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Show MEDICAL F P. BENEDICT, SURGEON AND PrtYSICIAN. s, at RMiJence. rear of Seventies Ilall. tf.F- AIVDEItSO-V, M. D., SURGEON AND PHYSICIAN, BnxlMce. ia " IbirlMuth Ward. DRl 0. C. ORMSBi, HTSICU-V. SURGEON ASD r DKUGG1ST, ,u gRlCHA.H CITY. UTAH. LEGAL t .sow. ' H0QE- S.VOW & IIOGK, ' Attorneys and Coonselors at Law Salt Lake City, Utah. Ijgee t Suow's corner, 1st East St. Hotels, lounseml House, SALT LAKE CITY. THE LEADING IWIEL IN UTAH. JAJ1KS TOWSSEND, ., Proprietor. l'1 Salt Lsike House, EAST TEMPLE STREET, SALT LAKK CITY. TILDES LAWRENCE, Prop'rs. il REVERE HOUSE, (Late Omaha House,) Will hereafter be conducted aa A FIRST-CLASS HOUSE, la all its appointments. It will be renovat' d and re-furnished, and ii management attended to in a manner to ;n-nre fU-fii ti'in a- to Kure and Prices. fne llfu e will he, conducted striotl? on The European Plan. I'he Keaaurant opem for meals at any time during t:ie day. ji; B.F. WHIT I E.MORE, Prop. GKAxD UOT.EL. On Market, New Montgomery and fteeoud Streets, SATf PRAITCISCO, OAXj. J011XSON & Co., Proprietors. I BANKERS. F1KST NATIONAL BANK O IP UTAH , Silt Tab City, Utah Ter. fr. U. IIoouikt, U. 3. EMredge, L. S. Hills Hooper, Elclredge S Co., BANKERS. East Tkmplb St., Salt Lake Cut, Coolers In Uold Dust, Coin, Exchange, Land Warrants, Etc frllictloni mftde ami promptly remitud. CORRESPONDENTS I Him 1 Co, New Vork; Bmik of California, San '"""'; Niu.nl Buk, ChicKo ; Kx- t,T " SL U"""; National Bank, J.tt. Morpm 1 Co.. London. jn6 THE BANK ci CALIFORNIA FRANCISCO. I. 0. MILL'', . VRKSIDFVT Cpll.I I'alcl ,,, . SJ.OUO.OOO. ; DRAW DIRECT AND ISSUE LETTERS rtmlitonaU Ihc principal cities ofthe williamTcalton, VXl'KiUKNCKl) WELL-DIUuKK, on. U",T ' ! two outh of lllb Ward oUboue, wiil .li, rt oHsto ordr on th, ' i,'"" "llce JJ1 ill Jalisfaotury syle. TAFT k SMEETON, Assaycrs, 'N0 CEner.l mimimq AGENTS, OruiR (J1TY, KST CANO.X, UTAH. tU.UUUlRON AND STEEL A IfasM lt & IfTniiiirs. I !Mn.M, SU Lak. Il.c. lcE! IC! ICE! Sa.T LAHR 1CK COMPANY", . I'UWSO.V, AG EAT. .I'.'01" 100 C'"" Saloon, Wasatch Coal! C''ln'l"m 'ho W.tch Conl Mint. Sum-' Sum-' ' ii. I'l.ih. OHn he h:ui in an V.C R ii V4'8 'lr at tbo Coil V nl it,f.T Lin"!. or w th thu undcisncd , , "Ml, Sail Lake City. F. A. .-ilITCUKLL. 00 AL ! COAL ! C0'ihVr-,in''f,"irt,i,',!n''r- r',r f',u rir1 ol thVcu'v 1H"' or delivered in n rt'r?t bi "f he Co-operatir. Prm ,kt HoujiS, 'rliwood's. opposite tl GKOllUE CHIS.HON. Truckee SALT LAKE LUMBER YARD. Ilnlf-BIocIfc South U. C. Depot. . 1 D. W. PARKHURST, 022 Proprietor. SELECTED. RQLLERJIKATING ! PLIMPTON'S Celebrated Circular Skate, Now used in -San Francisco, Oakland, Sacramento, Sac-ramento, fan J. ige, Stockton, V.rEiuia City and other places on the coaU. L ihe only Skate that gives r erfect satisfaction. j There is no more healthy exercise than RollerSkailn. It gt ve. prate to the carriage and afford a hratthy Invigorating exercise that can be ob aiucd In no other way. Iaiiles and ieu-tlfmen ieu-tlfmen will find Ittue most faaeinaiing recreation. AT BALLO'S HALL, FIRST SOUTH 8TRKET, EVERY DAY AND EVENING, BUN JAYS EXC'PTSD. Hall opai from 10 to 12 a.m.; Ztoo p.m. and 71 to 9i p.m. ADMISSION, 25o. USE OF SKA.TE3, 25c. PHASER &, MOWER, Proprietors. Wilt open Saturday evening, February ISth. f!7 Trees! Trees!! Fruit Trees, Shade Trees, Ornamental Trees, Gooseberries, Shrnbbery, Currants, Greenhouse Raspberries, Plants, Eto., Ktc;, Etc. Etc. ,TOHW HBADISG, nurseryman and florist, P. 0. Box y-S SALT LAKE CUT. U. I di-fS the AVERILL Chemical PAINT COMPANY'S PAINTS! Embracing over A HUNDRED DIFFERENT DIF-FERENT SHADES, prepared lor immediate application and requiring requir-ing no mixing, just received and for sale at the Drug1 Dep't, The ingredient of thee Paint are (;;np1 e and inle-tru::ib;e. Ibe i.iMties with which they re.'ftnmend iheifcve? are: Cheapae- durrtbi.i;y, superiority of c an unusually sT3u'-;a ar.d s o y at-r-crnce, le?s labor f c iLiire 1 ia iaj iu4 C'J i.'uuC.e o; mixing, wiil :n i are or rv.n. ar,d ,.- crack it reel o5"w;;h atrr. tr r, er; ? cnrj'.-. nor cha.k off by fr-:ti n. 1 he? are ihe ;, chfirft. ir.Tt dara'-Ie ad m?'t rT'-T Paints n uic. Ihc AVEtilLL WHITE PAINT i? ZINC PAINT. cc'!l.a:ning tin an I if f jn! superiority ad p'r-'riry. Brine nlonc your Paint rn op,n ur paichax by the Oa.lon. A KI LL LINK CF Foroiirn, DomMir and faf LIQUORS At the Drug Dvpanment, Z.C.M.L U. B. CliWSOS, Spt. HENRY T. HELM30LDS j COMPOUND FLUID Extract Catawba GRAPE PILLS. Lomponmt Paris Fluid Kj:iraci Rhubarb Rhu-barb and F uid Fjrtract Cazaicva (rraje Juice. FOR LIVER COMPLAINTS. JAUNDICE. JjILIOL'- AFrE.TlLlNS. SICK UR S ER-VuUS ER-VuUS HED.UHE, L'U-IiVrJXr. Er.-. PUREi-Y VtviEl'ABLE. CuNtAlMMj NO ilEriCL Rl. .MINERALS UR uSi,-Ir.K.UL'3 uSi,-Ir.K.UL'3 Dr.L lia. EC ' These Pills are the must delightfully pleasant pleas-ant purgaure, euerseding citstor ii, saU3. uidguesia, etc. Incra is nutning more acceptable accept-able to tfltj St -mca. Inty give t ue, aud OoUse neither nausea nor griping paius. ihey ar cotuposeu o( tns i.Swi l.viitis-DiES.y. l.viitis-DiES.y. Alter a lew days use ut tDcm, sucQ. id luvigoraiioQ fi in enu e tsi.eui iats.es piace as to at pear niiraculuuJ to the c.s jjiU eucrrated, wneier aritiug1 troui imprudence impru-dence or dise. se. JI. T. ileiuioold'fi Couj-puund Couj-puund i'luid Jix tract Ca-awoa, tirape i'n.s ae nut eug.ir-cu.Ued, iroin in i-icl luti sugxr-coatej Fiiis do not dissuiTe, bat paai Lkrouga tne SLOuiich without dis soiviiiii, cunsequentiy ao uut produce the desired ei-tect. ei-tect. aHE UAi'aWBi iiKAPi: FiLL, being be-ing pleaj-aut in Uiste ani odor, uo not neces-Mtvte neces-Mtvte tiieir b in sugar-coaied. ixv,(Ji JjlflT CKjiTS PhR BuA. Highly Gonceoirated Compound Fluid Extract Sarsaparillaj o ui radicitny tiitruiiiiato iroui 31clu crutuiA, ojpua.s, rva ores, Ulcers, tore eyes, aurc Xcg, Sore louoi. Dure iictd, iiioAcuiiid, dtLiu JJiseAses, akil K.ueuui, Ciin vers, itatiumif.a ir ui llie iar, mio owcil-'Ut;a, owcil-'Ut;a, luuiois, Cauccroud McctioUs, .uUc!, tUutiCis, Vjcmuduidr dwellings, jMgut DfveiU, iViun, xe..tj, Jiuuiora ui au kiuai, v.nrouio AucuuiaLisiii, uy? peps ia, and ail diseases mat na e oeen eauuiiaucd iu the s siciu lor yeXo. Being prepircd exjircssly for the abore Coiuptaiiu, iui Olua-puriiyiiig pi op or ilea iro srtLcr luaii a-uy uiner pxepiaLiuu o oarsj.pa.nlla, l gives tlic completion cicar dllil llcUitiiy COlOi iLUil rusLOTca tno pjUtUl 10 j, sti-te ui uiiiLu aiia purity, or pun.yiug tue oiuud. reuuv.ug uiiiunic cOiAstiLULiuui aLseaocS arisiwti iroiu an 1 Lap arc smio ui uu uiood, iuiii uiti umy rciiaoio aud tnectu.ii KuuWd remedy lur tue- caio ui paius ivua oWclliug ul lllu Luruiii, aud legs, uioLlles, plLupic on tUu lace, crysipeias aud all scuiy eruptions ol tile aa.iu, aud UeiUCii lug uic iJUllipiOilOU. 'iii, Si OU i?.l liOllJjOj. 3VE HESUY T. Ue-LMBOLD'S' CONCEMttaTti) FLUID EXTRAUf BUCHU, The Great Diuretic, has cured every ca-e of Diaoetea in which it us been givtu. irritation ol tue nech. o. tha bladder and Inflammation of Lue Jiidueys, U Iceiatiou of .ho lviane,s and liaduer, lie-tuution lie-tuution of Uniio, Uiseascs ol the Prostrate tiiand. Stone in the iJ. udder, Caieuius, vj ravel, BricRdust deposit, and Mucous or Milky uischarndS, aud lur outeebled uuil Doi-lcaie Doi-lcaie CoustuutiouS of both soxes, attuudvd With tne loliuwiug aymjaoms; ludispusitiuu to exertion, Loss ol fower, Lo:& of Jiemiry, lifticuity ol lirealhmn. Weak jNurvcs, iiem-bhug. iiem-bhug. Honor of uisCade, U utieiutitess. Dimness Dim-ness of V ision, Paiu iu luc luck, iiutilaijus, t lushing ol tne liu'dy, Uryucss ol tna ckm, Eruptiun un tue jba.o, ailia Couutt-nance, I L uiversal Lassitude uf tue M uscmar system, Etc. used by persons from the a?e of eighteen to twenty-nve, auJ. irom tuiny-hve- to tiity-hve tiity-hve or iu the decl.ne or ehuuge ol life ; a.tr c uhuemeni or lauor pj.iuo; bed-wettiug m ehilarcn. 33 Uelmbold's Estr.ioi liuuhu is Diuretic and Bl'-ud purilj iutf, and cuoa all diseases jins-iuu jins-iuu irum llabi.s ol Lis-ipiUoii, and t-Xcej-st-S aud Imprudences iu is lie. Impurities o: the Blood, etc.su, ersediug Uupaia iu a ectiond fur winch it is u-ed, aud tiypa.litic Adeotiont in tue3 disc .sea uped iu couuectiou witn HelmOuld'a iiuse Wan. LADIES. In many affections peculiar to Ladies, the Extract Uucuu is uuuq united oy any otuer remeay as in Oniorositf r tieLen.iun, irreg-u irreg-u arity, Paiuiuluesi or Suppression ui Customary Cus-tomary Evacuations. Ulcerated or ccnirrus state ol tue Uterus, LeucorrboL'a or nues, j otoidity, a.d lur all c-mpiaiuu iucideut u i the sex, wheifier arising irom mdiaciouon or Jiabita of Uiasipatiou. 1 o H. T. HELM BOLD S EXTRACT UUCHl" CL'KEri JJiriKA&ES AKI-fclU AKI-fclU FKUM lMfKL'UK.W, HABITS UF DlbsirAliO', ETC., in all their suites, at little expense, little or no cOcinge in uic , no iuc -uveuieuce, nua no tfXposUie. It causes a lruquetn desire, and gives strength to Urinate, thereby removing Ubstructioiis, Preventing; aud curing Strictures Stric-tures of the Urctha, Allaying i'mn and In-dauimatiou, In-dauimatiou, so ir-qucni in tuia class ut dia-OrtS- s, aud expelling -11 Puifonous matter. Thousands wnu have been the victims of incompetent persons, aud who hive p.tid heavy leos to b. curod in a short lime, bavo tound they have b-.eu deceived, mat tbe "'Poison" has, by the ue of power. u 1 ;i-ti iq-geut5," iq-geut5," been dried up iu tne system, lo lire. K ijut iD a more ak'Kfa ated form, and j'Crliaj.s alter Marriage. Use llKL-itiLf) s Extract Errnu for all A tie'lions and Di -eases ofthe Uiinary Or-Kns, Or-Kns, wtietner existniK in Male or rcinale, trouj whatever cau.-e oriKinaiinn, aud no iniitter of how loiig stanani-:. i'ttlCK, tJE 1-uLLAK AM) f Aril ClNTo PlK BuI-ILE. BuI-ILE. Xj IIENllY T. UELMBOLD'S IMPKOVED KOSE WASH cannot be nrp'd a FACE WAJI. and will be f'-oni the only Fpec.hc remedy in eve.7 pecie nt Cn:anc-us A u--r It 'P-etilv er.idtcat"" iT.irLl-. I-I'URAIT'JNS I-I'URAIT'JNS of ihe fl'TAMjiUa MEM-BHANE. MEM-BHANE. "KBtTlC L'KVNh, e-?.. .-p. .-p. l RhDN E-a and in ipi-nt IN FL M Ma-li'iN Ma-li'iN H 1 " K-. f A.11. MufH PAH'HKS, Lij;V"E;? UK SCALK Urt f-KIN. EK't-f LI 1 1. arid purp ri tor wm h .sALVf or 01 NT MEN J are u--l . Ldl b.wev-r vluc l as a r- id' iy ! r fiiin; ue.ee o tue Km. H . r. He u, r-.id e l."-e V-D l;,g F'j;.iini-d in priiicip' c. i.uj to ubiul I-i patr-n;.pf. ''"riJ.s ii i j i - win- n render H a 1"IlKI' A; l'E lA'.i E ol t:.t ;ri'i-; u-:;ii.-. arnl L- -r ii ' I f-:,,,-,: er, l'KlCE U-NE iJ'jLi-A rt I lj; E'.'i li. Eu'l ard exp-i-t d .:-:; a.;c.;jy E iKt"7.r e "I ' h m'i'l r!r' '1' " "1 T . i-4 i-4 e ( i, at :urr, i -r a t-p i- . r . wi ;q l u.u vus ii ui'iu'-fi'H "i nv.nr wmit i i-i"- 1 ' ' -' 1 : L : ' ii - " e :r i t- i, t .,'--, i r a- i i rv: t:.ia. iii i'Lj ricu Cit rr xeL ..'. ' -men, e:c. HENRY T. HEIMjDLD'S CE'j;E PREPARATIONS. If'.:vr"i .'- 7.y rl '.- tt-, -r- "t'-i au'li-me:) Uf' 'T.: "n i iv Vt.n.- i : y i'-t--. -:-.---. ! ' ' r:-:L. ' -:. n t- l..r. ., j j I. V I- il i' IT.i. i-.'I lv"'ii"';' I!. T. liLLVI! '!.!' I'm i --i: t ....... N . w y.-.-s. r-. II. 7 ' l -v - . i L- ; I'V.-v.'.! Ic- I. ?ut'.U fL....-.- 'FW Vr.E '? cr.t-VTrDTKITi. ..! r lir.NUi I. iiLMiJ.Lii a 1 IaKi4 h'j CHICAGO TRADE. IMGE, UKO.A: CO., Importers and IValffre in LEATHER AND FINDINGS 50 Lake Street, TO III o-5 Lake Shore Oil Works. MAXWELL, WhFeLlS & C3., Manufacturers of Engine, glcnal. Tallow, Lard and 'WOOL UIL. Dealers in Headlight Carbon, "Whale Elephant, etl and Sperm Oils, A ere nr. for the sjtvie of PRATT'S ASTRAL OIL. Agnu of the W&st Virginia Oil and Od Land MiTri,r!irM op tXCELSlQR C4R. RJQf AN") IRON P4INT For Tin nd Shicgle Koob, Bndg TiaiWrs, Ac Factory. CHICAGO. Office, 3io Jl oit Illinois ;t., S. Water Mr-rt, dH VAN SCHAACK, i STEVENSON & REID WIIOLKS.VLK DRUGGISTS Dealers in PAINTS, VARNISHES, OILS, DYE STUFFS, BRUSHES, Window Glass, Glassware Patent Medicines, &c, &o 00, 9i t 94r Lake St., cor. Dearborn "With a larpo experience in the Territorial trade, we tVel sure of giving satisfaction in quality, prices and packing. dS MARKLEY, ALLING & CO., Importers and Jobbers iu Hardware 5 Cutlery 51 Lake Street, CHICAGO, .... ILL. dS DIEBOLD & KIENZLE, Successors to Dicbold, B.itiniaun k Co., CELEBRATED CINCINNATI FIRE AND BURGLAR. PROOF SAFES, And Sargent's Magnetic and Automatic; Bank .uit : ts PRATT & COVERT. General Agents bti WftihinKton St., Chicago. H. B. CLAWSOV, Sujil. Z. C. M. I., Agent fur Llah icrrilory. n30 KEITH BROTHERS, Manufacturers and Jobbers f HATS, CAPi AND FURS Millinery and Straw Gomls, 08 &. JO Valh Ave., PTjrp A fl fl 3 a. i UearUorn Pl.ce. UiliUilUa " Jl B. II. Skinner, Proprietor. Corner Wells and p 1 T i p p ( RnuUoliU sirctln, VjllIuAUU. This llouse in ccntnlly located, well furnished, fur-nished, au.l oo illume -0 Kooius. CHASE, HANFORD & CO., 51 South Water St., CIIXCAOO, llediuarters for Oils, Paints, Glass, &c, Manufacturers of the celebrated WILbON OIL. TANK'. KEW YORK TRADE. Pool, Nazro. Kimball & Co,, WHOLESALE GJtOCERS 33 Warren St., cor. Obnrch, J. TI. BULGER. New York, j dj iolli;u's i i on - uvkr oil. I U..-frMl tK P.nrt rnm at wh -f lS P.-.wi,g Em, ,.'. ut 'ir-jJrh Tid"n laU-TT,n'. tun Ex hibi-, hibi-, ti.-i. iH.,i,.-ir..n r L;L:t;-.n ..r Y.-h-r.'-. If;..;. I M-;a, cf K.(yfi -.ru-.y t,r t.e 1 s". 1 Krf "i N r h v. j -r'-ht hx'..iLiiir,n at L' Vh'Am. i T I'm'; I - ; r r : : ti'.r. V it k I p" f;-t r-- i.' . ...ii :--,!-.-- II r-..T,T,-t..,..J t,- - ;(.'.' iu ti-.r.t n, t I ) U" V. . - . - ' w.l -.,v r,-i ,.., .-. . -j (,.; j- L A - ' V- T- - ' M-.. -r . ,,-.- ia ir, n-. ,:tm y tl., U 'A ., i T ' '' ; -..-) r tt i It J V.-i .i. .- ri,. . "I r. , . . : ' - T ; . .;, ir, : jrf -- ; , j -W.-O-i w. ;l '" f t u t I'"". t" f.'l r rr , l , V. II. r hir.Un . o., Vnrk, C. A. L" :.c-:-- .T - S- ifin. . Luv3i;R:ET L S:D3Y,C 1 w r .i. .MEN'S &33YS' CLOTHING, r,0 . 4 0 S Broad v, ! w V.rk. PRACTICAL WATChMAKLRS. p o g ELIASON & KAUZR3ACH, Next Door Kat of the Herald, Are workmen who ni-t only repair Watchc and OKn-k. but will uia-e a. ches to ordr in any dwired sryie, or any part ol h m, from a pivoi or pinion to an entire Wauh. Work Kx rented on Moderate Term. CITY LIQUOR STORE, Keep constantly on hand. Wholesale ntul Kttail, Choice Import-id LIQUORS AND WINES, At Lowe it Kates. GROESBKCK'S B I" I I- D I X () S , uK Kasl Truiplt Mrrf 1. BiSSETT a HOFFMAN HARDWARE STORE All kinds of HEAVY HARDWARE, lrou and Met I, Stoves and Tin Ware BLACKSMITH TOOLS, Agricultural Implement. Autl M tiling Tool., At Lowest Bilri. OPPOS1TK SALT LAlvK HOISK nl6 GRAND GIFT AND MUSICAL JUBILEE! $106,150.00 W OUT II OF Real KMalo, lN-rsttinl I'roprrl.T and JIoih'v, Divided into 3,133 Gifts TO UK OistribuiiiJ atmm the Ticket ImUlors. PRICE CF ADMISSION, 31. TicX-tts limit rd to lUtiJjO, uirrayinff one (lift to even thirhffaur Tickets ?."-"f. SAT D Jubilee tn he h'dd in Cnim-il 11 u IV. F.-hruary 21i. I.S71. ..n wliifh u.r-sion u.r-sion several nt Hie iii'ii diet i iitcu n- lied A r-tites r-tites in the Vni ed Siatc. win a-ir-l. I'll pnitra'nnio ill horeatior he nninineil. During tlio KntT auiunMit um..w ng tj i Its will be '.let ribui e l. a ncr M4t rcem on : See full description of di ffn in Circular ' . - i -X . . r-.J.1-". I ' ' ' i i' ' ' ' - v.-'' ' First Cr;tnd (lilt. Hie m: ult ii'-o, r'iniiiure. mi I liruHod" ol i'. Jcfl.-ns. Talu.-iat gJii.Mn.m Second il'nmi l i : I . a Kidcnfe and lr.unt!, valuc-l nl G,i.oO ThiH ii ft, one tniu.i"- ILiue an -1 (.roun-l. vnlitV't hI 4,,'i.iNl Fourth liilt.nne H-nl e-i.-r .n Hufk- uitrhiiin ireeL, ucupitd by A. (t. v' irKf-ri" 2. (Mi.ru p Fifth iilt. H At- of firj-t fiuiili-y hnn Liiiiil, vmIih 2,iKt,(lil 1 Oitt nl oin' I'.iir it IMu'k MurKHii Marcs, ha n m h i. I liugRy l,l-0 '( 1 r,ift of iii,.(frnli. ri,i l'n.uu, value ,' " oi 1 l.i t ot bi.V'-r Wr, Tlue i6 ti.l!-- i l ny and gruund", vhIup $" n etrh 2l.'i"P.fp ICy .( ( ny Lots ttiid (jround. THiue Hm :u.3n.i . 1 Giti I-, lb- ip-M.r .f C u ri-i I Hi. if-. i f be .li-lril.ul.-'i ,y Le,KM..r flf K rhecca, l 'T I'tTlt. Oil Ct I 'd Ji'-k-t-. h rrfpij n 1 ir I" ff (fl.fif t 1 Oift to tho t'rinnn I u.rit"- r Mnirii.B .M-cir y n'lhttK the m't '1 l.'kCtH f'T lllf Jlll.lle.; -(m. 'HI 1 Gift t' id'- Ki'e ' ""iiuj'iiiiy sellini the ni'.-t 'Ji-k" i ( p 1 ) Gift to ii'- cfiu-i-. w... f ib. K it. r .., M ht H'M'tu r i rig t"., ur Wi-rk i Pi w M '-ii I n ion, telling IIM.-l 1 KhClP .... IX) IU , To th" ln'fy hi -I t 'ii 1 1rtr, i) '..iiiiiK In u.m-1 J i' k ' i j 1 ij ki ' 'i 1 Z.t ; .., of IX.iL.r i, 2. 1, tjilt" of y Mt Lent e u .-M.K, Th Fikt Ijka.M) J'ki.k in no c.nu will bo wii lidrawn. A pr'ini'irn if Firt Huri-Ifl I -. 1 : r - w.l be ai'J )--r the t j-ihtu-'o t, r-i'-vt. r tner d M ;tl-, or Uimii I I "mle v , Wtl'l Will l HI 'III ritilf 1 i - J II M ). Mi tij'.n. r- eiw; I -or t i -t w 1 1 1 p- .'p-l'-'l ill fU-l, H' llf.lv U ti.. '1 ' v ir-.'K.'r ("T tt.t tn n.iul y , 1 r i. h t,- .i ti.-frr"'li ti.-frr"'li fill', wnu ii,? f. .. . n im ). i u i lir.K.... '.( t muni JJ-.f1 T, I J ,r.( ,- ii r.m i-i' k. I'..- J;,.ii. uui V.f; -r A l'..-.'v, l:,,,r,. W arrnty i i-r t u aW'.vi- I'. h I K1 w - I I P.-" ! : w j ; tl t Ii f" ji, in 1 1 i i,f, ij , -tr- Mi" I'-n ') mil. .!' t ' K ' I t'p wii'-tn ri'l Hi h m 4-f. 4-f. wih T'-' pvc iitir.i' i,, n, I'M" n i ti 1 i ,lt 'I tiifir trkt" i' i li'.- ' ''ii n. n ; ,u nit f ''I: ' ' IT f ! -. '1 r- ., ,,, j. ; . m ( , j , ! ' i J-.j i m t.g Ltiut' 1 tf-Nl if h,i . vii . J i 1- . i;. .:(, r. a. i,f,p i,r,.ri, l.-'r. h t.. -.i.ri L.r :;. n.. A ..ir.-... T MOM A! JKr I . It f H, rI-r,K,, ' L':-.-...r i.;.;. 1 -w.fi- ji L, 1 ,Wu Of J j:-.Jw:,t. W .iof y, jV r.nt i.w'm. P.'I't t ;.. rrr.i..i..., to f ;r.t .... .,, L..-.. ''-' ' i -i i;. k . j ''? ''' "r .'. i ii- -v. I... t I- r . J. M. r. M i-. .r r, ('-,.,. , j.iti.. tf n. v i' "- . ' r.,p .r I ii.is i 1 -.r. v.. . ( ,,, , Ir...r.r 7 J vn-r, 1 ) ; ' r' -I i'M- J' ' t 'I 'I." t-'Ml 1 i'.ffiMl. i- - I :i ' - ' . -i, ' . f p.; 1 1 ir- i i-nr , -n ' ' . i " ' A H . r. !.. A j,--. . .1 II- : it A .lor.r,., ,,: J. V, . Ill'- I" A ' . .... L ,- . . . M t ; !-. 1 . ... . .,f 1. UI,' ,( J, . I, t,. mill ij til - ti' , ' r -v,r, ,J, ,t - ;(M, J.lt(,-,. M'Ml J - .'' '( ..ru, uii'l. I M.FHnV 'u-'" w " i"'.r.-.rHlx.i u of ti or 'f O'-bucii L.uij. ifm. H. A. HI KfcKLI,, Agtou oait Lkk tiv, |