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Show REVERE HOUSE, Late Omaha J'i'-vj,) Will bfircuftcr ho fi'inrJucU' 1 u A FIRST-CLASS HOUSE, In nil lt, ii'i'"iut,niu:)lH, If will lie n:niv;itc mnl rr. furiii''In!'l, iinl U llJiWIIItMMIMWlt. Iltt-Dfl'ltjll to 111 II IIIJirilHlf to in"i re -nf iM.i ttn tin lu Kwre nml Tri' i-n, liio ll'.ii'e will lm !iiilrt' t.i'l plricllVnt) Tilt: Kitrojx nn J'n. ' lio KcrUiti r t OPEN FOR MEAIS AT ANY TIME DUHINO VM DAY, jl7 U. h WIHT I'KMOH K, I'i op. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. To the Public! SKALLD PROPOSALS will be received at Lho oflico of tho County Clerk, Court House, Salt Lake City, till 10 ii.m.. February 1th Saturday nen- for BUILDING A BRIDGuAL'hOS rHEJOnUAN KIVER. near the rcsidenco of James Winchester. South Cottonwood Precinct, on tho new county road from Bis Cottonwood to Bingham Bing-ham Canon. J he Bridge to be built on piles, drovotcn feet below the bed of tho river, with good substantial abutments at each end ; length one hundred and forty feet; width sixteen feet ; eight rows of piles, the outer rows con-stitucinc con-stitucinc a part of the abutments, to have four, tho others three piles in each row, ilrove cqui-diiant, with caps to support the -,trios-pieac3 livo in number. The bridge be at leat two fuel, in the dear, above hich-water mark, with pood, substantial hand railincr, and covered with three-inch plank well spiked down ; the plank and timbers tim-bers to bo red pine ofgood quality, tho string pieces and cups of large size, and tho piles not less than ten inches in diameter at the smallest smal-lest end. The road at each end, eoiue five or six rods in ilie aggregate, to be graded level with tho top f the bridge. The entire structure struc-ture to bo built in a neat, substantial, work-in. work-in. inlikc uKinner.lind completed to tho "Acceptance "Ac-ceptance of the County Court, by the first jlonday in September next, when payment will be madein cash. No bid deemed extravagant or irrespoim- oie win no coiis-iuercu. Byorderoftho County Court, JE. V. EAST, ' county Clerk. CRAFTSMAN'S LIFE 11AM CDMPASY, OF KEW YOUK. 4f-Purely Mutual. Casu System. All Policies Noii-Foifeitablc. Xo Restrictions on Residence nr Travel in any part of the World. All the various forms of Life Endowment, Endow-ment, firm and Joint Policies are issued by this Company. IRA. M. SWARTZ, General Agent for Utah. Office, three dors north of Exchange and Keading Kooms, Main Etreet. CAUTIOX. T HEREBY CAUTION the public against J. negotiating or purchasing tho deeds given to the following named persons for 2u0 feet each in the HEAXuN' LODti, situated in Bingham Cafton. West Mountain Alining I)istrict.as said Deeds were obtained through fraud and misrepresentation, I receiving no compensation for the same. The deed- were made in favor of M.W. Chapin leet.R. C. Tbomaa 2M feet and J. W. Htainburne 1!"0 feet. JOHJI McCASEV: ICE ! ICEI ICE! SALT LAKE ICE COMPANY, Established Jan. 1, lb'Xt Ice delivered daily in all parts nf the city, in any quantity, at rates to suit the time?. J. K. CLAWSO.V, AUEA'T. DEPOT AT Claw3on's leu Cream Saloon, in r e:o vi:i tigs: All p.irtits who have ordered pia. nd those who wish to or ur thriuii-b lut, re re-o.ue.-icd to l.trw.ird 'he am? mil ot lir-t c"t ea-1 as enon . a p"-r ible.to en.i ble ins to make toe ucce.-(?ur arr.iugf menu to h.tve tiiem :tl I -hipped togi-tlivr. They can bo bud b" ttiu morI pig, :iir or 'rio Unat is. boar uud two sows) lrm six to ten wetKs o d. liio Improved (Jit-Of r, a air. Chrt.tr i Co, Vlitlr. to? liuirovfd (' lie kIiI rum, lmprovtU Ui rksilrt, m t. luipovel Kmici, 1'iilicc Albert -ulFolk, j Paul A. x httller, Agent fr L'l.ib T rriwr t.'t V'. II. Kobb A Cj. ai.J L. B. ri! :.-. Jihii WARD Co-operative Store Dealers in Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardware, &c. Pried Pcac licit, Apple, 4tc.t bought and aolil. Flour, Grain, Itran and Short! alvvn on hand. J-i) ThomM Iaiimcr. W. . FIum. , (ieorgw li. iyior, Ueotgo Uu unity CJIA.XJi: OP PIU.M. Thu Pinning Mill, Su-h and !).r Fuo- tory of FOItSOM, llOOXIV Jtl Y tl Co, "Will hereafter do business uii'Ut tb tirm Dimu ot LATIMER, TAYLOR & CO. SASH 8uc on 'i,tn ' an(' un(u i 11 n fl linked panol, moulded, ta.h UUUllJ . door-. Urge nturo iionri, miy tlucknort. ptc or kind, lur- uirilivd to order. WINDOW With ,,,,.,,,,,. FRAMES c """"' FRAMES luullXa,'" d"or"u,i BLINDS 'l"(i')nry mi'l rulliim MOULDINGS .rtt trivos and comb c. CI nnRIMH Tongued and grooved mid iLUUninU .,uiin-nUo ,n band mid forked to ordwr. I I1MRFR 1'1''""1 ""l '' wl,"u'' '" " Planer and Circular Saws Cunning all tlin time. jiimm; DlsTRIC TS upj'lit'l ou h"rt notice, (.ive ut iieiill, oruddicKg hy U'lt)r t'j Lu.x -V-i I.A l lMKIt, TAYMMl A. (. . "lie Hhn'U '! id I'libsinin Ic IDMIMSTJtliOirN NILE, n ilhst;an:i; of t,r(rr i-und from ! 1 tby I'robiiln C o't ol ..i Lnliy Couuty. we. the undotdiKin:d ; l in n il rn tor t . ibn Liio id , imIic w Ciinninii li in, 1 . r j nihil l.ulto Counly 'l- 'o i-!. wiU n II nt I'ul.ho Su e. on tht) nf J''' -unry tirxl, bt)- twet n tho liourp ol I') Jlfjd I'J n .in . ol uid dn y, ut tin H'Hitli Iron I 't'loi nl lio Court, IIliihi', in S ilt, I.'iUn City, nil t !hj pi oiorl y belonging Id dul Jv I ilo. o riiHHliiiK "I 'T H nl liirin-Itiii liirin-Itiii luri'l miimio or c ', Hituuto iii 11 it t (' JJIorkrf li mid I,:. .'J. I,. Citv ,-urvy t,n ,.ti..rv a nior I ;:,i") , t .htm in bivnr ' I ili'i. Im I li U ln-m ln-m r f-i ::'.V.'. .I.n.-.l Nm-cml.cr '.'nd. I!" 7, hi'iiriin; two pur eni. per month interest HI I paid. A rt NNjNtJHAM. .imi V cr, Ft i(. AMUSEMENTS. I ENTERTAINMENTS For the Benefit of the LIBRARY FUND i.f the SALT LALO: ' Exchange and Reading Rooms. Lecturej Music, Readings, Recitations;, Etc. The fourth of the suries will take place :it THE Rooms of the Institution, ON FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 3rd, When the Members snd their friends will meet tor au INAUGURATION BALL On the opening of the new csubliahment. TICKETS, 91 KACH. To odrait a Lady and Gentleman. Can be obtained of the Secretary. Mr. Fabian, or at Messrs. Gould & W oodward a. THEATRE GREAT ATTRACTION! In compliance with the cenoral desire of those who were unable to attend l;lt Saturday Satur-day evening, on acgount of the incletncicy of the weather, will be repeated for POSITIVELY THE LAST TIME, OX Saturday Evening, Feb. 4 The great Nautical Pnuim, entitled fHC L0STSHIP! To conclu'le with tl Laughable F;fC. . entitled THE SPEfRE JRlDEIiROOM! Will tjoon be produced, the preat Spectacular Drama, entitled T1JK ICE AVITC II ! Or, the Frozen Hand, Which ha? been in active preparation over two months. Lonely" Man of the Ocean ! MUSEUM NI MENAGERIE. Half a block west r.f President Vf-uri e rte-idcnco. JOHN W. YOl;, - ! .!. nttve Bcaitk, Ulrri. mid IlriHilca S"uIvcriue.i. Ut- ir-, K',ie?. M',unt.iin Doer. Lynx. Wild CiW. Ac. Iiniortant culttction of Nativ(wM i i . r 1 s : Adiiliiiill, ."it) ts. Clnl.lren, IO 0n erery day except Sunday, from y -tu. to j p.m. KcrdiiiR Time, .'5 . m. J.L. UAIIKOOT, MMr. Z. C. M. S. CARPETS I'UK SPRING FURNISHING! Retail Department AVoeall aLUjntioii tu purlia ra tlmt wo nxo proparud to oili-r special imlucn- innitl. A J'lMU fidn tioil of tho lu-WL'-'t styles of TAPESTRY, BRUSSELS, INGRAIN, At KusUtii Prices. DI TCH CAKI'KT. (Oc. Tor VnrJ. TABLE AND WINDOV DAMASK. DKIXilJKTS I'lil'MIt CLOTHS Sheetings and Quilts. (oitM(i:s am (i it i ( iinip.-i, l''riyo-i :niI Coiil-. C II. 13 Jil 1ST UAIVi 3 1 . ( in ( ) llnlc anil l.niil willi (inc. II. II. I.XAWSON, fii i COAL ! COAL ! UA 1. in nuy , ji , iiuhiiI it v, 1,ir hhIp nl J tUll.d. Iijim.i. r .,,llvcr,,.l in urn l''t l tlmoilv. t'rdorp (,hii lir Ml ,il I )m t im,pi nl i vi, Itniir JI'tii. ,,r ut u. Kirk win, il'n. n,',,iln hull , Latin llinian, IIMIIKU, It H Kll m . PL oil 111 roisKii."H;stt - FAMILY - SEWING MACHINE IS Till! Standard Machine of the World ! Tlie Special Committee appointed to examine and report on Sewing 11 aclilnen at the North Cnrolina State Fair, lie Id at Kaleipli laat week, awarded a Gold lledul tot e Florence Sewing (M aclil ne for the eaxe and quietness of Its movements, pei feet I on and large variet y of work, and Its valuable new features, ma ktnc It the most valuable Sewing Machine for family use. Parties contemplating the pur-chaie pur-chaie of Sewing JfTachtnes are requested re-quested to read the fol owing from the New Torlc "Tribune" of Oct. 19th, 1870: SEWING MACHINES. V'e have recently had occasion to make some inquiries into the prujrres of improvement improve-ment in the mechanUm of sewing machine?, and wero not a little eur'ried to learn thai the central idea in the first invention the rihuttle still holds it place, though many attempts have been made to supercede it. The shuttle, in combination with the needit, t6 e L ill the means ucd to fur in the Etitcn, in the leading machine, and we find that the growth of trade is chietly with the shuttle ufing machine!-. Ihe improvements that are taking firm hoid in practical u;e are, therefor;, necf-'a-rily in CJnnection with the fhuttle. either in tho detail of the shuttle kiclt, oi in other parts of the macinue connected with it. to cattfe tfie whole to operate more perfectly un 1 uniformly, and to simplify it a.-e. M'-iny 1 m j " rt.i r: t jraini in t i? uirection, made ;inco the tir.-t L'reat inveiition. are nn-douhtculy nn-douhtculy einbod.td in the "t lureuc." ma-chi'ie: ma-chi'ie: uji t we ro-.-oUiincLd our re;;dcr to caroiul'y i n - ft t tiic "I'lureiice" be; ure ma-kirn; ma-kirn; a chvn t. i ue p'linia peculiar to tlii ; iiMi-h ine are : A u unu - ual a iii'junt -Ji iii'.-iiey i - -vn' in iDuKtn? the "t'l"ret:ec." lii'jreby ." ecu ring the beet material tc.-l. fir instance, where uthers u.-e c;u-i-ir'jii . ai-d il-e r;c-l tm ?h ol important part 't:ic r.i'.m.e, Pr 'xaiiip!, beuitf rik'idlj rcu .jtci ii it van-fi nn the -tiiLd.trd i-.".'.'(h e-1 an iii-'i!' It i- cn ?trui-td on t be .-impic-t tcieriii'ic priti :ipU;, eniin-ly di'eii-in with thee---. h:;j cam?, j. d lu.i- wiiicli "j u!ti-n pervtr-cy out ut or 1t Hi d ton y j -r i 1 i cu.-y on? bu c i. c ; r.v i C'i u. i:: ' -1 '' their unacuuni-able unacuuni-able Ircak?. Ine "f iiTeuce" i- fU ei;ii lu jiiau!, und it;- uL' k --o readiiy learned, tbat an urdn.ary girl i ten b.u (m.-e and uiu'cle enouh to run it ri.-et ly. I ne loch ti'.eii, a uule ly li.c "t MircL'-t" is very re.-ul.ir an i p- r:vl, t ry n.-iitf &iA elastic, ! nn-l 19 Jr-.wn in'" ): '. ' : tvi-i'.,j. .;ra- ujII ' . ca.ic ly. w it hi ut j i-1 li iti c, au J wi itioui cau.-iiig Uic ! am m .u.- r. or Mi... mug tLe tbrtad eo a.- to i nd-iLtT i". bpaku-; coD-Jcjuvntly, coD-Jcjuvntly, tc; y liije turea is and tig.ii tabnci da be u-ed- Lc-ues t:n.-. tlie ' r'lorejice" (inallbui tho i'i.c.tpc-1 ftjl'-l nl.-o m.iKe itirve JdilioiiRl mt'-nc- d'-uble I"ck, k aiuglo knot mid a U' uo e Kt.oi whi'.harc struu.rr -lid ui.'TC e.A-tic u,ia atiy ttitr (tilch. av. l k!v, ti arc i;.a ic 1 y no i t Lcr ma-cniue. ma-cniue. 1 n ' t Pircace" i.- the ur.iy lui'.'h tie lht h3 fcvcr.-i"o evd, wmreoy toe di-rcrtioD di-rcrtioD of trie 5cii.K cm ic ii.-tjntij cbaiigp-1 witb-ut fi.pii:jit t'e wi.rK, inir eno.tng the operator lo j itlt ft eiauroucr un unu-ual t.i;uit , t" .-e f bu.,ri anii ea- i ly M re iii ; t: en a e..n w:u:rvcr l -ircd. nii. finally. ! a tew ri'l'eattil utitcuet, te !-. icq cud tu I'.c 'luiiM'-i an j Lrupgoi y. It is the ouly ti. .wiuiip ttiat ha ir,l-a.ljust.Og ir,l-a.ljust.Og rhutlic-lhieatl ttiion, woicb works co per I c j t i y tnat me oi erdlr can run cro. the co l -l i'a:iis an4 jew ibe Onwi unen and the tln.-lf't br"0i-lith in immediate imme-diate ui-c4M'-n witnoni brekit.ii tiieturcaa and wnhout ch ir;U)i tho noeUlr, ttitcb oi tniMon. Ihe "KUrcrn-c" i :.n tti e thread ntythcl"lb wub unr.jjaic-l preoiion and cerLaiT'tr, oy uu :i ol ingenious auto-oiAtic auto-oiAtic "t-ifce-up" waeoi, winch du-po.-e ot iLo Urk thread !.-'"! r the:iteb witb a aoeurate prom rtne-s that prevent d foan-iu foan-iu or droi...i.ii oi fiitcbe.-, and allow? tht pcrat'-r to ,e b.u K.rd. or to run ofl th cloth and on avsiu. wnti 'erlK'l impunnj. It ha hq niipruvfl ri.u-no betutne-r, ciclu ivclj ita oo. whirh i. manured with easa, and will uikc a bmi of any width od any material It not only iii.tko a prrlcct gathai and owi it tc a baud a! out operation, but it hc!U, and hind-, avi l'-mid iUilt5, anc cord-, hi, j t u.K , and tl iir, au J braid, without Pw.-tllK. ueb ! e.'i.ll prwion u uia le at'.i n-l injurious wear t ti tt t : i o "Klor ciieo"i5 i' I. u tu I'd and nii.irmiicM by tlieCom puny lo I .it twice At un witiiout repair a any ot her li in t la uiolnnc iu 1)9 uiMrkct i! ho ni tlio 1 1 k ii ' e - d . Mi.' ii It . Kvery par ol the "Kliirrui'p"' 15 m prlivlly and permanently perma-nently adjuMoil, and it Ii.ib .t u w joint-" atu I'oltiU ol li K'!.":u that 1 run? witL tliOUt-ttioi tliOUt-ttioi c.:c. I lie tue 'le I" et an-i threaded. hhJ t.'ie fti; ti i leniiihenel. nhtirlt'iied, " or M'r;-?i t with Ilio Ul-uiot Ul-uiot i .i-K. I it umi.i: trie "i ! ren. o" neither tho w o i k ner the oi 'rai r ilii-- u liuidc t. ba aoiled. liio "i iorMee" tilth ail tbe 0 wi in. to mi it nority, I i at the name pne tu ottirr first -ottii uiacbinrn. lhria advan UikT." ; liil'cralily in inaiinla lure. Nun .u'py ot eon rm-l nn; r iUMlily ut manufc'ciiiriit. Variety ot M ti he-; KvvorMMe lei.l; eli-ttii.iutiiw teniof; futoutat ic tak e-u p: Vt i.nou Hi;ainrt wear; 1'erlivl mid pirinuneut adjust hi ent ; Ka.-y reiiu iitiou ol ncedlo and ft 1 1 v" Ii ; ('lea n 1 1 lie.- an I eki a i ih'-; The beamy mid huh litii"h "I the ni:ichin; iMtike the "r'loreneo," uiodein t rly fprak-jiii;. fprak-jiii;. ii iiiaehine whieb to bo valued, liccdf but to l.e trie. I. 'o Un.il e.in tiiloid n be without a fow-iim fow-iim inai biuo, aad e h i-o (h it beliTo lonr ne may te Inu ud w bei c er " flip Tribune f Wt'leoiiu'. TO THE LADIES Or Null I, nke t'lly. mnl (hrotiHli. tiiil lit Trnllni h f I uli, I dn hit. ,! in m ii n n ut V y out t ii , o evU tul ii onli:il iiivihuiMi lo ihII nl our ollu o, iii'ol rxttmitio lho l-'lorotuo J''niiiily Sdwiiii .MaidiiiM', w hi'tlipr ilo f ' i 1 1 i ti vr iminotli'Lio juirt li' it not; it n our lui'.mo'-M tunl ivIohmmo li poliit rli'O OMUIUMMl i Ml Him I'i'lllpAl 'isoii. Wo I liuvo en luhiltiliuii, in ordor tlio nior pntily lookpliiin (tuiiiU id' dillortMK'o, in wlih'h wo pl.'uiii miHn iorily, tho in h-i h-i liiiioi id iinuu.i in U i t s, iiudipluix (irvorV H.thoi-, in?;oi- iind Wlnndrr V Wilson. In innkini sip-li potujtKri-.-'Mi, ii utiliiir iiiIvhh1jiv;o will bo tnUon id rivul niurhino'i, Init on tlioponlrHry th oy w ill lo Uopl liy i i'imiu'lotil iu idiini.-t in ll.o ii.- i of running onlur, (snino d I lioin i o.piii i ,ti ;oim! tin pnm-noor pnm-noor n it li'poiui'ln w) CI! A3. S. HAMMLR, Jplriil AieM, HA I.i' l.AKI'i CITV, U'lH. T.'E W." TAYLOR Have Ju.-t Kccoivol a lot of Dobbin's Electric AND Toilet Soaps ! DUNFORD & SONS Have Jast EecciveJ a Large anJ 'aried Stock of BOOTS AND SHOES! LADIES', MISSES' A-D CIIILDREX'S SHOES In every Style and at prices that cannot fail to suit. . ALSO A LARGE ASSORTMENT OK CScnls' stud YoulhV Uools siuil Shoes. We would also call attention to our Large and Fashionable StocV of Men's, Boj's' and Children's Wear, all of which we will sell at RAILROAD TBIES PRICES ! i21 Give Us , Call. w VELLS, FAFCO'3 IS NEAR w "b 1 X o O a p IV SI SS3NISn3 JO 3LjN30 3H1 ji CONTINENTAL Life Insurance Comp'y, OF JsK"V YOUK. a S 5 i p s I i e 8 till feiHi" I gi : : m m i CO 7. . -K r O- Tlif culii e Profits of the (.'omruiiy arx' dis:ributoJ annuu'ly amoDC th; Policy Holders, upon the contribution plan. All Polirie on-fi feilable, aewrding t.i the cxi'ressed terms contained con-tained in each l'oliey. Xo Kfr Preiiiium for travel or foreign re-idene-;. riiirty tlar crare alloeil on th? payment of premiums, and the policy held p,od during ihat time. Policies luroiitotible for the cu-t m.i:y re.i-on Ktoiiomy iii Maiinsriiiont. Osily one other New York i-ompssy .-howitii: as low a rate of expenses to iueotue. Cart-ful srlot'f ion of it rik. n ioiMtel by the exceedingly smill mortality of its iiieiuli'rs. Policy Holders have a voice in f lie Klectioiu and Minisremest of the company. Assets, January 1st, 1871. over Five Millions. NORTIIWKSTKKN I)1''AHTMHNT ; OI-T1CK. No. vi. L. SALLK STKKKT. CHICAGO- .'. T. LuK'H0on. .... .VAXAGl'S .1. B. DAVIS. - - XCIT. OF AtiEXClt'S JOHN B.' MA! B E N , General Agent for Utah. OH'ut al WoiKlinansoe and Ilro's, Salt Lake (ii). Mkhioai. Enamim;hs W. F. Anders mi, M D., F. P. l?enediet. M.P. u'l'oo'e Agtnt Wunlid thr,iuili,Kt the j'V r.'forjf. J 1 Zioii's Co-operative Mercantile Inst'n WHOLESALE AND BETAI1 GROCERY AND HARDWARE DEPARTMENT, i:i,DK i:ix;i: x ( i aw nox ih iumxi.s Vott eiiii lind at this IVparlmciit of .. C. M. 1. a Ivnor i-V ol LAMPS, CROCKERY, HARDWARE, STOVES, mim. tools, hlastim; vou dkk. M;ip ami I jntu y (irm t rics And e:i'i Get More tor your Money and Orders tin" you can at any other House in Utah. II. H. M..UVM. M'l1'' |