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Show NEW APVtrillSEMtNT. Attorney - r - Hi a "-, Office First South St., Fourth door east of Hooper. Eldrefre h 16 Co. 'a Uiiuk. O. n. Homp-'Uad, M. Kirkpatrick iVijr-:) xirpn,jx, Attomey9-a-Law, Main Street, opposito Wells Fargo Jc C.t SALT HKE CITT. C. II. Hempstead. U.S Att'y for Utah. f-J SHADE TREES, LOCUST! MULBERRY! T AM PREPARED TO FURNISH ANY 1 qu mtity of Lo(u?t and M ulbcrry Trees o c tiren of the Yerritory. or forward then to any part on iho line of railroad. A. C. PYPEK. Ad 'res making inquiries, at Preiden' B Young's Office. f-1 CLUB SUBSCRIPTIONS TO TT1E GRAXD GIFTEATEIIPRISE A KO Subscribers of earh. representing 20 IB" " " 40 I C " " 3 " " CO , n ... 4 " hO E 3 ' " 100 j Kah rU'J i" d:ttn":, and the f uK-rrihrr" : to ft nr on of thrra will rpi" rjuil bencil I acc-uing frum ihe ajKreato result. So nin the fn! I e-tmplimen f V nam" ) to a i fi i led t h amount tiK-Ti el will ! be H.ihfd t S e pur hri" "f Tirketn, and lli" be dei'o"ite. (r Ice pin wit responsible party un il alter the druwinc- For .urther parMf-ulnr apply to BR , TH AM KAnUV, General up"t ot Ura .d iiill Kuterprie, A the It Laka EiciiD5 on Kcad'nt Room. 1.1 cda, Butter, 1 H. WALLACE'S, 2 Very Cheap. ' CD trt TOBiri, DAVISSON & CO., ixroRTiRs or A.nKiiiCAs. ri.i.in, riiKsrii AM CKH.HA FANCY GOODS, Small Wares, Pocket Cutlery, Perfumery, Yankee jYori'om, St'ionrry, Dress Trimmings, White Goods, Millinery Goods, Jlosiery, Linen H'llkrhfs, Gents' Furnishing Goods, Ktc. for. Sulttr anil oansome Sis., SAN FRANCISCO. J.") Co-Partnership Notice. Mr. Joiin Iixou hiiving relirfd from (ha firm of Tolfin, Itixon V I)m rinsoa. the r i-imiininic i-imiininic inriiilirr-, wilh .rrf hiiiiihI H, t'oinroy. .John (iriirm and Kob rl Iixoii.wil rotiLinue r , Im-meim k( t lit- old uliwid, uritlcr the name of "Tobm. InviFBon A Vit." TOIJIN. OlXdV A 1AVIHSX. ban Francisco, Jan, 2. IrtVI, In rnlling attention to thn hIi'ito, nr bri-lniive to thnnk our friendo lur tlir lil.rrul p.trointK brflowrd on th t( firm for tlio pufttwi-nly imo yvnrn, tind hopo to bo fn-Tnrod fn-Tnrod with Rn in.-rrnrd idiaro ol their bui-nm bui-nm for the fiihiro A horotofoT w hnH rontinno lo gft mir to. k from the .Muniil'iwturfo in Kiimpn md in tli htitTl innrKoi. tmd w,th iorrrn-ri find itio- will bo iimimml nt, ull tnin-t. lo fIiow ti liirifo nnd tit i ruj i vo linn n f n. w nytl di i ruble itiiuiln at the lonoKt. rnto-. TOH1, ),VI-H(.' dt. !., 'M C ornur ol .uit.jr nnU Nitnoino St. TOOELE nOUSE, R. ,ri;IIKDl!.I(.', I'ri.prinlur. :nrnrr of Jlnln mill Vlnf Htrrrt, TOOIJM (JITY. C'AI.I, AND UK, Ai'CliMMiitiA'l F.ll IN Til r MKS'P MTVI.K. Ilrrf, llor.l mill Alli-lilllll nfllm !.( (iOOD I1AII. Al "HON DA NTS. ir. AMUSEMENTS. THEATRE "Washington's Birthday!" Another Great Attraction! Wednesday Evening, Feb, 22 Will be T"epentei. aftfr enroful prepr'ion, foe tho firsr time in this city, ihe thrillint Drama, eutillcd TI1E LONELY MAN OF THE OCEAN ! OK TH C Night Before the Bridal. With new Scenery an l Stage iiffects, including inclu-ding the TEllUIlIG SF,X FIGHT Man-of- Wars Min an the Privateer To oonclude with the new laughable Farce, . euUtlcd SOFIIIA'S SUITER G HAND Vi3l aiJ I.i3trj.n3iti CONCERT PROF. GEO. CARE E(S llaf the Vnor to infirm hii friends tnd the public that be will g.T a Grand MUSICAL SOIREE IS THK Salt Lake Theatre, Oy TUESDAY, FE13. -2H, When the followinu well-Vnown Artists will arl'ear : MrtS. L . CAHELE8!, The Popular Voca i.t. MARK CBOXALI. , EIH'i The talentei Curnct Player. V. C. DUNBAR, KS1., Ha kindly coniented to ar-per on this o-cruin. o-cruin. Ah'i tie be.H arnilabU Talnit of the City, in Songs, Solos, Duetts,' Trios, Quartettes, Etc., Etc. TVketii can reured nt on' of Mr. J. C. Grabiu. i the Iueatre lioi Offion, at usuil Theatre prices. For full particulirs ace Progrirame. MUSEUM Half a block w-u f Presideal Younc's Ke-M-J'-nce. JOHN X. VOl'Mi, - Prop. UlltlNU THIS WKKK, GRAND MOVING PANORAMA OF CHINA AND JAPAN, WITH llK-CllIVIIVB I.KCTL'KE. Al II ta., 2 aai 4 p.m. dji y. tltWe Dtt.ll, Blr4t aitrl Reptllea Wolrerioef. B"- ir. F'-x.. M -jnLain Deir, l.ym. V ud Ac- Important el;aetioB of Natjre Mineral.: il mission, ( o rl. (. hililrcn, lO " Opa eery rty except 5-unday, from 9 a-iu. Iu a p.m. Kerdiii; Time, 3 i. in. J.L. II I It l- OO T. . r. 500 MEN Ounht to bo citiloyrl in building huuto. J'urtiti bt-foro purcha- ing should call at F. LITTLE'S LUMBER YARD One. Block rust ofTlicnf re, A n J examine tht Fine Stock of Building Lumber. Coinnirin I.umlior, U per liuinlrcil liot Lntli.i, - K)r. per luiiiclrt'il. Other I'rli-ea tirnpttrl latiMlc. . 110 TO PRE-EMPTORS. Vo nro nriw tTcpurp.! to furitiah Arirull urn I Land Script Kor llio Infill inn f (Invi'rnmpnt I.aihI at IIOIM'KIl, F, l.ttlt K.1MJ K Al to, Pnlt Lake City. Nov. 1 sTO. .11 WILLIAM CLAYTON, NOTARYPUBLIC. Miniti"; 1ti!. Hint ullii-r I.rjMil Tnlni- HMMtts IU'ltlHvlrdj;i d. fnl 1 ( lorn, ntml In nil Mil l nf KiH ii)ir, ln rl lr n I n r nit n 1 1 1 11 (l VI ii to i t 1 1 1' I' I II it I it I-', it H . Intnl. I ' r ii in n I I . rvrli'u n ul iNir flu i ti f'HP ittl.-iiili'il In with iirnmptiirrM ml lii'iil. Ii. Lri'iiuric.' Iy Infrr i nyn h'Nmi- ll'l tn 11)1.1 III-.MI'I it limit 11 II M I't' K'ltfli i j ilvliiv. ( ihi;i" rrndHM Mb. OH'K K AT '.. '. M I., K.Af.l.K 1,11 l'llt 1 I M. i I) HOUSE and LAND FOR SALE AT (ltAi I K ll.t.K,. , if"'"l fnur r"Miin"l Imini', ;U fori !nt iitt'l .H.t wifjf with a imim'Ii r"miihff tin- Wll'ilo lfnHlh, r "'iv rliv InlH ( 1 1 v B'TlWl iirnnni.lj'iif Hin liniiP"'. fli :l i I i".' Imul rn- H.'. I l.y ll-rll; iiikI MlroMu un ' in i.lini,. t'n'li.if n.i o..rtl. itplv'to Ii I'.Cuok", Uraiitflvllln City. J'.nioUM'.Minly, V. t. IH GRAND j Gift Enterprise ! The under?i(tnef1 befc to announce that he purposes i at.iiDg, by subscription, the sum of BY THE SALE OF 1,000 Ticketsat $5 Each, And that on or before tho first day of May, :871. There will bo a DRAW1KG FOR GIFTS Uuder the suprriFion ofa Ommittee f-'eot-d from ntnonir our nioH promiiirit citi-zena, citi-zena, aud conducted up -n the same principle which proved so uni csaful the late Grand Uift Concert for the benefit of ihe Mercantile Library Aedociatiun of oan yranciseo. VILL BE APPROPRIATED TO GIFTS! DIVIDED AS FOLLOWS I l Girt of - - - - $.oo ; 1 a Ulfn of SlOO 'aeh, - -i-t" 1 4 6U " - UO'i 20 " - 500 46 10 " - 460 18 . " 0 " eo 01 Glftf. Value $3,500 Chaiices only FIVE to ONE agoiwl gaining a PRIZE. The balance. S2.500, will, after deducting "ipen ea idcu reij in carrying out tue cucine, be Uouated to the $alt Lake Exchange and Reading Koums, To aid in the maintenance and support of ihe Institution, u ml auca time aj public putrunie will be utHcieut W enable il Lo be aelf-suppuriiutf. Tht time and place of Drawing cill be duly announced. Tickets can be purchased of the Treasurer, O. C. OSBORNE, Eiq,. TVITH TTALKEB BKO's, By whom the proceeds will be retained until the draw ng takes puce, after yriiv;a tie will bun I over to tue i'nze liuldert taeir reajicclivo umuuine aud appiy the on lance to the purposed hereiubeiore Lamed. J-& Every individual subscribing fur two tickets wilt be entitled, on introduc-lion introduc-lion by a Member, to the free use of the Heading Room for six wjixths. rrmtrti and Managing Committee M. II. WAI.KKK, I'AYlu CANDi-AND, J. K. I'AKNLK. W. d. WALKKK. h W. K. J f.N.N KNa, WM. S. VSoouJILLL, C. L. fcTKVBNa'jN, It. (J. KAtlML I.U. e. F. 'l bAslitU W. f. Al'fl.KIJV. UK.VTriA.n FABIAN, lieneral oupcrintendent. S. L. City, Fe'-. 1, 1.1. D.C.BUTTERFiELD lias Jut Roived anl is now oiKiiing a w, Frerh Stoct or Pircct from lli l!vt and Wet, cyu.-ilin of MINERS' Outfitting Goods, Groceries, Ilarilu are, Iifqiiors, Toba'ceo, Cigars, Cr.ickcry . CLOTHING, BLANKET S, I AM' , Boots and Shoes, UF CALIFOIiNIA MANufACTJ (r, At Store in Groesbeck's Block,! (losile the t:i'ihaut Store, salt la k r. rrv, rr vn M'lii'ro In' o ui mi l will nflVr DISURFASSED H1IK1IEI1S M'o all who limy I'avuv hnu wit la tlirir patroiiatro. I.'tttnnnfi tir tSfo,- ami Jmhjr for CALIFORNIA TRADE. A.'C. Titoomb,' Geo. II. Williams. TITIOMB ; & WILLIAMS, Manufaclurcrs, Importers and Wholepule Dealers in WATCHES, DIAMONDS, Every Description of Jewelry', SILVER AND SILVER-PLATED WARE Also Ag-cots for the celcbratc4 Howard, E!gin.ond American Watches, ' mo Montgomery, S. cor. Pine, UpBtairs,. . ' bun FrancUco, Cl, All oMcrB from thn Te-ritories promptly filled. u J, 3 AU IV! & CO., Importers and Manufacturer! of Ik BOY'S CLOTHIN 3 'nninnie t.t San Franrigco. 45 Mil ray St., New York. ff James Otia. M'. A. Macondray. F. W. Macondray. i MACONDRAY & Co., SHIPPING Si CflMHISSIOI NEKl'UA.V I S, IWPGRTERS UF uM.NA aNJ JAPAN TEAS And all descriptions of EAST IND1A. PKODUCE, SAM FRAXC1SCO, - - CAIy. : 7 BSTABXjZS h J. 1 103O. CASTLE BROTHERS, WHOLESALE GHOCERS, 213 and 315 Front Street, San FriacUco, - - California. u6 CHENERY, SOUTHER & CO., tmporter nd Jobbers of all theTarietiee of FOKElGJf A.D DOMESTIC WLNES AND. LIQUORS, Wh.ch we offer for fale to the t ade in l"iah. it low rn'e- in exch nte tor N ATIO.V Ati CC'itllfcACY "erh d'wn" or apiTored e red it, 311 Clay street, an FrancUeo, - - California James Spruanc. John 5i-naiice, C. C. Chsijinao. J. & J. SPRUANCE, Imirtr an l h.!ea!e Dealers in WINES AND LIQ003S, 415 Front Street, -IAN f-KA.N'CISCU. CALIFOKXIA. I MiJiiPHY.GRAhlTi'UO. Imj.urt?r5 of American and European Kai icy and Staple DRY GOODS, xvrs f it,vrsci.-co, CAL1FURM , B'r t" ra'l 'he atrooti a of:hTraeto tbeir i'kc -D't Tsnr i rom(.riiiDg c.ii.p.ete .iuea ol the f jli jwinc g.joa; : SILKS , lila.k. Colored and Fanrr. VELVETS, ORESS G03DS)K".."dcl:;,rr.,:h HOSIERY, KID GLCVES, GENTS' FU,N13H'3 G33DS, CORSETS, WHITE GOODS, of every kind. QUILTS,' HANDKERCHIEFS, ! aud Coiiou. SHIRTINU & HOUEKELP-ING HOUEKELP-ING LINEN. SHAWLS LC'' Brocn''- faahmere, C 0 T T C N 3 , 11 1 ' " i " u ",T " COTTONADES, K'Y JEANS, CASSIMERES, FLA?I N ELS, '-': ---BLANKETS, MhVA they c'YtT v:i I.Uend Terms. Wa. I. V1ioIcm1o and lCflnil GrocerY DI .IM KT.Tll . AT. CoitiliitiiMi liuiKlitii:, Main Slrcot LAMPS, COAL OIL SHELF HARDWARE, DISSTON'S CIRCULAR SAWS, ,llUi, .' Ills'.. MiningTools. Blasting Powder Ami all Kiinl- !' siAri.i: mill tacy Groceries. ) nmiuo iioii.- 1',,. r tvttn t pn - h ih f II. U. (HV), s,iVi, CALIFORNIA TRADE. PropriotoroflhsKiii,,, f)nn and Loi An.lwTla yar-li. bi-tt for the iW of bii NATIVE WINES AND BRANDIES Jtl. KELLER & CO., Comer of Mattery and Wa,hinjton 8tre.t San Krnncl.ro, ... California. AiiRdlcaWlne, Kldorado wine While l,l,ir ' or " Wine Ultt.r., Shrrry , Grape Brandy. All onr Wine, anl Brndy roarot!l mnctly pgr, and oyer ihro- jharn nil ' -S"alt Uke City Coro.,r.ii,. Z.on'a Co-oparatira Min:a..lile I u-lptutum, li.ll 1 Co. 8ltUk-C.lv D. IL Peory, and Hull,. . r,., 01. 7",'; wine, for sale. UKiHAKO COIIDHISD O-- "TH. l- Ake 0t EINSTEIN BROS, & CO., Importer! and Mannfactaren of BOOTS AND SHOES 113, 115, apd 117 Pine Street, SAN FRANCISCO. -We would especially call the attention of the Tra4e lo our CALIFORNIA PsIADE GODDS 1 Which in point of ntyle. lit and durability are cjual to tha best custom made rood. 3. P. Holden. j, Moorhead. S. P. HOLDEN & CU., ItXiponerB of FOREIGN DRY GOODS, Linem, Orest Goods. Hosiery, 4o. ... 28 & 30 SAX SO M E ST., SA.V FRAXCISCf). London : 27 Leadenhall E.C ai Leather and Saddlery Warehouse. MAIN & WINCHESTER, 2H A. 216 BATTERY STBEET, SAN FRANCI6CO, Offer to the tra-le of Salt Like and Tioinity IEJTHKK, of all kinds, UAH EpK, rtLlFOR.MA mODLEU, COLLARS, -WHIPS, And a tfenerat assortment of SaODLl-Y EOOD AT f H Y3SK PRICES. 5end for CaTalorne and Pnces WEIL & CO. IMPOHTERS OP Cigars and Tobacco Proprietors of ibe IT A VAX A CltfAR V ANT FACTORY 33 and 223 Front St., ! Sotuhwert comer Front t 6acrameoto St., j - v sr r a. iv c i e c o. J. tVKKltl.XU Jt (O.,- ;C0.MM1S3I0H MSROHAHTS 4 CUy St., Sn Francisco, ' DEALERS IS OR EGOS PRODUCE, ! Are eoE-tAtly in r-;; Orrxnn H-jn, Bacob, i Lard. Saymtja. Ac. Stare It, of our n and Eamra n.aot:ictt;re B.ilTTAN, H0LBR00K &GQ Iaiporten and Dealers in Stoves &; Ranges, SHEET iRON &TIN PLATE, Cojiper, Zinc, Sheet Lead, Wire, PIMPS, I-aood and Iron ri;ro. TI.WrllH' 4.IS, To j:s and Machinerr and 3enral HOUSE FURNISH! NC H AftDWA'E, Eaibracicj Piain. Jaranced. Pianiihea ar.d ar:ArDci are, Sot. Ill 1 1 3 California and o. 13 v IV Uirii streets, SAX FKAXCISCO, CAL. imm wmm k n. Imp r.tn and Jobber? of FOREIGS AAD DOMESTIC DRUGS & CHEMICALS Fine F.'.fnllnl OiU, Gnma, Rota. Sf H. Klnnf r, Hin(, Mal, Pomadea, 4Lc, And all ber ctr'e concerted with tit W toletsaie and he;ail D:qj Sasiccaf, Co?tTijT in rfii:. br dirrt Importatia, of turopaa acd Asiauc djo a. Kxcliwve Aironts for QuickiTTer. UosteTtrr's Fu.r. I'raJvr' iritJTion Piu. rf, Wotr hf:,ia:B c5nsrr' Newpil's tulttona-y And a!l tieJe.iirt Prrneiary Ms1k:ui botfa American and hatvpean. Ordrt Prrmptly and Carefully Knv-oted. .a. Mitt aa 631 Marfcrt StrreU rlwn Firft and Seocod. SAN FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA. v. ,i. ; k i rn rii, " IVar fn 5J3a i1 XZCKXjHD t iiUOKBO SALMON AN3 HEINGJ, AM ti of Trifsl, Sv kivl DLnN WlLMLROlNJ i KtLL'JGJ, I-.iipvrter? and JobVer Wiues and Liquors, iu A ':!t) KKONT STKKKT, IT t r'K at'tst't. COMMISSION MERCHANTS Ml anil Mild California ia- rr -i-l., n. . t allfornla. 1'arn.Milar llnii.-o pai.l lo "' ' '"f fiT.i-r. lor .vpr, i-n-r i'i nir nan4i Jl af Or... c. . The American Submerged x3 tt ivr ip 1 TH a sivust Asn m.'si Piswit Kr IN 1 ht Vl'-'KiT, Hc.. c.-mi-.cl i-fVni r""- '''V'? ai-rnmial. 1,. ,--M .-Hn-.n- " '""'' " m.ui. n, 11..- I'm e. icJe'im U i-.-u l'-'M' Or In .UwnJ I- I'" Pacific Pinip ftlanufact'g Co., Md hut HI-. Krnrlr. " V ill va r'ai)-! ltr'',. iim ron a nicrui uT |