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Show -Little &yrr.-tt, Meat Market B c twelve and half cents a pound V-Mti stall-f-'l beef. adv UrTTOS 1 win P"? thirteen cents j ,or zood, fat valley Ur muton. sp'" 8 Charles Popper. Meat Market. JrwELBT of Tfl e fin&-t quality and in ,-! variety, opticnl frond.", silver plated f IhecXbrated KLGIX WATCH-4c, WATCH-4c, at Carl C. Admusen's JJew p ck iluilding, opposite Salt Lake Ex-.'." Ex-.'." " "dV HroEMA.v's Ge.vuisk Cod Liter Ijil For Consumption, Scrofula, &c. Our Cod Liver Oil is warranted pure .NEWFOUNDLAND OIL. Itbasstood tii a test of over twenty years' experience, exper-ience, and can bq relied on in every par-orjlur. par-orjlur. anufactured . by HiGEiiis 't Uo, Chemists and ' Druggists, jsevf Turk, and sold by all Druggists. Happy Though : ! That all maybe n.s ie whole from disease and pain The '."liisLing healing, eb-ansing nnd puri-lii'ii; puri-lii'ii; qualities of V E KB A 8 AS TA a' e iiiiK the great law of love to man. i K ouriiiiiisiii, Coir, Neuralgia, ficrol-' ficrol-' . i, nn'l all impurities are dispelled by ' II- ll;C. r'or saleby all Druggists. Reddixo-f"tf. Reddixo-f"tf. UmtTtnv.R ec Co. agents, iS'o. 6'i9 Market.-treot.nn Francisco, ady "Hrap Smokb " Uo and see that Hmuiiiuih Cuar at Kd. liarris', three d'Mirs oat 0f Post Ollieo, and got one of bis "Salt Ltku Beauties;" they are delicious, deli-cious, lifst of eliowini tobaccos, piped, CHnla, canes, collars, knives, and other I'ancy nuluins. Cigars cheap at whole-) whole-) ulu. lie sure you go and see him. adv For Sale, on very reasonable term?, a few hundred "feet" of verv rich mining mi-ning ore3, ia the "Tintic," "Lafayette," "Anthony Wayne" and " Eureka" Lodes, Tintic -Mining District. Shafts have been sunk in all of these cla-mH, therefore the purchaser can inform himself him-self and know what he is buying. For particulars inquire of J. M. Simmons, At his residence, opposite City Hall. advj'25 GO AXD SEE Phil. Mnrgetts, if you want a glas of genuine E.N GLISH" ALE. adv Notice. Nellie Colebrook's Piano is to be rained for on tho 24th of this month, at J. R. Clawson's saloon. A few more tickets for sale. - adv Carter at his gallery always pleases every yerson with his life-Pke portraits. Have you seen tho superb portraits that no takes four for One Dollar? adv Ir tou want a No. 1 Suit, go to V. Earl, Second South St. adv . For A. GOOD meal go to J. R. clfl.7; lon'. q.jii FKESH ARRIVAL. Fine English ale on draught, at PhiL Margetts'. adv ! Boots and Shoes. Messrs. Teas del fc Co. direct public attention to - their trade in leather, and their manufacture manu-facture of boots and shoes of leather tanned by themselves. This firm hat a fine boot and shoe manufactory, supplied sup-plied with the best machinery, and their tannery turns cut an excellent quality ef leather. They do a large and growing business, and are well-known well-known to buyers throughput the Territory. Terri-tory. See their advertisement. Supper got up for parties on reasonable reason-able notice, at J. R. Clawson's. advjl3 For a stylish pair of Pants go and see M. Earl, Groesbeck's Buildings, Second South St. adv Posts Wanted. See notice of Col. F. Little, Superintendent of the Utah Central R. B,. , for a large quantity quan-tity of posts delivered at the depet in this city. They must be furnished by the 1st of March. 9 ' - a . Proclamation to tue Public. I do hereby issue this, my Proclamation, to the travelling public : Parties visiting Salt Lake City and going east on the U.P.R.R., will nnd it to their advantage to leave Salt Lake City on tho evening train and remain over at Ogden that night, thereby having hav-ing a good night's rest, and so be fresb for travel at b o'clock a.m., when the daily express train leaves this depot. Ai the Ogden House wo oner as good accommodations ac-commodations as ary house west oi Omaha. Free busses at every train to and from tho depot, adv John Mahok, Proprietor. 018 Choicest Cioaks, tobacco and stationery sta-tionery atH. Armer's, opposite Walker Bro's. dv SHADE TREES, LOCUST! MULIJERRY! JAM PREPARED TO FURNISH ANY 1 quantity nf Locust and Mulberry Trees o C'tizens of the territory, or forward them to 1 any pari on the line of railroad. A. C. PTPEll. ! Ad'ress making inquiries, at President B. ; Young's Uf&ce. f-1 Taylor & Co. C5- oSl bEEI o No Conflagrations ; NO BURSTING LAMPS! If fi ' JUST RPXETYKD large assortment of the Patent PORTABLE GAS LAMP! The onlv aHohito'y PFE Lmpin tlio mnr-ket. mnr-ket. a M K I' A Ll.IC L imp th.il will Ui b lifetime. NO GIjAS-S nbout 1 I A ti isliifh m-Te 'triTiant un I yet mre pie n mt to the eyes th.mcojtl as costing not more ihun BROKEN GLASS ITa? herrtnfore ost. in trying to burn petroleum petro-leum fluids in ouinm-jn lmpd. A Complete UHsJ I HUt UN I For S2,i0! Parties who have ordered Lampj cim now obtain them. Call nnd ?ee ;ninr-e5 a T. & W. Taylor's. na SPECIALNOTICE. 'PI1E UNDERSIGNED wantf to pon-ba'c jl three four span of GOOD HOJISICS that a-e por. that ho en fat op and cll h-r a couple "f hundred dul ars a p-iri won than tie gave lur thm. TO PrtE-MP OKS. N'e are now prepared to furni.'h A ?iic n Mural Laml ri)t V.r the rn'r,jt of Gr.Ternaient Li.cd al fiS'j per juriT fcti"n. HOOPER, RLDHEDUK . . Fill I.ak. r.iy. K. an. '. 1 nn nnnrOUN-D!S Zu.UUUlROHANQSTEhL At J5af?flt iSc 1 lofTinun's. OpfK.l1 Rlt Lake IIotie. , GRAY, JONES, & CO. MI-.'T Of 7 n r. SANTA CRUZ TANNERY a r k' 7- r r OaU ol? l.eiilher. ti BATTEP.Y .-'T-. rnNr:-co. HENDERSON, JUSTICES Co r.l(V (iOODS. .0TI0.W. FURNISHING G3 JDS. i re . lit jni) HH lADlUr, C't p--o .-t. v h-.Iw II'.l'l. I." haw Ywk. BEETS, miEHilfmi BISCUIT BAKERS, Ani aianafic:urers of Seda, B5ion. Butler. Pit Xtc, S n;ar, Milk a iid La G.tuJf cxtJVcirjrkS. Jer.ry Llr.d Cakes, Gir.cf" Sr.snp. Pilo; Brtii, 51 con Pi:: l-e.-j, H;c. vr o: ih Try be t isor;.::. u. A'. ma:-r.l? usi ezsl s-:-rp a.- a::h b-i ..;y. "Bal.ery-5 O ind ? 19 Mlow Si., and u j cruic mo I SA FKA.XCISCO F. A.ilofasan. J. M. Moore. F. A. HOFFMA X CO. REAL ESTATE AVft MIXING BROKERS, !SJKA.VE AGS NTS AD CCWEYANCERS. Post Orhcfr." REAL ESTATE BOUGHT AND SOLD. Houses rented. ColUvtions ruada. LOASS XKGOT1ATKU A1 Money Advanced. All BnslRfsi In the- V. S. I.aad OiUce attended to. Titles of RohI K-tsto eximincd una Abirtot5 farnishei. Convoyniu-i".); done with dispatch. 1 A farm of 100 acrs in Brighton ri5triet forpaie. Tne ta ru is entirely nucea. ln-ittirtf ln-ittirtf at tho Keil r?t..te Air-Miy. F. A. HOFFMAS A CO. S Property wan'ed f.T busine! pu-p.i.ei in Main Street. Inquire at the Real Lstate Agency, F. A. HOFFMAN' A CO. 4 5tora and dwellings w.ntd to rent. Inquire at F. A. HOFFMAN' A CO. Marshal's Sale. IX flTRPVAXCK OF A PK'TxKTT of th I Dis'rk-l Court in and or the 'lima alu-dicial alu-dicial District of L'tah Tfrntorv, io me tii-rtvted, tii-rtvted, 1 will expo eat Public Sale to the h'glirst bidder, at the Third Judicial iVurt Mt-uf sw-p-i, in Sail Lake i'it, mi th- 4 i day of March. A. l. 171, at 10 o'c'o.-k, A. M , the fuhowin? dc5criied I- t or pan td of land, to w t: Part it lot one iW. b ock fifty -eitrht tS, P at A, Salt hako i'it ur--y, (cginuing at a point on t e wn lle of Ea.-t Tt-inpie -t reel, eit. li rd? isouili ! the norih-eat corner f s id l't. a u riinintig thence west ten rods, t li - n e ani Ii iw ro , thei.ee ea.-t five ro s. thei-co nnh lune n ieet six inca 9, thence ewt-t fi e rod t- I- a-t 1'einplf Street, thence n'-rih ci-iiteen leel ix inches to the p a'-o -if bi Rinn id;, e-intain- ng 6 icen nuare rods nnd mtc luiml o ami ixiy f ur Mtiire leet nt ground, iig'Uier wi n all the rii;ht5. privileges nud aopu.'te-nance- ' i:ei eun to belunc uik'. nil u t , l vi k and being in cn' t Li i I y, fall Lao C'Unt v and l'er itorv of I' tan. To he ft. Id hp the pr-p, iy nf .l,.h initli. un ier a loreclo-ure ot Mnrig we. hi 'he mil t .John M. li nihi?el v.t. J t .onih nnd J ;t rues Li n forth. N. T. VATHICK, U. 8. M..r.-h;r. SU Lake City, Feb. V, 1S71. Ill Thomis Latimer, H. F'-lotn. tieorse II. lay.or, Hirgo Kjuiuey CIIAM-U or l. ThePlnniDg Mill, SaOi nud l).or Fhc- t"TV Of Will hereafter do rniines under tho linn name id LATIMER, TAYLOR & CO. SASH " F'Ica on ',,in 1 8n ' nitie io n in I?Q l'ai'd panM, iii"uhl'-d. mh tii ii k tifsi, -ii- ur kind, lur-ni.Hied lur-ni.Hied to nrdt-r. WINDOW with rinp-i. l)fadFand rh, FRAMES po1,,ul" FRAMES ImV",,i;:;ei,:in ,,,ofcn,l Rl I ISl D Stationary and ndlinc p!nt ( . MOULDINGS rT:.'iir7.t'. tm e ainl corinc, FLOORING T,:n,"-;! a a id In nr'i- r. I MM!?CO Pbmrd out "f w.ndf. to a LU ill Uk.il tho-kni-,. nnd ripped to h.ij c-ir'i riiv. Planer and Circular Saws Running all Oio tiuiq. minit; i) I vi rt ic is Supplied on rhorX nuuri. 5ive a? a call, rr addre ' Utlor 1 IW x LATIMFK, TAVI-OH Jk. (.. )29 One lilurk wyt ol 1 Kit-tj.'.m PRACTICAL VMCKMAKtRS. ELIASON &, HAJZRtfACr', Bint Door Kaal of lh llt., A ' wi-VrB'-n w ii o n t ( ne 'f V.iuHm f,d I I'. a. hilt W II MiHKi: V H . Ii-- U. ..rCT .1 mi.J ) ,r- 1 fc'JJ. if !!) ..1M It-li,, uj a pi v-,i i,r uni'n l un T.'.it V ' - U. Work k ifrulrd on Plndcralr 'Irma. C U. HirrT. t f H .ttmi HARDWARE STQKR kit. u '! HEAVY IIARDWAIU;, Iron timl hlril. Stoves and Tin Ware Dl.( KV1ITII 7tfl.k, A(rt( nltnr.l ImJ'l.m.iif. Anil It I nl tK 1 !., At low,t K.t,.. Off'OIIlt kUI LAKK IIOlaK. all |