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Show STOCKTON, AN 1 1 East Canon. r- i i i -niiMniam J'Otnt-IHtltSK tuMll -; HVKUV DA Y FHOM AM) TO SALT LAKE CITY. To nmot. the (cr'ininr trn-vrl n will put mi a DOUBLE LINE OF STAGES ITrory n'fTiiiiio tint; runniliit tlio roiuUr tfan un "ft l.v, Irnve "nil, l,nha Ilnuae, all I,nk ( II) nix! 1'loitrtr Hot I, Ophir ( II)', Kvftry Morning, mi 7 o'i Inrk, H, , JUDD & CO. i AMUSEMENTS. THEATRE IMMENSE ATTRACTION! Saturday Evening, Feb. 18, ITiU b repeated, the - Great .Spectacular RomaHce, entitled tke I ICE WIKH ! OR TAB FROZEN IIATVli, A TALE OF ENCHANTMENT. New and Gorgeoie Stenry, br Mr. Alfred Lambtrn. Complicated Ma.-,bii--ry, by Mr. Peter Roid and weistants. Magnificent A ppointnienti, by Mr. EI. Baker and assistanta. New and Beatitifa' Mo5ie. by rof. Uoezley and Orehtstr. Grand Transformation Scene HOUR Of THT5 SW GOD IS THE REALMS OF BLISS. Paj-mlc Fnnlnn, 3Ir. Mat Williams Porforaance to eomimenee with . AN EXCITIINGr DRAMA! Lonely JIaa f the Ocean ! MUSEUM AND MENAGERIE. Half a block west of f resident Toant'i JOHN W. YOUAG, - Prop. Native Beasts, Birds and Reptllea Welrarinee, Bean, Fores, Mountain Deer, Lynx, Wild Cats, te- Important collection of Natire Minerals; Admission, BO cib. Children, 10 " Opn rery day aKept anday, from 9 a.n. to 6 p Feedioi Tire, Z p. m. J. L. BARFOOT, Manaffar. deeti miiTiwrml BISCUIT BAKERS, And manufacturer! of 84a, Boston, Butts r. Pic PU, Sag ar, Milk, aud r.a Uiaile Jnnv Lind Cake, Gntr Snappi, Pilot Iirtad, Saloon Pilot, Bread, .Etc. Tfc wt Crrkr r hftk-5 frmh duty, and I.- of tb vary bo t daacn '!:. All mnlj oa.l in thair mi no act ura ua f Ilia t qainir Bakery K 10 and I 4 M 'aaloa At., m4 1Ul Diirimint Mr ft 9 If FRAX CISCO RAILROAD SHOPS. i HOPPER i CO,, SacDnj SjJlh Street, Half Dlark fmt Rf f trf llnnsr, t SALT LAKE CITY. WACOM ii " , CARRIAGE WOItli, Of all Descriptions. HARNESS Mnric mid Krpnirrri. BLACKSMITHING ' Of nil Mud. CARRIAGE PAINTING TlllilllM. . it'MTr.u. K n. ZAnitimr IM CALIFGBMU TRADE., James Otis. ' W. A. Macondray. F- W. Macondray. MACONDRAY & Co., mmm cohhissioi MERCHANTS, IMPORTER OF bHiNA AND JAPAN TEA - .' And all decription. ef EAST INDIA PRODUCJR. SO FRA.XCISCO, - - CAL. 7 ..... CASTLE BROTHERS, X X O 3rS.M? E5 WHOLESALE GROCERS, 13 and S 16 Front Rtrrat, Satt FraucUco, - - California, nl CHENERY, SOUTHER & CO, Importers and Jobberi of all th rariotiw of FOKE1GX AND DOnKSTIC WINES AND LIQUORS, Wh'.ch we offer for mJe to the t t'le in Hfah, at low rn'r- in exchaneo for NATIONAL CUltltK S CY "cash down" or appro red credit, 811 Clay Street. San Francisco, - - California James Spmanct, John ?pmnc, C. C. Chapman. J. & J. SPRUANCE, , Importers and Who anal e Dealcri ia -WINES AHD-LIQUORS, 415 Front Street, SAN FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA. j . MURPHY,SRAHT&CQ, Importers of American and European Fnncy and Staple DRY GOODS. SAX FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA, Ii'r to call 111 e uttcntt- f)flhTrele thtir Urpe htiiI vnrifd .'nek. '-omi,riiinf oomplete line ol the fulluwirif foods : SILKS, Black, Colored and Fancy. VELVETS, DRESS G03DS,Kr.n7ile,rrh HOSIERY, KID GLOVES, GENTS' FMNISH'G GOODS, CORSETS, WHITE GOODS, .r.T.rrw,-. QUILTS, HANDKERCHIEFS, s."a caW.l: SH1RTIN3 S tiGUSEKEEP-LNG tiGUSEKEEP-LNG LINEM. afjfcjya Lacr,Drothf,CtihMrf, PUTflHO BlaU1 and Brewn, U J II lill J, of all kluka. COTTONADES, K'Y JEANS, CASSIMERES, FLAK N ELS, Ucolor;1dn"' BLANKETS, Whiih thry afir on Liberal Ttrmt. J' ' Co-Partne.-ship Notice. Mr.JrSn riinii hTir-,f rfirJ froi th flris of T b n. Iii a A l'rioo. the r. ii. n in mr mem hrf. with V ra. imul . I'nitifi.j, J --tin I r i fTi m a ft J K" t .f I II i w ill cintir, ti tl.f b i-rfa l rbr ol at.fi. unicr th nam f " fi.hi n. o .t t c." T'iniV. ll'N I PAYISSON. 3.1B Fraacuco, Jao. 2. Kl ' la rnllinr a'.:cnii n t- th avoTp w hrr I ti lhr.k .-ur fr;trid f -r th f l;rrl t';trnne- i.on.r. i.n ihf Id ftr n f c r th pvt iMrnty nno yarn, rul h..p ia b fa-T.irfl fa-T.irfl wit'i an iti.-ra-ed fliar cl llifir bul-rirf bul-rirf f-T lh fninr An bprntTlnrp w ahallrAntian to ft tn-'k ir "Hi lh M .nul':turpr.t in Knr.-r1 "d in tlia n nirKi.', an-1 w th incrf?rl iri.iti will 1 prarar-d at all time m hr large and atiricliTflioa'fOvWaad difirahla tgd!i at Uio l-"n.t ratf.'. Toni, i).vimx )-, J.f rnpr of ir t r and Sm.mr TOBhl, & CO., IMPllRTIH? or AMt.niCAV, tc;;i.nii. rnicxrii AKI) J K HMAK FANCY GOODS, Small Wares, I'ocket Cullfiy, Vrimirj-v, Yankee Xotlnns, Si fitnrny Ih r. Trim ;n in ;;.c, White, (iri(jt, jfi'(Unny (joniht .AwrVfy. Linen II dichx (Units Furnish in ;j (ioottst Ltc, for. Su( ti r and Sansomr SlsM AN FRANCISCO. J-4 A. C. Titoomfe, flro. If. AVilliama. TITfOJIB .'it MILIUMS, MannraAMHrpra, lnimrlfrmni Wholocalf l'eiiloi in . WATCHES, UIAMONDS, liver) Description of Jen dry, SILVER AND SILVER-PLATED WARE Howard, fy;init? Amrrim li"ii,7w 10 MnntBowM j , ".IT, vnr, (Mnr, I'p rltir(", Hnn rrnnrlirn, All iri(r Crow Hip Tarri torira prompllr J. I3AUM A CO., Iini'.n lsin n.l Miiilaoli.ror of MEN'S a EOY'S CLOTHING ! ,,.o,o HI., . ,',.,,, II ,'li.r, (,(,! jv,,,,. , K. K KaBMeeBBBeBBBBDBBBBBMHHEHiHBieaHBHaMHBeaeHM CALIFORNIA TRADE. S. P. Holden. 1 Jaa. Muortaeud. S. P. MOLDED & Giy Iuiporiors of FOREIGN DRY GOODS, Linens, Dress Goods, Hosiery, &.O. 28 & 30 SANSOME ST., SAW FXAJfCISrO. London : 2T LenIenVinll St.. I C 5 Leather and badalery Warehouse. MAIN & WINCHESTER, 214 & 216 BATTERY STKEET, SAN FRANCISCO, Offer to the trade of Salt Lake and yicinity LEATMFU, .r.ll kl4l, CLiFORtTA ..Dnr.r.., COLLARS, WHIPS, And a general aeeorLment of :. - SABBURY I00D; AT VN YORK PRICES, ot nd for Catalorne and Pri.t WEIL k CO. IWFOtTIUS or Cigars and Tobacco Proprietoreof the HAVANA CIOAR MANUFACTORY S3 nd 2S5 Front St., Soathweet corner Front A Sacramento Su., Ja. rw i ll A. r jl i T7 c - i J. LVEUatOdi CO., COMMISSION MRG;iA,1TS 48 Clay St., San FraneUeo, DIALERS IK OREGON PRODUCE. Ar ouitantlj in receipt of Oren Han, Encon, Starch, of onr own nrl Kvter mannfictTir uln-eri on hfifl. j4 BRITTAH, H0LBR00X & CO. Importers and Dealers in Stoves Sc Hanges, J HtET IR0P4 &TI.H PLATE, Copper, Zlne, Sheet Lead, Wirt, PUMPS, Hieaci and Iron IPiiDo. Tools and .Machinery nd General HOUSE FURNISHING HARDWARE, ' Embracing Plain. Japanned, Planished and Siam ped W are, 'oa. Ill fc 113 California and So. 17 At 19 Davis streets, SAN FRANCISCO, CALu r.', . . Importer! and Jobbers of FOHEION A.TD DOMESTIC DRUGS h, CHEMICALS J?i F-aaa(tI Olli, Gnm. Roots, ftccrlk, Klotrtn, piiilci) kklni, Pemtdci, Ac, And all other 5:ar'e coDntcttJ with lb W nal5ie an i K;ail iiruj liu'istJi, Ccaitantly in rriot. hj direct la: r -""'atioD , it Korux'a and Afiane pruducLf.- Kxcluive Arcnts fur QiickUyer iloit:trf EitTert, Lirafce'f P;anitinn Bi;t-r. Vt oil ' -t-h em a CDcipr,, PuiiiiULiarj ;yrnp, And all the !idmi Pr-privarT Meiicinefl bo Ji Aiaerican anci tunrean. Order Promptly and Cre:'u.i;r Eiecatei. Sttm. ay and S3l Mar act StrcU ' Berwetn Firt ini Sc? SAN TRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA. n:' . ,i. i is i rrixii, riCKTjBO a XTOKWO SALNV'N . AN 3 HE.INGi, 13 Washington Mrff I, All k:nto of Vr.U. ta.-M a.'. J T.ck w F it W1LMER0IN3 4 KELLOG J, Importerf aal Jobbers c f Wines and Liquors, 2H A 216 FKONT ST K K K T,' j: ba. FiiAXcisro. j.v. .nr. it in . COMMISSION MERCHANTS 104 and 9 0S Cnlirnrnln t., San FrmcUro, - l alirornla. PrficnUr atlcnii'in rid to th fil!,j.ffit onlrr lor rery dritTiption ot nuTv b:Uiau, rM hftla of Or a, Ar..Ar. The American Submerged X3 TJ HVI IE3 is mi SIMaEST AM) M.:SI Uf S!R43LE PU VP IN THE MAfiKrT. Hrinr ooror of but p.nrt), aH of whirb aro mot.tl. In oolj ol i mt i! rj'wml ly Ttti:tM. aw when not in vise no m'pr rf-tnaius rf-tnaius in the pipe, rondcrinr it noq-ircenuf:. Order addressed to the Pacific Pump Manufact'g Co., UlS rina St., Sun Kranrtaro, Cal. Will rprT' prompt ai;;ition. kxd rem a ciropi.au! Proprietor of tlm Rtinfi Sun t A m AnrIr Vui- NATIVE WINES AND DRAfiCIES M. KKI.I.ril A ! (.,' LNrnr of lUHerj T,li1ll:l rlrtvl. lf Krrliro, ... CnlirnmU, Anarrtlra Wlir, Vlilovnitn U lnr, Ha i It M.,., n t, Mr. . t.rRf lltnittly. AH our Wine n.l Ht nr i;mi-nt.i.l i i ;v ih j.lllT aT-lt lKeCitj tniii;.H, ; on'a Co-oMrtiTf Men entile I n 1 1 1 m i-n. U v'.. . tl.-k.'m It. II. PeeiT, ait.t iiU . k , iir-'ri, fc,. ,. : fot aie. HK luun (;oMuinn, EINSTEIN DUOS, & CO., , Importer and Mamifnolnrerf of ' BOOTS AND SHOES ; 11.1. n( ltf I'ln 5trrM, ma n ruANricW. ; Ve wonlii a-peoiAlly oU lh attention of th 'Cil lo Mir CALIFORNIA MADE C0:QS1 TVliioh In point of otylo, ff I mul t .u nl'ilii t aro eijul o Ilia l'et rusiom m.u Rood. e niimu NOISELESS FAMILY SEWING MACHINF IS THJS Standard Machine of the World I The Special Commlllee appointed to examine and report on Sewing Machine, at I lie Norlh Carolina Mat-e fair, held at Raleigh last week awarded a Gold aiedal to t e I- lor eite .sewing Machine for the ease and j n I e i es of 1 1 movements pe ifectlon nd la re varlf t of work! and IIk vnliinble hew features, making ma-king it the most -valuable fcevring Machine for family ue. Partlei contemplating the purchase pur-chase of Sewing Machine are requested re-quested to read tb fol owing from the New Yorlc "Tribune" of Oct. lfitb, 1870: SEWING "3IACHINES. We have rece-otly hai oocm'iom to mak some iD'juiriaa into the prjgrfcte of imprTe-toDL imprTe-toDL iii tne mecanidtn of (SewiDjr machiaei, and were cut a Utile arori ed to learn tn&t thecemral idea in., the first ijventiuo lit BOuttle Ftill holds in place, thougn maD7 attempt? baTe been made to supercede it. Ihe -uuttifc, in comtjination with the Deediej is s t iii toe erj? uted to t'rra the stitcn. in tne leading macirief. acd we &nd that the ifT'-wtn ol traae u caieflj with thefhuttie-uiiLg thefhuttie-uiiLg macrjixies. ine iiuj-rovemerm that are takin? firm bold in practical u;e are, therefore. nece-:a-ri-iy id coDcecuon with th etiuttle, either in te detail ol tae shuttle itself, or in orber part? of the Machine connected witn it, t'jcaus tne whoie to opem;emor en-ctiy and uniforiniy, and to eiuipiuy it Hie. ' M-ny important gains in tMe directioa, tnae ;ince tne tril great inTention. are un-luuoteaiy un-luuoteaiy eLDOo-i.ea in the " fc iorenc," ina-cmac; ina-cmac; and we revotu u. end our rtaaere te .-areiuJ inspect tne "1 lorenc" beire ma-& ma-& i ate a c joi'.e. 'Ine points pecaiiar to thi? machine are: An udu.-uii. aiiiount UiijUc) l c.-en; in in a ml tne "t .'irenet:'" thereby cecurinj tne o;t luateriaj iteei. lor instance, where t:.e. u: c wt-iA'D . and tne test fit-sb of .lli p"riLii puiru iut tnutt e, i t fciacnpie, it.Lj ru'i'ii.. rejwriea u it rarie rr'jin tne tL'iara i-...-'Jta jt an ilcl!- it it e-t,-tru-L'-a -jU tne;:nj;e;t e-j:cnLic p-:rc.j.1ti, . e .tirvly a.sj -cine with the c-fs. ana cjk, i d KtK'ti -u ulten pet pcrvereii uut ol or-Jcr ana tor-iv pcrp.ex e.ery one but ise ,-racii mil.? l ii :;t oy the:r unsccoant-aoie unsccoant-aoie ircke. i Dc "t luren"' is to e-iiy iLaiiaf nj il' u;e u so readiiy lernea, tni an '.-uiLar tiri of ten haj ;ecie md in u-:e eavuD t mo it j erlect it. itc tock stitcn. a aiiue by tne "riurence" is rery re uinr ci pezieci. vtrj strung and elact:e, ind it- araara -niu :he ;atr- ern.y, prd-uoli prd-uoli . eiac 1. witbuui .iertiiLg. ana witnui in: LLe ttaii U' ( ULur, r straining in tan .u ;o as to euu.i-tr iie C'rcaains; ca-ae.uentiy, ca-ae.uentiy, e: ELt tnrta-i ana ugct . D.'ij c.-. oe u-ed. .lie,-. Jt ttij.i. tLe ' t'inrzzce" in ail ou tne t-neapeit ctyl; ai;o maie ,nrt-e aaaitiunat .-uk-Le- a duub.e l.-.-i, a iLjlt sn-ji il a uouo.e feno; wht.Ba.'t ?irvur -cJ tyre e.;;c IL&n ay otier -l. urn. and sic a are naat cy no wtner m-nine. m-nine. i ne " r n-reoce " it tne on.y m&cn.ne ti.t Ai ;evv:i .e eei, utereoy Lie ai --e ti-n if tne ttiitj c-n be in.-tanij' "-f ut rU'U'i:; tne wu,-i, tns n o tne upevnivr to jti:.i einfcrc-iaer ill ud'j.ui incil ,ty , in fracfc arii and treir'.sen a ?ia waererer J-r-red, Zrxii. t7 a tew re; enta t:ucdf, to n e ,.d? in tie liu i es l n i lto: ay. It it tie oaiy inacrjice ta-t bas i teif-c teif-c m ;ue-tn: U-qmi-q waich tk tv pe.-:e,t. mat tut operator can rui -rvt lit ehar; au.- ana St LDe &nel it.eo ana :Ct tcicktt &riaiutn in iiudj-li.te iiudj-li.te sk:i4ij!.'L iii.nt DrejLn h-1 r. i .. i:.in.L4 :he Leea.t, jt;uc or te.:- D- Ic"tl feDoe" ari the tLra in:- Lie rnia w.;n unc-;u&n?j precision rd ert-itnt.-. oy icc-n hd ir.cenious automatic auto-matic "uif-cp" weri. wth-b disiet of tie piack. .Lrt.iU ieii itler ;0f!iki witn U -Tv-r-i.c rr.'Oii inti i rcrenu- i 1 fr.ari- iDi; f ui p'.i.i vl ftiu-ces 3J hc-"S t"e ,ra:or u f batckwara, or lw run vt the -((:. na on ifma. n-ih perrtvt impctr. ,t l i.. (Tim(j e.A.- ;c cej.ajer. eioia- iu w BK-fi w maoartMl witn eaf, nj wii a;,kf a Qt-m o! lv wjta on any ater ml Li Dot oi'j tko a verteot gataer atij ewf it to a tvtnd ii one opfmuvii. onl il Qt'itt. ana DiL,a, ;o. i. r,a 'uua c4 -..ie ana lufM.. s ,d s.i.eris tr:i witnont r.fiiiA. i-co fj-evnsii proruisc u .ie ni Itcrt'U we.tr tt;: ' KiM Hoe' if tuiu.eo. ..vi iura.M by SieC-oai- pay to Ia.-t irv-e K; j witD.'-i repair aj an j ot bcr r. ut; ie iLv'jiiif ia t e market, bu asaa.f.M a . rti. u It . livery part '! Ifie i iTf!,i-f ski pe:e,',.y pffrma aro:tr . uij, avnu h ie (ew Mmt? ar r"Ui: oi irici.on, tnat it run w .U tne ut-.ii.l ut-.ii.l o.ie, ihe rc-t'V.e ;s ,d azd rort.,ioi.- and tue Jiiv.-fi. i; ifnrihefri, -tiort.r.i.l. or rove .-!. d with tie tl-c tl-c In u;ui i.' c "t Icri LCrf' coiiipr tne work nor Stic o; en,t--r Jrw i .isoie to oc fouoi. l;-,o "rusonco" w;;n ,1 iiei aj:i;i to .;ip. riority. tc-i.t at the same pru'e o;bor tir.-t-c.a.vs Ui.tCuine. Iu auB L:0e-.-li:.T in ir.nnti:sotire; implioi vol' roti -iruot ion; b.HcitUy oi n:.Hi,.tcaicnu V -nviy oi m tues; Kovt't ilie icr i; ,ir.i.Hiuii). tefioi; Aut ui.uu' taKe-up; Itr.t r, M lie.uimr; Tiwi-ntn a:Jtlst wesr; rlex-t :uvi p ruianem i; :i f on: ; ren Kiion oi ti.Ue una st;ui; I'.ie H-aiy una htch fimt of the TTi-h;"; M tuTx-nof." rjo,irrte y 5r i.'t. rt hiue a tt.ca tv' be L ace:1 io r-, tr.V'.u No 1: ,, ;iy o tn S".rJ a W with on t a ini- in -oluuo, e hoi e th:t tn-l -rv lor.j ntiu.tyit touud bo; e or "ihe lritus w civi ire. TO TUE LADIES Or ! .kertfy. an.Uhro(h-imii an.Uhro(h-imii i he 1 n Titoi in of I Idaho. MouInhr ami ontl it ii, A o ol -! n o.rlsl in i''.''i N our omIvo. tiiul i'x.:r.ino kli FirrniM K;tinii iowu.ir Mmvmiiio, wbishr ir itnuii: im,-nMisio (Hi .i.t 'r t'.v'l ; tt is v'ur 1m:-iI;Ov -!,mu tt k'l,w-e MitiumtitMi nl wmnnrwn, S hi o I'll o. tt'H. lit r.ior (no t'.lrV ivi v (. o)',in prints of rt'. KO, in Imho of rri,Mi n;-. l' ..tvvrrA -r rl Wlnvlft i Wilson. In nvtiiii! 1U i: o-'iiipvc '11, tl UllUti' a.i snl'Vlil 'it l f nvHl in:u t-ui mi ilio o.-m;srT .hoy will ho koyx by wy-'' V voinr Ot'lhoni ro.jiii'O.s HU 0 ! u'or a Ks'vaiotn o.l CHAS. S. HAMMER, sm.t i.ki: I'lrv. iT'ii. |