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Show F D. BENEDICT, SURGEON AND PHYSICIAN. 05,, at Residence, rear of Seventies Hall, "il - . v. F. A-A'DERSOX, M. D., SU3GE0N AND PHYSICIAN, j-j, KfHence, io tlie Thirteenth Ward. DR. 0. C. ORMSBY, .rUTSICIAN, SURGEON AUD . DRUGGIST, ,u ' BRIGHAM CITY. UTAH. LEGAL. Attorney - at - La w, Offioi Fisst Sooth St., Fmrth door east of Ilnopcr, Eldredge k 9H Co.'s Bank. C U llemptead, M. Kirkpatrick Attorneys-at-Law, u.;,. Qtropt nmiofUe "Wells. Fargo & Co.. SALT LAKE CITT. ,-. C. IL Hempstead. U.S Att'y for Utah. KS Z, SNOW. ' ' E. D. HOOE. SXOW & IIOGE, Attorney! and Counselors at Law gait Lake City, Utah. Office at Snow's corner, 1st East St, HOTELS. ' Towiiseiid House, SALT LAKE CITT. THE LEADING IIOTKL 15 TTTAII. "' J.VMF.S TOW.VSKKD, jl Proprietor. Salt L.tlse House, EAST TF.MTLE STREET, SALT I . A K K CI T Y. TILDEN fc LAWRENCE, Frop'rs. dl Lite Omaha House,) Will hereafter be conducted as ' AFIRST-CLASS HOUSE, In all its appointments. U Ve rcnovat'-d nnd re-furnished, and ih uiiin.'ipmnt attended Loin a manner to in-are sati-fa ti'n sl to Fare and Prices. Tho Hou-'1 will ha conducted trintlv on The European Plan. The Resaurant OPEN FOR MEALS AT W TIME DURING T'.iE DAY. JIT B,P,WHITTBHORE, Prop. CHAN I) IIOTICL On Market. New Montgomery and Second Streets. SArc raawcisco, C'v I JOHNSON & CO., PROPRIETORS. IS BANKERS. FIRST NATIONAL BANK Salt Lake City, Utah Ter. ju2J W. U. Iloooper, II. S. Eldredgo, L. S. Ilills Hooper, Eltlieclge Co., BANKERS. East Temple St., Salt Lake City, Dealers In Gold Dust, Coin, Exchange, Land Warrants, Etc. . " Collections raiulo and promptly remitted. coiihespo.-oe.ts I Rift. 1 0. Nc Ynrk ; Bnk of California, San .tT I',' 'v""""l "-nk, Chicago ; K. THE BANK of CALIFORNIA SA FllAXl lsco. ILO.MrLt . PKESfDF.N-T. ".1.B1LMOS. - CAalllKK. WU.l Pld l'p, . S5, 000, 000. DR4W DIRECT AND ISSUE LETTERS Cndu all tho principal oities of tho . itrld. XJI&OJIrC3r. I williamTcalton, ' lYKlf0, KLL-DW..KR. one oi1;;,i-w,",;;J'o.-.uihor mh ward h Ttl M J, order on the 11 . , "nJ la sattsfactory stylo. TAFT & SMEETON, A.-saytis N0 CENER.L M.NINC ACENTS, OrillR CITY I "JOS, I' TAIL 'CE! ICE! ICE! 'ALT LKK KK COMPAXY, " '"J'l'T.rrd daily In all par!, ..r,t,'oci, ; n quantity, at rate to suit the ulu,- U. CLAW so, ac;i:.t. DKrOT AT. Clawson's loo Cream Saloon, baths, baths ! Warm Spiiwir Hat Us ! Private Rtl Plunge. -.Tl?''1'"1 '"war "l'n to Hie pahlic at all k,, ,, 1 "'" " l"l-rl" an. w wi4.It "00a that ,t wllm. to oiHlinratv tliem. 8-iJ'l th. Pri.t. Bntt, ,1,.. and t,i,n, fnn,,iil tMiinic. Ba.l.. for ,UJ yenuenien M, now ulwn. li. AK.OLU. all SAN FRANCISCO TRADE.' ' The American Submerged X3 TJ 3VE IP IS TBS simplest and most oesable puyp IN THE MARKiiT, Being compoed of but six parts, all of which are metal. In cold climates it ii especially valuable, aa when not in use no warer remains re-mains in the pipe, rendering it non-freezing. Orders addresied to the Pacific Pump Manufact'g Co., 318 Pine St., San Francisco, Cal. "Will recede prompt attention. SEND FOR ,i CIRCULAR. i7 3.1. KELLEE, Proprietorofthe Hiring t?no and Loa Angelea Vineyards. Vine-yards. Deuot for theaale of tua HAT1VE WINES AND BRANDIES M. KELLER fc CO., Corner of Batterj- and Washington Streets, San Francisco, - - - CaJIforni.. Angelica Wine, Eldorado Wine. White Mudelra t Port Wine Bittern, Skerry " Grape Brandy. All our Wines and Brandy guaranteed atnctly pure, and over three yeans oii, -S"SaIt Lake City Corporation, Zion's Co-operatiTe Mercantile Institution, Gdle A Co., SaitLkeCity, D. 11. Peerr, and Gndt A Co., Ogden kf-p our wines foraale. K1CUARD GUUDIII.ND, o2"2 Atrent, Sal' koOttv. EINSTEIN BROS, & CO., Importers and Manufacturers of BOOTS AND SHOES 113, 115, and 1 IT Pine Street, SAN FRANCISCO. "Ye would especially call the attention of the Trade to our CALIFORNIA MADE GODDS 1 Which in point of style, fit and durability are ejual to the bc;t custom made goods. 06 5. r lioldeu. Jaa. Moorhead. S, P. HOLDEN &, CO., IMl'oP.TKItS OF FOREIGN DM GOODS, linens, Dress Goods, Hosiery, &c. 28 & 30 SAXSOllE ST. London : 27 Leadenhall St.. E.C- o5 Leather arid Saddlery Warehouse. MAIN & WINCHESTER, 214 & 210 BATTERY STREET, SAN FRANCISCO, Offer to tho trade of Salt Lake and vicinity LEATHKK, or all kliuU, UAK.VEKS. CA1.1FORXIA ihddi.es COLLARS, WHIPS, - And a general assortment of 94DDLEPY GOODS ATKEW YORK PRICES. 06 Send for Catalogues aDd Prices." WEIL & CO. IMPORTKRS OP Cigars and Tobacco Proprietors of the HAVANA ULMAH MA.NUFACTORY Sil, 233 nrl 225 Front St., Southwest corner i'ront & Sacramento Sti., o5 J. EVUUDLXG & CO., COMMISSION MERCHANTS 48 Clay St., San Francisco, DEALERS IN OREGON PRODUCE. Are constantly in receipt of Oregon Hams, Bacon, Lard, Salmon. Ac. Starch., of our fvn and Kateni mannfactnre always on band. - J 4 BRITTAN, H0LBR00K & CO Importers and Dealers in Stoves &' Ranges, SHEET IRON &T1M PLATE, Copper, Zinc, Sheet JLend, "VVIre, PDMPS, Doad niitl Iron Pipo. TIWIHV tiOOIW, Tools and Machinery and General HOUSE FURNISHINC HARDWARE, Embracing Plain. Japanned, Planished and Stamped are, Kos. Ill 113 California, and 06 No. 17 1 Uavis Street.. flli&ffl, ITfflEE Si 11 Importera and Jobbers of FOREIGN A AD DOMESTIC DRUGS &' CHEMICALS Fine Essential Oils, Gnmi, Root, Sscedx. Flowers, Sponirei iikliu, Pomades, Jtc, ; And nil other Staples connected with the j Wholesale and Ketail iJrug liu.inces. 1 - Constantly in receipt, by direct Importation, of European auii,Asiatic producw. Exclusive Agents for Quicksilver. Hostettcr's Hitters, Drake's Plantation Bitter?, Wolt's chcidatu Schnapps, Jewell's Pulmonary Syrup, And all tho leading Proprietary Medici? both American and European. Orders Promptly ind Care full Executed. Kos. 5-30 an d 531 Plarket Street, Ectweeo First and Second. j SAX FRANCISCO. CVLIFOKXTA. ; WilMRD:N3 A KELL3S3, Importers and Jobbers of Wines and Liquors, 211 c 216 FRONT STREET, j" SAX FKANCISCO. COMMISSION MERCHANTS 204 am! 200 California t San Fr.ncUco, - California. Particular attention paid to the fillinar of orders lor every description ot merchandise, nl Salo of Ore., c, dLo. ROLLER-SKATING ! PLIMPTON'S Celebrated Circular Skate, Now used in San Francisco, Oaklund, Sacramento. Sac-ramento. San J"se, Stockton. V.rninia Ciiy; and other places on the coast, ir? the only I Skate that gives j erfect satisfaction. . - There Is no more healthy exercise thanKoIlrrSkatlnie. H give, grace to the oarrti ff and atTorci 4 a healthy In vly itrat Intr exercise that can be obainc1 In no other way. Indtrs and Uen- -tlcraen will And it t lie mo.l fascinating recreation. AT BALLO'S HALL, FIRST StlVTH STRKRT. EVERY DAY AND EVEXIXti, SCKi'AVa F.IC-PTKD. Ilall open from 10 to V2a.ni.; 3 to 5 p.m. nnd 7i to lJl p.m. ADMISSION. 35c. USE OF SKATE'S. 25t. FRASER li, .M'WF.K, Proprietors. Will open Saturday events. February ISth. f 17 THB AVURILL Chemical PAINT . -COMPANY'S PAINTS! Embracing over A HUNDRED DIF-, DIF-, FEB. EN' f SHADES, prepared tor immediate application and requiring requir-ing no mixing, just received and for sale at the Drug1 Dep't The inrre lientJ of the'e Paloa arc p ' e and iaicstrac:ih:. Ihe qja'.ui:! with which they recmiiicni theia-e rp are: Cheapne-r, durali.ily, sti verier; :y cf c It. an anu;uallyxoo!h ar.d ; o y a;.pe trar.ee. less labor required m la; ir. no t.-'-ublc o:' miiins. will :an I 2 re or r n. a-, i I n t crack or peel olwi-h a-m "!! eric 'ivf. nor cb:k orTby f-i-ti n. Iheyar tr.b-r. cheapest, mo't durable and ot't rputtr Paint! 'n ufe. The AVESILL WHITE PAINT i.- a ZINC PAIN r. omla n i . r io .J. at. 1 '. f i i a I superiority an 1 IK1! aiar.ty. Brine ls v.r Pain. Cn op. n au4 tuicha.e hyllie tallon. A FULL LINE CF Foreign. DonK-tic and (a-f LIQUORS At the Drug Depigment, Z.C.M.L M. B. tlAWSOS, Snpt. HENRY T. KELMBOLD'S COMFOUITD FLUID Extract Catawba GRAPE PILLS. Component Parts F'uid Ejrtrnct Rr.ii-barb Rr.ii-barb and F uid Extract CaiaLcba Graj.c Juice. FOS LITER COMPLAINTS. JAUNDICE, lilLIOL's AFt E TIuNS. Srchl OR N ER-VijUS ER-VijUS HE 'DACHE CcisIIYLNcs-- Etc. PURELY VEGETABLE. CuNIAlNIN'; NO MEKCl'RY. MINERALS OS uELE-TERiUL'S uELE-TERiUL'S DcUtiS. The$e Pill? are the most delightfully pleasant pleas-ant jurKadve, euterseding cator -, sahs. magnesia, etc. Tot-re is noihini? mce accupt-.ible accupt-.ible to the st 'mc. Tney gire t oe, and cau-e neicher nausea nor gripioif iai's. 1' hey are composed 01" th F .Ntjr tTiOriE-DiK.Va'S tTiOriE-DiK.Va'S After a ftw days' use ot mem, sucn dn turigoration -f th enti-e eysiem uikes piace as to a. pear miraculous t- the weaa dtid enervated, whether arising fr-nu i'japru dence or aise-se. H. T. Hembold's Com-pi.uod Com-pi.uod fluid Enraot Ca awba tirane Piin a'e nut sug.ir -coated, irom the uot that iugAr-cotnet Pilis d- not dissolre. bat piss ikrough tbe siouiich witiout dissolving, consequently do not pro iuee the di-sired ei-tect. ei-tect. iUE CATaWBA tiKAPK PILL. being be-ing pleat? aot inis;e tin-l odor, do not neces-sit neces-sit te (heir b-ins sug-ix-coaied. PitvCJs Flf IT CETS PKH B jI. EI Highly Concentrated Compound Fluid Extract Sarsaparilla, W ill radioally exterminate troiu trie system Scrofula, syphiits, fever Sores. Ulcers. Sore Eyes, Sore Legs. Sore Mouih. Sore lieid. Bronchitis. Skin Diseases. Salt Rheum, Cancers, Can-cers, Rauiiing- fr m the iir. Wane Swellings. Swell-ings. Tumors, Cancerous Affections, Nidf?, Rickets, tilandu'ar Swellii gs. N is at Sweats. Ra-h. Tetier, liumors of all kinds, i hronie Kheumatism, Dyspepsia, and ail diseases that have been established in the system for years, L 'Being prepired expressly for the abore complaints, its blood-pun lying pruperues are greater than auy other preparation Sarsdparilla. It gives thecomplexion a clear and healthy color and restores the patient to a state ot liaUh ana purity. For puriiying the blood, reui'jvtng enronic constitutional diseases arising from an impure stare ot ue blood, anu tho only reliable and effectual known- remedy for the cure of paius aud swelling of the throat and legs, blotches, pimple, on the fico, erysipelas and all scaly eruption of the ssln, and beuutiiyintr the compieiiou. PRlCi), Sl.oO P.K JJOlI'LK. IVE IIEMIY T. HtLMBOLD'S CONCENTRATKO FLUID EXTRACT BUCHU, The Great Dlurettc, has cured every cae of Diabetes in which it n.ts been given. Irritation of tiie neca Oi the Uladder aud Inflammation of tho Kidneys, Ulceration of the Ivi-iues and iilad.ler. Retention Re-tention of U rino. Diseases of the Prostrate tit and. Stone in tho U.ad'lor, 1'alcuK.s, tir.ivci, linckdust deposit, and Mucous or Milky ' 'lschiir-'ds, and tor unfeubled aid Delicate Del-icate Constitutions of both sexes, attended With ttie following symptoms : Indi posit ion I to i-.xcrtion, Los.- ot Power, Loss of Memory, J)iuVuity of RreathiUB, Weak iServes, Iiem-bliutf. Iiem-bliutf. Horror of Ui:-c ise, W akerulnt'ss, Dimness Dim-ness of Vision, Pain m tac Rack, Hot ilanus, . FIubing oi tiie B"dy, Dryness of tho kin. Eruption on trie Fa-e. Paili-i L'outiteuance, l niversal Lassituae of the M uscuiar System, etc. I'scdhv nerpons from the aces of eieliteen to twenty-nvo. and irum tuirty-tivd to titty-live titty-live or in the dcci.ne or change of life; aitur c nlioemeut or lauor pains; bed-wetting in ehilaren. IB HelmbiM's Extract Buchu is Diuretic and Bi od purifj iug, and cares all o isejses arising aris-ing iri'in tlabus of uis-ipalioii, and lixcuts aud Imprudences iu Lile, Impurities oi the Riood, eic, su . orseding Cop.iii-a in a octions lor wiiieh it is u-ed, and Sypu.Iilic Afleetions in thes : disc ises used in connection with Helmbold'a Koso Wash. LADIES. In many affections peculiar to Ladies, the Extract UucQu is unequalled Oy any otner : remedy as iu Chlorosis Keienuou, lrreg-uari.y, lrreg-uari.y, Paiutulncss or Suppre;Siu of Customary Cus-tomary Evacuations, Ulcer.ited or richirrus state of tne Uterud, Leucorrhcea or W lines, "Sterility, and tor all Complaints incident to tbe sex, wbeiker ariinj( Lrom iudL-oieiion or liabica of Dibfiipation. o H. T. HELM HOLD'S EXTRACT JiUCHU CUKES I)1SE AKS A K I-clM. I-clM. FKO.U IMl'KUDEXCES HABITS OF DiSalFAl'lO, ETC., in all their .-"tnncs, at little expcne. U't'o or no cnangein uie . no ioc-nvenie-.c. and ro npibmo. It causes a frc-jucfit de-ire, and gives ftren.lb to Urinate, inoreby reniovm-Ubstructi-ns. Preventing and uunng strictures stric-tures ot" the Uretha, Allying 1 aiu aou I n-tlanimiition. n-tlanimiition. so ir u;iit in tuts cia ol di e.iS'-s. arid expc'i"t- Poisonous matter, Tbou-ands wo have been the victims of inc -mpeiep' Persons, and who h ve paid heavy l Ut- cured iu a sliort tune, nave i,,un, .n-y have b cu deceived, a id that ike p. .ron" ha?", by the u.-e of ' powcru J a- t indents," in-dents," been dried up in toe rysleui, to brenn out in a more aggravated form, and pem-ips alter Marriage. i l'$e IIki.mb-'Lb's Extract Brrnr for all , Atie-t'Ons a:id Di-e;ises of the Urinary Origans, Or-igans, Whet tier existing in Male orremale. ; r . in whatever Citu-e originating, aud no miner of how loi.g FL-indni-. I'm' . U h" DOLLAH A D I1FI1' LL"IS PhK B'Jl-T B'Jl-T 1. K. Xji henry t.iielmbold's improved rose wash cinnot be surpi'cd as a TACK WAIl, and will be found toe only fpecifj remedy in eve.T specie ot Cui.nf 'U' A rT-f : i -n. It sn-Ptilv e-dict's fl.-'I'LS. I . I-hi I-hi K I Il,N-"5 "t ihe CrT L' L"-S M t M -BR AN" E, "Kbl" 11C DiiYN r,--, ere . ui-... ui-... ; KcI'X an d in ip:-:.t INKL.A.M M -Il'iV. 1MVK-. nll, M'-rti I'Ai' HKS. DKYNK?.") oF SCALP OH oKIN. FK'i-T Ul I ari'l II r'Lirp"FCf f--r wni h S A L V F.S or OlNTMt.Ma are u-d. Lnt hwver valued a a r'-iii'-ly t-r exi:irjff .".t: o; tLie Kin. H. 1'. lie iui"l i ! P.'-e h h.r.g ---.iiricd it.- i.rni.;p.e cl..i;n u:,i.-,.n -i.-i Pitr.nre. v P 'f. :r : l t r-xuur n a 'i'llhl At i L. i 1 1- titt n -; ; f 1 t- ' z ' '-.'--', tr, PRICE J i- xJ'jRl-A K l'i.j. 'L. 1 1 i F-j'I -i ri;.',i-.t -lire -: i a"'.xi;Jy E. ' rr r : n- l r-v'- in e t ; r Tj . -) j i n a t y i- n . w:l r. -. . i J i- ' ' w. . r - ' j if- :-- - i i ..e .. a- . -.- g '- :.:.; I :.:' :.-, L.tro i. -xe'i, e'ft. HEN7.Y T. KEtM32l3'S CEN'JINE PSEPiP.lTlCNS. I- .--. :':-.; : : r-.r- . iA,'.. T-F- : I ' ' ' ;.: '.f T-. TY l : , . r l i" " ' ' " ' ' ; i : i i - N r. 1 I. Ji 'r...-t ' , '. -v t "t' if t i;r:.vn t-- t .t i-.d ' ' r , v ' ' ' i: .. i -y. ,.w Y'-. - '' o ' f: i.f - V - . r-.ii' u. -'& T;r. tj M.reu 1'Lil ("i-- ("i-- i i ; it AfiE '''F r'TNTFl'FLIT5. .k '. t Sit S f: Y i. iii.Jiji.i.i si IAK J j CHICAGO TRADE. j I PAGE, BKO.Av- CO., Importer? and Dealers ia j LEATHER AND FINDINGS 50 Like Street, SrSr!. CfllCiEO, ILL o;5 ' Lake Shore Oil Works. MAXWELL, WhFeLES & CJ., Manufacturers o Engine, Slenal, T&tlow. Lard ind OOL OILS. Dealers in Ueniilitrht Carbon, "Whale Elephant, Seal and Sperm Oils, A genu for the s.il? of PRATT'S ASTRAL OIL. Agenu of the West Yirgnni Oil and OJ Lni M4.VCFlCTfB.CRS OF EXCELSIOR CAR. ROOf AN l ION PAINT For Tin and Shingle Roof. Bndge Timben, c Factory. CHICAGO. Office, 393 i 3iy Illinois t-, 1 S. Ta:er Str !, du VAN SCHAACK, STEVENSON & REID AVHOLES.VLK DRUGGISTS Dealer! In PAINTS, VARNISHES, OILS, DYE STUFFS, BRUSHES, Window . Glass, Glassware Patent Medicines, fco., &o 90, 9-5 fc 94 Lake St., cor. Dearborn Vith a larco experience in tho Territorial trade, we feed sure of riving satisfaction in quality, prices and packinc, d$ MARKLEY, ALLING CO., Importers and Jobbers iu Hardware ! Cutlery 5 1 Lake Street, CHICAGO, .... ILL. DIEBOLD &. KIENZLE, Successors to Diebold, CalinitiDD & Co., CELEBRATED CINCINNATI FIRE AND BURGLAR PROOF And Sarifent's Magnetic and Automatic Lank PKATT& COVERT, General Agents 80 Washington St., Chicago. II. B. fLAVSO, Sitpt. 7. C. PI. IM Agent for VJtati lerrllory. KEITH BROTHERST Manufacturers and Jobbers of HATS, CAPS AND FURS Afillinrry and Straw Gomh, 08 i. 70 Wb..li Ave., pTJTr" A P t 34 Uearbi.ru Place, VXllLilUU Jl i;i:i(.( aioiMi B. II. Skinner, Proprietor. Corner Well, and f I I I (' A fl ( I ICauilulpU ttrtelx. WlllUaUU. This Uou.. 1' ecntrnllT located, well fnr-ained fnr-ained a"1 cotitaiuii i"t Houiuri. d Jit CHASE, HANFORD & CO., 51 South Water St., CHICAGO, lJe-ulquarlere for Oils, Paints, Glass, &c, ilanufacturers of tbe celebrated WILSON "oil. r a n k . NEW YORK TRADE. Pool, Nazro, Kimball & Co., WHOLESALE GROCERS ! 33 Warren St., cor. Church, J- TT. EflfiER. New York. cl:. MOLI.EIfS fuD - LIVER OIL. I Vjvh th Fimt Pnra l w.i 1 lh f"lin.g I EliiMii .u ; I L'-.r.-j'in Intern all "r.al 7-xLibi- !- ." P. r-n Erhir.iti'.n ( Fi-'-r-: . i M '-'.a., of K'.val z I'-tj 1-T U.k "':' f N T a'r, J i 4it.i Kxr.;bi;,'.n K h-'rn. 3 " Far I ,-r ai"rai y. x h , 'r'-.' n. , At M'h it Uf -k Ui fl pr T- T"fiR ti.t.. . t,- i-,,.. . -..-,. t,. ir, y 1 1 '- t ! ' i- i. a m v t 1 ;.- . 1'.- .r. y '-I t J m ;., U I -11, .-I L' i , I- J yr,-f -l " I t .v- t it '-:, i . I..T'T"'7 T Si t-' 1 J" ''' I t J I u' . ;f -I " f i i T I r-.t-r-'U :.-3 r"f.".. ; W.1I. rhtrflrHn . Co., N r w Vnrh, !;- Ar ni i--r f I' r -.J. .:. C. A. Lr.-'.T-.t. J'.i n .rr.-r. I Lj..Gi I niET & S:DjW:C' i ! l--,.r. ,n ; MEN'S &33Y3" CLOTHING, j 44 4t 1 Broadway, lw Vork B ' LIVERPOOL Si, Q'JEEMSTDWN. INMAN L INE Of Royal Mall teamers, Satllnfr from. New Vork Every Saturday, AND Alternate Tuesday. Cabin Passage, to Liverpool. (ev-M) S7 S.llfl Steerage " " i nr.) JO. 00 Passage from Liverpool to New York ! Cabin, - (OoWi, $71.00 Steerage, - - (Cu-ivncv) 34.00 Round Trip Tickets issued at very low rate JOHN (i.PALK, A cent. S Broadway, New rk. Or WILLIAM CALPKU. Apent, o-T Salt La a" City. I'uh. UTAU CENTRAL Et.VII,SU VI). PIONEER LINE OF UTAH. On and after Thursday, Dec. 1, 1 S70. iil!y Truiict. Leave Salt Lake City at S tn snd 2: I'.m. Arrive Oiraen 7 a. in. and J -t i. in. Leave g-i 'n m S i. in. anu .V.0 n. m . Arrive at Sail Lake City 10 a.m. and Ti.'lii p.m. F'are from Salt Luke ( lly to Wood's Cros .Tn ("ntrcvillo $ I HrtniKtou $l.J Kii.-illu l.'.'i Ctfdca 2..H Fare from Oiitltn to Kiivsvillfl Jl..f K.irm-TuMt.n $!..' IVmrBvilln ..... 'ilA U i'lr. Sail Lake City 2..) In addition to tho uho o AN ACCOMMODATION TRAIN Will run DAILY, SUNDAYS KXCKITKI). Lewving Otrdt-n at S a in. and Lake City Hi l:4w p. in.. On whih full fare n-ill entMlo tin inir.'li ner of a ticket t" r.-tuni on i h ritiiic l.i d trmn trrf. -ind will ntuu by arr-ttiu ihk with tins oon'"r'"r at any i"int un ttie line io take on r let oil paj"f fiiKcru . Paiirn irr r will pi en hp I'linliBi thrlr I l krll hi lllf (Mlti r. Fifty CfO" additional will be 'Imry-'d when the Ure i 'olie-Me 1 on the u.im. For all inforuiHtion conerrnin lreinht or liw-ae. a jn-i tu D. O. CALUKIl, Ticket and Fremht A k ' B tit Lake City. JOW. A. Pl 4i Nnpt. 'Ia. c. m. d. BOOT AND SHOE DipaitiiMiil. At the r-it-'n of iIm- "BIG BOOT" Call and F.xanmm -iir b-u. c Mm k HOFflE-rriADE Ami ImMii((l BOOTS AMD' SHOES L'DTS1 A'.D GEM.tVt'iS 51 'P?'IHS. Uo'itM hui S!kk h f'.r linr r. riK-ri mifH'l.iMrcnMM'lI'O Ol.lo. Jl --ilU-Ul'-n 'M l''J:HHIiI"' 'J. tttlrwhtl to. J...! h- ' ir-J a fj.Uti-li'l i u i-i L a 1 li r. In 1 1. . I n f I'r'iiili a t l r- n.an ( Mlf ahlif, r , ilxnl !!) ..f t,i it . m , in l all IiI.mIi .,r I ... r. ,! 1 1 n r n .. r i ( MtiMM'l mmI Malt Home tollara. A I at Full S:cck cf Shcs Findings. niii;K noc(;nr. Caii y.tir fr. n-1 ( 'r'jin tori V ,;t.l f,.,,..l,i.v, ,i li,,.t-, ,,- K.r.,,., ,Il.,, 11,,.,,,!.. In v.,,1: ,, L'fii'M "ll'l .'l,lM J;.,.,t ,SI,,K. 1LB.GLAW0D.N iiu;U |