OCR Text |
Show NEV ADVRTISEilvNTS, mpjKovi:i jvicis: All j'.irtii,' who havo ordcrM iik. anil th'fe who wjh io uplr thmiik'ti 'i'- "rt ro-iu-tel to lorwni the urn -tint ot lirK est e-t if noon Hft p"'i lilc.tK cii.i bl o mu tu make tno nees-miry iirratiKmentn to h.ivo iboru nil -'i-A t'ith'-r. Th'V run iio h;ul by the jinn! 9 pi I'tiir or trio 't hut if. hotr iinl two jow;. trum ix to ten weokn o 1. I'hlo Improved h(-. (-!-, ,."M a nalr. Chmter Co. W hit it I u V " Improved ( lirihlrci, Iinirov'l llcrk lrc J -i,, I in n ro vf 1 KnitCT, f ' I'rlncc Al hert t ufTolk, j I'aul A. Nclii'ttler, Akciii for I't.-.h T-rritory pjr B. II. ltoW. Co. Mud h. il. tivor. CAUTIO. T UKREIIY CAL'VIOV Mm puljlit; tc4iiM( J U'Jit"itutin or purrbinioK iliu dccl-icivcu dccl-icivcu i'i ih lolloTTinif immicI in'cviii fur tft e'jh in :ho 11 hA I'N I.'tb K. mm tin-. I in Jli" ffhuLu Cuii'tn, Wt l Mnunhiiu Mining District. ji r i i Ijc'- N with obi ;u n 'l tlmm :li frund ufl iiiirfrrrHoniiti'), I rixei vuik nu CfimppnpaliNU for thn jmu. Xuu iJrmln who niu-Ju in i:iv. (lf M.W. Jli h pin . rm "-l,K. :. 1 h'ltDiU 2"0 feci aiW J. W. buuinuriie "0 luct- JOH.n MctAMOV. J "J I 'fOIEBOLD & KIENZLE, tC Htn;ciriii')r U LH"lml'l, lltitimnno A CV, y ' CKLKBlt ATKD CINCINNATI 'i l'lllii AND UUKULAll l'U'JOF (S A F IE , And Hiirtfont' Mucnriio nti'l Aulnmutio 1 iiiinlc b ja d.. PKATTAj COVKKT, (ifiMi-ul A-nU H'i WtiMiiiifitori St., C)iicj;n. II. II. CI-A WKH, Nnpl. ',. M. I., Attrnt. for ( lull i i rltuiy, 1 1 'u i BATHS, BATHS! 1 Wann Spring lEalliM ! I'l l vntn flint I'lungr, Tin .... . Ii lint' i Imllii tin. f.pru Ih (iiiMi.' nt itll vn,ii. '1 In Ir ii...(l. t.nl ,Mt.irllii tun rk wi. I) HUiinn n h tt il U it' li'n 1 cii'iinrn l lliciii. "f)- t,.ii Hi- I'i It .(. I! ikln, (1,.. Idri-nnn-l linn.1iliin-y linn.1iliin-y tiinii-l. i riiinuc lint m )r.r Lull" nnil 1'nlli.rui ir tif.w . r. l, MlMft.H, li I , AMUSEMENTS. - THEATRE THRILLING DRAMA ! Wednesday Evening, Feb. 1, Revival oitl.c tT-t.it Moral Bramn, TEN NIGHTS IN A BAR EOOM! LITTI.K (IKOlKilE CI.AAVSON Appcarinefor hr fi.st timi n- Mary Morgan. InnnJ.Klot lb.' pu,iular l.alln.1. "COME HOMK, FATHER." Mr. D. McKKSZIK -i .TOE XIOTttlAK Willsoou I,o pro. lured, tho (rrcat tipeouiculnr JlKima, entitled TI1K ICE WITCH! Or, tlic Frozen Hand, Whidi has l.con in active preparation over two months. Lonely Man of (he Ocean ! WEEKLY' ENTERTAINMENTS For the Benefit of tile LIBRARY . FOND of the SALT LAKE Exchange and Reading Rooms. Lectures, Music, Readings, Recitations, Etc. The fourth of the eyries will take place at THE Rooms of the Institution, ON FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 3rd, When the Members and their friend- will meet fur a a INAUGURATION BALL On the opening of the new eUblithmeiit. TICKETS, EACH. To admit a Lady and Gentleman. Can he obtained of the Scrretary. M r. Fabian, or at Messrs. Gould .t Woodward's. MUSEUM AND MENAGERIE. Half a block w.vt 'f Prt'iidnt Youik Ke-i'icnc;. JOHN W. VCH ;, - I'i oj.. .ntlc lleaiti, lilrd and Kf(i(llci VlJlvuineol, lic.H". lOxe.-. M-iuuuin Deer, Lv:u. WilJ C.tt. t Imp'irTjni cnlUi.-t in of Native Mineral: A(tiniHM(tii, F I IiiMkh. IO " '.' il.Ul. t'- l' in t trtiiii- Time -5 p. m. .1. .. BAUKOOT, 51nnKer. z. c. wa.- l CARPETS I'M 11 SPRING FUaNISHING ! Retail Department Wo lkII Hltfitti'tn W purclm'ift llmt wo n ro jri'p:irc'ii to Il r ti' i:il indiH '' nunU. A linu .-ol'ctiii v( tin: n'W -t ityr- of TAPESTRY, BRUSSELS. INCRAIN, At Ka-lcrn Prices. DITCH CAKI'KT. '. IV.r Ynnl. TABLE AND WINDOW DAMASK. IHUT.UKTK nii.l CHI 'Mil CI.OTIIN Stieetings and Quilts. roitn i:s am) t un is. liilll.H, I'lillHOS llllll ('lil'l,". E On m-h Mailr mid Iviinl - i At Cun. n in ,n It. II. CL.WVbUN. St i-1. w CIIFE 'iISIUSh 'iIWIIY, NKW YOKK. I I hw 1mi-i I y iI nl ii n I. nh N ( i' m. Alt lull Im mi-KoiTi llnhlr. yyA' AV.s7'f7MM "ll f'tsufi -,m nr Ti'tirt in Hilt jidif i'i th Worl'L Pl' All tlm ,.ri..iu f 1 1 . i .!' l.il'o Kn.lou- iiH'iit, I'ii in iiM'l .It'inl, I 1 i 'i . v Hie ii-n il . ''. 1 i '.tin I'lmy. j ate a ii. 4vakt. , n., ii'tlMiul AV)"I I'.T I lull. OMic 1 h l A. j 1"'lnn nrirlli uf I'.xcliniiFMi nnl i:iliti( mum NOISELESS FAMILY SEWING IMF is Tin: Standard Machine of the World ! an Tlie Special Committee appointed to examine mid report on Sewing Machines at t he Aorlh Carolina State .Fair, held at Kftltls;h last week, awarded a Gold Medal tot e Florence - Sewing Machine Tor the ease and quiet neas of It s move meiitn, perfection and large variety of work and its valuable new feature), making ma-king it the most valuable Sewing Machine for family use. Partita contemplating the purchase pur-chase of Sewing Machines are requested re-quested to read the following from the New York. "Tribune" of Oct. I9th, 1870: SEWING SIACHINES. We haTe recently had occasion to uiiike some inquiries mio the progress of improvement improve-ment in Lhe oiechanUin of sewing macuiues, n were not a little surprised to leirn that the cenlral idea in the ti r?t iiiveniion the shuttle fitill holdd it6 j.lacb, thouKQ umny .ttemi't. have buon m:ide to tavbrcedt it. The shuttle, in CiiuhinHtion with the needle, ic still the meant? ured to form the e tt ten . in the leading machin-!. and we find that the iTowth of trade is chie8y with the shuttle atiiifc machines. lhe improvements that are taking firm hold in practical Use are, theref'rr, nece-a-nly id cnne-tijn wi'h the shuttle, either in t'ue detail of tne ehuttle it -If, or in other parts cl the muL-Linc c-jnoecred with it, to caue tne whole to operaie more perfectly and umiurmly, and to siuipliiy ite .Mmy important pains in t .i directi'-'ii, made eince the tir-t Krt..it invention, are un-d-juoiealy cmoud-td in the " t lurenc," Lua-:hide Lua-:hide ; and c r '."."iii :i. tud Our rta ierd to 1,-areiul'y inipect the "t lorciicc" beiure Oia-KiDit Oia-KiDit a chK't;. 1 ae pimi-- pt-."j 1 .a" t this J..i"h .ne are : An ucu-u.ii .cii'jULt "i ii: 'U' y y i tut in mafc.Ltf tbo "t ln -t-ULe," tiiciv'-y ce..uriutf tlie beat material '-U';l. Pr iii-l.ni-.e, nntTc ' -jthtre ue CA.-tir:i i, .ir. j t'tc ii--t tin ;h oi iiiiporiaut p.irt atie -liutie, ! r txaiupic, btiiiir risial r-vctcd it it van-. Hum the :t.iLj.trd 1 - ' a ct aii i : i I it u c-.'U ftru-.-ted on t in- .m lc i-.r -1 -vv i.t . p."; :i:i ,-i .-r. entirely di.-p- iimuc vr ; t h the C"--, u-i -'.iin. i.,d liliii- wtilcQ -o if'. pervvr.-el uUI ti urdtr ;ir.il -i.-r ly p.r!it e-ery -.'ric but a. praoti. ti i (j 'ic j i i t "' 1 1: . :r untf-.-uunt-olo irt -ih;. i ne "ri'-'iiiict" i e -iilv iu.iiiut.'l. -ii.J ii u-r i.- !u rc.idtly If-jntJ, ( )i j r n r'T I t r y : . i ( i; n fis.c afl mu-cic enough tn run ii rrr:ev;t.. l.ieioc-atitcn. l.ieioc-atitcn. ;ls lo t.e "t .i.reiiu" is Very r-.vul.tr .ui l pi.Ttn.-t. very rtrwn: an i elajtic, ju i is liruwn int.. iKb ti-rio wrtiiy, u rii.ii-U4.i. rii.ii-U4.i. , eA.it i) . it ii' -U I h . nit ana wiin'.'Ut it. h' t.ic fi:i:u t p 'i k . r, i-r : it. e ill n.vl " n t' c: i: i; -:.- r i: I r .t k 1 tn ; r !) t'luenuy, vei one tjir -:ii una 1iljI lai-nc? Cli bcu-ci. Ji-ili.- tl.i. t:;C i .oreiice" un .il! t in the r.i- i- t t: 1. ) al.-o u.tc? three U'l'iHMiul cit. li -a iciu-ie loit, a lo krnl and -i u v i .e ki'; niiKh an l r 1 1 -r t n ri- i iv: l .,.t n : y vtlier (lt. tl, (ir 1 wr.r !l .-'C ?''. 1c f i Ti ' LIT lift cume. 1 ae "i .. ti r.i-e ' i- ll.e unly ii:a--Q ne ihul hu .i rrvi: ....c r.i. Hut'ti-y ILc di-rr-'tion 'f t:ir rc.l.' r,n ir-tjsti ehaukcJ ithuat f- t:.e work, ttiu euD.iUk" tli " ir..;u; i.. i , i i-r eiu njy m or It ti uuu-u.il i .--il it v. i - I i 'ii.r.'h anj cajmI) treijcJ h 'i a -.. ri w -. . vt di -i re l. ud. linnlij, ( n lew fp- ' ' tlt'hv. to la.-ten cij.l- in ti.u -i'.ii . l n:ia -1 ri -f s-1 y. It if tlie i r f nr t it li i i -e, f-'ljut f-'ljut hk .- im: M' i i .-1 i t. n.i.n. w nu-ti mora peri' .:! r;; it i.'ic i'i'.r.i'-r cm run 4 rp'.M the r . . I. : . . l..- :ui l , i io touii linen ni lt;c tn U-i lu.-l-l'ih in i in me diitto pui.'ri'ii wii.ii'ijt irc a s. ii. h thetiircau n i i;L"N . v -. " r " ll-'. ti'-U or irii'ion. i:ir "t'I'Tcvt" t:,m?the ttircad into tne clinh with m c juaic i i rcL-iiun nu certain t y, Uj v. . ,tn - I .tu ri cm" u uto-iDilic uto-iDilic "laVie-up" mii'-i. wiiu'h ol tL itck thread lelt :tcr tbe titeh with 4.'ourle pruinpiiie Kim! i-rcvcnu ad (nin-iuir (nin-iuir vr dn-ppii! tr.oi.c-, ani alluws tut perair tu pt backward, or to run off the rloin aud od atf.un, UD perleet luipuntij. It baa an iiuprm cd ci.vj.iio bvuiuicr, eiciu lively itf (uvu, uhi.-h i. ni.ii).i:ol with ea. od will qiu k c a ho in ot any width on ay material 1 1 not iim jr m je m perleot teat do. a d row it to a h.iu I at cuo opcra(i'U, but it heui. and biri'l. anl li'U, and quilts, iuu C0'i. nod turK. aiul a-H0iT, anJ braid. WlttlOUt t'.l-t 111-.. ."Til ll fl'f-'ul T"HM"I1 u mii'ir Ha n-t in,iiiri"U we.ir tli it tnr "rlor diico" i ol.uuu'-l ai.a k'uar:tnioid by theCom pany I" l.--t a.- h'lik waln ut rci-air a ny other jliul! le iu'-!nnc iu t:c tuarkel wi: h'iui t he rl ih-hic-i diil ouliy . E vr ol the " I'lnreii.-o" ic .-n porloi tl)' ami pcruia- CMtly adjusted, and it h-ts lew j-Mut. aik pi'inta el irict.i'ii. that it run ith the ut-iiuit ut-iiuit e.uf. 1 he lire lie ii rot mio threaded, anJ ti) u i-lil. h I.- lcn:tlioiie.t, shortened, ir r'N"M-'d with the ut-mu.t ut-mu.t n-o. In ii Hut tho " Kl'iront" nriiher tho work urr thu fjH'i.u t dre?.- us liable tu U0 ci'ilod. lho " I- I'lrfih-c" vidi nil (lies 0 aim ( superiority, ll at tin' ,:hhp itic a oiuor llrt cLun ui.tobine. XUcne advaa LH . LiluTality in unuula tn o: .i in pi ioi i y of dm -1 rm' n "ii ; r -leiiity ot ni.nuineiucut; V irirly ol MiP lu.-, Hevernbtp ti d; .ell-H'Im-tnw ton,' i"; : A ill in.il n- t nko tip: I 111 pT" V l l bl'Ml iliH ; l'rivi-nn .iuhhiM ve:ir; I'rriiK't and p riuaiu-ul a ijut uii'iit . 1- l- riU HliU il ueidii' olid 1 1 1 1.- h : I'lnHiliiu .-s .in l e1n:ii in--: 1 11.' bciiuiy mid bull Iiinh ol lho tuiudiitie: MaLu lii"1 " I loreiu e." uiodei.nely p'ak-iiik. p'ak-iiik. a in.o hiue lihdi to bo diud. ni'cd but lir i ued. iNo iHo.ily y.ui nil-Til to It without a pow-im pow-im in, i' him', mid wv lni e tliai bolero lone one ni'ty ne loiuid wherever "lho lnbuno ' it weloomo. TO 'dill LADIES Of Null I. Uv t'tt t ml I Ii eon K lion li-on t I lie 1 ri hoi h n ol I ImI), Itl i ho , ? nit I n ii ii n nil Y y oin liiKi S o vtonit si i iTiliul invitiiip'ti til tall hl our (dlii'o, hiu! ovhmumo llio l' loroiu I'tumly Snwiiiu; .Mmdnms whi'llior do (iiifiiuitf iniiiirdiuLo )Miivhnso or not ; it ih our iiiitl nlrji-uro to Mdinl 'loy t'Xitinitiiilion ti rut o'liijmiiMiu, o huvo on uvlnl'itioii, in ti Jnr lho tnor oni!y li opltim pointi of ililVrnMu'o, in whudi w'n tduiin f u mmmi ri f y , lho inn-idiiiioA inn-idiiiioA ot ariiMis niMluM'p, iurhiiluift tlij (irovin-vt linker, Suitor nnd WluoUr .V Wilfnn. lit 1 1 1 14 U i ) i h k')tupiiri-no k')tupiiri-no iiniiiir lulvitnbio will bo I'lKen of rivjil imu liiiu, lut mi tho ootit nu y tln-y will In- hopL ly fonnnMiMit n4-ohiiiirt n4-ohiiiirt in lho lio-l i'f rniinin onlur, (mhiio of llo'in roiHiiro in kiM"1 ",l 'vni-IUMT 'vni-IUMT Hfi :i lnrtiiuMl o. ) CMAS. S. HAMMLR, tu i o 1 A )i ol . H,l.r I.AKI'', CUTY, llTAII.j T. & W. TAYLOR Have Ju't Ktccived u lot of Dobbin's Electric AM) Toilet Soaps ! H--." L t MSZ ST3 EHt A. JK . DUNFORD & SOWS Have Just Received a Larsre aud Varied Stock of.. , BOOTS AND SHOES! LADIES', MISSES' AND CHILDREN'S SHOES In every Style and at prices that cannot fail to suit. ALSO A1 LAKOE ASSOBTMEST OV Gents' sin (I Youlhs' Hoot sind Shoes. Ye would also call attention to our Lare and Fashionable Stock of hats nxr:o o.rjs Men's, Boys' and Children's Wear, all of which we will sell at RAILROAD TIMES PRICES! jl OrX-vo Us . C3a.ll. m WELLS, FARCO'S IS NEAR w ! i , I o O O P V S! SS3NISR3 dO 3dlN30 3H ii CONTINENTAL I i l -0 " Oiwk CONTIXKNTAL KI II.P1.Nl;, Noi. 2i Nassau St., X. I .llTl'S l.lWKK.NCK. l're.-; Joi.t. - J. P. KOGER, Secrewrv. M. 1".. AS'VNKOOP, Vice-President, C CUADLEK, Jr., Ac.Uiry. ASSETS, - OVER FIVE MILLLIOXS. l lili Company K 1UKKLV ?1 1 Tt AL in its operations, dividing its entire Surplus among In Policy-holder annually on tlie -rO.N rRlBT-T10 rRlBT-T10 PLAN " and clnlmk a larger bninrkand a lower ratio of expente to Income, than have ever be en attained by any other Company at a corresponding cor-responding crlod In It history. Over 12,000 Policies issued in ths year 1870, this being the la gest number issued by any Company in the World. NOI1T11 WliST Kl! N 1 KPA KT M KST : ILLINOIS, WISCONSIN. MINSFsOTA. NOHTHERN MISSOl'RI. ICVNSAs. COLORADO. ITAH. WVOMINH. DAKOTA, J10.MASA, 11UH0. OITICE, o. M, l. SALLE STKKET, CHICAGO. S. T. I.OCKWOOD. - - MANAGER. JOHN B . MAIBEN,, Genera Asent for Utah OlliiT at Woodinansoo and Uro's, Salt Lake (ilj. It?iibU Awaits Uiifitt throu'jfiout tin 1 rriU-iy. l Zion's Co-operative Mercantile Inst'n 'raOLKSALE AND EETAIL GROCERY AND HARDWARE DbPARTMLTiT, r.i.ni:r.ix;r. .v ( i..vso m u.niMis. Vou c;in In,.! m (li;.- IVparimcnt ot' C. M. 1. U'll.-r LAMPS, CROCKERY, HARDWARE, STOVES. MINING TOOLS, HLASTL; roUDKK, siaiilc ami I'luicy Clrottiit. ,:i'' All.l Oil! Get More for your Money and Orders tlun you can at any other House in Utah. II. n. 1 I. VVM.N. |