iu -hof itnporiunt parts -tie I r iuii,!- oeine n-i jy re;-;ed if it varir? frum'tLt ptadard l-J'.'-jth ci an inch'. It L-c.l-e:ru.-t-ii on the iu.p.e-f - ; 0 r. ; i c iric--; "e-e-uirtir di-i .-ine -.r.th he l-s?. ulu caki! a d link w-. j:, m, of!3 itt j errer-ek c-e; 1 01 order and tlrly pi-ritx every cl& bi; . tnc pr.i--t!rLj :.;.;-i:.:;r oy their ULZ-:y:iz-- able lreak-. l:;e "f l-rencc'' i? cj e..-:.v inarmrtd. and it-is rr-'idiiv t-,n.e; ; that an ordinary g.rl : ten t.i; Ve-.-e :.r I mucie enouph run it 1 er:e-.-:iy. T'cI-:e- ?titch. a; cjiC by ilc "t."rLrioe'? i; vsry ; re.-ular an i i-crict. very trocs an-i e!:!;. j and is drawn :n:o ihe r c evenly, rru" i u ii!; . ex;ic ly, witLuut :rkir . aLi witr:-: : t-au-ire iiiK .-cm t-"- pu..-.- r. ur i'j.i: :-e i thr. -d ?o R5 to en ln-?er i".i trt :. kic: c .t-j .t-j ft'iuentiy. ve:y lite tarc.i i: ana i. ; 'jbr.-? res r-: u-ci. Ci t-:-. ;..e ' r i.rei:--"' in al! bu' the t-I:.- y.--s 5;y-. 1;: ; sinrle knt r.-A n kr.v-irM 1 render i:d i::-.r ti;i-;:c ;an ilv s:.y--'z. 1 vrt':a are lo cjj::;e. I ae "i i-.-rt-E-. v" -.in.- only niicL n ; re-ti..n 01" tne ewi.g ie "iD-ta:j , n.!:oi w;t:.. ut , , . t .,. tt, rk. : cn-ij'.iii? tnc o c-.-ut 1 . flU;h or e-' v:itr . ur.u--.: ii : ty. i .i- t..,.;kdri; zi ea-i.y !;rer.i::h n .1 ;ei wrurever vi-s:rei j f.i-ten c-r,-U n r'.o ..u!--'- -; l"- -.-'isA i w.iy. It 1- t' e ;.;' Ui.Kti.av :h..t ,p.:'-j ,p.:'-j .7.1'u-t c; - ,.::k-t nr -. i -: -iop, us:'h I w.itk- .; pori'c.-Iy . ::.o . ; .-r.,:-.r ci- run :i cross tc i-.v:-: a:. a cw tr,? Er.w! . hnn ;:r.d t!:o : n: - : - ' :r. ir,ii;Fit(s-ff-iilc u; cv :: t rt iivtl-.er rei ar.i wi'h, :i; f-. '-;;; ; t,-,- ,.r j to:, -ton. I -o -r; d:.;- . ir.t-t rr.v .lo'h v:th ur :u:.:,-i i.nv:-: n szi 1 til: ,-:.r:;c-t-p-" :nv''V.-;u'h''d.-V'-'VVf 1 ; !,o a t r 1 .1 i !i : t . . . , r i':.e r t :h u I :uvtir.tc j r, :rp:i.. 1 :vr.ir4 1 ; iiie or an-! imic ci -:i:oro-, .il'.w t'l it h.t- ..a l ".: :( d !; :; a : y.ct. cic.b-sively cic.b-sively 1:- wui- a : :i. i i;h a;t, and wi.l ;iLi'ii vl ,.:.y w.:b id srj n'n:er-.i I; n't t r i::."- s y 'Ur. cifr.fr .md .i-w- it t . . in i ,'t -.'..j ...rcrsiit a, rat it hm. ;."id i1:-1 i. ill-. ),r.a a.i C'-ni ;in 1 t'u-s. ,,:.;lr-. .tzi br.i wi'tnuH l.i:u.;. ..,h ; tv-:.;l p'.v;;: ; a ni.i-it' .ii.; ::-t ur.:r: j- o.:r ir,.; ;;io vr. -e" l; ;:.i l i f. a i y t C p.uy ! ur.io i r. :th- u; rt..v:i anv 11 liht .i ;i 1 : 1 0 r.: ;,e m tie c.s:irt n-.'.hon: :,;e ,:.-.: 0-; a f. ,.::. crv j .t the 'T'o-, .. e" , , -:( "'y j -t..- nont ly ;ifi; u-: d. ;uui it iiM' u-w .i. r, : ::i . 't i.?0, 1'U' I l: ttt tli l.. r .1 i . 1 , a V, i ; .. 0 li 1- 1 (..;.: 1. . i, ,-li.Tti ::d, .r u-i-;.-i-vi i ; h niu-t i.-i-e. In iho ' t-rcr. : " r.. ::i-.;r tho "oi k ::--r t:.o -m i i .tl r"? dr-.-? t L't mm 1.-1. lite 'r n. rev.ee" ;;b 'ri t:f c ;.in; to .- up - n v v.: . at t r,i- Na:e i-r;o a oilier tirt e..is iL.iohir.e. laoe dva t.l-O-i .- l,ihc-.ili:y ir .,::i:r.r:i.-t;i-e: unpitoi y o: ivnMriii-tuMi; Ku-imy ot v.-..i.-.-tueii:. Mioiy el M.lciu.-: KeverMhle iu d: ell-;.,ulu.. U'"iv.; Aiuoinat i t tV-t; . 1 u, nr 01 liviiKiv , Pro i.-umi .s.m-t wt ..r. P-TUvt and p r;-:i; :i ii-ie-': 1 i.-y i t'tu siion ol t.cedle ;:'.:i i. . ea LiUni.-j 1 1 1 ut M ,1'hi1 I Ur "Ki.'Mit'i', " r,;oii r;f ! m 1; a ui.n' Jine i i le ami -i. tfs to lc trie i. .Wu.. 1, iy ,..n .i .i :o wuh. iit a '' iiit- in .v h ,11.'. ; -: hi'.'v .'...it K' t l iMie m ' teu 10I '.u tev er " 1 lie X'' is weleepic. TO (HE ADitS Uf Milt l.nUHIn. mul iMonsI" PlM tlir In illiih!i I Jilo Ii o Mum mi Aittl Ml lllii 'o o'ond u ri'i ii',i 1 t : : 1 ; M our I'liu-o. ntul 0 ; 1 ' ' 1 ; 1 0 in1 i' .1 1 FhiiuIv i'ir M av ln;;i f'''1 tif MfHiniif umnoviiste putvliH-e or i'''" is our Ihimiio-s ;ii;u pissu1 lo clo- fxauiin.HiuMi HiuJ 00111 pjt i-o;i. " fl havo on I'xIuiMiiiMi. in I,'1 onvilv lo oi';wn s':',;',-ot in whn-h v 0 l.'inn ,u..m 10; ii v. 1 "'' ohuuv rl .'triou ii'i ii- j i'i''"1 Grovn- VV 1'alvoi. ::-,ov ;-l ; 0 ,V W il-on. In tvjiImi- '.so o.-v. .: noli, no UHt.'l ir :in; iC xv ' ' 1 ot nvsl nvivtnnr. Vu; or. t ;' " ; " T Ihoy w ill l-o h( ; : y 1 -y o ; oluiii-l in r.,0 ! -l el I K r: ,;' ! Mi'ilO vl h r : 0 a 1 V'l i'1 ''' CHAS. S, HAMMtR, . it t .tl A j !S I ( I" LAK 1 , i i I V. I ' M |