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Show H.DINWOODEY, FURNITURE DEALER And UPHOLSTERER. All kinds of IMPORTED FURNITURE Uonatantly oa hand at the Salesroom, EAST TEMPLE ST. Every description of HOME-MADE FURNITURE At the Factory nnd Salesroom, i'lKST SOCTH STREET, S. h. CITY COFFINS, PLAIN and ORXAMENTAL si Always in Stock. Z. C. M. I. Clothing Departm't FRESH ARRIVALS Of New Goods in Fall and WINTER . SUITS ! OVERCOATS, .CAPES, TALMAS Military Clothing:, &e. ... Also a Fnll Variety of GENT'S FURNISHING GOODS Gents', Ladies' and Boys' BOOTS & SHOES Gents' Youths' and Boys' 1 1 ATX and CAPS. TRUNKS in all styles and qualities, .Valises and Carpet 8ackk. Carpets?Matting5FIoor Cloths H all Paper aud Decorations. Always on hand and for eale by the yard, a large stock of . . Freneh. and English Casiraere, Doe skin Beavers, Military Cloths, "Home Made Tweeds, fee. SUITS MADE TO ORDER ! Gentlemen's" Clothing, or Military Suits, made to order in the Newest Style of Fwhion on the shortest notice. First-class Fit and iVorkmanahip Guaranteed. MILITARY TRIMMINGS IN GREAT VARIETY. nil ' H. B. CLAWSON, Suit, ANMPPLY of the celebrated STUDEBAKER WAGONS HAa JTTST AREIVED. liiijbrg'.ing heary nnd light FARM AND KANYON WA80N8 . The Favorite X A. 2VI O N D hn otimr LIGHT SPRING WAGONS. Very desirable for Family u.e. Tim Btu-lfiUkcr Wikon. n, manufacture' unt Hi On very tt nuUirlala l.y u iuo.t eowiMt.ut tmy-.li.nki In tin r.nntry, an"! nrf. WAKIUNTKI) KIHSTCLAHH. HiHKAt.K AT rllKAl' RATI;. JOHN T. CAINK, Akh, Hf.lt. L:iko U:rn, Ofliw. uojaudoij lisanHiavd 'M 'a -; ! IinoH 5Ioin:-JIi!H o 89ST0TUI EC NEW YORK TRADE. Pool, Nazro, Kimball & Co,. WHOLESALE GROCEKS 35 Wnrrcu St., cor. Church, J. H. BULGER. Tfew York. uC-j C. A. Longstreet. - John Sedgwick. LQNGSTREET & SEDSWICK Manufaelurord of and Wholesale Dealers in fflEN'S&SOYS' CLOTHING, 400 4BS nrnmt-ivay, New Yovk. .124 MOLLER'S f 01) - LIVER OIL. Received Uie First Prize at each of the followiiif; Exhibitions : 18G2 London International Exhibition. Exhibi-tion. I860 Bergen Exhibition of Fishorios: Gold Medal of Koyal Society lor the welfare of Norway. 18t6 Great Exhibition at Stockholm. 1867 Paris International Exhibition. At which it took the firat prize among twuoty-eight twuoty-eight competitors. It is recommended by tunny eminent medical authoritiee in Europe; also by the Medical Society of Norway and Medical Society of Northumberland and Durham. Dr. L. A. Sayre, of New York, sajs : '"Holler's process ia the only oue by which Cod layer Oil should be mude." Dr. J. Marion Sims says : "I have prescribed it almost daily, and have every reason to bo porfectly satisfied with it." For Bale by Druggist aud ChoniiU. W. H. Schleffelin dc Co., New York, d20 Sole Agents for the C. S. and Canada. CHICAGO TRADE. KEITH BROTHERS, Manufacturers and Jobbers of HATS, CAPS AND FURS Millinery and Strata Goods, 08 fc 70 IVabaah Ave., ftTJTri A f fl 3 . 4 Dearborn Place, VillOiiU'U jl BRICGS HOUM3 B- II. Skinner, Proprietor. Corner Wells and pTJ f fl p ( Randolph Streets, OllIOAuU This House 1 centrally locuted, well furnished, fur-nished, and contains 250 Rooini. d-J CHASE, HANFORD & CO., 51 South Water St., CHICAGO, Headquarters for Oils, Paints, Glass, Ac, Manufacturers of the celtbratc-J WILSON OIL TANK ..ij page, nno.,v CO., Importers and DeaJtra in LEATHER AND FINDINGS 3 O Lake Street, Lake Shore Oil Works. MAXWELt, WHEELED & CO., Mannfatnrer? r.f Englua, bleniil, TalloTv, I.aril ami VVOOL OIL.&. Dealurs in 'Headlight Carbon, AVlmlo Elephant, Scul und Sperm Oil, An-f nt. f.jr U10 iwlu ( PltATT's A S T It A I, OIL. AgnU of tin. IVmI Virginia Oil cj Oil IadiI Mwrr.uTiT.tr. op EXCELSIOR CAR, ROQf AN 1 IRON PAINT For Tin ori'I Slnn-U- Hoof., buda Tunlr., Ar. Ffttoey CHICAGO. OfTiT 3M 4 Illinois St.. Ifi s. Water atrrit. VAN SCHAACK, STEVENSON & REID WHOLESALK DRUGGISTS Oealera I tt PAINTS, VARNISHES, OILS, DYE STUFFS, BRUSHES, Window Glass, Glassware Patent M odioinon, &o.. Sec. 0, 0 &, Ul Lake St., cor. Dearborn 3 B . CJ .Ci U With a JiirKO o.xperie.i-o in tho Tnrritorial trade, we lucl Buro ot Kiviny eatiM action in quality, i-ricoa and packiui,-. MARKLEY, ALLING & CO., luiporturn uud Jobber iu Hardware 5 Cutlery 91 Lake (Street, CHICAGO, .... 11,1, DIEBOLD & KIENZLE, Hii'Xria'jm t DW.M'I, ltnliiiiHiiu A C",, CKLKBKATKD CINCINNATI I'lRli AND LUltULAK MOOf SAFE S, And HiirKout'fl .M nTint io ami Aiilounitio Uauk m - . I' It ATT COVKKT. ILmmthI AK"tiU "j WmliiiiKl'in St., (.;iik'Ui;o. II. II. I. A VK(H, Sup.. ',. . I., Agent, fur l lnli 'n . rllo. y. BATHS, BATHS! V ji 111 1 Sjirin- Jinllis ! Private nn.1 l'l..Ke. Tli ..i . I.il.citl ImiIl nr.. ..oii t. llu. fill. Ik' hi nil ."rm-.n.. Tli. ir n.-.l I . I..H nn. w i-l.'Iy knr II Hint It i'l nuillnnq ft mill nn ruin I licni. Bcl'lf. tlin I'l i i nli, II iMi.. ill- Im mul hiili'lioiiui. ly rnniMi.iiJ I'l.u.ifi Until Imt l.i.Mrn Anil il'iilli-in, 1, nn i,,,n ,,,. 11. ,lt MM. I). 11I, PEOPLE'S ISLR l(E (0. or SAN FRAucisco, OALirortNiA. ( "''. nnd M'in',1 ) c. F. m.i. ui:r.M"T. . 11. .;. li"i;N'i ii. Prr-i.loiii. .cri-t.irr A. H.;l NM-iOV, K.r. Inl A5f.1I Xj . 11. T II XT K M A IV, titltrr.l Agntt for I t. it. fiftce al S. V. Hola- il .( C.-.', M i'm S-iri-ot. S .ll Lake City. B. "W. E. JENNENS, J.o kI A unit Ortlce at Trtl 1 A ( o', Jlln r)i.( .i.i Salt Lukf tit). Cheap Blankets! I will Clu.'u Utit the ri'iii! rnK-t' oi'tii.'sC UKAUTIrTL CALIFORNIA BLANKETS AT COST I l At. I, A.l HKK TIIK.1I AT GEO. W. DAVIS' Op)ionl1 ISnlt lnkc Jlonc. OS PRACTICAL WATCHMAKER3. A U- .v n K A y -1 M 5 ELIASON HAUERBACH, Ncitl)arKtiitr lh Ilernld, Arn WDrkiurn whit tud "iilv rmuiir Widio(i aud Clnrkfi, hut will nittko WuU'lion lo unlnr In any doHirnd atylo. ur any pirt d iimu, Trutu a plvut ur pinion to an ouliro Wattdi. Work Kxeoutnl on Mntlrrnle Tfi nn. COMPETITION Left Behind! HOLIDAY CAM.N. ( iiuis- ma's rur.r.s, I'C'icv '.xin-:s, f nit liindu, IMi.e A iilc, li.iit-.,, l.'rnli., I''n ... V H . 111 f rl. , r..l.v. I'lr. Pro, t . I u frc t In..,' . y , The clii apn.i 111 luHN, III '' I III.NUV WAI.Ii.tl K'.l, S!t3CER .SEWING . MACHINE In all tho beautiful varieties, SHOULD BE SEEK BY EVERYBODY Contemplating the purchase of a Machine for family or - ! other use . . Atour newly-fltted up Salesroom, Second Door South of the Eagle Km-porlam, Km-porlam, between the Drag and Clothing Clo-thing Departments of Z. CM. I., will I he found a Pull Assortment of these 1 Admirable Sewing Machines At Prices to Suit Everybody. THE SINGER SEWING MACHINE NEEDS NO PUFFING to commend It to the public, as the following m ur. C2 rar show: In ISoO these now celebrated Machines were firtt offered to the iublic and in the four years succeedinfc 4.0X1 were told. Today To-day over that number are weekly turned "Ut from the factory, aDd yet this iniLne..-e supply sup-ply is not eiual to the demand. At the eod o' the year 1&-j7, upward of Machines were told, nnd in the then following years, from V-8 to '7i, thoDumber had been increased to upward ot 500,000 JIACUIXl-S SOLD, One tbird of whlcli were disposed of w i t h I n the pre ctdi n g twelve luonlhs. t'ruui the forecuin? it will be ,--:en that dur-inc dur-inc the IhsI three ycr;, tne s.dtr itave o-t-n upward ot "fifty Ijlt c--nt luore tb ii during the whole of the i-evciucen l'rcviuu: yt'.ir?, THE FECFLE'o VEnDiGT, after a score of yrars I liorougli trial Is that the SEWING MACHINE if adapted to all kind? of work. ewinit rcdily tne thicL;c?l and niu.-l rtubuyrn uia-Hti.iI uia-Hti.iI a- the lititjl and Uio-t Ofii -:e f t Tir: wi rh n nt.-ii. iLji it cvtfiu-j, . critic tiijn aud dur;iiiihty L- uut'iu ill'- l. Arnnp.in ins c.i'.'h .Mouino are priutcl intru;tiun, o pl.iin and e iy -l cmprfUfi- tun Lrtt, ul t huu i: n we ri umrucnd cuum-ers cuum-ers to t.ike t u u-t one It-.-a ir ui i'Uq Operator, Op-erator, it in .;n ! ' t. j i;ri -o?-.ng at u k'lnnT i no niniu-ity of ihc Mi-aiiic nd eoiiipictene-i' oi the C'-n'tructif-n. 8omc ot the u.VT VAN TAC-aiS IT THE SINGER MACHINES AUK Simpiici;y oi c-nt ni.'t inn tlierc;..re Imj liability to get out I repair. Hbort. nr.tith' tif cile liable to bend, hrc.ik or ekip the .tiu h. Thorhuttlo i carried; friction, wc.ir snd the nrp-5jiy nf grcA-iiid the race ro thus a oidrd. Kp.idine-;i wi(h which the ui't inexperienced inexper-ienced can djul tho ten.-iun ol luo tUrcsd. Frcodoiu from wear. Attr twenty year? eontnt service tbc machines have nver been known to wear out. They aro noiirlo?, rapid and ey io all tbeir movement. All our ina.-hinc-i are a Liu-ted anil rut in th'troutfh rutimur irxler.hy competent linndf, bvlnrc d-liwry. rurch.cr. tuoreiuro have nt trouble, but c.u mccc-j fill ! operate with Uicm at vuco. THE NEW BUTTON-nolE MAOH I X K S arc llioriuik'bly pr-o'tical and will perform aJJ that we claim lor t hem. 77i? Lnpitntd MANUFACTURIN3 MACHINES br lira y work, arc tou writ K nou n tu licod , cuimciit. 9 alo keep in piook the 1 MANUFACTURING MACHINES Our pt'ck of Iho Sinner Spins Machine i viuy cMi'ii.-'ive, inbracinir o ory varu l oi iiinb. iroiu i ho piaiu M.tcbiuu, mounted on bin. k walnut tablo, oiUd. in tlio olabor-atelj olabor-atelj pM.il(ii .Maoliine, w itn vmbiiu'i o:uso and I 'Idint n ivr in tn.-KUvJ 1 I uok walnut, ro!o, w. . or tii;ih"s.tiiy hik-lily poli-ln-d. Kvery .M. lnm s lumilu'tl with tho aiue tiimiplt'to lurniluro. i no ul mif t bu uw beiu-innr beiu-innr mowing nil widtlJ aud Idler and braider. brai-der. We tin ran tee ,our ?l hi Ii I nn to do II miming, nil m I ill Krlllngi He in. fltclilngi llinlilltigi rtlaglc Hurtling) Knilu uhlrrllig to iltnlu atltctli UntUnlng nittt Hewing on at aam , tlme,wtlh or without a hnnd. on tha eilge or lit the irnlrri ( oi il I n m Tuc k-lKl k-lKl Unl't tnt 'ri-ltntnliim Hiuillitg nil u hit Iih niil kl n tin, etc., etc., rt . WE DELIVER MACHINES Wit limit Additional Clmrgc I'll ai.i. i'aui's oi.- this i irv "r- All kiiiiLs nl" fewing jl:icliiiH-s (linriiUKlily liopiiiicil mi ltcn-snnnMn ltcn-snnnMn Toi'iiim. K i ' l n ' l n I I- lliii M:unlMi'lh Mkh, SIKH SEWIXB MI!IIS Two iliinin miiiIIi o (in KiHlr V,i-MII V,i-MII linn, "Mi II. II. CIViON, Supl. THE AVERILL CHEMICAL PAINT COMPANY'S PAINTS Embracing over A HUNDRED DIFFERENT SHADES, prepared lor immediate application and requiring no uuixini;, just received and fur sale at tlie DRUG- DEPARTMENT Ctam sf Ub la The ingredienta of these Paints are simple and indestructible. The qualities quali-ties with which they recommend themselve.) are: Cheapness, durability, superiority supe-riority of color, an unusually smooth and glossy appearance, less labor required" in laying, no trouble of mixing, wiil stand lire or rain, and does not crack or peel off with atmoapherio changes, nor chalk off by friction. They ate the best, cheapest, most durable and most popular Paints in use. The A.VEIULL WIIITE PAINT i a ZINO PAINT, containing r,r, ead, and is- of equal superiority and popularity. BRING ALONG YOUR PAINT CANS OPEN AND PURCHASE BY THE GALLONS A full line of Foreign, !omeMic and Case Liquors. At the Drug Department, Z. C. L I. if. n. ciiAWNoiv, supt. D. DAY. 1. 1'. CULMER. . DAY a OULfclEO, "SVholtale and Ketail Dealers iii I DRY G20Q3, - GROCERIES, HARDWARE, QUEENS WARE, GLASSWARE, BOOTS, SHOES, HATS, BLANKETS, OILS, NUTS.&c.&c. WE MAKE BEST TEAS S1JE OIALITY. J L SI' KtCKIViD, A FiNE-tCT DF DRY GOODS. Call and See tlitin. First Door South of'Town Clock Store. d'j C. 11. Bi-TT. U. Y. IIoni!i. BiSSETT a HOFFMAN HARDWARE STORE All kind ot HEAVY HARDWARE, Iron aud Nteel, Stovss and Tin Ware ULACKS.UITH 1UULS Agricultural linplemt-iit. Ant .Mining Tools, AC Low est llate. OPFOMTK SALT LAKE HOISE. ul'. m. o. m. i. BOOT AND SHOE Jlepartiiieiit, j At the Sign of the I "BIO BOOT" i i Cfa.lt .nd Kxamine our choice Stock of iHOJVlE-mADE And Imported IBQQTS AND SHOES , LADIES- AND -GiN'TLEViEN'S SLIPPERS . Boots and b'boe-for Ladies, Gentle-men Gentle-men aud Children .MADE TO ORDER ; satiifactioD guaranteed. Repairing Nvitly and Promptly attwdtd to. M'e have Ju; Ktctivt-i a cltDdid Saly t-f Leather. Including French and German Ger-man Calf Skins. Best norocto, a great variety of Colored Skint,! and all kludn of L'pper, Sole and" J Harness Leather ; Concord and Stage Horse Collars. Also & Full Stock cf Shoe Findings. IIID"r HOUGUT. Call ai:l sc-eyour old friend Crompton liai(7 Inimodiately, a jirtt-clatt S-ici.ig Machine Ostrator, to iccrk on ' LaditJS and Gtnts Boots and Shoes. : BL B. CLAWSON Sept A FOR SALE, CHEAP. ; 1 j I FIRST-CLASS Ja lilLLIAUD TAULES. ' tinjuire st this Ofice. L ! . BENEDICT, HALL & CO., MANIFAC1TKKRS AND WHOLFS-iXK PF.ALLKS IN Boots and Shoes, HAVE REMOVED TO Horn. I'M and UU GIMM) .STREET, Cito liio.'k E:it ot" Lri'.-vh :,v, NEW YORK, aw Zion'sCooperative Mercantile Institution TO (MTV AND COVM'UV C0-0P8RATIVB STORES Anil tlir Trside onersill.r. WHOLESALE DRY GOODS! EAGLE EMPORIUM. (l'l StniiO WINTER GOODS! I.ouy: Miawls, tibiae. 'iOsicry, Mnvrlc Mia iv 1st. lloK, .! liiililrcirw Miaul. sini llaiuirls, IClaiiKt. CoiinlfriKiiirs. JraiiN. Cnssiim re. l4iiiM'.vf. DOMESTIC G30CS IN FULL SUPPLY AS USUAL. I!oel A- Miot s Kuhln rs A .Irt'tiff. IriiN, Hoys and i ii' Hat. II. U. Cluwsou, Supt. |