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Show rf -Liltle & Garr,tt, Meat Market - IV twelve and a halt cents a pound .i c4 stall-fed beef. adv Call I'OK It.-IVtc is a message tbji Deseret Telei'rapb office fur A. p. Ferron. - "Heap Smokb " Wo and see that a.mmutn Cur at Ed. Hams', three f ,rs east of Po-t Olhce, and get one ol hi' -all Lake Beauties;" they are dell Be-t of cnewinf! tobaccos, pipes, "ii canes, collars, knives, and other fancy D.itions. Cigars cheap at whole-tale whole-tale He tureyou go and see him. adv. GO AND SEE Phil. Margetts, if rna want a glaos of genuine GUSH ALE. . adv If tou wa"T h No. 1 Suit, go to M. Eurl, rjecotfd riouth St. adv Choickst Ciciaks, tobacco and stationery sta-tionery at IT. Armer's, opposite Walker lire's, ady For a stylish pair of Pants go and see M. Erl,Groesbeck's Buildings, Second South St. Vidv Coal. Thure is no more cheerful thing on a winter night than a good coal tiro biasing cheerfully in an open grate. Mr. F. A. Mitchell's card offering for sale coal from the "Wasatch" "Wa-satch" bed will be found in another column. -With an abundance to supply sup-ply all who need it, this is one. of the best voins of coal that is being worked n this region. Seud orders as directed di-rected in the advertisment. Jewihy of tue finest quality and in Kri'l variety, optical goods, silver plated "aro. tbecWebraicd ELGIN WATCH-v WATCH-v i at (-'arl - Asmussen's ew Building, opposito Salt Lake Ex-'Imnge. Ex-'Imnge. ... adv LlV". Hax"s asp, Face, Sork MIS. i)KSBSSOrT heSkiv Jcc &c oeps the hands s.-ft , all weather See t tvou get H EG EUAN'S, soid by til ,, J'' ",'-v cnnts- ilanufao-uri ilanufao-uri oulv by Hegkmah & Co., thom,,u.nd Druggie, Xew $0X ' v -" adv TKESH ARRIVAL. Fine English ale oa draught, at Phil. Margetts'. adv Notice. Nellie Colebrook's Piano is to be raffled for on tbe iLh rf this month, at J. K. (Jlawson'a baloon. A few more tickets for tale. adv Paris has Capitulated, but Carl C. Asmussen still continues to sell his tine stock of jewelry, watches, clocks and other articles at his splendid store on Main street. adv FOR A GOOD meal go to J. E. Clow-son's. Clow-son's. ftdvj!3 Carter at his gallery always pi cases every person with his lif.hke portraits. Have you seen tho superb portraits th at ne takes four for One Dollar? adv IFuppkr got up for parties on reasrn-bl reasrn-bl notice, at J. B. Ciaws.cn' s. advjlS For Sale, on very reasonable terms, & few hundred "feet" of verv rich mining mi-ning ores, in the "Tintic," "Lafayette," "Anthony Wayne" and "Eureka" Lodes, Tintic Mining District. Shafts have been sunk in all of these claims, therefore the purchaser can inform himself him-self and know what he is buying. For particulars inquire of J. M. Simmoss, At his residence, opposite City Hall. adv.i25 The astonishing sccckss or Yerba anta in the cure of RHEUMATISM, GOUT, NEURALGIA, andall diseases of the blood attracted to it the notice of physicians in all parts of the State who commenced its use in their practice with great success, curing many chronic cases, which they themselves had pronounced incurable. For sale by all Druggists. Ekddikg-Toy, Ekddikg-Toy, Hosti'ttkr & Co. agents, i'o. 629 & 531 Market street,San Francisco, adv Mutton". I will pay thirteen cents a pound for good, fat valley tar muton. Charles Popper. a(iv Meat Market. Thomas Latimer, w. U. Folom, Geome H. Iaylor, Goorga Bomney CHA5GE OF FIRM. The Planing Mill, Sash and Door Factory Fac-tory of TOTjSOM, HOMIWEY 4b Co. Will hereafter do bnsiness under the firm name of LATIMER, TAILOR & CO, q ii oil Gf all aiei on iiani and made to uMon order. nOflDC Raised panel, molded, pash UUUflO dors. Urge store iorsanr thickness, or kind, lur nisned to order. WINDOW With ftnp?,.be ids and swh, FRAMES complele- rn H If rp Panel frames, pUia door and rnAIYlCO window framM. B' INDS Sutionry D'1 ro"inr !lat,!- mill ni M PfJ From 1 to 12 inchej for mLIULUirXui doors. be. arcna-tnves arcna-tnves aci cornice. f- nnDIUP loomed anl fToove-1 and rLUUriiriLl tiua.re e.if-nn Band ana worked to order. I HUOrO planed out of winde. to LUilluCll thickne. and ripped to aaj Quired .-lie. Planer and Circular Saws Running all the tt:.r. MIMSU DISTRICTS Supplied on short notice, Gire ns a call, oraddress hj Uuer to Bex 3f6 IiATI.HER, TAYLOR CO., f 39 OneBIock west vi Iab.niae. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS GRAY, J3NES, & CO. DEPOT OF TBE SANTA CRUZ TANNEPaY MiNCFACTCrtERS OF Oak "ole l.'itt liei-. 418 BATTERY ST., SAN FRANCISCO. HENDERSON, JUSTICE & Co Successors to Griffon, Henderson k Co., IMPORTER! AND JOBBKR3 OP F1XCY GOODS, AOTMS, llOMI 1-1 ItY, FURNISHING GOODS. tic, 408 . 500 BROAD WAT, Orpositc St. Nicholas Hotel, ') New York. Taylor & Co. jSk. S. No Conflagrations NO BURSTING LAMPS! Jl'ST KvrKlX'KP p. Inrce t!forl uicut o! thf GAS LAMP! The only 'tf''uf KY fci L t- in . m r-ker. r-ker. a M c TA LLIC i tt.-t wnl Ut a iitttimti- U iiL;'..- 'i '. A !;, ch 1 ni--re "ril ;a.nt t, 1 jci ru-r f ka u it b (je5 tn-in cil cui.T.g irt iur-re ihnu lia.- bTto'"rc f it. in X'j tb to buri f.T't- i Irtirn Q m i i in Cuin:r,'..n Urn A .on.p etc GAS FACTORY For s2,ro: i I I'r-? who Le Lnxi co cw It. & W. Taylor's. READ THIS! SINGER SEWING MACHINE la ail the beautiful v&rietits. SHIED EI SHI SI IMY1T Contemplating the purchase of a Machine for family or vnher use. At oar newly-fitted up Sale room, Second Door South of the Kagle K m-porluni, m-porluni, bcrwecn ihe Drug and Clothing Clo-thing Departments of Z. C, 31. I., will he found a Full Assortment of these Admirable Sewing Machines At Trices to Suit Everybody. THE SINGrER SEWING MAC1IIXE NEEDS i0 rUFFLXG to commend it to the public, as the following -KJ .V. Z3 HB ' how: In lSfO these now celebrated Machines were first otlered to the publio and in the tour years succeeding 4.tXw were sold. To-d;ij To-d;ij over that number are weekly turned "Ut fmin the factory, and ye; this immense supply sup-ply is noi equal to the demand. At the end o Lhe year lo7. upward of 2lK) 000 Machines were sold, and in the then t'nl lowing years from '8 to lo. the number had been increased to upward of 500,000 MACHINES SOLD, One third of which were disposed of wit hln the precediitg twelve mouth. From the forecoing it will be sen that dur-inp dur-inp the lust three years, the snlcs have oeen upward of fifty per c nt more thai during the whole of .he seventeen previous yearn, THE PEOPLE'S VERDICT, after a score of years t horougli trial In that the SWING EAACHIHE is adapted to all kinds of work, sewinc as rendily tne thickest and most stubourn material ma-terial a. the finest and most delicate U'ticp; with a stitch, that for c Ten ess, perioction and durability is unequalled. Accompanying each Machine aro printed instructions, so plain and e.ujy of comprehension comprehen-sion that, although we recommend customer- to lake at ie.Lst one lessoo ir ui the Operator, Op-erator, it is seldom d ne purc'iars seeing at a glance the simplicity ol the Mar bun and completeness of lhe construouon. tiome ol the ADVANTAGES OP TUE SINGER MACHINES ARE Simplicity of construction therefore leu liability to get oui of repair. Short, straich needle le6 liable to bend, break or skip the Btitch. The shuttle onmed: friction, wear and tbe necessity of greasing the race are thus avoided. Readiness with which the mn?t inexperienced inexper-ienced can adjust the tension ol tue thread. Freedom from weir. After twenty yarr constant service thece machine have nerer been known to wear out, Tbey are noiseless, rapid and easy in ail their movemeuis. All our machines are alju.ted and put in tho'ough running ordr,by competent baudr, owfore delivery, i'urrhioer ttiercf ire bare no trouble, but can euocoMluliy operate with lb em at once. THE NEW B'JTTQ'vHCLE 1 A G II INE S arlfwu''ilj practical and will ixrform all that ne claim for Iheia. The Jm proved .MANUFACTURES MACHINES for heTy wirk. are lrn writ known to nood ommem. WeaUokeepin stock the MANUFAC I U3ING MACKI till Our Pto-'k ii be Kinr Heing Ma'iin i very exietiMve, m i-rai ii ir every r.ntij rf bni'h. fr"tn t tj e t'.ttiu ,M..birie. tn'-unit'I oo bi-'k wamut tM'.ie, niie-i, to ihe eiHiMir-ntry eiHiMir-ntry pearled Machine, wm. c-iliinm Hri'J f u'l't.g c 'ver in m-dtlH b.n wainut, r'-?e. wf.'i. or ruftb K-tt.7 bminy (M-h-ni. Krcry Wnn is tu u ' with tbe urue complete iurnnure, i w I ud mg t ie Dtw'bein-iner Dtw'bein-iner :twms Ail width? i and Ul;er and brai-ier. brai-ier. We guarantee ur I hlnt (0 dc l!enina!ng,l wldthat Kclllnc; Hem. ttltchinet BrldllKi Ntfck HuminR; KrobroliltrJng (no chain eiltch rthfrlnc and Srwhig on ateame tlmf.whli ir wltlinul a hni.d, on f he edpe or I n t b e i r nt r ( arti nfi I m h- "t H"l It I ng( TrlminlnRi 111 ml I ng a',1 vrldiha and kind, ctr etc., etc. WE DELIVER, MACHINES TO 1. PARTS UK THIS tll V U A' kirrl- of 5.w,ijl' MachiijC: thorourh'y Jl'-j-i jvi on sin nm iiiLiiiiis Tw doori iouib of the fcjcle k. na )i IL B. CL.WVSO-N, Eupu EEETE, STIES Si CAMPBELL BISCUIT BAKERS, And manafactarers of Soda, Boston. Butter. Pte Mc, Sujtr, Milk, and J-a G.aa.le CHACS.EHS. Jenry L:.nd CaVw, Gir.eer r.spp. Th iVw Cr.-ktr9 r Kxkl frh d:W and tt of ib9 Trr te t d?rr-. Ali :n:er.iis nM m their elaiiu aciure w (:' ih X-i qu-jty. Bakery ' 0 and 1 Mnln St., and 4o j Sacramento t., ft SX FRANCISCO F. A.Hofman. J. M. Moore. F. A. HOFFMAN &; CO. REAL ESTATE JL5 MIXING BROKERS, INSURANCE AGENTS AND CONVEYANCERS. Office tiodhe Bn'ldinir over the Post Othce." REAL ESTATE BOUGHT AND SOLD. Houses rented. Collodions mU. LOANS NKGOT1ATKD A.0 Money Advanced. All Business In the V S. Laad Olliee attended to Titles of RojiI Kstnto oxaniinod and Abstract furnihod. Conveyjiucni); done with dispatch. .114 1 A farm of lCtt acres in B rich ton district for sale. The fa m ii entirely fenced. Inquire In-quire at the Keal Ftate Aroiu-v, K. A. HOFFMAN tt 00. S Property wan'ed for buiTeK ru-pont on Main tot r ecu Inquire at the Keal Ltate Agency. F. A. 11 OFF XI AS A CO. A Store and dwellings wanted to rent. Inquire at F. A. HOFFMAN A CO Marshal's bale. IS PHKSVANCK OF K lHI'Mtl-K of tbe l'i'rict Court in and 'or the Third Judicial Ju-dicial Iiisfioi of Utah Termor., tome directed, di-rected, 1 will expo c at Public Salo to the hit;b-5i bidder, at the Thir t Judicial Court M ote st cps. in tH It Lhke 1 'i'y . "ii i be 4th day of March. A. i. 1 1, ut JO o'clock., A. M , tho fol owing de?orited i- t or punel ot land, to w I : i'art "t lot ne b ock fifty eitht. ui, P at A, 8h1i Lnke City ur-v-y, I'ccinniiiK at a point on t e wot ,-ide. ol Ea.-t Tt-'inp e Mreel, eit h ioJh pobiIi m tho nor'h-ea.-i corner of j'id l"t, a ni ruuniim ; thence wet (en rod?. tb--n e tou h lw ro I trici.ee at five ro t, thence tiorth loiirie n feel mx iiicor?, thcivo east live rod to Kai reinide Street, thence n-rth eipbioon IreL ?ir inches to the p a'-e of bog inn ug. ciliu nit; 6 teen iquaro rod? nd one huud e aiol sixiy 1'otir at) tare foot ol ground, (OKetlier wn ti all tbe rich ts. pri vilrKeii and ai(.t. le -nance i tiereun m bcloncni, lu t , ivi k ami beinp in a't Luc City, Hlt Late O 'Untv and l er itory of Uiau. To be sold ? tho prope ty of Job cinUh, un icr a toreclsure of Moris ie, hi ho miu -f Johu M. ItTuhisel v.. Jul MuiiU and James Linlorth. 31. T. PA1H1CK, V. S. .U.trrb.-T. Salt Lake City. Feb. , 1871. Ill R A. 1 L 'X 3 1 D SHOPS. k mm i co Sssond SDJth! Street, llairBIck Kant lie e re Honse, SALT LAKE CITY. WACOM A M CARRIAGE WO IKK. Of all Descriptions. HARNESS Mm (If. oi! I lid. BLACKS 7t1IT Ml N G M all hin!t. CARRIAGE PAINTING IMI TRIffllM. A. II' I P .R. |