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Show MORE LIGHT!! It Shines fur ATI! THE DANFOSTH FLUID Is the Light for the People. Only GOc. per Gal. BY THE FIVE GALLONS. THE GAS-JET BURSTER, ' Without r.himneys, is the thing THE PACK tlllPS Are the onjy perfectly sa'e lamps, AS fiAl'K AS CANDLES. A NEW AR.ilVAL OF LAM,JS, LANTERNS AND FLUID, ' K. KEESK & CO., Corner south of Walker Bros. CRAFTSMAN'S LIFE IKIHHH EDXPAIY. OF NEW YOKK. -Pnrly Mutual. Casli System. All Policies Non-Forfeltable. A'b Restrictions on Residence or Travel in any part of the World. . All the various foims of Life Endowment, Endow-ment, firm and Joint Policies are issued by this Company. IRA SI. SWART Z, General Agent for Utah. Office, three dors north of Exchange and .Reading Kooms, Main street. CENTRAL PACIFIC RAILR'D. V --'c-i KxpreJS Jn n 00 Express Pa.-y'(.er 8'inlav Train J Ctlit Zii Train Sunda excepted Daily (S71. Daily excepted 4 00 pm 8 on am San Frau'co 5 45 pm 12 30pm 4 42 " 8 40 " ..Oakland.. 5 12 " IIdS " 7 30 " ..San Jose.. 6 40 " 7 5S " 12 1Hpm Stockton.. 1 46 " 8 35 '( 9 35 ' 2 10 " .Sacramento. 11 15 am 7 OU a 4 10 " ..MaryavUle.. 9 10 " 900 u .. .Sesma. .. 4 20 " 2 2Uptn .Sacramento. 11 4oam S CC 626 " ...Colfax... 8 46 " 115am .Reno.... 1 00 " 9 10 ' Winnemncca 4 05 " 12 00 m Battle Mount 1 25 pm & 3 10pm ...Carlin. 10 15 u W O 4 40 " ....Elko.... 8 45am 135 am .... KeltoD.... 10 10 ' 6 10 " ....Ogden.. 6 0" pm - A. S. TOWKE, T. H. GOODMAN, Gen. Supt, C. P. ft. R Gen. Pas.-'gr and Ticket Agt, UTAH CENTRAL KA1L.ROAD. PIONEER LINE CF- UTAH. On and after Thursday, Dec. 1, 1870. Iaily Trains Leave Salt Lake City at 5 a m and 2:45 p.m. Arrive at Ogden 7 a. to. and 4:45 p. m. Leave ' 'g'i-n -t 8 a m. and p. in. Arr.ve at Salt Lake City iO a.m. and 7:30 p.m. Fare from Salt Lake City to Wood's Cro-s S .70 Centreville 5 .90 FarLQidgLon $1.5 Kaysville 15 Cgden - 2.5G Fare from Ogden to Kaysville $1.30 Farmington 31-65 Centreville -.uo Wood's Cruss 2 25 Salt Lake City 2.50 In addition to the above AN ACCOMMODATION TRAIN Will run DAILY, SUNDAYS EXCEPTED. Leaving Ogden at 5 a. m. and Salt Lake Citj at 4:40 p. w., On which full fare will entitle the purchaser of a ticket to return on too same day and train free, and .will stop by arranging with the conductor at any point on tne line to take on or let off passengers. Passengers will plea.ie Purchase their Tickets at the O (lice a. Fifty Cents additional will be charged when the fare is collected on te train. For all information concerning freight or parage, apply to D. O. CALDER, Ticket and Freight Ag' Salt Lake City. JOS. A. YOlG, Supt. Jo O K. UYZRPOOL & QUEENSTOWN. IN MAN L INE Of Royal Mall Steamers, Sailing from ew York Every Saturday, AND Alternate Tuesday. Cabin Passage, to Liverpool, tgoM) 975.00 bleerage " " (cur.) 30.00 Passage from Liverpool to New York Cabin, ... (Ool1) $75.00 Steerage, . . (Cu-roncy) 31.00 Round Trip Tickets isaued at very low rate JOII.V C.DALK, AK-nt, 10 Broadway, ,Nw York, OrWn.LIAM CALDKR, Aifent, o-T Salt Lak City, Utah. H.DINWOODEY, FURNITURE DEALER And UI'IIOLMTKItHIC. All kinds of IMPORTED FURNITURE OonnUntly on hand at tlio Salesroom, EAST TEMPLE ST. Kvcry description of HOME-MADE FURNITURE At the Factory and HaUwroom, yjJ'oTSOC'i ll STKKKT, S. I,. CITY COFFINS, I'KAI.V itml OIINAMKNTAI., 1 Alway.1 in Hlook. Truckee ,i ,. , n Q SALT LAKE LUMBER YARD. Hiiir-IIloclt .South U. C. Depot. D. W. PARXHURST, Proprietor. CHICAGO TRADE, Lake Shore Oil Works. MAXWELL, VhTeLER & CD., Manufacturers of Engine, Signal, Tallow, Lard and WOOL OILS. Dealers in Ilcndlight Curbon, "Whale Elephant, Seal and Sperm Oils, ' As fits for the salt) of PRATT'S ASTRAL OIL. Agents of the West Virginia Oil and Oil Land MANUFACTURERS Or EXCELSIOR CAR, ROOF AN J IRON PAINT For Tin and Shiuyle Roofs, Bridge Timbers, Ac. Factory CHICAGO. " ' Oflico, 3 4 3) Illinois ot., 108 rf. Water Stn-et, , 1U VAN SCHAACK, STEVENSON & REID WIIOLEHA-liK DRUGGISTS Dealers 1 u PAINTS, VARNiSKES, OILS, DYE STUFFS, BRUSHES, Window Glass, Glassware Patent Medicines, &c, &o. 90, 93 & 94 Lake St., cor. Dearborn With a largo experience in the Territorial trade, we f'-el sure of iriving satisfaction in quality, prices and packing. MARKLEY, ALLING &, CO., Importers and Jobbers iu -Hardware ! Cutlery 51 Lake Street, CHICAGO, - - . - ILL. DIEBOLD & KIENZLE, Successors to Diebold, Baliniaun & Co., CELEBRATED CINCINNATI FIRE AND BURGLAR PROOF SAFE S, And argent's Mngnetii and Automatic Lank fi PRATT & COVEKT. General Agents b6 WrthiiifciUpn tit., Cbicuiju. II. B. CLAWOX, Mipt. Z. C. M. I., Agent for ttaU Territory KEITH BROTHERS, JIanufaiturers and Jobbers of HATS, CAPS AND FURS JlilHii'ri and Straw 6'""(.', 08 &. 70 Wnba.h i t., ptTTP S P fl 3 . 4 Uearboru I'U,,, VyLLLlllUU Jl ISKH.f.S inn i; B- li. Skinner, Proprietor. Corner Well and Ml P f1 ( I Randolph birrcu, j I 1 I O.lVJU, Thi" IIoue i.1 o-ntnllv located, well fur-niihed, fur-niihed, an 1 cuiituui.t 2.) Kontu.t. il-J CHASE, HANFOF.D & CO., Gl ftnnth Vml-r St., IIIICAOO, Hc.idiuartcrs for Oils, Paints, Glass, &c, Manufacturcri of tho cclcbr;iti.d WILSON OIL TANK .13 PAGE, IIKO.cV CO., Imirleri aud Irlor in LEATHER AND FINDINGS 50 JLake Hlrtel, do 1 NEW YORK TRADE. MOLIER'S ton - Mvrit Oil,. -c" R-Wv tho Fimt Pri.o t m h of tho fulluwlug KxlubilKMii ; HY2, London Intwrnntiorml E.liili-tion. E.liili-tion. 1 Hi-3 Uoron Exhibition of Fishi-rioM; Gohl Mt"J;iI of lioynl 6fuiuty ior tho Welfuro of Norway. 1 (intit KxhibiLion lit Siockliolm. Ibi7 Fbtih IntMrnntioMiil tixhiliilioii. At wlnrb It took t)i ri rat ri hiiioiik tw-nlj. eiKht comititor. It m r .niiniiiUxl l.y umtty f-tiniMril in-li l Miitli.irili- tii Kn r . hj thV ,Mlir &K.ietj of Norwrty M. -hi 1 i ty i.l N(rtliiiiijlfriii(l Alt') Lurtuno. Dr. L. A. hnjm, uf t.w )'ink. myn : ' M..ltr" proc U Dm ny one 1 Littr Oil should 1 nijfl " Or. J, Mar tun Him wjii : "I Iixt pr.- rCfl it aliU'Ml Uily, (i.tvyftvory tiM lo I wo MUliQwl with it." Forule j Lrii'ici-t an-1 nioini-t. W. II. Hchlertrllii dt. Co,, .New York. d23 8ol A j(" mi for tho U. i. anl Cuta.l. C. A. LiiimMtront. John HcditwU-k. LUNGSTRtET & 8LDSW.CX Maiiufacturnrq of and Wholnculo lJ'iilrr ID MEN'S & 30YS' CLOTHING, 40H 4t 40H llionlvn) , .w York. Pool, Nazro, Kimball & Co., WJIOLKSALl GROCKKS .'IT Warrrn K( ., ci i . f I, , , I, , J.(H. IlUI.IIKIt. Now y,-h. BATHS, BATHS! Warm Spring lialhs ! f'rlvaln and IMuiikc T1im !).. I. riiffl l-.ttl ,,,, ,, t,n pnlJir lt ll aon. 'J'li..r tili mill .M,r H.. iim mi w iily kliown Hint II Im n'iaM f, fmiitiriil (In in. H"... tl,n 'Ti,- 11,. II,.. nr,ri, hun.Utnm. It r..rri-hl l'iiniKA Um h. r1r i,-..i Omiflrnmn urn now fiji..!!. II. A H.NOI.U, n 17 Themv l.Mim- r. W H. FMm. l,cerc il. i.ijiur. llc'.rie Uuuid.it ciiA.Mii: or riu.M. Tin' rimiing .Mill, Sti-.li nnd I.nr Yhp- lTV lf OTjOM, llOMIV KIY eft. C. Will hrrr.iftrr -In rniin'- tind-r (! linn naiiiw ol LimiEII, TAYLOR CO. SASH n' 1' ' 1 "J ,n ' m,ir 10 n n n ri B',"i buim, .ih UOUUJ .l.,..r. l..rio .I,.r. ..r, .nr tliiKn... .im or k I n-i . lur-m.ao-i to or'lcr. WINDOW Wilh kPfcU FRAMES PRflMfQ I'nl fr.im... .l.iin i.,.,rnnl IIIMITI4.0 window Ir.tn... BLI N D S Ptti-'nury .nj rullim .'on.. MOULDINGS rT,iZ tnv u and cotnu c, PI flflRIMn Tontur-I an I frnorol mid ILUUIUII U flii,irn t g- .,n hud and worked to order. LUKIUf.ll ihkn... mid ripi'fJ t" any tin-irt'l .1.0. Planer and Circular Saws Uiinnioc all tho time, MIMMi DISTRICTS Furi'Hod on ."hort notice. (Hvo us acall, oraddrn.M hy Utlrr to Ilex I.A i I HK It, TAY IOIl . CO,,- l-r Uue Jtlock woM ot i'abwrnaolo REVERE HOUSE, (LritC (Jmnh'i Jouxr,) Will hTciTirr bn cMinhii-trl nn A FIRST-CLASS HOUSE, In all it. niioin(iutut.. It will bi rrnonrd and rn-fiirni'hrd. and iiuiriinriu,.,t litlcinli' i to in 11 no.uirr o in mi r ut if tit i' I Ion a to l-'arn and I'rirrp. Nip II-hi-o will l,n ron.l mu rl Ptriodvon 1 lm Kiiroprnii I'lmt. H10 Itponurttnl OPEN FOR MEAtS AT ANY TIME DURING TWE DAY. JI7 II. K. Will r I IOIOUK, lroi. PEOPLE'S lSl RIME 10, 11K SAN FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA. ( 7'7v and Marin::) C. Mii.qiDllMOT. . 11. IHUINIiH. l'rMl(Mil. .pert-lnry A. It. 4( 1M,MNI,, mm Inl Arnl. T- . 11. ,r xt 11 JVT yv JV, ' UnKLl Aurut fttr If nil, llir.ori ul H. W. Il.osln ,1 ,V (',;, ,ll Sln-nl, Null l.nkr (Jity. n. W. K. .IENNENS, ..... I.nrnl Au.'ili HI Tm I (., Hll Hi J-' Null l,rh. ;lly. T II K h FAMILY SEWING MACHINF IS TI1K Standard .lachine of the World ! The Special Committee appointed to examine and report on Sowing Mncliinen at (he ..orth Cnrollnn Stnte Fair, held at Kulelh lat wee It, awarded r tolil (Medal tot e Florence Sewing ffliiclilne for tlie ene and q nle t ness of 1 1 movement m, perfrctloii and lare variety of work, and Its valuable new feat ureH, making ma-king It the most valnahle Hewing Machine for family nue,. , , Parties, contemplating the purchase pur-chase of Sewing Machines are requested re-quested to read the fol owing from the New York "Tribune" of Oct. 19tb,1870i SEWLG MACHINES. We have recently had occasion to make some inquiries into the prorresa of improvement improve-ment in the mechnniHin of sewing machines, and were not a little surprised to learn that the central idea in the firft itiven.ion tke shuttle still holdB its place, though many attemjits have been made to supercede il The shuttle, in combination with the needie. still the means uted to form the emlcd, iti the leading msichint-E. and we rind that tht KTuwih of trade u chiefly with thaahuttlt ufiriK machinei'. The improvements that nre taking firm " hold in practir.il Use are, therefore, nere-rily nere-rily in cjnnet-tion with the fhuttic, either in the detail of tue fhultlu ii.-It, or in other part:" !" the maL-hinn ennected with 11, to cause tne whole to opera 'e more perfectly and uniforuily, and to siiii'liiy it u?e. M ny importnnt tf.iin; in t'-i direction, made Mnee the fartl creat invention, are undoubtedly un-doubtedly euibod.ed in the " t'lorenco" ma-chide; ma-chide; and we reeoiu in end our readers to careiul'y inspect the "k iorence" b el ore making ma-king & choice. 1 he points peculiar to this mach ine are: An uuu-uai H!iioiiiit of uj.int-y is s cnt in maKing the "riortnee." thereby sevurintt the bert material uitel. lor nj.-laio e. where oihem u-e c.t-t-iron . arid tlie Lt-t tin eh oi 1111 1'orlatit p.irLc (the n u He. f"r ei am pie. beiiiK rik'idi r--; r.;lcd ll it van-. Jr"iu me e(iit.drd 1-2. "'lh uf an iii'-b It is c -n-8lr Ui ted on the 1 m p-l -cient 1 t:c prin- i i l entirely die I'tL-iiti w.th tue C-'K, ana caXix. ;id Imk- wmcn po ulleo tfet pervcrei uui ot order and eor ly pcrtdez e cry one bui trie prcli ed u-acuiiii-l 0 ihcir un iccount-arils iccount-arils fre.ikn. Ine "Florence" if so e-.-iij tuuuaretJ. nd in ue is n readily tr.trued. timt it a ordinary Kirl of ten h.ta et-n-e iinJ oiti-fie enouo'li run it pf rltviiy. I ne Iock- , ititch. as made by 1:10 "rloreuce" is very regular ana perfect, very itrung and ela--nc. u drawn oto the ln'-nr eniy, tcm-i-ual I , ci nci ly , without jerk ii1 it. aiid ii tjfut ciu'iiiK iQe tiui to pucacr. or strainins trie thriaii u it to ti'l.im;c: lU brcaK iti ; c-o jr-iuently, er j- tiuc torra is and ui;:.l ubnes eau to ueJ- IlriJes this, tlie ' Fmreuce' (in 1! bm the chrapeAl iyU- l-o uik thre additiotiitl ui. fie a d-iuh.e b-i K,. a iiitde knot and a iiuub.o knoi whi h are nrniiwr -n 1 more eia-tic t Dan any ottjtr ttiU'h, and whnti are ttiaac by no otner ti.a-cbiti ti.a-cbiti 1 ne " 1 1 v re nee" i the- 'Qly u,.tcUiiie iht h tt a revcr.-io.e eci, wtieretiy tne Oi-re-'iiou uf tne pewm cn be inianti) changed without ippinc the w.irk, thus eii6 inj the operator to quilt ur emnr.'ioer ltd unuul tciluy, to nrr hjt'-kard and ea-fily irrn:hea a oam wherevtr J'-nreJ. and. finally, by a tew reprattd stitciics. tu fA-'tcn cud. In the qui' kr-t an 1 s'.rm gr-l May. It t the on 1 y mach 1 ne tfiat fax t ri 1-a.ljutine 1-a.ljutine Kg it let hrr.nl t u-ion, w bu'h wirkfuperfr'ily that 1 h e opera tr can ri-n icri'M the eivir-t rtmi and ew the btir.t hnen and thr thi'kr-t br.P-iuiii it. tti:uie-d tti:uie-d i.u u-ccii'n w 1: rii.nt lin.ikir; th c t nrcaa aod w itbout ch &n bitii the ncn.iie, tit h or tensiuo- r ho "rlorenrc ' draw the thread into the cli't b wuh ui.eiualei prco iuu and crumty, by mean -i an i:uTnio. automatic auto-matic "take up" wbel. hich dip.'e of the alack ihrend lr!i : tor the stit. U with aa accurate protuptne lht prevent a I nari-int nari-int or dropping l tiu hcs, an t aiiow ttit 01 orator to rcm backward, nr Lo ruo (! the clt.th and on acain, with prrlvl impunity. It haj an improvi-d la.ic heiniuer. eiclu-iva eiclu-iva iu own. nhn-h i Uianarvl with CA.-a, nv will make a hno of any width on n tUHlrrml It Dot iimj niakvi a prrtet cather and scw it t a band ut i-no o eration, hut it hrui. and hind, and lll!i. and u u ills, aru pitr il and t no . a 1 it I it a l tier, and braid without l..vtmi. ,-a-h l '.-ial pioisi"U l m.id atra nt mwirii'ti- wear t! .1 the ' r l"t-vn--' i clatnird and iruaraii t r.-d by the Company Com-pany t" 1 1 tn.cn loin; without rrn aa t ot Iit h i : t Divhinp id Ih" mar "l. 1 wilhtiut 1 rt ritirli tAi iiiti-olty. Kvefy rri ot the Forpiiio" is so pcrf-'ctW an-1 per 111 a -nent ly a-tj u-t r I. and it h:w so fr w jnit and point ot Irictson, that it ru tis w 1 1 li 1 lie ut uiot r.o. 1 ho tierdlo is frt and th rend -id, and llii hlucU in lenkthono-. 1 sliortrndv or rcvor-.d with tuo ut- ! inot cmo. In UMtitf the "Kb rein"'" neither the w..rk nor the oparat r' drc is !mnle tu ba toiled. Ihe "riorence" with all these e aiim tt auperiordy, srlls at tin- same pnc a oilicif bml-claaa uiaohinw. luce advao taarw ; liilirrality in limnnlacf ure; Si in pheit y ol con-t met ion; Fa'ihiyol inati.-ik'iueut. V anety of M tchc.-; Hversible tot d; rol I -adj ust inn tension; Automatic titko-up: Iioitiivau binmsr; - - I'mviMcn Rtcaint wear; l'l-rte.-t and p rui.Micut Adjust incut; K.y r"k-ii HtK'tj oi nrpiile aiut miu h; t'lauiilnies and cbf t ne-s; The beatiiy mid IiikIi lini-li of the machine:: .Make tiui "Florence.-' modenilely enk-lnn. enk-lnn. a 111a. hino which tu be Titiuod. needs bill to i.f tried. N .1 Ian. ily enn n TohI to be wit hotit lifvr-iiu- much me, nnd hope that bei"r' long one may lie bmud w horovor "l ba iribuue' 1 wolcoqie. TO THE LADIES , Of fnU I.rUc City, a n d t In o u limit li-mit the lerr 1 1 nrlea of I tali, It) alio, niiuiiniin and W y in I ii nt Wo t'Tt'MnI t'lirttinl invitmpn to cull t oilr I'llit o.n.l pvniiuim tlm KlnriMicu ritmily Mrwin Miu'hitip, wln-laor do f 1 K 11 1 1 if imiuodiiilo puri litivo or not j il tH inT buswMn mid iili'Hstird tu gullril clout) oMiminntioii und com jmrison. 0 hitvo on tliibitioti, in or.lor (ho inor oivtily lo explain (mini, of Uiirorom'o, in whirl) wo clium nipomoruy, (bo 11 ia-rhinp ia-rhinp of vnrii miu tnnkfti, i iu-1 mi mil tl. OrrvortV Hiikor, Sittm-r nnd Wlundt-r tV WiIhoii. Jn ninltinft iui'h rniiHrt-oon, rniiHrt-oon, n unluir hiIvuiiUku will b uUor. nf rivul mm bitios, but in tho ronli try tlioy will bo Ut'pt by i romot.niu int t'liiniRl in tl.o bost of rmuiin or.lnr, (hoiiio of tboni rixiniro ni ooj hii onm noor n n locoinotivn.) CHAS. S. HAMMER, l.rlirrnl Agriit( NAl.T I.AKM OITY, U VA II. BENEDICT, HALL & CO., MANUFACTURERS AND WI10LKSALE bKALEHS IN Boots and Shoes, HAVE REMOVED TO Xos. sind 1 CSItAM STREET, Corner Croshy, I ATPW VA)!,' -i One Block East of Broadway, . 11 Jj 1 V I UiliV... dH COAL! COAL! COAL in any desired quantity; for pale at the U. C. Djiot, or delivered in any part nf the city. ' Orders can bo left at the Co-operative Dm? rtore, or at K. Kirkwood's, opposite Salt Lake JJouae. , tU GKOR-E CRISMOX. I! i ru WARD Co-operative Store Dealer3 in Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardware, &c. Dried Peaches, Apples, die, b-mglit and sold. Flour, Grain, Kran and Shorts alwaya on hand. ja5 CITY LIQUOR STORE, Keep constantly on hand. AVholesale and Retail, Choice Imported LIQUORS AND WINES, At Lowest Ftnte.-. GIIOESBKCK'S Bl'ILDINtiS, nl7 Knst Temple Mreet. C. 11. UaSSETT. G. . UOTTUKS. BASSETT&i HOFFMAN HARDWARE STORE All kin-Is of HEAVY HARD WARE, Iron and Mee!, Stovas and Tin Ware BLACKS M ITU TOOLS, Agricultural I ni pi rmf nl And .Mining Tools, At LotvtDl Halt,. OPPOSITE SALT LAKE IIOCSE Z. G. M. I. CARPETS FOR SPRING FURNISHING ! ! i Retail Department ! AVe call attention to purchasers that j we are prepared to ofi'r special induce-I induce-I menus. A lino selection of the newest i styles of ; TAPESTRY, BRUSSELS, INCRAIN, At Eastern. Prices, i DUTCH CARPET, -10c. Per Yard. ' TABLE AND WINDOW DAMASK. DRUGGETS and CRUMB CLOTH Sheetings and Quilts. iorMn:sAD lue (trtains. Girui-s, Fringes and Cords. GHEEN BAIZE, C'ai'iiGts Made and Laid with Care. H V. CLAWSOX, Sui'T. Zion'sCooperative Mercantile Institution TO CITY AM) COr.MIlV C0-0PEHATIVB SUES And tlio Trade jrenerallj". WHOLESfiLTT DRY GOODS! EAGLE EMPORIUM, WIWTER'u" GOODS! ' I.oiiir SliawN, rVubias, soicry, Millie Munvls llood. t.lovcs. Children Shawl. Scarf!, riaiuirK, rdiinltCiS Counterpanes. Jeans. Caimere. l.iiie. DOMESTIC GOODS IN FULL SUPPLY AS USUAL. Hoots A. -Shoe. Hnhhers & Arctic, illen. Hoys and children Hat. 11. H. ClAWSON", Srrr. Zion's Co-operative Mercantile Inst'n WHOLESALE AND EETAIL GROCERY AND HARDWARE DEPARTS EfJT, I'.I.DK KIX.'K A. CI AAVM1A lit" Il.lUX.s. Vi'U luil at (Ms lV:irur.oit 'f '..CM. 1. ft IvlU-r flvl ot LAMPS, CROCKERY. HARDWARE, STOVES, MLNlNii TOOLS, lil-ASTLNO roWPFK. Maple and I'aiicy (irocerie, I' And o.n;i Get More for your Money and Orders tlun you can .it any other House in Utah. 11. li. Cl..UVM, Ml' |