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Show HEW ADVRriSEM:NTS. iso,ooo: YOU.VG SEEDLING Apple Trees Ready for Btridirjjr nnd starting YouEg Nurseries ; with a large lot of BOX ELDER TltEES For Shade. All for sale cheap in quantities, by V. C. STAIAES. f 23 A. At A. s. Ii. St. Jolin'n Lodj,-e nf Perfection No 1, A. 4 A.S. K. meets in M i?--nic 11 nil e. ery Tur-d:iy Tur-d:iy e--niUK at bull t.,st eeveu iY-l..e V. Al mejitiero iu guud o'.an Jioff are in ucd to ai-ten.I. ai-ten.I. f 3 POSTS WANTED. WntHrwR ( P.ri"pn.:.,9f-l ..tiSin.. nt tt-iiti.t'i S .rii.li ! ii;iei.-r nt ili I..., ilh trrt-t I Hie l C. II. K. 1. I-. I, .-i.lt I.ik Ct!) . V riltrli f.rM-:iN ret., im'1 Uj. I M ir- h l-i. I, li r n.K, Mirrlulrnilrnl. TNE0LDESTAN9BEST Hojse in the Territory! EST A I1MS1I i: I) IS.) I TEASDEL & CO.. S''Cor.vo-y to JJ in.J'niuixj l" 0., MANUFACTURERS AXD Wholesale a ml Retail Dealers ill I.catlii r Wo have now been manufacturing Boots and Shoes For upw.mU of 1 V "5T K A II H And with nui'tuntly lnTiinir f.irili'in" for iho busiDo.-'fl w ro now uiitniiig the bct Boots and Shoes Of nil doTilion nnd nro tlie only hniifi! UTAH TKUllI TOltV that m tk Boots and Shoes i From Lnatlirr "f thoir own tunninn. Wo would advMO tho I'tihlic hnfnro jMir-oh jMir-oh (ii hk their Boot3 and Shoes To pro III it our trado murk, WW. .IKNNIN'IH A CO,, i itnni.cd on on1! j nolo. AU youth lrninff our fnnfr. nntrk arc fnttrnrfi'ttf. TEASDEL & GO. S. I,. City. ) oli. ?!, Wasatch Coal! ( II I A 1, f'..i Mi.. W ,.!, I, C, Mine. Hum- I mil C'MiitlK. (Iljili. ettn l.n IiikI in miy '1'iniuiiy nulor, nt, i I'.kiI V ,i. Ii II. It. IE. Ileiiiil. iirw III lliu uiiiliirHimieil. iMiiiuHltonl, Hull Lku llil). ui tr. a. jniiTiii'.i.i.. ' Z. G M. I. ClothingDepartm't Great reduction IN Winter Clothing ! OVERCOATS, BLANKETS, HEAVY GOODS, AND AM. WINTER CLOTHING AT Greatly Reduced Rates ,. ' FOR A SHORT SEASON. Now is the time to Buy! Alao a Full Variety of GENT'S FURNISHING GOODS Gents', Ladies' and Boys' BOOTS & SHOES Gents' Youtbs' and Boys' SI ATS and CAPS. TRUNKS in all styles and qualities. Valises and Carpet Saoks. Carpets,Matting,Floor Cloths Wall Paper and Decorations, Always od band nnd for cale by the yard, a lartfe Block of French and English Caiilmerti, Doeiklni, Qcaveri, Military Cloths, Home Made Tweeds, fcc. S'JITS MADE TO ORDER ! 0ntlemn Clothinir, or Military Pait, ma'le to nficr in the -s ewe-1 Style of PWiion on 'he ph'-rte l notice-. Firsl-cluj b it and Workmanship GuArantee-l. MILITARY TRIMMINGS IN OK EAT VARIETY1. -.11 II. I!. C'LAWON, Si-it. AMJSEHENTS. THEATRE UKKAT SUCCESS Saturday Evening, Feb. 25th Will he rrfii 1. nflrr cirrf.tl p-f parn'inn. f"Mlic otit'l time in lb'eMr.trii tbril-l.ni tbril-l.ni Lr-m. cnuilcd i 11 K LONELY MAN OF THE OCEAN ! OR THS Night Before the Bridal. With no STnery n I "Me I fffn. inrlu- Tintuiru; . ska riuirr mints int M in-nf- W'rr' a Ml, ami tJt !vttt"r To eon-Iud with ih laughable Farrc, tn'ill. I the los r child, HAN 1 ) Vocal and Instrumental CONCERT PKor. ;i:o. (jaui:i.is Un th V'nor 'n infirtn frienl anl I'uliln- Hint lio will f.r a lirnul MUSICAL SOIREE 'f Tilt Salt Laka Theatre, . Tl l'.SD.H, V,)H. -s, M'hrri thr f..ll'lnp wll km.n J rli'K wnl i i j.- ir : ,M n s . i. . (A ii k i,r.ss, Tln 1'i'pul.ir 'n- i (. .11 A K K Cllllltl.l,, K ( . , 'J lio Inlrntp 1 t'lTnrt i'lpj-fr. V. '. 1 H N 11 A H , )., Iln kindly concnU'l t" pn-ar un Uiiro- Ah., the lust ,;,,l,r TUt ol' thr f.hj, u, Songs, Solos, Diietts, Trios, Quartettes, Etc., Etc. Ti-V-t mil . nr f Mr. J.V. (Iriiluitn, at tho Lnvnlro U'lilMfn-o, nl umihI I'linilrn iriri. Kr full pirtirnl it" ion Prnjtrnniinp. Uiilf a blnrk woul, of rrpirlrnt Ycmni'li JOII.N' . V()l .(i, - Prop. nrniMi t i i i v k. k, k , GRAND MOVINQ PANORAMA OF CHINA AND JAPAN, with DKscnirnvH i.Krninr;. At 12 m., 2 nml 4 p.m, ilnily. Wn1lv nrnMf. nir.l mi1 rtfpUlfll Woliorinsn flnnrn, r,,jr. Mountain lti.r, l.yn. Wllil Cul". lni.r(inl rnllnxl l..n of N.lito Miimrnlv D C7B UTTERF1ELD Has Just Received and is now opening a .New, Fresh Stock . o? . - 3:-n3ral Ikctar.cb Direct from the East nnd West, consisting of MINERS' Outfitting Goods, Groceries, Hardware, Liquors, Tobacco,' Cigars, Crockery, CLOTHING. BLANKETS, AND Boots and Shoes, OF CAJFORNiA MAN'JFACTU.iE, At Store in Groesheck's Block, Opposite the. Elephant Store, SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH Where he can and will offer . USSURFASSED IIMEEMJTS To all who may liivur him with llieir patronage. Vxmnlne the St'xlc and Judye for yonrsehc. f!7 ICotla, Buttor, to AT &! q ii nil t irr'v II. W UAt 11 Ii i, - o CO c Very Cheap.' W CD uo;so putt SAN FflANGISCO TRACE, A. C. Titcnmb, Geo. II. Williams. TITC03IB & MILIUMS, Manuiiiciurtrs, IiuortcTi aud Wholesale WATCHES, DIAMONDS, Every Description of Jewelry, SILVER AND SILVER-PLATED WARE Also Agents for the celebrated Howard, El gin and American Witches, 240 Montgomery, S.K. eor. Pine, Up Stairs, San Francisco, Cl. All or'lers from thi Territories iromptly filled. H J BATi.M . , il.KIIRIKR, II. bHKIER. J Traneisco. hew yorii J, BAUM & CO., Importers anJ Mimufacturere of MEK'S BOY'S CLOTMiN'i Sun some St., San FrnnfUco. 4-5 Mil ray m., tw York. fD Jamen Spruance, John Sprnance, C. C. Chapman. J. & J. SPRUANCE, ImportcrB and Wboleaile Dealers in WINES ANDilQUORS, 14 415 FRONT STRKET. X. ,J. G IS I PF1T11, Bealr Id f&$ all Icinde of 3?ICKTjt!D y MOKEO SALM'iN ANO HERING'i. 123 Vahlnetfn Strret. AH kinfln of Dried, Hmuted and Pickled Fi"b CoDaiaDtlj on band. j4 TOBifi, DAVISSOfl & CO., importtp-s or AMERICAS, E.V'.LI'II, FREXCH AKD GEKMA.N FANCY GOODS, SmaH Wares, P,chrt Cutlery, Perfumery, Yankee Notions, Sti'ione-ry, Dress Triinniings, White Goods, Millinery Goods, Hosiery, Linen H'dJichf', Gents Furnishing Gor,dg, htc. for. Gutter and sansome Sts., SAW FRANCiSCO. TfTi c 'J, - ,- CZ) O t 3 . 1 1 S 0 - ; O KAXD Gift Enterprise! The urJVrflr i brg to imunre thi; hf $5 000 15 v Tat: SAI.K OK 1,000 Tickets at $5 Each. .Knl h on or bc( re the r?t dy of May 1 f-7 1 . i ncre wilt bo a DK.VWl.X; FOR GIFTS I'u'lrr ih tii'rTiion rf C"minittre trot d fiotn muonc i-nr IU".( pnnunivm citi tr ii , a il t vti i;i. ; -t u i n ihemc t rm ( t M h i rovo I -(. q. ,-. 'nl t t iu- I 'r Hr' ' ttili r.Micrrt for (lie bcurft: pt t Ii p Mrr'nuK Library A j-'fCialtv-n v( ."u h'runoico. s?s o o WILL BE APPROPRIATED TO GIFTS! in vtnri as fou.o.ts : M l.lfn of SUM) rnh, - 4 51 " Villi 10 I - .Nt'O 4 1 10 - ! I 'iS it ' - ! 4 O 401 .irti. ' VMliir $9..M0 (7iiniv. onfjj FIVE to OSF o:-ti,ist (j lining a PnlZF. The llanop. : H will. n'V r a-.ln-tint cpn c inoii r t in prr inp vul ( tif M"ui'Uii, Le UuiAtrl to K( adiii; litioin, Ti h1 in thp in tititpn.Ttip Fitpportot Vio lu'ltttiti n. ti il mioIi lime h. rnl'lu ' I'Hsn.mi lp MitUi-uMit to nul'lc it lo b- j mII Mi4.,irtuiB. I The tint ,Ti y;,;-r ,w" I f.n.- -i.j J y it ; l , 1 K l ,'f Tii'VoU rim bp iMir.'Im-.'.t of tli Tro.uror, O. . (HIIOUNK, Kq WITH Al KfU NhiVs, H wloin i lio I'Toorr.in will V rrl-mrl nt 1 1 t hp ilrnw tip 1 n purf, uliv wm. h lip will limit cirr lo Hi I'uip tVliifii. tlti'ir lP'i'tivfi mn.. u nt Mini hit llir bull nop to lip ('Hi (iv(i(v lirr oi n Im im huh ,r I'rfru i 'iii'i mi'".) ,t, V'-i,; ji tr.i fi . is uul 'fr.fd'. r l rui'i ii Mftrr, (, i'r t..r th, TnulPfii hikI .11 ! I 'B IpntmlMrr M 1( W AI.KIH, IVW H' fANpi M ,1 K C t- S U Ivl K , vi K ."iM!1, S WiHM'UllU V.' I. II.WNSi'N, H U. I. IliM I (I I. I t . A ' I - - V. ATI 1.1. I i rn M K iu , BEAD THIS! SICER SEWING MACHINE In all the beautiful varieties. mum BY IVEEYBODT Conterrm'aLintr the purchai-e of a Machine for family or other ue. At our new ly-ftt led ap alriroom, Second Door South of the Eagle Emporium, Em-porium, between (he Drug and Clo tiling Department! of Z. C. W. 1., will be found a Full Asortment of these Admirable Sewing Machines At Prices to Suit Everybody. THE SINGER SEWING MACHINE NEEDS NO PUFFING to commend It to the public, as th following ifc rjBL show: ! In IS-Vj these now eel'-atcl facKina were fir-t cnrel to the puuhc in tha ioar years ;urc?-e ling 4, uui were s AL T-lny T-lny over tbar rjum;i-:r are weeKiy 'rnd - at fr'irxi De fc''ir, iii i ye this immen-e Fap-ply Fap-ply i Du. caal to tne -leiEax d. a; rhc end o tbeer ivu, upward of 2) 'J'tj Machiors were so d. aud in the tbo ff-i win? yenr. " from to Tu, the Dumber had. been increased to upward of 500,000 MACII1XES SOLI), One third of which were disposed of wit bin t he preceding twelve months. Fro-D the frs-'iaz i: will be ;aeii thit dur-inr dur-inr t be t three year, tne sales Lave o-en upwan of f;y p-r c Dt more isaa daricr the wauie of .he eevenieea prewuu year. THE PEOPLE'S VERDICT, after a score of year thorough trial 1 that the H aa. Ok2 SEWING MACHINE i ad r.ei to : t "kinds of w rk. eewinr a re .aii trie thi'-tie-t add ui ..-t s".ub--rn material ma-terial a- trie Cut -nil mofi diK-at ta -r.c; wi ih a s:i:u, that tor eT nei, peneeuon iLd onr.it).ii'.v it an - ua:ii. Ac-'on nD-inj fcti MichHe are rrintwl 'ntru -tioDs. r-o (m iUu and e y "f cum prea en-K-o ih'. aKb"U:Q we re-ornmecd cartom-er- to take ml itvt one le?oB r- m the vp rm t. t: if Ji'tu a ne pure" aar f ee:Lr tt g ssce fir luiiy the MaciLe cd Cv mpieiene i ine ououaeuuc. CKatt Itae OF THE SINGER MACHINES j ASE - &in:p'ici:T of conua.'tion therefore lees iia.-iUU ti' f el cut t repair. vh'n, t-icb D'e-l'e ie to besi, tre-fc. or .k.p the ;iwa. j "Pif jv.u:i i crn-I; friction, wear and far t.e e-Mij of creaJcx u.e jaca art ituj O.-lfsi. Kr-tii-c with wwi-h the aiest ioxrr-er.ocd ioxrr-er.ocd ru oj-i i&e iciio ol threa, Kr.ii:u f-.-m (ir. A'er twenty year I ,nt.iit f'rvi,'( Hichicea har nerer j tea fcci'wn lv ar UU They ar noi-cjess. raciJ in all their ou'vetneuia. All our tirhir.es ire iaftei xrd ant ia , th ' ou- h ruti d in, o de . t Co ;m i-e:e:.t Crd, twlortani.fj I'arvh iwer lofre:-r bT n- i rou Me, but caa f u 1 u L cpri "ilh thetn at ouoe. 1HZ NEW B'JTTON-OE E A C II 1 2s' K S rethoroncklv prartil and will perform all lb l lecMti lor tae-m. iVHaFACTURI. MACHINES for l.ory work, ir too well known to ne4 ctinu.eut. e I-o keep in tlwK. th Nrtr Mnlium oisrlcss Ovit pt of the iincr S ir t 1 -'jjr u vori c i c-m , n. tr. l n: e cry mTrir l imi'li, tnn "he 'i n M .bine, tDoont ip blok w.-tttuu tjtle, oiitsl, to ihr e tv r-i r-i rl 'rlri Mwhine, wit cbitit oJUr and 1. id o r m.'tt'Kst b a-l. ju.uu ra i t mnh 'n binii polished. r very Hotn .e ip U ihjIusi ith t vmplotr turti lure. iohiv1 ng (he prw hfm-npi hfm-npi uw'n an Hitb.J and ttier and trailer. trai-ler. V f cimmntrt onr rHlnri tolt HrminliiR nil lll M lllnf i 4lltt hliiti Hutlillnm Manic rtuwlinffl K m hrnlilf rlnf n(T chain (!"" I Unthrrlni and Sewing on at tlmr.u llh or Hhonl a ttawd. 1 edge or Inlhtrrntvnl ord I t hi Unllllniii Trltwmliii Hlndlna nil Idt h and kld. rtr etc., etc. WE DELIVER MACHINES MV k ii. Additi.-n,)! CS-fft to ' i. TAlirs 1F THIS tlTV C Ml kin.U of S''iV.' M'iino- iIuiivuiiIm- lii'pairvsl on Uo- oiviblo Tonus. Konii'm'-pr llii" Mmmiiolh iftn, suss i sriiiG mm ib ! I itnit oi H. i. I'uvwsox, Puri. |