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Show f .".IT W7 TAYLOR Have Just received a lot of HARDWARE, consisting of Knives and Forks, 7 Mfc., $1.25 Set. TABLE AND TEA SPOONS. FILES, SAWS, PLANES, AXES, ETC., ETC. Door Locks, with white Imohs, Goc. ALSO IP Sa O 'WW & , ALL OF WHICH WILL JJi? SOLD" VERY CHEAP. Have Just Received a Lan:e and Varied Stock of BOOTS AND SHOES! LADIES', MISSES' AJflJ CHILDREN'S SHOES In every Style ar-.d at prices that cannot fail to suit. ALSO A LARGE ASSORT MEh'T OV Gents' iiil Youths' Hoots and Shoes. We' would aNo call attention to our Laree and Fashionable StocW of Men's, Boys' and Children's Wear, all of which we will sell at RAILEOAD TIMES " PEIOES .! j2t i vo "CJs a, Call. - WELLS, FARCO'S IS NEAR 0 m 2 Z ' ' Cv X 0 -- . ' ' SJ o 1 . . o O O p LV SI SS3NISn& JO 3H1N30 3HJ. j MORE LIGHT! . It Shines for All! THE DANFORTH FLUID Is the Liht for the People. Only COc. per Gal. BY THE FIVE GALLONS. THE GAS-JET BIBXER, W ithout Chimneys, is ths thing THE PACK LIMPS Are the only perfectly sae lamps, AS SAFE AS CAXDLES. A NEW ARRIVAL IF lMJS, UNTERfiS AND FLUID. E. REESK & CO., Corner south of Walker Bros. SAN FRANCISCO jfijlljliERS. Fresh Lot Just Received. LIGHT, WHOLESOME, aVUTKITIOUS. Suitable for Travel and Domestic Use FOR SALE, CHEAP, AT GEO. W. DAVIS' Z. C. M. I. Wholesale and Bclail GROCERY i HARDWARE DEPAKTMEXT, Eldrrjdyt & Clayton linildijiis. You can fiml at thi. IXrnrlwiot of Z.C.M.I. a better swrk of Lamps, Crockery, Hardware, Stoves, MINING TOOLS, .STAIM.i; A li i I'ANCV Groceries ire., and can bkt ffliiim r:. vm ii ,m'i.kv a.vi oriDf its than vol; as f AT AJV J I' II I-. It IHlVHK I IV ITAII. 1 I i a s s i rp; - Pi Z. C. Ft3. L CARPETS FOR SPRING FURNISHING! Retail Department Te call attention la purchiwM ihnt wb arc prepared Ui oft'jr sji.tihI iiicjuce-monts. iiicjuce-monts. A lint, selection of Iho ii.we.it styles of TAPESTRY, BRUSSELS, INGRAIN, At EiWcru Prices. DUTCH, CARI'KT, 40c. Per Vard. TABLE AND WINDOW DAMASK. - mtUGGETS and CRUMB CLOTHS Sheetings anil Quilts. - C0RM( ES AM) LACK Cl'RTAIXS. Gimps, Fringes and Cords. Or II J3ii.IZU. ('a rpcfn Mack mid Inii willi ('r-. ! 11. li. (JI.A W.S'JN, Srrr. I SPECIAL NOTICE. ''f ii k i:Ni)i;p,srnNi;i) nnt, i,, ,r..,.., llir' n or I'mr Minn of jobon nous ics I Unit ar poor. tlinl hr run fill up nr,. ..II f,,r ronple ol liii.r.-, ,1 , a r)ul ,, I linn In: guv. lor tli'-m fl JlilM TIIIVHKII. CENTRAL PACIFIC RAILR'D. SnudaTS Traio U dJit ZiZi Trin Snmltiv-. excepted Daily KS71. D;iily excoploil 400pm 8 UU am San Frau'co 5 45 pra 12 3Dpra 4 42" 8W ' ..Oakland.. 6 1J " 11 5S " 7 30 " ..San Jose.. 6 40 " 7 6S " 12 10 pm StocktOD. . 1 46 " 8 35 0 3o " 2 10 " .Sacramento. 11 15 am 7 UU a 4 10 " ..MarVville 9 10 " ' 9 00 " . . .Senna. . . 4 20 " K ! o ' - 2 2Hpm .Sacrameoto. 1146am pj W b 25 " ...Colfax.. 8 45 " 1 15 am .Reno.... 1 00 " ! 9 10 " Winnenincca 4 0o " 12 m m BaitleMonnt 125 pm x & 3 111pm ...Carlin... 1 " w 4 40 " ....Klko.... 845am 1 .15 am .... KclUiD.... 10 10 " 6 10 " ....Ogdeti.. 5 0-ipm A. N. TOAVKE, C. n. OO0DMAX, ()u. Supt, 0. P. ft. R Gen. Paah'cr aod Ticket Agt. O V-t LIVERPOOL & Q'JEEfSSTOWN. IN MAN L INE Of Royal Mall steamers, Sailing from New York Every Saturday, AND Alternate Tuesday. ! Cabin Pa-sage, to Liverpool, (gold) S75.00 Steerage " " " (cur.j 30.00 Passage from Liverpool to New York Cabin, - - - (Gold) S75.00 Steerage, - - (CuTeucy) 3 4.00 ! Round Trip Tickets issued at very low rate JOHN G. DALE, Atrent, 15 Broadway, New York, O WTLLIAM CALDKR. Apcnt. o27 Salt take City. Utah. UTAH CENTRAL ItAlLROAl). PIONEER LINE OF UTAH. On and after Thursday, Dec. 1, 1 H70. Jftaily Trains LeaTe Salt Lake City at 5 a m and 2: -(5 p.m. Arrive at U(iden 7 a. m, and 4:4.i p. m. Leave '.'jflf-n 8 a. m. ani p. in. Arrive al Salt Lake City i0 a.m. and 7:30 p.m. Fare from Salt Lake City to Wood's Cro-B $ .70 Centrcville. $ .M F.iriuiugt.on $l.zz Kyeville . l.'.S Cgden 2.jv Fare from Ogdcn to Kaysville Farm :nfc t'a Cn:reville -." Wuyd's Cross... J Lake) City l.-A) , In addition to the above j AN ACCOMMODATION TRAIN Will ran DAILY, SUNDAYS KXCKITKD. Leaving Ogln at x. m. and Lite Citj at I A) . m.. On whifh full f.re will cnt'tle th pnn-hR'or I" a ticket u return oa rh Minu -I iy :id trin frer. ati i will itip hy arr.iiiWMi with the cddJ irtr at mi) p . ml on tiiO lino 10 tK.o on or let p ciucr. Ptnengeri 111 plrane Pnrchaie tliclr Ticket at ttic Ollli t: Fifty Cents ad l:tna! will b 'harmed wh0 k. tae Ura us collected -tn iho irtwn, Kor all in form .it inn cmTrninj frcijiit or piii-ate, apply tu D. O. CALL) Kit, Tickot nJ Freight A 6 lit Lake City. I JOS. A. YU;- Nupt. ! Z. C M. I. BOOT AND SHOE Department, At the tign of the "BIO BOOT" Call and Eiamin our choico Stock HOME-iMDE Ami Iniportcil BOOTS AHD SHOES LADIES' AND Gt. NTLE VIE N S SLIPPERS. IJootn nn'l Shoo for Tlie, (Irn'V-rocn (Irn'V-rocn nnd Children M A I ) K TO OKDKK satihfactiun guarnnlcvl. Repairing Krofh and Promptly altnuhi! to. V barn Jint IUrnivr aKpUmlld t-f l.nthrr. lttrlnHlnf Krnicli nnd rr ti ft li ( nlT "bln, II I n iiriicr r , K rrit 1 vnrlrl) of ( n nrnl Nklil , mid nil klitda uf I'if r, tlr niiiI ilnrrirm lrntlirr i ( oiironl n ml hlKc Hre Collars. AIko Full Stock of Shoe Findings. iui)i;s i jou(;ut. Call ami Hen your o!l irifinl ( !roni)(on Wanted fnimediaff ht a, firnt ehm Seining AfaeJmir Op rafo tit Wnrk on Jsidi' find (I'mfn lit int. n and. Shots, IT.B.0I.AWK0N Rnpr. BATHS, BATHS! Warm Spring llaths ! I'clvnl. fkti.l I'liifiil.t Tli'.n(...lr..l..l Imlli. inn i.oti ( I hr. pnl'lk nl nil mov.mii.. Tlii'ir iiumIh IihiI iiix'rti. urn mm m -ly ktiMwn Mint II I. I II". tn minium ntn Uh iii. IIOHI.IM. Ill F. I'rlTllll. til. I I.H. (Ill- lill HI- Itllll lllltlll.MIIIC- Iv Turin. Iiil l'lfiliiA HmIIi. Tm .i.lli.. nu (liuillnlllKTi nit now "II1. II. AlliOLill. . n!7 William clayton, NOTARY PUBLIC. Mining D-..-! nn-l ..ilipf ln.ru-i ln.ru-i ni'Tit. ftrkriowlpilg.-sl. NOTES AND DRAFTS PROTESTED. Collection mad la all parte of K urojir. Iluiint"! attendtd to wth rmniptnr- and dtpntcti. OFFK'K AT 7.. C. M I., KA(.I,K KM I'll It 1 t .1. P' li)Ti WARD Co-oiierativo Store llralpm In Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardware, &c, lrlel le ae ! A tplr, Ac., bonght and atilil. flnnr, (Jrnln, lirati and Ulinili altva on hand. II.DINWOODEY, FURNITURE DEALER Ami IJI'EBOi.STB:!:!:!!. All klti.l. ,.r IMPORTED FURNITURE (iimlantlr on himd at the Sultvrcoiu, I'.AST TI'.Ml'JJ'. ST. Kvrry dfnorii'(l'ti nf HOME-MADE FURNITURE At tlio FiuMory mid t5;ilivpinii, riKNTsnrrn stukk t, s. u. city COFFINS, IM.AIN iiii.i )U.ir,M AI. ' Always in Hloi'k. H.llli FAMILY SEWING MACHINE 18 THE Standard Machine of the Vorld ! The Special Committee appointed to examine and report ou Sum ln(i I ac lii lie i at the .North Cm rol 1 1 h State Fair, held at Hnlelgh tni week, awarded a Gold Iedul tot e Florence Sewing Mnchinc for the ease and q nlH next of Iim iiio vt iiie.nl n, pet frclloii and lnr$;e variety nf h nrk. and 1 1 h vnlnahlr new fen t nreu, mn-klnff mn-klnff It (he miHt vnluable Sewing Dlaclilne for family uae. Parties contemplating the purchase pur-chase of Sewing Machine! are requested re-quested to read the fol owing from the New York. "Tribune" of Oct. 19tb, 18701 SEWING MACHINES. We hare recently had occasion to make lome intjuirief ido the prurese uf iiuirrt-luent iiuirrt-luent in the mechaDiui of ewiog tDurbiiies. nd were not a little surprised to learn tbm the central idea in the firm idven.iun iht shuttle null holds iis place, thoagn many aitetupu have been made to Pupercede it. The shuttle, in cunbination with tne oeedie, is still the ueanfl used to for id the allien, iu the leading tuachint-t. and we find that the rjwiD ol trade u chiefly with the shuttle utiijg tiiachiDeM. Ihe iuiprovementJ that are taking firo-hold firo-hold in practical u.-e are. theref'-rt.-, Dece--a-rtly in c jnnevliou wiib the shuttle, eithet in trie detail ol ttic shuttle iie It, 01 in other p.rt cf the liiaciiiije c-nnecTe-J with u, to ian(e ttie hole to operate to ore perfectly aua uuiluruily, and to siUipluy it-u.-e. M-tny i:up'iri,int rains in t'ds direction, mJe t-ince ttje tin-t tfeat in ren ti'jn. are undoubtedly un-doubtedly euiOoJ.ed id the "r lorenct" ina-otiHle ina-otiHle : and we rccouu oj end our readers to carelul'y inspect the "k lureuce" helore txia-kiOK txia-kiOK a choice. 1 he poiuu peculiar to thi? tr-arhine are: Aq anuufci amount A mney i it ent in raaAiiiK the " iorenee." t .it re by e ecu no the bel utateriai (,-teel, tfr lUMance. ahert others U-b cu-w..q ), ai;d the neat tin D o! mi porta nl parts (the r ii att i o. fr e x.uij pie. Oein ritfijiy ejected ii it v.iri'-s Iroin the tai.ir4 l-.'.vtD ol an inch! It u- cjo-trudeu cjo-trudeu uQ tbo !itu piel cieijtil:c phucii-ics entirely dwpuu-fnr with lue c i. atj'i cams. a;,ii IidIc- wuich -o oltcu net pcrer-eij uui ii urdrr in I pur-ly perplex every one bai tli e pra-i -eel ui xc b i n i-t o their u nc uuni- oli Ireuui. i ae " r lure nee" is to e iJy uiAuaMoi. nd its u-e u ty readiiy Ic-ifLeU, that au rviinr mrl t.f ten n"ie t.d mjclc ea -urn iu ruuit t erii-t ly. Iticlwl- liUti, u uiidr by li.m "r mreuce" is v rry ro ular an i peru-ct. very rtrooic nJ eta--lic. aii l is tlrawn tlto iLe t.idric cvvii.j. yr&.j-Uall yr&.j-Uall , cj,.u ly, without jurnij(. aijJ wubout -iui ii. f t ne hjiu t ( u r, ii r '.:ai n ' J.e ttjrt-iiJ o to emlirlk'i-r its iir"jkin ; cv vuentiy, a; y tine tarrau ana ii.. t labnct a.j Op u-od Ur.n lUl. t Li e r'lTeuce tin all bm the cbe:ipel styl--i aio mKe-.urra mKe-.urra i litiuiLl atiu tie a J- uOi lo. a. a iuic taut a:.U a di'uo.e kyo ahi fa r irn)T nd uj'ire Ci I ic t.'. n ai.y tt j ci lUcQ. and wni'-n are it.lr bj no older mw- bine. 1 tie " r u.rcnce ' u the -niy u.cq ut itui bu ftcrn .( cel. warred- ine Ji-rr Ji-rr tiiD i-1 tt.e er w ,n c e .in be in tan : 11 bai.e-i WitH. ut atipptn the WiirK. tuu pii .o lug tbe ui era'."f tu yuiit r em trii.i.-r it h uu'iu.il t.cil.ty. t-- k t r Ii anj I u.a. oi.ahy. bj a lew reprl.l ti(?ir, lv lstrD Cu Ji io the UiCk.ejt itJ BLfot 1 I y. 1 1 u t h on.y tn(-n ine ( h i ha ei!-' ei!-' fc-Uutini tiuttie-tbieaJ lt-nl"D. wmch I W'-rlis per Ir. tiy tiji (be operator ran rui rruo the coint a:i: ai. i tr m the b ni imen and the ibirkut br-..jlr.;o It. iuiui iiL lu.crMioo ittiuni bre-kirifc the(breo itJ r.buui vhr.n.g the ner Ur, m. b or leniu-n. I ne " t .. enco" drw, tne ttirrJ mtu tb clwtb with utif iuiiM treeiioQ and .-rlaiiu-, by n.rnt. it an mfrDioji aou-inatir aou-inatir "tako up" tifi'i, whi-b ili'p iv ol lL slaok 'hrea-1 letl aTler lb nub with at arcuraie prom pi or.s tbal prevent a I ori id ir Jroj i'ini I tiu-he. nj allow the i ert.r u- c backward, or to run oil u. i'llh and on a'am. with prr!ts-t impunity, ll titf an iii. pr..v,l ).' ic hormnr. ririu ivl iu oa. whu-h is uaaevl with aaa. aitd will oifc a hctu of aoj width io ao) (U4(en.t It nnt mil) iii Km a pert l:atnai kihI "own it to b in i at -. ne i ra(tit. bui it dmi. anj bind-, and fil. nJ ijmlt.v anc ' cord, and loons, aod matrices and brtd I wubout liatin. in'b pe'il prorispio u made a net uij urmu wear that the "Hot-0'e" "Hot-0'e" is i'lai uidl aod s uar n i rl by I be Co in -l-any I" la-l twnf a l.-u witnout rei air -I any other shuttle mM't)in in ti etiarkft, withou' ' h l let! : ri dm. uli. Krr part o the "KoireiHT " ! o pcitcvtly and perina-nrntly perina-nrntly 'l,inr-l, and H tew joint aid p.inLs ol friotion. that tt runs w i ih t be u l-iii l-iii o I rn, l ho lire il is set ana threader!, and th stitrh is lenct henei. hort. iir.1, r revrrj.1 with tiie utmost ut-most eae. In u i u t.- ihr "Kl' riMirf" neither I no iPT thu i-i'srat r die-a is liable tw be soiled. Ihe "finiiiu'c" a i ; ti al I t hv- e aim to n.i ritiruy. seil at lin amt ync s mlicr tlrt cl.uij ui.oiiiuo. luwaa ad van I t r . Ijibeffiltiy in Miiuii'a'tiir; ."Mini-lnM y of .'.n-lroi-tion; fartnty nt in'UitfMiwiit, -rieiy t M i. he., Uf vrri blp let H; ell A'ljiiMm tension; Aul'-innli.- tdke-up; I iiipr ei hi'iiniior; l'rovi-ion Hkam-t wa ir; I't rlr.M anl p riipinrnl a Ijtul mrnt ; W:i rfiu atioit ol ni'pdle Mini sUtch; l'lr:inhlli' an i rhrai nf-s; The beauty no. I liuti tini-h of Ihr in.-hine: MoVp i Iw "Kloroor1." moderately sprnk-inw. sprnk-inw. a imt'Miino whu'b lobe vluci, uoeds but to Of trie, I. No hiu.ily oan nlTird In he without a sew-m- m u liinr, and wo Inn e th it lel rr lone one in y " lomid a Urn frr "Iho inlniDO IS wali-otiia. TO THE LADIES Of Unit l.nkf Til)-, niiil lirniilu Hill lite ii'i't H iii'lri of t tnlif 1 il n ho. Hi nt r ii a and V winlii( Yt i'lori h r-r.litil invitmton to rail st our ullirn, nml I'XHtuino Iho J-'loront Kitmily Sowing Mmi-Iuiio, wliothcr do is our liisinoH mikI nloHMiiro W sulion flitso ixitniiMHlitn uiiil ci'iii oirisin. S c Imvo on pxhildtii'li, in rdor tho nur pnnily tt i'l;in pidnfo tf tii()orotiri In wh itdi wo e lni in suHMiont y, Un inn chinos tt viirnim niiikor, inrltiilmg ih (irnvor V Mukor, Sinrjor nntl W'hoidnr i. Wilson. In innkiiiij Mirh roiupHri-Htm, roiupHri-Htm, no unhur tidvniilinco will bo l?ko of nvnl niHidiiiioB, hut on tlio ronirarf tlioy will In' kept by n compotont m I'lunisl in tl.n iio-i of runninn unlnr. (aotim ol llioin ri'(nirft mm root) Hll Ofio,l-1HMT Ofio,l-1HMT Hi n loi'onu)Hvi. ) CMAS. S. HAMMER, ' (Jrnri sl A te 1 1 HVI.'l.' I .A KM ;i TY, U'l'All. CONTmENTAL Life Insurance Comp'y, OTJ1 NEW YORK. JUSTUS LA WHENCE, Prcsi'lent. J. P. ROGERS Secret II. Ji. WYJNTKOOP, Vice-President. S. (J. CUAKULER, Jr., Actutryi' IE . y " W S 2 b s - 5 c: 2 oj t-h.. p 4ii x Lp '3 d - Wjkd a a i O S 2 x JkM$ s H a o .3 fl p o z r, 3 7M m C K s g The entire Prortts of the Company are distributed annually amoDg the Policy Holders, upon the conir bution plan. All Policies iVon-foifeitable, ac.oriing to the expressed terta eon-tairied eon-tairied in each Policy. Xo Extra Premium for travel or foreign residence. thirty days grace allowed on the payment of premiums, and the policy held good durine that time. Policies Iucoutestible for the cu-tomary reasons. Economy in Management. Only one other 2ew York company .showing as low a rate of expenses to income. Careful selection of its risks, as indicated by the exceedingly small -mortality of its members. Policy Holders have a Toice in the Elections and Management of the company. . Assets, January 1st, 1871, over Five Millions. NORTHWESTERN DEPARTMENT ; OFFICE,-No. 94, LA SALLE STREET, CHICAGO .S'. T. LOCK WOOD, - - - - MAKAGER A. B. DAVIS. - -- SUPT. OF AGENCIES J O H fJ B . M A I B E N , General Agent for Utah. OFFICE AT VOOD.MASEE BRO'S, SALT LAKE CITY. MEDICAL EXAMINERS : W. F. ANDERSON. M. D. F. D. BENEDICT, M. D. -Reliable Agents Mauled throvphovt the Territory. jl8 CRAFTSMAN'S life mmm cimjy. UF NEW YUIIK. 4tfParely Mutual. Cah System, 'a ft All Policies on-Forfrllablf . o Restrict 'on fj- R-si t nee nr Travel 1 71 any jtnrt " the W'orfd. All the vhtw'jc f,,i of Life Endowment, Endow-ment, t" inn and Joint i'olici'.'i are i.-?ui-j b3" Luis iS'ju.px'AV. IRA ?l. SWAK1 Z, fincral A?ont for L't.ih. UiH.-. t!ir--e -1 r north of Kxehnnfi and J I 1 : n g-Koims, g-Koims, M'm Ftrett. SOUTHWESTERN Mutual Lif3 Insurance Co. 3US H. WNDYKV Vre-lUr.: li K Li K it -MIMI. - V.ce-Pri i. nt. A L vi. GAY L'.'K, - btxreury. Ilomr OfTlcr, Dromlwty, cor. of Wlav couiit 5 t .Milwaukee, Is. Dr. S. P. WALUIMV. 0 crural Acant KocT M"anta 1 1 1 i r i I C ra-iv, ilclico. PETER G. FERGUSOM, Asm: lor I'tah. Omc In Hooper, F.lrlredm 4z Co.'i uinki Afcnt f r Lko Ciiy, TRAVELER'S INSURANCE COMPANY, OF IIAKTFUKII, CIIW Kt'TICl T. Insuro ngsin.t Aoculoni caiir. Dwsvb or touillv DixMir.g Ir.jiiry, PETER G.FERGUSON, (:i-o nt lliHpor, EUrovlco A C-'s Hank. - ol--'-' LIVERPOOL AND LONDON AND GLOBE j FIRE INSVUWn: ( OMl'VNT. Assrtis .... SIS.100.000.00. J. M. MIKIUK, A(rnl, .1'. P. O. Itullfllns. ll l-U Cllv 1 PEOPLE'S ixsrR.ifEro.i or ! SAN FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA. ( Eire and .V irV'i. ) C F. MwPEmfOT. H. 0. ItORNFH. rrciilcnt, c'sllry A. H.t SSISII, SprrUI ARritl. Ij . " . 'J.' J I TT 1 . 1VI A IV, (;Mirr.l AKritl for Vli.li. ' OfflcontS. W. Howl. .1 ,t r,i, M,iin Slrorl. lt I. i.kp ilv. B. W, E.JENAEN-. I.aeal Agrnl, fTirc al Traailrl A Cn', ?la S.t iii Soil l.akr I It v. Z. C. M. I. j ; Clothing Departm't 'fresh arrivals i Of New Goods in Fall and WINTER SUITS ! OVERCOATS, CAPES, TALMAS Military Clothing, Jcc. Alio ft Full Variety of i GENT'S FURNISHING GOODS i i : Gents', Ladies' and Boys' BOOTS & SHOES Gents' Youths' and Boys' II ATS and CAPS. TRUNKS in a'.l tv!c and qumlitic. Valtses and CAKrrr Sacks. Carpets. Matting. Floor Cloths Wall Taper and Decorations A I way on ban J and for ale by tat yarJ. a iIk sioc a of French and KnglUtt Caaalmvrea, Doe a k.tn a, Btartrt, llUlary Clnlha, Home Made Tweed, A c SUITS MADE TO ORDER! 0ni1euien'5 Clothinr. fr MiMiarr 5u'ta, ma-ic tt riir in the N cwi S;yle ot F-Si"t on th ii.rte-t not 'fa, Kirst-fla-v Fit J VorWuianhtv Ouaranteet. MILITARY TRIMMINGS IN ORKAT VARIFTT. nil 11. H. CLW0NT. ?rrr. BENEDICT, HALL & CO., . MAMH'AnTUKKS AND WHOLESALE PKAlF.KS IN Boots and Shoes, HAVE REMOVED TO A. i:M and i:k; ;kaad stkuft, Una llloVk 'Jvl. ,Vf '111 ,'-,! y, I KhW 0 K K. A ' |