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Show Commorcial. ut IAkk Cmr, Feb. 11. 0 ,LD-Buyi. l"': selling, 111. U'avted.-A man who is an eipori-."j eipori-."j 'jliLLtR can find steady emploj-Ul; emploj-Ul; Apply to JTS. n. - K-t Temple St., S. L. City Fas' Or,TKRi-lect-50 cents per J11' . . : adv Gite Notice. In consequence of -i.ru-hof bu-inea nt Carter's Photo-z'.-nh Gallery, it will be well, to save k ..tpomlm.int, for parties wanting por-.', por-.', Z to notify tlie day and hour wnen t.eT will atund. adv For A GOOD meal go to J. R. Claw-advj13 No Fiction, but Tkctu. It is customary cus-tomary to speak of many remedies of tiifi dy in alight and frivolous manner, and llm may answer wliere the case to t,r: cured iHGl'a trilling character, and tt,e romedy presented simple. But wii'ire wo are called upon to prescribe tut disea-e endured only with excruciating excruci-ating piin, where termination is often fatal, we leave jesting, and proceed with fNirne-triess to utter facts that will, per-iuijis, per-iuijis, rescue a fellow beintr from a bed ot -icicTttts or the gravo. It is thus that oi would introduce to our reader.-VCP.liA reader.-VCP.liA SANTA, that, great IiLUOU ITKIKIEK. and certain cure lor KiitxiATisM, gout, neuiial- (rlA, etc. Fur sale by all Druggists. Keijding-fov, Keijding-fov, IIostettkk (te Co. aienU, So. o'.l Market street, San Francisco, adv j Chapped Ha.vds ami Fack, Sore I Dkynkss ok thk Skin, Vc, tVe., ( ,r.-d ntonco by HlililC l AN'S (J.V.M-rUDlllCK (J.V.M-rUDlllCK WITH ULYCKKINE. It " n llio hands soft in all weather. Sih tutyi.u get H KG 15 M AN'S. Sold by lil Druggists, only cents. Alanufac-fc'tu.cd Alanufac-fc'tu.cd only by Ukukman i . Co., O'lni-m and Druggists, .Now York. dlH adv Ir tou want a No. 1 Suit, go to M. Karl, Second South St. adv Fur a oonu oyster stew go to Jolin K. (Jluwnon's. advjl3 "llr.Ar Smoki" - io and seo that nmiuuiiilh Ciitar at Kd. Harris', three ttar iKt of l'ost Ollii'o, and get one of hi "Salt Lake Beauties;" they are doli I'lolls. Uest of chewing tobaccos, pipes, I'iriU, canes, collars, knives, and other fnoy notions. L'i(Hrs cheap at wholo- lo. He sure you go and seo him. adv F.virything in candies and confectioneries confection-eries for tho holidays, at Wallace's, adv ,l,Ii,H'v!,MT,"x T"' T11K l't'iiLic I n.'rei.v issue this my reclamation, '"'lotravollim public: !'ties visiting s..,lt Lake C'itv and ' wi on th,. U.P.K.K., will 'lind it Uiolt a.tvanuno Vo 1,,HV0 Sst Lsk -?r .Tn 1 """'"i"? train and ronmin or at Oiid.!, I,8t niu Uierehv hav- : fH,Hl '-. and so bo fresh r travel at t, 0 clock a.,,,., whn ,, M express tram leaves this depot. At "lleden ll.niso wo vU'er as K.a.d ro-ymiiodalions ro-ymiiodalions as any h,H1,0 Vl,st f u iiMi r.' buso, v evory uslI)to 'iij. . Jju'v -haucn, Proprietor. Foil S.VI.K. on very reasonable terms, a few hundred "feet'1 of verv rich mining mi-ning ores, in tho "Tintic," "LMt'ayette," "Anthony Wayne" and "Eureka" Lodes, Tintic .Mining District. Shafts have been sunk in all of thesn cla'nix, therefore tho purchasercan inform himself him-self and know wiiat ho is buying. For particulars inquire of J. M. Simmons, At his residence, opposite City Hall. advjo.3 Paius has Capitulatkd, but Carl G. Asinussen still continues to sell his tine stock of jewelry, watches, clocks and other articles at liis splendid store on Aiainst. cot. adv Gknuink Enulisu Alo on draft, fifty cents per quart, at i Margetts', '2nd South St. adv Paris has St HUKM'KKKP, but ;.-liehtlv ;.-liehtlv and lla-n- will never surreiui, r their claim to m iking tlio iino-t bread, crackers, cakes. and pa-try. and manufacturing the choictst and purest candies. For a stylish pair of Pants go and see U. Eirl.Groesbeek's Buildings, Second South St. adv Supper got up for parties on reasonable reason-able notice, at J. R. Ciawson's. advjbl Fine Fresh Hoxev in tho comb, delicious and cheap, at II. Wallace s. adv TOOELE HOUSE, R. MellENPKIC, Proprietor. Corner of Main nd Vine Streets, TOOHLE CITY. CALI, AND BE ArCOVMOPATED IN THE HKSr STYLE. Beil. Ilonrd and Attention ofthe best ' COOP BAR ATTENDANTS. r-. 0 Tits. mti. rim. II. WilliarrF. TUTO.VHJ iv WILLIAMS. Munufiicmrcr?, lmfortrr nd h-Ie?'e iea.rr in WA1CHES, UIAMONDS, Ilvrry Description of Jewelry, SILVER AND SILVER-PLATED WARE ..f Apents for the celebrate ir.. Eiin-tn.1 Amir;,) H i.V.'o, :ttl Momgomerj , S.K.. cor. Pine. I." p Si u- Nn I'rMIK l. Cwl. A'.l ,r ien fr.m th; T-nl.rif I rotsr-fv ICE ICE! ICE! SALT LVKK HE COM PAS V, r,;ci':0. Jin. 1. 1 Ice .le'iverr.i .1 .lie ii '-l r";- '" ' 1C n nun:it. t r.;e- to a:t t I U. t 1..VWSOV, A Li LM, nr-T .: Ciawsrn's l- Cream Salocn, TO PRE-EMPTOKS. N'.'c are l re; arci to v.rr..h i Agricultural Land cript F r :ho I'cvin of liovcr: -f-i Lsc i a.: IIOOPKH, fcLDBKDt.K A CO, Sail Lake City, "ot. A 1ST". ';l STOCKTON, oupioixiFg. AM East Canon. jVf. Siii - 4'jlr Forii nni;!-: ( .!' i Fj;y PAY YltDM .l.Vi Tn SALT LAKH CITY. To niel ilie erno v travel My will cut on DOUBLE LINE OF STAGES Kvctr ft't-Tiooe Jfti runiiii.ii ihe r--gnliir tatfC un "0 0.l)r. I,nvr nll I ikr llou-r, Ink (I i y t n nd I'limrrr II ol t 1, Opt. I r It . K Tf rj' .M 01 il fl . I 7 o'f lor It. JUDD 4 CO. K g I I H S M A O - T:'z -r- n 1-1 5 .. H : H ? o - t o z a c - - ? ' r ' h A - ? t i -) - i , Trees! Trees!! Fru.t Trtcte-. : Shaie Trees, i Urnarrr.r.tal Trees, ...,... . i i .ti..i. ..I. ni .. K ..( ..' . I' ' ' I . li I . . I i ... . I i . . J I .f 1 r-i f - V i .-V -, I !.... ieVi'i '.'J ' 'Iv ' , i- I . ..'.. i. ' . 1 i . I . J HARMAK. IVOFiY & CO., FIXING Real Estate Agency, SALT l.AKK L ITV. lT. nr rits ;:' Vir.'rr V. c-rd ' fi:a.o.:v:i':'T'!. sa..:- - -tl4f tS C. :i.Jfr. V rev ...sr. .1. :'":;.:s;:eLU.'as:"f-: ut1-----;- VATKD-Two cood Minr. trUi-t; trUi-t; Smelling Ore, fox w hich Ch Y 111 tf pld. t-.AR-YAN. IV K A C. "W A.N r K 1 A i-u.'.i.r.i : . r a r-f ; 1-0 eC.;.1' n r.v an. iv a i.v. WAMKl) TOKKX I A H . . :trrp f. r ror-s. ?u: J! ;c .". - s mum., : ;.y. ie ax f. dJy UAKMAN. 1Y0KY A Cv'. JjUUUSNANJ ST ELL At IiavM'U X HofVmauV. OpjvOfct i r Sft.lt l-ftkr lltMif. z. c. mTl ClothingDepartm't FRESH ARKlVAbS LM New lioinls in l-'.i'.l an.l WINTER SOUS! j oyi:i:coats, CAPES, TALMAS- IMtlitai j t'lolhiiu'. c, Atsc Full V.11. ,y , ; GENT'S FURNISKIKSGCCD3 Ueills', l.ioiies' ami I'.ovs' BOOTS & SHOES (ienf V oiu bs' tin I l! ' 1IA'5 and TAPS. TKI'.NKS id nil i,( - ;m 1 , . mi.fs. Vai.isks kihI Cut rrj Svks, Carpets. Matting. Floor Cloths M all rapcraiKl 1 orations, A.JftTiirtM h in i t.ii. I I ).!.' l.y t!,.-vi,i) ft Iriivo 'h . Fr n ti nd l. ii 1 1 tt utriitiim, MIKihi f lot lit., Ilomr IH it, It 'I m f ill, & 1 "jITS MADE TO 0:i!) i'. ! ,;. . i'i..tt ,,, M . 1 1 1 1 ' , t. . 1 l-r in "-. . ! I 1. . h - i, 1 -. t ii'-r .-r I 1 r k 1 !'! I n i.a ..TkK.HTi-hM ' J um h 10 f - KILITM1Y TRIMMINGS JN f J It F T VAH1I IV, .mi 11 i: ri, wvmi';, IT 500 MEN . h.,0,1 I... o. .1 01 I r lo.ii" I' I.. ' . o. I... V ' I -o F. LITTLK'S LUMBER YARD Our 1 11 01 L t 11 I 1. f I 1 1 '1 1 1 1 . . t ' Fine Slack ti B.iil.ii;: Ltimlitr. 1 j '!. I'.... .l P,1H llul.Bl t . 'LIVti0..L k: l n-i i: 1; ( (ivrM. I .-.(i- - - - l.!iii.'.'hi.iiii, I J "I- n nun t , a i di , ' . r . i. Mun, 1... , , k.i 1 t 11 r |