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Show Arrival aud Closing of Mails. ARRIVALS. JTl.r.'.neh mil, 'I'ily. , V' ' " 1xal-Wo.t JcrilaQ aJ.J Ikrrimar,, S-iuiar, Iuciajr, TLureday iid Sranuriil., Saturday, i:uupjii. v,,rth-Il"o. Mootana, Oregon and Wash-' Wash-' rcUnTOTtorr, daily, 1 a-m. -i u,rl and Box EMer counties, l'j-.W.m. cooo'.t, Monday and Than. " " a, .thFiItoor, acd all lottrmediate office, dZlv .aeepl Sunday, P.m. a, Jlr and Arnona, Tueaday, Tliara L,Vnd Saturday. U:U0 p.m. Eal,t ntj, Tuesday and Batnr- 11 -(Mi rt m . il'rkjd ana Clar Valley, rrfday,ll:OU pju. CLOSING. tortTUrongliliiail,dajly, 9 p.m. U.caiOif.leu. Morgan connty, Echo City and aatcn, daily, Bommit and Waaatcti counties, Thura- day, 9 Wat-California and Nerada, Through mail, laj'. Weal Jordan and Herriman, Tl.ur.daj, 5:30 a.m. Tooele, ctockton and Grantsvllle, Monday, Mon-day, Wedneaday and Friday, 6:30 " tfort' Idaho, Montana, Washington and Or.. 4"". 1:3.) pan. Locai Iiavia and Weber counties, Box i.lder county, daily, 1:AI Cacti oouniy, Wednesday and Saturday, Satur-day, - :3 " lu.ii county, Wednesday, l.M " ion tfi rtllmore, and all intermediate offices, daily, oxtfcpt timiday, -M a.m. St.iieorge ud AniwuisMonday, Wednesday Wednes-day aud Irnday, ' " Sanpete county, Monday k Friday, 7::i0 ' ywrneldand Cedar V y,Wodneottay,7:3u " OfFICE JJOUKS. General Delmry open from 8 a-in. to 6 p.m. iJnnday, J2 to 1 pjn. Money Order and Rejiatry Department open tow V a.m. to i p.m. Onttide door open from 6 a.m. to 9 p.m. J. M. MOORE, FudlniaAter. putt Office, Salt Lake' City, Utah. MEDICAL IT. li. 11 U N K U I C T, SURGEON AND PHYSICIAN. 'Jtli':o at Ku.ii'icQco, roar of Sbveutiea Hall. ,1 V. V. AKDEIlSOiV, M. D., SURGEON AND PHYSICIAN, OlU'. at Jlwi'Wut, iu tin ILiruLtli Ward. DR. 0. C. 0 RMS BY, l'llYSlClAi.', SUIIUEON AND DKUOGIST, II BllIUIIAJII CITY, UTAH. LEGAL. M. Kirkputrick. S. A. Slann KIRKPATRICK & MANN, Attorneys-a t-Liw, Offiob First South St., Kuuuh door otwt of Uuupor. Eldrodgo A ilit Co. 'a llank. Z. BNOYY. E. D. HOOE. SXOW c IIOUE, Attorneys and Counselor at Law Salt Lako City, Utah, Olfico at Snow'a corner, 1st East St. HOTELS. Townseiul House, SALT LAKE CITY. THE LEADING HOTEL IN UTAH. JAMES TOWNSKMD, Jll Pruprlutor. Salt l.alve House, KAi-T TEMPLE STREET, i SAL T Li A K K O I T V. TILDBN . LAUHK.VCK, I'rop'rs. BANKERS. PI It ST aVATIOXAL IJAISK , OF UT-AJrl. I SaltLako City, Utah Tor. W. a. ll.wjHT, II. S. Kldre,l6, L. tf. Hills , MH)lMrj EMrt'dg-e A Co., BANKERS. Kast Tsmplk St., Salt L.uk City, IValer iu ! Da-t, Coin, Ext-hauKO, Land ainuils, Etc, Jiwtiou Wlo and pn uiptly n'mutod. lORHESrONDESTb I ' H?" c,i- 5iw T" : ult l CahtoriHa. tt.a ,.k . M. Un.,., ,,r,l Nat.ouil Hank. I TAFT t SMEETON, Assa.ycrs, 0 GENERAL MlNINC ACE NTS, orniu city, ( KA8T CANOJi) VTAH. . M l,iorjEEn s1oti:ij IASTCAXON, VTAU, JOHN DI KE, P.oprUlor. kI icccium.-.l.it. u; a .'H -rr.nd ic ,, ltuclj,J. l'ncv, oeanat itf. ' W1LLIAM F. CALTON, PSPKKIESCKD WELL-DIDtlKl) on .7h, f1,0011 WC"',"J twojomh of Uth Van uoo.hou!f. will Jig V,,ll(,0 orJtr 0D ' ol notlco "nd tn fatiitaotory style. CALIFORNIA TRADE. Pn,rr;e;orofth'iKiirip Snn and fy? A nz'Ahi Viiit-yardjj. Viiit-yardjj. D.-t fr tL-i-e-ie cf hia NATIVE Wlr.ES AND BRANDIES M. KELLER fc CO., Corner of Battery arid Washington Streets, Ban FrancUco, - - - California, A n pell c a Wine, Kldorado Wine, White Madeira Port Wine Bitter, Siterry Grape Brandy. All oar Winee and Erai.dy gnaraLt-d atr.ctly pnre, ami ott lore-years old. tTf Salt Lake City Corporation. Z'On's Co-operative Mercantile Inaiitation. i-A:A:k Oj iaitL-ikeOtv, D. il. Peery, and GoU; 4 Co., Osr-lf-n. k -p oar winsyi for oaie. ItlCflAltO GOOUHIXD, c'- Ag"rQt,8al: LabLeCity. "The American Submerged DEP XT ILVI X IS THPa SIMPLEST AMD MJSI DESIRA3LE PUMP IN THE MARKtT, Being composed of but eix parts, all of which are meral. In c-li climated it h e-pecilly valuable, as when not in u.-e no w er remains re-mains in the pipe, reodering it noa-rec-zing. Orders adiire?ied to the Pacific Pump Manufact'g Co., 314 Pine St., San Francisco, Cal. Will rr-coive prompt attention. bE.VD FOR A CIRCULAR. ja7 James Otis. W. A. Macondray. F- W. Macondray. MACONDRAY &. Co., SHIPPISG Si COMMISSIOI MERCHANTS, IMPORTERS OF cHiNA AN3 JAPAN TEAS And all descriptions of EAST INDIA PKODUCE, SAN FRANCISCO, - . CAL. A. J. GRIFFITH, Dealer in 2 M of SALMON AND HERRINGS, 133 WaHhlngtou Street, Bolow Davli. SA FR4NDISC0. All kinds of Dried, ijuioked and Pickled Kiab Constantly on iuiud. CHENERY, SOUTIIim & CO, Importers aud Jobbtra ui" all the varieties of FORKIG-V ASD DOMESTIC WINES AND LIQUORS, Wh'.rh we oiler for p;iln to th t :nlo in I'iah. nt low riirt;- in exchange f'T .ATlOAL CUltKliaSC V "ca.-h down" or approved credit. Jll Clay blrveL, San FrancUco, - - California if iLit.i-uw'i Ji w AbtUUJj Importers and Jobbers of Wines and Liquors, MM & 216 FKONT STKEET, SAN FRANCISCO. JaiuM Sprnance, JohD Spraand!, C. 0. Chapman. J. & J. SPRUANCE, Iraportors and Wholesale Dolors in WINES AND LIQUORS, 415 Front Street, SAN FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA. REDIIBTD1. JOSTETTER 6 Ci, Importers and Jobbers of FOREIGN AXD DOMESTIC DRUGS & CHEMICALS Fine Essential Oils, Gum. Root., Seeds, Flowers, Sponges, b kins, Pomades, tc, And nil other Staples connected with the Wholasjloand Retail Urus Businoss. Constimtly in rccciut. by direct Iuiimrtation, of Luropean and aAMatic products. Ksclusive Aironts for Quicksilver. Uoftettcr's Hitter?, Drake's I'buit.iti'in Bitt r- Woll's .-lu-idum Sfiinapp-s Newell's Fulinonary yrup. And all tholeudinff Proprietary Medicines both American and European. Orders Troinptly aud Carefully Executed. Nos. and 331 Market Street, Between First and Second, SAN FKAN'CISCO, CAL1F0KMA. S. P. Holden. J Moorhead. S. P. HOLD EN & CO., Importer? of FOREIGN DRY GOODS, Linens, Dress Goods, Hosiery, Sio. -S & 50 SANSO.MB ST., SAN FRANCISCO. London ; 27 Lcadcuhali t., E.C l'.lni WAKD Co-operative Store Do:ilor in Dry Goods. Groceries. Hardware, ic. Dried Tenches, Al'l'1", c, b,iii;lit ami ,old. Flour, liratn, lirau and Short, nlwny. on hand. COAL ! COAL ! c rt.'ftuVc1"'-'- vered ,a any i p,",0"'', bfi Ui ' " V-Prat.vc lr lX-Ho.,K- oh-h Sai. F.ORUK CR1S.MO.N. REVERB HOUSE, Lute Omaha House.) Will hereafter be conducted as A FIRST-CLASS HOUSE, In all iti appointment;. It will be renovated and rc-furnihed. and its uiHDiieement attended to in u manner to irjfmre 5uti-la tin to Faro and P'ice?. The Hou-e "will he conducted triet'v on The European Plait. The Kesaurnni OPEN FDR MEALS AT ANY TIME DURING Y.IE DAY, jl7 B. p. WHJT rEMORE, Prop. NORTHWESTERN Mutual Life Insurance Co. JOHN H. VANDYKB. President, II E HER M I I'll, - Vice-Preiident. AUtf. GAY LOR, fceorotary. Home Ofttce, Broadway, cor. of AVls-consln AVls-consln tit., Milwaukee, in. Dr. S. 3. WALLIHAN, General Agent Rocky Mountain Distri t Colorado, Wyoming, (jtnh and New Mexico. PETER G. FERGUSON, Asent for L'uh. Office In Hooper, Kldredge to.'i bank. a. N. JONASSON, Ai?cnt for talt Lake City, TRAVELER'S INSURANCE COMPANY, OF HARTFORD, CON.N tCTK lT. Insure against Accidents tau-ing L-;:f.h or u-Ully Disabling Injjry. PETER G. FERGUSON, A'.ts r. Office at Honevr, E'.Jrvlcs & Co. s Back. 'i-' 500 MEN i. I 1 O light to be eiup.-yci in b ! i.:, jon. hou;e?. Parties bef-re pure1--!- - ire ih-u'.d at F. LITTLK': LUMBER YARLil" jOne Flock t-a-t of 1 htatr LiiiO r. !.. r..-.-. .al; Fine Srock cf Bj-I.-- I' n I.ii..i-r. 3 ; : h-.ir- '. '. .''": '-S i.-'v - 'i,,f- co., ; ,.r Other Prtre. prlorll o aal e. H, T, HELMBOLD'S preTaiutio'aS Hiehly Conctntnifd" COJ1POCM) FLUID EXTRACT BUCHU , 4, positive a r d ? peril r rexeivf,: ii?ejtsee o: the E.kiaer. Kidneys, virsvei mini Iiropsirai twe.ii.cfs. This ne-i: -ine increaie? the powers' of di-ce'ti'-'B. i:-d ex::;e; the aosorortis in:i neiiny action, by which the m.-ter of eal-criu-i on? depoiiuon- atd ail ur.nttra'. ea-1). ea-1). re cu. ecu- firereiLced. weli ss pm Dd iniiu:i -tiL'S. ai;d is good tor men, woiec and cnudren. H H. T.H LVS'LD'S tXTRACT S'J.HU For -we:ikries ariir.? from exce?. hsbits of dissipation, early indiscretion, nMunaea wi:h the ioiiowmg syuipioa: : Indisposition to Exertion. Lss of Power, Ijithcuity ui" Breataing. L ss of Memory. Uorr-'f ot Disease, Vae:'uii:rs. Dim Less o: Vision, Piin in tne iSck, Flushing of the Body, Hot Hanos, Erupt iun of ttie Face, eak S,-rves, Drvnes of the i?kin, Tremoime. Pa'hd Countenance, Lassitude, Of the Muscular system. These symptoms, if allowed to go on. (which ttits medicine invariably removes soon follow Fatuity, Epileptic Fits, Ac., in one uf whica the patient m;iy exptre. Who can say they are not frequently followed fol-lowed oy those "direful diseae-s .' Insanity aud Consumption! Many areaware of the cause of their surTer-ins, surTer-ins, but none will conl' The reeorus i'f the insane asylums and the ni hmcholy deaths by consumption l.eur ample wituee to the truth tae asrt i- u. The C"a;iiiunon, once aJected by ornai-ic weakness, requires the aid of medicine to sTreDpthen and invigorate the system, which II. T. 11 ELMBoLD's EXTRACT oF BL'CHU invariably does. A trial will convince the most sceptical. In many affections peculiar to Females. the EXTRACT BLCHU is uuequaled oy any ether rtU-t'dy. aiuJ tor aJl com plain u iucidvn t t.) the sex. or in the DECLI.VK OR CHAXGK OF LIKE, bh cVUriu.Ms iboVL. No I'amilv slioald be without it. Take ni Balsam, Mercury, or unpleasant medicine for unpleasant and dangerous dis- silsts. 11. T. llelmbold'a Eitrnct of Bm hn IMPROVED 'ROSE WASH Ouros Seoret Diseases nt all their stage- at little expfn.-e, little or uo eaauna ul diet, no inconvenience, and no exposure. ii Use Helmbold's Extract Buchu For all alloc ion? and diseases of the.- or pa us whether existing Iu ."Hale or t'lmult , from whatever cause oripinatinp, a ad no maiter h'w loup siandintf. Disca es ol thee organs require the aid o, a diuretic. H. T. Ilrlinunld'ri Extratt of Uutliu IS THE GREAT lUtRKTlt. j And it ic certain have the desired effect iu ' ail disease for whieh it is recommended. BLOOD! BLOOD1 HI, OOD1 H. J - KLiMBOIjD'S Highly Concentratod Cnijxund Fluid Extract Sarsaparilla, For purifyinp the Blood, removing ill chronic chro-nic constitutional diseases arising Trom an impure slate of the Blond, and the only reliable nd effectual known remedy for the cure ot Scrotula. cald U ead, ait Kheum, P-iinf and wcllinpf nf the fi n?, I'lcpra-Lii'Tie I'lcpra-Lii'Tie of the i hroal and Letfri, BloicheM, Pimple? Pim-ple? on the Face. Tetter, Erysipelas, and all ! gcaly Eruptions of the Skin, ! And Beaullf-ln(5 the Complexion. Two tablcspnonsful of the Extraot f tr-saparilla tr-saparilla adied to h p'Dt ot water i- e-jq-.i to tne Lilon Diet Drink, and one L-ml-'ful ib fully eiiial to a gallon of the Syru p of arsa-parill. arsa-parill. or the deoueiion a usually made. O H. T. HELMBOLlS HOSR WAMI, An txceMent Lnimn for diiea-e ari-in fn.m h.iOit of diuf.pation, u-ed m connec-ti"D connec-ti"D wii h t he txtr.tcl LucLa ud ars-pa-r 1 1 a, in ?'ich d is a- rc ui Ujeoo "l E .-idene oj the re- pouri h.e tiia toe otiaracter will a-'C"mpa:jy the iu iii''. Ai-o explicit lire'-ti-Ls f r UiC, w.iu Hi-oK'tis Hi-oK'tis tiy TH'"'y:'S liv.i.a w,;t,r-.-i. i.ii'i upward - . 11 i u:.s-..i''ii c I :er; .t ai.-l u. :u i.:t t t-iry let! er. m-t uy "t w rj i -h r e f -, 1 1 n h ti T-t ftu rrp-, i n -1 u 1 1 up p:u l ij - n l'h -i'-ia n-. Ctergyineo. Site-iiieii . Vc. 1 'ie Pr-'pri-. t'.r i. -v Dtvtr resorted to ihtir putj.i-..if,.-n in thf n--pai er-; be U"f- a i d" i. T' :n t k e fa'-T : hat hi- arti-lc ra r.k mc .";;indar-i Prei-a ra n on , u 4 'Jo tint need to bf T' l-l ' i 'l 1' nv i'ri ,ti :. I:.e ife I .M e 1 1--. rji. 1 1 k b the D-rn C" i u 1L !1 i - !. ta 1 i - '. ,ila J i ii. p, '. 'Ur. U.I B- ' . , niv;rii V- 1 It- -a-i-, I:; 1 D I T . pillar, aad I ruth al rja ! f U; i ni . L Mr ta- t .-..r-l-.-"U :r a. 1 , I l'.ti-ff": l'.ti-ff": ti. L.t'-a -l L . "... a I.'.-:t'.'. tl w, 1 1 , ; a - - n ; n f. . I - a . . i.vtS at j-.earvJ i. ' .'J.'.!- 1 j Ir'aill J' -V all : ' !, i-l m ain-'i " - ,. i a i:.v ir..-j:i--r- m a .r.-..- ll.'.ai.L ; ;o l't -ur'':i " a . . i . - 1 . .' ' Jl,' - " ' . : ! ; .- ..-i-'" .;.'':: t - ''A. ; "T a ... J - ; ;i : a ar, J la.'- 1 ! rp ''' !'". ; ' ::-' " X ... c -u . .1. I ra r- ; , , ...I - J. . 1 ( ... :. a ., i . , i I :.. " 1 ':.: "a- ' . ) x. . r , !- .J V. . j . . ;.' d j .- ov..r. CALIFORNIA TRADE. J . C. Tl E ai IU L L aV CO. CCMMISSiON MERCHANTS 'iO-4 and i06 California t, San Fr-ncWco, - California. FarTi.ru. w a:;er::i,T: paid to the SHirt o: order :or eery cesvr:p::cn oi iterc-hAsd-se, Sale of Ore . Ar.. dL c- MURPHY.GRANT&CO. --VT F.VCICO CAL1KOKS1 , Call ttentKti t tS;r Iv .ll UtfCk .ai Dress Goods Coajr'.sni FRENCH PLAID POPLINS, Empress Cloths. ThiuIsc Cloths, In All Color., FRENCH AND ENGLISH MERINOES, ETO. ETC. 3E3TO. Alao, full ItttM ol HOSIER Y, While. CwoimIs, I.iiu'iis, TABLE DAMASKS, NAPKINS, Toweling, &v. All ol which they ofler at the IowmI anirWrt ri(-c Leather and Saddlery Warehouse. MAIN & WINCHESTER, JU & 'iU BATTKKY STKKLT, SAN F R A N C 1 S C O, Ofi'er to the trade of Salt Lake nnd vicinity leatheh, or all kind, I1AH CALIFOKMA ADDl.KMt COLLARS, WHIPS, .And a iceneral assortment of SAODLfRT GOODS AT NlW YORK PRICES, oti Send fur Catalogues and Priceu-C WEIL & CO.. tyfoRTrns or Cigars and Tobacco Propri etors of i ti r HAVANA UlUAK .i AM'FACfuHV. v!4l, Z43 and 443 Kinnt M., I Southwc-t corner Front A aSaerameiito it to., j v F V rv ci I (j c . I EINSTEIN BROS, & CO,, Im port erf and Manufacturers of BOOTaAND SHOES 113, 115, and 117 Pin, Kir.. I, SAN 1'HANCkSCO. M"e would epially call the attention ol the Trude to our CALIFORNIA MADE GOODS I Which in point of rMyle, fit anl durnhilit) are e-jual to the bf-i ru-t't n.M'l ""rt i. i;vi:kiixi; v to., COMMISSION MERCHANTS 4(t Clay St., San KrtitrUt, DRALER4 114 OKKUOJK I'HOUK K Arr v n,Piuily in rtifi if Orifo llain. H fit. start h( nf niir d iil iutui-I' t' li, t. BHiTTAN, HOLBROOK & CO Iinporterf bd ! Dealers id Stoves &; Ranges, SHEET IRON &TIN PLATE, ( iixr, Zinc, Khftt L,ai, I r , Ioal Aiicl Irou Xl I TIM KV ;()(IM, MOUf FUNlftMIWC HMDWMf, bin rr-ii.f VUm. Jnrt Plh.,i't"J : 4 r'UkU,i3 ijaj. Int. II I 111 ( alt t;r nla nuA ui. 1 . IV Iarl Hi r -AN iKA'fT' CAL. I CASTLE BROTHERS, 1MTO RT I3IIH i 'IIOLh.ih GK( KHS, 1 4)3 andilft FruMl lr-ft ' man Fran' I r o. California. I ; - ai)Ml.MSTII.lT(in L 1 o , , .-i . i-,j, . I ' U .t I , t.r u a , . ... - - . - I :'. t.r t , I T ' t. ' : '"" if-''' '''!.'. X ':;, f t v , J A X tf, T r. T. UTAH CENTRAL 11 AILUO Al). PIONEER LINE OF UTAH. On and aft rr Tit hi -.tin y, Prr . 1 , 1 3 0 . lnll Truing Leave lt L.iWe City ,t .. A m . i (..n . Arr e M Oiden ' a. in, :t:. i 4 i p. u:. Leave i 'p-i i n .t n :u. ti .i h' p. i, .rr. v hi Lane i 1 1 . i. : a ?. p, m . Fare from Salt l.itkr t'li- to Wood'? Cro-$ f tyeiitre iile ; KhruiiLigton ji.-aj h.-osnie 1 Cpden - v Fare from tlrt to Kavville $1 ..i1 Kru l on Ceinrehle - v.i ,.ff - Ell L;ae Cuy. .i In a.iJut.'L to the m e AN ACCOMMODATION .RAiN H ill run liAll.V, SI MUYS HXlU'i I'll. Leaving IV. len nt n in . sn.i ,,1 1 L;.k e C. l y at i Jo p. ui., u which lull 1 .) u ill en! 'I le the pu i-.-t.H er Of tl.'kct ti- r.'llllll Oil lh .1 ,V Hl,l t ruin tre', and il i Mot1 l ' r n i,H 1 1 ti the co ii tl ui 1 1 ' r iti Mm p int mi , , m (v take on or let ott p..- mih,. Pitir n n r i n 1 1 1 il,Kkr ln n Ii aft tilt lr TI a I a I I lie Dili r . Kilty Cent- aii,iiii..ii..l 1, ,'!ui(i. when the tare i colu-cit-a I'.e .mni, Kor all inioiiuHioih c-in'fi ihm-; iii'itii r p;..-,.,..', in,;) to D. O. CALDK.H, 'u K . t hi,.! n-u ,i A ' S;ilt i.iikc Ctiy. j JOS. A. VOlMi, Kiil. I 1' j V LIVZRPSOL Si. Q JaE.UTjW 1:i.k vv ffc'iA ' -' !' , IN MAN L INE Of Mojll UriMiMi, hulling from e link Every Sattxrday, AM) Allrriial' Tu l;ii . Cahln 1'a.ftKMgr, o, l,i,i 1. la, i. n.tiil rrnn ,, ,,, , .lil.OW r rii(f fioia Llri (Mini I i , w ui a ll n, - - - i, , J ."V nit htrvraa , . . n ,, , ( ;M.iM ' Roun4 Trip TV ri m l l vt Ion i nt .Mill .. I) t. V , a t i I I'.ro i.v, ;-m I -I k . 0' WILLIAM ( ALI- H. a-m, .-..it Li.i- C u. i v.n. PIONEER fHORT ROUTE EAST. CHICAGO & NORTH iVESTN f? r? ..-1 , .. - .ii RAILWAY hlirl and MmI'Io-I K.iuf- fixttt it im a h a t h I m tt ! Ik -. 7 be i n r - I . t, ' ., , ,. -u lr, - i-ti -- .,. i r - . . ., i, i, . i , , , h .. 1 (,..., a,. I,.- ra . -r. c ,, ... ,,, ( ,., OMtfO It ft'l ' (all" i, hit l, i . a-t t 1J 1 b. A !.- ft4 ) I lir,. u! I'ulliHan l'U mtui auili( l L' r trb viy if-i L l, . t I r 1 1 . ' u-i t. , . 1 1. I I., ta.. ..') NM i. ..M. I .,a. - . TilMr f. , A,i ..... !..(.. i ,.. ., U I , , ,,,.,,. a , l t t .. .ii..- i T '' l I ai. ,-.k.,.-. I . a tl , umpirt a ! aafaiy. t(B. Li ! ' , i I . ..-1 It. ... -a- (.., ; . .,.,,. , . "r '.. -i. . I., . . , , . i . , Mi. I ua-1 -"'a..-. . -rf V . ., ( . , . t I -'' 1 1 I il I i. " r ,. : . .. ,, . I Ka.M Ul. , ibt f u.-i.-.i, it. f f. i . I . , . i .fc-.j.i , , H.'.KrtT K J Jf Ki, tl J r t. . . j . a. k - t IU -.At .. .. a.. . ... . W '-' .-.a v. , CITY LiO Siuri, ' I.... . ... W In. I. -nl inn! IC i luya'iis am) wim;s, Ar L--w! Puiat. |