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Show H.plNWOODEY, FURNITURE DEALER j Ad.I AM kind? of - I M PORTED FURNITURE (Jons tan tly oa hand at the Salesroom, EAST TEMPLE ST. Every description of ' , HOME-MADE FURNITURE At the Factory and Salesroom, t ... . FIRST SOUTH STREET, S. L. CITY COFFINS, PI,AIX. and ORNAMENTAL .si Always in Stock. z. a m. i. Clothing Departm't FRESH ARRIVALS Of New Goods in Fall and WINTER SUITS ! OVERCOATS, CAPES, TALMAS Military Clothing:, &e. Also a Full Variety of . - GENT'S FURNISHING GOODS (rents', Ladies' and Boys' RnnTS Ar SWOT'S Gents' Youths' and Boys' HATS and CAPS. TRUNKS in all styles uud Qualities. Valises and Carpet Sacks. Carpets,I!atting, Floor Cloths M all Paper and Decorations Always on hand and for sale by the yard, a , - large stock of French, and English Cassimereg, Doeskins, Beavers, Military Cloth, Home Made Tweeds, dtc. SUITS MADE TO ORDER ! Gentlemen's Clothing, or Military Suita, made to order in the ewe;tSlyle of F;ishion on the shortest notice. First-claaa Fit and Workmanship Guaranteed. MILITARY TRIMMINGS IN GREAT VARIETY. nil H. B. CLAWSON, Scpt. A N EW SUPPLY of tiio cdtbrated ST UDE BAKER WAGONS HAS AREIVED. "YnhTK'Aw lit-avy au lilil FARM AND KAfaYGN WAGONS Tho Favorite 13 I yv. tvc o w d LIGHT SPRING WAGONS. Very .Ii Ii-m hlr for Kniully , Th H.'.f"l.:tk'T Wii'.fh iint nNiifn..tiir. . out 'it vftry bMt fijt'iri.tli liy tlx, in.nt Minijt"tit luvAmni'.t if. tli-fy.'lnlry, bii'I .in, warkatki Kins'rc;i,ASM. VOU HA ,K AT Cin., V It.VI K J. .ioiin i. ; aim;, Abh, .Salt L:.ke il..rnlcl Ollir.,. ' UTAH CENTRAL RAILROAD. PIONEER LIME OF UTAH. On and after Thursday, Dec. 1, 1870. Iai3y Trains Leave Salt Lake City at 5 a-m and 2:45 p.m. Arrive at Ogden 7 a. m, and 4:46 p. m. Leave Ogden at 8 a. ni. and 5:30 p. iu. Arrive at Salt Lake City 10 a.m. and 7:30 p.m. Fare from Salt Lake City to Wood's Cross S .70 Centreville S '.90 Farmington $1.5 Kaysville 1.5 Ogden ... - .. 2.50 Fare from Ogden to t Kaysville SI. 30 Farmington $1.(35 Centreville ........ .05 Wood's Cross 2 25 Salt Lake City 2.50 In addition to the above AN ACCOMMODATION TRAIN - ' ' vCill run DAILY, SUNDAYS EXCEPTED. Leaving Ogden at 5 a. m. and Salt Luke City at 4:40 p. m.. On which full fare will entitle the purchaser of a ticket to return on the same day and train free, and will stop by arranging with the conductor at any point on tne line to take on or let off passengers. Passengers -will please Purchase their Tickets at the Office. Fifty Cents additional will be charged when the fare is collected on the train. For all information concerning freight or passage, apply to D. O. CALDER, Ticket and Freight Ag Salt Lake City. JOS. m YOUSG, Nut. LIVERPOOL &, QUEEN3T0YN. IN MAN L INE Of Royal Mall Steamers, Sailing from New York Every Saturday, AND Alternate Tuesday. Cabin Passage, to LiTtrpool. (oll) SOO Steerage " ' (turj 3U. UO Passage from Liverpool to .e w York Cabin, - OoM) $7.00 Steerage, - - (Cn-rency) 3 i.UU Round Trip Tickets Liue4 at very low rate JOHX C.DALE, Ant, 15 Broadway, Jiew i'urk. Or WILLIAM CALD f-'R, Aecnt. t'-'7 . tialt Lake City, Utah. PIONEER SHORT ROUTE EAST. CHICAGO & NORTHWEST'N RAILWAY Shortest and Hnlcket Route from Omaha to Chicafo and the Kait. Th Eastern Kxprei leave Oin iha d uly in connecti'-n wiih trains on the Central and union Pacific railroa-is, and arrive i u Chicago Chi-cago in ad7anceof all other routes. A new and splendid lino of Pullman Palace Hotel and Bleeping CoachcM Ila. recently been built for this Company. Tlifi Chlc-o nu Ncrth-wr-fni In tli-j Vmt Rj)wny l.tw!D Oi'itlia irnj C'IjI'-Ih-", .j-vin L--.0 wmpltH (kjiri., T1IKEK Y JiAJM AiO; whi'.ti time, tho M-iiiiT Uav aj;n-l uiitimi lairia Dor exi- UM in Hjrf. Uuif In Tvwl-rl ni trnk aiH tvuwiuz it with rolling al-f.W ,f tho m'tnj'ylnrii iuipryvi nutntu; Ihin, t'ithnr will) th.j fur.t rf it h-.iuit. thy Hhorteitt liny, oll.-r . Mm Traveling Public an twiloru rout uu.iuHtd f .i Speed, Comfort and Safety. Untrue cljeckwl throuv-h to all luti Kwt wj extra charge for tranl,r at imnhn or Lhimirt to partioa holdiug tLromh ticket. B ure and ank for Ti-ioUi via Cli""t"i Nortb-weaHrp Kajlway, wlii',h cup t, ..I.tIfwI 11 the prmcjT railway anrf tnh... a ..IH'.- the Unit;l riut. vai,-l -, Win, Cal.. r, Ti- let )--iL -,rareatCAI,UKi; JJK03.' Pt'.re, fcwt TMiii.l-'dt Bait LakQCitT. for ony iriforinulion iuiugard to Freiirlil.apply 1 1 HARRY ROGERS, lVoHtorn l'ai"r nn.l t .;;niit. II. P. STAN WOOD, Ur n. Tirknt A..jt, (Jliir.i.. '). I,. UUNI.AI', (i...i.r.l H'll.t. W. B. JITuriNO o. uoral AKont, Omh. N. k MORE EIGHT! hkuir-1 for AH ' THE DAHFORTH FLUID iii Iho Lilil 1'ur llic JVoiilc. Only (0. pei al. )JY Till-; FIVE 0.LL0N.S. TIIK (JAS-.IKT IIL'K.N'KIt, Without. (Jhimncyf, i. thodiliiK Til K PACK .y I'S Arc III o only perfectly .J;i'c jiiiit3, HA t'B AH CA N hl,l;s. A NtW AHIVAL OF IAPIJS, LANTtHHS AND FLUID, fl ' . Corner so nth of Wiilkor Uron'. STltAYi:i IKOM ii, , i:.k. ,.,, ,,,, lifiwn MAK1'', lrtiri'l'l Y on I'll Iiiij. nU.i'Mi;. to 1,0 :.l t i.ikIiI y.,.,r ., -Miy f!i"m itiviiw iiil.jrm.nioii nf Uor '"'''':'';. -r l,ri.;Ki,,;: r ( ,Ii,S. A. ( -II ' h'",'l',"' "iiml.ly rem-l. NEW. YORK TRADE. Pool, Nazro.Kimtall & Co.. WHOLESALE GROCEES , 33 Wamu St., cor. Church, J. H. BULGKR. New York. C. A. Longstroet. John Sedgwick. L0NG3TREET & SEDGWICK Manufacturers of and Wholesale Dealers in & BOYS' CLOTHING, ' 46G db 468 Brondwny, Rew Y ork. il4 MOLLER'S COD - LIVER OIL. Received the Firnt Vrizu nt each vT the following Exhibitions : London International Exhibition. Exhibi-tion. I860 Bergen Exhibition of Fisheries: Gold Aledal of Koyiil Society tor the welfare of Norway. 18Gti Great Exhibition at Stockholm. 1807 Fans International Exhibit-ion. At which it took tho first prize among twonty-e;ght twonty-e;ght competitors. It is reconioieuUed by many eiumeut uiL'iliual uiilhoriti- o in iltn oj'o; ulo by the Medical Society olonvay and Mudiciil Society ol I Norihuniberlund and Durham. Dr. L. A. S;iyro, of iuw Yoik, iiijs : '-Moller's procoos is tlio ouly cue by which Cod Liver OU should be nmdf." j Dr. J. Marion Sims eaj8 : "I have prescribed it ! almost daily, uud huvo t-very ri.H.sou to be porlectly I satisfied with it." 1 For sale by Dru'iits and Chemists. I W.II. Schleiielln Jt Co., New Y ork, I dj - Solu AgL-uU for the U. S. and Canuda. CHICAGO TRADE. KEITH BROTHERS, JMunufacturers and Jobbers of HATS, CAPS AND FURS MilUiury und Slraio Gpoiln, G8 fc. 70 IVabasll Ave., PTJTfl A H fl 3 4. I Utai ljoru Pluce, OillbilUU jl ISKlGGi HOUSE B- II. Skinner, Proprietor. Corner Well and OJJ in i p A Kaudolpu Street, VllLbAvjU. This Ilouse is centrally located, well fur' nished, and contains ijO Uooius. d-J ! CHASE, HANFORD & CO., 51 South Water St., CHICAGO, Headquarters for Oils, Paints, Glass, &c, Manufacturer.- of the celebrate! WILSON Oil TANK ..1.1 page, in:o.cV co., IriKrttrs aiij Dv-ik-ra in LEATHER AND FINDINGS 50 Lake Street, I mm, in Lake Shore Oil Works. MAXWZLL, VTTeIER & CD., Manufacturers of Engine, Signal, Tallow, Lard and WOOL OIL). . Dealers in"IIfnfJ!iKht Carbnn, AVhalo Elejihaiit, eal and tipcrui Otis, A''LU for tho haIo of P II ATT? ASTRAL OIL. Ag.-nU of tlio WmI Virnua Oil and Oil Land KiMficnilU or EXCELSIOR CAR, ROOF ANJ IRON PAINT For Tin and cluiiIe IlouC, Ilrido limLri, c. Factory, CIUCAOO. Office. Jt -jj Illinois ftt., l'.- a. Water otr-t, .tU VAN SCHAACK, STEVENSON &. REID WJIOLKSALi; DRUGGISTS Oralcia In PAINTS, YA5N.SKES, CILS, DYE STUFFS, BRUSHES, Windov Glass, Glassware Tatout Modicinos, Sco., Sue. 00, Lnkc He., cor. Ocarhorn WUb 11 l.i rf o.t p-irii-n' O in tlio T. rrit'.r il trud", wo !;) furo ol kivihk 0attflcliin in 'ju.iii.y, jinoF ini'i I'-c-kiiiii. 'It MARKLEY, ALLING & CG lmi.'.rl-r- ami Jol.ljc rj in Hardware Cutlery .1 1 Luke Slrcrl, CII1CAOO, - DIEBOLD St KIENZLE, Hll'. -4,.T1 l.i lh' l-.l-I, II lioH.IIUi A 1',, , CKLKIUt.VTKI) CINCINNATI I rime and lii'iKii.Aii riiuor S A W S , An. I fnrKi iifn Jl,n.,j, . A.i..ini,li.. ll'KATT.t COVl.KT. c:.-i..,i til A;;rM Wi Wllslniiluii St., (Jliicii);,.. II. II. I.AWKO-V, N,.,,t. Z. f. HI. I., AK'ait liu- ttnli 'I'u.-. ltu.y, BATIIG, BATHS! Wjii iu .Spring I5iilhs I I'llvMte nn.l IMunK'. TIiim...... I.i,.i..,I I. ml,., , ,,, t, 1 .,,1 .1 ,. ,11 nl 'I I, li ii ,.,!,,.!,,,,) ,,,,. tl,. nin w.,.y known Unit It in II,. .4 1,, i,ii,if( I hrtu. " I'". II." I'iIm.i.. M'.U,-, II... I,,!,.,.,,,,.! I,,.,, If t.iriiMlitxl rii.ti'.., Iliilh.' Imi n iiiiiI tli,n.i,i ,r r,.,w ,,,.,. II. Alt.MU.O. PEOPLE'S ISLRA( E ( 0, or SAN FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA. ( Kit ttml Mir'n ) C. F.Mac DKItMivr. H if. )' r.V:il, I're-elcnl. rr-Tctnry A. K. t.l WMSON, social A(rnt. r, . 3 1. T II TJ JM A. XV, (rurr.I Agflit for llnh. Office at S. W. Il.,w!a ,1 ,t (Vl. Main S'rcct. alt 1.4ku City. B. VT. E. JEXNENS, l.oi rI AcmiIi Omcc at Trlrl . Co'. Main ht J.i Salt Lake t tl , Cheap Blankets! 1 will Cloau (Jut tlio rumulialer ft llit'-o - IIKAUTI Kl'L CALIFORNIA llliiMETS AT COST I AM, AM) IKK TIIK.M AT GEO. W. DAVIS' 0iMi-ltr Hn II I.akr lloiikr. PRACTICAL WATCHMAKERS. S c) r- ELIASON & HAUER3ACH, IV'tt lnur Kaat nf I 111 HvrnM, Arc w.irkinrti wlir tmt nulv rcpiiir WnU'licn nl CliH-k. Imi will m.iko Wntolion d nlir in Any itoirml tvlo, or atiy nrt f tin in. Irniu a pivot nr i iMhxi in mi Piitiro Wiitrli. Work KKerutil on niitilraa Terma. COMPETITION Left Behind I HOLIDAY CAKKS, nit is i ,ai ,s tui:i:n, VUlii: (JANDJKS, ..' klmle, VlWT, AilrM liiirlrit l.'ri.H.. ' .'nt.ey rfr.M.. l... r.i.v. I I'l v UIi.iim, C oilll'tt ..'! . Thn I'lienpe-.!, in town, ill . Hr.MIV V A I.I. At K'N. READ THISI SEWI:IAC1E In all tho beautiful varioties, SHU IE SEII -BY IVKHYBBBY Conlemplnting the purchase of a 1 Machine for family or . other use. . - - At our newly-fitted np Salenroom, Second Door South of the Eagle Emporium, Em-porium, between the Drug and Clothing Clo-thing Departments of Z. C. M. I., will he fonnd a Full Assortment of these Admirable Sewing Machines . At Prices to Suit Everybody. THE 5 SINGrEE SEWING MACHINE NEEDS NO PUFFING to commend It to the public, as the following TL1 55-- show: In IS50 theo new celebrLited Machines were fir.-t oflered to the public and in the four years succeeding ,jt) were sold. Today To-day over ihiu number are weekly turn-d '.ut ffm thefactry. and yet thi? imwe;' -e sm Ily i-i noi equal to the demand. At the end 0 the year IvjT, uj, .vard of - "J Ow Machines were sold, and in ihe then f"ll wins y;irs. from Vv to 'iii, the number had been increased to upward of 500,000 MACHINES SOU), One third of wlilch were disposed of w 1 1 1 I n tlic rrrfding twelve inonlhi. From the f'rei:iiie it will be --en th.it dur-inF dur-inF the t threo yc.tr-i, il:e iiilv b.ive i en uj'W.ird ol fitcy 'T cut mu.-f (j.ci during tlio w h'do of ihe creriteeti t rcvi,i- yc.ri, THE PEOPLE'S VEHDiCT, after a ncorc of yen v ilioroiih trtnl I that t lie SEWifiG immt i adfijitcd tu all kinds f w .rk. sevtinr a rea-lily tne Sie-kc-t and ni"-t -'.utiO'.m material ma-terial liDc't m l ni'.-t d' li i'c l l.i' r.c.-; itb a hu b. that I'-r v - nw, i-crlecUyn a:,d durbiliL i.- uii'-u.ilir i. Aepoin pn ini: e.v-h Mt''i: i "e :irc i rintcd in-tructiwn. fu ilin and e --y Ic-m rent-n-s iuQ lL ', a I : iiiu. n iv v-m men d nj'Umi-cr nj'Umi-cr to t ilto it ic.i.'l iv: If-eiri ir iu ti.e ' eiator. it is (el-iu:u d-nv I uri-'ar' -ec:r.g at a K.auco ine i ui (! ti' 1 1 y ! the ila-.-aiLt an 1 cjii.'lctcnci . i ::ic C'jn'trucii'.'n. i'jme 01 ihe AD V . V" TA(-i 1 S i.K TIIK SINGER MACHINES a i:l Simpli.'ity of r'.ii-tru. ti.iu iijerrf-r lo ' UaOiluy lj gel ujI . 1 icj-.tir. Hhnrt. dtrsiirh ti'p lif r li.iMc to bond, brr in i-r a k 1 1 tu ptilch. The shutil i c.rriei: f r ; r ; I n , nj.ir and, tli neoejity of grc.ma the rare .ire thu avoided. Ke.idine with whi-h the nn 't i.irxpor-lenccU i.irxpor-lenccU can sdjojn tho tension of tne tarci 1. Frredmu fr.Mii tor, A'Vr twenty yean , contnt er vico th e mwohuic h vc ncv cr been kuown w wo.ir out. . They are n"iele.. rapi-1 and ea-y in all tbeir luurcoicou. All our m'"hine .ire a U I ''d rut in th'n.Qli riiniiiui nlor.ln romie'e:it hundi', , b;r tifii cry. f 'urtiaer i .icri'i'.re bivo tin tr-.ulU b.ii cm . ui'i-i.--itil.y operate wiib , them m niirr. THE NEW BUTTON-HJLE 1 .V C IT I 2s 10 r? are thi. r-uiirSly r. rt:id will rrrui iill ' that wccUim lur i.'ina. ' MANUFACTURING MACHINES f"r hni y work, are tun wrll kii"wn to neod c niiuieiit. W o a v keep in tvk (h MANUFAC I U.iLNG MACHINES Our itoi-k t tlis sim-er Sc mc M.-'iino? il ery oa ,eit?i r, tit hraiMiitf r ory vnniU nl (i 1 1 1 -1 1 . 1mm (In- ., tlu 1 huie. in-'unl'd on lUek w.ilnul t ilIr. oilv l. t. Ili viitl"-r-Atrlv ln'urlrd 1 . UillP. it i'.i lutiel :tnd t 'lil'iit; c kt in iuit i lt d I'M- k jin ut. ro.-e, wt..d. iir iii;ihi1;:tny highly i i-Ii i. . Kverr M ii id) ii)9 In i n i btl wii b the wuic outidl luriiiliito, im luditig tho uow hi-ui-mir t-rwinj nil ttidlh. iiud RUer mih'. Lri-d.T. Lri-d.T. Y ft tin i itl rc our .M Uliit i to ilo II im in 1 11 ft, nil I ill lio i Kvlllitfii llrni- I 1 1 1 Ul ii it ltinllliifii ?ImkI. Ilullllnfit F'.itt 1i oltlri In k Kint t It Iu t Iti h (JnllinlUK ninl Srlii uu ntaanie t line, II Ii or It It it tit n Imml, nit the rle or In the criitri i Coi (ttti'l'ut U (tt UtilllltiKI Ti litiuiliiKl IttitillitK all m (ill It find KIikU, r ., nr., r( , WE DELIVER MACHINES j TO M.l. I'All l S III.' THIS 1I'V All kind:: of Sowin... iMiicliiiH's llioioiiijily l!i':iin'd on Vv:-mmi:iMc Vv:-mmi:iMc To ins. Ii. ml'.'r llio !:iimn..tl SiCH, 'I'Wtt tloiit d ximiIIi ut 1)n l.nn'r litn-I'ni litn-I'ni Ikhi. I M II. I!. CI.VWSON, Siipl. i THE AVERILL CHEKICAL PAINT COMPANY'S PALMS . Embracing over A 1 1 UN L K ED D I FEE 1 ! EN T SHADES, prepared for iiiiiiiediiite iipplic.tlion and refiuirin' no mixinir, just received - ' and fur title m ihe . ' DRUG DEPARTMENT ;lv . , 1 Wim: ! The ingredients of these Paints are simple and indettraatiblo. Tho nullities nulli-ties with which they recommend themselves are: Chcapne, durability, supe-rioiity supe-rioiity of color, an unusually smooth and glo--y appearance, ie.-ji labor re'iuin-d in laying, no trouble of mixing, wiil stand lire or raiu, and doen not crack or peel off with atmospheric changes, nor chalk off by fiictiyn. They are the test, cheapest, most durable and most popular T'ninrs in use. The AVERILL WHITE PAINT is a 55 INC. PAINT, containing no cad, and is of equal superiority and popularity. BRING ALONG YOUR PAINT-1 CANS ' OPEN AND" PURCHASE CY THE GALLON. 7 A full line 'of Foreign, S)osj septic and Case Liquors. - At the Drug Department, Z. C. M. I. . SC. 15. CSAV80t, Mipt. . D. DAY. ' . V. CULMEK. j DAY &" GU'LMIER,!: "Wholesale und Ketail Uealers in: V DRY GCGQ3, - ' GhfJoER,3, 'A KAF.CWAFiE, . QUEENS ''A R5, j GLASSWAF.E,1 BOOTS, -SHOES, HATS, BLANKETS, OILS, NUTS, &C..&C. V. K J1AKB BEST TEAS! SPECLVLITY. JUST I'.ECEIVEti, A FINE ICT CF DRY G0C33. ' Call unci See tkeiii First Door South of Town Clock Store. do C. II. tUssni. li. 1 II'pjXiN. B1SSETT& HOFFMAN' HARDWARE STORE HEAVY HARDWARE, Iron nml Steel, Stoves and Tin Ware BLACKSMITH TOOLS, A gr 1c ull tiral 1 in plr mr n f k : And Jiinlng Tools, 1 At Lomcni K.tes. UPPU.slTK SALT I.AKK IIOI SF.. ! b. a m. i. BOOT A1TD SHOE ieijirtiiient, At the Sign of the BOOT" Call and Examine our choice Stock of HOME-MADE And Imported BOOTS AND SHOES LADIES' AND GEMUYEN'S SLIPPERS . Uoot? and fc'Loe,- for Ladies, Gt-ntle-ni - u and Children 31 AD TO OJELDEB aau.-?factiyn gijaranteed. Repairing -2 mU-y and Promptly attended to. LTfc E-otiv-.-i a S;.kii'i;d cai-plj of LiHt her. lucl tiding Krc-ucli and German Ger-man all" Skins. Bfdt Morocco, a great variel y of Colored kln, and nil kinl of tpptr, Sole andJ Jlarut&D Leather ; Concord and Ma't iiore Collars. AUoi Full Stock of Shoe Findings. IIII;-;r-: BOUGHT. Call an J see your oM fr:eL(I Crompton Wautnl Inuii'.Jlal'Jy, a jirst-clatt i wiij .Vitelline Ojicrai.'jr, to rork on LiJu.i and G'-nli'Jj'joU and SIms. E.E. CLAWSON Srjpc A FOR SALE, CHEAP. I j FIKST-CLASS sb lilLLI All D TABLES. r;.j-a:rc at tiU Ooe. BENEDICT, HALL & CO., MANT'EACTUKERS AND WHOLESALE DEALERS IN Boots and Shoes, HAVE REMOVED TO o. I'M and i:t( C 15 AIM) STI5EET, Zion'sGooperative Mercantile Institution I'd CITY AND COCYI'KY And the Trade genera Ilj. WHOLESAIT'DRi GOODS! EAGLE EMPORIUPI. WINTER " GOODS! liOiitr Miauh, iXiitnas, ; rsicrv. Muulc Mtauls IBomls. t-lotcs, ( hildrcn hliaivl. M'arl. I laiiiic IIIanKc-, Counterpanes, .Iran. Oissiiucrcs. Iiiase St UOMESriC G30D3 IN FULL S'JPFLY AS USUAL. I!oo(n Mioes, llaldM i s IrclJo. Heii's, r.ovsiiuil chililica's H:i(-. II. B. Clrtwsou, Supt. |