OCR Text |
Show Arrivalaud Cloiusof.naiI. . ARRIVALS. . k-rui coJiity, da;.y, . , eammit-ni W a comb lies, 'J; Maro Montana, Oregon and an- J'ft ,u Monday and Tlmr.. ; " Bi.iicoun'.), Inonday, rth7,limo", and all inl.rniwh.te offlcf., oi,?a?.ud Tndy, Ttiur. at, coani,, lu-dv .ud fc.- jLrneM ar.d Odar Vallej, Friday ,110X1 pJU. CLUoLNQ. -.i-Throiigb mail, daily, 8 Pm- ' L-Wleu. Morgan county, Kcho Or, and atcb, daily, juiiuit and Waaaun conntiw, Thura- d.y, 9 -.-v-Califorulm and Kerada, Throngli mail daily, . . l M UxilKett Jordan and Hemman, Tliurda, 6:du -m' Tooele olcktOD and Grantarllle, Monday, Mon-day, Wadnwday and Friday, 5:30 " lT.-hI.lalio, -Montana, Washington and Oreou, daily, 1:11 p.m. UxZl L" and Weber countiea, daily, .y:,j0 " ii,x aider county, daily, 1:0 Caen, county, Wednooday b4 Batnr-dy, Batnr-dy, X'1 Kicn county, Wedneaday, 1:11 itn Fillmore, and ail intermediate office, daily, exceol Sunday, 7:30 a.m. til.ueorfl and Arizoua,lIonday, ednert-day ednert-day and Knday, , , 13" !! Ijanueu, county, Monday 4 Friday, ,:M Fairneld and Cedar V y, rt edneaday, 1 :30 " OFFICK 110 UBS. General Belifery open from 8 a.m. to t y.m. Sunday, VI to 1 p.m. Money Order and BegMtry Department open torn a.m. to 4 p.m. Ouulde doer open from 6 a.m. to 9 p.m. J. 51. M'XJRE, Poalinaoter. Poit OiBce, Salt Lake City, Uth. MEDICAL. I JL. HE IN XZ DIC r, SURGEON AND PHYSICIAN. 'llli'.'e at Redi'Ience, rear of Seventies Hall. 1 V. J A.M).E11M)A', M. IX, SURGEON AND PHYSICIAN, ijOu 0 ut K'-rtidciico, 111 tlio Tim tuc-utb Ward. . i DR. 0. C. 0 RMS BY, rilVSlCIAN, .SURGEON AND DKL'GUI.-iT, .11 UKItill.V.ll CITV, UTAH. . . J LEGAL M. Kirkpatrick. S.A.Mann KIRKPATRICK & MANN, Attorucy t-Lu v, Okfick First South St., r'lmrth door ea-it of Hooper, KlUredKe A li Od.'s liana. Z. SNOW. E. D. IIOUE. SXOW & HOUK, Attorneys, and Counselors at Law Salt Lake City, Uwh. Office at Snow'a corner, 1st Kast St. HOTELS. Townsend House, SALT MKS CITV. THE LEADING HOTEL IN UTAH. JA.MI.S TOWMSKXD, j 1 1 Piroprictor. Salt Lake House, EAST TEMPLE ST1VEET, S A I , T la A K U O I T Y. 1'U.DKM 4. LAWREJICE, Frop'ri. 11 BANKERS. r I U ST , AT I OS A I, li K OF UTAH. it iac City, Utah Tor. w- It. 1I.VH r, It. IS. EMrvI.t, L. S. It'll. MtH)pi-, KMnairr ,v Co., BANKERS. ast Tkmi'le Sr., Salt Lakb CtTV, J'ust, Coin, Kxrhun-o, Land Will rants, Elo. C-'lt. ctiona uu.ltf aud prvuii tly r-iuitti d. I'OKKEsroN ikts i t C-..Nw Y.-ik: lt.uk ..HV.!i;..rui.i. Sau tint ...., u,k, i-hc : tv B..k. St. '., Nau. nal It..k. "aaa; J. Morgan j LouJou. iulo TAFT it, SMEtTON, As5a,ycrs, "D CENERftU MiNINC .CENTS, oruiu CITY, KAST CAN ox, v.: T A H. I'To in; 11 xxotexj KAST CAXOS, t. r.u. JOH DIKE, l'.oinlctoi-. tiv.t !vx'mni''.l.ti.'ii: i, n-'Vtva l t itio; an i ' f alvacbwl. ri it. s ,a-uil i,.. WliJIj VJIGGIKTG. WILLIAM F. CALTON, pXPKRIESCKU WKLL-PIOOKU ,,n. lj H.Kk and tro fouth of Ufa Ward cooot-llousc, will d, Wellf to order on th, '1 nr;t notice and in fau factory ?tyl. CALIFORNIA TRACE, Co-Partne.-ship Notice. Mr. John Dixiii Lnvir.j,' retired frrn the ur in of T-ij-ji. L:ion i Lj-. -i-.a, tn? r .-m .-m :,i n inn inTnbf-r. wi ; h , f1- - r-. a :u utrl J. Pomny. J..hu ;ri:Tin aL-J Koo .rt D:x..a.i!l CQDliDue the b'l-ine-- a: ihe mI J -;;t:.-i, uiicr the name "Tobm, I'aivi-gon x tu.'' TOBIX, UiXOX Jl DAVISSOX. San FrancUco. Jan. 2. 171. In Ciillin? yijur a.t.en:i'--n to ihe dV.'e, wo beg leave to than--: ujr fr eoas f r thy ioeral patronage teftowed on tae M tir u f r tbe piwt twenty one year-, aai hoi.e :o f;i-vrjre-J win an in-jreed hare oi theiv ba-i-ne fur the future A e heretofoe we Fhallcontirj'aP 'o t'et nur ?tO''k irom the MiQuia-;tur':r in Kuropeai d in the Eate-n raarsei?, and with inore--ei luci'itiei will be nrei'arxi at ail limec thovr h lare aad attrajii .'e unfe ci'nvW and desirable Woods at the 1 .we-t rate-. Vtry respectfully, Youri, TOB1.V, DAVIDSON" Oc CO., j-- Corner of -Su ter and san-ome St---. TOBIfj, davis&o:j & CO., IMPORTERS OF AMERICA-V, ESCLISH, FREXCH AID GKKMA.V FANCY GOODS, jSmall Wares. Podcct CuOcnj, Perfumery, Yankee Xutiuns, Stationery, Prt-s Trimmings, White Lroods, MiUmery Uooils, Hosiery, Linen JPdhchfo, Gents Puruishiiiy O'oo'is, Etc. Cor. Sutttr and Sausome St., SAN FSANCISCO. j-3 The American Submerged XT 3VI 22P IS THE SIMPLEST AND M'iST DtSi83LE PUMP IN THE MARKET, Being composed of but 'x part., all of which arc metal. In cid climated it i' e-p.-ci illy valuable, as when not in u-e no wa er re-uiaiDi re-uiaiDi in the pii'C, rendorinc it i:'jn-frecriuy. Orders adtiressed tu the Pacific Pump Manufact'g Co.-, 'SLH Pme St., Sun KraiiLlsco. Cal. Will rci'civu in-itii-t nt'.-.ntitjii, s y. x i i o i: . c i r. c l'lak, j,i7 James Oti?. W. A. MaconJray. F. W. M;icondr.iy. MACONDRAY C Co., mum & immm .1IEIK I1A.V I S, IMPORTERS OF i-HiNA AND JAPAN TEAS Anil all rle.--cril'tionrf of EAST INDIA PliOD V C E, SAX FRAXC1SCO, - - t'Al.. A. J. GRIFFITH, Dealer id zf all binds of PICKIiED SMOKED SALMON AND HERRINGS, 13 Wnshliiglon Street, Below Dvis. SA" FR NCISC0, All kintln of Dried, Smoked and Pickkd h'ish cousUuily on baud. CHENERY, SOUTHER & CO., Importers and Jobbers of all the varieties of FOHE1G.N ANO DOMESTIC WINES AND LIQUORS, Wh'.eh wo offer forsalo to the t iole 111 rt.-ih, ;,t low rn'o in eTi-linntfe lor AriOAI. CUKHKXCV "cash .lown" or approved oredit. 311 Clay Street, Snn Francisco, - - California j.vl WILMERDIM3 & KuL3GS, Importers and Jobbers of Wines and Liquors, li & ilii FKONT STKEET, SA. KKA.XCISCO. J.iujo. tfpnian..., Joliu Sl"U.iiK0, CO. Chapiiian. J. & J. SPiiUANCE, lioivrt.-rs .uvl Wh..l,Mi IV..l.T5io WIRES AHU LIQUORS, 113 Front Street. SAN FRANCISCO, CAL1FUKNIA. REDISBTfll JEETKH Si 11 luip.Ttors ,,n I Jobler -t KOHKKiV Al UOJIKSTlf Fine F.ritll Otl. C. (loots, Scr.l.. Klonrr.. ,.o.ic.. kl.ia. P.ina.lr.i at" And all ot'u.T Jitir't 1 Wholtw.iloaud Kct.ul l;-c La-in. --. Conjt.intlv in r.-oo:i 1. l.y :r t 1 u t ,tt of htir. re.iu and A.m it. o pio..ut . lixclusivo A-C!i: !".t -tio-s-iA-r. llO.-tOtt.T's liitt.'l S. lr.ie' l"...:r. .ti.-n I.i.t Woil's Newell't f u. in. 'i..' y .-j.:,'. And all the l.-...it-a- Vrrn-yrr M. i, . c-both c-both Aiiicr-.o.in and t.-r. io.j. Orders Promptly an i CireUlly Euui. No. J'iK 5 31 Jlre Mrrrt. lielecn E'.rt and c..ol. SAN FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA. J.c. nritiuM. v . COMMISSION MERCHANTS "01 and JOrt Call for nl s-. Sau Fr.ncLco, - - c a 1 1 torn I a. VartkuUr surntiou nil to the 5.,;": 'I orders lor emy detoription ot merchandt.-. p'.d 9al of Ore,, Ac, Ac 'NORTHWESTERN Mutual Life Insurance Co. JOHN" II. VAN DYK ft. President. liEBfcaR ."MI Hi, - Vice-President. AUG. UAYLOR, Secretary. Home Office, Broadway, cor. of Wln-coiiftlu Wln-coiiftlu aSt.t Jiilwaukee, i. Dr. S. ts. WALLIUAN General Auent Rocky Mountain Distri t Coiuradu, Wyoming. L'nih and New Alex ico. PETER G. FERGUSON, Agent for Utah. Ofllce In Hooper. Kldredge t Co.'s irnnk. J. JONASON, Agent for ?alt Lake City, TRAVELER'S INSURANCE. COMPANY, OF HARTFORD, CUWECTICCT. Insure against Accidents causing Death or totally Disabling Injury, PETER G. FERGUSON, A!, KM. Office al Hooper, Kldredge A; C'.'s Bank. d'.':: I 500 MEN i Pi; i; ill I" m eiiJM yt:d in Ik(1L : h"ju?e-. r:irl;c b-L-ro pur ha- rilig show.d ChU He ,F. LITTLE'S : LUMBER YARD Our Hlix-k ;i-t f I In titre. ' Fine Stock cf Eiiiluing Lun'.Ssr. '. G o 1 .- ' -. ' ... : ' Lrh-. - "' ; - 1 -) Otliri I'rt, . .ierirtloBr. i CITY LIQ J3S STORE, ; Lit; v - j . Wliclt -mIc nutl U I. til. ; LIQUORS A NO WINKS. At L .: t- - I'eROESBKCK'sl BfRDHol, ;7 i.M T.pl nr.... H. T. HELMBOLD'S preSatms 'H-iglil Conccu.Lra.tcd COMPOl .ND FLl'lD EXTRACT BUGHU, ue B.ajier. K.iLey?. iirvel jmJ Tbi meii -ine increp' the powers of di-recUoB, di-recUoB, -d excites the sDiirOenti into betatLy ac'Lit'D. by which the mailer of cai-carrou- depoiiti' n. and aii unnatural en- .anreuienLa are rtMc coo. weii as p.n and intiimm-.tK'n. and is gu-d Kr men, women si-d cnudreu. H H. T. H LV3 'tD'S tXTRACT BJIHU F--r we:ikne5 ariine from eices?ee. habits of di?'.i ati-n. early inaUcretion, a'xecdea wiLil Uie luiiowiins eyitpioiii: Indii'Oiitio: to Exertion, Lis uf Pwer. 1'i'jieuity vi BreiaiLiLi, L ei oi Memury. Horror or DiM-ae, M'nse:'uic;. I Ditnnee o: Vision. Paid in trie Bark.. Fills-Ding uf the iJ'.'iy. 11. t Hund.-;, ErapTi'-n? of the Face, eaS Nerves Dryness of the -Ktn, Treiuuiing. Pa'iid CvUiitenaDCe, Latitude. Ui" the Jdiicuiax iy teiii. Tlie.-e fymj'toui, ;f allowed to gy on. (watch t ai- medicine invanaoly removes) soon toll-'W Fatuity, iit-ilepuc Fiu, Ac., in une ot" whica tue i-tient may exp.re. Who can ?ay i hey are put I'reo uently followed fol-lowed by those "a.relul diseases,-" liisaivlt " M.u(t Co 11 sum pi io n ! E Many are aware uf the cause of their suffering, suffer-ing, but nunc will c-'Ui-??. The records of the insane a-yium ani the mrlanch-ily deaths by euiiMimptioti bear am-le wnnecs to the truth oi tne assertion. The ContiLutitm, once ajtvlpd by organic weakneoas, routriis its e aid of medicine to p.rengthen ayd ir.vigor.ue the y;ic-:n, which 11. i. Hi.LMU.Li EXTRACT OF LL CliC invariably doei. A trial will convince the moat ficej'tical. In many atitotioric j.eculiar to 1 eniules.the EXTRACT liUCHU is uoe-iualed by any v i her remedy, atii' tor ail Co ui plain la tuviden t to the ;ex, or in the DEC'LIAE OH CH.WGK OK 1.1KK, L sV-Ml'loMs AJtOVi.. No Faiuilv should be without it. Take in Balsati.. Murcury, or unpleasant ui'-diL'itie fur unpleaant and dangerous dis-I dis-I sae?. ' 11. T. HeliuboM's Extract of BucHn AND IMPROVED ROSE WASH Cure.- Secret Lit? en? e? i" ill their ftage.1 at little expente. little or no change of diet, no inconvenience, and no exposure. Use Helmbold;s Extract Buchu For al 1 aflV'Tinne and diFeji-es1 of lb pre orjrn wliethi-r existing iu or Female, trui whatever cause origin-itine, and no mj.Hcr huw long standing. ivsea es ot thee organs rt-tjuire the aid o, a diuretic. i II. T. Ilelrabold'a Extract of Buchu IS THE GREAT DURKT1C. And it is certain to have the desired effect in all diseases for which it ie recommended. B BLOOD! BLUODl BLOODI . -. M KIjMUOLiD'S Highly Concentrated Compound Fluid Extract Sarsaparilla, For purifyintr the Blood, removing -ill chronic chro-nic constitutional diseases arising from an impure etaie of the Blxd, and the only reliable and effectual known remedy fofthe cure ol sL-rr.iula. roald Head, Snit Rheum, P-(in( and Swellings of the B nes. L'loera-ti.'iri L'loera-ti.'iri of the 1 hmat and Legs, Bl"t.'her, Pimples Pim-ples on the Face. Tetter, Erysipelas, and all scaiy EruptioiiB of the Skin, And Beautifying: the Complexion. Two table.- ponnpful of the Extra"t f Sarsaparilla Sar-saparilla ad tied to a pint oi water tu qu-J u t-ie Li.-boti Diet Drink, and one bottleful t fullv e.ual to a gallon of the Symp of Sarsaparilla, Sarsa-parilla, or the decoction as actually mad. O II. T. IIKLM HOLD'S HOK W ASH, An X''fl!"nt Lr-tin f"r disfi'es wri-ing from hmiiis of di-. pHtion, uel in cunow ti'.n with the Eitracis Bufbu and arrap-r arrap-r 11a, in Mi'-b di-r'a.-es as re-.1" m meno t-a. 1- . iii nt i h c ui' st rsn-m! hi e aid r. i.rne ii,it.i icr vO in m.iijiIi,v IT19 ;u-ui'-ine. A ik" s i-1 j v 1 1 r r i c? ffir n-t, with Bin- ,KS''ir : i ' - v is I; viug w ; ri"--'-:, a hi u 1 1 w.irit - ot ;. unol tcii -er' ifi J '.!" and ri- ii. fi. i 1 ""V u-t: er. ninny of a are .;n ,, i- , lt.-:. -'.jr'. ifi-i ii iing eaiii; l'h v -i.'twns. tjn-rgvmen. -u,n, T'ie Propri'-i'T h w cfv-r ro- ribl fi ifceir fobii-r.iti'.c fobii-r.iti'.c ii 'u u' - p-t i t ; dee D"t do . .ii t-.f n"l that bit arii' le rank a u - i Pr i n-Hti in-. uJ a-j not tje-d to , t- i M t- i . , (je. I i K e it e l-'T,z C" r. -". ' J c' h i -. ii t-. . pure, iu ,,'.- nc, tj , . ,i.fc i i t ; ' u- i.-. lui ; t 1 q . t j nlr. ar.ii I ru' b al d ( r iu C;i; al. L ' y E t ra'-p'irt.la l a hi -. l'un-:ier: l'un-:ier: mv Lnu-i i, , a a Inurtti'.. ; r-r ; . ' ' ' , . - 4 T "1 H ' B t X r-' aO U :il..,-n (m. ff ,- I-,: fit'i f- u h ) . A -H.l ; h: i r iMj-ntnl w I le a c i T -ri-- l 1 ' L " j" i-r rt a .".0 ih ? it . 'f'Jj IS "' j - h ' "r - ' y V ' " -i S t ' i' - i r JiEfc'.iat.e wurii "T trm .'-a-t"- f n - . j -- t ibt "t.,-hieal ui i' - v - . : . ru.-.' Im-- t a'- t.r it - ; ! ' . j J'r- --.r n:. V -i , i j ; : : r. '-.' : i-- i ! t , , . L . :. :, .. ia- ! U i I"-', "v", ' ..'?..-..- ;-.V :.t."-1 , r r hli., ni t.i , i. 1 ' : -'.''i" Ia- - ' r .-; iit Ua.n-l wrki t D 1 v 'l T'-l. l ' ' ; ' r-L. I .I, , :. ..',...-, , r. t , ,.L II T. IIH.1 BOLD. i oL.a.,t. i . v : Li 'll.T.ll.lmbnld . 'IB, .a. tbial.tl 11 T . M . Irr. ..!. I . .1 i. .1 I, lOt, j ..ill I I I. M , ' 1 1 aal , t,.k law ! B'are of CoDtrfta ! I takl no ui tti-it : ' Truckee Q SALT LAKE LUMBER YARD. Hair-IMork South I . C Depot. D. W. PARKH'JRST, T J'r -t-n'-t'i. CALIFORNIA TRADE. N ATI YE WIVES aN ITb R aX DIES M. KKLLKR & CO., CVvrar of Kf ier and Va?i;.r.:T.vt S:w:. Saa Francltr, ... i aliii.ri.1. Anrrltca Wtue, Kl.lor.K inr, hit " Madnra Prt i u r Ktttrr, Sherry tra Kii.l. AUtHir Vaw (Hi.: R-aid gjrK;.lp1 ir-..-t ,'i;:t a:i.'. otr i!.r- - . M-!rt UIp 0.r;v-:-- ? vP it i-rofca uir .nt:ii::i.-'tv, iTvi r a 1 , , , D. H. rwn, a:-.! t-.v-'v A C . , k , i. : . l,; wirw tor kaiiv. KKtlAKO i.lIUP, l Aja-W-l. tM t'.,), rv P. Ro.arn. J a. M.vrhe...i. S. P. HOLDEN L Ci'.. FOREIGN li'uYiioons, Linens, Dress Goods Hosiery, ic, JS A W S A N SO M K ST., SIX Kll I.NCISCO, Lt'ndon : Lfr.ienhail m.. IvC MURPHY.GSASTitfl. i..' Flt.V.CIs.t-. I'lLIKllttMl, Call att.uUv.D u. tb.ir Ut .ud a ra ar. I t. tt Dress Goods (mp i-it K FRENCH PLAID PCFLINS, Emiivoi Cloth-. Tiimi-i' Cloth, Iu All ( al.il., FRENCH AND ENGLISH ML'RINOES, wto. uyo, lire A,, i, lll In,.. ..I 110 S 1 li R Y, V l.ile ,otl, Linen-. TABLE DAMASKS, NAPKINS, To v i im-. cat-.. All ot a hich tiny ort.-i m th.- Lw.-H in hi t-rt i M,.. Leather and Saddlery Warehouse. MAIN & WINCHESTER, 2U & al(i HAITI'. I! V M'KKI'.T, SAN FRANCIhCO, Oder Ui th. tra'l, ill hall L.Ufl ,'1,1 vi. u, ty LltATIIFK, i.r .11 klnrta, HAH l .. 4L.I Oil I A. ,IH.M. . I MI.L A It s, V II I I'M, And . .t'ti.ral .-Miitni.nt .. ItSDlERT OnoO T N W Y ip KiCI. a5 h.nd ..r t'alal". v i -I I'm. '- i WEIL & CO., l m n it t k h r Cigars and Tobacco PrniHl"ir .,f i ) HAVANA CI'MK a, A V I K A ' ' I ' ' b i , 3 nti '4' t- mill at., Sonihwact i-nrner V mnt A rM'i,,i n, !m , A tw nt vmciHCo. EINSTEIN BR3i, & 03., I Ui njr lrr "ltd M atiu lift y i pip i( BOOTS AND SHOES 113, Ma, ind 117 Tin Miii, S N J llAM'IM i l. V t W"H id 1" la. i y . . I Win m i r, 1 1 i "I the 7 ra'is l'i v ii r CAUf ORHIA MADE iiUJDSl klrh Oi I ' I 'I ' r. .,.! ... ii.- ..- J. I- I IIIMM. A I ., COMMISSION f.Ua.HA'-. rs ft1 i Imy a h iim UIAIKHII t OHfuO rmilX t ., Ar--mm ,.,, ... -I - l-'l. .!. I. Itln h, '.f ."ir mi.', f BRITTAN, H0LBR03K & CD i .... ... Stoves uC Hais, SHEETIP.CN &TIM PLM, t u r, a . t I , t1 , U In, I VI ,, j !- 1 t( I Ii J i j ,n. I XI M UK' .04Hn, j M O U UWiaMio HLMr, j a.r..l.ra- i.. ,.' , , . i. ',; . . i Bm. Ill III 1 1 fn i .i in H j r j i a ik im . i 1 . J N i i.A .' i ,i .. i, . , (, I I W'i' A Jl l,i mi ii ,ri taf ! CASTLE ftfOIHc III'O III'; I ; j ! WJIULKSALK G;0M.i;-, HI III ,,,, Ml.,1 r. ll.o'l... . . '.nt.,,,,!.. |